K E N S I N G T O N P R I M E P R O P E R T I E S · L O N D O N - 嘉 仕 顿 顶 级 地 产·伦 敦 分 部
Prologue We are delighted to introduce our new brochure of KENSINGTON PRIME Properties London, where we specialise in high-value properties in the best areas of London. Our focus is on offering you customised acquisition advice for prime and super-prime properties in London that helps you achieve your objectives of acquiring unique properties, achieving high returns on investment, and fulfilling your family objectives. At the same time, we also offer a very limited number of investors the opportunity to co-invest in our own exclusive developments. We develop exceptional luxurious properties for buyers and achieve extremely high returns for our investors. The risk of investing in our projects is minimal because all investments are backed by real properties in super-prime London. There is no other investment product that allows you to benefit from such a unique combination of high returns and exceptional safety. At KENSINGTON PRIME, you will only deal with senior partners with over 20 years of industry experience and outstanding academic qualifications who are ideally positioned to advise you with honesty and discretion. Not only are they property experts, but they are also uniquely qualified in providing advice in financial, planning, tax and legal matters and are able to assist you with your acquisitions or investments in London property. We are ideally positioned to source unique opportunities, on many occasions not publicly available. We have been advising very wealthy investors from around the world as well as celebrities with a proven track record of absolute trust and discretion for many years, and we are proud of the level of satisfaction and, most importantly, financial return we have been able to achieve for them.
Cesar B. Saura Managing Partner 执行合伙人
序言 很高兴向您推介嘉仕顿顶级地产·伦敦分部(KENSINGTON PRIME Properties London),随着您的深入了解,您将感受到我们的与众不 同。不仅因为我们只专注于伦敦最优势地段的高端地产,还因为我们将全 力为您打造伦敦最顶级的个性化置业解决方案,帮您入手最完美项目,实 现高投资回报的同时,满足全家在伦敦安居乐业的需求。 同时,我们独家的开发项目也向投资者敞开合作的大门,只有独具眼光的 投资家才能获得这一千载难逢的机遇。我们开发的豪华地产项目,均为 伦敦最炙手可热的绝佳地段,并且拥有极高的品质,这些项目的风险接近 零,投资者可坐享高额回报。高回报、超安全,几乎没有其它的投资产品 能与之媲美。 嘉仕顿顶级地产(KENSINGTON PRIME)是您在伦敦投资的最佳合作伙 伴。我们拥有超过20年的房地产从业经验和深厚的投资理论基础,秉承诚 信和谨慎的态度为您制定置业建议。我们的员工不仅是地产专家,还拥有 财务、规划、税务和法律方面的深厚背景,可以百分百胜任,并帮助助您 实现安居或投资伦敦的理想。 让我们备感自豪的是,多年来,我们向全球富豪和明星们提供地产建议。 我们不仅以谨慎敬业的职业态度,赢得客户的绝对信任和最高水平的满意 度,最重要的是,我们还帮助他们实现了丰厚的财务回报。
Your Benefit s with K ENSI NGTO N Prime Proper ties London
Par tner of CH RIS T I E´ S International Real Es tate
KENSINGTON PRIME has an exceptional track-record of delivering market leading returns for our investor clients, as well as sourcing exceptional properties for people requiring a home in prime London
KENSINGTON PRIME Properties London is a specialist branch of KENSINGTON Finest Properties International, an Exclusive Affiliate of CHRISTIE’S International Real Estate for Mallorca/ Spain and Marrakech / Morocco.
In the UK, estate agents act on behalf of the seller. Our Prime Property Buying Advisory acts solely on behalf of the interests of the buyer and investor, our clients. Therefore our advice and investment opportunities are impartial advice. We are an independent firm free from conflicts of interest, unlike other firms that are linked to the main Estate Agents. You will only be dealing with Senior Managers with over 20 years of experience in sophisticated and complex investments in the London Property sector. At the same time we offer you, as an investor, the possibility to co-invest in our own PRIME development projects in Super Prime areas of London, such as Knightsbridge, Kensington & Chelsea, whereby we acquire, develop and sell exceptional properties for the wealthiest individuals and celebrities of the world. The investment returns you can achieve when you co-invest with us are exceptional.
您 的利益 至 上 多年来,嘉仕顿顶级地产(KENSINGTON PRIME)帮助投资者实现了业内领先的回报率,为希望定居 伦敦优势位置的客户找到最满意的住宅,我们已经积累了大量的成功案例。 在英国,地产经纪大多代表卖方的利益。而我们充分以买方和投资者的利益为出发点,制定最匹配的置业 建议。因此,我们为您提供的将是最客观公正的建议和投资良机。由于我们是一家独立存在的公司,因此 绝不会出现利益冲突问题,这也是附属于大型地产公司的小经纪公司常见的问题。在我们公司,为您服务 的高级经理均为业内老手,在高端而复杂的伦敦地产投资领域中至少具备20年的从业经验。 此外,我们还为投资者提供了与众不同的投资机会:与我们共同开发自有项目。这些卓越项目均位于伦敦 的绝佳地段,比如骑士桥和肯辛顿-切尔西地区。主要的服务对象是全球最富有阶层和明星们。通过合作 投资的方式,您获得的回报将超乎您的想象。
CHRISTIE’S International Real Estate, a wholly owned subsidiary of CHRISTIE’S, the world’s oldest fine art auction house, was established in 1995 and is the most exclusive network of real estate advisors dedicated to dealing with luxury properties. Only advisors with leading market knowledge who meet strict standards of service excellence and demonstrate proven track records of success in achieving their clients’ goals can become associated with the CHRISTIE’S co-brand.
佳 士 得国际 地 产 CHRISTIE’S Inter national Real Estate 嘉仕顿顶级地产·伦敦分部(KENSINGTON PRIME Properties London)是嘉仕 顿国际高端地产集团(KENSINGTON Finest Properties International AG)的分支 机构,具有佳士得国际地产地产特许加盟资格(Exclusive Affiliate of CHRISTIE’S International Real Estate),网络覆盖多个国家的不同城市。 佳士得国际地产(CHRISTIE’S International Real Estate)成立于 1995 年,是全球最古 老高档艺术品拍卖行 — 佳士得的全资子公司。我们的地产顾问组成了一个最豪华的网络阵 容,全力服务于豪华地产领域。 我们的地产顾问均具备最专业的行业知识,会为您提供卓越的服务,在实际工作中积累了 许多成功的经验,只有具备这样的优秀地产顾问的公司,才会受到佳士得国际地产的青 睐。
O ur P hil o s o p hy an d Valu e s At KENSINGTON PRIME, we believe in and act according to the following values: - Independence and exclusive focus on the interests of our clients - Trust, honesty and integrity - Innovation and creative solutions to optimise investment success - Our clients only deal directly with senior partners with over 20 years of experience - Sourcing of exceptional properties which are not publicly available - Ground-breaking research on economic trends within the London property market and sharing of the results with our clients - Provision of holistic advice, including all aspects related to prime property in London - Absolute and proven discretion as some of our clients are celebrities and well-known UHNWIs - Traditional family values, understanding the meaning of family for many overseas purchasers
我们的理 念 和价值 观 嘉仕顿顶级地产(KENSINGTON PRIME)信奉并践行以下价值观: - 独立性,以客户利益为唯一出发点 - 信任、坦诚、诚信 - 与众不同的创新解决方案,实现投资收益最大化 - 只有具备 20 年以上专业经验的资深合伙顾问,才能为客户提供直接服务 - 寻找未公开出售的优质地产项目 - 对伦敦地产市场经济走势进行研究,并与客户分享研究成果 - 提供一体化建议,涵盖伦敦高档地产的方方面面 - 鉴于我们的很多客户为明星和高净值人群,我们始终以绝对谨慎的态度代表客 户利益。 - 熟悉传统的家庭价值观,理解家庭对很多海外买家的重大意义
St. Barths, Exclusive Affiliate of CHRISTIE’S International Real Estate
London : the truly global cit y. W ho is buying and inves ting in London?
谁 在 投 资伦敦
There has long been a trend for overseas buyers to purchase homes or investment properties in Central London. In the 1980s, Americans dominated the international market, as did those from the Middle East. Over the last decade or so, Russian and Asian buyers have become more active.
伦敦中心区一直是海外买家置业或投资的热门选择。在20世纪80年代, 海外买家主要来自美国和中东,近十年来,俄罗斯和亚洲买家也日渐活 跃。
The crisis in the Eurozone has only boosted interest in London bricks and mortar among Europeans – there was a sharp rise in buyers from Italy, France and Spain in late 2011 and early 2012 as investors looked for ways to diversify away from Euro-denominated assets. A weaker Pound served to make the opportunity even more attractive. There has also been an increase in buyers from Asia in recent years; the Pound comes into play here too, as Asian buyers benefit from an effective discount on London property. In addition, new-builds around Central London appeal to buyers who are comfortable buying off-plan. It is perhaps not surprising that London attracts international attention, given that it is such a multicultural city. There are large overseas communities living in the British capital. The number of Europeans living in London far outnumbers the total population of Frankfurt, while the number of French nationals living in London rivals the population of Cannes.
随着欧盟区的经济危机,越来越多的欧洲人开始进军伦敦地产。2011年末 和2012年初,来自意大利、法国和西班牙的买家数量激增,他们希望通 过这种方式多样化投资品,规避欧元标价资产的风险。 随着英镑进入贬值通道,愈发凸显了伦敦地产的吸引力。近年来,亚洲买 家的数量开始增加,英镑贬值更对这一趋势起到推波助澜的作用,因为亚 洲买家可以坐享货币走势带来的折扣。 此外,伦敦中心区的新建项目,也吸引了希望购买市场外项目的买家。伦 敦是一个如此具有文化多样性的城市,吸引全球瞩目,自然不足为奇。在 这个大不列颠的首都,生活着来自世界各地的人群。 目前居住在伦敦的国际居民数量,甚至超过了法兰克福的人口总量,在伦 敦居住的法国人如此之多,甚至与戛纳人口不差上下。
W hy London?
为何选 择 伦敦
1. Safe haven
1. 安全避风港
London is often hailed as a ‘safe haven’ location. But what does this mean? On a pure investment basis, London has a transparent property market. Property tenure is clear cut and underpinned by the legal system. Given that it is such an established market, there are also good liquidity levels in every price band compared with some less established global hubs. London is also physically and politically safe. The political system is clearly ruled by laws and transparency, which is not the case in some emerging economies. An independent judicial system burnishes this reputation.
2. Currency
2. 货币
UK investment also offers currency-related benefits. The surge in European buyers in recent years can largely be attributed to the crisis in the Eurozone. Buyers were looking to diversify away from Euro-denominated assets. The Pound also fell against many other currencies in the immediate aftermath of the economic crisis and remains relatively weak, offering buyers, especially those buying in US Dollars or currencies linked to the Dollar, an effective discount on purchasing property in London and the rest of the UK.
投资英国还具有货币方面的优势。近几年来涌现的欧洲买家,大部分都出现在欧元区危机之 后。他们希望通过多样化投资,规避欧元标价资产的风险。英镑在经济危机后对很多货币 出现贬值,并将保持这种走弱趋势,让买家、尤其是以美元或与美元挂钩货币置业的买家受 益,这就等于为他们在伦敦及其他英国地区置业带来了折扣。
3. Education
伦敦市内和周边汇聚了世界名校和知名高等学府。在希望购买新建住房的买家中,有三分之 一会在置业过程中考虑到子女教育问题。很多买家在购置房屋后,主要供其子女在大学期 间使用,当子女搬到其他地方或返回祖国后,可能就会将其出租。如果子女未达到大学入学 年龄,房主可能也会在这期间通过租金获得收入。在小学、中学和大学这三级教育的质量方 面,伦敦是全球数一数二的城市,全球排名前700位的高等学府中,有12所位于伦敦。目 前伦敦的海外留学生数量在欧洲排名第一,这些大学的受欢迎程度可想而知。伦敦政经学院 (London School of Economics, LSE)是一所享誉全球的名校,国际学生占比超过65%。 在帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)和伦敦大学学院(UCL),五分之二的学生来自其 他国家。留学英国还有一个附加优势:所有课程均以英语教学。
The lure of world-renowned schools and universities in and around London cannot be overstated. A third of buyers of off-plan new-builds make a purchase decision with their children’s education in mind. In many cases, properties are used by buyers’ offspring while they study at a university, and then rented out once the child or children move elsewhere or return home. If the children are not yet at the right age for university, the property may be rented out until they are. London is among the top cities when it comes to tertiary education – it boasts 12 universities ranked in the top 700 world institutions. The popularity of these establishments is clear, as London has the highest number of overseas students anywhere in Europe. At the London School of Economics (LSE), a highly regarded institution across the globe, international students make up more than 65% of the student body. Two-fifths of students at Imperial College London and UCL are from outside the UK. The fact that courses are taught in English is seen as an added advantage.
从纯粹的投资角度来说,伦敦地产市场非常透明。地产所有权类型定义明晰,具有完善的法 律支持体系。由于这个市场非常成熟,与全球其他尚在摸索的核心地区相比,伦敦各价位资 产的变现能力也很高。不仅如此,伦敦的生活环境和政治气候也非常稳定,加上法律至上、 透明度高的政治体系,是很多新兴经济体不具备的优势。独立的司法体系也是其享有国际声 望的重要基石。
3. 教育
Our Ser vices
我们的服 务
PRIME Proper ty Acquisition Advice
KENSINGTON PRIME offers two differentiated specialised services related to prime and super-prime property in London.
在伦敦高档和超高档地产方面,嘉仕顿顶级地产公司(KENSINGTON PRIME)提供两种不同的专业化服务,嘉仕顿顶级地产 (KENSINGTON PRIME)的定制化高端地产置业咨询服务,将根据客 户的具体需要提供准确详细的建议。我们对伦敦优势地段和顶级优势地段 了如指掌,拥有杰出的相关知识,熟知当地的地理状况、价格趋势、投资 回报、未来和规划中的项目情况,甚至细化到各种便民设施和生活方式。 正因为如此,无论您置业伦敦的目的是为了投资或是安居,我们都能为您 推出最匹配您目标的位置和项目。
KENSINGTON PRIME’s customised property search is a precise and comprehensive service based on your specific requirements. We cover London’s top-prime and super-prime areas in which we possess exceptional knowledge and a complete understanding of the local geography, price trends, investment returns, future and planned developments, and even ambience and lifestyle, allowing us to advise you on the location and property that is most likely to match your objectives, whether for investment purposes or as a family home in London.
KENSINGTON PRIME’s customised PRIME PROPERTY ACQUISITION ADVICE is a precise and detailed service based on your specific requirements. We cover London’s top-prime and super-prime areas in which we possess exceptional knowledge and a complete understanding of the local geography, price trends, investment returns, future and planned developments, and even ambience and lifestyle. This allows us to advise you on the location and property that is most likely to match your objectives, whether for investment purposes or as a family home in London. The London prime and super-prime property market is a relatively discreet arena, where properties are often sold without the involvement of the open market. However, our business network and local contacts give us unparalleled access to the most attractive off-market properties, as well as to exceptional opportunities for purchasing assets at low prices and achieving short or long term gains. We have unrivalled access to the most exciting new developments, giving you the opportunity to purchase a house or apartment off-plan, ahead of the launch date. Our long-standing relationship with premier developers, coupled with our reputation in the marketplace, has widened the scope of the exceptional opportunities we can offer. Our PRIME CO-INVESTMENT PRODUCT offers sophisticated investors the opportunity to benefit from the extraordinary returns they can achieve when jointly investing in the acquisition, development and sale of prime properties in London with KENSINGTON PRIME.
普遍来看,伦敦的高档和超高档地产市场是一个非常低调的领域,很多项 目的销售都不会选择公开市场。但是,我们的商业网络和本土关系网,为 我们提供了无以伦比的便利通道,可以迅速掌握最诱人的市场外项目,为 您提供大好良机,以优惠的价格购买优质的地产,实现短期或长期的回报 目标。 此外,我们也有业内少有的渠道,抢滩最诱人的新开发项目,在项目正式 推出前,为您提供购买市场外别墅或公寓的大好机会。我们与各大开发商 之间均建立了长期的关系,辅以我们在市场中的口碑,确保为您准确定位 更多的优质机遇。 我们的高档合作投资产品专为经验丰富的投资老手打造。通过这一千载难 逢的机遇,您得以与嘉仕顿顶级地产(KENSINGTON PRIME)携手, 对伦敦地产的购置、开发和销售进行合作投资,实现最大化收益。
The London prime and super-prime property market is a relatively discreet arena, where properties are often sold without the involvement of the open market. However, our business network and local contacts give us unparalleled access to the most attractive off-market properties, as well as to exceptional opportunities for purchasing assets at low prices and achieving short or long term gains. We have unrivalled access to the most exciting new developments, giving you the opportunity to purchase a house or apartment off-plan, ahead of the launch date. Our long-standing relationship with premier developers, coupled with our reputation in the marketplace, has widened the scope of the exceptional opportunities we can offer.
高 端 地 产购置咨询 嘉仕顿顶级地产(KENSINGTON PRIME)的定制化项目搜索服务,将针对您的特别需求设计出精准而全 面的投资和置业计划。我们对伦敦各个绝佳地段都了如指掌,拥有杰出的行业知识,熟知当地的地理状 况、价格趋势、投资回报、未来和规划中的项目情况,甚至细化到各种便民设施和生活方式。正因为如 此,无论您置业伦敦的目的是为了投资或是安居,我们都能为您推出最匹配您目标的位置和项目。 普遍来看,伦敦的顶级地产市场是一个非常低调的领域,很多项目都不会选择公开销售。我们的商业网络 和本土关系,为我们提供了许多便利通道,可以迅速掌握第一手资料,为您提供大好良机,以优惠的价格 购买优质的地产,实现短期或长期的回报目标。 此外,我们也有业内少有的渠道,抢滩最诱人的新开发项目,在项目正式推出前,为您提供购买市场外别 墅或公寓的大好机会。我们与各大开发商之间均建立了长期的关系,辅以我们在市场中的口碑,确保为您 准确定位更多的投资机会。
Co - I nv e s t m e nt in K EN S I N G TO N P R I M E Developments Our PRIME CO-INVESTMENT PRODUCT offers sophisticated investors the opportunity to benefit from the extraordinary returns they can achieve when jointly investing in the acquisition, development and sale of prime properties in London with KENSINGTON PRIME. We provide the bulk of the equity financing, while we accept a small number of co-investors to invest with us. Given the relatively small number of exceptionally profitable transactions, our co-investors must follow a selection process in order to ensure that the projects run smoothly and the goals of all parties are achieved. Our track-record of returns is outstanding, given that we only develop smaller projects sourced by ourselves, which represent great opportunities that are often overlooked by larger developers.
合作 投 资嘉 仕顿 高 端 开发项目 我们的高档合作投资产品专为经验丰富的投资老手打造。通过这一千载难逢的机 遇,您得以与嘉仕顿顶级地产(KENSINGTON PRIME)携手,对伦敦地产的购 置、开发和销售进行合作,实现最大化收益。我们负责大部分的股权融资,同时 还吸纳少量小股东加入。鉴于这种超高收益的项目数量稀少,我们会通过筛选程 序选择最合适的投资者,确保项目顺畅运转,实现所有参与方的共赢。这种完全 以自有资源开发的项目,通常都是较小规模的优质项目,其巨大的潜力往往被大 型开发商所忽视,这也正为我们提供了机会,实现超高回报率和显赫的业绩。
Reference Projec ts We have been developing high-potential properties in London for over 10 years and have always achieved exceptional returns. KENSINGTON PRIME sources unique development opportunities, typically off-market, and enhances their value by means of a range of solutions, such as lease extensions, planning negotiations, building services and exclusive interior design in order to create some of the most attractive properties in the world for demanding buyers, celebrities and high net worth individuals. Some of our landmark projects, where we have been the lead investor but have allowed other investors to co-invest, represent some of the most sophisticated properties in prime London, Knightsbridge, and Kensington & Chelsea. They range from penthouses to London town houses, and to wonderful first floor apartments with high ceilings in period buildings.
业 绩 和经验 我们开发伦敦高潜力项目的历史已经超过10年,无一例外地实现了超高回报率。 嘉仕顿顶级地产(KENSINGTON PRIME)以独特渠道获取与众不同的开发机 遇,通常都是市场外项目,经过一系列法律服务、规划谈判、施工服务和高档装 修设计后,进一步提高项目的价值,打造全球市场中最抢眼的置业焦点,满足高 标准买家、明星和高净值客户的需求。 在我们作为主要投资方开发的项目中,也精心选择少量投资者进行合作投资。这 些地标型精品项目均位于伦敦市中心、骑士桥和肯辛顿-切尔西区。项目类型包 括顶层高档公寓、伦敦联排别墅,更有位于历史古建一层的挑高屋顶公寓。
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