Science Circuit
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) careers are in demand and pay well. Getting the key skills related to these majors is only part of what businesses are seeking. Employers want young people with “soft” skills like: •
Communication and cooperation skills to listen and interact on a team
Creative thinking skills to solve problems
Leadership experience to manage projects and service customers
Organizational skills to develop plans and track budgets
Science teacher Mamie Brubaker is creating a program that flexes all these skills.
he broader goal of the Science Circuit is to bridge the gap between K-12 STEM education and the tremendous career opportunities in STEM fields.
Seeing is believing! These pictures tell the story of the Sandpoint High School Science Circuit. Mrs. Brubaker and her Honors Chemistry students engaged nearly 500 students and local professionals in an exciting and
Volcanoes: Grace Hicks and Addilyn House measure carbon dioxide levels at different stages of a volcanic eruption.
interactive science fair. The event is staged like a science museum with over 30 handson, wild science exhibits; some staffed by students, and some by local Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) professionals. High school students assume a unique position as mentor for young science enthusiasts while meeting their own role models or potential future employers.
Methane bubbles: Hannemae Witthaus holds an exploding bubble of methane gas to illustrate the impact of this greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.
The independent study consists of three components: research, career exploration, and creation of a hands-on science demonstration. Nearly 500 5th and 6th graders from across LPOSD were bussed to Sandpoint High School. For 90 minutes, with scavenger hunt in hand, students moved through the Science Circuit. Participants enjoyed tasting liquid nitrogen ice cream, feeling the awesome power of static electricity, experiencing exploding hydrogen, understanding why volcanoes erupt, witnessing the latest developments in solar cell technology, and so much more. Organizing a Science Circuit is a gigantic project management opportunity. Students assume real-world roles as they work together to develop the time line, budget, social media marketing campaign, press release, STEM statistics for presentations, and the venue for the Science Circuit.
Honors Chemistry students pose with teacher Mamie Brubaker during the Science Circuit to share their enthusiasm. After weeks of planning and coordination, the big day is finally here! Left to right: Hadley Marshall, Mamie Brubaker, Claire Shaha, Kieran Wilder, Niah Brass and Jezza Hutto.
It is impossible to overstate the inspiration and dreams that will materialize from the Sandpoint High School Science Circuit.
Fish tanks: Kieran Wilder demonstrates the effects of acid rain while measuring pH levels in two different fish habitats.
Red fabric circle/marble: Elementary students use a rolling marble to visually simulate general relativity and gravity.
Collaborative Math Classroom [a follow-up]
ollaborative Math Classroom Coach Kathy Prummer has now delivered her technique and process to over 25 math leaders across the Lake Pend Oreille School District. We asked Kathy to share her findings.
worked closely with Kathy, the vast majority of classes showed higher than expected growth and higher levels of proficiency in problem solving and communicating mathematical reasoning.
Why it works? “Collaboration is the foundation for
What has changed for our teachers? Evidence
trust between coach, teacher, and student. Once in place, trust creates a culture of growing together as co-learners. It encourages teachers and students to try hard things, accept mistakes, and persevere. Success in solving hard problems creates motivation for students to go back again and again to difficult problem solving situations. By supporting their struggles, we give students the necessary tools for future success in math and life.”
What are the students saying? “We knew they believed in us because they asked us to do hard things.”
What were the goals? “Math achievement scores were flat and in some cases moving backwards. The goal is to empower teachers with new skills and make learning math fun!”
What are the results? Of the 25 teachers who
shows: Teachers have improved their ability to plan lessons that more deeply engage students. Plus they’ve developed new techniques and added more rigor to math instruction. And, their increased confidence in turn, gives students more confidence.
You make it happen. Your support is helping develop the Collaborative Math Classroom in every elementary school in the Lake Pend Oreille School District. Kathy Prummer engaged with students.
Early Childhood Literacy READY! for Kindergarten
Books for Babies
Books for Babies is a partnership between the Panhandle Alliance for Education, Bonner General Health, and the Sandpoint Library. Books for Babies ensures that all parents receive important information about reading to their newborn including a first library card, an ageappropriate book, and an invitation to attend READY! for Kindergarten.
hree hundred families learned to play with a purpose in READY! for Kindergarten workshops in 2018. Parents receive training, toys, books and bright ideas to inspire their zero to five year olds for a lifelong love of learning. Over 90% of READY! “graduates” enter kindergarten testing at or above readiness levels, compared to just 55% in Idaho.
Newborns are sent home with a selection of gifts and brochures. 4
2018 Teacher Grant Awards
The Annual Teacher Grant Awards gives our teachers access to funding to do something extraordinary in their classrooms. Teachers have delivered an amazing array of enrichment opportunities for their students. Here are just a few examples of their grant projects: Solar Powered Grand Prix, CSI Forensic Science, Monarch Butterfly Habitat, Creating Lifelong Writers, Culinary Arts Equipment, Future Diplomats, Broadway Play Royalties, plus 35 more in 2018. It is unique experiences like these that inspire students to dream big. Your financial help has sponsored over 691 teacher grants since 2003. Below are three examples of how teacher grants are changing students’ lives:
Grant: CyberPatriot PCs Award: $2,800 CyberPatriot is the National Youth Cyber Education Program that allows high school teams to compete in securing compromised computers. Sandpoint’s opponents operated faster and more powerful PCs which gave the opposition a decisive advantage. Sandpoint’s longer load times and system crashes used up valuable minutes during competition. But with PAFE grant funding, Alex Gray’s Teams were able to upgrade their PC processors and memory in time for their tournaments. Results: Of Sandpoint’s three CyberPatriot Teams, our students placed first, second, and third in the state. Our first place team went on to place in the top 20% in the nation, competing against 4,400 teams overall.
Grant: Keep Reading This Summer Award: $2,500 LeeAnn Kopsa’s grant helps students avoid the “summer slide.” Studies show when children do not read during the summer, they lose as much as three months of reading fluency. PAFE grant funding helped students enjoy access to the school library during the summer to build and maintain their reading and computer skills. Staffing costs and learning incentives helped Mrs. Kopsa create a local, safe, and fun atmosphere. Results: There were 612 children who attended the Summer Reading Program, with most attending multiple times. Over 3,000 reading hours were recorded; the majority of students were from pre-K to 3rd grade. A total of 468 books were circulated during the summer months.
Grant: Performing Arts, Sousaphone Award: $3,250 Band teacher Aaron Gordon: “Two years ago we had to retire our 20-year-old Sousaphone because the duct tape could not hold it together. I would love to provide the whole band with at least one Sousaphone to experience what a full and true pep band sounds like.” Results: “Wow, I did not know that music could bring tears to audiences.” -Pep Band student
Citizens, businesses and educators building an independent, community-based foundation for public schools. About The Panhandle Alliance for Education The Panhandle Alliance for Education (PAFE) is the designated education foundation for the Lake Pend Oreille School District #84. PAFE was created in 2003 to promote community and financial support for our students and educators. The State of Idaho’s per capita funding for public education ranks 49th among the fifty states in the U.S. There simply are not enough dollars to keep Idaho public schools competitive with the rest of the country. The state is tapped out, and federal funding is a minor player at less than ten percent of the $32.8 million district budget. This discrepancy is a challenge that can only be resolved with individual and local support.
Mission Our mission is to promote excellence in education and broad-based community support for the Lake Pend Oreille School District. As an independent organization, we will create and sustain an Âendowment to provide resources in support of effective teaching, learning and school management.
Letter from the President 2018 marked a year of discovery for the Panhandle Alliance for Education. After fifteen years of promoting excellence in education and community support for the Lake Pend Oreille School District, it was time to revisit our strategy. After all, issues and educational needs have changed since our formation back in 2003. It was also an ideal opportunity to look to our future, and to be thoughtful in the ways we can increase our positive impact throughout the area. We engaged in creative visioning and discussion, surveyed our community, listened to you, our donors, prioritized many opportunities, and set some realistic goals. We are enthusiastic about the future for the students and educators here in our extraordinary community. I hope you will stay involved, and stay passionate about giving our children every opportunity to succeed. You can read the PAFE Vision Statement here: - Geraldine Lewis
2018 Board of Directors Panhandle Alliance for Education Board of Directors and staff for 2018 includes educators, business leaders, parents, and thoughtful citizens. Front row from left: Julie Reister-Keaton, Stefanie Nostdahl, Marcia Wilson, Erin Roos, Wendy Dunn Second row: Tom Puckett, Amy Longanecker, Patty Staglund, Lisa Blaese, Mary Weber-Quinn, Geraldine Lewis Back row: Matt Mire, Chris Bessler, Kendon Perry, Ross Longhini, Kelly Prior, Shawn Woodward, Brent Eacret, Christian Groenke, Joe Williams Not present for photo: Caleb Bowman, Angie Brass, Allison Gilmore, Megan Johnson, Travis Kaul, Toby McLaughlin and Pierce Smith 6
2017/2018 Financial Highlights Total Communications, Ed & Awareness Total Fundraising Total Administrative Expense Total Program Expenses (excluding Endowment) Endowment
Grant Revenue $26,207 Endowment Revenue 145,485 $415,485 Fundraising Donation Revenue 80,224
12% 4%
Grant Revenue
Donation Revenue
13,683 157,819 15,840 327,515 175,500
Grant Revenu
Endowment Revenue
Endowment R Fundraising
Total Communications, Ed & Awareness
Donation Rev
Fundraising Events Revenue
Total Fundraising
Communications & Education Total Administrative Expense
Total Program Expenses Grants awarded (excluding Endowment)
to teachers since our inception in 2003
2013-2018 Program and Endowment Investments 600000
Teacher Grants Strategic Programs Endowment Contributions Total Investments
Leave a Legacy Have you considered leaving a legacy to the children in our community?
Building our endowment
Adding to your will or estate plan is a simple act with exciting consequences. In fact, legacy gifts generate much of the philanthropy that is at work today – right here in our community. When you leave a charitable bequest you create a personal legacy that endures forever.
Leave a
LegFor about acyan informative brochure Give us a call; we be happy to set ’d For The endowment is a secure financial strategy and your adding to yourmeeti will, callupthe a consid eratiocharity ng: 208-263-7040 n: ensures savings are invested wisely to produce cash flow Panhandle Alliance for Education at PAFE honors you Making a donatio r charitable for future needs in perpetuity. A portion of revenues are 4. obje n ctiv208-263-7040. es. is easy. deposited each year into the endowment. Commitment to growing our endowment ensures the permanence Any amount is we Go online to read our Vision lcome. of the Panhandle Alliance for Education and our h you give is 5. upHowto muc you. Statement. It’s the dream that drives us. commitment to the children in the Lake Pend Oreille School District. Gift a variety of At your direction, a regional comm unity foundation manage your gift. will You the endowment fund can set up a new fund, or help grow s PAFE established Idaho Communi in 2003 through ty Foundation and the the Community Foun dation. Grants from Inland Northwest can be directed to any of these optio ns a special concern that is near and dear you, doing the good to you intended it to generation. do - generation after
It’s not the size of your pens next, once your initial gift that matters; it’s what hapgift begins to work professionals mana . Skilled investmen ge your gift to prod t come and ample uce both steady ingrow ends up doing more th. Under this model, your bequ est good every year. At PAFE, we like ing it easy for anyo makne to become a phila what is so wonderful nthropist, and that’s about bequests.
The endowment now stands at $3,505,899. Our goal is to reach $5 million to help fund education in perpetuity.
Your gift today.
The white dot repre sents your rives for work in the endowment fund gift today as it ar.
$ $ $
$ $ $
$ = $ $ $
Your gift in 50
$ $ $
$ $ $
You can do it today with a call to your Or give Panhandle lawyer. Alliance a call at 208-2637040. We can answ er your questions and help you find an attor ney if needed.
Individual bequests to for Education Fund the Panhandle Alliance can be any amou nt. To join our Founders Fund, a minimum pledge $5,000 is required. To set up your own of at one of the comm fund unity foundation s, a minimum pledge of $25,0 00 over five years cally required. is typi-
You can make a chari table bequest by leaving: • Specific cash amou nt.
• Financial investment s, such as stocks, bond s or CDs. • Percentage of your
estate or assets. • Something you own, such as art, jewelry or copyrights.
Thank you Litehouse Foods for donating the proceeds from the Litehouse Charity Golf Classic to the Panhandle Alliance for Education. The following community sponsors who participated in the tournament include Lewis and Hawn Excellence in Dentistry, Realm Partners Real Estate, Sandpoint Title Insurance, Trinity at City Beach, Farm Bureau Insurance and Financial Services, Clearwater Gear, and Pierce Auto Sales.
Adding to your will or estate plan is a simple act with exciting consequenc es. In fact, legacy gifts gen erate much of the philanthropy that is at work today - righ t here in our community.
• Or you can make Panhandle Allian ce the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement plan. *Subject to the Panhan dle
The green dots repre sent the opportuni ty for growth in princ pal over 50 years, while ichildren in our comm at the same time making grants to the unity and netting out fees. *Assumes average rates of return over time.
Special Contributors
Leave a Legacy
Alliance Gift Accept ance
Gala Sponsors: 2018 Summer Sunset Gala sponsors include: Litehouse Foods, Tomlinson Sotheby’s Real Estate, Trinity at City Beach, Mountain West Bank, Family Health Center, Spires at Schweitzer, and Lewis and Hawn Excellence in Dentistry.
Grants Received: Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Foundation, Dennis & Phyllis Washington Foundation, Idaho Community Foundation, Innovia, STCU, Steele-Reese Foundation, and Wells Fargo Foundation.
Panhandle Alliance for Education | P.O. Box 1675 | Sandpoint, ID 83864 | 208-263-7040 For information contact Marcia Wilson, Executive Director. Or visit our website at
You do itable bequest (g relatively modest small fortune with bution will gener a children in our co programs at the L cide how your gift
Your im never e
An endowment is fo can still be giving to you endow a gift fro something permanen endowments conti nu That’s what you are generations and cen choose to direct your
Give wha your heir
Often, a charitable be Specifying a perce ntage individuals wish to put bequest.” The residu ar all the designated gifts ly-friendly way to inclu suring that your heirs ta