Triangle Fraternity Brand Standards

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.� Herb Scobie minn32

Brand Standards Guide

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Contents 3


16 Insignia Typography

38 Regional Leadership Logo


Official Colors

19 Flag

39 Leadership School Logo


Identities Definitions

20 Globe Logo Brand

40 Fraternity Pins and Badges



25 Logo White Space

42 Terminology


Coat of Arms

26 Globe Logo/Event Typography

47 Retired Branding Schemes

12 Triangle T

29 Stationery

50 Custom Design Process

13 Traditional Wordmark

33 Event Logos

51 Contact

14 Insignias + Wordmark

34 Leadership & Training Logo

Triangle Fraternity Brand Standards Guide Complied by Director of Communications | Brand Standards - Kent Hoffman ar07 Reviewed by Triangle Fraternity National Council Version 2.2 Last revised: August 4, 2015 1:25 PM

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.� Herb Scobie minn32

Brand Standards Guide

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Introduction Creating materials that support the Triangle Fraternity brand requires solid commitment and watchfulness to guarantee that the image we present looks the same every time and represents the values of the Fraternity. Triangle Fraternity’s brand consists of key identity elements that, when used consistently at every point of contact with our audience and community, helps build recognition of Triangle Fraternity. In an effort to aid staff members, brothers, volunteers, designers, and vendors Triangle Fraternity has created this standards guide. The purposes of these standards are to define the look and feel of our organization and establish parameters for acceptable use and application. The value of strong brand equity is priceless. How we apply our visual and typographical elements to communications, collateral, and promotional items sets us apart from the competition and influences how we are perceived by those we interact with. Furthermore, we must apply our insignias and logos in a manner which promotes the mission and values of Triangle Fraternity. If you have any questions beyond the content of this publication please contact Triangle Fraternity Headquarters and the Director of Communications | Brand Standards. Contact information is provided on the last page of the Brand Standards Guide and online at

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.� Herb Scobie minn32

Brand Standards Guide

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Motto Latin: “Vertias Omnia Vincit” | English Translation: “Truth Conquers All”

Purpose The purpose of TRIANGLE shall be to maintain a fraternity of engineers, architects and scientists. It shall carry out its purpose by establishing chapters that develop balanced men who cultivate high moral character, foster lifelong friendships, and live with integrity.

Objectives The objectives of TRIANGLE, which apply to all members, are: To help develop the highest standards of personal integrity and character, To foster and provide an intellectual, mature environment for its members through individual and group effort and through the mutual companionship of men with similar professional interests and goals, To foster and provide the broadening experience of fraternity living with its social and moral challenges and responsibilities for the individual and the chapter, To recognize and support the objectives and goals of the alma mater and those of the community through responsible participation and action, To help bridge the gap between undergraduate study and the vocation of the individual in industry, the academic world or government, To foster and maintain a bond of fraternal brotherhood through a continuing program of activity for the alumni, and To bring into focus the elements of planned progress for the betterment of mankind.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

Brand Standards Guide

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Colors Official Color Scheme As defined in Article 5, Section 1 of Triangle Fraternity’s Bylaws, Triangle Fraternity’s colors shall be Old Rose and Gray. The color Old Rose is to be defined as Pantone Process color 1955CV in all printed media and as RGB hexadecimal 990033 in all online and digitized media. The color Gray is to be defined as Pantone Process color 430CV in all printed media and as RGB hexadecimal 999999 in all online and digitized media.

Old Rose | Pantone 1955 CV CMYK C: 9 M: 100 K: 54 Y: 43

RGB R: 138 G: 21 B: 56

Gray | HEX #8a1538 Websafe HEX #990033

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

CMYK C: 33 M: 18 Y: 13 K: 40

Pantone 430 CV

RGB R: 124 G: 135 B: 142

HEX #7c878e Websafe HEX #999999

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Secondary Color Palette The secondary color palette provides a flexible and sophisticated use of color harmony to contrast Triangle Fraternity’s official colors. Secondary colors should never take the place of official colors.

Yellow | Pantone Medium Yellow C CMYK C: 2 M: 10 Y: 100 K: 0

RGB R: 255 G: 228 B: 0

HEX #ffd900 Websafe HEX #ffcc00

Light Gray | Pantone Cool Gray 2 C CMYK C: 5 M: 3 Y: 5 K: 11

RGB R: 208 G: 208 B: 206

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

HEX #d0dce Websafe HEX #cccccc

Black CMYK C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 100

RGB R: 0 G: 0 B: 0

HEX #000000 Websafe HEX #000000

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Identities Since 1907 Triangle Fraternity has developed several sets of insignias and logos to graphically represent the organization. As times have evolved so have the Fraternity’s graphic elements while others have stayed consistent throughout the organization’s history.

Insignia Insignia is defined as an organization’s official emblem. As set forth from the founding of Triangle Fraternity and protected in the Fraternity’s Ritual and Constitution, the official insignias of Triangle Fraternity are the Coat of Arms and the Triangle T. These insignia may be accompanied by a wordmark in order to build and maintain an association with Triangle Fraternity.

Brand A brand is defined as an identifying mark for a particular organization or product. Over the years Triangle Fraternity has cycled through multiple branding campaigns in order to graphically advance the Fraternity’s mission and keep pace with current design styles and trends. Currently Triangle Fraternity uses the Triangle Globe Logo as its overarching brand.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

Brand Standards Guide

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Insignia The following pages outline standards for how to use the Fraternity’s Coat of Arms, Triangle T, Traditional Wordmark, and Triangle Flag. Now, and into the future, Triangle Fraternity maintains a position of vigilantly protecting its insignia and the values they contain. If you have any questions beyond the content of this publication please contact Triangle Fraternity Headquarters and the Director of Communications | Brand Standards. Contact information is provided on the last page of the Brand Standards Guide and online at

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

Brand Standards Guide

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Coat of Arms The Coat or Arms is an ancient device which has been employed as a mark of identification. After Triangle Fraternity was founded, the organization adopted a Coat of Arms to graphically symbolize its values. The upper portion of the Coat of Arms consists of a rising sun beneath a Triangle T, or Crest. Beneath is an esquire helmet in profile. At the center of the Coat of Arms is the Fraternity’s shield and a ribbon containing the organization’s motto “Veritas Omnia Vincit.” Surrounding the shield is a mantling. For additional information on reproduction of the Coat of Arms refer to Article 5, Section 8 of the Triangle Fraternity Bylaws. Governing Documents may be found online at or paper copies requested from Triangle Fraternity Headquarters or National Council.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

Brand Standards Guide

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Coat of Arms | Color

Coat of Arms | Black & White

Triangle Fraternity’s Coat of Arms should appear in either full color or two color black and white. Modification of individual colors within the Coat of Arms is prohibited.

Usage As the Coat of Arms represents the history and values of Triangle Fraternity it should be used in circumstances that advance the mission and purpose of the organization. Members of the organization are asked to remain vigilant of its use but also celebrate its purpose. The Coat of Arms may only be worn by an initiated member. Digital and printed reproduction of the Coat of Arms shall confirm to the standards set forth on Page 55 of the Brand Standards Guide under “Insigna Usage” and as defined in Triangle Fraternity’s Bylaws (Article 5, Section 11). Digital and printed reproductions may be handled by both non-members and members.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

Brand Standards Guide

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Coat of Arms | Colors For reasons outlined in Triangle Fraternity’s Ritual, the Coat of Arms contains a wide use of colors. Below are the colors used to illustrate the Coat of Arms. These colors are the closest digitized and printed approximation to the official Coat of Arms on file at Triangle Fraternity National Headquarters.

Pantone 1805 C CMYK C: 0 M: 91 Y: 100 K: 23

RGB R: 191 G: 49 B: 26

Pantone Warm Gray 4 C

CMYK C: 0 M: 4 Y: 9 K: 24

RGB R: 201 G: 193 B: 184

Pantone 551 C CMYK C: 27 M: 3 Y: 0 K: 13

RGB R: 160 G: 196 B: 218

Pantone 549 C CMYK C: 5 M: 7 Y: 0 K: 27

RGB R: 80 G: 150 B: 185

Pantone 376 C CMYK C: 52 M: 0 Y: 100 K: 5

RGB R: 128 G: 187 B: 61

HEX: #af272f Websafe: #993333

HEX: #b6ada5 Websafe: #cc9999

HEX: #fa3c7d2 Websafe: #99cccc

HEX: #6ba4b8 Websafe: #f6699cc

HEX: #84bd00 Websafe: #99cc00

Pantone 349 C

Pantone Medium Yellow C

Pantone 151 C

Pantone 247 C

Pantone 260 C

CMYK C: 100 M: 0 Y: 91 K: 42

RGB R: 0 G: 112 B: 60

HEX: #046a38 Websafe: #006633

CMYK C: 2 M: 10 Y: 100 K: 0

RGB R: 255 G: 218 B: 0

HEX: #ffd900 Websafe: #ffcc00

CMYK C: 0 M: 45 Y: 95 K: 0

RGB R: 248 G: 151 B: 61

HEX: #ff8200 Websafe: #ff9900

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

CMYK C: 36 M: 100 Y: 0 K: 0

RGB R: 169 G: 33 B: 142

HEX: #bb16a3 Websafe: #cc0099

CMYK C: 52 M: 100 Y: 0 K: 5

RGB R: 113 G: 20 B: 113

HEX: #642667 Websafe: #663366

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Triangle T The Triangle T, also referred to as the Delta T, is the most commonly used symbol of Triangle Fraternity. Where other Greek organizations might use Greek letters or proper names, Triangle Fraternity uses the Triangle T. This emblem shall consist of an equilateral triangle with an upper case Roman “T” enclosed in it. The design shall conform in proportions to the “Triangle symbol” which constitutes part of the Coat of Arms. Standards of the Triangle T are defined by the description of the Triangle T used in the Fraternity’s Crest found in Article 5, Section 9 of Triangle Fraternity’s Bylaws.

Usage The Triangle T should be the most commonly used symbol of the Triangle Fraternity. In order to enhance the meaning of the Triangle T, it should almost always be accompanied by the name of organization, “TRIANGLE FRATERNITY” spelled out. The use of the Triangle T is most effective when used for recruitment, campus wide Greek activities and interactions with non-Greek organizations. There are no formal restrictions on who can wear the Triangle T, but chapters and members are advised to remember that the actions of anyone wearing the symbol will be reflective and respresentative of Triangle Fraternity.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

Brand Standards Guide

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

TRIANGLE FRATERNITY Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Traditional Wordmark The TRIANGLE FRATERNITY wordmark, shown above, is the formal way to identify the organization without the use of logos or insignia. Use of the Traditional Wordmark is encouraged in situations which may involve recruitment, University affairs, working with non-Greek organizations, and within publications in which vertical space is limited. The TRIANGLE FRATERNITY wordmark must always be accompanied by “Engineers, Architects, and Scientists” as to consistently promote the full range of the Fraternity’s membership, regardless of fields of study on a single campus. The words “Engineers, Architects, and Scientists” shall be separated by two spaces, a vertical bar “|” and two additional spaces before the next word. The Traditional Wordmark may not be altered in any way (i.e. font may not be altered, cannot remove one of the three fields of study).

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

Brand Standards Guide

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Engineers | Architects | Scientists



Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Insignia and Wordmark It is recommended that the Coat of Arms and Triangle T appear in conjunction with the Traditional Wordmark. If appearing in a vertical arrangement, the standards visually defined above and written in the paragraphs below must be followed.

Coat of Arms + Wordmark | Vertical The vertical arrangement of the Coat of Arms with wordmark is the primary formal visual element to represent Triangle Fraternity. The Coat of Arms is to be placed centered above “TRIANGLE FRATERNITY”. Spacing between the Coat of Arms and text should be the height of the wordmark’s “Engineers | Architects | Scientists” text.

Triangle T + Wordmark | Vertical The vertical arrangement of the Triangle T and wordmark is the most commonly used visual representation of Triangle Fraternity. The Triangle T is to appear centered above the Traditional Wordmark with the size of the wordmark no longer than five letters to the right and left lowest points on the triangle. The size of “Engineers | Architects | Scientists” should not exceed the width of the Triangle T.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

Brand Standards Guide

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

TRIANGLE FRATERNITY Engineers | Architects | Scientists

TRIANGLE FRATERNITY Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Coat of Arms + Wordmark | Horizontal The horizontal arrangement of the Coat of Arms with TRIANGLE FRATERNITY wordmark should be used in place of the vertical arrangement when vertical space is limited. The height of the wordmark is to be identical to the height of the esquire helmet above the shield. The words “TRIANGLE FRATERNITY” are to be spaced one helmet width to the left of the Coat or Arms. The wordmark should also be aligned where the top of the T in TRIANGLE is equal to the top of the shield.

Triangle T + Wordmark | Horizontal The horizontal arrangement of the Triangle T with TRIANGLE FRATERNITY wordmark should be used in place of the vertical arrangement when vertical space is limited. The height of the words “TRIANGLE FRATERNITY” will be equal to half the height of the center T in the triangle. The words “Engineers | Architects | Scientists” shall be centered to the wordmark and placed centered to the white space created in the area measured from the middle of the T in center of the triangle to the bottom of the same T.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

Brand Standards Guide

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Typography A single typeface has been chosen to represent the Triangle Fraternity identity when the Triangle T or Traditional Wordmarks are used. The required typeface is Times New Roman. Headlines should be set in all caps and utilize the Times New Roman Font. The weight may vary based on the lengths of the headline in relation to the layout. Do not use any other typefaces to create an alternative Traditional Wordmark or in place of the T in the center of the Triangle T.

Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Times New Roman

Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 *Do not use bold italic with this typeface.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

Brand Standards Guide

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Improper Insignia Uses In order to maintain a consistent brand standard among Triangle Fraternity’s insignias all graphics elements must be correctly displayed. This integrity of the Coat of Arms, Triangle T, and Traditional Wordmark must be respected at all times. Any modification changes the impact of Triangle Fraternity’s brand, reduces recognizability, and may damage brand perception. The examples on the following page illustrate a small sample of unacceptable modifications and displays. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8 9.

Do not distort images in any way. The Coat of Arms must be shown with all elements. Do not re-arrange the Traditional Wordmark in relation to an insignia. Do not change the colors of the Coat of Arms. Do not re-arrange the Traditional Wordmark. Do not delete fields of study from the Traditional Wordmark. Usage of color for the Traditional Wordmark must be monotone and not mulitcolored. The Triangle T must remain equilateral at all times. All graphic elements must be legible.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

Brand Standards Guide

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Improper Insignia Uses 1.





Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Engineers | Architects | Scientists





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Engineers| Scientists









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TRIANGLE FRATERNITY Engineers | Architects | Scientists

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

Brand Standards Guide

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Formal Triangle Flag

T The official flag of Triangle Fraternity contains the shield of the Coat of Arms superimposed on a gold T in a field of gray. Colors for the shield of the Coat of Arms are identical to those represented when the Coat of Arms appears as a whole. The color of the gold T is that of the gold in the Triangle T found at the top of the Coat of Arms. The field of gray is Pantone Cool Gray 2 C as specified in the Secondary Color palette. The golden T is to be centered within the field of gray with the shield placed centered atop the T. All images which appear on Triangle flags are to appear on both sides. In order for the T to be more prominent within the field on the field of gray, a slight black outline may be used. The font for the T on the official Triangle Fraternity flag is Baskerville SemiBold, featured below.

Baskerville SemiBold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.� Herb Scobie minn32

*Only use SemiBold in this typeface.

Brand Standards Guide

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Globe Logo Brand Triangle Fraternity’s Globe Logo branding campaign was established in 2011. The Globe Logo serves to acknowledge Triangle’s past while, at the same time, visually symbolizes the Fraternity’s future vision. The Triangle T on the globe is a graphical reference to the greater good Triangle Brothers bring to their chapters, communities and the world. Herb Scobie minn32 Triangle Fraternity’s first full time Executive Director famously said, “In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” While Scobie originally made this statement decades ago, today his words continue to encourage every Triangle Brother to better himself and create a better environment for those around him.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

Brand Standards Guide

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists



Engineers | Architects | Scientists

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” - Herb Scobie minn32

Globe Logo The Triangle Globe Logo consists of a globe with the Triangle T placed upon. “triangle” and “fraternity” flank the left and right sides of the globe respectively. Beneath the globe, centered, appear the three fields of study of the Fraternity with Herb Scobie’s minn32 quote immediately below. The words “triangle” and “fraternity” are to spelled in all lower case with “triangle” colored in Old Rose and “fraternity” colored in the Fraternity’s official gray. Both “Engineers | Architects | Scientists” and Scobie’s quote must always appear in full and cannot be edited in any way.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

Brand Standards Guide

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists



Engineers | Architects | Scientists

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” - Herb Scobie minn32

triangle fraternity Engineers | Architects | Scientists

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” - Herb Scobie minn32

Globe Logo | Horizontal The horizontal globe logo, shown top left, is the primary visual element for Triangle Fraternity’s current branding campaign. This logo is to appear in all official Triangle Fraternity National Headquarters communications until its retirement. It may not be modified in any way outside of the guidelines specified on Page 22 of the Brand Standards Guide. The Globe containing the Triangle T may appear as a stand alone element.

Globe Logo | Vertical The vertical arrangement of the Triangle Globe logo is, like the horizontal Globe Logo scheme, a primary use logo for Triangle Fraternity. The vertical Globe Logo is to be used in situations where the horizontal logo arrangement cannot be used in a legible manner.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

Brand Standards Guide

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists



Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Globe The Triangle Globe may be used as a standalone image. The use of the standalone globe - while allowed - should be seldom used in external communications. Good faith efforts should be made to always display the globe flanked by “triangle fraternity” with acceptable fields of study and Scobie’s quote.

Globe Logo | EAS The Globe Logo, EAS may be used when Herb Scobie’s minn32 full quote of, “In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men,” is located on the same branded item (i.e. a header image where the quote appears to the right logo or a document in which the quote appears in the footer) or if image scale renders Scobie’s quote illegible.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

Brand Standards Guide

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists



Engineers | Architects | Scientists

triangle fraternity

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” - Herb Scobie minn32

Engineers | Architects | Scientists

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” - Herb Scobie minn32

Globe Logo | Monotone When color is not an available or a cost effective option, a monotone version of the Triangle Globe Logo may be used in place of full color. The monotone Globe Logo is ideal for embroidery, black and white, or single color printing. Low end printers may have a difficult time accurately reproducing the fade in the colored globe. Furthermore photocopying the color version of the Globe Logo will increase the fade on the globe rendering the Triangle T unidentifiable. Using a monotone version will provide a clear, crisp image in black and white print situations. The color of the monotone image may be adjusted based on media, but must always appear monotone and not mulitcolored.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

t t




Engineers | Architects | Scientists

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” - Herb Scobie minn32


Logo White Space All Triangle Fraternity insignia and logos should have negative or “white space” surrounding them. This space keeps the image from appearing crowded with other elements and gives the design a less busy feeling. Placing the “t” in “triangle fraternity” around a graphic element serves as an acceptable guide to determining the amount of negative space. The “t” used for measurement must be equal to the “t” in the beginning of “triangle fraternity” on the Globe Logo.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

Brand Standards Guide

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Typography Two typefaces have been chosen to represent the Triangle Fraternity Globe logo. Arial typeface has been selected for the use of the “triangle fraternity,” Herb Scobie’s minn32 quote, and the spelling of Scobie’s name. “triangle fraternity” utilizes Arial Bold Italic while Scobie’s quote is set in Arial Italic. “Herbert Scobie minn32” is written in Arial Regular. The words “Engineers | Architects | Scientists” use the typeface Copperplate Gothic Light. Headlines should utilize Arial Bold font and be set in sentence style. Sub-headers may consist of Arial Narrow or Copperplate Gothic Light. The weight may vary based on the lengths of the headline in relation to the layout. Do not use any other typefaces to create an alternative Triangle Globe logo. The Globe Logo typeface scheme is to also be used in all National Meetings and Event publications.

Arial Regular


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890


Bold Italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Copperplate Gothic Light Light ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Improper Insignia Uses In order to maintain a consistent brand standard among Triangle Fraternity’s all graphics elements must be correctly displayed. The integrity of the Globe Logo must be respected and maintained at all times. Any modification changes the impact of Triangle Fraternity’s brand, reduces recognizability, and may damage brand perception. The examples on the following page illustrate a small sample of unacceptable modifications and displays. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8 9.

Do not distort images in any way. Do not change logo colors in full color cases. Do not alter or change logo font or case. Do not mix full color and monotone color schemes. “triangle fraternity” must appear in full with the globe, or not at all. Herb Scobie’s minn32 quote must appear in full with quotation marks. Do not combine Globe Logo scheme and Triangle insignias. “Engineers | Architects | Scientists” must always accompany the globe if “triangle fraternity” is present. All graphic elements must be legible.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Improper Insignia Uses 1.






Engineers | Architects | Scientists


- Herb Scobie minn32

- Herb Scobie minn32


triangle fraternity

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” - Herb Scobie minn32


triangle fraternity


Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Engineers | Architects | Scientists

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” - Herb Scobie minn32



Better men, Better world - Herb Scobie minn32



Engineers | Architects | Scientists


Engineers | Architects | Scientists

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.”



Engineers | Architects | Scientists

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.”




“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” - Herb Scobie minn32

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Stationery When printed forms of communication are used, the standards outlined in the stationery section must be followed. The primary graphic element to be used is the horizontal Triangle Globe Logo. In the case of letterhead, the Coat of Arms accompanied by the Traditional Wordmark may be substituted in place of the Globe Logo. For letterhead templates or if you have any questions beyond the content of this publication please contact Triangle Fraternity Headquarters and the Director of Communications | Brand Standards. Contact information provided on the last page of the Brand Standards Guide and online at

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.� Herb Scobie minn32

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Letterhead triangle


The Globe Logo is to be placed at the 1/4 of an inch from the top of the page. The width of the Globe Logo is to be 6 inches and centered.

Engineers | Architects | Scientists

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” - Herb Scobie minn32

Arthur Schwerin 112 E. Daniel Street Champaign, IL 61820

In certain circumstances, the Coat of the Arms insignia with accompanying wordmark may be substituted for the Triangle Fraternity Globe Logo.

April 15, 2007 Dear Brother Schwerin, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam ornare dictum ligula. Maecenas elementum suscipit nisl. Cras imperdiet leo ac felis dictum luctus. Pellentesque odio nisi, accumsan nec, scelerisque sed, consectetuer nec, justo. Sed tortor sapien, suscipit id, pulvinar vel, elementum id, lorem. Nullam consectetuer risus sit amet nibh. Vestibulum consectetuer, quam vitae euismod volutpat, magna magna consectetuer dui, et accumsan magna dui non nibh. Morbi adipiscing consequat erat. Vivamus quis massa eget orci fermentum laoreet. Morbi posuere purus. Duis feugiat lacus vel nisi. Aliquam ipsum felis, pretium sed, vehicula vel, dictum eget, nibh. Morbi turpis nulla, luctus viverra, pretium in, suscipit vitae, purus. Morbi gravida lacus sed lorem. Mauris vestibulum. Cras vehicula porta eros. Curabitur ut justo vel pede elementum semper. Integer pretium pulvinar augue. Aenean ut nisl non lectus porta feugiat. Mauris iaculis pede a risus. Suspendisse mollis. Donec suscipit. Sed tellus magna, tempus a, ultricies in, dignissim et, nulla. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse potenti. Proin viverra vulputate pede. Sed nec mauris ut turpis convallis tempus. Maecenas id justo vitae lacus fringilla interdum. Nulla diam. Sed pulvinar fringilla elit. Quisque ante. Cras tempor lobortis velit. Phasellus porta arcu sit amet libero. Aenean aliquet, leo in porta aliquam, est tortor accumsan justo, vel ultrices leo dui nec velit. Etiam vel nibh. Quisque eu ante ut diam auctor molestie. Nullam mattis, nulla et molestie cursus, neque orci consectetuer nisl, eget consequat sapien pede vitae augue. Fusce pretium velit et lacus. Cras commodo sagittis velit. Proin lobortis, diam in semper viverra, enim pede adipiscing massa, a convallis enim sem consectetuer odio.

Yours in _________,

Milton H. McCoy

Triangle Fraternity Headquarters 120 S. Center Street | Plainfield, IN 46168 | Office: (317) 837-9640 Fax: (317) 837-9642 |

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

The body copy should begin 1/2 inch below the graphic element placed at the top of the page. Side margins are to be 1 inch in width. All text should be justified to the left. The return address is to be placed at the bottom of the page, beneath a 1pt horizontal line in the color of Old Rose. The return address should consist of two lines, justified to the center. The first line contains “Triangle Fraternity” followed by the official chapter designation. The second line should consist of the following information in the order listed: Address Street, Address City, Address Phone, website. Street, City, Phone, and website should be separated with a vertical bar with a vertical bar “ | “. The return address can stretch to within 1/2 inch of the left and right edges of the paper.

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Envelope The return address block on official Triangle Fraternity envelopes will use the horizontal Triangle Globe Logo with the EAS designation only. Herb Scobie’s minn32 quote will appear elsewhere on this document. The size of the horizontal Globe Logo is 3 inches in width placed 1/4 of an inch from the top and 3/8 of an inch from the left side of the envelope. Only the Triangle Globe Logo is to appear on envelopes. It is not to be replaced with other Triangle insignias. The return address line is to be 1/4 inch below the Globe Logo with a dashed horizontal line the width of the logo centered 1/8 of in an inch between the return address line and graphic element. Information regarding the return address shall appear on two lines. The first line should contain the official chapter name. Immediately below information regarding the street address, city, state, and zip code will be printed with a vertical bar “|” between the street address and the city, state, and zip code. Required text is Arial Regular in size 8pt. Scobie’s quote is to appear in full on the bottom of the enveloped, center justified, within 1/4 of an inch from the left edge of the envelope. The quote, “In order to . . .” utilizes Arial Italic size 10pt font while Scobie’s name and chapter designation is to be printed in Arial Regular size 8pt font.



Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Triangle Fraternity Headquarters 120 S Center Street | Plainfield, IN 46168

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” - Herb Scobie minn32

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Business Card The horizontal Globe Logo should be used on the business card. It should be placed with a 1/8 inch top margin and stretch within 1/8 of an inch to the left and right of the business card. The title block containing the card holder’s name, chapter designation, full chapter name, and leadership position should be center justified and located 1 1/8 inches from the top of the business card. The title block should be formated to include the card holders name and chapter designation in Arial Bold 8pt font on the first line, with the full chapter name and leadership position (if applicable) printed on a second line in Arial Regular 7pt font. Placed 1/8 of a inch above the bottom of the business card should be two lines of contact information. The first line should contain the chapter street address, city, state, and zip code with the street address separated from the city with two spaces, a vertical bar “ | “ and two additional spaces. Below this information the card holders phone number, email, and website or social media contact should be printed. This information should also be separated with two spaces, a vertical bar “ | “ and two additional spaces. All contact info is to be printed in Arial Regular size 6pt font.



Engineers | Architects | Scientists

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” - Herb Scobie minn32

Arthur Schwerin ill07 Illinois Chapter

112 E Daniel Street | Champaign, IL 61820 (317) 837-9640 | |

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

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Event Logos Triangle Fraternity, with the generous support of the Triangle Education Foundation, hosts numerous events throughout the year to support the purpose, values, and objectives of the organization as well as educate our members in order to continue the Fraternity’s mission of building better men. The logos shown in this section outline those used for specific national Triangle Fraternity events and may be used by our membership for promotions. National Convention is omitted from the Event Logos section as new brand standards specifically for the event are developed every two years.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

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| ME

















Leadership & Training Weekend






The Leadership & Training Weekend logo consists of a medallion surrounded by the names of LTW’s educational tracks. At the center of the medallion is a budding tree with roots exposed. The tree is sprouting gold, blue, green, old rose, and black leafs each symbolizing one of the 5 LTW educational tracks. To the right of the medallion is the leadership school title boarded on top and bottom by two horizontal lines of gray and black. The typeface used for “Leadership & Training Weekend” is Book Antiqua Regular and the font used for the track names circling the medallion is Abel Regular.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

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Leadership & Training Weekend | Education Tracks













To graphically differentiate all Leadership & Training Weekend tracks, a color from the event’s main logo has been assigned to each track. Aside from the Steven L. Miller Presidents’ Leadership Academy (as described on the next page), all individual track medallion logos contain the main budding tree logo accompanied by their designated color: black for the John Wakerly Leadership Advantage Conference, green for the Member Education Forum, blue for Marketing, and gold for the Finance Workshop. Along with the leafs of the tree, the bold horizontal line below the track name should also take on the track color. Individual track logos may not be scaled to less than 2 inches in width as text will become unreadable.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

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LTW | Steven L. Miller Presidents’ Leadership Academy Steven L. Miller

Presidents’ Leadership Academy

Steven L. Miller

Presidents’ Leadership Academy

The Steven L. Miller Presidents’ Leadership Academy logo contains the globe from the Triangle Globe Logo scheme behind a stylized leader and his audience. The text of the Steven L. Miller Presidents’ Leadership Academy is written in Copperplate Gothic Bold and Arial Bold. The Steven L. Miller Presidents’ Leadership Academy title should only appear in full. If for space issues it must be abbreviated, the official acronym SLMPLA may be used. No other combination of the academy title or acronym is allowed.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Colors | Leadership & Training Weekend Primary Pantone 1955 CV CMYK C: 0 M: 100 Y: 54 K: 43

RGB R: 138 G: 21 B: 56

HEX: #8a1538 Websafe: #990033

Pantone Medium Yellow C CMYK C: 2 M: 10 Y: 100 K: 0

RGB R: 255 G: 218 B: 0

HEX: #ffd900 Websafe: #ffcc00

Pantone 349 C CMYK C: 100 M: 0 Y: 91 K: 42

RGB R: 0 G: 112 B: 60

HEX: #046a38 Websafe: #006633

Pantone 8784 C CMYK C: 62 M: 44 Y: 0 K: 51

RGB R: 47 G: 69 B: 124

HEX: #2f457c Websafe: #333366

Secondary Pantone 430 CV CMYK C: 33 M: 18 Y: 13 K: 40

RGB R: 124 G: 135 B: 142

HEX: #7c878e Websafe: #999999

Pantone Cool Gray 2 C CMYK C: 5 M: 3 Y: 5 K: 11

RGB R: 208 G: 208 B: 206

HEX: #d0dce Websafe: #cccccc

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

Pantone 451 C CMYK C: 21 M: 15 Y: 54 K: 31

RGB R: 155 G: 148 B: 95

HEX: #9b945f Websafe: #999966

Black CMYK C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 100

RGB R: 0 G: 0 B: 0

HEX: #000000 Websafe: #000000

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Michigan Tech

Penn State

ti na cin


rd u



Toledo Ohio State

Penn State Behrend




Triangle Regional Leadership Conferences


uc nt Ke






Missouri Mines UCLA





Kansas State







Georiga Tech

Cal Poly


Colorado State


rd u Pu


UC Irvine







MSOE Marquette



Missouri Mines

Cal Poly

UW Milwaukee

Penn State



Penn State Behrend


Kansas State

Colorado State




Michigan State


MSOE Marquette


UW Milwaukee

Toledo Ohio State






Iowa State

South Dakota Mines

Oregon State

Regional Leadership Conferences


Florida Atlantic

Triangle Regional Leadership Conferences

Regional Leadership Conferences (RLCs) are branded with a Transit Logo. The Transit Logo incorporates all active Triangle Fraternity chapters and colonies on separated colored transit routes which lead from the far corners of the United States to Triangle Fraternity’s Headquarters in Plainfield, Indiana. The colors for each line are light blue, orange, red, purple, brown, yellow, pink, and green. The logo exists in vertical and horizontal arrangements. The vertical arrangement of the logo is the primary use logo and it does not crop out any organizations. If space does not allow, the horizontal arrangement may be used. The horizontal arrangement is best suited for letterhead use. The font appearing on the logo is Arial typeface. The word “Triangle” is Arial Bold while all other text is Arial Regular.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Michigan Tech

Mich Toledo Ohio State


Penn State Behrend

ti na cin


rd u


Penn State





Regional Leadership Conference


uc nt Ke




Cal Poly


Missouri Mines UCLA








Georiga Tech







Kansas State



Colorado State

e rd u Pu


UC Irvine


MSOE Marquette


UCLA Cal Poly

UW Milwaukee

Penn State


Missouri Mines


Penn State Behrend


Kansas State

Colorado State





Michigan State




UW Milwaukee

Toledo Ohio State






Iowa State

South Dakota Mines

Oregon State

Regional Leadership Conferences | Host Chapter Logo

Florida Atlantic

Milwaukee/MSOE Regional Leadership Conference

When advertising or promoting Regional Leadership Conferences as a whole, the full color transit logo (previous page) is used. For RLCs hosted at a chapter or colony, a specific logo arrangement is permitted to highlight the host organization. “Transit Lines” which the host institution is on remain colored along with nearby lines which are within acceptable travel distance to the regional event. The title of the host organization’s “stop” is changed from Arial Regular to Arial Bold font and is enlarged as space permits. Chapter or colonies who host a Regional Leadership Conference have their chapter designation replace “Triangle” within the gray title block. Organizations whose name may represent mulitple host locations (i.e. Wisconsin, Cal, Michigan) may have the host city name included with the chapter desigation as pictured above. To the left and right of the organization/location is a square divided and colored equally to the amount of colored lines highlighted on the Regional Leadership Conference Logo. As with the full Regional Leadership Conference logo, Host Chapter logos can be arranged in both a vertical and horizontal manor with the vertical logo acting as the primary graphic element.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

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Herbert F. Scobie Leadership School

The Scie

ip n c e of L e a d e r s h

The Leadership School logo consists of a shield divided into three parts featuring an atom in the upper left, a compass to the right, and a Triangle T at the bottom. These three symbols graphically represent Engineers, Architects, and Scientists. The primary use logo is the horizontal graphical arrangement featured at the top left of the page. Beneath it is the Sketched Leadership School logo, an alternative logo. On the right side of the page is the vertical arrangement of the logo. The primary colors of the Herbert F. Scobie Leadership School logo are Old Rose and Gray with Gray faded to 50% opacity to appear in a lighter tone.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.� Herb Scobie minn32

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Pins & Badges Pledge Pin

Recognition Pin

Member Badge

Top Triangle Recognition Pin

Triangle Fraternity uses a varity of badges and pins to recognize membership and service to the Fraternity. Pictured above are the Pledge Pin, Recognition Pin, Member Badge, and Top Triangle Recognition Pin. Specifications for physical production of Triangle Fraternity’s pins and badges can be found in the Fraternity’s Bylaws, Article 5 (Emblems & Motto). Digital replication of Triangle badges are prohibited. A single physical reproduction of the Member Badge is allowed to act as one house emblem for each chapter. Additional questions about the use of Triangle Pins & Badges, along with other Triangle Fraternity jewelry, can be answered by the National Secretary and the Director of Communications | Brand Standards. Contact information can be found on

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

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Terminology In internal and external communications it is imperative Triangle Fraternity members and non-members understand the significance of certain words, phrases, and abbreviations. The following pages will address official Triangle Fraternity terminology. Membership statuses, while printed in the Brand Standards Guide for ease of reference, are dictated by the Triangle Fraternity’s National Constitution and Bylaws. All other information with the Terminology section may only be found in this brand standards guide. If you have any questions about the use of terminology, contact Triangle Fraternity National Council, National Secretary, or the Director of Communications | Brand Standards. Contact information may be found at the end of the Brand Standards Guide or online at

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.� Herb Scobie minn32

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Member Statuses Initiated Member / Brother A man who has been initiated into Triangle Fraternity. New Member / Pledge A man who has pledged Triangle but has not yet been initiated. Member A brother or pledge of Triangle. Some people and documents may consider the term “member” to only include initiated members, but this usage is deprecated. Active Member A Triangle brother who was a student at time of initiation but has not graduated, left school, or otherwise attained alumnus status. An active member who is participating in a cooperative education program shall continue to be considered an active member of his chapter. The former “Co-Op” status is no longer in use by Triangle. Alumnus A brother who has graduated or otherwise left his university. An active may choose to become an alumni member if he has been an active member for at least four years and has been enrolled as a regular student for four years. Associate Member Associate members may be chosen from men engaged in the engineering, architectural, or approved scientific professions or from men enrolled in graduate degree programs in approved fields of study.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

Member Statuses (continued) Honorary Member Chapter honorary members shall be chosen from engineers, architects, and scientists who have distinguished themselves by at least ten years of outstanding service in teaching, professional practice or research in engineering, architecture, or the approved sciences. National honorary members shall be chosen from engineers, architects and scientists in the approved sciences who have attained recognized national standing in their professions or from those persons who have performed outstanding service for Triangle. Triangle Distinguished Fellow Distinguished fellows may be chosen from: a. men engaged in the engineering, architectural, or approved scientific professions, or b. men who have distinguished themselves by working within a school of engineering, science or architecture for the betterment of the school for many years; or c. men who have distinguished themselves by providing significant financial support to or working for the betterment of a chapter of Triangle for many years; or d. men who are recognized by their peers as qualified individuals, but who, because of a lack of technical education, do not fulfill all of the requirements required for associate membership in the Fraternity. Chapter Eternal Once a Triangle Fraternity brother dies he is considered to have entered Chapter Eternal. His chapter/year designation shall remain unchanged.

Unapproved Statuses Inactive or Semester Leave Typically defined as “taking time off from being a member of Triangle,” Inactive and Semester Leave statuses are not recognized at the National level and their use is prohibited. Once a man is initiated as an active member, he remains an active member, with all the attendant rights and obligations, until he attains alumni status, is expelled, or volutarily terminates his membership in Triangle.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

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Chapter/Year Designations When chapter and initiation year designations are used, the following guidelines must be followed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Proper chapter abbreviations are required for all members. These may be found in the Member Manual or online at All letters shall be lower case. All characters shall be run together with no spaces or apostrophes. No designation shall be used for men who have been expelled or voluntarily terminated their membership. Members who have had their membership reinstated shall retain their original year of initiation.

Written examples of the above guidelines appear in practice below. Wisconsin Pledge wis84 wis84asc wis84tdf wis84hon wis84/natlhon01 wis84hon/natlhon01

Current new member/pledge Member was initiated at Wisconsin in 1984 as an active member Initiated in 1984 as an associate member Initiated in 1984 as a distinguished fellow Initiated in 1984 as a chapter honorary member Initiated in 1984 as an active member, then named as a national honorary in 2001 Initiated in 1984 as a chapter honorary, then named as a national honorary in 2001

Chapter Names The proper form of chapter names shall be as written on the original charter. A change in the name of the institution shall not necessitate a change in the chapter name, but such a change may be made if agreed upon by the chapter and National Council. Chapter names follow the name of the university at the chapter’s founding. Example: Illinois Chapter Armour Chapter (Armour Institute of Technology at chapter founding) A chapter that began as an independent fraternity or club may refer to its organization’s founding name when refering to the organization before it’s merger with Triangle, in historical reference. The name is preceded by “the former” and followed by “current [TITLE] Chapter of Triangle Fraternity”. While Triangle understands that our chapters have rich histories, the use of additional, non-standard chapter names may cause confusion and hinder the concept of a singular fraternity.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

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Engineers | Architects | Scientists

National Entities | Definitions Below is a list of National Entities and their roles as defined by Triangle Fraternity. Further information about and definitions of these roles may be found in the National Constitution and Bylaws of Triangle Fraternity. National Council President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, and six additional Councilmen National Council also appoints an Active Advisor from a pool of undergraduate candidates who takes on the responsibility of improving and maintaining communications between National Council and the active organizations. National Organization Includes National Council, Headquarters staff, and National volunteers. National/Official Family Includes National Organization as well as past staff, volunteers, and Councilmen who have remained interested and involved with the activities of the national organization. National Fraternity Triangle as a nationwide organization; essentially all chapters, members, and staff. National Meeting Triangle’s annual summer gathering, either the National Convention or the Herbert F. Scobie Leadership School. National Headquarters Reference to Triangle Fraternity’s national office of central Fraternity operations. Formerly refered to as the “National Office,” Triangle Fraternity began using the term National Headquarters in 1997 when the current headquarters was established in Plainfield, Indiana.

Additional Information Ritual “Ritual” should be capitalized when referring to the specific Triangle initiation ceremony or document. Coat of Arms vs. Crest In heraldry, the crest is the symbol atop a knight’s helmet. Accordingly, the Triangle crest is the Triangle T, with or without the mountains and the rising sun. The Triangle coat of arms is the full symbol, including the shield, mantling, motto, and crest.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

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Retired Branding Over the years Triangle Fraternity has launched and retired several branding campaigns to graphically represent the Fraternity. These classic images may show up now and again but they are no longer used as a means to actively brand Triangle Fraternity. As materials containing past brand campaigns dwindle Triangle Fraternity requires that replacement materials conform to the current standards outlined in the Brand Standards Guide. If you have any questions about the use of materials with out-of-date branding or replacement contact Triangle Fraternity Headquarters and the Director of Communications | Brand Standards. Contact information may be found at the end of the Brand Standards Guide or online at

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.� Herb Scobie minn32

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Centered Coat of Arms Letterhead

The Coat of Arms centered between “TRIANGLE” and “FRATERNITY” was once a popular letterhead used amongst Triangle Fraternity chapters and the National Office. This image is currently retired. Letterheads using the image of the Coat of Arms should conform to the standards set forth on Page 16 of the Brand Standards Guide.

Triangle T with Helvetica Wordmark TRIANGLE FRATERNITY

While similar to the current Traditional Wordmark, the Triangle T with “TRIANGLE FRATERNITY” pictured above no longer conforms to Triangle Fraternity’s brand standards as the typeface used is Helvetica Bold and not Times New Roman.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

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Black & White Branding

Triangle Fraternity’s Black and White Branding campaign was retired in 2011. While chapters and colonies may still possess print materials from the Black and White era, when those materials are exhausted Triangle Fraternity requires new print media to conform to current branding standards. Any presence of the Black and White Branding campaign on digital media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, websites, etc.) is now prohibited and should be updated immediately to reflect the standards of the current Triangle Globe Logo or Fraternity insignias.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.� Herb Scobie minn32

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Custom Designs There are a number of licensed vendors who can facilitate the production of a custom-designed apparel, printed communications, digital media, and more. Licensed vendors have a contractual obligation to follow Triangle Fraternity’s branding standards and have permission to use Triangle Fraternity’s name, Coat of Arms, logos, and insignias. The use of unlicensed vendors is prohibited. Unlicensed vendors may be found guilty of infringing upon Triangle Fraternity’s rights. Triangle Fraternity organizations who use unlicensed vendors are subject to discipline by Triangle Fraternity Headquarters and National Council. To identify if a vendor is licensed to use Triangle Fraternity’s images look for the “Official Licensed Product” seal (pictured top left) and visit Affinity Consultants at

Approval Process 1. 2. 3. 4.

Member contacts a licensed vendor to create a customized object or print a chapter/colony designed object. Licensed vendor develops design and submits design proof to Affinity Consultants for approval. If the design meets fraterity standards, Affinity approves design. Designer submits proof to chapter/colony. If design DOES NOT meet standards, Affinity submits design to Triangle Fraternity Headquarters for approval.

Unacceptable Brand/Insignia Uses All printed and non-printed materials, including but not limited to signage, chapter correspondence, t-shirts, chapter event themes, web pages, social networking sites, etc., for all Triangle Fraternity organizations, or that can be reasonably associated with a Triangle Fraternity organization, shall contain words, pictures, designs, or symbols that promote behavior and activities that are consistent with the Fraternity’s Constitution, Bylaws, Fraternity Regulations, Oath, Ritual and Code of Ethics, and portray Triangle Fraternity in a positive light. Designs which reference alcohol or drug use, discriminate against a particular group, or infringe upon another entity’s trademarks or copywritten images are prohibited.

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

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Contact Triangle Fraternity Headquarters and the Director of Communications | Brand Standards are responsible for overseeing responsible brand management of Triangle Fraternity’s identity, rights, and trademarks.. If you have a question or comment please feel free to inquire using the contact information below: Triangle Fraternity Headquarters c/o Director of Communications | Brand Standards 120 S Center Street Plainfield, IN 46168 (317) 837-9640 If you wish to become a licensed vendor for Triangle Fraternity please visit or use the contact below: Affinity Consultants 3231-C Business Park Drive #300 Vista, CA 92081 (760) 734-6764 Additional contact information may be found on Triangle Fraternity’s website,

“In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men.” Herb Scobie minn32

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