Reader june14 2018

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JUNE 14, 2018 I


I VOL â– 15 ISSUE 24


Meet at

Darwin Hurst

Certified Family Nurse Practitioner •Accepting New Patients •All Ages Welcome •Wellness Visits •Chronic Disease Care •Sports Physicals •Same Day Sick Appointments Available

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/ June 14, 2018

(wo)MAN compiled by

Susan Drinkard

on the street

Sunday is Father’s Day. Would you like to pay a tribute to your father here? How did he influence you positively? “My dad is in heaven. His name was Alan McNall. He was the most positive, fun-loving person around. He was involved in the community here.” Lindsay Ducken Legal assistant Sandpoint


Happy Father’s Day, all you wonderful dads out there. I sure do miss mine. If yours is still around, give him a call or better yet, a big bear hug, and tell him that you love him. This is a reminder for budding artists to complete those ArtWalk cover designs before the deadline June 20. If you need a copy of that particular issue (May 24, 2018) to paint or draw on, we have plenty of extra copies at the Reader office. Come on by and grab one. For those who may not have seen the May 24 issue, we are giving $100 in MickDuff’s dining/drinking bucks to the winning design, and will also feature that design on our cover for the ArtWalk issue June 28. There is also a kids’ competition for 16 and under, with the winner receiving $25 in merchandise credit at Creations. Get those submissions in before the deadline! -Ben Olson, Publisher

Take Dad out for brunch on

Father’s Day Sunday, June 17

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di unas o “I have fond memories of going fishing with my dad, and I got my work ethic from him. His name was Elwood Hubbard.”

p.s. We have a back door if you want to skip all the construction!


Elaine Abel Retired Noxon, Mont.

“He was there for me when my mom left when I was two. He has always taken care of me, so what I would like to say to him is, ‘Thank you.’” Tyson Bushell 16 Sandpoint

Over 50 beer and cider options e

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“Well, my dad is really nice. He takes me hunting. I love him, and when I need him, he is there.” Hunter Calvert 12 Sandpoint

111 Cedar Street, Suite 9 Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208)265-9724 Publisher: Ben Olson Editor: Cameron Rasmusson Zach Hagadone (emeritus) John Reuter (emeritus) Advertising: Jodi Berge Contributing Artists: Cover illustration - Ben Olson, Tim Mossholder, A.C. Woolnough, Jodi Rawson, Lyndsie Kiebert, Susan Drinkard, Matchwood Brewing.

“My kids probably wouldn’t say anything nice about me right now, ha ha, but one positive thing about my father was that he was not a big gun nut. I got that from him. He also told me, ‘They can take everything away from you, but they can’t take away your education.’” Ben Tate Finan McDonald owner Sandpoint



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pizza and more!


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Contributing Writers: Cameron Rasmusson, Ben Olson, Lyndsie Kiebert, Nick Gier, Jodi Rawson, Michael Jacobson, Ammi Midstokke, Brenden Bobby. Submit stories to: Printed weekly at: Griffin Publishing Spokane, Wash. Subscription Price: $95 per year Web Content: Keokee The Sandpoint Reader is a weekly publication owned and operated by Ben Olson and Keokee. It is devoted to the arts, entertainment, politics and lifestyle in and around Sandpoint, Idaho. We hope to provide a quality alternative by offering honest, in-depth reporting that reflects the intelligence and interests of our diverse and growing community. The Reader is printed on recycled paper using soy-based ink. Leftover copies are collected and recycled week weekly, or burned in massive bonfires to appease the gods of journalism. Free to all, limit two copies per person.

Sandpoint Reader letter policy: The Sandpoint Reader welcomes letters to the editor on all topics. Requirements: –No more than 400 words –Letters may not contain excessive profanity or libelous material. Please elevate the discussion. Letters will be edited to comply with the above requirements. Opinions expressed in these pages are those of the writers, not necessarily the publishers. Email letters to:


Check us out on the web at: Like us on Facebook. About the Cover

(208) 263-0966 Corner of First Ave. and Bridge Street Downtown Sandpoint

This week’s cover features a combination of free stock imagery and photographic design by publisher Ben Olson.

June 14, 2018 /


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Avista merger hearing draws mostly opposition By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff Reasons not to support the merger between Avista Utilities and Canada-based Hydro One dominated the Idaho Public Utility Commission’s public hearing Wednesday evening. PUC commissioners Paul Kjellander and Eric Anderson heard testimony from about two dozen citizens, primarily local Avista customers, all but one speaking against the $5.2 billion deal between Avista and Hydro One. “I find it ludicrous that we are letting a foreign company buy any part of America’s infrastructure,” said Priest River man Lewis Hodge, voicing a sentiment that echoed throughout the hearing. “It smells like climate change coming in the back door.” While the utility companies are touting the merger to benefit ratepayers, lower coal dependency and boost renewable energy investments, naysayers want to avoid foreign involvement, oppose the emphasis of green energy, foresee rate hikes and fear decision making without local influence. The tentative terms of the agreement include $15.8 million over five years of rate credits for Avista customers (amounting to about $1.38 per monthly bill) and $5 million for green energy and low-income programs. The possi-

Avista customer Jeff Tyler, Coeur d’Alene, offered testimony to the public utilities commission Wednesday at Sandpoint High School auditorium. Photo by Lyndsie Kiebert. ble deal also includes an accelerated depreciation of Avista’s partial ownership of Montana’s Colstrip coal-fired energy plant, with $3 million going toward a transition fund for Colstrip employees. The facility would be scheduled for shutdown in 2027. “It moves the power of the citizens further away,” said Rep. Heather Scott, resident of Blanchard and Avista customer. She told the commissioners the emphasis on fossil fuel alternatives concerns her. “I don’t know how you won’t raise rates when there’s all this money being spent on agendas.” Jane Fritz spoke in favor of the merger, noting that if everyone took a “conservationist” approach to energy, the fear of rate hikes may not be so prominent. She shared her belief in climate change, admiration for Canada, positive relationship with Avista

and acknowledged that the Pacific Northwest enjoys some of the cheapest power in the county. “But we’ve borrowed against future generations to get it,” she said. Thomas Fletcher of Careywood took to metaphor in giving the commissioners his opposing testimony. He said he was troubled by a recent article he read by an economist arguing that the United States’ trade deficits could be balanced out by foreign countries purchasing American assets. Fletcher said he sees Hydro One taking on Avista as a subsidiary as an example of such a sale. “When a museum is lacking funds, they sell assets —they sell pieces of art. It’s sad,” he said. “Slowly but surely, the museum ceases to exist. I strongly urge you to consider the long-term effects of selling our assets.” Of the nearly 300 comments

Resident opens fire at senior home

By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff

No one was hurt in a gunfire incident at Huckleberry Retirement in which a resident of elderly care facility fired a pistol at a staffer. Officers from the Sandpoint Police Department and deputies with the Bonner County Sheriff’s Office responded Saturday night to reports of gunfire at Huckleberry Retirement, located at the intersection of Division Avenue and Ponderosa Drive. Within moments, law enforce4 /


/ June 14, 2018

ment had the suspect, James Raftery, in custody and the situation under control. In interviews with officers, the victim, who works at the facility, said that just before 7 p.m. Raftery pulled a .22 caliber 1911 handgun from his waist, pointed it at him and fired. He then returned to his room with the gun. After the incident was reported, the sheriff’s office issued a statement advising people to avoid the North Division area due to law enforcement activity. Police vehicles from Sandpoint and Ponderay police departments

and Bonner County Sheriff’s Office, including an armored vehicle, gathered along the streets, next to nearby apartments and in the parking lots of office complexes, forming a perimeter around the retirement home. After a brief standoff, Raftery surrendered to officers without any harm done to himself, Huckleberry Retirement employees or law enforcement. Officers then entered the facility to gather and process evidence. No motive for the shooting was immediately apparent. The case is still under investigation.

publicly posted on the PUC’s website as of June 13, only about 20 approve of the merger. Most reference lack of local control as their reason for opposition. To see all documents and

public comments pertaining to the possible merger, visit www. and look under the File Room tab for Electrical Case AVUE1709.

Litehouse announces sales growth By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff The past year has been good to Litehouse, Inc. The Sandpoint-based company announced this week it experienced a nearly 18-percent increase in net sales last year, and its share price increased nearly 15 percent over the previous year. This year also saw the completion of a new 58,000-square-feet manufacturing facility, dramatically expanding the company’s production capabilities and streamlining the shipping process. Litehouse officials credit the growth figures to its status as an employee-owned company. The culmination of an employee stock ownership plan that began in 2006, Litehouse achieved 100-percent employee ownership status in early 2015. In the announcement of the recent sales growth, Litehouse officials cited a study indicating that employee-owned companies on average grew faster than non-employee-owned companies. “We are incredibly proud and

Employees decorated their Litehouse truck for the Fourth of July Parade. Photo courtesy pinterest. grateful to each of our employee-owners for making 2017 a great success for our company and paving the way for a bright future for their families, communities and our brand,” said Jim Frank, Litehouse President and CEO. “In 2017 we had the opportunity to make investments in each one of our manufacturing facilities to support our phenomenal growth. We will continue to drive shareholder value through product innovation and quality excellence and support the communities where we live and work.”


Fire breaks out at Newport apartment complex By Ben Olson Reader Staff A Newport apartment complex caught fire on Friday afternoon and was extinguished after several hours of suppression by volunteer firefighter organizations. Newport volunteer fire chief Rob Owen said the call came in at approximately 3:48 p.m. Friday afternoon. The fire was reported in an upstairs corner unit, and was burning when Owens and his volunteer fire crew arrived on scene. “We had it knocked down in about three or four hours,” said Owen. “From that point, I was there until about 7 a.m. the next morning, staying overnight along with a couple of other firemen to make sure any hotspots didn’t reignite.” Owens said most of the fire damage was contained to the unit in which it first ignited. The cause, at

this point, is still being investigated, but according to Owen it appears the fire originated in the kitchen. “The unit immediately adjacent to it had not as much fire damage inside,” he said. “It got pretty hot and broke out some of the windows, and the fire went along the eaves of the roofline and burned the outside of three units.” Residents have been relocated from the apartment complex due to smoke damage from the fire and water damage from the fire suppression efforts. “I don’t know if, structurally, they’ll be able to save a couple units that weren’t fire damaged, or if they’ll end up tearing the whole building down,” said Owen. “They’ll have to work with their insurance adjusters. At this point, all of those units will be unliveable, even the ones with just smoke damage.”

By Reader Staff

Owens said over six agencies responded to the fire. “I’d guesstimate there was about 60 different people that came and volunteered their time and services for this,” he said. “I’d like to thank all of the volunteers and people willing to put

Firefighters spray the unit at Willow Glen apartment complex in Newport. Photo by Ben Olson. themselves in harm’s way and to sacrifice their time to make our community a better place.”

Boaters: It’s a big year for debris

Officials advise mindful recreating after runoff and flooding creates increased obstacles in our waters

By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff Bonner County Sheriff’s Deputy Rob Danno can describe this year’s waterway debris situation in a single word: “Problematic.” “There’s an unusual amount of debris in the water right now,” said Danno, a marine officer on Lake Pend Oreille in Hope. “There’s everything from very small chunks to very large trees with branches still on them.” Danno said the spike in debris this year is due mostly to flooding. While some of the material has come from the Clark Fork River thanks to the fast runoff, he said most has been loosened from the shoreline during high water. He said he’s seen logs previously wedged into shoreline soil lifted out by the floodwaters. Danno said his advice for boaters is to take it slow and always have a “spotter” — someone on the lookout for possible obstacles. He discouraged boating at night, but if absolutely necessary, boaters should stick to a no-wake speed. “Sometimes it doesn’t take much,” he said. “If you hit (any de-

bris) with speed in a fiberglass boat, it’ll knock a hole in your hull.” Deputies on the sheriff boats are marking large debris with red stakes and yellow ribbon, and Danno said members of the public who find debris should feel free to mark it however they can so other boaters might have a chance at avoiding it. Some of that larger debris becomes an issue not only for those who recreate on area waters, but also for local infrastructure. Idaho Department of Transportation spokesperson Megan Sausser said ITD recently dealt with debris beneath the Highway 2 bridge near Priest River by using an excavator. Up next, she said ITD will focus on dislodging jams beneath the Long Bridge in Sandpoint. “It’s important to dislodge the logs ... to ensure that the combined weight of the logs and other debris do not threaten the integrity of the structure or the safety of the traveling public,” she said. Though Danno said floodwaters are the main source for the high debris volume, he said a breach in the Clark Fork River Delta boom system may also have

Multiple roads reopening on the Sandpoint and Priest Lake Ranger Districts

something to do with the increase. The Idaho Transportation Department uses an excavator to remove logs from beneath the U.S. Army Corps spokesperson Priest River Bridge on Highway 2 near town Scott Lawrence said in April that after this season’s flooding. Courtesy photo. the corps, which owns the Clark Fork drift yard, is working with a boat safety certification sticker contractor who will make repairs free of charge after inspection. To as soon river flows drop and the review county boat safety laws, lake reaches a safe level for mainvisit tenance. Danno also noted the imAs Lake Pend Oreille settles portance of respecting lakefront into summer pool and boaters property while recreating. As a prepare to cover the waters, Danno reminder, the no-wake zone law said now is the time to brush up across Bonner County wateron boat safety and etiquette. ways in 200 feet, but Danno said First, he said he and other boating in the core of area lakes deputies across Bonner County and rivers is always better than are happy to be flagged down any hugging shoreline. time to give a boat safety inspec“We’re asking people to be as tion and discuss safe boat hancourteous as they can while creatdling. Boaters receive an updated ing wake,” he said.

The Sandpoint Ranger District has reopened Forest Service Roads (FSR) 275, 1091, and 419 along with Trails 55, 57, 526 and 120 in Bonner County. The roads and trails had been closed last summer due to hazards caused by the Trestle Peak Fire and the firefighting activities that were taking place in the area. For additional information, or to report new road damage, please contact the Sandpoint Ranger District at (208) 2635111. The Priest Lake Ranger District has reopened multiple roads and trails also. FSR 1314 Quartz Mountain Road to FSR 1335 Guinn Creek has been reopened. FSR 659, 1089, 1075, 312 and 1107 and trails 164 and 197 in Bonner County have also been reopened, along with FSR 659 from the intersection with FSR 312 to the boundary with the Colville National Forest. The closures were put into place following the 2015 Tower Fire. For more information, contact the Priest Lake Ranger District at (208) 443-2512.

Hospital trustee meeting date changes By Reader Staff The Pend Oreille Hospital District Trustee meeting has changed the date for its June meeting. The meeting date has changed to Thursday, June 28 at 7 a.m. in the Bonner General Health classroom, 520 N. Third Ave. in Sandpoint. Please call (208) 263-1441 with any questions. June 14, 2018 /


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Morocco makes progress—politically, culturally and economically By Nick Gier Reader Columnist Known as the “Door to the Sahara Desert,” Morocco and its great cities Casablanca, Tangier, and Marrakesh symbolize everything exotic about Arabic culture. The films “Gladiator,” “Lawrence of Arabia,” “Black Hawk Down,” and “The Last Temptation of Christ” were shot here. There has been much change in Morocco, especially in the economy and government, since my last visit in 2007. Despite some charges of corruption and scattered protests, King Mohammed VI still remains popular among his 34 million subjects. The king traces his blood line back to the prophet Mohammed, and his Alaouite dynasty has ruled this North African nation for 400 years. When he ascended the throne in 1999, he made a clean break with his father Hassan II, who, with the blessings of the CIA, tortured and killed thousands of his leftist political opponents. In response to protests in 2011, King Mohammed agreed to give more power to the parliament and prime minister. He also decreed that Moroccan women would now have full social and political equality. In January 2017, he instructed authorities to ban the burqa, the clothing that has come to symbolize the suppression of women in Islam. King Mohammed issued a decree that Moroccan men must limit themselves to two wives, down from the traditional limit of four. He has also ruled that women have a right to divorce, a right to sign the marriage contract, and the right to approve of a second wife. It is ironic, and obviously a bit embarrassing to the king, that Princess Lalla Salma, his wife for 16 years, has now requested a divorce. She was a model for young Moroccan women: She did not cover her hair and she wore pant suits. The Moroccan economy has expanded dramatically since my last visit. In addition to tourism as its mainstay, the country has increased its manufacturing sector. It has become an international hub for the aerospace industry with 110 companies participating, and 150 automotive plants are now operating in the country. As a result, 6 /


/ June 14, 2018

personal wealth has increased 70 percent since 2000, and it was evident everywhere in more private cars, modern clothes and new homes. Seeking to outpace its neighbor Algeria in solar energy production, Morocco is setting a goal of generating half of its energy needs from renewables by 2030. When the three-stage Noor facility at the edge of the Sahara Desert is completed, it will be the largest solar thermal plant in the world. Problems, however, persist. Youth unemployment is 40 percent, and many cross the Straits of Gibraltar in unsafe boats to seek work in Europe. Although the king has made Berber an official language alongside Arabic, these proud non-Arabic mountain people are still not satisfied with their conditions. Our driver was a Berber, and he did not recognize Mohammed as his king. He also blamed the Arabs and their oil money for all the world’s problems. He was convinced that the Saudi government was behind the Sept. 11 attack on the World Trade Center.

Weary of Tit for Tat... Dear Editor, I contemplated two choices concerning Mr. Adamik’s letter in the May 31 edition: offer a long detailed rebuttal or not respond at all. I settled on something in the middle, kind of like my political views. Mr. Adamik is correct in that he, myself and several others used to trade what I consider insults on the Daily Bee’s blog. This finally got to the point where we were suspended for over-the-top language. I later expressed my regrets to the editor. Unfortunately individuals such as Mr. Adamik can bring out the worst in others. I was particularly amused during that time, though, by the way Mr. Adamik referred to himself. “The Oracle.” All seeing, all knowing, all... whatever. I know what I said in my previous two letters, and there was nothing about “hatred” of law enforcement or the military. Nor did I “make up” a story about a particular individual to prove some point. There is such a person. Mr. Adamik brings to mind something I remember from college psychology class: “social perdition.” People who thrive embracing the “wolf pack” mentality as espoused by the current political leadership of this country and a lot of politicians in general. They lack the courage to act alone, prey on others and are known for traits of ego-centrism and aggressive social mannerisms. Usually their self-interest is more important to them than the truth (now who does that remind me of)? Whether or not Mr. Adamik holds true to his statement, this will be my last word

Fes, Morocco. Courtesy of Peregrine Adventures. King Mohammed is determined to promote a moderate form of Islam, and he has joined forces with the U.S. in fighting Al Qaeda and the Islamic State. About 2,000 Moroccans went to Syria and Iraq to fight for the Islamic State, but when about 200 returned, they were immediately arrested. Since 2015, it now illegal for Moroccans to join and/or recruit others to join any recognized terrorist group. In May 2003, suicide bombers killed 45 people in Casablanca. It

was eight years before jihadists struck again, this time in the city of Marrakesh where 17 were murdered by remote controlled bombs. The government now runs a successful surveillance campaign Operation Hadar in which security forces monitor suspicious activities. The publication of comic books with anti-terrorist themes directed at vulnerable youth has also been effective. The teaching of fundamentalist Wahabi theology of Saudi Arabia

on the topic as I’ve grown weary of tit-fortat foolishness. Lawrence Fury Sandpoint

property as an “incredible amenity” for our city. I think the city’s REAL “incredible amenity” is the ground that the waste water plant currently sits on. Envision the expansion of Lakeview Park, perhaps a swimming area, a seasonal marina and boat launch and watching ospreys soar and the moon rise while listening to the FAS. Now envision the museum gone, the arboretum gone, more grass gone all in order to accommodate an expanded wastewater treatment plant. You – and only you – have the power to make the right choice. Remember there are three “C’s” in life: choices, chances and changes. You must make a choice to take a chance or nothing will ever change. What will YOUR legacy be?

I Get a Chuckle... Dear Editor, How can Ron Adamik say that liberals need to develop a sense of humor? I get a big chuckle every time he writes, but I get a kick out of Moe, Larry and Curly as well. Ted Wert Sagle

An Open Letter to Mayor and City Council... Dear Mayor and City Council: On May 24, the mayor delivered a statement to his Roundtable session concerning the city’s 37-acre parcel property on Baldy Road, adjacent to the double tracks that define the city’s boundary. As city clerk in the early 1980s, I recall that Mayor Sally Cupan explored relocating the city’s wastewater plant which was then (as now) located on the Pend Oreille River at the end of Ella Avenue. She found several locations which were away from residential areas. None of the City Council was interested. Too much money. We don’t care if it smells; those people who built there knew they were building next to the sewer. Only the mayor had a vision of what could be. Mayor Rognstad lauds the Baldy Road

Helen Newton Sandpoint

R.I.P. Anthony Bourdain... Dear Editor, On June 8, the world lost chef, travel host and writer Anthony Bourdain to suicide. Tony taught me a lot in my early 20s. Wielding a notoriously dry, often arrogant wit, I watched him travel the world with kingly critiques of Michelin-star French restaurants to eyes-wide-open experiences in South Asia. My favorite episodes were the ones where he spent the first third expressing how drab and predictable everything is to being completely humbled, awed and changed as a person from the civility, hospitality and dang good food from a rural village cooking some kind of magic

has been banned in Morocco’s seminaries and universities, and Wahabi missionaries have been deported. As the head of both the state and the faith, King Mohammed has declared that no Muslim cleric can issue a fatwa (an Islamic legal opinion) without clearing it with him beforehand. Unregulated fatwas have caused confusion and arbitrary death sentences in other Muslim countries. With King Mohammed’s blessing a new religious school has been established to train missionaries to spread a moderate form of Islam. So far about 1,000 have graduated, and that number includes 200 female “imams,” the equivalent of Christian parish priests. I wish these missionaries well, and I hope that they succeed in removing the unnecessary fear that so many non-Muslims feel. Nick Gier of Moscow taught religion and philosophy at the University of Idaho. Read his columns on Islam at ngier/IslamPage.htm. Email him at over an open flame that the best French chefs just couldn’t capture. He did what all of us do, he entered with inflated expectations, inherited stereotypes and a sense of entitlement, only to have it all flipped on its head and used as fertilizer for his own — and his audience’s — personal growth. Tony got me through a similarly dark time in my life. Watching him gave me hope. No matter how old you are, how poor you are, how bleak your present is now, our pale blue dot has a lot of incredible surprises in store for us, if only you’re willing to go look. So thank you, Tony. You taught me to be adventurous, not to be afraid of someone just because they’re different, not to apologize for being myself and to relish the simple things in life. If you’re reading this and struggling with depression or thoughts of suicide, you’re not alone. I struggled with it for most of my young(ish) life. There’s nothing wrong with you. Tell someone how you feel. If that doesn’t help, tell someone else until you find someone that will listen. There is ALWAYS someone ready to listen. Don’t be afraid to call SPAN, the Suicide Prevention Action Network, at 1(800)273-8255 The Suicide Crisis Line at 1(800)2738255 Or the Sandpoint Community Resource Center for further help at (208) 920-1840. Brenden Bobby Hope


The Danger of Summer in Sandpoint S

ummer is the best. I live for summer. Summer is the light at the end of a long freezing journey through winter’s frozen hellscape. It is easy to get caught up in the magic of summer, laying on our floaties with drinks in our hands oblivious to the dangers lurking all around us. Today’s column is a reminder of the unique challenges that Sandpoint residents face in the summer. Knowing what to look out for can help you avoid summer meltdown status.

temperature reaches 70 degrees. Case in point: I went to Super 1 a couple of weekends ago, and it was precisely 68 degrees outside, a sunny, beautiful day. The parking lot was full of sweaty, red-faced North Idahoans, loading their coolers with ice and wearing bathing suits and flip flops like they were unexpectedly deposited in the Sahara with minimal chances of survival.


Congratulations, you have somehow made it through a winter of driving on perilous roads in blizzard conditions. Maybe you even sidestepped a mudslide or a flood on the way … Your reward will be six months of road construction in the middle of tourist season, and oh yes, don’t forget they switched all the roads around. Also, the tourists expect you to give them directions, good ones, whenever they ask. These directions will have to be well thought out because every major road in Sandpoint is part of a detour or has a giant hole in it or a train stuck on the tracks.

They are out of school, on the streets, wreaking havoc, testing boundaries, trying to multiply, hurling their bodies into the road, leaving their skateboards at the bottom of every stairway in their path. No longer safely tucked away at school, they’ve been released and they are out to remind us just how lucky we are that there are people on this planet brave enough to contain and teach these kids nine months out of the year. Next time you hear a person complaining about teachers, specifically their “summer vacation time,” the appropriate response would be to hand them a melted popsicle and then ask them 25 questions in a row without listening to the response.

Heat After surviving arctic temperatures for six months, our pale, delicate bodies have a difficult time dealing with exposure to the sun. People start complaining about the “heat” as soon as the


Revealing Clothes You have been wrapped in furs and eating your feelings all winter. Ta-da! Now you must reveal that trainwreck of a figure you’ve been hiding all summer and participate in every kind of lake activity offered under the sun. You only have about six weeks, give or take, to fit it all in. The lake will be your only way to cool off, because air conditioning is a newfangled Californian concept, so

most places, including your own home, won’t have it. There is a reason dudes are walking around everywhere with the sleeves cut off their t-shirts.

Liver Failure Remember your freshman year in college? Remember how there was a party to go to every night of the week? Remember how the fact that you had very little income was great for your liver? Well, guess what? Money and finals are not valid excuses for middle-aged adults. Sunshine is a reason to party in these part. Hope you didn’t take the winter off.

Bugs Bees, wasps, ticks, hornets: They aren’t nice any time of year, but now these winged pests are out in full force, biting and swarming as though their very species depends on it. They are out for blood, and they don’t care about leaving marks all over your skin the night before your wedding. If you might die from their bite, it doesn’t bother them. They roll deep, and they will descend on every bit of exposed skin they can. It isn’t really summer unless you experience a crispy sunburn sprinkled with itchy bug bites. Right?

Great food and tasty coffee 7 days a week!

Stay safe and hydrated, Scarlette Quille

Located on the Historic Cedar St. Bridge Sunday - Monday 7am - 5pm Tuesday - Saturday 7am - 9pm 208-265-4396 • June 14, 2018 /


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Former astronaut to give presentation By Ben Olson Reader Staff

Bouquets: • A big bouquet goes out to legendary bluegrass band Leftover Salmon’s Vince Herman, Drew Emmitt and Andy Thorn, who showed up at Alpine Vista assisted living facility to play a special free show for the seniors before their big concert at The Hive later that night. After the show, the band members mingled with the seniors and shared a few stories, leaving everyone with smiles on their faces. Way to give back and show respect to our elderly population, Leftover Salmon! • If you haven’t checked out the new renovations to the Sandpoint Library, get over there! What a fantastic job everyone did, from the members of the community who chipped in financial donations to the construction crews that did a flawless job, to the staff and volunteers at the library for being so great. A strong community is made only stronger with an amazing library. Way to go everyone. Barbs • I received a few calls from concerned readers about that guy who likes to drive around Sandpoint rolling coal (the term for intentionally spewing large clouds of diesel smoke from his exhaust). Here’s the deal: If you take video or a photo of the truck in the act of rolling coal, you can send it to the Sandpoint Police Department, who will issue the driver a ticket. The truck is white and has a large Confederate flag in the bed. •Speaking of driving around Sandpoint, I notice that the closer we get to summer, the more impatient drivers get around town. Please, everyone take your time and take a breath. You will not be able to whiz through town like you did in February. 8 /


/ June 14, 2018

Looking for a new perspective? You can’t get much higher than photos from an actual astronaut. Sandpoint Parks and Recreation and the Kinnikinnick Native Plant Society are hosting John Phillips, a Sandpoint resident, NASA astronaut and Ph.D. in Space Physics for a special presentation on Saturday, June 23. The presentation goes from 9:45–11:30 a.m. at the Sandpoint Community Hall. This is a free presentation, so there is no need to pre-register. For 16 years, astronauts aboard the International Space Station

How to survive family camping By Reader Staff This program intends to introduce participants to the basics of camping with a family, which can often be a test in patience. The class will offer tips on what equipment to bring, how to set up the campsite and other essential information to make your family camping outing a success. The class takes place at Lakeview Park June 28 from 5-7 p.m. and costs just $3, with a $1 discount if you live in the city. Pre-register by June 24 at Sandpoint Parks and Recreation’s website, or visit them at City Hall.

have photographed the Earth using hand-held cameras. Phillips will describe the International Space Station orbit, characteristics and limitations of astronaut photography, present “greatest hits” of his personal space photographs and show the audience how to access online NASA photo collection to do your own research. Dr. Phillips is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and received M.S. and Ph.D degrees in space physics from UCLA. He served as a Navy pilot from 1972-1982 and continued in the Navy Reserve for another 20 years. Phillips was selected by NASA as an astronaut in 1996 and has flown to space three

John Phillips.

times. Phillips retired from NASA in 2011 and now lives in Idaho.

7B Sunday at Schweitzer By Reader Staff Schweitzer Mountain Resort is looking forward to its summer opening weekend and the resort’s fourth annual 7B Sunday on June 24. “We love being able to host this summer homecoming on the mountain,” said Schweitzer marketing manager Dig Chrismer. “Getting the chance to connect with so many fantastic local people before the summer really kicks off in Sandpoint is a great way to reconnect as a community.” 7B Sunday offers local artisans, restaurants, and associations based in Bonner County the opportunity to share their passions directly with

Task Force holds annual meeting By Ben Olson Reader Staff

The Bonner County Human Rights Task Force will be holding their annual meeting Saturday, June 16 from 3-5 p.m. at the Heartwood Center in Sandpoint. There will be a short business meeting first with survey results and the election of board members, as well as announcement of scholarship and grant recipients. Following the business meeting, a panel discussion will be held on mental health needs and access in Bonner County. Participants for this discussion include representatives from Northern Idaho Crisis Center, North Idaho Crisis Line, Sandpoint Police and Priest River Police. This meeting is open to all.

Schweitzer’s guests that Sunday. “We know that the free chairlift ride is a big draw but it’s wonderful to see our friends taking time before or after heading to the summit to visit with over 30 businesses to learn about all the incredible things we have in Bonner County,” said Chrismer. Besides the free chairlift rides, Schweitzer will also have free live music from Doug & Marty, Mobius Riff and Harold’s IGA. Schweitzer’s village activities will be in full swing and Sky House at the summit will have a special lunch menu available. “The summit of Schweitzer isn’t reserved just for skiers and snow-

Water safety classes offered By Reader Staff

Sandpoint Parks and Recreation and Sandpoint West Athletic Club are co-sponsoring a new and important course on family/community water safety. After completing this presentation, participants will be able to recognize the importance of water safety training and swimming lessons, describe the circle of drowning prevention and the chain of drowning survival, understand the elements of water competency and explain steps to take to remain safe in, on and around water. The class takes place Friday, June 29 from 12-2 p.m. at the City Beach lifeguard shack. This is a free course open to the general public, but a minimum of four registered participants is needed. Register by calling (208) 2633613. Class open for ages 10-adult. boarders,” said Chrismer. “We encourage everyone to take advantage of the free chairlift ride to enjoy the views and see just how lucky we are to call this place home.” Schweitzer’s summer operations will begin in earnest Friday, June 22 with scenic foot passenger chairlift rides, lift served downhill mountain biking, zip line, new trampoline jumper, climbing wall and sluice box open daily from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. until September 3. For more information about Schweitzer’s summer activities and “7B Sunday,” visit www. or call (877) 4874643.

THE READER GOES TO D.C. Sandpoint Reader columnist and former SHS principal A.C. Woolnough took the Reader with him to Washington, D.C. last week. Woolnough can be seen here reading this fine publication in front of the White House. Courtesy photo.


Battle Call:

Who are we to trust? A government that wants our call to duty only to find ways to leave us without a retirement, or the corporations that want cheap slave labor and a large profit margin?

By Michael Jacobson Reader Contributor In March 1991 unsettling photos of C-130 military cargo planes laden with flag draped coffins filled the news media. We were in Afghanistan. Prior to Desert Storm only active duty soldiers went to war. Assignments as to which troops will be sent had changed. It’s not that the Reserve personnel wouldn’t be able to perform their duties as well as active duty, but we trained and tested every day. National Guard were better equipped to handle local emergencies and disasters throughout the United States. Reservists were our back-up, they trained two days a month and two weeks during the year. National guard and reservists were supposed to be just that, in reserve. Former President George Bush reset that cycle and put many of our soldiers at serious risk. The public knew about Desert Storm in Saudi and the burning oil fields in Iraq. But Afghanistan? Seventeen years later, it is now the longest running war since Vietnam. The current commander-in-chief and his staff of generals are once again telling this nation’s people, “We are not going to tell our enemies when or where we will attack, but attack we will. We are going to increase the number our troops, but we’re not going to reveal how many.” All in the name of national security. Returning home from the many battles of the Gulf War era, our wounded soldiers faced the same challenges their predecessors faced three decades ago. Our government summarily denied claims for physical ailments as well as a multitude of mental health issues. We were broken, we were to be forgotten. As long as our corporations could still get a good deal on a barrel of oil or have their clothing made by a foreign cheap slave labor force, it was business as usual for them. Broken dreams and forgotten promises The wounded warrior’s heart Will fall Not by bullets – not by war Nor by bloody skirmishes Untold spoils on foreign lands Our nation’s blood runs deep As corporations rise and fall They ask us once again For a wounded warrior’s Battle call

A Legion of Merit medal. Photograph by Tim Mossholder. Starting in 1991, the military rifted thousands of active-duty soldiers out of their retirements with reduction-in-force programs. Promotions were frozen, preventing anyone from acquiring the next grade of rank needed to hold on through the cutbacks. Restrictions were imposed to prevent all who had taken a special separation benefit from returning to finish their remaining three to four years. In 1995 those restrictions were lifted. Many had already moved on and never found out about. Other soldiers no longer trusted a government that had forced them out to begin with. Yes, soldiers were given a choice of not taking a separation benefit. However, not being able to acquire the next grade of rank due to a frozen promotion system, many would still have been forced out with no severance pay. When you’re given two bad choices, which one do you opt for? The hundreds of soldiers that did sign back up were deceived from the beginning. Thinking that in a few years they would have a retirement, many didn’t find out until after signing on the dotted line they’d have to wait until they were 60 before receiving a check. In addition, the government wanted the SSB (special separation benefit) paid back. So, who are we to trust? A government that wants our call to duty only to find ways to leave us without a retirement, or the corporations that want cheap slave labor and a large profit margin? Michael Jacobson spent 17 years in the U.S. Army defending this country, its way of life and every man, woman and child. The current president stated, “Make America great again.” We don’t need to — it is great. We may not all agree on many topics. But I will defend your right to voice your opinion. I am proud to have served this great country. June 14, 2018 /


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Mad about Science:

Brought to you by:

emoji, emoticons and you

By Brenden Bobby Reader Columnist

This week’s subject is courtesy of Lyndsie Kiebert. Thanks, Lyndsie! Have you ever thought the nuance of texting? Let’s look at “lol” for example. What most people know is that it’s an acronym for “laugh(ing) out loud”, but the majority of people that use it don’t actually laugh out loud. In casual usage, it has become a polite way to punctuate a conversation. It’s not offensive, it seems polite, even when you aren’t actually paying attention, and it’s a good way to end a conversation when you don’t have further input. Text is a really crummy way of conveying inflection. Sarcasm is a good example. Sarcasm is so easy to convey via text. How did you read that? Factually or sarcastically? Without a little help, our 26 letters just don’t deliver the message we want to deliver. Enter: emoji, or emojis, as there is no “right” way to pluralize this word in English, as it’s technically Japanese, meaning “picture character.” The fact that it looks like emotion is just a happy accident. Emoji are cute little faces and questionable vegetables designed to make your texts funny, flirty, farcical or rage-filled. They do all the things your face can, without actually needing your face to do them! We’ll get into these funky things more later, but first, it’s important to know where they came from. During the early years of personal computers (1972-1988), programmers were bumbling into unknown territory, unable to decipher inflection behind certain statements and phrases. 10 /


/ June 14, 2018

To alleviate this problem, and maybe even have a little fun, people started to make faces with text and symbols, starting with the smiley face [ :-) ] and the frowny face [ : - ( ] . These, and many more would be come to be known as emoticons (emotion + icon.) Emoticons hit a peak popularity during the 1990s while the internet was starting to blow up with message boards, chat rooms and other online groups. Almost overnight, the English language was to forever be modified. A simple jumble of seemingly random letters and punctuation could add meaning to even the simplest statements. The widespread use of emoticons and the evolution of emoji can be traced to one source: anime. Rarely called Japanese animation, anime spent over half a century as a cultural mainstay in Japan, and it helped shape our use of emoticons and emojis. Emotional outbursts had to be animated quickly, while maintaining the art style, so animators would use shortcuts for facial expressions. Think about the laughing-so-hard-I’m-crying emoji, Webster’s 2015 word of the year; it originates from the emoticon “XD” which looks like a laughing face on its side, which has been a common expression for characters in anime bursting into sudden laughter for decades. Anime had a surge of popularity in the west in the early 2000s with a little help from Cartoon Network. Toonami airing “Dragonball Z” got the Dragonball rolling, and opened the door for Adult Swim to start airing anime targeting young adults. Some readers may have nostalgic flashbacks of “Cowboy Bebop,” “Inuyasha,” or my personal favor-

ite, “Neon Genesis Evangelion.” This drove tweens and teens of my generation to online forums en masse, where emoticons flourished like Tansy in North Idaho. Never content with simplicity, emoticons would transcend from simple to shockingly complex with kaomoji. These still used text, but they blended western symbols with Japanese text. As an example: a cute face that seems to be throwing its hands up in joy. Meanwhile: appears to be someone angrily flipping a table. There are so many kaomoji, I have no doubt that people have had entire conversations on the internet using only these. As bandwidth, internet speeds and processing power improved through the 2000s and 2010s, it became easier to share graphics. It didn’t take a minute and a half to load a smiley-face gif, it took a couple of seconds on my molasses internet, so why bother finding all of those alt-codes or copy-paste sources when you could just click a button and make an emoji? Most emoji are stored on your phone or app from the moment you buy the device. Certain code is sent between phones, apps or computers, which tells the device:”Pull this image up”, and voila, your emoji. This is the reason that, if you’re sitting side-by-side with someone using a different kind of phone, the emoji won’t look the same at all. Android uses different graphics from Apple, as an example. This also means that the inflection of your emoji-based statement could be vastly different from what you communicated, based on how it appears on their device and their mental process. I have

had several friends go through deep, hours-long contemplation over what someone’s smiley face meant, exactly. It’s flawed, but hey, that’s language. Having grown up on, around, and enveloped by the internet, I’ve had a front-row seat to the development of emoji and emoticons. I, personally, always believed them to be more of a punctuation than a substitute for actual speech (after all, an

exclamation mark, a period and a question mark walk into a bar- I mean, can only get you so far.) However, like any language, the use of emoji evolves by the day. It’s up to all of us to use emoji responsibly. Whatever you do, don’t substitute your grocery list with emoji. Trust me on this one.

Random Corner ters?

Don’t know much about compu

We can help!

• The first electronic computer, ENIAC, weighed more than 27 tons and took up 1800 square feet. • Only about 10 percent of the world’s currency is physical money, the rest only exists on computers. • Around 50 percent of all Wikipedia vandalism is caught by a single computer program with more than 90 percent accuracy. • The password for the computer controls of nuclear-tipped missiles of the U.S was “00000000” for eight years. • An average person normally blinks 20 times a minute, but when using a computer he/she blinks only 7 times a minute. • The first ever hard disk drive was made in 1979, and could hold only 5 MB of data. • The first 1GB hard disk drive was announced in 1980 which weighed about 550 pounds, and had a price tag of $40,000. • More than eight out of 10 emails sent daily are spam. • MIT has developed a computer software that can identify and distinguish a real smile from a smile of frustration. • The first actual computer “bug” was a dead moth which was stuck in a Harvard Mark II computer in 1947.


Trade war targets iconic Idaho potatoes By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff

As the centerpiece of state’s agricultural industry, the Idaho potato is iconic. For many Americans, it’s Idaho’s only notable characteristic, a source of annoyance for locals and tourists who have plenty of reasons to love the Gem State. Whether or not one relishes Idaho’s reputation as the land of potatoes, the vegetable remains an important pillar of the state economy — a resilient export backed by proven quality and true marketing power. That reliability may be in question following a suite of tariffs imposed by Mexico in retaliation to President Donald Trump’s tariffs on Mexican steel and aluminum. Among the products targeted, which largely center on major exports from predominantly Republican states, are potatoes, which were hit with a 20-percent tariff. According to Idaho State Department of Agriculture spokeswoman Chanel Tewalt, those tariffs could put the Idaho potato’s quality and brand strength to the test. “That quality is always there, and that’s why our partners come to us, but there is that cost-benefit of dealing with tariffs,” she said. Idaho is far and away the largest potato producer in the nation. More than a third of all American potatoes are grown in Idaho, making the product essential to an agricultural industry that accounts for 20 percent of all state sales. Exports are a vital part of that market, with 20 percent of agricultural commodities shipped internationally. It doesn’t help that the tariffs arrive at a particularly soft time for Idaho agricultural commodities. According to Tewalt, products like potatoes typically perform best when the dollar is weaker, which makes agricultural exports more competitive. The strong dollar and hot national economy have ironically had a chilling effect on agricultural exports, she said. “(The industry) has been dealing with low commodity prices, and that can be difficult when you have trade concerns on top of it,” she said. According to Tewalt, exports to Canada and Mexico exploded following the 1994 establishment of the North Amer-

ican Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA. Exports to Mexico grew nearly 1,000 percent, while the Canadian market inflated by 290 percent. The two countries account for nearly half of Idaho’s export market — 20 percent to Mexico and 27 percent to Canada — with processed, frozen potatoes like French fries being particularly important. Given the importance of the export market, it’s no wonder that Mexico’s imposition of tariffs last week caused a stir. Frank Muir, president and CEO of the Idaho Potato Commission, has stayed busy the past several days answering media and stakeholder inquiries in the wake of the news. Despite the swell of concern, Muir is taking a confident stance. “I would anticipate that the high demand worldwide for the product means (the potato industry) will weather the storm,” Muir said. Factoring into Muir’s encouraging prognosis is the fact that the tariffs almost exclusively impact frozen potatoes, which helps isolate the problem. Muir is also confident that since the processed potato market has nearly maxed out its production capacity, inventory intended for Mexico could theoretically be shifted to other international markets — Asia, for instance. “The Idaho brand has quality imagery and premium price associated with it,” he said. Muir added, “There’s a reason we spend such effort building this brand, and that’s to get through times like these.” The problem there, Tewalt said, is that trade contracts don’t appear out of nowhere. They’re the result of carefully nurtured international partnerships, and that’s something the Idaho State Department of Agriculture is working hard to facilitate. In fact, the department director is in Japan this week for that very reason, Tewalt said. “We are working very hard to preserve those relationships,” she added. In the meantime, Muir is hopeful that the burgeoning North American trade war will resolve itself before its resulting problems are deeply felt. He said it’s the consumer who is ultimately hurt by trade wars, so the recent tariffs are bad for Mexican citizens as well as potato producers.

Photo illustration by Ben Olson.

Industry experts weigh in on what tariffs mean for Idaho’s economy

“Whenever countries start placing tariffs on each other, it never leads to better trade relations,” he said. While Idaho agriculture is a famously resilient industry, that doesn’t mean it isn’t vulnerable to unfortunate shifts in the market. According to Tewalt, there is room for Idaho agriculture to grow, but

that is contingent upon the state’s ability to move product. And a downturn in a major state industry is something that affects everyone. “Whether or not you’re a farmer, you start to feel those effects, because our economy will,” she said. 208.265.6467

in the Dover Bay Resort

Father’s Day BRunch buffett! ••iiataa ••ench toast bar •Eggs scrambles

•Baked Hama •Salads •Desserts

$14.95 adults $7.95 kids June 14, 2018 /


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we are open during construction come in and have a beer!

t h u r s d a y


f r i d a y


s a t u r d a y


s u n d a y


m o n d a y

Afrolicious Frogleg One Grass Two Grass The Riverside Trego Sadie Sicilia & Friends Sepiatonic Open Mic with BareGrass Brian Stai Jake Robin‟

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/ June 14, 2018

t u e s d a y

w e d n e s d a y t h u r s d a y

18 19 20 21

Trivia Takeover Live 6:30pm @ Pend d’Oreille Winery Teams encouraged but not required. Wine and beer specials also. Free and open to the public

Dollar Beers! 8pm @ Eichardt’s Pub Good until the keg’s dry

Yarn and The Sloca 7pm @ Panida Thea Returning to the P a North Carolina-b They’ll be joined by young bluegrass ba bia. Learn more at M

Live Ja Live Music w/ Mostly Harmless Live Music w/ Devon Wade 6-8pm @ Cedar St. Bistro Wine Bar 6:30-9:30pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall 6-8pm @ Live Music w/ Ron Kieper Celebrate Third Fridays at the Beer Hall Tom D’ T 5-8pm @ Pend d’Oreille Winery with country artist Devon Wade Soothing jazz Live Music w/ Browne Salmon Truck 7: T Live Music w/ Muffy and the Loony Tunes 9pm @ 219 Lounge 5-7pm @ Idaho Pour Authority A fun trio playing swing, jazz, and every- w $1 Acoustic Americana and bluegrass thing in between

Live Music w/ Mike and Sadie CHAFE 150 Gran Fondo Bicycle Ride 5-8pm @ Pend d’Oreille Winery Sponsored by Sandpoint Rotary, this annual b Indie/country father daughter duo takes bicyclists on a 150-mile route through Idaho tana. There’s also a 1/2 CHAFE at 80 miles, or t Live Music w/ John Firshi fun ride. for more info 5-7pm @ Idaho Pour Authority A unique experience always Ponderay Communitywide Garage Sale (June Live Music w/ Oak Street Connection 8am-4:30pm @ throughout the neighborhood There will be sales held throughout the neighb 4-6pm @ Laughing Dog Brewery Ponderay. Contact City Hall with questions: (208 A fun duo, plus food by Twisted Kilt Challenge of Champions bullriding event Live Music w/ Working Spliffs 7:30pm @ Bonner County Fairgrounds 9pm @ 219 Lounge Come see professional bullriders do their thing, Spokane-based reggae four-piece racing! Fun for the whole family Live Music w/ Brian Jacobs 6-8pm @ Cedar St. Bistro Wine Bar Sandpoint Chess Club 9am @ Evans Brothers Coffee Meets every Sunday at 9am

Rockin’ Farmin Fathers Day Potluck Picnic 3-6pm @ Farmin Park A free hard rock Father’s Day event with CobraJet, Owull and High Treason Ammunition

Monday Night Blues Jam w/ Truck Mills 7:30pm @ Eichardt’s Pub Night-Out Karaoke 9pm @ 219 Lounge Join DJ Pat for a night of singing, or just come to drink and listen

Lifetree C An hour of

Trivia Night 7-9pm @ MickDuff’s Restaurant Grab your smartest friends and pile into a booth at MickDuff’s for Trivia Night. Grab a seat early, they go fast!

Wind Down Wednesday 5-8pm @ 219 Lounge With live music by blues man Truck Mills and guest musician Samantha Carston Dollar Beers! 8pm @ Eichardt’s Pub Good until the keg’s dry

PFLAG Sandpoint monthly support The monthly support meeting for Parents

Wednesdays w/ Bennie 5-7:30pm @ Connie’s Lounge Weekly music on Connie’s deck with Bennie Baker. This week’s special guest: Sydnie Rose Knepper

Tracks 2pm @ Clark Fork A program for the L Teen Summer R Challenge. Info: (20

Thursday Night Solo Series w/ Jake Robin 6-8pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Jake’s music has been described as “up music for down people” and “esoteric for everyone.” Plus, food available by Sandpoint Curry in a Hurry


June 14 - 21, 2018

The Slocan Ramblers in Concert nida Theater to the Panida Theater, Yarn is Carolina-based Americana band. joined by the Slocan Ramblers, a egrass band from British Colummore at

A weekly entertainment guide to keep you on your toes. To list your event free, please send an email to Reader recommended

Open Mic w/ Kevin Dorin 6-9pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Come one, come all to this night of sharing your creative passion with host Kevin Dorin. Also, food by Sandpoint Curry in a Hurry

Live Music w/ Jake Robin 5pm @ The Hound Downtown Enjoy a Downtown Pint Night at the Hound with Iron Horse Brewery and live music w/ Jake Robin

Pend Oreille Chorale and Orchestra Spring Concert Live Jazz w/ Tom D’Orazi 7pm @ First Lutheran Church 6-8pm @ The Farmhouse Restaurant A Vivaldi Concerto presented by the local community orchestra, tiTom D’Orazi on guitar and vocals Thom and Coley in concert tled “Something Old and Something New” Truck 7:30pm @ Panida Theater Two award winning country songevery- writers from Nashville. Tickets $10, or $25 for VIP.

Summer Cornhole Classic Tourney 1pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Cornhole is back at the Beer Hall! This tournament will be held rain or shine, and features a max of 32 teams, so sign up early (208) 209-6700. First toss at 1 ale (June 16-17) p.m. Cost is $20/team, $10/person orhood he neighborhood of Sandpoint Farmers’ Market ions: (208) 265-5468 9am-1pm @ Farmin Park Shop for locally grown produce, shop event artisan wares, eat some good food and s eir thing, plus barrel enjoy live music by Living Well Tricked Out! Comedy Magic Show 7pm @ Cedar St. Bridge Public Market

e annual benefit ride ugh Idaho and Monmiles, or the 30-mile

Yoga on Tap 11am @ Laughing Dog Brewery One hour class that ends with the group having a beer together. $12 includes your first beer Father’s Day Injectors Car Club BBQ 11am-2pm @ Sandpoint Senior Center parking lot A fundraiser for the Sandpoint Area Seniors, Inc. $5 gets you a hamburger or a hotdog and cold, fresh salads and dessert, and you can add a drink for $1. Live music by Mr. E band Task Force Annual Meeting 3-5pm @ The Heartwood Center Bonner County Human Rights Task Force’s annual meeting, including board member nominations and a penel discussion on mental health

Pend Oreille Chorale and Orchestra Spring Concert 3pm @ First Lutheran Church A Vivaldi Concerto presented by the local community orchestra.

support meeting • 6pm @ NICMH (1717 Ontario St.) or Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG)

Lifetree Cafe • 2pm @ Jalepeño’s Mexican Restaurant An hour of conversation and stories. This week’s topic: “Growing Up Without a Father” Magic Wednesday with Star Alexander 6-8pm @ Jalapeño’s Mexican Restaurant Enjoy close-up magic shows right at your table

Tina Friedman India presentation lark Fork Library 4-6:30pm @ Sandpoint Library m for the Libraries Rock Attend a free slideshow presentation featuring mmer Reading 2018 photographs from Sandpoint photographer e. Info: (208) 266-1321 Tina Friedman’s recent trip to India. Part 1 Sandpoint Farmers’ Market Beer Hall Bingo 3-5:30pm @ Farmin Park 6:30pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Buy produce, shop local wares It’s free, just like the popcorn. Be and listen to live music by Dasure to bring your own markers (not vid Walsch dobbers) like M&Ms, Skittles, etc.

June 23 Walk in the Woods: Bike or Hike Tour @ Pine St. Woods June 23 Sandpoint Radius Film Festival @ Panida Theater June 24 7B Sunday @ Schweitzer Mountain Resort

June 14, 2018 /


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/ June 14, 2018


A sneak peak at Sandpoint’s newest brewery Matchwood Brewing is slated to open in early fall

By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff Plenty of people find themselves dreaming over a glass of beer, but for Andrea Marcoccio and Kennden Culp, the beer is the dream. Together, the couple is working to establish a new brewery by renovating the warehouse at 513 Oak St. in the Granary Arts District. Nestled against other artisanal operations like Evans Brothers Coffee and the neighborhoods west of Fifth Avenue, Matchwood Brewing is well-positioned to establish itself as a community destination where patrons enjoy family gatherings, appreciate local craft brewing and maybe do a little dreaming of their own. “Kennden and I want to create a neighborhood brewery where personal connections can foster positive community change through the power of dialogue and laughter — one delicious handcrafted beer at a time,” said Marcoccio. “Also, Kennden and I both love the science and collaboration in making quality local beer.” According to Marcoccio, she and Culp hope to fit into the increasingly diverse ecosystem of local beer and wine by establishing a friendly neighborhood vibe — the kind of location area residents might walk to after a long day of yard work or fun at the beach. The location and atmosphere of the Granary Arts District warehouse is key to achieving that

goal, and Marcoccio and Culp said they just might make some community magic happen thanks to a partnership with building owners Steve Holt and John Edwards. Their support — plus the hard work of a talented construction crew — is bringing new vitality to a building with very old bones. “We are incredibly lucky to have the support, experience and talent of John Edwards and Steve Holt on our team,” Marcoccio said. “From design to build, our crew is made up of hard-working individuals who are pouring their heart and soul into the renovation of the warehouse. … Our new roof is on, siding is going up and we will begin working on interior finishes in the coming month in preparation for our equipment to be delivered in July.” Of course, the heart and soul of any brewery is its beer, and Marcoccio said they are excited to share their work with the community. They’ve been brewing for six years, and their education received a jump start when Robert Rivers and Fernanda Menna Barreto Krum, co-owners of Imagine Nation Brewing Company in Missoula, Mont., took the couple under their wing for an intensive brewing internship that covered both the craft and business of brewing. “(We) love to make a variety of beers from light to hoppy and sour to malty to match the wide variety of tastebuds we will serve,” Marcoccio said. “We will

Top left: Exterior work continues on the future home of Matchwood Brewing, with a little help from a rainbow. Top right: A photo of the interior at the end of April, with the projected bar in the center of the room. Right: Steve Holt, Kennden Culp, Andrea Marcoccio and John Edwards. Photos by Ben Olson and Matchwood Brewing.

mostly feature English and American ales at Matchwood Brewing Company.” According to Marcoccio, the hope is to introduce food options once the business opens, making Matchwood Brewing a fully-featured location for a night out. The kids won’t need to fear boredom either, as they can busy themselves in designated play areas while the adults enjoy a few pints. The business will also feature a balcony overlooking the taproom, a large covered and uncovered patio for outdoor service, indoor and outdoor stages for live music, a community room for meetings and a Crowler machine for canned, on-demand tap beer to go. As a neighborhood brewery, Matchwood is envisioned to reflect the character of its community. That includes the name itself, which is taken from a small, early-1900s community located just north of Sandpoint that harvested western white pine for matches. “These matches brought warmth, light and fire to our communities,” Marcoccio said. “At Matchwood Brewery, we seek to match the hard work and quality product

served in a neighborhood brewery where locally crafted brews spark dialogue, laughter and community.” Even the 25-foot bar, crafted from a western white pine originally from Culp’s family property in Noxon, Mont., has a story to tell. “A group of great friends helped (us) fell the 107-year-old tree this spring to be milled and kilned for the community to gather around,” Marcoccio said. The Matchwood Brewing renovation is a project in progress. However, Marcoccio said the team is working toward a fall opening date, perhaps one targeting September. She hopes people will stay tuned for an official opening date to be announced shortly. In the meantime, the team is focused on giving an old building a new lease on life. “The most exciting thing about the process is taking an iconic warehouse with community ties and breathing new energy into the space for the community to enjoy,” Marcoccio said.

June 14, 2018 /


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Bullriding tour hits Sandpoint this weekend By Ben Olson Reader Staff

Fine Jewellers & Goldsmiths •Custom Jewelry •Repairs

Hold on tight, the Challenge of Champions Bullriding Tour is set to hit Sandpoint this weekend. The bullriding competition will take place at 7 p.m. Saturday, June 16 at the Bonner County Fairgrounds. All ages are invited to watch the events, so bring the whole family down. The Coastal Farm and Ranch Challenge of Champions Tour features professional bullriders from all around the Pacific Northwest, as well as the rest of the U.S. Riders range from PBR qualifiers, NFR qualifiers, top circuit finals qualifiers, collegiate and high school finalists. The event is sponsored by PUSH Enterprises, Inc., which, according to their mission statement, stand by “traditional cowboy values, for the benefit of fans, cowboys, contractors and the local businesses and communities we visit.” One unique feature of this event is that each one begins by showcasing a service man or woman, followed by an invocation by event founder Jason Mattox, a former professional bullrider.

“I rode bulls professionally for 15 years, and when I got done, I wanted to continue in the sport,” Mattox told the Reader. “In 2009, we started our tour with three events. Now in 2018, we have 17 events throughout Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Nevada. It’s grown to be one of the biggest bullriding tours in the Northwest, not counting the PBR and PRCA tours.” Mattox said one key element to attracting top bullriders is to provide the best bulls.

A great escape from the crowds to enjoy a beautiful sunset dinner

Open for dinner Wednesday – Sunday

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/ June 14, 2018

A bullrider scrambles after being bucked off. Courtesy photo. “We bring in some of the best bulls, and the best bulls bring in the best riders,” he said. “All these guys have a chance to win.” Mattox said there will be 20 professional bullriders attending, as well as 12 barrel racers. The Challenge of Champions will return to Sandpoint for another stop on the tour in August during the Bonner County Fair.


alternative /awl-TUR-nuh-tiv/

from the packed crowd. Graduating seniors Jessica Inman and Joel Mitchell also spoke, both candid Colby Wilson is a 20-year-old mothabout the trials they faced in high school. er to 7-month-old Luca, and as of last Mitchell highlighted all the times science Thursday, she is also a high school teacher Brenda Woodward had to call his graduate. mom — often about good things, someWilson’s path has been untraditional, times about bad. full of the ups and downs characteristic Inman, who plans to become an of an “alternative school kid.” elementary school teacher, thanked her She said there were times when it teachers for that inspiration. almost became too much to handle, but “I may not be able to change the the teachers at Lake Pend Oreille High world, but I know I can change someSchool didn’t give up on her. body’s world like you all changed mine,” “I decided to go back when (Luca) Inman said. was a couple months LPOHS office old — talking about it administrator Belinda makes me cry,” Wil“I may not be able to change Wilson is one of the son said, standing in members who the world, but I know I can staff her purple graduation have taken the lead gown just before the change somebody’s world on graduation for the ceremony. “I wanted to like you all changed mine.” past few years. On do it for him, and for graduation day she -Jessica Inman is the mother hen, myself.” Later in the ceremowrangling seniors, ny, Sarah Wood, who handing out tassels oversees the student support room at the and calming nerves. school, praised Wilson’s resilience and She said she spearheaded the effort to reminisced getting to hold Luca during have LPOHS graduation ceremonies at class. the renovated Sandpoint Events Center, Fifteen students — or, as Principal and that the venue still comes as a shock Geoff Penrose would say, 15 stories — to graduating students. That might have walked at LPOHS graduation on June something to do with the gold molding 7. Because strong student-teacher bonds and velvet stage curtains of the third play such a huge part in the school’s floor auditorium. mission, those 15 stories were on display “To watch the kids walk in — you as each student received a personalized think about all the years we spent with tribute from an LPOHS staff member. them, and then to see the look on their Wood’s tribute to Wilson was one of face, thinking, ‘Wait, we’re doing (the many that prompted laughs and tears ceremony) here?’” Wilson said. “They’ve

LPOHS graduation puts unique studentteacher connections on display

Part 4

By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff

than s for ma in

s the

gone through hills and valleys, and this is the culmination of all that time — time before us, and time with us.” She said the packed house last Thursday was made up of not only families and friends of the graduates, but also community members who simply attend because they love the school and its students. Those relationships are helping break down the stereotypes that plague alternative high schools and the supposedly “troubled” kids who attend it, she said. “People need to meet these kids, because they’re not the kids that people think they are,” Wilson said.

LPOHS graduating senior Colby Wilson and her son Luca share a candid moment in the Sandpoint Events Center dressing room before the graduation ceremony June 7. Photo by Lyndsie Kiebert

o ntr station June 14, 2018 /


/ 17


thursday, june 14 @ 7pm

YARN with Slocan Ramblers

Two great bands headlining, brought to you by mattox farm productions

Friday, june 15 @ 6pm

Little Theater

‘lavoy: dead man talking’ Friday, june 15 @ 7:30pm

Thom Shepard Acoustic Concert

A special concert duo by two renowned country singer songwriters

saturday, june 16 @ 3pm

DanceWorks Recital

thursday, june 21 @ 7:30pm

“The Catcher was a spy” film

New York Film Critics limited release, w/ interview with paul rudd after

Radius Film Festival Sandpoint a festival that caters to Inland Northwest filmmakers Little Theater

18 /


friday, june 29 @ 5pm

“Solar roots: the pioneers of pv”

/ June 14, 2018

a free showing of a documentary film

IN FINE FETTLE Surviving summer without rehab

By Ammi Midstokke Reader Health Columnist I’m not sure if it is the lake town atmosphere, our celebration of sunshine, or the general social acceptability of alcoholism, but it generally feels as though most of the town could use a stint in rehab come September. There is a pattern to our health cycles, like the patterns in nature. With the New Year, people want to shed the old (pounds, habits) and bring in a fresh start, like setting the roots for growth. In the spring, there is a mad dash to get more swimsuit-viable. In September my office fills with stories of barbecues, 4th of July parties, boat rides, weddings, and a general condensation of libation now mostly visible in our mid-sections. Sadly, I also hear a tone of guilt over the loss of self-control. A sort of tossing-caution-to-the-wind that happens. To me, it happens after about one margarita and I suddenly find myself elbow deep in a bowl of corn chips. By the time I have scooped an embarrassing amount of guacamole into my face, I’ve pretty much committed to getting most of my dinner calories from alcohol and Juanita’s. It’s later when I forget how many calories that actually was and my stomach is still empty and my inhibitions are gone, that I remember I need some protein, preferably in the form of a kielbasa with some sauerkraut. Oh and those potato chips count as a veggie/ carb thing, right? In the interest of health progress, I would like to change that pattern this year and be a little more intentional about those celebrations and finger-food meals. Food and drink are part of the joys of life in the flesh, so I am not convinced that deprivation is a particularly good practice. And we know that post-debauchery guilt has no place in our motivation to create change. If we can set intention every day about how we prepare ourselves to be nourished, then we can get to that reception knowing that we’ll enjoy the

Ammi Midstokke with Freya the Brown Dog.

food we choose to eat and the champagne we sip without sliding down the slipper slope of gluttony. Some effective ways to do this: 1. Eat good food during the day. That means get plenty of protein, fresh fruits and vegetables, and hydrate well. Going to the party or beach on an empty stomach or malnourished means less control when faced with crackers and salami. 2. Having more than one cocktail or grown-up beverage? Then make a commitment to yourself to consume a full glass of water between them. Just switch to water until that glass is empty. You’ll stay hydrated and slightly reduce the damage the alcohol and sugar are causing. 3. Speaking of sugar — blood sugar highs and lows are basically primordial signalers to find the most calorie-dense food available. If you drink cocktails and eat chips - well, what goes up must come down. The next day, you’ll find yourself craving more carbohydrates again. Mitigate this by avoiding the sweet cocktails and eating plenty of protein and fat to slow down those insulin surges and drops. With a tiny bit of consistency, you’ll reach the end of summer with some good memories, wearing the same size pants, and not needing a week in detox. Ammi Midstokke is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner with a clinic in Sandpoint. She can be contacted at


Vietnam, Agent Orange, ‘Old School Narc’ and Cancer:

A profile with Vietnam Veteran Neil Tietjen:

By Jodi Rawson Reader Contributor Very few people are as tough as Neil Tietjen. At 73, he benched close to 250 pounds, and he just finished another great ski season. He is a Marine Corp Vietnam Veteran, a retired cop (15 of which were undercover work), and now he battles for his life. Tietjen fights cancer in a similar way that he served in the Marine Corp or worked as an undercover cop: bravely and looking out for those that battle beside him. He has lost buddies in war overseas, drug wars at home and today he is losing friends to illness related to Agent Orange, so he is quick to point out how lucky he is. Tietjen shared a moment from October, 1965: “My first day in Denang, Vietnam, I helped load some light bombs, about 250 pounds each. Just down the airstrip — like an eighth of a mile — the plane takes off and with its wheels still down, drops like three or four of these bombs. I turn to the ordinance guy and ask, ‘Did he eject those by mistake?’ because they are exploding right there at the barbed wire fence. He goes, ‘Hell no,’ with stronger language than that because the Vietcong had moved upon our perimeter.” He returned home, in one piece, December 1966. An optimistic and energetic man, Tietjen has made many local friends: Schweitzer lifty friends, Sandpoint SPORTS friends and friends through his daughter Babs’ pizzeria. His “gift of gab” is why he was summoned by his superiors to begin undercover law enforcement. Tietjen has written extensively on this interesting and adrenaline-filled part of his life in his book, “Old School Narc,” found at the Library, Vanderford’s books. A quick online search can give you his latest writing. Born and raised in New York, Tietjen began dating Barbara Jean (AKA B.J.) when he was 15 and she was 13. They married while he was in the Marine Corp, and she has been with him every step of the way since. It was in Tuscan, Ariz., that Tietjen began his intense 15 years of undercover work — a strain on their family, to say the least. The Tietjens have been married 53 years and have lived in Sandpoint since 2005. Today B.J. stays with

him in Coeur D’ Alene in their R.V. during the week while he undergoes six weeks of radiation to fight prostate cancer. In his early 50s, when he was in great shape, Tietjen began developing exhaustive symptoms related to MDS. Myelodysplastic Syndrome is considered a type of cancer and leads to low numbers of one or more type of blood cell, leading to a lack of oxygen delivered to the brain. The military has not admitted MDS is related to Agent Orange and labeled it a “presumptive disease,” as they have with prostate cancer, but Tietjen says an alarming number of Vietnam vets are suffering from MDS and receiving no compensation. “I was a wingman in the Marine Corp, and while my squadron was working on a C130 (in Vietnam), a C123 came in, and as it turned to get on to the aircraft strip, we got sprayed with this stuff,” he said. “It smelled similar to when I was a kid, and the jeeps would go by and spray DDT for mosquitoes. I thought it was some kind of insecticide. My buddy’s face swelled up with such a terrible rash. Now in the Marine Corp to get a ‘No-ShaveChit’ was almost impossible, but they gave one to my buddy — his face was that bad. The only thing I remember was a rash on my upper lip that felt irritating, like a bee sting with the stinger left in it.” “So that was my first exposure, but there were more,” continued Tietjen, who explained how tanks of Agent Orange would cause residual leakage on the air strip where he worked. “It got to where we didn’t look up anymore when we got misted.” “I’ve had so much skin cancer taken off of my face and chest,” Tietjen said. “My dermatologist, Dr. Baker, was 12 years in Los Alamos in research in the Army, and he says to me, ‘Neil, it’s all related to your Agent Orange exposure,’ and my cardiologist says the same thing.” As a boy, Tietjen never imagined that he would have a 35 year career in law

Neil Tietjen, then and now. Courtesy photos. enforcement ending with retirement in 2003, but he did imagine that he would be a Marine. He comes from a lineage of military men. He has great-grandfathers who battled one another on either side of the Civil War. Today he pays for his service with severe health problems and it doesn’t stop with him. Tietjen’s son and even grandson suffer from Neurotic Edema linked to a genetic mutation resulting from Agent Orange exposure. “That is the scary part,” Tietjen said of the multi-generational effects of AO. “When you are younger you think that the government is going to protect you and take care of you, but ... the government is not going to fess up to it until the last Vietnam vet is dying, because they don’t want to dole out the money to all of these people.” Tietjen has lost around 10 pounds and can only bench press around 180 pounds now because of radiation treatments (ending June 26). He hopes to be free of prostate cancer, but MDS and other ailments remain a daily struggle. “I am not feeling sorry for myself because there are so many veterans in our country dealing with other more serious diseases as a result of Agent Orange,” he said. “It is just an uncertain reality I am experiencing.”

Bring your computer back to life!

We have a large staff, so you never need an appointment! •21 years of doing tech support in Sandpoint •Decades of combined experience •Fast turn around and quality work •Capable of handling all business and home technology needs June 14, 2018 /


/ 19


Get low, get rowdy: Yarn and the Slocan Ramblers dual

headline a show produced by Mattox Farm

Top: Yarn, hailing from Brooklyn, N.Y. will be dual headlining a show Thursday at the Panida Theater. Courtesy photo. Bottom: The Slocan Ramblers from British Columbia, Canada, are rooted in traditional bluegrass. Courtesy photo.

By Ben Olson Reader Staff Mattox Farm Productions, led by local Robb Talbott, has been slowly building its brand over the last couple years, promoting great traveling bands in Sandpoint. Tonight’s show is another example of the high quality entertainment Talbott has booked to entertain us. Brooklyn-based Americana band Yarn will be joined by British Columbian bluegrass band the Slocan Ramblers for a dual headline show at the Panida Theater. The show takes place Thursday, June 14 at 7 p.m. on the main stage of the Panida Theater. While they hail from Brooklyn, Grammy-nominated Yarn bends genres deliciously. Their sound was described by NPR as “Americana-tinged, alt-country.” After a two year Monday night residency at the famed Kenny’s Castaway in New York’s Greenwich Village, Yarn produced five albums in as many years, taking to the road to play upwards of 170 shows a year all over America. They played with such superstars as Dwight Yoakam, Charlie Daniels, Marty Stuart, Allison Krauss, Leon Russell, Jim Lau20 /


/ June 14, 2018

derdale and The Lumineers. The Slocan Ramblers, hailing from Canada, are rooted in traditional bluegrass with a modern twist. With a reputation for energetic live shows and impeccable musicianship, the Slocans have been winning over audiences since they began playing in 2010. “The Slocan Ramblers put on one of the most vibrant shows of acoustic music I’ve seen in some time,” wrote Tom Power, host of a CBC program. “The band has carved its own style by keeping certain old school elements, with one foot always in the old school, rowdy bluegrass oldtime approach,” said mandolin player Adrian Gross. “Then another foot is in more original songwriting and modern arrangements.” The dual headline show will feature a little bit for everyone, and is family friendly. Tickets are $8 for under 18, and $15 for adults. Mattox Farm Productions is locally based with the mission to bring family friendly roots music to Sandpoint, often featuring artists that haven’t played in town before. Learn more about them at

Panida Playhouse Players holding auditions for “American Operetta in Revue” By Reader Staff The Panida Theater Playhouse Players are holding auditions on Monday, June 18, and Tuesday, June 19, from 6-9 p.m. for the musical production of “American Operetta in Revue” to be presented in mid-August at the main theater. This production is a collection of songs from early American musicals created by composers such as; Oscar Hammerstein II, Sigmond Romberg, Rudolf Friml, and Victor Herbert. Among the songs to be performed are “Toyland,” “The Desert Song,” “Lover Come Back to Me,” “Indian Love Call,” and “Deep in My Heart Dear,” along many other pieces. Cast members will include: 3 - 5 females and 3-5 male lead vocalists, 4-6 chorus singers/understudies who must be age 16 or older and 3-5 skilled teen/adult dancers. Vocalists who can also act and dance are especially encouraged to audition. A stereo/ computer with speakers will be available for playing the vocalist’s instrumental music (no vocals on audition music please). Vocalists in the audition must perform one verse and one refrain from two songs. The songs are of the singer’s choice, but should

be of different styles. Preference is one song from a musical and one classical song. Dancers auditioning will need to demonstrate a short 20-second choreographed piece containing pirouettes, leaps and step combinations/connections (must be age 12 or older). Dance skills should demonstrate good technique, transitions and musicality. Smaller acrobatic/tumbling skills are also appreciated, but not required. A stereo will be available for playing the dancer’s music. Vocals are allowed on taped music for dancers. We are also looking for two skilled piano accompanists. Those interested, please contact the Panida Theater at (208) 2557801 or email the Panida at panidatheater@ Performance of the musical production of “American Operetta in Revue” is scheduled for Thursday-Saturday, Aug. 23-25, at 7 p.m. and Sunday, Aug. 26, at 3 p.m. in the Panida Theater and will be directed by Deanna Benton.


This week’s RLW by Ben Olson


Love and Music:

Country singer-songwriter duo Thom and Coley to play Panida

By Ben Olson Reader Staff Love and music go hand in hand for Thom and Coley. The singer songwriter country duo are slated to play a concert at the Panida Theater Friday, June 15, at 7:30 p.m. Thom Shepherd and Coley McCabe Shepherd — playing under the monker Thom and Coley — feature two accomplished songwriters and performers who cut their teeth in Nashville years ago. “We lived in Nashville for many years,” said Shepherd. “I lived there 18 years, moved there right after college to get a record deal and do some shows. Well, I never got the record deal, but I found I was a pretty good songwriter, which is pretty decent work.” Shepherd managed to amass two number-one hit songs, “Riding with Private Malone,” recorded by David Ball, and “Redneck Yacht Club,” recorded by Craig Morgan. He was also named CMA of Texas Songwriter of the Year and penned numerous Texas Music number-one hits, including “Beer Season,” “My Texas,” and “The Night is Young.” All told, Shepherd has had over 100 of his songs recorded by other artists, two which appeared on Grammy nominated albums. McCabe Shepherd was also working in Nashville as a songwriter when she met Shepherd. The two had offices near each other on Music Row. “Our offices were right down the hall from each other,” said Shepherd. “I’d see her, and we got together to try to write a song and chatted the whole time. Two years later, I asked her out on a date and we went out. From that moment, we were together.” McCabe Shepherd also has

There are a handful of books that affected me permanently after reading them. One which snuck in the back end of this list is Denis Johnson’s “Jesus’ Son.” This short book of stories captures the fringes beautifully, with Johnson’s insightful voice and characters seemingly shooting their own feet whenever given a chance. I was sad when I heard Johnson passed away. The famously reclusive novelist lived near Bonners Ferry.


Thom Shepherd and Coley McCabe Shepherd sit in the yard of the cabin they rent in Bonner County every summer. Courtesy photo.

a long history of success in country music. She is a platinum-selling songwriter originally from West Virginia who has performed numerous times on the Grand Ole Opry. While with RCA Records, her song “Grow Young With You,” was featured in the Natalie Portman / Ashley Judd film “Where the Heart Is.” McCabe Shepherd’s writing credits include the award winning group SheDaisy and the legendary Loretta Lynn. She also starred in a feature film called “Alabama Love Story.” “Coley always said, ‘I have one platinum, but you have two gold records, so that’s equal,” said Shepherd. Shepherd said a monkey wrench was thrown in their budding romance when he announced he was moving to Texas. “She said ‘That’s not going to work for us,’ so we had a rough spot for a month or two, but then she came down and we moved in together,” said Shepherd. Shepherd said his publishing

deal came to an end in 2011, so he and Coley decided to make a change. “We went from full-time songwriters to songwriters and touring musicians,” he said. “Now, instead of writing songs for other people, we write for ourselves.” After selling their home, the duo purchased a large motorhome to live and tour in, and they’ve been on the move ever since 2016. “Also a big reason was that we like to spend the summers here in Sandpoint,” said Shepherd. “My children live here, and my daughter just graduated this week. I’ve been coming to Sandpoint since 1992, visiting my former in-laws. Since the kids moved here in 2009, it’s kind of been our second home.” Shepherd said they are excited for this weekend’s Panida show. “Our shows are singer-songwriter shows,” he said. “We love telling the stories behind the songs. As Coley always says,

‘We’ll have you laughing and crying, laughing and crying.’ We’ll sing a really sensitive ballad, then the next will be a goofy song. We love having that whole spectrum.” Thom and Coley are also hosting a songwriting seminar in Sandpoint for those interested in boning up in the art. The seminar will take place from Thursday to Saturday, and those who sign up receive free entry to Friday’s Panida show. To sign up for the seminar, contact Thom Shepherd at “The main thing is touching people with our music,” said Shepherd. “By the end of the show at the Panida, we want people to feel like they’ve become our friends.” Thom and Coley will play the Panida Theater June 15 at 7:30 p.m. General admission tickets are only $10 each, but VIP admission is also available for $25. for more info.

The dream pop band Beach House is great lo-fi music for just about any occasion. The duo just released a new album called “7” and it’s just what fans of the genre could expect: filled with hypnotic melodies, and lead singer Victoria LeGrand’s velvety voice. I do enjoy the different turn that “7” takes, which manages to achieve new heights without abandoning their key melodic style.


If you haven’t caught the Netflix series “The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story,” what are you waiting for? The series is especially interesting if you remember the “trial of the century.” I still remember my homeroom teacher in ninth grade wheeling in the television so we could watch the verdict. What’s even more intriguing are all the specific details of the trial that many didn’t realize were there. By the conclusion of the series, you will most likely be outraged at the verdict, which showed that a good enough lawyer can get anyone off. As a final thought, it was painful watching Mark Fuhrman’s testimony again. Sure wish that guy didn’t choose Sandpoint to move to after the trial.

June 14, 2018 /


/ 21


Traditional Thai kickboxing visits Sandpoint

Muay Thai boxing seminar offered this weekend marks another step in local woman’s journey with the sport

From Northern Idaho News, May 28, 1918

OLD LAND MARK BURNS TO GROUND At 9:28 o’clock Sunday night, peaceful Sandpoint residents were preparing to do justice to their downy couches after having spent the day of rest engaged in various sorts of pleasure and amusements. Ten minutes later, however, they were aroused form their contemplations by the sound of the fire siren, the result of a blaze at the Pend d’Oreille hotel across Sand creek which, to be brief, destroyed the entire building, together with its contest, one lodger’s trunk excepted. The fire had its beginning near the roof at the south end of the building, but before the alarm had been turned in, and the fire department ready for action, had spread to such an alarming degree that it was not safe for the fighters to remain on the second floor for more than ten minutes. But two streams of water were played on the flames and one of these was turned off for some reason for a period of five minutes while volunteers were dragging a line of hose to the second floor to further fight the flames. After combating the blaze in vain for more than an hour and realizing that it would be impossible to save any portion of the structure, the firemen turned their attention to saving the board walks in the vicinity as well as the Mountain States Power company’s arc-light circuit which passed immediately in front of the hotel. With the burning of the Pend d’Oreille hotel Sunday night passes the first hotel ever erected in Sandpoint about 18 years ago by John Murray, who conducted the place from its construction in the early days, until the town went into the dry column about two years ago. 22 /


/ June 14, 2018

By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff

When local woman Stacy Bryan’s children started mixed martial arts several years ago, Bryan was fascinated by one facet of their training: Muay Thai kickboxing. So she took up the sport herself. “When I started, I just became obsessed,” she said. Maui Thai is a traditional form of Thai kickboxing characterized by strict discipline. Despite her obsession, Bryan said it wasn’t easy getting started. Her first teacher was very traditional, and she said she dreaded the first few classes because she found the training “intimidating.” “But every lesson we learned something new,” she said. “It helps with self-esteem, discipline and focus. And it just feels so good when you get the combinations right.” Now Bryan wants to do her part to bring that obsession to Sandpoint. After about a year of online correspondence, Bryan is helping bring Muay Thai trainers Daniel Docto (who goes by Khru Doc, “khru” meaning teacher) and his wife, Zina, to town this weekend to host a kickboxing seminar. The seminar is Saturday, June 16, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at the gymnasium inside North Summit Church on North Division. Attendees will learn about “Thai history, tradition (and) Muay Thai kickboxing techniques.” The seminar is free, but donations will be accepted. Doc and Zina are visiting from Aonang, Krabi, South Thailand to promote awareness for Thailand missions and to spread word about their training camp. Bryan met them through one of the gyms she used to train at in Utah. Although Doc and Zina are Christian and operate under the name “Muay Thai Missions,” Bryan said they train everyone — Muslim, Christian, Buddhist and more — to become Muay Thai fighters. They also teach English and “fun” fitness in the local schools, she said. “From what I hear, the mix of culture is beautiful,” Bryan said. “Muslim neighbors come to their church’s Christmas parties, (their) training camps

climb to the top of Chinese Buddhist temples (for a workout).” Bryan said Doc is a certified khru through a Thai university where they have a full Muay Thai curriculum. There is a big effort in Thailand to keep the sport alive, Bryan said. Muay Thai has a royal history, and is recognized as the national sport. She said everyone goes to see fights. Bryan compared kickboxing in Thailand to football in the United States. “But it’s spiritual for them,” she said. Bryan and her daughter Carter had hoped to visit Doc’s training camp this summer, but plans were postponed when Bryan broke her ankle. Now, with metal plates and screws holding her bones in place, the new plan is to go in December or January. Bryan said she wants to experience Thai culture and serve through a mission, then bring her love of kickboxing to Sandpoint through a club or gym after being certified by Doc. “We want to be a part of that community, help out and get certified,” she said. “And when we get back, I want to give lessons to people who maybe can’t normally afford it.” Those with questions about Mauy Thai kickboxing, or who want to know more about Muay Thai Missions, can contact Bryan at

Stacy Bryan, left, and her daughter, Carter, right, practice Muay Thai at SWAC Monday. Photo by Lyndsie Kiebert.

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[verb] 1. to think out; devise; invent.

“I must excogitate a method to escape this pit” Correction: In Jodi Rawson’s piece about the Reed siblings, she listed the Spring Concert dates incorrectly. The Spring Concert takes place Friday, June 15 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, June 17 at 3 p.m. Sorry for the mistake.

1. Hard close-grained wood 6. Dirty air 10. Automobiles 14. A kind of macaw 15. Jump up and down 16. Curved molding 17. Silly mistake 18. Acquire deservedly 19. Schnozzola 20. Unoccupied 22. Handle 23. A late time of life 24. Large body of water 26. Data input specialist 30. Criminal 32. Shantytowns 33. Endowments 37. Large brown seaweed 38. Entry permits 39. Anagram of “Loot” 40. Stinkiest 42. A toy wind instrument 43. Heart artery 44. Yield 45. Desert plants 47. Drunkard 48. Emanation 49. United 56. Baby’s bed 57. Notion 58. Nonsense 59. Genuine 60. Little dent 61. Loosen, as laces

Solution on page 22 10. Inborn 11. Ancient Greek marketplace 12. Varnish ingredient 13. Dribble 21. Altitude (abbrev.) DOWN 25. Small portable bed 1. Hindu Mr. 26. Sounds of 2. Press disapproval 3. Deliver a tirade 27. The original matter 4. Algonquian Indian (cosmology) 5. Control and direct 28. Whimper 6. Go on a buying spree 29. Unappeasable 7. Protective ditch 30. Civet-like mammal 8. Monster 31. French for “State” 9. Narrow flat-bottomed 33. Weight loss plan boats 34. Exude 62. Being 63. Concludes 64. Knells

35. Midday 36. Notch 38. Virus killer 41. A parcel of land 42. Tomato sauce 44. Caviar 45. Remedies 46. Operatic solos 47. Drosses 48. Unit of land 50. Norse god 51. Extend credit 52. Anagram of “Note” 53. Greek letter 54. Head covering 55. Visual organs

June 14, 2018 /


/ 23

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