Port 7th September, 2017 Today’s Shipping Position
Berth 1 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 20 21 SOT KOT
Ship Name
Types Of Cargo
Date of Arrival
Iliana Bright Koiwa Lisa Topic Grand Victory Hoegh Sydney Ken Moonys Nikkei Dragon Sumatra Ever Precious Jin Hao Esbjerg Spring Rainbow Draco Ocean MSC Chiara Maersk Izmir MSC Lara MSC Kerry Kota Tampan Duck Hunter MSC Lara Nord Intelligence Raysut
Bulk Sugar Bulk White Maize Bulk Wheat Cars D. Units Bagged Sugar Bulk Fertilizer Bulk Sugar Bulk Coal Steel Products General Cargo Bulk Corn D. Bulk Fertilizer Containers Containers Containers Containers Containers Containers Containers Gas Oil Gas oil
21/08 25/08 13/08 05/09 06/09 13/08 11/08 13/08 25/08 14/08 30/08 18/07 11/08 03/09 04/09 05/09 04/09 04/09 07/09 05/09 22/08 18/08
Expected Date of Departure
15/09 13/09 11/09 07/09 07/09 08/09 13/09 13/09 11/09 08/09 09/09 15/09 09/09 08/09 07/09 08/09 07/09 09/09 09/09 08/09 10/09 11/09
Expected Vessels for week 4th September to 10th September 2017 – Daily Shipping Update
Ship Name
Types Of Cargo
Expected Date of Arrival
Toledo Alicia Duck Hunter Bulk Ecuador Noro Indiana Bulker MSC Denisse Anna Kota Tampan Royal Chiba Noble Ace Ekarma Livorno GH Zephyr
Cars Steel products Containers Bulk Wheat Containers Bulk Fertilizer Containers Containers Containers Steel Products D. Units Imo Class 1 Containers Containers
The Port Position is a Corporate Affairs Department E- Document
06/09 07/09 07/09 07/09 08/09 08/09 09/09 09/09 09/09 09/09 10/09 10/09 10/09 10/09