Newsletter of the Lake Pend Oreille School District
At Southside Elementary, it’s full STEAM ahead!
tudents at Southside Elementary School in the Lake Pend Oreille School District are getting a huge boost for their educational pursuits - in large part thanks to the efforts of Southside school librarian and technology teacher Lynette Leonard. Not only did she help implement the STEAM (incorporates Arts into Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) curriculum at the school, Leonard was also one of two Idaho educators honored for their efforts this past year by the Idaho STEM Action Center with the INDEEDS (Industry’s Excellent Educators Dedicated to STEM) award. The kudos are well-deserved, as Leonard is passionate about the STEAM curriculum and its benefits for local students. “The whole purpose is to help our kids gain the skills to be competitive with the rest of the nation,” Leonard said. “Our program is wonderful.” So what does the STEAM curriculum look like? “Southside students take STEAM classes every Thursday, and get to choose the enrichment programs that sound interesting to them,” she explained. “Teachers decide what they’re going to teach, and let
students fill out first choice, second choice, and third choice. The students get into one of their three choices. For example, there’s 3D printing, claymation, paper-making, gardening.” A unique feature about Southside’s program is that it is multi-age, available for students from kindergarten through sixth grade. She said the school’s STEAM program started about five years ago with some of Southside’s teachers. “They had this vision Continued on back page
Lynette Leonard
Message from your Superintendent: Priorities for the year
appy New Year! I hope this message finds everyone well as we are in the midst of winter and close to completing the midway point of the 2019-20 school year. I appreciate the great parent/guardian support each school receives as we create a working partnership in every student’s education. The two most important factors for a student’s success are the relationship each teacher creates within the classroom community of learners and the level of involvement parents/ guardians have in the student’s education outside the classroom – those impromptu discussions around the dinner table and/or in the car about learning go a long way towards safeguarding a positive attitude about learning and problem-solving. Midway through the year is also a good time to revisit the Lake Pend Oreille School District’s five priorities set by the school board based on extensive community input. • Ensure academic success for every student • Engage our communities • Recruit, train, and retain highly effective personnel
• Utilize resources effectively and be fiscally responsible • Provide safe and innovative learning environments These priorities cannot happen without our community’s continuous support – THANK YOU! We are a unique district geographically which proudly support our rural schools in providing an education in smaller environments closer to students’ residences. In addition, I am proud of the important focus on each student working toward proficiency in reading, writing, math, and science as well as the transition of secondary students being prepared and ready for college and/or career. Given this focus, LPOSD staff will work extremely hard to provide students with the opportunities to achieve Tom Albertson these goals. LPOSD #84 Superintendent