KPA Port position 05th December 2016

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Port 05th December, 2016 Today’s Shipping Position

Berth Ship Name

Types Of Cargo

Date of Expected Date Arrival of Departure

1 3 5

Cars & Containers Bulk Wheat General Containers Bulk Fertilizer Cars Bulk Clinker LPG Mix General General General Containers Containers Containers Containers Containers Containers Bulk Flousper Bulk Flousper Mogas

03/12 03/12 30/11 01/12 02/12 05/12 28/11 02/12 30/11 02/12 28/11 03/12 01/12 05/12 04/12 02/12 04/12 02/12 05/12 01/12

Jolly Quarzo African Blue Crane Saga Andorinha MSC Lara Ultra Africa 7 Hoegh Brasilia 9 LMZ Vega 10 SOT DL Zinnia Kota Bakii 11 Fatima 12 Al Laal 14 Marie Delmas 16 Kota Gaya 17 Hugo Schulte Ever Delight 18 MSC Positano 21 TG Poseidon MBK IVS Phinda Dena 1 KOT Theodosia

05/12 05/12 05/12 06/12 07/12 06/12 05/12 08/11 07/12 03/12 06/12 07/12 05/12 08/12 07/12 05/12 07/12 06/12 07/12 08/12

Expected Vessels for week 05th December to 11th December 2016

Ship Name

Types Of Cargo

Expected Date of Arrival

Hoegh Brasilia Hugo Schulte Delmas Keta MSC Lana Kota Manis M SC Noa JS Missouri Asian Glory Lyme Bays CSLS Brisbane Benjams Naree Caledonia Fonaula Jolly Perla Ryujin JS Mekong Hermes

Cars Containers Containers Containers Containers Containers Bulk Coal Cars Containers Containers Steel Product Bulk Sorghum Bulk Clinker Cars & Containers Cars Bulk Clinker Containers

05/12 05/11 06/12 06/12 07/12 07/12 07/12 07/12 08/12 08/12 10/12 10/12 11/12 11/12 11/12 11/12 11/12

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