Reader August31 2017

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AUGUST 31, 20l7 l[F1iffll VOL 1q ISSUE 35

RUBY RIDGE: part 3 Memories of CECIL ANDRUS SUNDANCE FIRE: 50 years MURDER in Kootenai


Just one more thing to say...

That’s me in the photos. Hashtag #Goose on the Palouse! The day before (8/25), my WSU Oncologist, Dr. Julie Song, gave me the news. She wept. I felt sad for her. I brought her a gift including a can of Silly String. She Smiled. I think that is what I did best, making people smile. The next morning, as we waited for the sunrise in Tensed, my owner read of the passing of Cecil Andrus, Idaho’s Greatest Statesman he said. Victor wept uncontrollably. I guess it was all too much for him. Andrus was a friend. I was his Best Friend. I kissed Victor. I think I did that th well too; kissing. I told him it was just “my time” and asked him to invite Dr. Ken Hallock, of North Idaho Animal Hospital, over to the house. Dr. Hallock had given me most of my annual shots. Time for the last one. In closing, I wish you all would be kinder to each other. Simple acts of kindness are easy and priceless. Ask any Dog. please pardon my French (although I am a French Griffon), but I wish that the Sandpoint City Council would get off their arse and approve a Dog Park within Lakeview Park. They can use my renewed City Dog License fee. I don’t need it any more. I’m going Home. R.I.P. Goose brother remy

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/ August 31, 2017

(wo)MAN compiled by

Susan Drinkard

on the street

Monday is Labor Day. Let’s talk about jobs. What was the worst job you’ve ever had? “I can tell you about one I loved. I worked in two bookstores in Minnesota — one in Duluth. I love to read, so I always knew what I wanted to read next.” Linda McDonald Retired Sandpoint “I’ve had a few jobs I wouldn’t want to have again. I was a dishwasher in high school in Chicago when it was about 100 degrees outside, and I don’t recall there being any air-conditioning. Also, working in high temps as a caddy at a country club.” James Johnson Retired Clark Fork “I have had a varied career in the printing industry with about 14 different employers in different areas; I worked as a stenographer, in sales, to vice president, and I enjoyed all of them.” Jane Holzer Retired Volunteer at Panhandle Animal Shelter Hope “I would say working at an assisted living in another state. It was emotionally difficult watching people fade. I worked as a waitress — that is physically demanding work and they don’t get paid enough.” Jackie Wheeler Organic clerk Sandpoint

DEAR READERS, Our hearts go out to the millions of people across Texas that have been affected by Hurricane Harvey. One of the many benefits we have here in North Idaho is that we don’t have to deal with natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes and the like. The worst we have to deal with is wildfires, the occasional blizzard and bad drivers from out of town. Speaking of wildfire, this week features a look back 50 years at the devastating Sundance Fire of 1967, which claimed the lives of two firefighters. Read the story by staff writer Lyndsie Kiebert on page 17. This week we’re also continuing the series on the Stand-Off at Ruby Ridge: 25 Years Later. When I first embarked upon this endeavor, my goal was to try to tell this complicated, impactful story in a clear, concise manner so those who were here when it happened could remember the events clearly, and those who weren’t living here during the stand-off could know more about it. As I fall further down the rabbit hole, I’m realizing that this is an impossible story to tell in brief. As a result, next week will feature Part Four, which will cover the duration of the trial of Randy Weaver and Kevin Harris. There might even be a Part Five dealing with the aftermath and impact this incident has had, not only on North Idaho, but the rest of the nation. Immediately after this series wraps up, we will be unveiling a new series on the American Redoubt movement. It is our hope that we will be able to take a long, even look at this movement. We are planning to include several articles that explain and define this movement and the impact it has had on local politics. We are hoping to interview individuals in an even-handed manner to find out more about what they believe. Ultimately, this is a direction that we hope to take the Reader in more in the future: long, investigative pieces that provoke thought. In the meantime, I hope you all enjoy your long weekends out there. Happy Labor Day everyone! -Ben Olson, Publisher OPEN 11:30 am


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READER 111 Cedar Street, Suite 9 Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208)265-9724 Publisher: Ben Olson Editor: Cameron Rasmusson Zach Hagadone (emeritus) John Reuter (emeritus) Advertising: Jodi Taylor Contributing Artists: Vintage Stock (cover), Ben Olson, Susan Drinkard, Marcy Timblin, Bonner County Historical Society, Sara Weaver, Laurie Brown. Contributing Writers: Cameron Rasmusson, Ben Olson, Lyndsie Kiebert, McCalee Cain, Shelby Rognstad, Levi B. Cavener, PollyAnna, Jim Ramsey, Jim Mitsui, Tom Woodward, Brenda Hammond, Maureen Cooper, Brenden Bobby, Chris Balboni, Barry Burgess, Marcia Pilgeram, Laurie Brown. Submit stories to: Printed weekly at: Griffin Publishing Spokane, Wash. Subscription Price: $95 per year Web Content: Keokee The Sandpoint Reader is a weekly publication owned and operated by Ben Olson and Keokee. It is devoted to the arts, entertainment, politics and lifestyle in and around Sandpoint, Idaho. We hope to provide a quality alternative by offering honest, in-depth reporting that reflects the intelligence and interests of our diverse and growing community. The Reader is printed on recycled paper using soy-based ink. Leftover copies are collected and recycled weekly, or burned in massive bonfires to appease the gods of journalism. Free to all, limit two copies per person.

Sandpoint Reader letter policy: The Sandpoint Reader welcomes letters to the editor on all topics. Requirements: –No more than 400 words –Letters may not contain excessive profanity or libelous material. Please elevate the discussion. Letters will be edited to comply with the above requirements. Opinions expressed in these pages are those of the writers, not necessarily the publishers. Email letters to:

212 Cedar Street Downtown Sandpoint

208.263.4005 A SandPint Tradition Since 1994

Check us out on the web at: Like us on Facebook. About the Cover Just another cool free stock drawing from the ‘50s I found on a free stock site. -BO

August 31, 2017 /


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In The Face of Fear:

An address by Sandpoint Mayor Shelby Rognstad By Shelby Rognstad Reader Contributor

Many of you have shared your deep concern and frustration resulting from the expression of hate that is increasingly prevalent in our society, both locally and abroad. The events in Charlottesville a couple of weeks ago were heartbreaking, demonstrating how hate groups like neo-Nazis and the KKK are poised for terrifying and lethal violence. This kind of hate and the violence that it incites is abhorrent and repugnant. It is uncomfortable to acknowledge the reputation that our region has earned as a place that fosters racism, white supremacy and hate. Many have fought hard over recent decades to erase that identity from our home. Their efforts are to be applauded. We have come a long way since the days of Richard Butler and the Aryan nations. Yet today we see a vile resurgence of these toxic attitudes in our community. Numerous flyers, emails and social media campaigns have been launched recently to attack,

and misrepresent myself and other human rights leaders in our community. The perpetrators lack the courage to stand behind their beliefs, so they hide their identity with false addresses and midnight flyer drops. Their beliefs can’t be supported by facts or morals, so they forge false statements of others to promote their agenda. Allow me this opportunity to say, as clearly as possible, that neither I nor the city have had any conversations, intentions or taken any actions whatsoever to relocate refugees in the region. This is one of many false rumors that continue to circulate in traditional and social media. The city is focused on improving the local economy, ensuring that Sandpoint continues to be affordable for all and improving the quality of life for residents and visitors. It is said that we now live in a “post-truth era,” where despite the unprecedented availability of information, lies and misinformation are treated by many as the truth. It can be difficult to discern the truth

from fiction and it can be impossible when the mind is consumed by fear. In a state of fear, rational thought is severely impaired. It is far easier and feels much safer to accept misinformation that supports one’s beliefs than it is to change one’s beliefs to align with the truth. We must be steadfast in our commitment to truth. We must check our sources, verify our assumptions and practice discernment.

We live in the midst of radical transformation driven by changing technology, redistribution of wealth and mass migration of people across the world. Worldwide, many are seeing their livelihood, their way of life and their communities changing dramatically. The entire economy is permanently shifting, eliminating whole sectors of jobs that have existed for generations. At the same time, and to a lesser degree, we see new jobs and new industries for those who are fortunate enough to be part of the new innovative class. This difference in economic opportunity is real, tangible and unpleasant for those who are left behind in the new economy. For many the social and economic privilege they have had for generations is disappearing before their eyes. Simultaneously this generation is witness to a global politic moving from a historical construct of institutionalized racism, white supremacy and privilege and aspiring towards a more equitable, just society. Understandably, many

standard is an overwhelming 26 pages all by itself. That is 26 blank pages already without the teacher’s artifacts, writeup of each artifact, narrative of how each artifact ties to specific standards, etc. Teacher portfolios will resemble the bricks of paper known as closing documents when purchasing a home by the time they are completed. This completely defeats the point. The purpose of this master educator program was to reward teachers for the excellent work many educators are already performing in the state. It was not designed to punitively punish educators who already put every spare moment of their time into their classrooms. The application process, however, wants another pound of flesh from teachers already worked to the bone. The payout for countless hours putting together the comprehensive portfolio that an educator might be eligible to receive after investing

significant time that would have been better utilized in professional development or curriculum planning? $4,000. That’s not an insignificant sum. But it’s not a guaranteed payout either. And for educators looking to increase their compensation it is much more likely they will take a summer or part-time gig of guaranteed wages rather than tempting fate with mountains of paperwork for a check that they might be found eligible for. Most teachers I talk to about the criteria are so frustrated and angry about the significant requirements that they have already stated their intention to not develop a portfolio or apply for the distinction. That, unfortunately, includes the bulk of educators I would truly call Jedi Master quality teachers. It appears that the intent in developing this onerous process was precisely to deter eligible

Sandpoint Mayor Shelby Rognstad.

who have something to lose in this transition are fearful for the future and the future of their families. This is not to justify or excuse hate, but to understand its cause. Fear is the source of all hate, injustice, lies and violence. The stability of our environment and the strength of our character shape our capacity to manage it, or be managed by it. These dramatic times remind us of the importance of building strong communities, strong faith, and strong character. We live in one of the most beautiful, abundant places on earth. We have the every opportunity to strengthen our community with our wisdom and compassion, not ignorance or fear. We must stand up for our humanistic values: that all persons are created equal and deserve the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. Let us not forget that this is our community, these are our values. Shelby Rognstad is the Mayor of Sandpoint.

Idaho Board of Ed: There are only 374 great teachers in the Gem State By Levi B. Cavener Reader Contributor Idaho’s State Board of Education finally released their recommendations for determining Jedi-quality master teachers last week. The report concludes that only 374 teachers in Idaho will qualify for the Master Educator distinction out of an eligible pool of 18,710 educators in Idaho. This outcome seems to be an outright contradiction to the original intention of establishing a master teacher program which was designed to push many veteran educators closer to the original top salary level proposed during the tiered licensure debate. In fact, the requirements to receive the Jedi distinction from padawan colleagues is so onerous that the truly excellent teachers will likely spend their already-strapped time on their classroom instead of completing yet another pile of paperwork mandated by the state. 4 /


/ August 31, 2017

Levi B. Cavener. The report issued by the State Board of Education requires that educators seeking their black-belt to develop a comprehensive portfolio which includes artifacts, a narrative explaining each artifact, and tedious explanations of how each artifact is tied to a plethora of categories in the evaluation rubric. In fact, the framework supplied by the state from the portfolio cover page to the rubric for the last

candidates from applying. Out of an eligible pool 18,710 candidates the report forecasts that just 374 educators, or an astonishingly small 2 percent of the population, will qualify for this distinction. That shockingly small number comes from a deliberate calculation to make the process so overwhelming as to hang up a sign that reads “need not apply” for the bulk of Idaho’s teachers. So congratulations educators in Idaho. The State Board thinks that only 2 percent of you are excellent enough to receive your Jedi distinction. Clearly, this is yet another reason why qualified talent is moving in droves to teach the children in the Gem State. Oh, wait... Levi B Cavener is a special education teacher living in Caldwell. He blogs at IdahosPromise.Org


On a Hunt for Family By PollyAnna Reader Columnist About a decade ago, I found myself between jobs, penniless and overseas. Like most young adults, my instant reaction was: “Wow! I should take immediate steps to secure a new job and pay off my student loans!” Naaaahhh. Instead, I sat down and made a list of everyone I knew in Europe. Then I emailed all of them, and said, “Hey, can I come visit?” My goal was to wander around the continent for an entire month without a single night of paid lodging. The oddest people on my email list, however, I had never even met before. It turns out – surprise! – my great-grandparents were immigrants. But, don’t wig out, they were white, and Christian-ish, so supposedly that makes me pretty safe to be around. Plus, here in the States, it’s kinda cool to have rumored gypsy blood. In Europe, on the other hand, Romas aren’t so hip yet. We’re still just baby-stealers and tricksters. My ax-wielding grandma’s parents rode the boat over in pursuit of the American dream pre-World Wars. They worked hard, and each generation gradually improved on its lot, but no one quite forgot the Hungarian homeland. In fact, my grandma’s sister made a few trips over to visit her first cousins in the ‘80s and ‘90s. As the double oughts rolled to a close, most contact had been lost between the two branches of the family. None-

theless, several obsessive people had kept up a family wheelpie-chart-thingy, which was now way too complicated to fit on a single page of paper. One of those people was my teen sister, and from somewhere, she had magically procured an email address. Being a standard American in possession of an email address, I wrote to it, and expectantly waited for someone to respond to me in English. Crazy enough, someone replied! She was my age, spoke English fluently, worked in Budapest as a financial officer, and wanted to meet me. I like to think I’m a generous person, but man, these people. Halfway through my month-long vacation, I wandered into their tidy little apartment wearing my wild-patterned linen pants, with my sad-white-person dreadlocks in disarray. The gal’s husband laughingly hauled my luggage up the stairs, and insisted I call him my “sherpa.” They fed me, toured me around in their non-working hours, joked with me, and taught me how to read weird Hungarian names on billboards. Then, they went a step further, and put me on a bus and shipped me out to a little village in the vast green May countryside, where I was greeted with warm hugs from a stocky middle-aged fellow and his wife, a shirtless dude in coveralls, and a girl with shock-black hair and boobs about to bust out of her tiny shirt. This is how I met my grandma’s cousin, his wife, and his son — and the son’s girlfriend,

who was the all-important interpreter in the tiny hamlet. They took me to their halfbuilt home and fed me, pointed at their names on the family tree printout I’d carried along, and laughed with me at my terrible pronunciations. They toured me through an old castle in town; the family farm, full of fruit trees and vineyards; and great-great-grandpa’s old cottage, which is slowly and quietly crumbling into the lush countryside. Most of my memories of my time in that village have a sort of halo about them, probably due to the tradition of beginning and ending every meal with toasts of homemade moonshine (the meals themselves were washed down by

house wine). One day, upon completion of lunch, Cousin Gyula stood up and gestured that I follow him. Down we went into the cellar, Gyula carrying a lamp and grinning broadly as he opened his arms with pride. The cellar was filled with giant home-vinted casks à la Edgar Allen Poe. With some miming, they made me understand that my job for the next hour was to taste every single vintage in the cellar and tell him which one I liked best. This activity was immediately followed by all of us piling into their tiny little car and driving to a quiet cemetery in search of great-great-grandpa’s grave. All I remember from that foggy experience is struggling to walk a straight


line between the graves, praying desperately that I wouldn’t disgrace the ghosts of my ancestors by tripping over a headstone. Those Hungarian folks – farmers and financiers – taught an absolute stranger a lot about what it means to be welcoming, and generous, and kind. One day, I promised them, I’ll go back, and bring my sister with me. In the meantime, my house is open to them – and, I hope, to other strangers as well, members of the family I’ll build through my own generosity. PollyAnna lives, loves, and writes from Sandpoint, where she’s pretty okay with sharing her house, but not her carefully-tended heirloom tomatoes.


Sandpoint’s new proposal for an “infinity bike path” is met with mixed results.

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‘It’s like Christmas’

Angels Over Sandpoint hosts 15th annual Back to School Event

Bouquets: •Congratulations is in order for Laughing Dog Brewing, who celebrated their 12th anniversary last weekend with a great party at their new facility in Ponderay. I’ve enjoyed watching this brewery grow from a small start-up to an award-winning business over the years. We wish you many more anniversaries, Fred and Michelle (and beloved Benny). •A few weeks ago, I put a call out for anyone with a line on a good place to rent for my girlfriend, who is getting evicted from her house after it sold. I really appreciate all of you who have called or emailed with ideas and offers. She still hasn’t found one yet, so if anyone has info on a place in town, preferably a “mother-in-law” unit, please let me know. Also, as a side bouquet, I realize how unique it is to have a landlord who is caring, who helps you when you need it and leaves you alone when you don’t, and who you actually enjoy seeing, instead of dread. My landlord Mike Bustos is one of the good ones. I probably wouldn’t be living in my apartment still if not for him. I appreciate you, Mike! Barbs: •Is it just me, or are thrift stores getting prohibitively expensive? I thought the whole idea was to provide people with a way to buy clothes and housewares for a bargain, not to make a blinding profit. At one of the bigger thrift stores in the area, I couldn’t believe that they wanted $10 for a pair of shorts, $8 for a tee-shirt, an old phone that we needed for the office cost $10 (when it probably sold new in 1995 for $20). I don’t know what kind of profit margins thrift stores deal with, but it seems to me that if people donate your products for free, you don’t have to charge an arm and a leg for second-hand items that aren’t worth half of what they’re priced at. 6 /


/ August 31, 2017

By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff Writer Calleigh Ochoa asked her grandmother again how long it would be until the doors would open. Again, Beverly Jennelle told her it would be only a few minutes. They stood near the front of the line outside Farmin-Stidwell Elementary Tuesday afternoon in anticipation of the Angels Over Sandpoint Back to School Event, where hundreds of children from across Bonner County would receive donated school supplies. No one could really blame Calleigh for her impatience. After all, she was about to pick out her very own brand new backpack — something both she and her sister Sitiva said they were excited about. “It was really a godsend,” Jennelle, who cares for her granddaughters, said. She said she heard about the event through a call from Priest River Elementary. This kind of

Priest River student Sitiva Ochoa sifts through backpack options at the annual Angels Over Sandpoint Back to School Event Tuesday. Photo by Lyndsie Kiebert. collaborative outreach with the local schools is what Angels volunteer BJ Biddle said made this year — the event’s 15th — so successful. Biddle said the most exciting part about this year specifically was the addition of two satellite pick-up stations for registered families in

FOL suspends book sales due to construction By Ben Olson Reader Staff The Friends of the Library (FOL) has regretfully announced it has suspended all monthly books sales for approximately six months due to the extensive library expansion construction. All of the space within the library that is normally allocated for book sales is affected by the construction. So, regretfully, there will be no book sale in the month of September and perhaps not until spring. Additionally, there will not be a first-Thursday program in September. The Library will not accept any book donations from the public until construction

is completed and neither can FOL. The group is examining various options to hold special or limited sales and will announce these special sales if they happen. “We are so grateful for your past patronage and hope that all of you will continue to attend the sales as soon as they resume,” FOL wrote in a statement. “As you know, the funds earned by the book sales are fed directly back to the library. Every time you buy a book, you directly benefit the Sandpoint community, so, of course we are grateful. We members of FOL will surely miss all of you and look forward to seeing you in the spring.”

Priest River and Clark Fork to reap the same benefits as the families who could pick up the supplies in Sandpoint. For some families, getting to town can be an ordeal, Biddle said, so the use of satellite distribution stations helped the Angels serve more children in a wider area this year. “Our goal has always been, ‘How can we get more kids?’” she said. The chair of the Back to School program, Robin Hanson, said the Angels work with Staples to purchase the supplies at a discounted price, and that they ask that families register ahead of time so that they can properly prepare. This year, she said the preparations went very smoothly. “We’ve been doing it long enough that we’ve got it down,” she said. “We’ve got the best volunteers you could hope for.” Hanson said her favorite part of the event is seeing the looks on the children’s faces. “It’s like Christmas for 800 kids,” she said. “It makes them excited to go back to school.” In her third year volunteer-

ing, retired teacher Sandy Ross said the Angels Back to School Event was the perfect way for her and other past teachers to give back to the community. “It’s in my wheelhouse to help. Also, I know a lot about school supplies,” she said with a laugh. Children registered to receive supplies got a large paper bag of classroom essentials, as well as the anticipated brand new backpack. Before exiting, they got to stop by a table of new books provided by the East Bonner County Library District and pick something out. Minutes before the gym doors opened, Biddle recounted a story from a previous year of a little girl with “big blue eyes,” about preschool or Kindergarten age, walking into the stacks of backpacks and being told she could pick whichever she one she wanted. The girl’s eyes widened and she looked up at her mother. “She said ‘Mama, I get to choose?’” Biddle said. “I’m going to cry thinking about it right now. From a human point of view, this is the most worthwhile thing I’ve ever done.”


Memories of Cecil Andrus

The former governor of Idaho left a lasting legacy

By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff Cecil Andrus, Idaho’s longest-serving governor and former U.S. secretary of the interior, passed away last week. We asked several local residents about their memories and impressions of Andrus in their working and personal lives. Pete Thompson Former newspaper publisher and Andrus Idaho Fish and Game Commission appointee A longtime friend of Andrus, Pete Thompson is the co-founder of the Bonner County Daily Bee, served as his campaign manager in Bonner County. Thompson remembers Andrus as a warm friend with whom he shared many interests. “Cece Andrus is a person who I considered a very close friend,” Thompson said. “I can’t tell you all the many things he did for me.” While Thompson appreciates Andrus’ legacy as a politician, it’s the personal memories of friendship he remembers most fondly. One moment that sticks out in his mind is when Andrus visited North Idaho and helped the Thompsons by taking on a paper route. It was just one memory they established in the Sandpoint area. “He spent some time with me when I had a boat on Pend Oreille, and we fished together,” he said. Thompson assisted Andrus by taking on a position with the Idaho Fish and Game Commission. He said it was his pleasure to assist with Andrus’ legacy of conservation. “I have to say he was an excellent governor,” Thompson said. “He did so many things.” Shawn Keough District 1 Idaho senator

“My interactions with Gov. Andrus were always cordial, respectful, and if I asked for his observations or input he would graciously offer it,” said Sen. Shawn Keough. “When I first ran for office in 1996, Gov. Andrus did a radio

Cecil Andrus. Courtesy photo.

ad in support of my opponent, the sitting senator — a Democrat — Sen. Tim Tucker. I saw Gov. Andrus after the election (I won) and teased him about supporting Sen. Tucker, but allowed that support was a given seeing as they were members of the opposite political party. Gov. Andrus was very gracious and offered me some advice: “Shawn, it’s all about the money.” At the time I wondered what he meant. Now, over the years, with my service on our budget committee and as co-chair of the budget committee, his advice was insightful and spot-on at all levels. Policy implementation, running state government, raising and cutting taxes, building roads, funding schools, etc.: It’s all about money. “Gov. Andrus was a good leader. While occasionally we were on opposite sides of issues, he always knew the issue and knew how he wanted to address it and worked towards his goals. He was always approachable and gracious. And, when it came to education in particular, I believe his leadership moved Idaho forward.” Chris Bessler Sandpoint Magazine publisher

“I didn’t know Andrus well, but I can vouch he was savvy with the media,” said Chris Bessler. “I was a 20-something reporter when I first interviewed him here in Sandpoint in about 1982.

This was a couple years after his term as Secretary of Interior, which ended after Ronald Reagan beat Jimmy Carter. Andrus gave a good interview, and when the talk veered around to how he viewed Reagan’s so-called “trickle-down” economic policy, he paused. “I came up with something good for you. Here’s a quote: ‘Waiting for Reaganomics to work is like leaving the runway lights on for Amelia Earhart.’” Reporters love colorful quotes, and of course I used it in the story. “And, side note, I think time proved Andrus right about Reagan’s policy of big tax breaks for wealthy people trickling down to help the regular folks. Still waiting for that. In fact, when I see stories about the various groups still searching for Amelia Earhart’s plane, I still think of the Andrus quote. Except now I think expecting to find her plane is like waiting for Reaganomics to finally start working.” Kermit Kiebert Former Idaho state senator and Idaho Department of Transportation director

Kermit Kiebert remembers Andrus as a man of two sides: the kindly, personable man and the hard-nosed politician. According to Kiebert, he could switch easily between both sides depending on what the situation demanded. “He could be really, really nice, or he could be ruthless, but I’m going to remember the good side,” he said. Kiebert fondly remembers how Andrus always had time and a tasty snack ready for his son as he grew up. And importantly, Andrus was a governor who understood the character and needs of North Idaho. “He was from northern Idaho, and he was a lumberjack,” Kiebert said. “He truly recognized the lunchbox folks that make the wheels go round in an economy. He was very invested in transportation (and instigated many) projects. Of course, he was an outdoorsman and loved to hunt and fish, so we can always thank him for looking out for the environment.” “He helped put the North and its resource-based economy on the map,” he added. “ A lot of what we have today we can attribute to him.”

Remembering ‘Cece’ By Jim Ramsey Reader Contributor I first met Cecil “Cece” Andrus a year after he had been elected governor, in 1971, shortly after we had moved to Boise to publish the Idaho Fishing & Hunting Guide. I knew that Idaho Fish and Game put out its own publication, but thought if I could talk to someone, perhaps they would be willing to let my magazine provide coverage for them. I was surprised to find out I could arrange a meeting with the governor of Idaho. Feeling a bit overwhelmed, I was shown into the governor’s office and sat across from him at his desk. The pitch to Andrus, who was a tall, very down-toearth man, was that the state could save the money they were spending on their own publication (which did not take ads) and that I could provide this service free in my magazine – if he would officially endorse my magazine. While Andrus did not agree on everything, he did agree to putting a message in our annual publication, renamed the ‘Idaho Outdoor Guide.’ Andrus’ message -- in the1974 edition of our magazine -- was entitled ‘Decade of Challenge … Idaho at a crossroads’ and read as such: “Our state is richly endowed with wild lands and a clean environment. Until very recently, we have been free of even the concern for over-population and a too-rapid development. “We have the ability to avoid the abuses which have degraded other states. How well we succeed will depend greatly on our will and our ability to cope with pressures for too much development or too little. “When Idahoans think about the outdoors, they think of hunting and fishing; clean air and water; big game herds, and salmon and steelhead spawning in the waters of unpolluted streams and creeks. “Too often, this is what Idaho was. Yet, there are wild portions of our state that should remain as they are for future generations. For example I strongly favor wilderness classification for the central Idaho primitive region. It is the strongest challenge of the decade.” In 1973, I had the privilege of taking a float trip on the most prized of all whitewater rivers – the Middle Fork of the Main Salmon, made famous in the movie “River of No Return” with Marilyn Monroe -- and used a photo of it on the cover of the 20th anniversary edition of our magazine. Due in large part to Andrus’ efforts, the Frank Church wilderness area was established by Congress in 1980 and renamed (to its present name) in 1984. Now 33 years later, North Idaho has a chance to perpetuate the beauty of another priceless wilderness area –-Scotchman Peaks, introduced in Congress last December by Idaho Sen. Jim Risch . One can only feel that if this happens, “Cece” would be happy. August 31, 2017 /


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Letters to the Editor Scotchman Peaks... Dear Editor, Elaine French, formerly of the Idaho Conservation League, recently extolled “collaboration” in the campaign for the Scotchman Wilderness, yet that couldn’t be farther from the truth and it’s amazing that the supporters still repeat that false claim. Being that the proposed boundaries are 3.5 miles from the city of Clark Fork, perhaps Elaine can explain how it is, that the supporters (and the USFS) chose to never directly speak (and listen) to the most important stakeholders, the local residents, regarding this proposal? The “collaboration” really means with mostly outside environmental interests, the former county commissioners played along with it and the supporters should flat-out be ashamed by this. If you support this proposed wilderness, do you know that a compromise area that includes the most scenic and unique portion of the area has been proposed by concerned local residents? FSPW seems to have no interest in a compromise that might be supported by a real majority of residents of Bonner County. If you are supporter, you should ask FSPW why they have no interest in working together with local resi-

dents? Residents of this county who are fed-up with this elitist and lessthan-good neighbor strategy should contact Senator Risch and the Bonner County Commissioners and tell them you do not support this and prefer a working-together approach that a real majority (not 7,000 newsletter recipients and outside preservation groups) might support. Stan Myers Hope

Mr. Myers, Your claim that, “supporters (and the USFS) chose to never directly speak (and listen) to ... the local residents,” is a little unfair. I reported on a meeting in Clark Fork last winter that was very well attended in which the USFS, Sen. Risch’s staff and Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness all spoke (and listened to) the local residents’ concerns. Also, Sen. Risch told the Reader that the process for designating Scotchman Peaks as a wilderness area has only just begun, and that local input from Clark Fork, according to Risch, was the first place they started once they got the process moving in Washington D.C. Not trying to pick sides, just trying to honor the facts. -Ben Olson, publisher.

1st Amendment... Dear Editor, At the recent Shakespeare play

at the fairgrounds, abolitionists stood on either side of the exits with abortion placards. Vulnerable already from the violence in “Macbeth,” I felt taken advantage of, having my eyes forced onto the graphic pictures as the headlights illuminated them in the slowly moving column of cars in the darkness of the night. The Nazi propaganda machine (to take off on the Holocaust comparison abolitionists are using) was very effective with using graphics in conjunction with vulnerable situations to further their cause. When people are deeply vulnerable already, they are most impressionable but they are also the most likely to be hurt. Working with PTSD in my practice I am acutely aware what impact these pictures could have on vulnerable children and women. Using this vulnerability towards one’s goals would be very effective, but one might want to ask oneself where the right of free speech interferes with the right to free listening (or viewing in this case), which inherently is part of the First Amendment, and causing more harm. My issue is not about abortion itself here but about the way somebody’s views are forced on a whole group of people who came here to see a Shakespeare play. Gabrielle Duebendorfer Sandpoint

A Shakespearean Thanks...

Dear Editor, A hearty thank you to everyone who so wholeheartedly pitched in to help bring Montana Shakespeare in the Parks and their brilliant production of “Macbeth” to Sandpoint! Without the help of community volunteers and visionaries — without your thoughtfulness, support, and generosity, without your magnanimous contributions — productions such as this would not be possible in our community. Thanks also to a generous grant from The Bonner County Arts Enhancement in the Idaho Community Foundation, we all can enjoy Shakespeare in Sandpoint. And, because of you, my job as organizer is a breeze. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Christine Holbert Lost Horse Press Sandpoint

Howen Interview... Dear Editor, Ron Howen’s interview (Aug. 24, 2017) provoked thought. I loved it. He unfailingly sought the truth of “who authorized and signed off on the ‘shoot to kill’ orders that the scout/ snipers were given?” (in regards to “Ruby Ridge”) He worked tirelessly to the detriment of his health and life.

I fear the roots of this problem are so deep and wide, like the roots of an ancient oak. “Shoot! Shoot! Shoot to Kill!” was the mantra we yelled while marching in military training. It reverberated in my head hauntingly for well over a decade later. Maybe I am glad that I broke my neck in training to endure a life of physical chronic pain. What if I had excelled? Maybe I am the one pulling the trigger, or even graduating to give the order. When you mix a toxic mantra with the fear of “terrorism” there is a bloody war, just like Ruby Ridge, again and again, all over the world. Twenty-five years later and it feels like it is still a “stand-off” in North Idaho. One wrong move and I could be shot dead like Vicky Weaver or Jeanetta Riley, and my survivors couldn’t expect justice. Recently I have begun telling policemen and armed men (silently or verbally) that I love them. So they don’t fear me. So they won’t shoot me. On a grateful note, Ron Howen has restored my faith in humanity a little, reminded me that even lawyers can be good. I want to thank Mr. Howen for all of his sacrifices 25 years ago and the reflective wisdom he offers in the Reader’s exclusive interview. The story of Ruby Ridge is as timely today as ever. Thank you, Reader! Jodi Rawson Sandpoint

The vision of panelized, realized. (208)264-6700

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/ August 31, 2017

Dan McMahon, Gen. Contractor


the ghost of harold is watching by Tom Woodward

This open Window

Vol. 2 No. 16

poetry and prose by local writers edited by Jim mitsui

I never did get a bad apple at Harold’s super foods. It was always worth the hard tug on the broken pneumatic front door, etched in glass and papered over with the peeling tape of low overhead. The dust mites whirling on the floor may have been dancing to the Muzak, but the zucchini & apples were always a deal. Sipping 35cent coffee in the back diner, burgeoning with sanctioned tobacco smoke and lipstick-tainted cups brought gravel voices mussitating on epocal lore of long-gone Sandpoint. The deli/bakery had old world charms all its own. Great chunks of chicken breast fattened by hormonal implants for an offering under a dollar. Add a jo jo or two and the Faustian pact with the culinary devil was sealed. If you were a youngster you rode on the 10cent pony. Your grandmother paid a dime for your mom to ride. Hun would greet you at the check-out

THIS WEEK’S PROMPT: Here’s an easy exercise: try writing an acrostic. Think of a subject: a short phrase, an idea, a place or a person’s name (my mother’s name was Shime Mitsui), and then write it vertically down the left margin. Instead of ending each line with some sort of punctuation (end stopping), come up with some “run-on” lines that continue what you’re trying to say without pausing. One of the issues with traditional verse is that many of the lines are end-stopped, creating a choppy, sing-song effect. Stanza breaks occur between words. Try to avoid clichés, follow your own personal talking style. When you get to the last line try for an ending that is unexpected, not obvious. You’re not writing an essay in your English teacher’s memory. Remember that good writing involves a process and you will make discoveries along the way. And try to have some fun. Good luck. -Jim Mitsui

memories of my mother, and her gunny sack sushi by James Masao Mitsui

She rarely had any choices in life. Forced to leave Her Noritake china back In Skykomish when we had to leave by train for Tule Lake. March, 1942. It was worse than The Grapes of Wrath. Every reluctant mile was hidden behind blackout curtains,

with “Hi hun, did ya get everything you were looking for?” Sadly now in this age of retail the huns have vanished. Harold’s had its setbacks, one of which involved the brutal slaying of the owner in a botched robbery attempt promoting the hideous moniker “Dead Harold’s”. By the onset of the 21st Century the world was passing it by; sharks were circling the waters while vultures roosted on the light poles. It wasn’t only Harold’s that was on the chopping block but a styling salon, laundromat and the beloved movie theater as well. In time, Wall Street got its way and the once hallowed grounds of the iconoclastic IGA on the corner of 5th & Oak fell to a wrecking ball in one of the town’s largest social cleansings. -Tom Woodward, August 17, 2017

Send poems to:

i feel safe in my backyard by Brenda Hammond

and not a bit lonely. Yellow faces on the cucumber vines, robust forest of potatoes, blossoming beans and peas, tiny tomatoes peeping out, the voluptuous surprise of soft blue stars in an overlooked pot I left undisturbed, shiny crowd of basil, soft purple sage, spiky chives and rosemary--all spring forth miraculously at my bidding. I acknowledge them with pride, like children with well-brushed hair and clean clothes stiff from the line--with gratitude that the uneven watering and varying degrees of warmth and light have not prevented them from flourishing. Stalwart spruce, pine and fir surround us like tall guards, standing strong but waving graceful arms. -Brenda Hammond

July 27, 2017

Brenda is a long time member of the Human Rights Task Force and works at Early Head Start where she will soon be offering parenting classes for free to the community. She is proud to have four grand-girls!

collecting vignettes - festival 2017 by Maureen Cooper

Moments of rusty twilight by the Pend Oreille River, holding hands while music swirls from the stage in whirling measures, sweet as a stolen kiss like the one you surprised me with as we set up our chairs near the tamarack tree overlooking the field. -Maureen Cooper Maureen lives in Sagle on Muskrat Lake. She’s a sound healing apprentice and musician; she moved to Idaho because it was like Minnesota, where she grew up.

Making the shame seem louder than her heartbeat. In Grants Pass someone at the depot had shouted That we “should all be shipped back to Japan.” Silently my Mother straightened her 57 inch frame and Under the stares of people who couldn’t understand Instilled in me, words that would speak to audiences. August 31, 2017 /


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Panhandler Pies owners seek restaurant sale By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff A chapter is about to close on a popular local restaurant: Panhandler Pies owners Rex and Maria Williams announced they are putting the business up for sale. Owned by the Williams for nearly three decades, Panhandler Pies has built a reputation for great baked goods, hearty American-style meals and a cornbread recipe to die for. After countless early mornings making pies from scratch, however, the Williams are looking to transition into retirement. “Rex said, ‘I’m just ready to enjoy the sights (of Sandpoint) and retire,’” Maria Williams said. “He’s worked so hard.” Panhandler Pies has become a favorite downtown restaurant for many locals and visitors thanks to reasonable menu prices and family-friendly atmosphere. The restaurant’s policy of offering a free meal on birthdays has made it the setting for many a party over its 29-year run under the Williams. “We’re the only place in town that does that for birthdays,” Williams said. “We typically give away 10 to 15

Panhandler Pies on First Ave. Photo by Ben Olson. birthday meals a week.” The restaurant has also made a community impact over its years in business. It has lent support for special events and nonprofits, and some of its staff have stayed with the restaurant for years on end. Panhandler Pies is the type of place where an elderly man might spontaneously start playing the harmonica, as happened one recent night. It’s an environment Williams said will be tough to leave behind, but the couple feels the time is right. The Williams are hoping to find a buyer that will continue the restaurant’s well-established traditions. According to Williams, it’s an operation that would be sustainable from the

very beginning, and a continuation of its tried-and-true formula would certainly please its fans. “It’s just been there so long,” she said. “I think there are a lot of people that would be upset if Panhandler turned into lobster dining or something.” According to Williams, their plans to pass the torch could be a great opportunity for a young person or couple wanting to make a living in Sandpoint. After all, that’s what led Rex Williams to enter the restaurant business three decades ago. To inquire about the business, contact Rex Williams at 208-627-2332.

Candidacy filing opens for city elections By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff If you see yourself sitting in the Sandpoint City Council chambers next year, now is the time to declare your candidacy. With three Sandpoint City Council seats open, residents have until Friday, Sept. 8, to file their candidacy paperwork, a process that began Monday, Aug. 28. Should an individual miss that deadline but still wish to run, he or she can declare 10 /


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their intent to run as a write-in candidate, which they can do until Tuesday, Oct. 10. The election will take place Tuesday, Nov. 7. In order to declare a candidacy for a city election, the candidate must be at least 18 years of age and a U.S. citizen. In addition, the candidate must live within city limits, the address of the candidate’s voter registration must match their residential address and

he or she must have lived in the city at least 30 days prior to filing their declaration. The declaration paperwork must be accompanied by a petition of candidacy with at least five signatures from qualified electors and a filing fee of $40. This year, the seats currently held by Shannon Williamson, Stephen Snedden and Bob Camp are up for election.

Lakes Commission discusses host of waterway topics at meeting

By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff Writer The Lakes Commission held a meeting on Friday, Aug. 25 at the Columbia Bank Building downtown. The jam-packed agenda included presentations from experts across a spectrum of waterway-related topics. Kathy Cousins with the Idaho Department of Fish and Game updated attendees on the progress of the Clark Fork Delta Restoration project, complete with photos of the flourishing vegetation in the area. David Chambers, a geophysicist with the Center for Science in Public Participation, presented with Rock Creek Alliance about his studies of tailings dam failures. The Idaho Office of Emergency Management, Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, Sandpoint Fire Chief and Bonner County Emergency Management presented on emergency response protocol in regards to spills in local waterways, the Idaho Department of Agriculture presented an update of the current aquatic invasive species situation and the Army

Corps of Engineers updated attendees on operations at Albeni Falls Dam. During the end of the meeting, designated to public comments, questions and announcements, one member of the audience voiced concerns about the erosive consequences of the increased numbers of wake boats on local waterways. He said he wanted to urge the commission to take “serious actions” to protect landowners from shore damage. “It was a packed agenda with a lot of timely issues, so we were thankful to have such a great turnout. Unfortunately there wasn’t adequate time for public comment and discussion. I encourage those who may have comments to email or call,” said Lakes Commission Coordinator Molly McCahon. “The Lakes Commission will continue to discuss emergency response protocol for potential catastrophic spills, from all cargo traveling over our waterways.”

Public hearing next week for proposed water noise ordinance By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff Writer There will be a public hearing on Thursday, Sept. 7, regarding a proposed amendment to county law that would further water safety regulations to include penalties for unlawful noise levels. Under the proposed amendment (Title 3, Chapter 1, Section 108), it would be illegal to operate a watercraft emitting noise levels above a certain decibel, depending on when the watercraft was manufactured. Proposed additions to the current water safety laws also include making it illegal for a boat to emit audio so loud that it can be heard from a distance of 200

feet. Another proposed section would put the same 200-foot restriction on “talking, yelling, shouting, hooting, whistling or singing.” Those interested can read the entirely of the proposed ordinance amendment by visiting the Bonner County Board of Commissioner’s office or the Waterways Advisory Board website. Thursday’s public hearing will be held at 9 a.m. in the first floor conference room of the County Administration Building. Anyone with written comments they want considered at the hearing should get that information to the commissioner’s office before 5 p.m. on Sept. 1.


Washington man killed in Kootenai By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff A Washington man is accused of murder after a cab driver was found stabbed to death Monday. Puyallup, Wash., resident Jacob Coleman, 19, is in custody at Bonner County Jail after allegedly stabbing Spokane Valley resident Gagandeep Singh, 22, to death. Coleman is charged with first-degree murder. “I am interested in why someone would commit such a heinous act, and as such, in addition to reviewing all the evidence, I have requested the detectives to focus on possible motives,” said Bonner County Prosecuting Attorney Louis Marshall. “My expectation and hope is that we will find the truth, and in doing so, justice will be served.” According to the Bonner County Sheriff’s Office, Coleman was agitated over being denied admittance to Gonzaga University. That day, he had flown from Seattle to Spokane thinking he would begin the college semester, only to be denied entry for unknown reasons. The incident triggered homicidal thoughts, which grew throughout the day. Gonzaga University later issued

Red Flag Warning issued for fires

Alleged murderer Jacob Coleman. Photo / BCSO.

a statement saying it had no record of an application for admission from Coleman. Later that day, Coleman hired a Singh’s taxi to drive him to east Bonner County, where he claimed his friend resided. Coleman told officers that his anger grew throughout the drive, and in Ponderay, he asked Singh to stop at a store, where he purchased a knife. They then continued toward the nonexistent address in eastern Bonner County. In Kootenai, Singh began to suspect that Coleman had no legitimate destination in mind and stopped near the intersection of Spokane Street and East Railroad Avenue. At that moment, Coleman allegedly withdrew the knife purchased

Gagandeep Singh. Photo / Facebook.

earlier that day and stabbed Singh. The authorities began investigating Singh’s whereabouts after his family began making inquiries. After calling the cab, they checked in with Bonner County Dispatch. The patrol supervisor soon located Singh’s vehicle and later arrested Coleman without incident. Singh’s family has since been notified. Singh moved to Washington State in 2003 with his family and is reported to have been in his final year of software engineering, according to The investigation is ongoing, and anyone with information should call Bonner County detectives at 208-2638417.


By Ben Olson Reader Staff The National Weather Service has issued a Red Flag Warning for the region due to increased winds, low relative humidity and high temperatures. The U.S. Forest Service also advices that high winds and lightning could increase the risk of wildfire starts. More than 100 lightning strikes were recorded in the Coeur d’Alene dispatch area in the last 24 hours. With high temperatures, Labor Day weekend and hunting season, the USFS advises people to use caution in the woods: “There is still no moisture in the forecast and fire resources are limited as the wildfire season continues,” the USFS wrote in a statement. Stage 2 fire restrictions are still in effect across the Idaho Panhandle.

NEWS IN BRIEF Reward increased in Ramey murder case By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff Writer

The reward for anyone who can offer information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for the murder of Hope resident Shirley Ramey is up to $7,000. Ramey’s husband, Daryl, started the reward at $5,000. It has since been supplemented by pledges from Dave Reynolds, Bruce Stutzke and the Hope City Council. Ramey was murdered in her home on Trestle Creek Road on April 5. Anyone with tips regarding the case should contact the Bonner County Sheriff’s Office at 208-255-COPS (2677).

Free coding workshop held for high school seniors By Ben Olson Reader Staff

The Sandpoint Teen Center is hosting a free workshop to introduce area high school students to software coding. This invitation is extended for 9th-12th graders from any high school (including homeschoolers) in Bonner County. The workshop will consist of 45 minutes demonstration/introduction to basic coding, followed by 45 minutes of hands-on practice. Those interested in attending should RSVP sandpointteencenter@yahoo. com. A limited number of laptops will be available so participants are encouraged to bring one for the class. The workshop will take place Thursday, Sept. 7, from 3:30-5 p.m. at the Sandpoint Youth Center on Pine and Division following the Youth Center’s Back to School BBQ at 2:30 p.m.

Forest Service road opens By Ben Olson Reader Staff

A temporary wall has been built to allow for business as usual at The Library while the expansion project moves forward. Foundation stem walls were poured and treated this week as crews prepare to install structural steel next week. The Cedar St. lot entrance has been closed this week for the fire line tie in. Expect noise, dust and awesomeness on the part of patrons, staff, volunteers and work crews. Photo by Marcy Timblin.

The Priest Lake Ranger District has reopened Forest Service Road #659 to the public. The road, commonly known as Solo Creek Road, is six miles west of the Priest Lake Information Center on State Highway 57. It has been closed for salvage logging activities and road repairs. August 31, 2017 /


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Mad about Science:

Brought to you by:

venus, queen of nightmares By Brenden Bobby Reader Columnist We’ve done an article on Venus before, way back when. I didn’t even begin to touch on the awesome savagery of our sister planet. Basically, I told you that Venus would be a crummy place to live. That’s kind of like saying George R.R. Martin makes for a bad party planner. Venus, in short, is a nightmarish hellhole. This makes it both intriguing and mysterious, and a place of total human aversion. Mars is far more hospitable a place; cold, but reasonable. What you may not realize about Venus is that scientists believe it was habitable at one time. Not just that, but it may have actually had life. Not JUST THAT! But Venus may have had life at the same time as Earth. That’s a bit of a long shot, but given the relative age of our solar system, and the timeline for which Earth has had life, it’s possible that if Venus did harbor life, it could have done so for some amount of time alongside Earth. Breaking down the numbers, Earth is 4.5 billion years old. We believe the first single-celled organisms on Earth first formed about 4 billion years ago (and, worth noting, stayed that way for about 2.5 billion years). At some point in Venus’ distant history, we’re very sure that the planet had water in the form of shallow oceans (we’ve seen channels that water had dug into the planet’s surface), 12 /


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and shallow oceans just happen to be the perfect environments for early life. So, how did Venus go from a blue utopia to a pile of searing death-poison? We aren’t entirely sure, because we haven’t had enough time or resources to study Venus. We’ve spent more time looking at Mars. The planet is a lot easier for us to get to when the conditions are right, and our equipment works better on Mars. Why spend a few hundred million dollars on a probe that’s guaranteed to get smashed in nine hours, when we can run that same probe on another body for two decades? We do know a few things. Based on our own climate models, we know that Venus’ oceans evaporated. Oceans are a major regulator of greenhouse gasses, and without them, you get what’s called a runaway greenhouse effect. When Venus’ oceans evaporated, we believe most of the hydrogen floated to the top while the oxygen and carbon began to pair off into CO2. The sun whipped away most of the hydrogen, hurling it into space and leaving Venus with a dense, CO2-laden atmosphere. Having a thick CO2 atmosphere meant more than just poison wind for Venus, it also meant that it would hold heat really well. Venus is farther from the sun than Mercury, but Venus is much hotter. Why? Mercury’s atmosphere was stripped away by the sun, so it can’t hold heat. It has a hot side, but as soon as you step into Mercury’s shadow, temperatures plummet deep into the negative hundreds of

degrees. Venus, on the other hand, holds onto all of that heat because of its atmosphere. A balmy 864 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s hot enough to melt lead, just imagine human flesh! Think of it this way: If you’re standing outside in shorts and a tank top, it’ll be hot, but as soon as the sun goes down you’re probably going to be getting chilly. If you’re wearing a parka, you’re going to be hot when the sun’s out, and you’re going to be hot when the sun goes down. The atmosphere of Venus isn’t just hot. It’s also really heavy. It has about 96 times the mass of Earth’s, while it exerts about 92 times the amount of pressure of Earth’s. That’s the same as being over half a mile under the ocean. In case you’re wondering, even our best nuclear submarine would be crushed like an empty soda can at about two-thirds of that depth. It also makes the wind very heavy. The wind isn’t moving particularly fast, but it’s capable of moving objects. Even small objects, like pebbles and dust, would be hitting you with the same force as a delivery truck. Did I mention that it rains sulfuric acid? There is a solid concentration of sulfur in Venus’ atmosphere. It’s light enough to where it usually floats around in the upper atmosphere, but will occasionally merge with hydrogen and oxygen atoms then rain back down, evaporate, and start all over again. Just like rain on Earth, except it burns and stinks. Some scientists think that it’s possible that

airborne bacteria may have adapted to live in Venus’ toxic, sulfuric upper atmosphere, but that’s a very hostile environment, so don’t expect any little green men flying advanced space ships there. In short, Venus is the most miserable place you can possibly imagine, but it wasn’t

always like that. We’re hoping that someday, we’ll figure out why it went from being another Earth to being a nightmare landscape of flaming toxic horrors. Until then, we’re going to just take a left at Albuquerque and head to Mars. I hear their potatoes are to die for.

Random Corner Don’t know much about outer

space? We can help!

• According to astronauts, space smells like seared steak, hot metal and welding fumes. • In 1962, the U.S. blew up a hydrogen bomb in space that was 100 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. • Astronauts on the International Space Station witness around 15 sunrises and 15 sunsets every day. • The International Space Station is the most expensive object ever built, at $150 billion. •Inside an astronaut’s helmet, there is a velcro patch that serves as a scratcher. • NASA is developing 3D printed pizzas for astronauts. • NASA scientists have discovered stars that are cool enough to touch. • Floating cities above the clouds of Venus may be our best bet for becoming a two-planet species. Conditions there are so similar to Earth a human wouldn’t need a pressurized suit, the gravity is similar and transit times are shorter than to Mars. • Humans can live unprotected in space for about 30 seconds if they don’t hold their breath. • To our eyes, in space, the sun would appear white, not yellow. • Tortoises orbited the Moon before astronauts did: they were sent to test a Russian space probe. •It is impossible to whistle in a spacesuit. •The farthest distance from Earth an astronaut has ever traveled was during the Apollo 13 emergency. • Sex is banned aboard the International Space Station.


My summer at the Reader By McCalee Cain Reader Intern / Cedar Post Editor in Chief

This summer at the Reader, I learned many technical lessons — the proper AP formatting of numbers and dates, the ins and outs of Adobe Contribute, how to interview someone via phone with minimal stuttering and awkward pauses, etc. — but ultimately, my most valuable and significant takeaways were a lot less methodological and more generally applicable to life. Watching Ben and company put their heads together to solve problems week after week to put out the Reader that the community knows and loves was a great demonstration of leadership and collaboration in the newsroom that I hope to convey back to the Cedar Post staff this year. My time at the Reader and Keokee was a delectable taste of what working as a reporter could actually be like for me in the future, and a crash course in getting paid to do something I actually liked and was interested in. Having tried on the role of a reporter for the summer, I’m more invigorated in my identity as a journalist, and more confident in my writing and multimedia production abilities. Balancing my internship on top of Cedar Post and my other two jobs was a great opportunity to exercise my adult-ing muscles, and get a clearer sense of who I am as a reporter and as an employee. In addition to being an incredible learning experience, my internship was enjoyable to boot. Working with and getting to know Ben, Cameron and Lyndsie (and, of course, all the folks over at Keokee) was truly a joy. And they sure got to know me, as well: Ben, like a veteran birdwatcher, eventually became attuned to the different meanings of my varying moans and groans, and by my last week, could distinguish them by sound. Once, in a the fog of a particularly stubborn bout of writer’s block, I let out my can’twrite-this-boring-story-because-I-can’tfocus groan, to which he replied, “Let me guess, you don’t like this story?” My time at the Reader went by in a whirlwind, but luckily, thanks to Lyndsie’s clever Twitter documentation and

McCalee Cain rides on the Bonner County Sheriff Marine boat during a story for the Reader. Photo by Lyndsie Kiebert.

the magic of the world wide web, the witty (and often, endearingly absurd) banter of the office during my stay can live on forever. Looking forward to this year as Cedar Post’s editor in chief, I’m absolutely ecstatic, though a bit terrified at the same time. I can’t wait to share all I’ve learned about journalism, but mostly about collaboration and passion for what you do. I think in the end, that’s the greatest lesson I will leave this summer with: Being passionate about what you do can turn an alternative-weekly newspaper’s shabby office into a truly special place (at least, for the sentimental part-time intern at her rolly-desk). I am endlessly thankful to everyone at Keokee and at the Reader that took me on this summer. This summer was a pivotal time for me as a budding reporter and student, and I am deeply appreciative to Chris Bessler and everyone else I worked with for the opportunity to grow. The only drawback? I’ve unintentionally trained myself like Pavlov’s dog to require a bagel to write anything. I’d say that’s the only consequence that resulted from this impactful summer at the Reader.

More than a storore!e, a Super st August 31, 2017 /


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event t h u r s d a y

The Pioneer Square at 819 Hwy 2, Ste:102-B

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s a t u r d a y


s u n d a y


m o n d a y t u e s d a y

w e d n e s d a y t h u r s d a y

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Yappy Hour 4-7pm @ Evans Brothers Coffee A tail-waggin’ good time for people and pooches alike! Bring your dog and enjoy a Panhandle Animal Shelter benefit with live music, food and beverages available for purchase, plus a fenced-in area for dogs. Free admission; donations welcome!


Cask, Keg and Art Party 4-8pm @ Pend d’Oreille Winery All are invited to enjoy the 25th annivers celebration for Sandpoint Waldorf Sch featuring a silent auction of works by s porting artists. Complimentary appetiz with cash bar. Free and open to the publ

FallFest kickoff at Schweitzer Live Music w/ The Beat Diggers Rock Creek All 4-8pm @ Schweitzer Mountain Resort 9pm @ 219 Lounge 5-8pm @ Evans A new evening program to kickoff the Rock and roll tunes The annual part annual FallFest at Schweitzer. There Live Music w/ Ben and Cadie featuring live ja will be live music by reggae band New 5-7pm @ Idaho Pour Authority and Mike Johns Kingston, beer tasting and more Multi-instrumental duo food, beer and w Live Music w/ M Live Music w/ Devon Wade 6-8pm @ Cedar 6:30-9:30pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Honeysuckle and Harold’s IGA in concert Custo FallFest at Schweitzer 7:30pm @ Evans Brothers (The Granary) 1-8pm 11-6pm @ Schweitzer Come down to Evans Brothers at night, for a con- Live music all day, village activi- Sonic cert with Boston band Honeysuckle (featuring ties, chairlift rides and more! 8pm @ Sandpoint native Holly McGarry) and Harold’s Free First Saturday Featur IGA. $10 gets you in, BYOB, and food provided 10am-2pm @ Bonner Co. Museum ture, lo by Mandala Pizza. A great listening atmosphere Check out the history museum free Sandp Live Music w/ Brian Jacobs & Chris Lynch of charge for this monthly event 9am-1 Sandpoint History Walking Tour Fresh 6:30-9:30pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Cedar Great tunes, excellent locally brewed beer. What 10am-12pm @ Panida Theater Join in the exploration of our histor- 10ammore could you ask for? ic downtown! Free and open to all Come Sonic Bloom in concert Live Music w/ Truck Mills Band spanni 8pm @ Little Panida Theater Live M Beer, wine, snacks and soft drinks available at 9pm @ 219 Lounge Excellent blues w/ Truck’s 4-piece 6pm @ the concert. $10 admission FallFest at Schweitzer Sandpoint Chess Club 11-6pm @ Schweitzer Game 9am @ Evans Brothers Coffee Live music all day, village activi9pm @ Meets every Sunday at 9am. All are welcome ties, chairlift rides and more! FallFest at Schweitzer Monday Night Blues Jam w/ Truck Mills 11-4pm @ Schweitzer 7:30pm @ Eichardt’s Pub The last day of FallFest! Night Out Karaoke 9pm-12am @ 219 Lounge

Memory Cafe 2-3:30pm @ Kokanee Coffee This casual gathering provides socialization, interaction, an for persons diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or other related deme care partners. The only cost is what you order at the bakery a

Sandpoint Farmers’ Market 3pm-5:30pm @ Farmin Park The afternoon market on Wednesdays for all your produce needs! Dollar Beers! 8pm @ Eichardt’s Pub Good until the keg’s dry

Open Mic 5-8pm @ SKåL Taproom Musicians and comedians welcome! Open mic is held every Wednesday

Magic Wednesday 6-8pm @ Jalapeño’s Restauran Magician Star Alexander amaze dinner table and in the bar with teractive magical entertainment

Complimentary bourbon tasting 7-9pm @ 219 Lounge September is National Bourbon Heritage Month, an observance that calls for celebration of bourbon as America’s “Native Spirit” O. from Southern Glazers Wine and Spirits as he pours complim of some of America’s top bourbons. Prizes, bourbon drink specia


ry h anniversary ldorf School orks by supy appetizers o the public!

August 31 - September 7, 2017

Live Music w/ Kevin Dorin 6-8pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Kevin Dorin has a unique, fun style Dollar Beers! 8pm @ Eichardt’s Pub Good until the keg’s dry

Creek Alliance Annual Party @ Evans Brothers Coffee nnual party for Rock Creek Alliance ng live jazz music by Peter Lucht ike Johnson of the Cobras. No host beer and wine. Soul Picnic outside Music w/ Mostly Harmless @ Cedar Street Bistro Wine Bar

A weekly entertainment guide to keep you on your toes. To list your event free, please send an email to Reader recommended

Live Music w/ Honeysuckle 8-11pm @ 219 Lounge Honeysuckle is coming to town! Featuring Sandpoint’s own Holly McGarry, this is not a show to miss!

Customer appreciation Labor Day weekend extravaganza (Sept. 1-4) 1-8pm @ SKåL Taproom (Ponderay) A customer appreciation event at SKåL Taproom. $3 drafts on featured keg. Pack River general store pizza $1 by the slice. Tap Team open enrollment for the whole weekend. Tap Team members-receive $1 off every beer purchased at our tap room for an entire year plus a logoed T-shirt Live Music w/ The Cole Show 6pm @ Arlo’s Ristorante

Funky Junk Antique and Craft Show Customer appreciation weekend 10am-6pm @ Bonner County Fairgrounds 1-8pm @ SKåL Taproom (Ponderay) Funky Junk is back with this 10th annual show, featuring i- Sonic Bloom in Concert 8pm @ The Little Panida Theater wonderful treasures, amazing crafts and friendly faces. Featuring Huckleberry’s original songs of na- This year’s exhibit will serve as a tribute to the mining industry. $5 gets you in both days (kids free!) um ture, love, life and flying saucers! ree Sandpoint Farmers’ Market Live Music w/ Justin Lantrip 9am-1pm @ Farmin Park 5:30-7:30pm @ Idaho Pour Authority ur Fresh produce, garden starts, live music Soulful singer/songwriter from Sandpoint Cedar St. Bridge Public Market Live Music w/ The Cole Show or- 10am-2pm @ Cedar St. Bridge 6pm @ Schweitzer Mountain Resort ll Come enjoy indoor shopping on the bridge Computer Class: Computer Basics d spanning Sand Creek 8:15am @ Sandpoint Library Live Music w/ Chris Lynch Held every Saturday; topics rotate on a monthly basis e 6pm @ Arlo’s Ristorante Funky Junk Antique and Craft Show 10am-4pm @ Bonner County Fairgrounds Game Night at the Niner Wonderful treasures, amazing crafts and 9pm @ 219 Lounge friendly faces! An annual tradition

raction, and fellowship ated dementia and their e bakery and coffee bar

Restaurant der amazes guests at the e bar with up-close, inrtainment for all ages!

bservance in the U.S. ive Spirit”. Join Dean complimentary tastes rink specials and more

Pints for a Cause fundraiser: American Heritage Wildlife Foundation 7pm @ Idaho Pour Authority Stop in for a great brew and help a local wildlife. IPA will provide appetizers and music. AHWF & Mother Earth Brewing will have raffle items to be won Sandpoint Photo Club 5pm @ Sandpoint Library Learn and share with other photographers!

“An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power” 7:30pm @ Panida Theater The sequel to the Academy Award-winning “An Inconvenient Truth,” which brought the issue of climate change front and center. Featuring former Vice President and climate change activist Al Gore

Exceptional coffee, food and wine. No matter the weather!

Located on the Historic Cedar St. Bridge Sunday - Monday 7am - 5pm Tuesday - Saturday 7am - 9pm 208-265-4396 •

Sept. 8 Mama Doll @ 219 Lounge

Sept. 9 Injectors Car Show @ Sandpoint Sept. 9 Harold’s IGA @ 219 Lounge Sept. 11 KPND Monday Night Football Party with Bob Witte @ 219 Lounge

August 31, 2017 /


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Sunday, Sept. 17, 2017 On-site registration Saturday Sept 16th at runner check-in from 2-5pm

With a route across Sandpoint’s iconic Long Bridge, offering panoramic views of Lake Pend Oreille and the surrounding mountains, what else could we call it but the ‘Scenic Half Marathon’! For more info:

16 /


/ August 31, 2017


The Sundance Fire: 50 Years Later

A look back at one of the worst fire seasons in North Idaho, rivaled only by the Big Burn in 1910

By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff Writer As hundreds of thousands of acres burn across the surrounding regions this summer, the areas directly surrounding Sandpoint have been fairly fireless. Though smoke lingers, the gray skies can be blamed on terrible fire seasons in Montana, Washington and Canada. Though it’s not over, the 2017 fire season has been mild. But exactly half a century ago, Sandpoint was seeing a fire season rivaled only by the Big Burn in 1910. The 1967 fire season, the year of the memorable Sundance Fire, is a fire season that “anyone around back then will remember,” said Chair of the Inland Empire Chapter of the Society of American Foresters Bill Love. In the spirit of remembering such a fire-impacted summer, when two men lost their lives fighting the Sundance Fire, Love said several entities are teaming up to host a commemorative event this weekend. Those helping with the event include the U.S. Forest Service, the Idaho Department of Lands, the Society of American Foresters and museums in Sandpoint, Bonners Ferry and Priest Lake. The event will be held Saturday at a U.S. Forest Service bridge 13 miles from Highway 95 on Upper Pack River Road from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. The lightning-caused Sundance Fire burned nearly 56,000 acres, able to burn a square mile of timber in under three minutes. It ignited near the Sundance Mountain Lookout tower overlooking Priest Lake, and strong winds on Sept. 1 forced the flames across the Selkirk Divide and into the Pack River drainage. “Our primary emphasis (at Saturday’s event) will be Sept. 1, 1967 — the day the fire made that nasty run,” he said. “The strong winds that occurred (that day) caused the fire to spread so quickly and cover so much area. The fire blow-up phenomena had been somewhat of a mystery.” The event will be a bit of a history lesson for attendees, Love said. People will be treated to presentations about

A firefighter hoses down a smoldering log during the Sundance Fire. Photo courtesy Bonner County Historical Society.

the weather conditions that led to the Sundance Fire, and will also be taken on a short walking tour to see results of forest restoration efforts following the fire. He said that while most people know that the dry conditions of 1967 contributed to the numerous fires across the panhandle that year, they might not realize that the many years without large fires over the previous decades created a perfect setting for such a huge fire event. “There was a period of years where the fuels were building up that were setting the stage something as large as the Sundance fire,” Love said. Aside from the presentations and

walking tour, Love said he can’t wait to hear the firsthand accounts from the people who lived through the summer of 1967 in North Idaho. “The most interesting aspect is going to hear the people involved in the fire tell their personal stories,” Love said. Apart from the main event Saturday, there will be a private gathering on Friday for the families of the men who died in the Sundance fire: Luther Rodarte and Lee Collins. The Forest Service is placing a plaque to commemorate the men’s sacrifices. “As far as we know, (the families have) never been together,” Love said. “Fifty years later and they share this

common grief, so we just want it to be private time.” Ginger Ward, daughter of fallen dozer operator Collins, will be one of the family members in attendance at the private gathering Friday. She said her initial reaction when hearing about the plaque dedication was one of appreciation. “I’d like to thank everyone for their hard work and support,” she said. Hosts of the Saturday event request that attendees provide their own transportation to the event site, as well as bring food, beverages and lawn chairs.

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One of the Weaver daughters sits on a rope swing with the cabin on Ruby Creek behind her. Photo courtesy Sara Weaver. By Ben Olson Reader Staff Editor’s Note: In the first two installments of this series, we covered the events leading up to the Stand-Off at Ruby Ridge that occurred near Naples, Idaho in Aug. 1992. In this third piece, we will cover the preliminary trial activity of Randy Weaver and Kevin Harris. There will be a part four next week highlighting the trial, and quite possibly a part five dealing with the aftermath of this incident. One thing rings true about the story of Ruby Ridge: It’s a complicated story that requires a lot of space to tell. Part two left off with Randy Weaver surrendering to authorities and coming down off the mountain while Kevin Harris remained in custody while being treated for a gunshot wound. Vicki Weaver, 14-year-old Sammy Weaver, U.S. Marshall Degan and family dog Striker had all been killed. Assignment of Lawyers After the 11-day stand-off at Ruby Ridge that had captivated the nation, the lead up to the trial of Randy Weaver and Kevin Harris had generated a considerable amount of attention. A federal 18 /


/ August 31, 2017

grand jury had indicted Kevin Harris for the murder of Marshal William Degan and Randy Weaver for aiding and abetting in Degan’s death. Weaver was also still charged with failing to appear for his original court date in regard to the original illegal firearms charge that led to the events that unfolded at the Weaver cabin in August. Randy had received a commitment from noted lawyer Gerry Spence to be his defense attorney. Spence — a flamboyant and arduous trial attorney — was famous for never having lost a criminal case either as a prosecutor or a defense attorney. In his book “From Freedom to Slavery: The Rebirth of Freedom in America,” Spence later reflected on the initial response he received after agreeing to take Randy’s case. “The blood hadn’t cooled on Ruby Hill before the national media announced that I had taken the defense of Randy Weaver,” Spence wrote. “Then all hell broke loose.” Spence said he had gotten blowback from all over the map, from strangers to his own family. His sister decried him for defending a “racist.” Letters to the editor flooded into newspapers that “expressed their disappointment that I would lend my services to a person with Weaver’s beliefs.”

Spence wrote in a letter to a friend, who had implored him to withdraw from the case: “...if I were to withdraw from the defense of Randy Weaver ... I would be required to abandon my belief that this system has any remaining virtue. I would be no more at fault than the federal government that has murdered these people, for I have not been trained to murder but to defend.” While Randy was in good hands with Spence, Kevin Harris didn’t have a lawyer yet, nor could he afford one. Boise-based defense attorney David Nevin was asked by the judge conducting the preliminary hearing if he would serve as Harris’ court-appointed attorney. Nevin, a self-proclaimed “yellow-dog Democrat,” had mixed feelings. He had been on vacation during the standoff, so he missed a lot of the news barrage. He said his general understanding was that a family with “unusual white separatist” beliefs had held off government agents for awhile before being captured. Nevin flew to Spokane to meet with Harris the day Randy came down off the mountain. Harris was in a hospital room guarded by U.S. Marshals. Nevin said later that after meeting Harris and spending time talking with him, he

had a hard time believing Harris was a cold-blooded murdered. He decided to take the case, despite his initial reluctance. U.S. Attorney Ron Howen was named as the federal prosecutor to represent the federal government. Howen had made a name for himself after participating in numerous cases involving violent white supremacist groups such as the Bruderschweigen (Silent Brotherhood) and The Order, which carried out several bombings in the Coeur d’Alene area and even murdered a Jewish Denver talk radio host. “My role in the Weaver/Harris trial was to prepare the case for trial and actually try the case with my trial partner, Kim Lindquist,” wrote Howen in an email interview with the Reader. “In essence, it was my case.” Arraignment On Tuesday, Sept. 1, 1992, mere days after his son and wife had been killed, Randy appeared in federal court in Boise accompanied by his attorney Spence and Boise attorney Chuck Peterson, who served as co-counsel. Weaver pleaded not guilty to the original charge of selling illegal weapons and failure to appear. Howen

tacked on an additional charge of assault on a federal officer, for which Weaver would plead at a later date. Both Spence and Randy presented written statements to the court and the press after the arraignment. Spence’s statement said while he and Randy “do not see eye to eye on many issues,” he felt compelled to take the case because “in America, all of our religious and political beliefs are protected by the Constitution. If this were not so, we have lost what is most sacred in America.” Randy’s statement acknowledged many of the same points, emphasizing that, “People ought not be murdered by their own government. This case must stand for something. Otherwise my darling Vicki and my dear son Sam have died for nothing.” The preliminary hearing began Sept. 10, 1992. Weaver and Harris both pleaded not guilty to all the various charges against them, which included murder, aiding and abetting murder, conspiracy and assault. The trial was set to begin Oct. 26, but was later pushed back to February 1993. Meanwhile, Howen filed an amended 18-page indictment on Nov. 19 that named Randy

< see RUBY on page 17 >

< RUBY con’t from page 16 >

Weaver, “defendant and co-conspirator,” as a leader of the group of criminals, Vicki Weaver as an “unindicted co-conspirator,” and Kevin Harris as “a member of the conspiracy.” Howen wrote in the indictment that “it was part of the conspiracy” that the Weavers had left Iowa and moved to Idaho “in their belief and prediction that a violent confrontation would occur with law enforcement involving a ‘kill zone’ surrounding their property.” Howen argued that it was part of the conspiracy that the Weavers bought the property on Ruby Creek Road and built the cabin as an attempt to form a group opposed to the New World Order. Howen asserted that the Weavers had isolated themselves, sold illegal firearms, bought legal firearms and that they “precipitated a violent confrontation with federal law enforcement officers by refusing the requests, pleas and entreaties of federal, state or local law enforcement agents and officers, relatives and friends to peacefully surrender and appear for trial.” “Based on the information I had received including several written letters from Vicki Weaver, I was very confident that Randy Weaver had no intention of appearing before Judge Ryan in February or March (to answer for illegal firearms charges,)” Howen wrote in a recent Reader interview. “How else could the agents of ZOG (Zionist Occupation Government) be lured up the mountain for this apocalyptic shootout where the second coming of Christ would occur?” Spence argued in court that, “Many things in the indictment have nothing to do with the case and have only to do with laying a foundation for the prosecution to introduce evidence that’s prejudicial in the case and that the prosecution knows is improper and prejudicial. They charge him with being part of the Aryan Nations movement and that raises the specter that this man is being prosecuted for what are allegedly his beliefs rather than for the crimes that he allegedly committed.” Motions to Dismiss and a Damning Memorandum In January 1993, Spence and Peterson filed a motion to dismiss the indictment and to remove Ron Howen from the case. The defense lawyers claimed that since Howen had been present during the siege, and had even assisted in the search for evidence, he could be called as a witness. Spence and Peterson filed a lengthy memorandum in support of the motion that included the Weaver family’s version of events, as well as making the case that the U.S. Marshals, not the Weavers, were the ones who provoked the confrontation that led to the deaths. The memo said the team of Marshals, “in preparation for this alleged ‘reconnaissance mission’ went to a shooting

range where they spent several hours sighting-in their guns.” After months of surveillance in which the marshals observed the Weavers regularly carrying weapons, Spence said the Weavers had always confronted people on their property nonviolently: “In face of this history, the marshals’ apparent strategy was to engage the Weavers while they were armed which, even in the face of their alleged orders not to engage the Weavers, would provide the marshals cause to use deadly force against the Weavers.” The memorandum went on to discuss the incident at the “Y” where the family dog Striker was shot, followed by 14-yearold Sammy Weaver and U.S. Marshal William Degan. “[Marshal] Roderick now admits that his team was throwing rocks toward the Weaver house, thus taunting the dogs,” the memo said. “Later, contrary to these admissions by Roderick, Marshal Jack Cluff of Moscow, Idaho, told the press that the Weavers had loosed their dogs on an approaching vehicle.” Marshal Art Roderick did, indeed, admit during grand jury testimony that his team had thrown rocks at the family dog. The memo concluded that when the dog began chasing the marshals, Kevin and Sammy started chasing the dog, hoping it was on the trail of a game animal. The dog passed Marshal Larry Cooper, who elected not to fire, admitting in his grand jury testimony that if he killed the dog, “I believed it would precipitate a firefight.” “Since Cooper had not shot the dog as planned,” the memo continued, “Roderick now fired. The bullet shattered the dog’s spine and the dog let out a yelp. ... Thus a confrontation, contrary to the Marshals’ orders, was fully assured - indeed, a forbidden confrontation with one of the Weaver children.” The memo went on: “To the horror of ... Sammy Weaver, he saw a man in a full camouflage suit brutally shoot his dog. Roderick testified up to that point that no one he could identify had fired at the officers. Hence by Roderick’s admission, the first shot was fired by Roderick when he shot the family pet.” According to the memo, when Sammy saw his dog, he yelled and fired his gun in Roderick’s direction. The marshals opened fire with their automatic weapons. Harris testified that he saw Sammy running toward home with his back to the officers, the child crying out in pain having been hit in the arm by the marshal’s fire. Then, Harris testified, Randy was heard calling for his son to come home. Harris said Sammy called back, “I’m

The Weaver family photographed recently: Randy, Sara, Rachel and Elisheba. Photo courtesy of Sara Weaver. coming, Dad.” There was a brief lull, said Harris, followed by another shot. Sammy cried out and then there was silence. “Seeing that Sammy had been shot and fearing for his own life, Harris opened fire in the direction of those who had been shooting from the bushes,” the memo said. “He believed he shot the officer who had been firing at Sammy.” The memo noted that by the time the exchange of shots had concluded, Kevin and Randy were back at the cabin, more than a quarter-mile from the marshals and out of sight from the “Y”: “The Marshals began to spread a false story concerning the incident, a story that would result in the infamous standoff at Ruby Ridge, the death of Vicki Weaver and the wounding of Randy Weaver and Kevin Harris.” In a Reader interview, Howen wrote, “The competing versions of what happened at the ‘Y’ were presented and argued during the trial. I believe the surviving Marshals, Larry Cooper and Art Roderick. There is one thing both versions agree on. When the shootout at the ‘Y’ happened, Randy Weaver was bookin’ it for the cabin looking out for #1 leaving a 13-year-old boy and a young man with mentality of a 13-year-old to shoot it out with the hated ZOG agents.” The memo prepared by the defense attorneys contended that Vicki’s death by FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi was based on “illegal” rules of engagement, contending that: “The FBI now faced a serious problem. They had killed an unarmed mother standing at the door with a baby in her arms. They had no warrant for Vicki ... Moreover, the FBI had discovered that Vicki had not been involved in the shooting at the “Y.” It appears, therefore, that after Vicki was shot, the officers realized they had no legal or moral justification for having killed Vicki. ... Since they had no right to shoot her, the FBI had no alternative but to later claim her death was an

accident. In the meantime the federal officers pretended they did not know they had killed a second member of the Weaver family.” This highly subjective memo was prepared by the defense attorneys in an attempt to persuade the judge to dismiss the indictment before the case ever came to trial. While the interpretation of the facts and events were disputed, later testimony during the trial would show that the basic facts used in the memo were accurately portrayed. After this memo was released to the media, U.S. District Judge Edward J. Lodge — who was scheduled to preside over the forthcoming trial — expressed concern that the release of these documents was a mistake because it compromised the privacy of grand jury witnesses. Howen filed a 97-page response to the defense motion, but the judge refused to release that document and further documents in the case to the media. Ultimately, Judge Lodge did not accept the defense motion to dismiss the lengthy indictment, although some language referring to Randy Weaver’s and Kevin Harris’ political and religious beliefs was removed from the indictment. Howen was retained as the lead prosecutor. Delays and legal wrangling pushed back the trial date until April 12, 1993. The headline on the front page of the April 11, 1993 Spokesman-Review was especially foretelling: “Feds to Face Tribulations in Weaver, Harris Trial.” The trial of the decade was about to begin. Next week, we’ll cover the trial of Randy Weaver and Kevin Harris. Special thanks to Ron Howen, who agreed to be interviewed on his role in the case, as well as Trish Gannon, who helped edit and fact-check the first two installments of this series. August 31, 2017 /


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Passing the baton: By Ben Olson Reader Staff

Some of the best musical compositions end right where they started — full circle. Such is the case with the Festival at Sandpoint Youth Orchestra. For the past nine years, orchestra director Beth Weber has awoken early to conduct orchestra practice at 6:30 a.m. This year, Weber announced she was passing the baton to a new director, Sandpoint native and music teacher Karen Dignan. When the program began, Weber said she initially took the position with the intent that Dignan would take over her spot. “At the end of last year, I asked Karen if she wanted to take over,” said Weber. “I live out of town and have to get up really early. I decided I needed to stop doing it. I was having to take naps in the middle of the afternoon.” Dignan is not a new face to the Youth Orchestra; she was actually an integral part of helping the program get off the ground.

Dignan said nine years ago, she received an invitation from the Festival at Sandpoint to music teachers to develop an orchestra that incorporates strings. “We had a strong history of music in Sandpoint, but no ensembles, no programs in schools to cover strings,” said Dignan. While smaller instruments like violins and violas were more easily obtained, the larger stringed instruments such as cellos presented a challenge. “Cellos were a big deal,” said Dignan. “They did not exist in Sandpoint. There was no place to play, no teacher to teach them. The instruments were out of peoples’ price range. This program has brought the cello into Sanpdoint.” The Festival at Sandpoint, through a series of donors, obtained funding to buy 10 cellos so students in the Youth Orchestra could rent them cheaply. Dignan said that the Festival at Sandpoint graciously covers the costs involved with this program, which include conductor’s fees and

Beth Weber is handing over her duties for the The Festival at Sandpoint Community Orchestra

sheet music costs “In Coeur d’ Alene, their youth orchestras cost upwards of $350,” said Dignan. “In Spokane, they’re even more at $550 to $600. The Festival is able to cover that and provide that for students in Sandpoint for free – which is an amazing gift.” For Weber, some of her favorite memories over the past nine years directing the orchestra have been watching students who had never played music before climb the rungs of the orchestral ladder. “Once they get to a certain level, maybe they can go to the Spokane Youth Symphony, which has four levels,” said Weber. “I think of the Youth Orchestra as a springboard for more music.” One of Weber’s past students, Rachel O’Conner, went on to play with the Spokane Symphony, ended up majoring in music therapy and ultimately won the Festival at Sandpoint’s youth music scholarship. Another fun memory was when Sandpoint High School choir teacher Jon Brownell asked

Beth Weber “passes the baton” to new orchestra director Karen Dignan. Photo by Ben Olson. Weber if she had any students that could play with the choir. “He had written music especially for it,” said Weber. “We had to have 10 extra rehearsals. The kids wanted to do it. That was really fun.” Dignan’s aim when she takes over as director is to continue the work that Weber has done. “Every year, the musicianship and skill improves,” she said. “I’ve been watching this. My kids have been in it. This year, I want to find

a way to make people more aware of the orchestra. It’s like this little hidden gem. I’m proud of it, I’m proud of my kids. I’m excited.” For Weber, who plays violin with the Coeur d’Alene Symphony and teaches private lessons, her goals are simple: “I’ll be able to sleep in!” For anyone interested in joining the Festival at Sandpoint Youth Orchestra should contact Dignan at Sandpointfiddle@gmail. com or call (208)597-6717.

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We are located in The Panhandle Health Care Building 2101 Pine Street, Sandpoint 208.255.9099 Clinic is one evening per week (either Tuesdays or Thursdays) first come first serve basis. Please visit our website for more information: Find us on Facebook 20 /


/ August 31, 2017


‘Detroit’: a violent and necessary film By Chris Balboni Reader Contributor “Detroit” is not a beautiful film. It’s rough, violent and uncomfortable. It’s also absolutely necessary. In July 1967, the city of Detroit spent five days enduring the 12th Street Riot, sparked by the raid of an unlicensed bar in a black neighborhood by a mostly white police force with a lengthy history of brutality and discrimination. Barely three days after that raid, countless buildings were burned to the ground, dozens were dead and a state of emergency was declared, in hopes that thousands of Army and National Guard troops would be enough to stifle the unrest. Amid the chaos, several young residents sought refuge in the Algiers Motel and a house that had been annexed to the building. When nearby police heard gunfire (later discovered to be from a starter pistol) from the building they indiscriminately fired at it, stormed in, lined the patrons against a wall, then prejudicially interrogated and assaulted them for hours. By morning, three teenagers at the motel were dead. The night in the Algiers is where Kathryn Bigalow’s (“The Hurt Locker,” “Zero Dark Thirty”) film spends the bulk of its nearly two and a half hour runtime. It’s a challenging story to tell, between the complicated historical context in which the event is set and how eyewitness accounts conflicted with official reports from the police involved. Partnering again with screenwriter Mark Boal, Bigalow’s film is at once large in scale and intimate, offering us an overview of the city’s racial tensions that led to that fateful night before it pushes into the lives of those involved as the story coalesces. However, “Detroit” is not a character study, nor does it need to be. We don’t need to delve wholly into any single character to feel their pain, as the gut-wrenching way the events unfold inside the motel are more than enough to engage anyone with a sense of humanity. As with “Zero Dark Thirty” (and unlike “The Hurt Locker”), the film puts us alongside the individuals involved, rather than in their heads, allowing the film to give us some much needed context. If we were limited to the headspace of a single character, the film would not be able to pull back far enough to show us the relevancy of the riot, the multitude of individuals involved, and the abominably biased investigation and trial that ensued afterwards.

It’s crucial that the film be able to do this: The systemic issues that fed into the Algiers Motel incident are lessons we need to remember, as is the terrifying power of unchecked discrimination. Bigalow’s film shows us both, unflinchingly. It’s that lack of flinching that has created the most controversy. “Detroit” does not shy away from violence, and with Barry Ackroyd’s fly-on-the-wall cinematography, you may as well be in the room yourself. It’s a relentlessly uncomfortable space, made all the more so by the monstrous police officer commanding the proceedings (played to chilling effect by Will Poulter). Leads Algee Smith, Jacob Latimore, Hannah Murray and Anthony Mackie all give engrossing performances, with Smith and Latimore particularly top-notch as teens-turned-aspiring-Motown-singers, and it’s heartbreakingly real to watch their characters’ innocence smashed so effortlessly by the powers that be. However, “Detroit” does falter after the Algiers incident. In reality, the court proceedings were a mess of lies, conflicting accounts, and judiciary bias that

lasted months; it would easily take an additional film to fully cover the community’s outrage at seeing police brutality and prejudice excused in such public fashion. “Detroit” haphazardly tries to shove all of that into the last half hour of its runtime, rendering the final act dramatically underwhelming, especially given the intensity of what came before in the motel. Many of us have never had to experience anything even remotely like the 12th Street Riot or the discrimination that led to it, and some of us will never

A still from “Detroit” directed by Kathryn Bigalow. Courtesy photo. know what it truly feels like to spend a lifetime being oppressed while the world watches on, indifferent. “Detroit” won’t change that, but it’s a blunt reminder of how quickly things descend into physical terrorism when ignorance is given power and when ideas of racial superiority are allowed to fester. The events at the Algiers took place 50 years ago, but they could not be more relevant today.

Open auditions held for Ben Olson’s ‘Death of a Small Town in the West’ play By Ben Olson Reader Staff There will be open casting calls for the return of my first original play, “Death of a Small Town in the West.” Casting calls will be held Tuesday, Sept. 12 and Wednesday, Sept. 13 at 5 6:30 p.m. both days. The auditions will be held at Forrest M. Bird Charter High School, 614 S Madison Ave. There are a handful of roles for adult men and women of all ages, but nothing available for children. Please prepare to show your skills on stage. Prepared monologues are encouraged, but not required. There is a chance there will be a song or two. Most important is having an open mind and a sense of humor, as this play will test both. “Death of a Small Town in the West,” was originally produced for the Panida main stage in 2010. Madeline Elliot from the Unknown Locals troupe will direct. “Death” will play at the Panida Theater main stage on January 26-27 and February 2-3, 2018.

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The Easy Chair A Short Story By Barry Burgess


t’s pretty easy from where I sit. The morning roll call is the third bladder dump at 5 a.m. I’m not mad about that because the two Advil I took after the first two I took about 10 p.m. finally killed the pain on the side I was trying to sleep on. I thought it was stones of some kind like I’d had before. I’d been to the doctors and was prescribed PT because no one knew what it was. And, that pain was aided after several weeks when my Physical Therapist, a very sexy and fit 30-something, declared I was well. Well, it’s back; and, although I would like to visit with her again, the pain has moved onto another area she certainly will not exercise. “I’ll need to see a professional in that area some day,” she told me. Unknown Perpetual Ailment. It looks pretty easy from here until you look closely at the inside of my right knee. You’ll notice the zipper. Total Cartilage Removal. I remember back in high school how it all happened. I like to say it’s a football scar, but really it was from Volleyball in the letter-squad gym. I was the B-string quarterback on Varsity, but it was okay, I was told. I wasn’t really needed and allowed to end my career as quarterback if I wanted, and of course, Catch 22: “You’ll get the letter and the jacket,” said the coach, “but if you quit you’ll never amount to anything, you’ll never finish anything, and you’ll always be a loser.” Well the knee never squared away. Now, it throbs with the drop of the barometer and it still is a bit crooked. But, the pain seems limited only at night when I least expect it. So, I put a pillow under it and my head and back 22 /


/ August 31, 2017

need two pillows to prop me up because of the gastrointestinal disorders. Now I sleep in a bed that looks like a roller coaster. Of course, the arthroscopic surgeries I had (20 years of soccer) on my other knee balances the pain in the right one and at different times, so, the pillows shift and now the bed looks like the surface of the moon. Sports Injuries. It’s still pretty easy; yet, I can’t fail to mention that I have had Bronchial Asthma all my life. The death rattle occurs only when I catch a cold. I won’t mention the 6 month pneumonia incident. So, I simply refuse to catch a cold. The wheezing I tell myself is just my imagination and take another shot of Albuterol. I should have about 47 percent of company stock by now or should simply buy them out. Unfortunately, I am also on a fixed income, fat chance. Poverty Stricken Childhood. It’s pretty easy from here. But, I had a Lithotrypsy several years ago. It’s a procedure to coerce large calcium stones from your kidney with as much pain as possible. A simple device, here’s how it works: They put you in a bathtub full of water and knock you out. Then they throw in a toaster or some electrical appliance and the rocks explode into little shards of glass. Well, the kidney is relieved. But, one big issue remains: passing the (not so) little shards of glass through your unit. They give you a big Dixie cup looking thing with a screen in it. You attach this to your genitals to catch the little buggers as they pass. And, pass they do in a way in which God should have intended man give birth and saved woman the pain, because I am told the pain issue is similar

and for this once I would have traded. Stones, Hereditary. It’s pretty easy from where I sit. Except, I had gout last year. That was a beauty. It converged on the big toe of my right foot. Aching is one part of Gout, the other part is the swelling. So, after half a bottle of Advil (I’ll admit, the Wild Turkey didn’t help) I found the pain manageable only if I didn’t lay down and try and sleep. The other issue was walking and it got fairly large: about the size of a baseball. I was ready to lance it or amputate to relieve the pain. I didn’t need to. The next night the nail exploded from the toe and all I noticed was how wet my sock was. That was in bed. Hereditary, Gout. It’s still pretty easy from here. But, I shouldn’t fail to mention the Severe Degenerative Arthritis of my shoulders. Now, this is an item far worse than the others because an arthritic disease is not some isolated maelstrom, nope, these things are where doctors make their money to play poker and how pharmaceutical companies pay for commercials and float their yachts. The pain is pervasive. Doctor Ready, I’ll call him, had a sweet smile and sympathetic eye and told me: “Well, we can start with Cortisone, but we can’t do both shoulders at the same time, you see, you’ll respond with severe mood swings (of course, I imagined running down the street with an AK47 threatening the neighbor cats) or you can take as many as 12 Advils a day.” “But, I already take that much,” I said, “Well, it’ll mean replacements then and that will be about a two year recovery - if it takes. We’ll develop a lasting working

relationship.” “Great, after two years I’ll assume I have made an investment in your retirement plan and at least let me use your parking space,” I told him. Rheumatoid Arthritis. Really, it’s still pretty easy from where I sit. I have had a beautiful relationship with a woman of 47 years, raised two bright children, men now, three grandchildren so far, and a blessed retirement. I mostly read, write, and do artwork. I still work out to balance my alcoholism which I admit would be much easier if I’d just quit working out because I had quit both for a time and I was seeing dead people. So, now it’s just binge drinking and binge workouts. The Reaper just looks sadly now and chuckles, usually after my morning coffee and Advil. With all these ailments I assume the insurance will run out. Then the money will run out. The house will be sold for collections and we’ll be living with relatives, or the car, or slouching next to a freeway writing wits and wisdoms on pieces of cardboard for change. Those thoughts are not with me often. What remains are memories. The good ones, and the thought that it’s still pretty easy from where I sit. My sixty-seventh birthday will be here in a few days. I don’t have cancer like some good friends of mine have had and the malady that killed my parents. Nope, it’s still pretty easy from here. I feel lucky and I don’t live alone. This essay was inspired by a wonderful story written by Roger Angell, the title: “This Old Man,” from The New Yorker magazine, “The Best American Essays 2015,” edited, Ariel Levy.

This week’s RLW by Ed Ohlweiler


“Round Ireland with a Fridge,” by Tony Hawks, starts like many inebriated, hairbrained ideas; with a bar bet. Namely, that Tony could not hitchhike through Ireland with a refrigerator. It is about more, though, than just the relationship between man and kitchen appliance. It is also about the beauty and humanity that unveils it self to the traveler with eyes—and heart—wide-open.


There are jazz aficionados who listen to nothing but jazz, and then there’s the rest of us who just like good music for the way it makes us feel. And sometimes this happens to be jazz. To the point: “Swiss Movement” by Les McCann and Eddie Harris remains my favorite jazz album since a neighbor introduced me to it years ago for reasons, just maybe, you’ll feel for yourself.


I wonder how many movie critics would include “Down by Law” among their top movie picks? My guess is a whole lot. One of Jim Jarmusch’s earliest — and perhaps best — works, it is wonderfully shot (in black and white), has an interesting script, and features Roberto Bernini, Tom Waits, and John Laurie at their best as three misfits who escape from jail.

A sense of wonderment

Sandpoint to see its first ever renaissance faire this weekend

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By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff Writer To put it simply, Anita Pew is the president of the Sandpoint Renaissance Association. But to put it accurately, she is Lady of the High Steward: Lady Ellura. She said it all started last summer after attending Sandemonium, Sandpoint’s annual fandom convention. “On the way home (from Sandemonium) I was thinking to myself, ‘What is something that Sandpoint doesn’t have?’” she said. That inspiration has blossomed over the last year to create an official entity in the Sandpoint Renaissance Association, as well as Sandpoint’s first annual renaissance faire, set to take place this weekend at Wood’s Ranch, just north of Sandpoint on Woodside Road. Pew described the location as an “exquisite site,” perfect for a renaissance faire setting. “It was a priority for us to have it as free from modern conveniences and trappings, but also as close to the community as we could,” she said. Though Pew hadn’t attended a renaissance faire herself before deciding she wanted to host one in Sandpoint, she said she has always been deeply interested in the renaissance period. Over the last year she has gone to several faire’s and she said her passion for that historical time period has only grown. “What I’m looking for is that when people (arrive at the faire) they have this sense of wonderment. If they get a little history, if they have a good laugh, if they just enjoy the music and if they’re just in wonder of the joust, I’m looking for awe and wonderment,” Pew said. “I’m hoping to see that on children and adults alike.” And the jousting — which is put on by Spokane’s Epona Equestrian Team and takes place both Saturday and Sunday at 11 a.m.-4 p.m. — is as real as it gets, Pew said. “It’s them going at each other on horses and lances flying,” she said. And even through the excitement of putting on such an extravagant event, Pew said she and the rest of the Sandpoint Renaissance Association board haven’t lost sight of who has made it all possible — various donors, sponsors and countless volunteers. “We’re just very grateful, and we want the community to know that,” she said. The first annual Sandpoint Renaissance Faire takes place Sept. 2-3 at Wood’s Ranch from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. each day. There will be plenty of performances and vendors, Pew said, and Vietnam Veterans Chapter #890 of Sandpoint will operate the beer garden. Child and senior tickets are $5, while adult tickets are $10 unless that adult brings a bag of canned food for the food bank, in which case they can enter the faire for $8.

Sky Geisinger (208) 304-5873

Electrical Contractor License 030249 • Master Electrical License 023662

Over 100 artists! August 31, 2017 /


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The Sandpoint Eater

Holy tomatoes!

By Marcia Pilgeram Reader Food Columnist When Casey (my youngest) and I were searching for colleges for her post-secondary education, her most important requirement was a location with four seasons, as she insisted, “Momma, I won’t be happy without them.” Ultimately, she chose Chicago (and remains there still). I feel the same about my four seasons: Winter: Wow! These tomatoes are so expensive – and tasteless! I wish I hadn’t given so many away last fall. I knew I should have canned more… Spring: So tired of storebought tomatoes. I sure didn’t plant enough tomatoes last year. Seed catalogs begin to arrive daily, and I’ve found several new varieties to start. Summer: Gosh, I hope I didn’t plant these too early, as the forecast calls for May frost, followed by, golly, these poor tomatoes are never going to get ripe. Then, Holy Tomato! It’s the big payoff: A surfeit of beautiful vine ripened tomatoes, stacked with fresh mozzarella and basil for Caprese salad, sliced thick for burgers, or just eaten warm, straight offthe-vine, salt shaker in hand. You can’t have too many freshfrom-your garden homegrown tomatoes! Fall: Would you like some tomatoes? Followed by, here, take these! Finally, what am I going to do with all these damn tomatoes? Some are canned, some roasted with herbs and oil and frozen, and finally, 24 /


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some are just dropped, whole, into the crevasse of the chest freezer, to be dealt with later. Soon comes the annual weather watching vigil, followed by a ghostly-looking garden of sheets and tarps to cover the vines. Ultimately the tomatoes will become a bothersome burden (not unlike the summer company who stayed a little too long), banished to the garage, hanging by vines or boxed to ripen (or rot). Repeat cycle annually. And who doesn’t love tomatoes? One of my favorite tomato memories is a vivid picture of a small Italian hillside that I passed while hiking the Cinque Terra. Rows and rows of pomodoros, ripened by warm days, lined the trail leading into the small seaside village of Monterosso al

Mare. It was a healthy hike between villages, and though we’d reward ourselves with jelly-jar glasses of vino and a local snack once we’d arrived, I couldn’t resist popping a couple of those small little jewels into my mouth. They may have been the best tasting tomatoes I’ve ever come across (and yes, I have paid those tomatoes forward many, many times). I especially love heirloom tomatoes—and right now you’ll find an abundance of them at Farmer’s Market, ripe and ready, in glorious hues of reds, yellows, greens and purples. I delight in the imperfections of my own home grown heirlooms that grow in every size and shape and color (sometimes I’m rewarded with a slice that resembles a heart or a clover or even a pretty ruffle

- these whimsical slices are the crowning glory to my Caprese stacks)! We’re all indebted to the farmer-heroes who thought taste and preservation were more important than the sturdy hybrids, which showed up post-war to lure young housewives. They were bred to be perfect little matching red spheres and ripened with ethylene gas. Quietly these real farmers continued to persevere, cultivate, preserve, and vault their heirloom seeds. And I, for one, am eternally grateful. Earlier this week I returned from a business trip to California and struck up a conversation with my seatmate, a young woman from Rossland, British Columbia. Unsurprisingly, the topic became food related, specifically tomatoes.

She’d spent the day before her trip canning 60 pounds of them, and upon her return home she would gather friends and produce at her home to begin a weekend salsa making project (the pressure cookers and other canning equipment was jointly purchased and lives, brilliantly, at the library, to be checked out and shared as needed). Sounds like a perfect weekend to me! If 60 pounds of tomatoes sounds daunting, pick (or pickup) a basketful of cherry tomatoes and try this recipe for Rustic Tomato Tart to enjoy over the long weekend. Speaking of an extra day off this coming weekend, I just may need to pick up another case or two of canning jars…

Rustic Tomato Harvest Tart This is a tasty and beautiful take-along as a potluck appetizer or serve it with a salad for a delicious lunch or light supper. Serves 4 or more, as an appetizer.

INGREDIENTS: For the dough: •2 1⁄2 cups flour, + more for the work surface •1⁄2 tsp fresh thyme leaves •16 tbs (2 sticks) chilled unsalted butter, cut into 1⁄2-inch cubes •1⁄2 tsp sea salt flakes •1⁄2 cup ice water For the filling: •3 tbs extra-virgin olive oil •Sea salt •Freshly ground black pepper •1 pound assorted cherry, grape and pear tomatoes (in a strainer, poke tomatoes with sharp knife then sprinkle with 2 tsp salt, let set about 1⁄2 hour - while preparing the dough. Shake out liquid before adding tomatoes to the tart. •2 ounces soft goat cheese •1⁄2 cup grated Gruyere swiss cheese •1⁄2 cup grated Reggiano parmesan cheese •Egg wash (one egg beaten with 2 tbs water). Garnish: •6 leaves basil, stacked, rolled and cut crosswise into thin ribbons (chiffonade)

DIRECTIONS: • For the dough: Combine the flour, butter, thyme and salt in large bowl. With pastry cutter, work dough until the butter is reduced to the size of small peas. Quickly add the water and blend with fingers to form a shaggy dough with visible bits of butter. • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Lightly flour a work surface. • Transfer the dough; divide in half, forming each into a disk. Wrap one in plastic wrap to refrigerate or freeze for another day. • Roll out the remaining disk of dough (on the floured work surface) to a round, about 1/8-inch thick and 12 inches in diameter. Transfer to the baking sheet and chill for about 30 minutes. • Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Assemble: •Brush the dough lightly with

olive oil. Leaving a 2 inch border, dab goat cheese by spoonfuls on top of dough. Sprinkle on Swiss and Parmesan cheeses evenly, leaving the border. • Artfully arrange the tomatoes on top of the cheese. Drizzle with olive oil. Gently fold the outside edge of the dough over the tomatoes, pleating it as you go (it will look much like a pizza).

• Sprinkle with sea salt and fresh cracked pepper. Egg wash the border. Bake for 20 minutes at 425, reduce to 350 and cook additional 20 minutes or until the crust is golden brown. Let the tart rest for 20 minutes before serving. Garnish with basil chiffonade.


Sandpoint Senior Center news By Ben Olson Reader Staff

There are a few happenings with the Sandpoint Area Seniors, Inc this week. SASi has two hospital beds they are selling for $400 or best offer. Both beds (pictured to the right) are electric and one has a crank in case the power goes out, as well as an extra blow-up air pad. Both beds include mattresses. Contact Ellen or Emmy at (208) 263-6860 for more information. It’s time to have another pizza party and help families in our community who are caring for a family member with memory impairment. Papa Murphy’s Pizza is generously helping SASi’s DayBreak Center Scholarship Fund on Wednesday, Sept. 13, when they plan to donate 9 percent of the day’s sales to the fund. The Scholarship Fund helps families bring their loved ones to the DayBreak Center to have respite time. Families have to balance their need for a break against

the $10 an hour cost of the program and often come up short. You can help them by purchasing a pizza from Papa Murphy’s on Sept. 13 and showing our fundraising flyer or a picture of the flyer on your phone or pad. Only phone orders and in-store orders count and you must show the flyer when you pick up your pizza. Contact the Senior Center or the DayBreak Center at (208) 265-8127 for more information. Finally, SASi is looking for more board members to be stewards of the organization into the future. Interested parties should be over 18 and care about elders and are aware of issues related to aging. Candidates should be eager to be involved with the activities and fundraising for the Senior and DayBreak Centers. Letters of interest will be due by 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 11. Interviews and elections will follow at some point in the fall. Contact the Senior Center for more information.

We inject trees with fertilizer and insecticide to help rejuvenate the tree and kill off the larve and beetles inside.

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Gardening with Laurie: Fire Resistant Landscaping

By Laurie Brown Reader Columnist

The smoky skies we’ve endured the last couple of weeks serves to remind us that the Inland Northwest is, despite the rains in spring, a dry area. While folks who live in town are pretty safe (because of nearly unlimited water to fight a fire and the short distance for fire fighters to travel), anyone outside of city limits is in a different situation. But there are steps you can take to make your home a bit safer from wild fire. The basic rule for fire protection is to keep the fuel around your home to a minimum. Fuel is anything that is inflammable, whether it be man-made or natural. Don’t stack your firewood against the house, and don’t put the propane tank close. Don’t store gas cans in a shed within 30 feet of the house. And, no matter how pretty it looks, don’t use wood shingles for a roof. They are basically just kindling. Some plants are more fire resistant than others. Pines, firs, and other needle trees are very flammable because of the high resin content of their sap. (Ponderosa pines are fire resistant because of their thick bark, but the crowns are still very flammable). Junipers, which people tend to plant right next to the house, are extremely flammable. Other trees, like maples, cottonwoods, mountain ash, and especially willow, have a high moisture content and are less apt to light up easily. Still, no branches should be allowed to touch the house or hang over the roof. If you’ve got conifers, trim the branches up 10 feet high, to prevent grass fires from ascending to the tree crown. If you’ve got multiple conifers, keep 10 feet between tree crowns, not tree trunks. Some shrubs are fairly fire resistant, too. Lilacs, daphnes, hydrangeas, blueber26 /


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Sustainable Action Committee applauds reducing plastic

This willow is a fire resistant tree, although it really shouldn’t be this close to the house.

ries, spireas, potentillas, and viburnums are all pretty safe, but- you have to keep them cleaned up. Potentillas and spireas tend to get a lot of dead branches underneath with new growth covering them up, and that needs to be taken out every year. Potentillas are really bad about dropping dead flowers and making a flammable layer on the ground. Almost all perennials are fire resistant, because they are primarily new, green growth every year. Groundcovers and annuals are also green and juicy. Only a few perennials — mostly sub-shrubs like lavender and sage — get woody and need dead wood cut out of them every year. Keeping the landscape fire resistant takes ongoing maintenance. Keep grass cut. Cut dead wood out of all plants, and remove dead plant material from perennials as it dries out. Keep leaves and pine needles out of gutters, off roofs, and don’t allow them to accumulate under plants. Even if the tree itself doesn’t burn, a burning layer of duff can damage the plants roots. Close to the house, use mulches that can’t burn. Use gravel instead of bark chips- it’s a nuisance when you want to add soil amendments, but it is possible to rake the gravel out of the way and then replace it after putting amendments down. Keep the area around the house well-watered so plants stay green and juicy. The more you can reduce the fuel load within 30 feet of the house the better.


There’s still time for another planting of lettuce for fall harvest.

By Cindy Peer Reader Contributor

In order to publicize the new bottle refillable drinking fountain at Memorial Field, we would like to thank Waste Management and Kaniksu Health Services for donating over 1,300 water bottles which were given out the first day of the Festival. The public was very excited to


learn that reducing plastic was being encouraged and we are hopeful that we can arrange for more bottles can be distributed every year! Sandpoint Sustainable Action Committee monthly meetings are held every third Thursday at Sandpoint City Hall Chambers at 4 p.m. The public is always welcome to attend.

Crossword Solution

support an informed community

Want to support us? Donate a buck a month! Everything helps! sandpointreader If you see an animal and you can’t tell if it’s a skunk or a cat, here’s a good saying to help: “Black and white, stinks all right. Tabby-colored, likes a fella.”


CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. “Oh my!” 5. Versed 10. Quash 14. Start over 15. Oddity 16. Portent 17. Castrate 19. Christmas season 20. Pull 21. _____ fit 22. Trades 23. A Christian recluse 25. Blockage of the intestine 27. One or more 28. Expressive of contempt 31. Office worker 34. Started 35. Petroleum 36. A building for skating 60. Nameless 61. Engineering school 37. Brandish 62. Daisylike bloom 38. Stake 63. D D D D 39. Mineral rock 40. Mild and pleasant 41. A friction match DOWN 42. Blanches 1. Mountain crest 44. Gangster’s gun 2. Bushbaby 45. Curmudgeonly 3. Maxim 46. Sandstorm 4. Mayday /TAHRN/ 50. Welcome 5. Wit [noun] 52. Fall color 6. Coarse edible red 1. a small mountain lake or pool, especially one 54. Flee of the seaweed in a cirque. 55. Tardy 7. Historical periods “After a long hike, they reached the tarn at the end of the trail.” 56. Type of chalcedony 8. Compassionately Corrections: Didn’t hear anything this time around, folks! Let us know if we 58. Relating to urine 9. Foot digit 59. Love intensely didn’t do as well this time.

Word Week


Solution on page 21

10. Peeping Tom 11. Colloids 12. Express in words 13. 1 1 1 1 18. Crack 22. Observed 24. Assign a grade 26. A feudal vassal 28. Appears 29. Anagram of “Tine” 30. Delight 31. Prune 32. Former Italian currency 33. Industrious 34. Wallets 37. Ragamuffin

38. Car 40. Match 41. Fees for buses 43. Rear of tube 44. Beam 46. Beach 47. Duplicate 48. Small boat 49. Portents 50. Oversupply 51. Unusual 53. Codger 56. Bleat 57. Little bit

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