Cap Vermell & Canyamel, Mallorca

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西班牙· 马略卡 卡帕·芙梅尔休闲度假别墅





卡 帕 · 芙 梅 尔休闲度假别墅

The beach of Canyamel







佳仕 顿(K ENSINGTO N)欢 迎 您! 首先非常感谢您对卡帕·芙梅尔休别墅(Cap Vermell Estate)的关注,这是地中海区域唯一一 家高端房地产项目。佳仕顿(KENSINGTON)高端国际项目市场部,也很荣幸地成为这一 杰出项目的国际市场推广合作伙伴,我们非常高兴能为您提供更多的置业选择! 佳仕顿(KENSINGTON)高端房地产市场拓展中心一贯坚持打造最高品质的完美解决方 案,卡帕·芙梅尔别墅(Cap Vermell Estate)是目前我们力荐的项目之一,它完美地契合了我 们国际客户在地中海地区的置业要求,下面请跟随我们的步伐,一起踏上这段地中海高端物业 的精彩之旅吧! MALLORCA

C a p Ve r m e l l , Canyamel



KENSINGTON welcomes you Thank you very much for your interest in this outstanding residential project – the only one of its kind in the entire Mediterranean. We from KENSINGTON International Project Marketing are very proud that the owners have chosen us as their exclusive international marketing partner.


As subsidiary of KENSINGTON Finest Properties International we stand for highest quality and sophisticated solutions, and are always looking for projects such as Cap Vermell Estate which meet the needs of our global clientele. Let us take you on a journey to the beautiful north east of Mallorca on the following pages …

Aerial view of Cap Vermell & Canyamel


卡 帕·芙 梅尔别墅 独具都市风范的卡帕·芙梅尔别墅坐落在马略卡岛东北部的纯美地段,毗邻历史悠久的阿尔 塔古城,项目总开发面积超过20公顷,随处可见坎亚梅尔山山谷(Canyamel Valley)的 美丽风景。在这如诗如画的美丽区域,可被容许获建60栋豪华别墅,目前已经竣工12栋。

Cap Vermell Estate The Urbanisation Cap Vermell Estate, with its currently 12 luxury villa is located in an unspoilt area in the north east of the Island Mallorca, close to the historic town of Artà. The area, which comprises of some 20 hectares benefits from a panoramic view overlooking the beautiful valley of Canyamel. Permission has been granted for the construction of further 60 luxury villas on this outstanding place.

高端 社 交 生 活基 地 除此之外,一座崭新的五星级超豪华酒店也正在建设当中,这就是著名的柏悦马略卡岛酒 店,这也是地中海地区唯一的柏悦酒店。同时落成的还有一个乡村俱乐部,就在卡帕·芙梅 尔别墅的另一端,作为未来当地社交生活的圈子中心,它为本别墅区的住客和酒店客人提供 独家使用权。 我们另外还有一个愿景,就是希望在马略卡岛这座宁静优美的风景区,让所有的业主、客人 和酒店贵宾可以享受到世界一流的物业服务。这也是另外一个酒店——卡帕·芙梅尔海滩酒 店(Cap Vermell Beach Hotel)之所以落成的原因,它面向坎亚梅尔海滩,风景壮阔, 同时亦会让您产生宾至如归的感受。

Park Hyat t Mallorca, Countr y Club & Cap Vermell Beach H otel Furthermore, the construction of a 5-star plus luxury hotel, the Park Hyatt Mallorca (the only Park Hyatt in the entire Mediterranean), has already begun. Together with a country club, which is yet to be built on another site within the urbanisation for the exclusive use by residents and hotel guests, it will form the social backbone of the Estate. Our vision is to enable all property owners, visitors and hotel guests to enjoy a world-class service in the peace and quiet of one of Mallorca‘s most scenic regions. For the time being, the Cap Vermell Beach Hotel overlooking the beach of Canyamel offers you a taste of the warmth and hospitality you will be able to expect at the Estate.

Cap Vermell Beach Hotel


顶级物业 管 理 服 务 我们提供了多种方式来提升您在卡帕·芙梅尔别墅的所有投资,同时我们亦确保 您会在卡帕·芙梅尔别墅获得绝无仅有的高端生活方式。 定期检修: 我们的定期检修部门将会竭尽全力保护别墅园内所有的房屋,确保您的房产始终 处于最佳状态。同时,他们亦会采取及时的维修措施,避免房屋遭受任何形式的 损害。这项服务意味着不管您何时回来,迎接您的都是一个崭新的家,所有的一 切都和最初交房时一样完美无缺。通过这项服务,我们可以帮您节省后期突发性 保养费用,最大程度延长了您房产的使用年限。 管理理念: 我们将采用最先进的物业管理体系,贴身为您管理与您的房产相关的各种费用, 包括电费、水费、市政厅收费、卫星电视费、电话费以及其它各类需要被监管的 产生合同的相关费用,避免您的拖延支付费用而产生的额外罚款。 个性化服务: 我们所提供的定制服务包罗万象,不仅有最简单的邮政服务,您还可以体验到 我们所提供的由卡帕·芙梅尔别墅到马略卡岛和机场的接送服务,贴身保安服 务(24小时7天待命的紧急电话),安全部门提供的专业安全检测,优先急救服 务,私人医生医疗服务……我们关注的一直是每个客户的个性化需求。

First Class Facility Services Find out the many ways we can help to optimise your investment, and ensure yourself a unique lifestyle that you will only find at the „Cap Vermell Estate“. As for example the Preventive Maintenance - Make use of our preventive maintenance team which will make sure that your property is kept in an immaculate condition and protected from any potential damage caused by a lack of immediate attention to repairs required throughout the year. This service means you can come home at any time and find your property in exactly the same condition in which it was when it was handed over to you on the very first day. This saves you reactive maintenance costs and extends the life of your property. Or the unique Administration Concept - Stay up to date with any bills related to your property and have them dealt with in the easiest and most effective manner, avoiding any unnecessary charges for breach of contract or delayed payments. We handle everything on your behalf: electricity, water, taxes, service charge, satellite TV, telephone, and any other contracted service requiring monitoring or attention. And of course also useful Special Services - From the simple post and courier service up to the transport service from Cap Vermell Estate to the airport of Palma de Mallorca, from the security service (24/7 emergency number) up to the on-site security office with regular checks, from priority first aid service up to the arrangements with private clinics and much more‌ always focused to your individual needs.

风 景 空间:2号别墅 顶级豪华品质别墅,毗邻坎亚梅尔高尔夫球场,绝佳地理优势。 建筑面积: 约390.93平方米 地下室面积: 约25.45平方米 一层面积: 约159.75平方米 二层面积: 约179.52平方米 户型结构: 3间带独立卫生间的卧室, 明亮化妆室,亦可当衣帽间使用, 超大面积起居室 办公室, 豪华厨房, 洗衣房 室外空间: 45平方米游泳池, 大面积露台, 静雅密封型大露台, 静谧花园, 大容量车库, 停车棚

V I L L A 2 · S PA C E L I N E A marvellous premium villa in a privileged area next to the Canyamel Golf Course Constructed area: Basement: Ground floor: First floor:

approx. approx. approx. approx.

390.93 m2* 25.45 m2* 159.75 m2* 179.52 m2*

Distribution: 3 double bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms, dressing room, living room, kitchen, office and laundry. Exterior: Swimming pool approx. 45 m2, large terraces, extensive covered terraces, garden, garage and carport.

*保留更改的权利, * subject to modifications

风 景 空间:3号别墅 坐南朝北的豪华别墅,紧邻坎亚梅尔高尔夫球场的绿地世界。 建筑面积: 约575.62平方米 一层面积: 约307.59平方米 二层面积: 约186.89平方米 户型结构: 3间带独立卫生间的卧室, 1间独立卫生间单间卧室, 超大面积起居室 由著名设计师设计的高端厨房, 洗衣房 室外空间: 43平方米游泳池, 静雅密封型大露台, 独立花园, 停车棚

V I L L A 3 · S PA C E L I N E Fantastic villa facing south next to the Canyamel golf course Constructed area: approx. 575.62 m2* Ground floor: approx. 307.59 m2* First floor: approx. 186.89 m2* Distribution: 3 double bedrooms and 1 single bedroom, each with bathroom en-suite, living room, designer kitchen and laundry. Exterior: Swimming pool approx. 43 m2, extensive covered terraces, garden and carport.

*保留更改的权利, * subject to modifications

艺 术空间:4A号别墅 无与伦比的现代化风格别墅,绝佳地理位置,俯瞰整个坎亚梅尔高尔夫球场的优美风光。 建筑面积: 约691.08平方米 一层面积: 约236.57平方米 二层面积: 约378.71平方米 户型结构: 2间带独立卫生间的双人卧室, 1间独立卫生间单间卧室, 舒适餐厅, 由著名设计师设计的高档厨房, 1间带独立卫生间的工作室,可作为画室、 办公室使用, 1间配独立卫生间的独立公寓 室外空间: 46平方米游泳池, 木地板铺就超大面积露台, 精巧花园, 大容量车库

VILLA 4A · ART LINE Spectacular modern villa overlooking the Canyamel golf course Constructed area: approx. 691,08 m2* Lower floor: approx. 236,57 m2* Ground floor: approx. 378,71 m2* Distribution: 2 double rooms with bathroom en-suite, 1 single room with bathroom en-suite for personnel, dining room, designer kitchen, 1 separate studio with bathroom and 1 separate apartment with bathroom. Exterior: Swimming pool approx. 46 m2, wooden terraces, garden and garage.

*保留更改的权利, * subject to modifications

风 景 空间:4D 号别墅 高端魅力别墅,位于坎亚梅尔高尔夫球场边际。 建筑面积: 约491.25平方米 一层面积: 约318.62平方米 二层面积: 约126.22平方米 户型结构: 3间双人间卧室(皆配独立卫生间), 1间单间卧室(配独立卫生间), 餐厅, 由著名设计师设计的厨房, 1间带独立卫生间的工作室 室外空间: 46平方米游泳池, 超大开阔露台, 静谧花园, 停车棚

V I L L A 4 D · S PA C E L I N E Magnificent villa frontline to the Canyamel golf course Constructed area: approx. 491.25 m2* Ground floor: approx. 318.62 m2* First floor: approx. 126.22 m2* Distribution: 3 double rooms with bathroom en-suite, 1 single room with bathroom ensuite for personnel, dining room, designer kitchen and 1 separate studio with bathroom. Exterior: Swimming pool approx. 46 m2, extensive terraces, garden and carport.

*保留更改的权利, * subject to modifications

艺 术空间:5A号别墅 五星级别墅,绝佳地理位置,正对着阿尔塔古城,饱览坎亚梅尔山谷的秀丽风景。 建筑面积: 约691.50平方米 地下室面积: 约176.41平方米 一层面积: 约294.79平方米 二层面积: 约173.63平方米 户型结构: 5间双人间卧室(配独立卫生间), 化妆室,可作衣帽间使用 餐厅和起居室一体化设计, 高档厨房, 办公室,亦可作书房使用, 设备室, 保姆住宿间 室外空间: 44平方米标准游泳池, 柚木甲板太阳浴休闲区, 静雅密闭型露台, 精巧花园

VILLA 5A · ART LINE A modern 5-star villa, superbly located, offers incomparable views over the Canyamel Valley towards the town of Artà Constructed area: Basement: Ground floor: First floor:

approx. approx. approx. approx.

691.50 m2 176.41 m2 294.79 m2 173.63 m2

Distribution: 5 double bedrooms with en suite bathrooms, dressing room, living-dining area, kitchen, office, utility room, staff apartment. Exterior: Pool approx. 44 m2, large teak deck area, covered terraces, gardens.

*保留更改的权利, * subject to modifications

风 景 空间:5B号别墅 五星级别墅,绝佳地理位置,正面对着坎亚梅尔山谷和坎亚梅尔高尔夫球场的秀丽风景, 位于整个别墅区最优的地理位置。 建表面积: 约492.09平方米 地下室面积:约125.18平方米 一层面积: 约169.52平方米 二层面积: 约174.12平方米 户型结构: 4间双人间卧室(皆配独立卫生间), 独立餐厅, 高档厨房, 起居室 高雅图书馆型书房, 化妆室,亦可作衣帽间使用, 大面积储藏室 室外空间: 喷泉型游泳池, 柚木甲板太阳浴休闲区, 回廊休闲区, 精巧花园

V I L L A 5 B · S PA C E L I N E A fabulous villa with spectacular views over Canyamel valley and Canyamel Golf course, located in the highclass “Cap Vermell Resort” estate Built surface area: Basement floor: Ground floor: Upper floor:

approx. approx. approx. approx.

492.09 m2* 125.18 m2* 169.52 m2* 174.12 m2*

Distributed into: 4 double bedrooms with en suite bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, living room, library-study, dressing room and store room. Exterior: Extensive teak terraces, porches, gardens and pool with cascade.

*保留更改的权利, * subject to modifications

风 景 空间:5C号别墅 豪华别墅,位于山麓之巅,坐南朝北,坐拥整个坎亚梅尔山谷和坎亚梅尔高尔夫球场的秀丽 风景。 建表面积: 约558.38平方米 地下一层面积: 约94.54平方米 一层面积: 约211.78平方米 二层面积: 约198.93平方米 户型结构:

3间双人间卧室(1间配独立卫生间), 独立餐厅, 高档厨房, 起居室 高雅图书馆型书房, 独立办公室, 2间茶水间, 保姆卧室,自带独立卫生间


静雅遮蔽型超大露台, 阳光大露台, 阳光游泳池, 精巧花园

V I L L A 5 C · S PA C E L I N E A luxury villa positioned on a hill, facing south, with impressive views of the valley and Canyamel Golf Course Built surface area: Basement floor: Ground floor: Upper floor:

approx. approx. approx. approx.

558.38 m2* 94.54 m2* 211.78 m2* 198.93 m2*

Distributed into: 3 double bedrooms, one with en suite bathroom, kitchen, dining room, living room, library-study, dressing room, office, 2 pantry rooms, service bedroom with bathroom. Exterior: Extensive open and covered terraces, garden and pool.

*保留更改的权利, * subject to modifications

风 景 空间:5D 号别墅 豪华别墅,坐拥整个坎亚梅尔山谷和坎亚梅尔高尔夫球场的秀丽风景,整个别墅区的帝王 级别墅。 建表面积: 地下面积: 一层面积: 二层面积:

约474.75平方米 约51.04平方米 约189.63平方米 约202.45平方米


3间双人间卧室(皆配独立卫生间), 独立餐厅, 高档厨房, 起居室 高雅图书馆型书房, 化妆室,亦可作衣帽间使用, 独立办公室 储藏室, 保姆卧室,自带独立卫生间, 酒窖

室外空间: 阳光超大露台, 阳光游泳池, 精巧花园, 回廊休闲区

V I L L A 5 D · S PA C E L I N E This superb villa with remarkable views of the valley and Canyamel Golf Course is situated in a privileged area of the luxury “Cap Vermell Resort” Built surface area: Basement floor: Ground floor: Upper floor:

approx. approx. approx. approx.

474.75 m2* 51.04 m2* 189.63 m2* 202.45 m2*

Distributed into: 3 double bedrooms with en suite bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, living room, library-study, dressing room, office, store room, service bedroom with bathroom, wine cellar. Exterior: Extensive terraces, porches, gardens and pool.

*保留更改的权利, * subject to modifications

风 景 空间:5E号别墅 豪华别墅,坐拥整个坎亚梅尔山谷和坎亚梅尔高尔夫球场的秀丽风景,整个别墅区的帝王 级别墅。 建表面积: 地下面积: 一层面积: 二层面积:

约391.70平方米 约30.02平方米 约169.32平方米 约172.68平方米


4间双人间卧室(1间配独立卫生间), 独立餐厅, 高档厨房, 起居室, 高雅图书馆型书房, 化妆室,亦可作衣帽间使用, 独立办公室, 2间储藏室, 保姆卧室,自带独立卫生间

室外空间: 阳光超大露台, 阳光游泳池, 精巧花园, 回廊休闲区

V I L L A 5 E · S PA C E L I N E An impressive villa bordering Canyamel Golf course, with panoramic views of the valley and golf course, located in the exclusive “Cap Vermell Resort” estate Built surface area: Basement floor: Ground floor: Upper floor:

approx. approx. approx. approx.

391.70 m2* 30.02 m2* 169.32 m2* 172.68 m2*

Distributed into: 4 double bedrooms, one with en suite bathroom, kitchen, dining room, living room, library-study, dressing room, office, 2 store rooms, service bedroom with bathroom. Exterior: Extensive terraces, veranda, garden and pool.

*保留更改的权利, * subject to modifications

KENSINGTON Finest Properties International AG KENSINGTON Beijing / China Your personal contact for further information: Chloe Chen, Tel +86(10)5877 1419 如 需了解更 多 信 息,请 联 系 您 的 专属 服 务人 员: K EN S I N GTO N 北 京 / 中国

电话 +8 6(10) 5 87 7 1419 ·

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