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/ November 21, 2018
(wo)MAN compiled by
Susan Drinkard
on the street
What are you grateful for this Thanksgiving? “I am grateful I can climb trees with no branches and also poles.” Joe Neff Fourth grader at Farmin-Stidwell Sandpoint
“I was laid off about six months ago. While actively looking for a job, I have been enjoying the time I have had with my family.” Emily Neff Manufacturing engineer Sandpoint
DEAR READERS, Even unsentimental newspapermen like myself get one saccharine column a year (it’s in the journalism code of ethics), and since it’s the season, I’d like to share what has me thankful. First and foremost, I’m thankful for my great team here at the Reader. Jodi, our ad director, is essential to keeping the lights on at this joint, and we appreciate her professionalism in working with our advertisers. With Ben Olson, the publisher, gone for several weeks, our partners at Keokee Publishing are lending us some much-needed assistance on ad design. And most of all, I want to thank our ace reporter, Lyndsie Kiebert, for doing a hell of a job the past two weeks. She’s taken on responsibilities well beyond her job description during this understaffed period, and her work ethic has been nothing short of inspiring. Young people: They’re doing alright, folks. Speaking of Ben, I’m thankful he brought this newspaper back, not to mention all the work he does to keep it running. The reason we all go a little nuts when he’s gone is because he does so much of the work himself, including several of the most painful chores. He deserves every day of the vacation he’s taking. I’m thankful for Sandpoint. Somehow this town persuaded me to spend close to a decade of my life here, and I have no regrets. The friends and relationships I’ve made here will always be close to my heart. My family certainly deserves some credit for putting up with a personality as idiosyncratic as mine, and I look forward to seeing them soon. What else, what else? Well, I’m thankful for internet memes. I’m thankful that “Twin Peaks” got another season. Beer is worth a thank you or two, and now that this paper is done, I think I’ll have one. Cheers! -Cameron Rasmusson, Editor
“Well, I must say that I am thankful for my little girl. She is the light of my life. I’m also grateful for my friends who love me, and music. Music saves my life.” Thomas Smith Cook Sandpoint
“I am grateful for my sovereignty.” Rachel Cernick Mentor for young adults Sandpoint
“I’d say Sandpoint. I walk around our town a lot and I appreciate the people here. You may not like everything that people here do, but this community is like a family.”
READER 111 Cedar Street, Suite 9 Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208)265-9724
www.sandpointreader.com Publisher: Ben Olson ben@sandpointreader.com Editor: Cameron Rasmusson cameron@sandpointreader.com Zach Hagadone (emeritus) John Reuter (emeritus) Advertising: Jodi Berge Jodi@sandpointreader.com Contributing Artists: Bill Borders, Jodi Rawson, Joanna Kosinska Contributing Writers: Cameron Rasmusson, Ben Olson, Lyndsie Kiebert, Nick Gier, Jodi Rawson, Toni Kolb, Phil Hough, Brenden Bobby, Susan Bates-Harbuck, Mindy Cameron, Sandy Compton, Lizbeth Turley Fausnight, Marcia Pilgeram Submit stories to: stories@sandpointreader.com Printed weekly at: Griffin Publishing Spokane, Wash. Subscription Price: $95 per year Web Content: Keokee The Sandpoint Reader is a weekly publication owned and operated by Ben Olson and Keokee. It is devoted to the arts, entertainment, politics and lifestyle in and around Sandpoint, Idaho. We hope to provide a quality alternative by offering honest, in-depth reporting that reflects the intelligence and interests of our diverse and growing community. The Reader is printed on recycled paper using soy-based ink. Leftover copies are collected and recycled weekly, or burned in massive bonfires to appease the gods of journalism. Free to all, limit two copies per person.
Sandpoint Reader letter policy: The Sandpoint Reader welcomes letters to the editor on all topics. Requirements: –No more than 400 words –Letters may not contain excessive profanity or libelous material. Please elevate the discussion. Letters will be edited to comply with the above requirements. Opinions expressed in these pages are those of the writers, not necessarily the publishers. Email letters to: letters@sandpointreader.com Check us out on the web at: www.sandpointreader.com Like us on Facebook. About the Cover
This week’s cover is by Joanna Kosinska.
Mario Bushell Housekeeper Sandpoint November 21, 2018 /
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County P&Z approves Sagle asphalt plant determined that the proposed plant was in compliance with By Lyndsie Kiebert the county’s comprehensive Reader Staff plan and current code. Several Sagle residents, The Bonner County Planning and Zoning Commission most of whom said they could see the pit from their homes, approved a conditional use spoke against the proposed permit for an asphalt batch plant and urged the commisplant in Sagle after a well-attended and emotional hearing sion to deny the conditional use permit. Reasons ranged Thursday, Nov. 15. from personal health to propThe batch plant, to be used erty values. by Interstate Concrete and “I am in complete opposiAsphalt, would be located just tion because my life depends off Highway 95 in the Linon it,” said Jonna Plante, scott gravel pit. Interstate has who has multiple sclerosis. long used materials from the pit in their asphalt and is now Over-stimulation causes her symptoms to flare, so Plante proposing to process those said she chose her home in materials in the same location to help mitigate the extra Sagle specifically for seclumiles it takes to move them to sion from light, sound and other stimulants she expects the company’s current batch from the batch plant. plant in Sandpoint. Alex Murray, who lives “We want to reduce annual wear and tear on these routes,” within half a mile of the Linscott pit, said he speaks from said Interstate’s Engineer of experience when opposing Record Steve Syrcle. “We all the asphalt plant. Interstate conduct our lives on asphalt has been approved to use concrete pavement.” the pit for temporary asphalt The Bonner County Planprocessing in the past, and at ning Department staff report, those times Murray said the which was presented at the plant could be heard from his hearing prior to comments,
home. “I can say with authority that you can hear the operations,” he said. “This is clearly the wrong location.” Interstate said that they could not find any public records of complaints during those temporary operations, and also noted that in their tests of batch plant noise levels, the proposed plant would be 4-8 decibels quieter than the rock crushing plant already located on the Sagle property. Come time for the commission to vote on the permit, the only requested edit to Interstate’s proposal was a change in operation start time from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. Commissioners Brian Bailey and Suzanne Glasoe voted
An aerial view of the location of the proposed batch plant. The red portion indicates the area where the conditional use permit would apply. Image courtesy of the Bonner County Planning and Zoning staff report on the proposed permit.
in favor, and commissioners Sheryl Reeve and Taylor Bradish voted against approving the permit. Chair Don Davis, who stepped down to split the tie, voted in favor. Those opposed to the P&Z
commission’s decision have 28 days as of the hearing to submit an appeal to the Bonner County Board of Commissioners.
Diaper bank lends locals a helping hand By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff
Raising a child is an expensive proposition by any measure, but diapers in particular are a notorious extra cost for new parents. Fortunately, a new service is available to local parents that helps lighten the load. Organized by Mountain States Early Head Start, a new diaper bank means more money in the wallets of cash4 /
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strapped parents — money that could be used for more important things like, say, a college fund. “We are grateful to be part of the second Diaper Bank in Idaho, making it possible for hard-working families to stretch their dollars while also helping to assure that each child has ongoing access to clean diapers to help prevent rashes and discomfort,” said Kimberley Seitz of Mountain States Early
Head Start. The Sandpoint Diaper Bank is a branch of the national Diaper Bank, which supports 300 community-based iterations of its core mission. For families enrolled in Mountain States Early Head Start, access to the Diaper Bank means 50 high-quality diapers per month through partners at United Way, Nurse Family Partnership, Inland Northwest SIDS Foundation and
the Community Library. The 50 diapers provided through the program take a big bite out of the monthly expense. With infants using 10 to 12 diapers per day and toddlers running through seven to eight, it costs about $80 to $90 each month to keep Junior outfitted in a fresh set of Pampers. And with 47 percent of Idaho parents with children birth age to three years old meeting the federal standard of
poverty, those dollars are often sorely needed. “This is why many children spend too long in soiled diapers,” said Seitz. “Wearing dirty diapers too long creates potential health risks such as yeast infections, rashes and staph and bladder infections — not to mention a very grumpy, uncomfortable baby.” Call 208-263-2569 for more information.
Schweitzer open for season Friday By Reader Staff Thanks to consistent cold temperatures and hard work from the Schweitzer Mountain Resort mountain operations team, the resort is pleased to announce they will open for the 2018/19 ski season on Friday, Nov. 23, 2018. “We have an amazing crew who understand how to maximize our snowmaking system at Schweitzer, and thanks to them, we’ve been able to make enough snow to get this season started,” said Marketing Manager Dig Chrismer. “Schweitzer’s investment in snow making really helps when the temps are right but we just aren’t getting the precipitation we need. With more natural snow in the forecast for this week, the combination of manmade and natural snow will be perfect for those warm-up laps on Midway this weekend.” The resort plans on limited operations and services Friday, Saturday and Sunday, November 23, 24 and 25, with only the Basin Express Quad running from 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Beginner terrain will not be available but private lessons and rentals will still be possible through Schweitzer’s Ski and Ride Center. Adult full-day lift tickets will be $45
Courtesy photo. and 2018/19 Sunday – Friday passholders will be able to ski on Saturday, Nov. 24. Schweitzer will close midweek and reopen on Friday, Nov. 30, with the full seven-
day-a-week operating schedule, weather permitting. “We will keep watching the forecast and as we get additional snowfall, we’ll add more lifts and terrain as we can,”
added Chrismer. “Till then, we really hope our Schweitzer friends and fans will enjoy getting the chance to make some turns while getting inspired for the rest of the season.”
For more information about Schweitzer’s hours of operation, latest weather conditions, and other details please visit www.schweitzer.com.
Medicaid expansion made law
UPS brings holiday cheer
By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff
By Reader Staff
Some of Idaho’s most vulnerable residents are only a year away from access to health coverage. Acting Gov. Brad Little signed a proclamation Tuesday certifying Proposition 2, which voters passed by more than 60 percent to expand Medicaid. The Idaho Press re-
ports that barring any bumps in the road, the expansion should go into effect Jan. 1, 2020. The next step is for Idaho Health and Welfare to submit its expansion plan to the federal government within 90 days, which reportedly shouldn’t be a problem. That sends the ball into the Idaho Legislature’s court, which will have to approve funding for
expansion during the legislative session, which begins in January. Medicaid expansion provides a health care solution for thousands of Idahoans caught in the so-called “gap.” They make too much to qualify for previous Medicaid requirements but too little to buy subsidized insurance off the health care exchange.
UPS is excited to announce the seventh year of “Fill the UPS truck.” In the seventh year of “Fill the UPS truck”, local UPS employees will be at Walmart accepting donations for Toys for Tots and the Bonner Community Food Bank. The event will be held at Walmart on Saturday, Dec. 1, from 11
a.m.-3 p.m. There will be two UPS trucks on hand, one at each door. We ask that our community helps us fill the trucks with food, new unwrapped toys and or a cash donation. This will go towards helping our Bonner County neighbors in need this Holiday season. UPS thanks everyone for making the previous six years of the program a success. November 21, 2018 /
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Judgment sought in smelter court battle By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff Opponents of the proposed Newport smelter are seeking speedy resolution to a court battle over the legality of land sale that supplied property for the controversial facility. A coalition of organizations and individuals are requesting summary judgment in their favor in a court case alleging that Pend Oreille Public Utility District failed to follow legal public procedures in a land sale to HiTest Sands, now known as PacWest. The plaintiffs, which include Responsible Growth *NE Washington, Citizens Against Newport Silicon Smelter, Theodore and Phyllis Kardos, Denise Teeples, Gretchen Koenig, Sheryl Miller, James and Rosemary Chandler and Pamela Luby, request that the land sale be voided. A showdown between the plaintiffs and PUD is set for Jan. 11 when Spokane Superior Court will hold a hearing. The plaintiff’s memorandum argues that PUD acted outside its statutory authority when it sold the land, which it acquired from Pend Oreille County, to PacWest. It alleges that PUD acquired the land with the specific purpose of selling it to the company when it only has authority to buy and sell land for the purposes of generating energy. “The purpose of PUD is to provide its customers with electrical service, not engage in land transactions for the benefit of private corporations,” the memorandum states. Part of the controversy over the land sale hinges on Resolution 1399, which was passed by the PUD Board of Commissioners to declare the property surplus and authorize the sale. But plaintiffs allege that the transaction had already taken place before any resolution had passed, making it procedurally incorrect and therefore invalid. Plaintiffs maintain that they have 6 /
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standing to challenge the land sale because they, as customers of PUD, were denied an opportunity to voice their opinion of the sale. According to the request for summary judgment, “the PUD is required by law to follow certain procedures when it sells land. The procedures require public involvement whenever public land is sold, either by vote or by resolution and public hearing. When the PUD ignored its obligations to perform either of these duties, it harmed Plaintiffs by denying their rights to be involved in the process.” The memorandum also alleges that the plaintiffs were harmed due the potential environmental hazards of the proposed silicon smelter. That reflects the broader concerns about the smelter across the region, including in North Idaho. Residents worry it will damage air and water quality with pollutants, leading to diminished property values, health problems and reduced tourism. Even if the plaintiffs had no conventional standing in the issue, the memorandum argues that the smelter issue is of such significant importance, with the potential to impact “commerce, finance, labor, industry or agriculture,” that legal precedent allows a hearing in such matters. PUD, meanwhile, argues that it acted for the benefit of its customers by selling the land, saying it secured a price higher than its appraised value. Their argument also hinges on past court cases which have allowed public agencies a degree of leniency when procedural errors occur, as well as broader interpretation of its mandate to act in the public interest. With both sides requesting summary judgment, they will wait until the Jan. 11 hearing to learn whether the court favors PUD or the plaintiffs.
Controversial days of Thanksgiving and prayer in early America By Nick Gier Reader Contributor
As we celebrate Thanksgiving today, it is significant to note that ten presidents have declined to issue national proclamations. Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson explicitly cited the separation of church and state as their reason, and we can assume that the other eight agreed with them. Under pressure from Alexander Hamilton, who said that “we should make the most of the religious prepossessions of our people,” George Washington reluctantly declared a Day of Thanksgiving on Nov. 26, 1789. Church historian Forrest Church submits that “it met a polite yet cool reception.” Trying to be as inclusive as possible, Washington referred to God as “a great and glorious Being,” but the Presbyterians complained that the text lacked “a decidedly Christian spirit.” On May 9, 1798, John Adams declared a national day of “humiliation, fasting and prayer.” It was so controversial (for the same reasons as Washington’s day of thanksgiving) that Adams believed that this act divided the electorate and cost him the 1800 election. This is the problem with state sanctioned religious ceremonies: They are either diluted to accommodate everyone, and end up leaving the conservatives unhappy; or they prefer one religion or others and displease the liberals. This may be reason why in 1792 Congress refused to support a national fast, because, according to Church, “it recalled royal presumptions to sacral authority.” Thomas Jefferson was the first president to forgo a call for a national day of thanksgiving. In his famous 1801 letter to the Baptists of Danbury, Ct., Jefferson introduced the phrase “a wall of separation between church and state.” In the final draft of the letter he deleted the idea of
government-sanctioned prayers so as not to alienate the Baptists as potential allies. The Connecticut Baptists were well acquainted with Jefferson’s unorthodox religious views, but they trusted him far more than the Federalist Congregationalists in their state. They had established a Christian Commonwealth which levied taxes on and generally suppressed all other sects. Both Federalists and Republicans politicized religious issues, and it is good for us that the Republicans won, because minority religions flourished in the aftermath of Jefferson’s savvy politicking. Jefferson was playing both sides of the Wall of Separation: insuring religious freedom for minorities and keeping the state as secular as possible. Ironically, Jefferson and the Republican presidents after him laid the ground for the Great Awakening of the 1830s, where religious freedom led to the creation of new and lasting denominations. This movement proved Madison’s prediction that “religion and government will both exist in greater purity, the less they are mixed together.” In 1832 Andrew Jackson decided not to issue the presidential proclamation for a national day of prayer and thanksgiving declaring: “I could not do otherwise without feeling that I might in some degree disturb the security which religion nowadays enjoys in this country in its complete separation from the political concerns of the general government.” In 2010, following Jeffersonian
Image courtesy Wikipedia Commons
principles, U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb ruled that a federal law creating a National Day of Prayer was unconstitutional. She wrote that the law “connotes endorsement and encouragement of a particular religious exercise.” Crabb allowed the celebration to continue pending appeal. President Obama went ahead and declared a national prayer day, but with this important provision: “pray or otherwise give thanks.” For the first time in American history, Obama mentioned non-believers in his first inaugural address, and he also did not hold any religious services at the White House. This does not, however, make up for his decision to invite evangelical Rick Warren to give the inaugural invocation, praying in Jesus’ name and concluding with the Lord’s Prayer. In his 2016 Thanksgiving Proclamation, Obama did not use the word God or appeal to any specific religious doctrine. Rather, he reminded us that the “very first thanksgiving celebration brought together people of different backgrounds and beliefs,
and every year since, with enduring confidence in the power of faith, love, gratitude and optimism, this force of unity has sustained us as a people.” Donald Trump’s 2017 Thanksgiving Proclamation brought God back with four references, and I submit that “Almighty God” and “Most High God” imply the biblical deity. As the foremost Republican in Early America, Jefferson would have obviously preferred Obama’s inclusive and fully secular formulation. Early Republicans had a compelling motto: “Religion: we love it in its purity, but not as an engine of political delusion.” The belief that Americans can have non-denominational prayers that include all of us in this multicultural nation is indeed delusional. Nick Gier of Moscow taught religion and philosophy at the University of Idaho for 31 years. Read his article on religion and the founders at webpages.uidaho.edu/ ngier/foundfathers.htm. Email him at ngier006@gmail.com November 21, 2018 /
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Bullying is never cool By Jodi Rawson Reader Contributor
In eighth grade I hung with a group of tomboys. We called ourselves “The High Five and were more or less a gang. Teachers loathed us. We were loud, purposefully scraggly, cussed a lot and sneaked off campus to buy candy to fuel our rebellion. My dad was overall compassionate about my awkward phase, but it felt like he would disown me the night I got in trouble for bullying. I wasn’t bullying per se, but that is what we all say, isn’t it? When a friend or acquaintance starts teasing another person or group, and we just pretend we didn’t hear or nervously giggle or put our hands in our pockets and walk away, are we guilty? During the bullying incident I didn’t really say anything, and this is where I am guilty. I remember standing beside my leader friend (the only girl on the football team) and hearing her song-like chants piercing the “goody-two-shoes” with harassment. It even included sexual taunts: The girls were scorned for being “sooo prudish” with “tiny, practically invisible breasts.” I stood there, looking at the tears brimming in the girls’ eyes, hoping the situation would be over soon, but it was far from over. When my parents got the call that night associating me with the incident, they were shocked to learn their child was involved in a gang of bullies. I wasn’t raised to be a bully, plain and simple. I tried to explain I wasn’t doing any bullying, but they wouldn’t have it at all. My dad said he raised me to be a leader. Standing silently beside a bully, he said, made me guilty. To resolve the situation, resulting in what I remember as the worst punishment ever, my dad drove me to each of the victims’ houses and supervised my apologetic transactions on each porch. He couldn’t hear anything from the car, but my body language looked like I took a beating. The only thing I ever feared from my dad was losing his love and respect. No other time was I more terrified and ashamed than when I got in trouble for bullying. Thankfully, Dad’s 8 /
/ November 21, 2018
BY THE NUMBERS By Ben Olson Reader Staff
14 States where Democrats have a trifecta: control of the state House, Senate and governor’s office. They solidified power on Tuesday in Colorado, Illinois, Maine, Nevada, New Mexico and New York.
22 States where Republicans have a trifecta, including in Alaska, which they captured on Election Day. Prior to the 2018 midterm election, Republicans held trifectas in 34 states.
1914 The last time only one state legislature was under divided control in the entire country, which is the case after Tuesday’s elections. Minnesota’s state House is under Democratic leadership, while their state Senate is under Republican leadership.
10 States that have added some version of the “right to live free from governmental intrusion” in their constitutions. New Hampshire could be the next, depending on the outcome of a ballot measure next week.
73% love for me was restored immediately after I made amends with the victims. I can still feel the ache in my heart as I rang each of the four doorbells. It was the crack of dawn, the morning after I got in trouble for bullying, and the disheveled parents looked very irritated with me. The girls came to the doors with hurt in their eyes, and I stood there, heavy with shame, unable to look them in the eyes, holding back tears and mumbling a real apology. Great leaders are rare, and I am lucky my dad disciplined with compas-
sion. He taught me one of life’s greatest lessons: tolerating bullying, like bullying, is never cool. I want to be the kind of person that stands beside an underdog, knowing that I am in the line of fire, prepared to be bullied beside them. I think this is what our local Human Rights Task Force is all about. LOVE lives here!
The voter turnout for Bonner County, which means 73 out of every 100 registered voters made it to the polls on election day.
3,676 miles The distance Reader Publisher Ben Olson is traveling in a 40-foot catamaran across the Atlantic Ocean right now.
The first year the Reader published. It was out of print from 2012-2015.
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Small town, big heart Men’s basketball league slated for 2019
Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce sends 2,000 new T-shirts to Camp Fire survivors
By Kristin Carlson Reader Contributor
By Reader Staff
Musicians, man. Hands down the coolest people to interview, and I’m talking artists from all over the celebrity spectrum. In fact, my favorite interviews are with smaller acts — the ones who might fill the Panida but have yet to “hit it big,” whatever that means. Granted, my 1.5 hour conversation with Gavin DeGraw — “You have 15 minutes with Gavin,” his manager had said, but we really hit it off — was a ton of fun and made me feel, almost childishly, larger than life. Still, bands with a couple thousand or fewer monthly Spotify listeners have my heart. I’ve gathered many “off the record” lessons, insights and other morsels from such characters. Though these bits and pieces didn’t always make print, I keep them tucked away for a rainy day. When you think about the kind of vulnerability it takes to write songs and share them — let alone perform them live — you get a sense of the kind of people who constitute the category “musicians.” Most of the time, these people are serious sharers, but not in the way that elderly women next to you in line at the grocery store are sharers. Musicians share the ups alongside the downs, the good beside the bad, the great nights alongside the long hours on the road. It’s almost like “you can’t have one without the other” is the seal of honesty that these artists adhere to, and I’m here for it. And these people, the wielders of instruments, they can get real deep during a 20-minute phone call. Looking back on my notes, I have things quoted like “The universe is limitless, so there’s plenty of room for everybody,” “I’m like a salmon, I have to go where the music takes me,” and even a reference to “the connections to the collective unconscious.” Have a conversation with a musician and see where it goes. These people are living life with an openness I truly admire. 10 /
/ November 21, 2018
Sandpoint Parks and Recreation is offering a Men’s Basketball league, Jan. 13 to March 10 (no games on Feb. 3). League will consist of a round robin format. Each team will be responsible for officiating a game that their team is not playing in. The League will play Sundays at Sandpoint High School from 6-9 p.m. Bring your shoes and a good attitude to participate in this league. Registration deadline is Sunday, Dec. 2, 2018. The league has a $230 fee per team. All fees are due in full and rosters completed and turned in by the Captains Meeting which will be held on Thursday, Dec. 6 in the City Hall Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m.
A minimum of four teams are needed to run the league. For all P&R activities: View registration details and pre-register online at www.sandpointidaho.gov/ parksrecreation or visit it us at Sandpoint Parks and Recreation, 1123 Lake St. in Sandpoint or call (208) 263-3613.
Our hearts are full this week as our nonprofit community rallied to give to others. Currently out for delivery in Chico, Calif., are approximately 2,000 new T-shirts of all sizes, baby clothes, backpacks, and tote bags for the survivors of the Paradise, Calif., fire. Over 10,000 homes and two-thirds of the businesses have been destroyed, at least 76 people have been killed, and a gut wrenching 1,300 people are unaccounted for. While we all know our nonprofits do not have a lot of money to give, we, as a nonprofit, wanted to do something. The Chamber had about 600 T-shirts left over from the last 10 years of Scenic Half Marathon races and other events. We figured other non-profits and organizations who hold events may have the same. The Paradise Chamber of Commerce website simply states “Permanently Closed.” With the help of local rotary members Linda Mitchell and Ryan Wells, we contacted the Paradise Rotary. They referred us to the Salvation Army. We learned under California State law these organizations can not accept used clothing. We had MANY reach out to us wanting to donate gently used clothing, shoes, and baby items, however we knew they would not be accepted. So we used our social media, the Daily Bee and the Reader to spread the word to our area
nonprofits. We started this project last Monday, and by Friday at noon we had packed up over 2,000 T-shirts and other items from over 15 local organizations. After organizing and labeling the boxes by shirt size, we dropped them off at Litehouse Foods, and they will be delivered today to the Salvation Army Disaster Relief distribution center. We also have had monetary donations of $5$500 for the shipping cost. Thanks to Litehouse Foods who offered to put the items on one of their delivery trucks at no cost, we are able to send the donations to the Paradise Rotary Foundation. A seven-day project, with zero cost, thanks to our generous community. The outpouring of support is something our community should be proud of. Inside one of the boxes is a Sandpoint book with a few handwritten postcards from our community. We know the residents of Paradise need so much more, but hopefully we have made a small impact on their lives. The Chamber will be accepting monetary donations through this week for the Paradise Rotary Foundation. If you would like to contribute, please bring your donation check to our office, put it in our mailbox, or mail your checks to PO Box 928, Sandpoint, ID 83864. Checks should be made out to the Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce. We will mail one large donation on Monday, Nov. 26.
Laughing Matter
Bob and Patte Dunn brought the Reader with them to Joshua Tree National Park in California. Love that sunshine!
By Bill Borders
Fidelity and Family By Toni Kolb Reader Contributor I think back on my fluctuating childhood and smile. The ups and downs — it was a journey of memory making. I remember the seasons of beans and rice for dinner. The times where we’d sit out on the porch with the boxed strawberry plants, singing hymns and trusting in Providence. I remember my mom taking my brothers and I aside to thank God for the groceries and cookies left on our doorstep by some anonymous giver. Or the Christmas our Suburban was loaded with gifts while parked at Dad’s job-site. The times we moved — how Mom always treated it as an adventure. We helped clean the new house, participating in creating the home my parents envisioned. And Mom always let us pick out the color for our bedroom trim. It was exciting. As a young person I’m sure I recognized Dad’s wild jumps from dream to dream. But it wasn’t until I was much older that I realized sign painting, pheasant raising, elk ranching and Christmas tree farms were uncommon careers. Or that Dad’s many entrepreneurial ventures were deemed sporadic and risky by more than a few friends and family members. Some even may have thought my dad was irresponsible or unpredictable. As children we saw the adventure. They weren’t all “low” times. But I don’t remember anything remarkable or nostalgic or meaningful about the easy times. I did enjoy having my dad close to home. I loved the evenings of sitting in the barn on a milk crate, watching my Dad paint. Paint thinner is still a comforting smell to me. I loved him being home for dinner, the campfire marshmallow nights. The astronomy lessons and childhood stories. Or waking up at 4 a.m. to catch pheasants for the hunters. Dad was also encouraging me in my own business ventures as I grew older. My parents expected great things from my siblings and I. And now I think it was their belief in me that gave me the attitude that I could do any-
Toni and Jonah Kolb, left, pose with Toni’s father Eddie Hutto and her mother Rosanne Hutto in June, 2018.
thing I set my heart to. When Dad did leave for the oil field, there was a piece missing in our lives, a gap that grew wider with time. It was a season where “Dad” was a voice on the phone and the head chair sat empty most of the months of the year. I guess it isn’t too surprising that now, at 26 years old, I am married to a visionary/artist. And even while living my own dreams with my own distinct life I still play a part in one of my Dad’s ventures. We all may have had some degree of skepticism of his idea to build log cabins, but like in most of his ventures, he made it happen. So I now market for Fidelity Home Solutions, the
family business my Dad dreamed up and put to action. And so does my husband. And I am filled with thankfulness. My husband’s chair is occupied every night, and he isn’t just a voice over the phone anymore either. Part of that is due to my Dad’s wild dreaming and his desire to put his family first. Toni Kolb and her husband, Jonah, live in a quaint log cabin along the Clark Fork river. Both are aspiring freelance writers, are interested in natural and emergency medicine, and are both training with an organization that rescues children from trafficking. maidenhutto@gmail.com November 21, 2018 /
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Mad about Science:
Brought to you by:
grizzly bears By Brenden Bobby Reader Columnist Few things inspire more fear in the heart of an inlander than the sight of a grizzly bear. I mean, look at them. They’re huge and they have a hump on their back. They’re also famous for a really nasty temperament, and their method of killing is savage: mauling, are you kidding me? You might be surprised to know that one North American native has a higher body count than the Grizz, though. What could it be? The stealthy cougar? Black bears? Alligators? The correct answer is: the moose. The moose is anything but a gentle giant. They’re easily startled, quick to fight and defend their territory and they’re extremely heavy. A moose usually tramples people to death by rearing up on its hind legs and plunging its hooves into incapacitated targets. That’s brutal. Despite that tidbit, grizzly encounters should be handled with utmost caution. A grizzly bear can be identified by its large, dish-like face. Brown fur is not a good indicator of a grizzly bear, as black bears can sometimes have cinnamon or brown fur. Grizzlies also have shorter, rounder ears than black bears. Though you don’t particularly want to see them, a grizz’s claws are long, sharp and light in color while a black bear’s are shorter and dark in appearance. Grizzly bears also tend to have a characteristic shoulder hump, but this is sometimes hard to see, or not present in 12 /
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younger bears. So, how do you prevent a bad encounter with a grizzly bear? Never hike alone, always bring at least one friend, preferably more. Nature should be enjoyed by as many people as possible, anyway. Carry a can of bear spray with you when you go hunting or hiking. It’s better to be over-prepared than under. Don’t go hiking in places where bears have been sighted. You don’t want someone waltzing through your backyard without your permission, they’d appreciate you offer the same courtesy to them. Most importantly: Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Never hike with earbuds in and always watch what’s around you. Let’s say you do all of that, but you encounter one anyway. What now? This depends entirely on how the bear is acting. Most of the time, the bear will examine you, evaluate whether or not you’re a threat and run away. If it’s a sow with cubs, this will definitely not be the case. Most of the time, bears don’t like to fight as there is always a chance they will be injured and be unable to care for themselves and their cubs, but sometimes instinct takes over. If you happen to see the bear and the bear sees you, very slowly and calmly ready your bear spray. Present a calm demeanor and back away. Speak soothingly if it helps you. Whatever you do, do NOT run. Running triggers a response in all predators. In this moment, you transition from questionable threat to undeniable prey.
Defensive behavior in bears manifests similarly to dogs and large ungulates like moose: They’ll lower their head, they’ll snort and paw at the ground. This is proverbial chest-thumping, a way for the bear to posture and say “I’m not afraid to throw down if you don’t leave now.” A wise man listens to the angry bear. Keep the spray ready and back away the way you came. In the event the bear charges, aim your bear spray over the bear’s head (project/ lead your shot) and spray. Try to make the cloud intercept the bear’s face as it’s charging. Their primary senses are sight and smell, and eliminating two of those vastly increases your chances of not getting mauled. Don’t let up, even if you spray yourself in the process, keep spraying at that bear. Should the bear overtake you, cover your neck with your elbows pointing outward and plant yourself face-down in the dirt. Spreading your legs and keeping your elbows pointed outward will help you from getting flipped over, where the bear would be able to do some serious damage. In most cases, the bear will feel it has made its point and leave, especially if you’ve emptied a can of spray on it. Wait until it’s gone before you leave. If the bear attempts feeding on you while you’re on the ground, all bets are off and it’s time to fight for your life. If you know that bear wants to kill you, throw every punch and do whatever you can to damage its nose or blind it. As they always say, an
ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Being smart outdoors is the best way to ensure you don’t end up in a dangerous situation. And always remember: that grizzly bear doesn’t want to take a selfie with you.
Random Corner nas?
Don’t know much about Bana
We can help!
•Bananas are slightly radioactive. • Bananas don’t grow on trees. They are produced by herbaceous plants. • There are more than 1,000 species of banana. We eat only one of them, the “Cavendish.” Before the 1960s, we ate the “Gros Michael,” but they were wiped out by “the Panama disease.” • A strawberry isn’t an actual berry, but a banana is. • Bananas are the most popular fruits in the U.S. • Bananas are the best-selling items at Walmart. • Banana ketchup is popular in the Philippines. • Humans share 50 percent of their DNA with bananas. • The term “Banana republic” was coined in 1904 to describe Honduras. • Bananas have more trade regulations than AK-47s. • Before the Columbian Exchange, there were no oranges in Florida, no bananas in Ecuador, no potatoes in Ireland, no coffee in Colombia, no pineapples in Hawaii, no rubber trees in Africa, no tomatoes in Italy, and no chocolate in Switzerland. • The first president of Zimbabwe, Africa, was President Banana. • Thirteenth-century Japan cultivated a particular banana for its fibers, which were used to line the insides of kimonos. • There’s a beer brewed from bananas in Africa. • Bananas may be considered a mood enhancer because it contains the amino acid tryptophan and Vitamin B6 that helps the body produce serotonin. They also float in water.
That thankful time of year By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff
I’ll be the first to admit that the question, “What are you thankful for?” gets old quickly this time of year. At the same time, despite my desire to respond with a snarky “indoor plumbing,” I do find myself spending an awful lot of time in the fall and winter months being grateful. Maybe it’s the cheesy but admittedly effective memes my grandmother shares on Facebook, but I’m feeling it. My select shoutouts for the 2018 thankful season are: The Libraries. Yes, the Sandpoint Library, but also the Clark Fork Library — my home most afternoons. Both locations have the most selfless, knowledgeable and friendly staff members. I live the rare life of a 20-something with no internet or TV at home, so wifi and rented DVDs are godsends. It seems that it’s becoming harder and harder to find quiet places where people will leave you alone but offer help if needed, and that for me is the library. Random acts of kindness. Good golly, I can’t count how many people I’ve had hold the door for me in the last week. They make eye contact, they smile, they say, “You’re welcome.” Sometimes, they even say, “Have a nice day.” It is incredible what this can do for a person’s day, so spread the niceness.
My family and friends. Aw yes, I went there. I have to! I am surrounded every day by kind, thoughtful, fun and funny people. I am lucky to have most of my immediate and extended family nearby, and to have easy access to my sisters and others who live far away thanks to this cool thing called my smartphone. What’s even cooler is having a significant other who’s family is also nearby and treats me like I’ve always been a part of the clan. This is some good stuff for the soul, people! The Reader fam. Speaking of families, nothing has shown me the power of community like working for the Reader for the last year and half. The Reader fam is me, Ben, Cameron and Jodi, but it’s also the advertisers on these pages, our team behind the scenes at Keokee, the people contributing their words, and anyone willing to put up the money/time/support to keep our office open. This family is large, it’s fierce and for that I am eternally grateful. Indoor plumbing. But seriously. November 21, 2018 /
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event , g n i v i g s k n a h T y 22 Happ everyone!
t h u r s d a y
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m o n d a y
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Live Music w/ The Miah Kohal Band 9pm-12am @ 219 Lounge A Sandpoint favorite classic rock, outlaw, and country band. Free! Live Music w/ Bob Beadling 6-8pm @ Cedar Street Bridge Wine Bar Where classical piano meets contemporary Live Music w/ Brian Jacobs 5-7pm @ Idaho Pour Authority Live Music w/ Jake Robin 6-8pm @ Cedar Street Bridge Wine Bar Smooth vocals and finger-picking guitar Live Music w/ Browne Salmon Truck 6:30-9:30pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Vintage and contemporary blues, jazz, Latin, and more. A fun Sandpoint trio Live Music w/ Dangerous Type 9pm-12am @ 219 Lounge A four-piece rock band from Spokane
Sandpoint Chess Club 9am @ Evans Brothers Coffee Meets every Sunday at 9am
Devon Wade Thanksgiving Party with Mac Tibbetts (country) 7-10pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Join Devon and his father Mac on drums and their closest friends for a fun holiday get-together at the Beer Hall Shook Twins: Giving Thanks concert 7:30pm @ Panida Theater A holiday tradition in Sanpdoint - Shook Twins in concert, with John Craigie! Tickets available at Eichardt’s and Panida.org Live Music w/ Mike Wagoner 5-8pm @ Pend d’Oreille Winery Mike Wagoner will be playing with special guest Utah John Live Music w/ Crooked Fingers 5-7pm @ Laughing Dog Brewery Enjoy tunes from the duo of Rick Price and Mark Remmetter. Bring a non-perishable food item and receive $1 off one beer.
Live Music w/ Ken Mayginnes 4-6:30pm @ Matchwood Brewing Folk, country and rock with some original songs
Monday Night Blues Jam w/ Truck Mills 7:30pm @ Eichardt’s Pub Night-Out Karaoke 9pm @ 219 Lounge Join DJ Pat for a night of singing, or just come to drink and listen
Gar 10a J.P. in a
Lifetree Cafe • 2pm @ Jalepeño’s Me An hour of conversation and stories. T “Facing Unresolved Family Issues.”
Trivia Night 7-9pm @ MickDuff’s Bring your brain and show it off (please, not literally)
Wind Down Wednesday 5-8pm @ 219 Lounge With live music by blues man Truck Mills and guest musician Carl Rey
Magic Wednesday 6-8pm @ Jalapeño’s Enjoy close-up magic shows by Star Alexander right at your table
KRFY Fundraiser at IPA 5-7pm @ Idaho Pour Authority a fundraiser for KRFY Community Goat Brewing Co. beer on tap. Li and Doug Bond, raffle prizes, and
Dollar Beers! 8pm @ Eichardt’s Pub Good until the keg’s dry
Festival of Trees: Family Night Trivia Ta 4-6pm @ Bonner County Fairgrounds 6-8pm @ Three days of festivities at the Bonner County Free and Fairgrounds benefit Kinderhaven. Family Night: Get a peek at the beautifully decorated trees
November 22 - 29, 2018
ac on r a fun Hall
Shook e! Tickda.org
A weekly entertainment guide to keep you on your toes. To list your event free, please send an email to calendar@sandpointreader.com. Reader recommended
WSU Apple Cup Watch Party 5:30pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall The Apple Cup is a great Washington and Pac12 tradition. Since MickDuff’s is owned by two Cougs, we’re a Cougar bar and have to cheer on the Cougs in this epic matchup on the Palouse! Live Music w/ Mostly Harmless 5-7pm @ Idaho Pour Authority OptOutside Fat Bike Ride 1pm @ Schweitzer Roundabout Greasy Fingers Bikes N Repair will again be taking part in #OptOutside and heading to the Schweitzer Roundabout for a fatty ride. Ride leaves parking lot at 1 p.m.
Redhead Express - Christmastime concert 7pm @ The Panida Theater An American country music band consisting of four sisters playing alt-country and folk/pop. Tickets at panida.org
Dirty Dancing: The Rhythm of the Soil 9:45-11:30am @ Sandpoint Community Center Dr. Preston Andrews presents on microbiome interactions and other plant-soil relationships. Hosted by the Kinnikinnick Native Plant Society and City of Sandpoint Parks and Rec
Live Music w/ Meg Turner, Chris Lynch and Brian Jacobs 8-10pm @ The Back Door
Live Music w/ The Groove Black 6-9pm @ Matchwood Brewing Sandpoint’s local trio plays a mix of funk, reggae, blues and a wide variety of original material. This is a family-friendly and free event
Tree Lighting and Santa’s Arrival 5-7pm @ Jeff Jones Square Tree lighting and visit from Santa opens the holiday season in Sandpoint. Live Music w/ Kevin Dorin 8-10pm @ The Back Door
Holiday Arts and Crafts Festival 10am-3pm @ Ponderay Events Center Check out local artists and vendors, featuring Mystic Farm Wildlife Rescue, plus in the kitchen there will be Green Goes Fusion Food ... so add lunch to your holiday shopping!
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Gardenia Sunday Service 10am @ The Gardenia Center J.P. Carver speaks: “We Worship in a Tardis”
peño’s Mexican Restaurant d stories. This week’s topic: ssues.”
PA uthority ommunity Supported Radio, with Iron on tap. Live music by Marty Perron rizes, and complimentary appetizers Trivia Takeover Live 6-8pm @ Bonner County Fairgrounds Free and open to the public
Eugene Ballet’s “The Nutcracker” 7pm @ Panida Theater POAC’s Performance Series presents the 35th season of “The Nutcracker.” Tickets available at artinsandpoint.org “The Mercy” screening 7:30pm @ Panida Theater Catch a screening of the film “The Mercy” at 7:30 p.m., followed by a pre-recorded interview with actor Colin Firth
June 10 Bay Trail Fun Run @ City Beach
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/ November 21, 2018
Give thanks to the wild — especially the volunteers By Phil Hough Reader Contributor Thanksgiving is a time to show gratitude. Each year I give thanks for our wild places. Like so many other people, hiking, backpacking, canoeing, kayaking, skiing in the backcountry and wilderness have brought me joy and, more importantly, taught me many lessons. I am thankful these special places are preserved for us all to experience Whether these trips are on one of our nation’s iconic trails or wild and scenic rivers or closer to home, we should all be thankful that 50 years ago congress passed the National Trails Act and National Wild and Scenic River act. A web of over 50,000 miles of National Scenic, Historic and Recreational Trail has been preserved, built and maintained since that time. These trails provide access to many special places across the nation including Idaho and Montana. However, it requires work to keep them open. It would be easy to take for granted that these trails will always be around. And, that the special places they go to will stay wild forever. In an era of shrinking budgets, volunteers are needed to keep the trails open. Unless we step up
to keep them that way, we are at risk of losing access to wild country. Nationally, groups like the Backcountry Horsemen of America and the National Wilderness Stewardship Alliance provide support for volunteer projects to maintain backcountry and wilderness trails. Iconic trails, like the Pacific Crest Trail, the Continental Divide Trail or the Pacific Northwest Trail have organizations with dedicated staff and volunteers that work to keep them open. In many states organizations like the Idaho Trails Association work to keep access open to backcountry hiking trails. ITA’s volunteer resources and impact is growing both statewide and in North Idaho. Many National Parks, Wilderness Areas or other special places have “Friends of” groups that focus on the needs of a particular place. Here locally we have the all-volunteer Pend Oreille Pedalers who are active in keeping many backcountry mountain bike trails up to riding standards. Volunteers from the Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness have spent hundreds of hours maintaining trails so that all may enjoy a hike to the top of the iconic namesake peak, or a trip through the tall ancient cedars, or a walk into
KRFY annual meeting and fundraiser at IPA Nov. 28 By Reader Staff It’s happening again this year. That’s right, 88.5 KRFY is hosting its Annual Meeting and fundraiser at the Idaho Pour Authority Nov. 28 from 5-8 p.m. The community is invited to come on down, meet the KRFY crew (broadcasters, volunteers, staff and trustees) and find out how 88.5 KRFY community radio is doing and what is on the horizon for the station. If you have ever had an inkling to be a radio broadcaster, you can find out more and sign up for the January trainings. “We want to add more local broadcasters and programing to our schedule, and the January training sessions is the perfect way to get on board,” said station manager Suzy Prez. This event is the station’s annual meet-
many other backcountry destinations. Like many other organizations dedicated to a special place, FSPW volunteers do so much to deserve our gratitude. In addition to trail maintenance, they lead others who may be novices on hikes and projects so they can experience the wild backcountry. Volunteers also work on whitebark pine and other habitat restoration, weed mitigation and education efforts. As more people enjoy our wild places, encounters with wildlife increase. FSPW volunteers help to inform backcountry users on how to be bear aware and mountain goat smart and safe. Trail Ambassadors spend time from June through October in the field, to help make sure the trail can remain open and the experience is safer for both hikers and mountain goats. In this season of thanks, we should all thank the many volunteers whose passion and hours of service keep our backcountry trails open and our special places wild and free for all who are seeking a quiet, natural place!
Top: Volunteers haul a Mountain Goat Educational Sign up Scotchman Peak. Bottom: Susan Bates-Harbuck, Mountain Goat Ambassador, helps educate hikers about being Mountain Goat Smart and Bear Aware. Courtesy photos.
Breakfast with Santa ing combined with a fundraiser for the station featuring a selection of brews from Spokane’s Iron Goat Brewing Company, along with raffles, a bake sale and silent auction. Parties at the Idaho Pour Authority are always fun, so save the date and join the KRFY crew – Wednesday, Nov. 28, from 5- 8 p.m. Get more information at 208265-2992 or krfy.org.
a fundraiser event for the Sandpoint Youth Center
December 8 at the Sandpoint Community Hall $10 adults/$5 kids Purchase tickets online via Eventbrite or in person at Washington Federal until Dec. 7th. Call 208.946.1087 for more details.
full pancake breakfast • photo with santa • prizes November 21, 2018 /
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high points John Harbuck’s mission to visit each state’s highest point in the contiguous United States By Susan Bates-Harbuck Reader Contributor
f you ask John Harbuck what the highpoint was of his recent trip to the eight Midwest states, he would give you eight answers. That’s because he was on a quest to visit all the highest points in each of the lower 49 states, and these were the last ones. He has now joined an elite yet obscure group that as of March 2017 had 560 official members. It was a quest that he unknowingly began back in 1968 when he and his college roommate did the mountaineering route up Mt. Whitney, before the days of putting in for the lottery permit and keeping your fingers crossed. Mt. Rainier, complete with ropes and ice axes, followed a few years later. Over the years, here and 18 /
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there, another 17 state high points were added to the list. But it wasn’t until Christmas 2014 when one of the packages under the tree was a membership in the Highpointers Club, motto “Keep Klimbing,” that things became more serious. A tour of back East in the fall of 2016 took him (and myself) to the tops of nine more states. A road trip to the Southwest in 2017 brought the total to 34, and another road trip to the Southeast in April 2018 checked off nine more. The goal was in sight. The final push involved two weeks and 5,000 miles of driving, but Eagle Mountain in Minnesota put the final peak on his list. Of course, not all of the high points are what you might
designate as impressive peaks. Ohio, Iowa and Indiana have high points that resemble large pancakes that rose just a bit more in the middle. Jeremoth Hill in Rhode Island is only barely discernibly higher that the short trail that leads to it. Delaware’s is a benchmark in the sidewalk in a suburban neighborhood (the Hideaway Bar nearby does have terrific crab cake sliders). Most of the states east of the Mississippi have towers on top so you can see over the trees, and Iowa’s is next to a corn silo. Each of the high points has their own “personality.” New Jersey’s highest point is aptly named High Point, New Jersey. Kansas’ Mount Sunflower is in the corner of a rancher’s field with a small field of wonderful
six-foot tall metal sunflowers to admire. Mount Katahdin in Maine is the northern terminus of the Appalachian Trail, and Tennessee’s Clingmans Dome and Virginia’s Mount Rogers are just a bit off the Trail. Plus Mount Rogers comes with wild ponies. Arkansas’ Magazine Mountain (also called Signal Hill) has a map of Arkansas made of flagstone with the benchmark in the middle. In Iowa there are signposts with the distances and directions to all the other 49 state high points. It’s 960 miles to Mount Borah from there. Some of the ascents come with stories. In Arizona they met a woman coming down Humphrey’s Peak with her little dog she was afraid was going to be blown off the
John Harbuck atop Mt. Whitney in 1968. Courtesy photo. mountain. Susan chose to go up the last bit to the summit on all fours to avoid that fate. Wheeler Peak in New Mexico had wonderful wildflowers, marmots, bighorn sheep bedded down just off the ridge and summit chipmunks cadging handouts. Katahdin in Maine has a few iron bars set into the boulders so hikers can pull themselves up the Volkswagon-sized rocks that are the trail. From the top, you cannot see any sign of civilization except for one power line. Cheaha Mountain in Alabama has a stone tower built by the Civilian Conservation Corps, and a CCC museum that sadly was only open on week-
OPEN 11:30 am
212 Cedar Street Downtown Sandpoint
208.263.4005 A SandPint Tradition Since 1994
Top: John Harbuck celebrates the 49th high point achieved in the contiguous U.S. at Eagle Mountain in Minnesota. Right: John and wife Susan atop Humphreys Peak in Arizona.
ends. Guadalupe Peak in Texas has a monument to the founding of American Airlines. Go figure. Charles Mound in Illinois is on private land and is only open to highpointers five weekends each year. Mt. Arvon in Michigan is on land owned by Plum Creek Lumber Company, a name that crops up in the history of Bonner County as well. Kentucky wins the award for the ugliest high point. It is owned by a coal company, has radio towers and storage sheds on it and was recently clear-cut. You also have a view of an open-pit mine on the approach. The only state that eludes John is Alaska. Mt. Denali is not in the cards for someone whose hands and feet get uncomfortably cold in Idaho winters. So he is looking for an owner of a certain
model of GMC who is willing to let him climb on top of it. And don’t think he’s done with high points; there are the high points of the 44 counties of Idaho — 12 down, 32 to go.
Right: John and Susan atop Mount Katahdin, the highest peak in Maine. All photos courtesy Susan Bates-Harbuck November 21, 2018 /
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In Review: ‘The Overstory’ By Mindy Cameron Reader Contributor There’s no better time than now — with memories still fresh of another season of catastrophic forest fires throughout the West — to read “The Overstory,” Richard Powers’ ambitious novel of trees and people trying to save them, not from fire but from industrial logging. It’s a fat book, just over 500 pages, but don’t let that stop you. Nor do you have to worry that this is an environmental screed starring a band of tree-huggers. “The Overstory” is a masterfully woven tale of a disparate collection of people who came to love trees in their own unique way and became unlikely warriors in a battle to save the biggest, most majestic trees of Northern California and Oregon. There’s Nick, whose ancestors from Norway planted a chestnut on their land in Iowa that grew into a stately tree admired by generations of the Hoel family and surrounding farmers. Adam was a loner in a family of four siblings. As youngsters, each selected a tree to plant; Adam chose a maple. At age ten, he climbs into his maple as high as he can and doesn’t come down until dinner. He discovers “a stunning secret that no one in his family will ever know: there are more lives up here, in this single maple, than there are people in all of Bellville.” Mimi Ma is a young engineer who gets a promotion and an office with a floorlength window looking out on a stand of pines. Soon she is outraged to learn the trees are to be cleared because they are deemed too old and need to be replaced. Each of these characters, plus five more, is introduced with a vignette of family backstory in the opening chapter, called Roots. Powers provides a few hints and the reader knows all of these people will somehow become part of a larger story. But how? What makes this sprawling story work is the quality of the writing. I have not read Powers’ earlier books, but he is noted for excellent novels with scientific themes. That skill is plainly at work here. Powers is an artful writer, often bringing a lyrical quality to his descriptions, as here, describing a walk through the woods: “Clicks and chatter disturb the cathedral hush. The air is so twilight-green she feels like she’s underwater. It rains particles – 20 /
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spore clouds, broken webs and mammal dander, skeletonized mites, bits of insect frass and bird feather…Everything climbs over everything else, fighting for scraps of light. If she holds still too long, vines will overrun her. She walks in silence…” “She” in this excerpt is a key character, Patty, who is taught by her father, an agricultural extension agent, as she accompanies him in his tour in southwestern Ohio. During college in Kentucky she becomes known as “plant Patty.” Early in her studies she intuits “that trees are social creatures…motionless things that grow in mass mixed communities (that) must have evolved ways to synchronize with one another.” With advanced study Patty becomes Dr. Pat Westford, “a way to disguise her gender in a professional correspondence.” Eventually her work gets noticed by a popular science magazine, which headlined a story “Trees Talk to One Another.” Her work is criticized by other scientists, who mix hints of sexism with claims of flawed science. She leaves academia and heads west where, amidst a stand of aspens, her life changes. “Clouds of gold leaf glint on thin trunks tinted the palest green. The air is still, but aspens shake as if in a wind. Aspens alone quake when all others stand in dead calm. Long flattened leafstalks twist at the slightest gust, and all around her, a million two-toned cadmium mirrors flicker righteous blue.” Reading about Dr. Pat Westford reminded me of Jerry Franklin, the Oregon forest ecologist and researcher credited with advocating what came to be called New Forestry in management of oldgrowth forests and other critical stands in the Northwest. Franklin’s theory of ecosystem management was a key factor in the timber wars of the 1980s and ‘90s. The spotted owl, which lived in old-growth forests, was listed as an endangered species, a court injunction suspended logging in owl habitat, and logging communities in the Northwest were forever changed. Franklin, a hero to conservationists, was vilified by industrial foresters. Did author Powers have Franklin in mind as he created the Patty character in “The Overstory?” I suspect so. Read this book and you will look at the woodlands all around the Idaho Panhandle in a new way. My small stand of aspens and their “restless shudder” have taken on
a new meaning now that Powers has told me “no other tree makes this sound.” For all the focus on trees and plant science, this is also a book about human nature and the passions inspired in a diverse collection of people to save the big trees. Indeed, diversity is the underlying theme. Powers’ skill as a writer and storyteller intertwines plant life from below the soil to the treetops with the lives and history of his characters. The result is a tale full of life and death, love and loss, a contest for survival of people and landscapes and one heck of a story. Just read it and see for yourself. Mindy Cameron, a former columnist at the Seattle Times, now lives in Sagle where she is writing a memoir.
Blue Creek Press announces release of ‘A Leaf in a Stream’ Sandpoint local Dick Sonnichsen’s newest book is now available online; soon in bookstores By Sandy Compton Reader Columnist
Blue Creek Press (www. bluecreekpress.com) is proud to announce the release of “A Leaf In a Stream: Surviving Childhood, Catholicism, Conscription, Career and Cancer.” Author Dick Sonnichsen has had an interesting journey. He grew up in a small town in Idaho and traveled the world. Like the leaf he alludes to in the title of “A Leaf In A Stream,” he has suffered rapids, whirlpools and boring backwaters and also enjoyed exciting, idyllic and scenic floats through rewarding and pleasant stretches of life. In addition to his childhood and conscription into the army, he’s survived cancer (so far), parenthood (he’s raised three kids), a
variety of careers (a forester, an army intelligence agent, consultant, author and FBI special agent) and Catholicism. Of them all, Catholicism might have been the biggest challenge. It was certainly the longest, as he was a practicing Catholic for all of his childhood and most of his adulthood. It wasn’t until late that he came to the conclusion that the Catholic Church is not all it appears to be in some ways, and much more in others. “A Leaf In the Stream: Surviving Childhood, Conscription, Career, Cancer and Catholicism” is an autobiography with a central theme of questioning traditional religious belief in general and Catholic doctrine in particular. He challenges the unapologetic and unyielding
response of the Church to the pedophilia scandal, the treatment of women, and outdated dogma that has children confessing “sins” at an age where they are not really cognizant of what it means. “A Leaf In A Stream” joins Dick’s previous book “All Fish Have Bones” as a well-researched and intelligently presented argument for the value of discarding dogmatic thinking and taking responsibility for you own happiness and well being. The book was edited and designed by publisher and author Sandy Compton and Blue Creek Press, with a cover designed by Jennifer Parker of Parker Design House.. A Leaf In A Stream” is available at www.bluecreekpress.com/
books, on Amazon and will soon be available at Sandpoint bookstores.
Left: Dick Sonnichsen in his element. Right: The front cover of Sonnichsen’s book “A Leaf in a Stream.” Courtesy photos.
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puzzle of fall
This open Window Vol. 3 No. 15 poetry and prose by local writers edited by Jim mitsui
postcard sribbled in rhyolite, nevada These hills are pock-marked with mounds of white tailing — 30,000 windy voices gossip around these piles. Still standing: skeletons of a granite bank building, a brick train depot, and a school that cost over $100,000 to build after all of the corruption had been paid off. Gusts of wind from Death Valley have huffed & puffed the rest of the town away into the Mojave. The only house left is embarrassed to admit it’s made entirely of bottles. A collection of plaster ghosts by a Belgian artist stands nearby. We laugh, but tonight we’d be tap-dancing because of the scorpions. -Jim Mitsui Commentary: OK, it’s time for a writing prompt to try to stir up some submissions to this column. The cliché is “variety is the spice of life.” Well, the writers whose work appears in this column are wonderful — competent, insightful, talented, and real. But new voices are always welcome — new subjects, new points-of-view, new adventures. New work. So, how about placing yourself somewhere you’ve been, a location and experience that was once in a lifetime, and write a postcard to someone showing them what this place was like: specific concrete images, people, details of the street, the stores, the landscape. Maybe you were alone. You could also format this into a ghazal, which I’ve mentioned before in this column. A 5-stanza, poem in unrhymed couplets, that carries a message or insight about everyday life. When you get close to the last stanza, don’t think that you have to end with a conclusion like those high school essays you had to do in your composition class. Just stop at a good place or moment.
Send poems to: jim3wells@aol.com 22 /
/ November 21, 2018
a storm, a madness
start with autumnal and avuncular a dovetail of words whose edges splice beautifully think of a border for your puzzle maybe sky the powder blue of Wedgwood or the browns of parched reeds
In the darkness outside these walls, wind hunts. Rain thrums against the roof, windows, old wood deck, a rapping of hard knuckles, tone and timbre sharp, clear, chaos. Pine boughs hunker down inside the curl of night.
here are some other colors to work with ---
Our neighbor’s porch light is on. But that doesn’t keep wind from hunting out there.
crimson rose salmon marigold carnelian rust lemon and the steadfastness of conifer green
Cradled inside warm down, I lie and listen to the howls then rise to peer out from the great western windows. Shadows outside hint of broken limbs, torn from wearied bodies; the oldest of the pines, too tired to withstand the hurls.
here are some particulars that may be appropriate ---
Tomorrow, while we walk, we’ll witness the carnage. We’ll breathe, nod, breathe.
Mr Roger’s sweater heavy mugs of cocoa advice not taken walks that bitter your cheeks hats gone missing a mountain lodge coming home for Thanksgiving why the smell and sound of dried leaves makes you teary
I wrap myself in wool and sheepskin and watch the storm. Like a madman, wind dances circles round the pines, confusing them so that they flay and wail and moan. Then just as the trees finally relax— in an instant—gusts shift direction, split the aching wooden arms at their joints.
assemble ---
In the morning, we’ll stand witness; wind doesn’t eat its prey. Instead, leaves it for its lover, earth, to devour. -Susan Botich
lose the pieces that don’t resonate, that stir no sympathy insert your own remembrances and souvenirs
Susan is a relatively new arrival to the Sandpoint area, and we are glad to have her here, writing. Freed from house renovating, she’s immersed herself in our North Idaho landscape and taken advantage of its beauty. Here she shares her views of a typical November storm, from the perspective of a warm home.
my puzzle has birds in it dogs my brown velveteen coat pumpkins balanced on a lintel and spaghetti -Amy Craven Amy moved here from Baltimore because of her husband, Rob Kincaid, a Sandpoint native. She is a singer, retired voice teacher, and aspiring writer and poet. In the midst of autumn I thought this poem was appropriate. Ah, Thanksgiving.
Downtown shopping a Sandpoint holiday tradition By Lizbeth Turley Fausnight Reader Contributor
I remember the first time my husband and I drove into Sandpoint in 2004. We were so excited about our future new home. Having been drawn in the past to charming towns with streets lined with cute shops and sidewalks filled with kind, smiling faces, we finally had one we could call our own. Still to this day and every day we say, “Can you believe we live here?!” That first Christmas, we couldn’t wait to shop downtown, our new home town. The very first store we shopped was ArtWorks. What a fabulous shop it was (and is today)! The clerks of the store are actually the artists. What a great concept! It is rare that artists make enough money to support their own shop, AND create art, so a cooperative concept was brilliant. We enjoyed the stories with the artist and chose several items, knowing they would be loved. We spent a great deal of time in Handmade Northwest, which again features so many beautiful things all made here in the Northwest. We were quite happy with our treasures. We zig zagged up and down the street, stopped at the Bridge Store and Sharon’s Hallmark for ornaments, cards … and, of course, something moose. We needed some personal items, so we dropped into Larson’s. We absolutely marveled at the fact it was a family department store. What a gem, and who knew such great stores still existed in this era of big box and chain stores? We checked the kiosk at the Panida to see if there was something going on we might be able to see before wrapping up the day with cocktails and dinner at Ivano’s. And even though our budget has gotten a little smaller each year, we were committed to supporting the local shops and being grateful to live in such a beautiful town with such wonderful, friendly hardworking merchants. When Coldwater Creek closed its doors forever, the atmosphere seemed to change. People were fearful that Sandpoint would be one of those ghost towns with windows boarded up, trash and leaves blowing down the street and nothing left but memories of the way it used to be. A lot did change, but
Sandpoint really didn’t, and new stores opened with new friendly faces. We ultimately ended up opening one of those shops on First Avenue. We counted our blessings that we were making a dream come true. By the time the first September came around, business dropped off and we were beginning to get nervous about what the next months would bring. Could we survive until the next summer? Somehow, with a lot of beans, soup and thermostats set quite low, we did make it through the winter with a very patient landlord and the grace of God. Summer came again, and so did the tourists, which gave us hope for another year as a First Avenue merchant. Even after three years, we are still here. Nearly every day someone comes in and says, “How long have you been here?” When we answer, they inevitably say, “Oh, I never go downtown. You have such a cute little shop!” This year we got involved with the Downtown Business Association to see how we can help, and we found the heart of the town. The group, which is not a funded organization, volunteers their time and money to support nonprofits and civic groups. We live in a community where there are many that need help, so what really impresses me is the individual businesses that always have a heart, finding a family whose needs are great and creating events to help them. Never have I experienced a community with a bigger heart, one that I am proud to be a member of. As we go into the holiday season and after a summer or two of construction, we are relieved that mess is over. But I ponder the question and statement: “How long have you been here? I never come downtown.” Why not? It is my hope that people will re-invest in our community businesses as much as possible to keep jobs here and to help the businesses keep up our beautiful small community. This year, as you pick up your computer and type in Amazon.com, we all hope you will put it down, put on your coat and scarf, jump in the car and come downtown. While parking can be limited, there is always parking around the block, down by the Sand Creek Trail head, city beach and lots of places right around the corner. Just think, if you
Image courtesy Wikipedia Commons
have to walk just a little farther you just may find an unexpected treasure you wouldn’t have seen otherwise or bump into an old friend you haven’t seen in a long time. Join us while we launch our hometown Christmas with the lighting of the Christmas tree in Jones Square on Friday, Nov. 23. We hope to see you in the downtown shops, restaurants and theater this year. We are creating a holiday village that will give everyone a reason to come downtown. Bring the family and experience the joy and heart of Sandpoint while enjoying the carolers, the decorations and more. You are sure
to find the perfect affordable gift that is sure to delight. Don’t forget to shop on Small Business Saturday! Through the season come down to enjoy the special events, and see all the themed Christmas trees in the stores. You will be able to vote on your favorite! It may take us a little while to make our holiday decorations as exciting as Coeur d’Alene, but we are working to make it better every year. We would love to get to know you and are certain you will fall in love with Sandpoint all over again. We look forward to seeing you. Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and cheers to a prosperous New Year for all! November 21, 2018 /
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The Sandpoint Eater
Gathering with gratitude (and gravy) By Marcia Pilgeram Reader Food Columnist Currently, at my house, you’ll find two turkeys and six spare drumsticks (the youngest set of children still believe Mimi scouts out multi-legged turkeys). There are also 15 pounds of potatoes awaiting peelers, a cornucopia of vegetables that need to be chopped, minced or diced, and heavy cream, which will be poured into chilled Mason jars and shaken by eager little hands until someone finally delightfully squeals, “Look, Mimi, it’s butter!” We’ll save the labor-intensive hand-shaken butter to slather on homemade potato rolls, but there’ll be a couple additional pounds for baking flaky crusted pies and dabbing onto an array of vegetables, like Brussel sprouts, petite peas, sweet potatoes and perfectly mashed potatoes. My kids pride themselves on their potato mashing skills, though invariably, as they are draining the potatoes they will forget to save the potato water, which I covet for my gravy. I’m now raising another generation of serious foodies, and thus gravy packets have no place in any of our homes. In fact, some of my children (and theirs) have now developed their own techniques and constantly offer (me!) unsolicited gravy advice. I try to be a good sport, but honestly, I take a lot of pride in my long-honed gravy skillset. There are so many of us gathering this Thanksgiving that it required us to rent a nearby “overflow” house that sleeps 20. Every bed will be filled, and there’ll be 24 at the table for the Pilgerams’s feast. Besides oodles of kids and a plethora of food, there will also be an abundance of gratitude served at our table. This year, I’m especially grateful for skilled nurses and doctors who, just six months ago, saved the life of my youngest daughter Casey and her newborn son. I’m also filled with gratitude for other 24 /
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medical professionals, especially the oncology team who successfully treated my niece for breast cancer, and the professionals at a fertility clinic, who treated another niece, aching for a baby. Thanks to months of state-of-the art treatments, she’s expecting her first baby. So many people give so selflessly, and I’m grateful for their service: firefighters who face untold perils every time they suit up, and other brave heroes, who come in every gender, shape and color, risking their lives to make this world safer for you and yours, and me and mine. When I am feeling low or nearly defeated by the current partisan climate, I see or hear wonderfully uplifting stories of “good over evil” that renew my spirit and fill me with hope. Every single morning, I wake up grateful and proud to reside in a community where many friends, neighbors and businesses are caring and generous. Local restaurateurs such as
husband-and-wife team Jeremy and Jessica of Beet and Basil along with Wendy and her daughter Savannah of the Hoot Owl continue their generous traditions this year. Both of these kind hearted teams will spend their own Thanksgiving Day serving others who otherwise might be alone or unable to prepare a meal for their table. Of this I’m certain: No one should go hungry on Thanksgiving. Local volunteers, supporting Bonner County Food Bank saw to it that nearly 900 families were fixed up with a turkey and all the trimmings. Thanksgiving is a time when many go out of their way to be generous. But make no mistake: Our town is filled with volunteers and nonprofits, sharing and caring on a daily basis. It’s gratifying to be part of some of these organizations. Kinderhaven is at the top of my list, and next week is their Festival of the Trees, the best holiday event of the year. Family Night, Nov. 29,
from 4-6 p.m. is open to the public. Load up the kids and head to the Fairgrounds for cocoa, cookies, Santa and of course, a look at those gorgeous trees! The Gala Night is sold out, but there are still Holiday Luncheon Tickets available for Nov. 30. For additional information, see http://kinderhavensandpoint.com Another of my favorite traditions is the Annual Turkey Trot, a joint endeavor between Sandpoint West Athletic Club and Sandpoint Parks and Recreation Department. Throw your turkey in the oven and show up at Travers Park a little before 9 a.m. so you can sign a waiver. Don ‘t forget to bring a non-perishable food item or two for the Food Bank. I try to drag along anyone who’s up and dressed (especially cute grandkids I’m hankering to show-off). I hope I see you there! This year there’s even a post-holiday walk. Thanks to several generous benefactors, and Kaniksu Land Trust, you can walk off that turkey
tummy with a sneak peek at the future Pine Street Woods property. The walk is Friday, Nov. 23, and pre-registration is required for a look at this beautiful property: http:// kaniksulandtrust.org/green-fridayhike-2018/ This year, I’ll bow my head in thanks — for my healthy heart and open mind, and experienced hands that I endeavor to put to good use, every single day. With these hands, I’ll also raise my (overflowing) glass and wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and perfect, lump-free gravy.
Perfect Turkey Gravy RecipeMakes about 2 cups I buy a few extra turkey necks and simmer them all day, for a rich, gravy-making broth, which I add to the browned juices from the turkey. I prefer making a corn starch slurry (vs a flour roux), for my turkey gravy. I like the translucent color you can’t achieve with flour and I think it’s more flavorful, as well.
For turkey broth: • 4 turkey necks, rinsed well (if you don’t see them in the meet case, ask for them at the meat counter) • 4 cups cold water • 1 tsp salt • 1 tsp pepper
Bring necks to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer for several hours. Remove necks, and chop the meat if you want to add it to your gravy. (I do this the day before so I can chill overnight and scrape off any fat). Reheat the turkey broth. Make cornstarch slurry: Dissolve 4 Tbsp of cornstarch in ½ cup cold water, stir until you have a thin, smooth paste. Remove the turkey from the roaster pan and let it rest. Place roaster on stove top, and degrease the drippings. Bring drippings to a simmer on the stovetop. Pour the cornstarch slurry into the pan with drippings and whisk to blend into the liquid.
For gravy: • 1-2 cups degreased turkey drippings • 4 Tbs corn starch, dissolved in 1/2 cup of cold water • 2-3 cups broth • salt and pepper to taste
Continue to whisk until the gravy begins to thicken. As the gravy thickens, slowly add the turkey stock Alternate stirring and adding liquid, maintaining the consistency you want, for several minutes, about 5 minutes.
After reduction, you will end up with about 2- 3 cups of gravy. Adjust the seasoning and serve. To reheat, add a little of your leftover pan drippings to the gravy, whisk until it is thinned and heated through.
This week’s RLW by McCalee Cain
Keith Greeninger to play Di Luna’s By Reader Staff
With winter just around the corner what could be better than a dinner show in a warm cozy environment. If this sounds like the perfect date night, or an evening with friends and family mark your calendar for Friday Nov. 30 as Di Luna’s Café welcomes award winning songwriter Keith Greeninger to one of Sandpoint Idaho’s best listening rooms. What Keith Greeninger brings to his brand of singing and songwriting is authenticity. As a result, there are no barriers between the artist, his music and his audience. This bond stems from his underlying philosophy that music is first and foremost a gift and a soulful medicine to connect us and take part in together. He is a seasoned troubadour and multi award-winning songwriter, who paints intricate portraits of the human condition with powerful melodic images, deep engaging guitar rhythms and husky, heart-wrenching vocals. As a solo artist, and as a founding member of the renown trio City Folk he has toured the national Folk and Americana circuit extensively for the last two and a half decades. He’s performed at legendary venues, appeared on countless national radio shows, and shared stages with some of the country’s bestknown artists including Crosby Stills and Nash, Bruce Cockburn, John Hiatt, Michael Franti, Jessie Winchester, JJ Cale, Los Lobos and many more His masterfully crafted tunes and powerful presence have earned him top songwriting awards at the Telluride Blue Grass Festival, The Kerrville Folk Festival and The Napa Valley Folk Festival. He has performed on the main stage of music festivals throughout the U.S. and Canada including The Telluride Blue Grass Festival, The Kate Wolf
READ I do most of my reading with audiobooks in my car. Kazuo Ishiguro’s 2005 novel “Never Let Me Go” is one I should have read in the privacy of my home, where I could have ugly cried in solitude. This dystopian novel presents a mysterious and heartbreaking portrait of scientific ethics and human impermanence. It really made me think.
Keith Greeninger. Courtesy photo.
Festival, The High Sierra Music Festival, The Strawberry Music Festival, The Kerrville Folk Festival, The American River Music Festival, The Sisters Folk Festival, The Oregon Country Fair, and the Gathering at Island Lake in BC just to name a few. Opening the show will be local songwriter Patrice Webb. In 2017, Patrice was a winner of the Walnut Valley Music Festival’s New Song Contest, and is a two-time finalist in the Woody Guthrie Song Contest as well as a finalist in the Jane Titland Song Writing Contest in 2018. She has also won awards and recognition from the Indie International song contest as well as the Great American Song Contest. For the past several years Patrice has been playing festivals across the Western States and is currently nearing completion of her third recording which will be a collection of all original songs that will pay tribute to 20s, 30s, and 40s swing and acoustic blues. She will be sharing a couple of the songs that will be on the CD at the show.
The show starts at 7:30 p.m. with dinner being served at 6 p.m. Tickets are $12 in advance and are $15 at the door. To make reservations contact Di Luna’s at (208) 263-
0846. Di Luna’s is located at 207 Cedar Street in Sandpoint. For more information about Keith Greeninger visit www.keithgreeninger.com
POAC brings ‘The Nutcracker’ By Reader Staff
Eugene Ballet is returning to Sandpoint to bring it’s timeless holiday classic, The Nutcracker, to the Panida Theater. There’s a joyful magic at every performance as hundreds of aspiring young dancers join the Company on stage, while the Sugar Plum Fairy transports all to the Snow Kingdom and the Land of the Sweets. You’ll cheer and boo at the battle with the not-so-scary Mouse King and his Pirate Henchmice, as Clara and The Nutcracker win the day. This show is brought to the Panida by the Pend Oreille Arts Council as part of their annual Performance Series.
Courtesy photo.
Tickets to The Nutcracker are $30 for adults, $12 for those 18 and under. Find them at Eve’s Leaves, Eichardt’s, Winteridge Natural Foods or at the door the night of the show. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the show begins at 7.
It’s nothing new, but Børns’ 2015 debut album “Dopamine” remains one of my go-to feel good albums. Børns’ unique vocal sound pairs beautifully with the album’s indie synth trills, and an overall ethereal vibe helps to balance the more driving pop tracks. The album’s most notable tracks include “American Money” and “Electric Love”; my personal favorites are “Past Lives” and “Holy Ghost”.
This spring Vox Media launched “Explained,” a Netflix documentary series that packs a punch. In each approximately 15 minute-long episode, “Explained” dives into a new, interesting topic ranging from the stock market to the racial wealth gap to gene editing. This series effectively compresses complex topics into bite-size pieces that are not only palatable, but appealing. And with a variety of concepts to explore, there’s an episode for everyone.
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From Northern Idaho News, Oct. 5, 1909
ANOTHER BRICK BLOCK FOR SANDPOINT TWO-STORY BRICK ON CORNER OF FOURTH AND CHURCH STREETS STARTED P.R. Harrild has just completed plans for a modern two-story brick building to be erected on the corner of Fourth and Church streets. The first floor of the new building will be occupied by Robert Frey, one of the pioneers of this city with the Frey Manufacturing company. The second floor will be used for lodge rooms. The excavating for the new building was commenced last week and the work on the building will be pushed to completion as fast as possible, it being expected to have the building ready for occupancy in the course of 60 to 90 days. The building will have a frontage of 62 feet on Church street and 44 feet on Fourth street. Mr. Frey intends to add a number of new machines to his already largely equipped wood working plant and will make furniture of all kinds as well as doing general mill work. 26 /
/ November 21, 2018
Crossword Solution
If you’re a horse, and someone gets on you, and falls off, and then gets right back on you, I think you should buck him off right away.
Copyright www.mirroreyes.com
Woorf tdhe Week
[adjective] 1. characterized by melody; songlike.
“Upon waking, I heard ariose sounds coming from the garden.” Corrections: Somehow we got away clean. Cameron must do a good job or something. —LK
1. Unrefined 6. Hawaiian strings 10. Skin irritation 14. A Great Lake 15. Following 16. Like a bog 17. Comment to the audience 18. One who colors cloth 19. Trudge 20. Remunerate 22. Smell 23. Relating to aircraft 24. Exclamation of satisfaction 26. Garret 30. Consume 31. Explosive 32. Hodgepodge 64. Thrust with a knife 33. Quarry 65. Drying cloth 35. A gold coin of 66. Therefore ancient Persia 67. Tailless amphibian 39. A 19th century art 68. Abreast movement 69. Biblical garden 41. Frugality 70. Cravings 43. Well-known 71. Homes for birds 44. Stigma 46. Hats DOWN 47. Record (abbrev.) 49. Before, poetically 1. Blacken 50. At one time (archaic) 2. Ploy 51. Convulse 3. Relating to urine 54. Thin strip 4. Extinct flightless bird 56. Warmth 5. Colonic 57. Acculturate 6. Armpits 63. Hindu princess
Solution on page 22 7. Fundamental or central idea 8. X X X X 9. Avenue 10. Greatness 11. Diacritical mark 12. Criminal 13. 9-headed monster (Greek mythology) 21. Furtive looks 25. Annul 26. Forsaken 27. Margarine 28. Decree 29. Permissiveness 34. Toddlers 36. Lion sound
37. Rapscallions 38. Vesicle 40. Midmonth date 42. Whipped or sour 45. Ceding 48. Worthless 51. Half of six 52. Listened to 53. Cooktop 55. Moon of Saturn 58. Achy 59. Part of the outer ear 60. Amazes 61. Nipple 62. Shade trees
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