Pine Street Woods

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A Community Forest Your Gift Will Help Preserve it Forever



Getting People Outside for Healthy, Happy Lives


s the population in Bonner County grows, the open spaces that residents could once easily reach to hike, bike, run, picnic, and connect with nature are being developed and placed off-limits. More than half of the children and adults here don’t or can’t experience nature – the available natural spaces are too far from town, the terrain is too rugged for their level of wellness or ability, or trailheads are too difficult to access. Many others already thrive outdoors, but with limited space close to town, they can’t get out as often or for as long as they’d like. The people of our community need and will use areas in nature, close to the heart of our community, to improve their health, happiness and overall quality of life. Pine Street Woods, 160 acres of wide open meadows and forests with varied terrain, just minutes from town, is the ideal natural setting to meet all of these needs. Kaniksu Land Trust (KLT) has the rare and exciting opportunity to purchase it right now.

(208) 263-9471




160-Acre Natural Space Preserved for Our Community Forever


he opportunity to secure and set aside a large natural space, just minutes from Sandpoint, is rare and unlikely to happen again. KLT has a strong history of linking community and conservation, and providing educational and wellness programs that connect people of all ages with nature. We are the right organization with the experience and knowledge to acquire and preserve Pine Street Woods for the use of all people here ‌ forever. Joe Weisz, a local rancher, sees the wisdom of community conservation and preservation over development. KLT has a purchase agreement with Weisz, for the 160-acre Pine Street Woods, for $1.8 Million. We must raise the capital and complete the purchase by spring of 2019. Contributions toward the purchase of Pine Street Woods are being accepted now. 208-263-9471 (208) 263-9471


Making it Easy to Get Active Outdoors Pine Street Woods

Sherwood Forest



Sherwood Forest

U.S. HWY. 2





S. U.

2 Y. HW



U.S. HWY. 95

• 160 acres of mixed terrain: meadows, woodlands, hills • Adjacent to trail area known as the Sherwood Forest 208-263-9471 (208) 263-9471 5



Connecting People to Nature for a Better Quality of Life 6


he mixed terrain of Pine Street Woods will offer trails for varied interests and fitness levels – a casual stroll, a serious hike, or anything in between can be enjoyed on the pristine property. You can be on a trail a few seconds after leaving your car in the Pine Street Woods parking area. Imagine 160 acres of day-camps, experiential education, habitat preservation, KLT programs, family get-togethers, and a host of other outdoor activities not available today this close to Sandpoint: • Gather with the entire family

• Improve overall wellness

• Artist showings and events

• Appreciate unspoiled nature

• Walk, hike, run, bike

• Snowshoe and cross-country ski

• KLT educational programs

• Walk the dog

In addition to improved trails with great signage, there will be parking right at the trailheads, making Pine Street Woods easily accessible for people of all ages.

(208) 263-9471




Programs that Instill a Love of Nature


hrough KLT programming at Pine Street Woods, more people will be inspired to value, protect and enjoy the natural world for this and generations to come.

K-12 Outdoor Education: Delivering an award-winning, interdisciplinary science curriculum to hundreds of area school children.

We partner with a variety of organizations to promote and improve the health and vitality of the rural communities we serve. Pine Street Woods will be the permanent home for ongoing KLT outreach, education and healthy-living programs such as:

Storywalk™: Inspiring kids and their parents to get outside, reading and exercising together. Pages from children’s books are sequenced along a trail.

Camp Kaniksu: Connects young people to nature and includes hiking, mapping and navigation, learning about local flora and fauna, and how to be safe outdoors. Games and time for fun in the outdoors is crucial for instilling a love of nature in children.

Outreach: Providing outdoor programs for underserved populations in low-key, non-threatening ways, such as blueberry picking, hiking, or visiting working farms. Pine Street Woods is ideal for engaging the entire community in pursuing a more vibrant lifestyle outdoors and gaining an appreciation for the value of unspoiled land. The best part is, it’s right here in our own back yard.

Park RX: Partnering with healthcare practitioners who write prescriptions for more than 100 local medical patients to get outside in nature as a treatment for chronic illness. 208-263-9471 Program Info: (208) 263-9471




Your Contribution Provides Unspoiled Land for Our Community to Use and Enjoy Forever



he Pine Street Woods project budget total is $2.1 million, with $1.8 million for land acquisition and $300,000 for stewardship and initial improvements – access road, parking, trails and signage. KLT has already received generous contributions and pledges from: LOR Foundation, Equinox Foundation and the USDA’s Community Forest Program, totaling $1.5 million.

Community Forest Pro

Summary of Program Spec

The Equinox Foundation has also created a $100,000 Overview: Through the Community Forest and Open Space Conservat Gift Fund that will match private donor contributions. For Program or CFP), the Forest Service is authorized to provide financ governments, Indian tribes, and qualified nonprofit organizations instance, if you contribute $10,000, with the matching community forests that provide defined benefits. gift your money will be doubled and Pine Street Woods Authorization: CFP is authorized by Section 8003 of the Food, Conserv Law 110-234); which amends the Cooperative Forestry Assistance Forest Service to establish the CFP. will get $20,000!

Implementation:  Implementing regulations were published in the Federal Regis  First Request for Applications issued in February 2012.  CFP was funded $500,000 in FY10, $1 million in FY11, $2 millio  FY10, 11 and 12 monies were combined to fund ten projects fu  Five projects funded in FY 13.  President’s request for FY14 is $4 million.

We seek to raise $600,000 from local businesses and private individuals, like you. Eligible Entities:

 Local governments- Any municipal government, county govern With your help, we can purchase the 160-acre Pine jurisdiction over local land use decisions.  Indian Tribes- Federally recognized Indian tribes and Alaska Na  Qualified nonprofit organizations- Consistent with Section 170 Street Woods to immediately improve the quality of life operates in accordance with one or more of the conservation for all citizens and provide unspoiled outdoor Eligible space for Land:  Private forest lands that are threatened by conversion to non future generations. Your investment will last forever. the United States, and can provide defined community benefit 

Donate: (208) 263-9471

Forest lands: Lands that are at least five acres in size, suitab least 75 percent forested. Forests are determined by both th nonforest uses.

Program Specifics:  Requires a 50% non-federal match.  

 

Requires public access, which may be limited to protect resour Requires involving the community when establishing the comm forest plan, and deciding on long-term management needs. Focuses on community benefit, including economic benefits re management, recreational benefits secured with public access based experiential learning, and replicable models of effective CFP complements the Forest Service’s existing land acquisition each program engaging unique partners and utilizing different

Summary of Program Specifics



Pine Street Woods : PINE STREET Woods Inspiring People to Value, Protect and Enjoy the Natural World



ine Street Woods is unlike any other natural setting available in the Sandpoint area. The people here will use this natural space to improve their health, happiness and overall quality of life while gaining an appreciation for and connection with nature. Please consider a gift today to help make Pine Street Woods a reality for our community forever!

Photo credits: Scott Rulander cover and page 1, Fiona Hicks pages 2, 7, 8 and 10. 208-263-9471 Donate: (208) 263-9471


While progress should never come to a halt, there are many places it should never come to at all. -Paul Newman 208-263-9471 1215 Michigan, Suite A PO Box 2123 Sandpoint, ID 83864

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