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LPOSD school levy passes • Voter initiative bill gets new hearing Friday • Government shutdown fallout hits home • Re · king 'Green Book' • Real Folk Horoscope • Bart Budwig concert and st. Patty's Day!
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/ March 14, 2019
(wo)MAN compiled by
Susan Drinkard
on the street
Your picks for the final four in college basketball? “Who I would like to see win it all is the Gonzaga Bulldogs, but it only takes one loss along the way… I go to Gonzaga games every year. I’d love to see a smaller college win. I also think Michigan State, Duke and Virginia will be in the final four.” Steve Furin Super One Foods store manager Sagle
“I think the Zags will go to the final four along with North Carolina, Duke and Virginia.” Ted Coey Retired Sagle
“Everyone’s saying the Zags, and I hope they make it. Also Duke, because they are always in it. And Michigan State and UCLA.” Violet Plummer Recent college graduate University of Montana Sandpoint
“Gonzaga all the way! And Duke, Virginia and then it’s between North Carolina or Kentucky.” Richard Spears Sales associate Home Depot Sandpoint
“The Zags, of course. And Duke, Wichita State and North Carolina. Sad to see the Zags’ women’s team had a setback with John Stockton’s daughter suffering an injury.” Dan Adams Retired ski bum Calgary and Sandpoint
Way to go Bonner County for passing the 2019 supplemental supplemental levy for Lake Pend Oreille School District. While the winning margin was slim, the results of this vote show that we care about education here in Bonner County. Thank you voters and thanks to all of our teachers for all you do. It’s hard to fathom, but spring is less than a week away. This could be our last snowstorm of the year, in fact, since forecasts call for temperatures in the 50s, and even reaching 60 degrees next Thursday. On another note, it’s our staff writer Lyndsie Kiebert’s mom’s birthday today. Happy birthday, Cindy Kiebert! You’ve raised a wonderful daughter, and we really appreciate her voice in our newspaper. Have a great week, everyone. -Ben Olson, Publisher
READER 111 Cedar Street, Suite 9 Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208)265-9724
www.sandpointreader.com Publisher: Ben Olson ben@sandpointreader.com Editorial: Cameron Rasmusson cameron@sandpointreader.com Lyndsie Kiebert lyndsie@sandpointreader.com Zach Hagadone (emeritus) John Reuter (emeritus) Advertising: Jodi Berge Jodi@sandpointreader.com Contributing Artists: Jodi Rawson (cover), Ben Olson, Susan Drinkard, Betty Johnson. Contributing Writers: Cameron Rasmusson, Ben Olson, Scarlette Quille, Matt Morrison, Nick Gier, Brenden Bobby, Jen Jackson Quintano, Sam Sandmire, Mike Wagoner, Marcia Pilgeram, Jim Healey, Cody Lyman. Submit stories to: stories@sandpointreader.com Printed weekly at: Griffin Publishing Spokane, Wash. Subscription Price: $95 per year Web Content: Keokee The Sandpoint Reader is a weekly publication owned and operated by Ben Olson and Keokee. It is devoted to the arts, entertainment, politics and lifestyle in and around Sandpoint, Idaho. We hope to provide a quality alternative by offering honest, in-depth reporting that reflects the intelligence and interests of our diverse and growing community. The Reader is printed on recycled paper using soy-based ink. Leftover copies are collected and recycled weekly, or burned in massive bonfires to appease the gods of journalism. Free to all, limit two copies per person.
Sandpoint Reader letter policy: The Sandpoint Reader welcomes letters to the editor on all topics. Requirements: –No more than 400 words –Letters may not contain excessive profanity or libelous material. Please elevate the discussion. Letters will be edited to comply with the above requirements. Opinions expressed in these pages are those of the writers, not necessarily the publishers. Email letters to: letters@sandpointreader.com Check us out on the web at: www.sandpointreader.com Like us on Facebook. About the Cover
This week’s cover was painted by Jodi Rawson. Thanks Jodi! Top o’ the mornin’ to ya! March 14, 2019 /
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Ponderay day care shuts down amid controversy By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff
A Ponderay child care business has closed permanently following allegations that a six-month-old infant was left unattended and suffered serious injuries. A letter from the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare delivered to Little Fit Day Care owner Dennis McLeish alleges that, based on a Panhandle Public Health safety inspection, the infant was assaulted by other children while left unattended. McLeish has since spoken out against the accusations, saying that Health and Welfare’s version of events is wrong. “I answered the door and had a conversation out there,” McLeish told KHQ News. “Then I had another family come in to check in their child, and me and those two adults were within five feet of that door opening and none of us heard that baby crying out or any signs of struggle whatsoever.” According to the letter, which revoked Little Fit Day Care’s Idaho Child Care Provider agreement, the infant was “hit, held down by the back of the neck, dragged across the carpet, head butted, bit and hit with wood and plastic toys by other unattended children.” The injuries resulting from the attack were serious and required hospitalization, according to the letter. “Staff at your facility explained that after the incident they received a ‘group message’ from you ‘stating that no one is allowed to leave the children unattended,’” the letter states. According to the Ponderay Police Department, officers 4 /
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responded to the incident on Feb. 24 in response to a report of an unresponsive six-monthold child. The department confirmed that the incident is being reviewed by the Bonner County Prosecutor’s Office and that the situation will be updated when more information is available. The day care business announced its abrupt closure on March 8 via Facebook, followed days later by a post inviting the public to pick up free toys, kids’ clothes, storage items, books and more. Prior to closure, the business maintained strong reviews on social media, with a 4.7-star rating on Facebook itself. “Due to unforeseen circumstances, Effective 5pm today, Little Fit is shutting down permanently,” the post announcing the closure read. “We understand this is short notice and we are very sorry for the inconvenience. LITTLE Fit has been blessed
and dedicated to helping all of our clients with childcare in this area and we are very disappointed that this is happening, and will miss each of our clients dearly.” McLeish told KHQ News that the two kids alleged to have beaten the infant never previously showed any aggressive signs. “They are laying with him one minute, they are playing with him for a better portion of it, they were being cute and patting his head and putting a blanket on his back and letting him play with toys and then they just start assaulting him,” McLeish told KHQ
The entrance to Little Fit Day Care in Ponderay. Photo courtesy Facebook.
News. “It is literally one of the most horrible things, and
it was just so sad to see these babies do that.”
LPOSD supplemental school levy passes By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff
Lake Pend Oreille School District will receive full funding for another two years following the passage of a twoyear $25,400,000 supplemental levy. Voters approved the request with 3,391 votes in favor and 2,643 votes opposed. The numbers represent a significantly tighter margin of approval compared to previous years, as well as a markedly lower turnout. In 2017, the levy passed with 64-percent approval based on 7,799 votes cast in total. By comparison, yesterday’s vote generated 6,037 total ballots
cast with 56 percent in approval. According to LPOSD officials, the levy will fund extracurricular activities, rural schools, curricular materials, staffing and more. Compared to the previous levy of $17 million, the 2019 levy is a significant increase. School officials said the additional money will be used to fund salary raises for teachers, which they hope will be competitive with other school districts and help improve teacher retention. For West Bonner School District, on the other hand, voters weren’t feeling as accommodating. They rejected a request for a two-year, $6
million levy with 536 votes in favor and 769 votes against. Voters also shut down a levy modification that would make
An LPOSD student interacts with a teacher. Photo courtesy Facebook. it permanent, with 387 in favor and 900 against.
Education bills highlight Hearing for bill to make ballot initiatives legislative week in Boise more difficult continues Friday By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff
Legislators introduced a long-expected bill changing the way Idaho funds its public schools on Wednesday. IdahoEdNews.org reports that while the legislation is finally here, with the Senate State Affairs Committee voting to introduce it, the bill now faces a race against time to be approved before the Idaho Legislature adjourns. The bill is designed to update Idaho’s school funding formula, previously based on a law unchanged for 25 years. The bill would shift funding from a model focused on class attendance to one more focused on total enrollment, better accounting for students who change school, attend classes remotely or otherwise maintain an unusual educational schedule. Fine-tuning the bill remains a major priority for lawmakers and stakeholders alike. The bill introduced Wednesday replaces an earlier draft printed on Monday by
Senate State Affairs. This new version focuses on clarifying previous language. It specifies, for instance, that schools aren’t required to follow a teacher salary schedule envisioned as a five-year plan to boost teacher salaries and instead implement their own pay schedule. It wasn’t the only movement on education-related matters in the Legislature. The Idaho Press reports that seven K-12 funding bills cleared the Senate with no opposition. The bills offer a 6.1-increase in state support for public schools, clearing $2.26 billion in school funding. Of that amount, $1.89 billion is cleared for general fund support. The Idaho Press reports that despite little debate on the bills in the House or Senate, Rep. Priscilla Giddings, R-White Bird, is among several House Republicans opposed to at least one of the bills.
Medical marijuana petition aims for 2020 Idaho ballot By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff
The Idaho Cannabis Coalition has officially filed a petition with the Idaho Secretary of State’s office, according to a KTV-Boise report Monday. The proposal, which the group hopes to make into a ballot initiative on the 2020 Idaho ballot, would legalize medical marijuana and industrial hemp in the state.
Once Secretary of State Lawerence Denney reviews the petition, the group can begin collecting signatures. “The people of Idaho want it, the politicians might not, we don’t care what they say,” said Serra Frank, who spoke to KTVB at a pro-legalization rally in January. “We are the people, this is our Capitol building, we are going to make this happen.”
By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff
The Idaho Senate State Affairs committee saw a packed house Monday as it discussed a bill that would make it harder to get a voter initiative on a state ballot. Senator C. Scott Grow, R-Eagle, said his bill is meant to “allow the rural districts to also be involved in the process and not just have the cities dictate to the (rural areas) what’s happening in the state,” according to Boise State Public Radio. The proposed bill increases the number of petition signatures from 6 to 10 percent of registered voters, and raises the number of districts those signatures come from to 32 of Idaho’s 35 districts, rather than the current requirement of 18. The law also currently states these standards need to be met within 18 months. Grow’s bill shortens the timeline to six months. Grow began his statements at Monday’s hearing to clarify that his bill is “not in response to Medicaid expansion,” which was
met with chuckles from the crowd, according to Idaho Reports. Rep. Mat Erpelding, D-Boise, said at a press luncheon Tuesday that he had “no doubt that this is a punitive bill to retaliate against a successful measure,” according to the Idaho Press-Tribune. Medicaid expansion saw over 60 percent approval from Idaho voters in November. Reclaim Idaho, a grassroots group that led the way in getting Medicaid expansion on the ballot, counted for a large part of Monday’s crowded hearing. Group co-founder and Sandpoint native Luke Mayville drove from his home in North Idaho to share testimony. He said that he agreed getting an initiative on the ballot “should be difficult,” but added “it’s already difficult” — a statement followed by applause, according to the IPT. Mayville said in a statement released Monday following the hearing that Grow’s bill would invite “big-money, out-of-state special interests into Idaho,” alleging those groups would be the only ones able to afford the extensive
process the bill aims to require. “This is a blatant power-grab by the politicians at the expense of the people of Idaho,” Mayville said. “They are attacking Idaho’s Constitution, taking away the vote of Idahoans and consolidating power from the top-down. This is a direct assault on a right of the people of Idaho that has existed for 100 years.” State Affairs Committee Chairwoman Sen. Patti Anne Lodge, R-Huston, attempted to close the hearing short of listening to all testimony, stating that those still waiting to make remarks were all opposed to the bill, according to the Associated Press. Sen. Chuck Winder, R-Boise, said closing the hearing prematurely would imply that the committee wasn’t interested in hearing all concerns. “I think this is a big issue, and I think the timing is unfortunate as people are seeing it as a swat in the face of the initiative that just passed,” Winder said. Testimony regarding Sen. Grow’s ballot initiative bill will continue 8 a.m. Friday.
Schweitzer to auction off ‘Chairs for Charity’ Snow Ghost chairs being used to raise money for local nonprofits
By Reader Staff
With the planned Snow Ghost chairlift replacement project scheduled to start this summer, Schweitzer Mountain Resort has decided that the best thing to do with the old double-seat chairs is lift up local charities. “We have had a lot of people interested in having a part of Schweitzer’s history for themselves and we see this as a great opportunity for our local nonprofits to benefit from this well-loved legend,” said Schweitzer Family and Activities Director Dani Demmons. “Each chair has a donation amount of $2,000 attached to it. When a person or an organization decides to acquire a chair, they will write a check directly to a pre-approved local
501(c)(3) organization. Then, Schweitzer gifts the chair to the donor and they can do as they wish with the chair.” Schweitzer has worked with a variety of nonprofits in the area over the years, donating more than $200,000 in cash and in-kind product each year to local causes and the resort feels that “Chairs for Charity” has the potential to donate approximately $280,000 back into the community. “Each organization is only eligible to receive one financial donation of $2,000 for a chair per year,” clarifies Demmons. “But that doesn’t mean they can’t do another one-time request for other donation items for their events such as tickets, passes, gift baskets or even a chair of their own! We want these chairs that gave so many of us such won-
derful days on the mountain to bring joy to even more of our community.” Chair donations will be accepted online starting April 1 with chairs available for pickup during the summer. For more specific details about the “Chairs for Charity” program and Schweitzer’s donation criteria, please visit www.schweitzer.com/donation-requests. March 14, 2019 /
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By Reader Staff Grab your gear and head down to the Huckleberry Lanes bowling alley in Sandpoint for a special fundraiser supporting the American Heritage Wildlife Foundation. Bowling for Wildlife takes place Sunday, March 24, from 12-2 p.m. A $20 donation gets you in the door with a shoe rental. All participants will be given an AHWF iron-on transfer and a chance to win a “Keeping ID Wild” hoodie sweatshirt. AHWF is a nonprofit organization with state and federal permits to rehabilitate most every species of local injured or orphaned wild animal. They depend on events
Bouquets: • We have a lot of great writers who fill these pages each week. They often don’t receive the recognition they deserve (or the compensation, for that matter), so every once in awhile I like to call them out in print to say thanks for all the great work. Here’s a short list of people I’d like to thank for contributing to the Reader this year: Jodi Rawson, Susan Drumheller, Scarlette Quille, Brenden Bobby, A.C. Woolnough, Drake the Dog, Emily Erickson, Bill Borders, Susan Drinkard, Stephen Drinkard, Shelby Rognstad, Shannon Williamson, Chantilly Higbee, Sarah Garcia, Nick Gier and so many more. Barbs • The “voter initiative bill” proposed by Sen. Scott Grow (R-Eagle) is a prime example of what happens when you let one political party grow too powerful in a state. Idaho has been under Republican control over the governorship, the State Senate and the State House for over 25 years, yet there still seems to be an irrational fear that *gasp* a progressive initiative may actually gain the support of a majority of Idaho voters and end up on the ballot. Sen. Grow wants to make it more difficult for initiatives to reach the ballot. Right now, initiative campaigns have to gather signatures from six percent of registered voters across 18 of Idaho’s 35 legislative districts. Sen. Grow’s bill would bump that number up to 10 percent of registered voters in 32 of the 35 legislative districts, as well as giving groups only 180 days to gather them when they currently have 18 months. After Idaho Sen. Patti Anne Lodge (R-Huston) tried to cut off public testimony against the bill on Monday, the vote was delayed to allow for more input. What a joke this Idaho Republican party has been. This bill is clearly retribution for the fact that the Medicaid expansion initiative made it on the ballot, where it later passed into law with a majority of nearly two-thirds of Idaho voters. When the people speak, you don’t move the goalposts so they can’t be heard in the future. That is so counter to a representative system in which we currently operate.
Bowling for Wildlife fundraiser planned
such as these to raise operational funds. Please call (208) 266-1488 or email ahwf@sandpoint.net for more information.
Annual writing contest this Saturday open to all By Reader Staff
Betty Johnson of Sandpoint snapped a couple of photos of a cow moose that visits her home in town quite often. In the top picture, the cow practices her new yoga pose, “Downward-Facing Moose.” In the bottom picture, the cow practices the art of eavesdropping. Photos by Betty Johnson.
Sandpoint, Clark Fork Libraries to close for training By Reader Staff
The Sandpoint and Clark Fork Libraries and Bookmobile will be closed Friday, March 15, from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. for staff training. Doors will be open at 1 p.m. at the Sandpoint Branch and 1:45 p.m. at the Clark Fork Branch. The Bookmobile will not make its regular stop at the Vay Store that day. Phones will be diverted to voicemail during the training. The East Bonner County Library District has not closed for a staff training in more than 20 years. The past year has been marked with many new developments in the library district and information industry. Staff will receive training that addresses these changes with a goal of providing the best possible library experience for patrons. Questions or comments may be directed to Marcy Timblin at (208) 627-5790.
County seeking Solid Waste Advisory Board members
Calling all writers, aspiring writers, “I-want-to-write-a-novel” writers, poets, playwrights, or anyone who has something to share. You’re invited to “The Roar of March” annual writing contest this Saturday, March 16, 9:30 a.m. to noon, with free registration beginning at 9 a.m. Sponsored by the Sandpoint Chapter of the Idaho Writers League, writers of all genres and levels of expertise are encouraged to read something — five minutes or less — from their work in one of two separate categories: adult and youth (16 and under). Judging will
be by members of the audience with prizes awarded in both divisions. A complimentary brunch will be provided by chapter members and Friends of the Library prior to the readings. Beverages are also available. The East Bonner County Library is located at the corner of Cedar and Division Streets in Sandpoint. For further information, contact Sandy Anderson, event chair, at 208-946-1833. The Sandpoint Chapter of the Idaho Writers League meets the first and third Saturdays of each month at the library from 9-11 a.m.
By Reader Staff The Board of Bonner County Commissioners is calling for letters of interest from persons interested in serving on the Bonner County Solid Waste Advisory Board. There are currently two positions from each of the three districts in Bonner County available (six positions total). Please email letters of interest to jessi.webster@bonnercountyid. gov OR send a letter of interest to: Bonner County Board of Commissioners, 1500 Highway 2, Ste. 308, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864; fax your letter to 208-265-1460. Letters should be received no later than April 5.
Bill Collier and Carlita, both of Sandpoint, brought the Reader and snapped a pic at the world’s highest lighthouse looking north at Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico.
Millennials in plain sight I’m an empathetic person. I have a lot of room in my heart for all kinds of people. I have a particularly soft spot in my heart for young people. Our current generation of teenagers and young adults have really gotten the shaft in my opinion. Growing up is tough work, going through a gawky, hormone-driven, acne-prone phase is humiliating and confusing on a good day. Working through it in today’s world is near impossible. We complain so much about the “Millennials,” that monstrous group of adult children living in their parents’ basements. You know, the ones who “expect” everything and don’t want to work for it? The generation, according to the conservative portion of my social media feed, that is responsible for the downfall of our society? Millennials, who are threatening to destroy the fabric of America by not subscribing to a capitalist agenda? “Millennials,” I hear it hissed in conversations, over and over. Interestingly enough, the people who hate them the most seem to be the generation responsible for raising them. Yes, it’s the parents. It’s always the parents. The average person’s typical reaction to someone else’s abhorrent social behavior is asking or at least wondering, “What were the parents like?” What was Ted Bundy’s childhood like? The best recent example I can think of is the documentary “Abducted in Plain Sight.” For those of you who haven’t heard of this documentary, its focus is the true story of the Broberg family, who’s 12-year-old daughter Jan was abducted twice and sexually molested by their neighbor. As the viewer, I really wanted to blame the pedophile living next door for the series of horrifying and unbelievable but true events that transpired. I really wanted him to be the only villain in the story, but after a while I just kept screaming at my TV: “WHERE WERE THE PARENTS?” Well (spoiler alert), the mom was having an awkwardly juvenile affair with her child’s
abductor, and the father’s relationship with the pedophile next door included him giving the pedophile a neighborly hand job. There isn’t a person on earth who watches that show and doesn’t place at least a portion of the blame on the parents. What does that have to do with Millennials? In my opinion, everything. It wasn’t too long ago that those pesky Millennials were teenagers. Millennials grew up in a world of social media, iTunes, and cell phones. Millennials are adults in our community who consider an online relationship real, whether it’s romantic or platonic. In fact, it could be argued that this generation – famous for their unbelievable entitlement – has not been deprived of anything, other than a childhood. Many Millennials – I would not dare to say all – experienced their milestone adolescent experiences through a cell phone, their first dates and first breakups, more often then discussed, were facilitated through faceless technology, purchased and delivered to them by their parents. Millennials never had to wait impatiently while their parents answered the phone and had embarrassing conversations with their friends before handling it over to them. In fact, very few parents of the teenagers I know would ever answer their child’s cell phone. The cell phone has been used to entertain parents and children while they eat dinner, wait in line, go on road trips. Using our cell phones as a replacement for social interaction has come at a cost. Saving our child from boredom has robbed them of important opportunities, such as learning how to observe their surroundings, and more importantly, the people around them. How many children and teens take their cell phones into their bedrooms at night, free to connect unsupervised with anyone, anywhere online? Parents, please don’t comfort yourself by saying that you have “parental controls” on your child’s cell phone. I have worked with a 13-yearold who was able to crack into a Fortune 500 company’s computer system, through their million-dollar firewall, in less than 48 hours. I guarantee you, the $10-a-month safety you purchase for your child cell phone isn’t enough.
Who are we to judge the Brombergs? Think of your own online behavior. Is our own over-dependence on electronic devices any different than Bromberg’s neighborly hand job while overlooking the well-being of his own daughter? There is a lot of us who could learn from the Brombergs, and that’s a really tough pill to swallow. The next time you participate in Millennial bashing, I challenge you to consider the idea that there must be some shared accountability and a concentrated effort to prepare the next generation more adequately. Think. The next time you participate in an online conversation making fun of the Millennial who thinks they are above an entry-level job, or deserving of free education, consider the circumstances of their upbringing. Perhaps offer empathy and do your part. Those of us who grew up before cell phones and social media? We are the lucky
ones. We learned patience through waiting in line to purchase concert tickets with nothing but human interaction to entertain us. We know the pleasure and pain of saving $20 to buy a CD, only to find out that there is only one good song on it. It’s a small portion of a bigger problem, and we are now dealing with a society of young people who haven’t had to wait, experience boredom or experience authentic awkward, uncomfortable social interaction. Of course Millennials are not nailing their job interviews, which require the ability to communicate face to face. Appropriate human interaction was never made a priority or requirement for their advancement into adulthood. As a society we can chose to blame or guide our young people. Now everybody, put that phone down and let’s start learning from each other.
Laughing Matter
By Bill Borders
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Should You Be Worried...? Dear Editor, When you are at the movies, in church, at a concert or in a large crowd? How about at the mall, and you see some guy with an assault weapon, or when a truck passes you on the freeway? When you leave your kids off at school or to play at someone else’s home? Do you really have freedom in our state when you have to be afraid, even if you just have that uneasiness in the back of your mind? The laws of Idaho protect the freedom to carry loaded handguns and loaded assault rifles in public without even a permit, thanks to our sheriff, among others. The laws of Idaho do not require a background check at gun shows or over the internet. Our lawmakers rejected a bill which would have allowed the temporary removal of guns if a person is ruled in court to be a danger to himself or others. As a result, when there is a domestic incident that requires police intervention, guns may not be removed from the home. In such cases, the female is five times more likely to be shot to death when a gun is available. So the freedom to live without fear of being shot does not truly exist in Idaho. And our legislators keep it that way. Crapo, Risch, Fulcher, Dixon, Scott and Wheeler have always been against background checks, even though most Americans, Republicans and Democrats alike, want background checks, knowing they make us safer. It’s common sense. So why do these leaders support open loaded carry of lethal weapons and are against common sense measures that would make us all safer? For me, I think they are steeped in the fear that someone will take away their guns. So they refuse to support any law that would protect us from gun violence. I know, such thinking makes very little logic. The NRA is another factor. Risch has received $46,200 from the NRA, Crapo has received $86,490. Labrador, now gone, received $21,550. Are you worried about your kids, grandkids or even yourself? More than 14,500 people were murdered in 2018 shootings in the United States — 2,500 of them kids and teens — and 28,178 more people were injured, many disabled for life. Yes, we have a right to protect ourselves. But why do we continually elect leaders who do nothing to prevent gun violence? Who refuse to protect us? Quit voting for them. They do not care about you. Rich Sonntag Priest River
Trump 2020... Dear Editor, I’m an independent conservative who’s voted against every incumbent for the last four or five election cycles — 20 or 25 years. Perhaps I’m being stupid, but I view incumbency as a scourge, especially the incumbent electeds in Congress. However, I’m going to stray come the 2020 general. If Trump runs, he gets my vote. Is President Trump a narcissistic, lying egomaniac? Of course. Is he any different than President Obama was? Of course not. Is he any different than our 535 elected Congress mem8 /
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bers? Only if you’re blindly partisan. So what was my tipping point? Recently, Dem bigwigs and media talking heads called our president the “second coming of Hitler,” and his supporters “Nazis.” That did it! I support Trump, I’m a Nazi? C’mon man! Huh-uh! TRUMP 2020! God bless America, and God bless our military. Steve Brixen Sandpoint
North Idaho Animal Hospital... Dear Editor, I would like to thank North Animal Hospital for their ad in the Reader last week. This made my day. Dawn Schatz Sandpoint
Sorting Fact from Fiction in Climate Science... Dear Editor, I feel compelled to respond to Cort Gifford’s LTE in the last Reader issue. In January, Dr. Steve Ghan, IPCC climate scientist, gave a presentation about climate change being real, serious and that we can do something about it. Besides talking about a practical, economical, bipartisan solutions and low-government solutions, he also explained that, like the tobacco industry in the past, the fossil fuel industry now is waging a major misinformation campaign against climate-change action, sowing major seeds of doubt in the process. Cort’s letter is a classic example of that result. While he apologizes for having misquoted Dr. Ghan, he then goes on to say that he quoted him correctly in an article he wrote in the recent issue of the Country Coop Round Up newsletter. He is correct in that particular point, and I appreciate the apology; however, in that article he also misquoted myself and Dr. Ghan multiple other times, drew incorrect conclusions based on taking quotes out of context, cherrypicked particular studies or facts to make his point while ignoring the major findings of major research institutions, and used references that are not substantiated by actual peer-reviewed research. Contrary to his claim that any climate action will return us to the Dark Ages, Dr. Ghan asserted that we can continue our fossil fuel-based progress by gradually transitioning to using smarter, less destructive energy sources. Perhaps Mr. Gifford should watch or listen to the presentation again and actually examine the content of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act that has been introduced to the House of Representatives in a bipartisan manner. It also might help to actually watch “Chasing Coral” (available on Netflix) that I described in previous article in the Coop newsletter, to realize the actual observable facts of climate change on the coral reefs. Gabrielle Duebendorfer Sandpoint
Rail investments provide access to foreign markets and job growth for Idaho By Matt Morrison Reader Contributor
Commerce via rail is a vital part of our economic future. Not just for northern Idaho, but for the entire Northwest. Investments in rail infrastructure increase access to foreign markets, particularly Asia, for industrial, consumer and importantly, agriculture products. Much of it comes from Montana, Washington and right here in Idaho, creating jobs and driving growth thorough out this region. However, bottlenecks and congested rail infrastructure have had a profound impact on our region’s rail system. Those impacts place serious strain on our economy, compromising the most efficient, environmentally friendly, and economical way to get both freight and passengers to where they need to be. One such bottleneck can be found at a crossing of Lake Pend Oreille, where several lines of train traffic running from both directions come together at a single-track bridge. The result of this convergence is a dynamic wherein trains running in one direction are forced to pull off to wait for trains running in the opposite direction to pass. It forces these trains to slow down, power down and idle excessively in pulloffs, losing time and money as they wait for the bottleneck to clear. It’s a situation that is detrimental to the free flow of commerce throughout the northwest and limits our ability to expand markets for local and regional products. It also causes delays, increases wait-times for drivers at nearby road crossings, leads to more emissions. It’s also, as it turns out, an easy problem to fix. The Sandpoint Junction Connector Project would add a second bridge parallel to the existing crossing. It would relieve the congestion that has developed in the area and, as a result, deliver improved efficiency and economic benefit not just near the crossing in Idaho, but across the entire Pacific Northwest. Reliable rail infrastructure plays an important role in any growing economy, moving raw materials, manufactured goods, agricultural products, and passengers from place to place more efficiently than any other mode of transport. A single train can take 280 trucks off the road, and 60 trains cross this section of track every single day. Freight moving via rail instead of truck relieves stress on crowded roadways. But
more than that, freight rail also helps secure a more predictable and reliable supply chain for consumers and producers alike. The trains traveling on this section of track carry the raw materials that enable manufacturers to do their jobs, and they carry the finished products from those manufacturers to market. They carry the energy we use to power our homes and businesses, and the food we use to feed our families. The Sandpoint Junction Connector Project would take the pressure off this critical section of track. It would restore fluidity to the system, and it would do so without having to draw upon public money. BNSF is prepared to invest around $100 million to make the project a reality. The U.S. Coast Guard is charged with reviewing the Sandpoint Junction Connector Project application. Last month, they released a draft assessment indicating that the project brings no significant environmental impacts. They also stated unequivocally that the new bridge would not increase the risks of any kind spill in the area — a direct rebuke to opponents that have resisted the project based on unfounded and frankly alarmist fears related to oil and coal trains moving through the area. As the Coast Guard found in its assessment, this project would not result in more coal or oil trains moving through the area, nor would it result in an increase in traffic of any kind on its own. It would make regional rail safer by reducing the amount of starting and stopping required to navigate the bridge, and would eliminate rail emissions by reducing the amount of time trains have to spend idling to make it through the region. This project is important to Idaho’s future, and the Coast Guard should be commended for managing its review process in an efficient and timely manner. As the review process continues, stakeholders should continue to focus on the clear benefits of the project and move quickly toward approval. Matt Morrison is CEO of The Pacific NorthWest Economic Region, a nonprofit created in 1991 by the states of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Washington and the Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and the Yukon and Northwest Territories, to increase the economic well-being and quality of life for all citizens of the region, while maintaining and enhancing our natural environment.
Cyrus the Great versus Trump the Small
OPEN 11:30 am
By Nick Gier Reader Columnist Joining Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump’s clueless press secretary, 55 percent of white evangelicals believe that God has sent Donald Trump to save the nation. Jerry Falwell, Jr., president of evangelical Liberty University, believes that King David is the model for Trump’s reign. Falwell claims that even with all of his faults, David was still chosen by God to found the lineage from which Jesus would come. David was a great writer, allegedly giving us some of the best poetry in the Hebrew language. He was also a renowned musician, and he was called to play his lyre when Saul fell under the spell of an evil spirit. Trump is neither poet nor musician, and we have great need of a harpist to rid him of his own malevolent spirits. David was also a great warrior, although scholars dispute whether he actually ruled over as large an area as the Bible attests. He is most famous, of course, for slaying the giant Goliath with his sling. Trump might say that he could hit any giant in the middle of the forehead with his expert golf swing, but that would be one of his many baseless boasts. Recently, however, he did hit the omelet bar at his Mar-a-Lago resort. David would never have made an excuse not to go into battle, especially if it was a few bone spurs. We now know that Trump’s four deferments might have been a hoax. The daughters of a Brooklyn doctor reported that their father received rent reduction for his Trump-owned office in return for the medical exemptions. In addition, draft-dodging Trump claimed, in a 1997 interview with Howard Stern, that his “personal Vietnam” was the “real danger” of STDs in the New York dating scene. He warned that vaginas were “potential landmines,” so that’s why he now apparently prefers the safer practice of grabbing private
The Psounbality with Per FRESH FOOD LIVE MUSIC THE BEST NW BREWS parts instead. David’s greatest sin was, of course, his seduction of Bathsheba and the conspiracy to kill her husband, Uriah the Hittite. As far as we know, there have been no allegations of murder in Trump’s many sexual escapades, but he has paid off at least two women for their silence. Since then, I’m sure that he has regretted not hiring a hitman for Stormy Daniels. A writer for the conservative National Review, which has never supported Trump, speculates that King David’s head priest would have declared: “Fake news! The king was nowhere near the fighting.” He attributed the rumors to “Saulite (=Barackish) holder-overs” still in the court, and he reminded people that King Saul “had consulted witches” (=Hillary?) during his reign. Many preachers are insisting that the best biblical model for the Trump presidency is Cyrus the Great, a Persian king from the sixth century BC. Pastor Lance Wallnau claims that in 2016, God spoke to him and told him to look at Isaiah 45. That is the chapter where God had anointed Cyrus as a messiah, because he had let the Israelites return to Palestine and rebuild their temple. Wallnau explained that “Trump’s obvious faults and flaws only confirmed the prophecy: Cyrus, like Trump, was powerful, rich and pagan, not at all godly.” At least Wallnau has seen through Trump’s claim to be a Christian, not even a “baby Christian,” as Focus on the Family founder James Dobson once
suggested. In the eyes of Cyrus’ god Ahura Mazda (wise lord), he was very godly indeed. In his conquests of neighboring lands, Cyrus was known as merciful and kind. Instead of slaughtering people and executing their rulers in gruesome ways, he left them in place and hired many of them as his advisors. I’m sure Cyrus would have disagreed with Trump about waterboarding, and the even more brutal ways of torturing terrorists that he has promised. Another problem with this comparison is that Trump does not like Iranian leaders. His side-kick Mike Pence calls the current government a “murderous regime.” Kim Jong Un, Trump’s favorite dictator, has killed far more people than the Iranians, who at least allow elections and have negotiated a nuclear deal with the U.S. Obama made sure that inspections have verified Iran’s compliance, but the “unartful” Trump appears ready to have given away most of the leverage we have with Kim. Biblical numerologists are going crazy about the coincidence of the 45th chapter of Isaiah and the 45th president. Referring to the famous jibe against Freud that “sometimes a cigar is just a cigar,” I say that sometimes a coincidence just that and nothing more, except, of course, if it is a small cigar.
212 Cedar Street Downtown Sandpoint
208.263.4005 A SandPint Tradition Since 1994
Nick Gier of Moscow taught religion and philosophy at the University of Idaho for 31 years. Email him at ngier006@gmail.com. March 14, 2019 /
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Mad about Science:
Brought to you by:
forensic sciences By Brenden Bobby Reader Columnist You’ve got your crew, you cased the joint, you’ve scribbled out a plan on a napkin and memorized everything you’re going to say. You’re about to pull off the biggest heist of your career: the Carne Asada Caper; the biggest beef burrito this side of Highway 95. You feel you’ve thought everything through; you sure about that? Take a step back from your five-finger discount and think for a moment. You’re going to need a heck of a lot more than a getaway driver, a balaclava and a pair of your dad’s driving gloves to pull this one off. Forensic sciences have evolved well beyond dusting for fingerprints and analyzing video. Take Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, or LA-ICP-MS into account. No, it’s not a gun from a video game, it’s a system designed to break down samples of broken glass to their atomic structure and analyze their chemical makeup to match them perfectly to other samples, based on who made them, where they were made, and where they happened to be at the time of a crime. Gonna’ break the taco truck’s glass? As soon as a search warrant hits your black turtleneck, they’ll find microscopic glass particulate and analyze it with that, matching you to the broken window. Gonna’ rip them off with a fake name and check? Sure, you may swipe that delicious carne asada, but you will definitely get caught. Should 10 /
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the authorities find your fake checkbook with your fingerprints all over it, they can use a machine called a Visual Spectral Comparator 2000, or VSC2000, to examine indentations in the subsheets you left when writing that fake check. Gonna’ try and cook the books with fake accounts? They can track that, too, with the help of artificial intelligence. Link Analysis Software, and recently AI like IBM’s Watson, have been used to comb through mountains of bookkeeping to track and isolate unusual behavior that can usually indicate intentional wrongdoing, to help build cases for things like wire fraud, tax evasion, or paying off a mercenary to take your burrito by force. Before you get any bright ideas there, ballistics are one of the easiest ways for law enforcement to catch you. The ALIAS (Advanced Ballistics Analysis System, acronyms are weird) is about as cool as it sounds. It’s basically just a Mac Pro computer with an HD monitor and a tool that uses lasers to scan the surfaces of bullets and spent cartridges down to the width of 1/50 of a human hair, then produces a 3D rendering on the computer screen for an analyst to… Well… Analyze. It’s more reliable than two-dimensional photographs and you can see things you couldn’t see with a photograph, like how the bullet would warp when impacting certain surfaces at specific trajectories. Let’s say you somehow pulled it off. You got away with
burrito murder, but it was just too much for you. You had to get rid of the evidence. Crumple the remains up in the tinfoil carcass, drive 26 miles into the Kaniksu National Forest and bury it. No one will ever know. That is, until some startled hikers come upon the remains of your shameful crime and report it to the authorities. Next thing you know, you’re watching the 11-O’clock news with an aerial view of your crime scene and guys in FBI blazers wheeling a hunk of foil out on a gurney. It’s been years, the case has gone cold, surely no one will ever know it was you, right? Wrong. Though the organic material would have mostly decayed by that point, if there were even a tiny shaving of bone left anywhere in that burrito, forensic scientists could analyze how old it is using Carbon-14 dating, the same thing anthropologists study human remains from a time when we hadn’t yet learned the genius of swaddling meat to make food. If there’s enough of a sample, they can even break it down to figure out where the cow that made the carne lived, and with some good ol’ fashioned detectiving, find out where it was sold. I’m putting on my sunglasses just to take them off and say: Your case just got... Caliente. YEAAAAAAAH! All of your options are exhausted. The heist is over before it has even begun. What are you to do? Just pay for the dang burri-
to, man. If I learned anything in my life it’s that food tastes better when you pay for it. My ludicrous examples aside, if you want to see some real forensics at work, the library will be hosting a science double-header on Wednesday, March 20, at 4:30 p.m. Starting with a presentation about your heart by retired heart surgeon,
Brad Huhta. Immediately following will be an interactive presentation on forensic sciences by Marie Bayles, a former forensic scientist. See if you can put your inner sleuth to the test and solve actual crimes using actual forensic evidence from real-life crimes! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a burrito to pay for.
Random Corner Don’t know much about dogs?
We can help!
• Dogs poop in alignment with Earth’s magnetic field. There was actually a study conducted testing this, where they found that dogs preferred to excrete with the body being aligned along the north–south axis under calm magnetic field conditions. • A guy is three times more likely to get a girl’s phone number if he has a dog with him. • Every dog’s mitochondrial DNA is 99.9 percent the same as a gray wolf. • In English-speaking countries, the most popular names for dogs are Max and Molly. • Dogs and cats only sweat from their footpads and nose. • Paul McCartney recorded an ultrasonic whistle audible only to dogs at the end of “A Day in the Life.” • In South Carolina, the maximum sentence for beating your dog is longer than the max sentence for beating your wife. • A dog’s sense of smell is 10,000 times stronger than humans. • Cats have 100-plus sounds in their vocal repertoire, Dogs have only 10. • The Nazis tried to teach dogs to talk and read. • FIDO, Abraham Lincoln’s dog, was also assassinated. • Dogs were used as messengers in WW1, carrying orders to the front lines in capsules attached to their bodies.. • The average dog is as intelligent as a two-year-old child. • The world’s oldest dog died at age 29. • About one million dogs are the primary beneficiary in their owners’ wills in the U.S. • Dogs wag their tails to the right when they’re happy and to the left when they’re frightened.
March 14, 2019 /
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Government shutdown fallout hits home By Jen Jackson Quintano Reader Contributor With the speed of today’s news cycle, our recent government shutdown — the longest in United States history — already seems like a distant memory. And now that the specter of the shutdown’s sequel no longer hangs over us (thanks to the passage of the national budget), we have collectively moved on to other worries and distractions. However, my husband and I still feel the sting of the shutdown. It is no distant memory or once-upon-a-time headline. The shutdown may be with us for a long time to come. We are area business owners and federal contractors. One facet of our business is wildland firefighting. Thanks to the shutdown and the backlog of work it generated, the Forest Service is woefully behind in preparing for the coming fire season. Thus, we are in the dark regarding what will be required of us and when. We are now into our seventh year sending our tactical water tender — affectionately named Swamp Donkey — to fires across the West. Last summer, the truck was in Nevada for 49 days, attacking small fires before they became the stuff of nightly news clips. Tyler and Jeremiah — my husband and our employee, respectively — protected small communities and vast ranches. Their work was heroic and unheralded, days of boredom punctuated by adrenaline-fueled nights. Their efforts were both the everyday and the extraordinary. Such is the world of wildland fire. My first roll with Swamp Donkey was the Black Forest Fire in Colorado in 2013. The blaze raged through a wooded community near Colorado Springs, leveling 509 homes and making it the most destructive fire in state history. It was a devastating scene, entire neighborhoods reduced to ash, families utterly adrift with no anchor in this world. It was a shocking introduction to the world of fire. In my youth, forest fires were something that might cloud the valley skies with smoke, but they largely flashed across distant ridges and smoldered in isolated gullies. They were an annoyance, not a danger. But Black Forest seemed a sign of the changing times. In this hotter and drier west, filling to overflowing with new developments out distant roads, wildland firefighting resources are increasingly tasked with structure protection. California’s Camp Fire last fall was the most recent example of the merging of wildland and urban envi12 /
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ronments — and the danger inherent in that merging. If a fire of that magnitude broke out near Sandpoint, we’d likely suffer a similar fate. All of this is to say that wildland firefighting is more essential than ever. There is more at stake now than ever. Fires today hit very close to home. The 35-day government shutdown dealt a significant blow to the vast network of wildland fire responders. The spending gap crippled the feds’ ability to prepare for the coming season’s conflagrations. The quiet winter months are a time for agencies to learn from the previous fire season and plan for the next. They train personnel, ignite prescribed burns, assess regional fire potential and renew contracts with businesses like ours. The shutdown meant that much of this preparatory work did not happen. And with the Southwest’s fire season potentially beginning in a matter of weeks, the window for this foundational and essential work is closing fast. In big-picture terms, this means communities and forests like ours are exposed to greater risk in the coming fire season. We are simply less prepared. In micro-level terms — terms relating to my family and my business — contractors like us are in limbo. What is the status of our contract? What will the government’s requirements be? How many employees will we need? What level of insurance? And if the government shuts down again when the budget expires Sept. 30, can we expect to be paid? The current budget did not include provisions for compensating contractors for lost wages during the last shutdown. The crux of the issue for us is that our three-year contract is due to be renewed this year. The renewal period is an opportunity for us to expand our business by adding more trucks to our vehicle roster. Last fall, before the border-wall battle truly ignited, we gritted our teeth and took the plunge into the unpredictable world of business expansion. We bought a new water tender. Winter finds us investing a preposterous amount of time and money into the new truck to make it fire-ready. It’s a terrifying risk to take. Such is life as a small-business owner. There is no reward without risk. Thanks to the duration of the government shutdown, the Forest Service has decided not to renew contracts for the time being, and we may operate this fire season on last year’s contract. That means that our new expensive truck will sit for a year, becoming less new but no less expensive.
Furthermore, this is the time of year we recruit employees and offer trainings. This is the time of year we procure insurance and ready our trucks for inspection. This is the time of year we get all our ducks in a row. But this year, we don’t know how many ducks we’ll need, where to assemble the row, or if we’ll even be working with waterfowl and straight lines. Everything is up in the air. I have many grievances with our president, but this is perhaps the one of which I can speak at the greatest length over the greatest number of beers. In short, I believe that our country faces many boogeymen of vaster magnitude than the “emergency” of impoverished families crossing our southern border. What of the opioid crisis that is taking 130 lives daily? What about our schools, nightclubs and shopping malls becoming bloody battlegrounds? What about climate change, perhaps the biggest boogeyman of all? The thing is, in the face of climate change —and an inhospitable planet — all other crises are moot. Thanks to our president clinging to his xenophobic conviction (or the conviction of his base) that there is a crisis at the border in need of $8 billion worth of steel slats, we are less prepared for the true issues at hand — like the threat of catastrophic fire, one of the perils of climate change. It’s not that President Trump is ignorant to the wildland fire problem. He has repeatedly tweeted about forest fires, often lambasting California for its lack of pre-
A plane drops retardant to help ground forces contain a wildfire in Nevada last summer. Photo by Jen Jackson Quintano. paredness (and repeatedly spelling “forest” wrong in the process, garnering him the nickname of Forrest Trump). However, his policy decisions and skewed priorities are serving to exacerbate the issue. I cringe at the thought of another government shutdown. However, before Sept. 30 arrives, there is much else to worry about. Will we earn enough this fire season to cover the costs of the new, unutilized truck? Will we have enough work to keep employees busy? Will our government be prepared for the coming fire season? And what if this year is Sandpoint’s turn to face the blazes? Our business is but one dust mote in the far-reaching cloud of shutdown fallout. There are many others out there in far more dire situations than ours. But we are affected. We remain affected. Though futile, I hold hope that the spirit of bipartisanship may replace brinksmanship among our elected leaders. I hope that they learn to reserve emergency measures for true emergency situations. And I hope that our politicians stop using the livelihoods of hardworking people as pawns in zero-sum political frays. Jen Jackson Quintano writes and runs an arborist and wildland fire business with her husband in Sandpoint.
Our constitutional rights are under attack By Sam Sandmire Reader Contributor
During ordinary times, when our government is functioning and our rights are protected, we all have the luxury to focus on raising families, going to work and enjoying leisure time free from concern about politics. We feel confident our elected officials listen to and represent us; that they govern for the benefit of our families and communities. Now is not an ordinary time. In Idaho, right now, one of our most cherished rights is in danger. Sen. C. Scott Grow (R - Eagle) has introduced a bill that would make it virtually impossible for grassroots campaigns to gather enough signatures to get initiatives on the ballot. Sen. Grow’s bill would virtually revoke our constitutional right to organize ballot initiatives, and we’re hearing he just might have the votes to do it. No matter one’s political leanings, it should be clear that this bill amounts to an assault on the rights of every Idaho
Sam Sandmire citizen. To make matters worse, Sen. Grow’s bill follows closely on the heels of a flagrant attempt to scuttle the voter-approved Medicaid Expansion program. Special interest groups, together with
a group of Idaho legislators led by Reps. James Vander Woude and Bryan Zollinger, are attempting to subvert the will of Idaho’s citizens and negate the results of a landslide election. These opponents of our Constitution want to overturn a law that was supported in the last election across party lines. Idaho voted to pass the Medicaid Expansion law by a 61-percent margin. After six frustrating years of watching the legislature fail to solve the healthcare crisis, the people of Idaho decided to act. Volunteers from Reclaim Idaho organized grassroots efforts in every corner of Idaho. Volunteers gathered a monumental amount of signatures to get Medicaid Expansion on the ballot and engaged with voters to help pass the initiative by a stunning, overwhelming margin. Volunteers, advocates, healthcare providers, community leaders, faith leaders and business leaders joined together to help pass the law that would finally close the coverage gap for people who make too much to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough to afford health insurance.
Meanwhile, legislators like Rep. Vander Woude and Sen. Grow continue to ignore the demands of their constituents. Not happy with the success of the Medicaid Expansion campaign, these legislators are insisting that only they are qualified to make laws. Government in Idaho is not working. Our basic constitutional rights are being stolen from under our noses and we do not have the luxury of going on with our daily lives as if they were not. We must defend our own personal liberties and communities from these assaults on our constitutional rights. We must preserve the legacy of this state’s republic and the voice of its citizens. Contact ReclaimIdaho.org to take action. Sam Sandmire is a volunteer with Reclaim Idaho, a grassroots organization responsible for getting the Medicaid expansion initiative on the 2018 ballot. She lives in Ada County.
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Dollar Beers! 8pm @ Eichardt’s Pub Good until the keg’s dry
Trivia Takeover Live 6-8pm @ Pend d’Oreille Winery Family friendly interactive trivia
Thursday Night Solo Series w/ Jake Robin 6-8pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Join singer/songwriter Jake Robin for a night of soulful folk music
Live Music w/ Bright Moments Trio 5-8pm @ Pend d’Oreille Winery Jazz and wine save the day MickDuff’s 13th Anniversary Party 3-10pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Celebrate a baker’s dozen of years with brewery tours from 3-6pm, and Devon Wade Band Brewery Bash from 7-10pm. Free!
Live Music w/ Miah Kohal Trio 6:30-9:30pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Outlaw country and classic rock. 21+ Live Music w/ Jake Robin 8:30-10:30pm @ Connie’s Lounge Live Music w/ Browne Salmon Truck 5-7pm @ Idaho Pour Authority
Live Music w/ Smith McKay All Day Li 9pm-12am @ 219 Lounge 7Ex-Gourds songwriter Jimmy Smith and In bluesman Pat McKay are back at the Niner L Live Music w/ Benny Baker & Ali Thomas 6 8:30-10:30pm @ Connie’s Lounge J L Live Music w/ Ron Kieper Jazz Trio 8 5-7pm @ Idaho Pour Authority
St. Patty’s Day Music 3-9pm @ Matchwood Brewing Co. Listen to traditional Irish heritage music from 3-5pm with Amhran. Party with CDAbased The Powers with a blend of alt-country and folk from 6:30-9:30pm Live Music w/ Mike Wagoner & Sadie Sicilia 5-8pm @ Pend d’Oreille Winery Live Music w/ Chris Lynch / Brian Jacobs Mugs and Music w/ Chad Patrick 8-10pm @ The Back Door 6-8pm @ Laughing Dog Brewery
Live Music w/ Ken Mayginnes Sandpoint Chess Club Gardenia Sunday Se 9am @ Evans Brothers Coffee 4-6:30pm @ Matchwood Brewing 10am @ Gardenia Ce Live Music w/ Brendan Kelty and Scott Reid Guest speaker Mary 2-5pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Our Words” with spec Irish and Celtic tunes Lifetree Cafe Monday Night Blues Jam w/ Truck Mills 2pm @ Jalepeño’s Mexican Restaurant 7:30pm @ Eichardt’s Pub An hour of conversation and stories. This Second Annual Jenga Competition week’s topic: “Angels” 5-7pm @ Matchwood Brewing Co.
Wine Bottle Paint & Sip Night-Out Karaoke @ Pend d’Oreille Winery 9pm @ 219 Lounge With Kem Hughes-Davis. $35 includes instruct Join DJ Pat for a night of singing, or just materials and a select glass of wine. 208.265.85 come to drink and listen Djembe class Triva Night 5:45-7:30pm @ Music Conservatory of Sandpoint 7pm @ MickDuff’s Join Ali Maverick Thomas for this djembe (drum) class Wind Down Wednesday 6-9pm @ 219 Lounge With live music by blues man Truck Mills and guest musician Carl Rey
Magic Wednesday 6-8pm @ Jalapeño’s Enjoy close-up magic shows by Star Alexander right at your table
Panida Theater fundraiser 5-8pm @ Idaho Pour Authority With Firestone Walker Brewing Co. beer Live music by Marty Perron and Doug Raffle items and complimentary appetizer your support for the Panida Theater
Girls Pint Out 5-7pm @ Idaho Pour Authority Dollar Beers! Cool Chicks! Great Beer! No Dudes! 8pm @ Eichardt’s Pub APRIL IS IDAHO BEER MONTH! Good until the keg’s dry Join Vicki at the big table for an evening tasting and talking about IDAHO Beer!
Storytellers Workshop P 6pm @ Matchwood Brew Come listen to your fr neighbors bravely share th and true stories. Open to t
March 14 - 21, 2019
obin night
A weekly entertainment guide to keep you on your toes. To list your event free, please send an email to calendar@sandpointreader.com. Reader recommended
Pi Day at SASi 12:30pm @ Sandpoint Senior Center All are welcome to enjoy Pi Day with the Sandpoint Seniors. Throw a cream pie in the faces of two county commissioners, Dan McDonald and Jeff Connolly, plus more officials. Small pies will be $10, and larger ones will be $20. Additional donations greatly appreciated!
Live Music w/ Harold’s IGA 7-10pm @ Eichardt’s Pub h and Indie rock trio fueled by beer and hubris Niner Live Music w/ Red Blend Thomas 6:30-9:30pm @ Matchwood Brewing Co. Join Brian, Chris and Meg! (soul, pop, etc) Live Music w/ Kevin Dorin o 8-10pm @ The Back Door
Annual Student Art Exhibit 5:30-7pm @ Power House Gallery Free art exhibit showcasing work of regional students St. Patrick’s Day Dinner 5:30-7:30pm @ First Presbyterian Church, 417 N. Fourth Ave. $15 per family. Reservations at 208-263-8126 Wrenco Indoor Shooting Range Grand Opening 10am-5pm @ Wrenco Arms, 78338 Highway 95 in Ponderay
24 Hours for Hank Fundraiser & Music 4-7pm @ 219 Lounge music St. Patrick’s Day benefit for Hank and the CDACystinosis Foundation. Folk and Irish tunes -counfrom Brendan Kelty from 5-7pm, followed by music by Portland-based Far Out West die Sicilia from 9pm to midnight. Show your support! Live Music w/ Harold’s IGA 3-6pm @ Taps @ Schweitzer Join Harold’s on the mountain
unday Service rdenia Center ker Mary Jo Ellis: “The Power of with special music by Mary Jo Ellis
urant s. This
Piano Sunday w/ TBA 3-5pm @ PO Winery
es instruction, art 08.265.8545
y g Co. beer on tap. and Doug Bond. appetizers. Show ater
orkshop Part Two ood Brewing Co. your friends and ly share their honest Open to the public
Cabin Fever Sale (March 15-17) 10am-4pm @ Bonner Mall Our vendors are clearing out their attics. Come check out their treasures!
Workshop Cold Climate Gardens & Greenhouse 1pm @ All Seasons Join us as we share 22 years of local garden experience and the tips and tricks that will increase your harvest and enjoyment Free! 208-265-2944 Live Music w/ the Four Saxes 2-4pm @ Evans Brothers Coffee House St. Paddy’s Cornhole Classic 1pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall First toss at 1pm. 208.290.6700 to sign up
Shamrock Social and Bridges Home Concert 5:30-8:30pm @ Memorial Community Center (Hope) Hearty Irish appetizers, no-host bar, and a live concert Fire on First Benefit w/ Bum Jungle and The Liabilities 7pm @ The Hive A $10 concert to raise money for the employees who lost their jobs due to the unfortunate fire that happened on First Avenue
Salsa Night 6-8pm @ Matchwood Brewing Co. Join Chika Orton for a fun, free, no-experience-necessary Salsa Night. Beginner lessons are from 6 to 7, with open floor and social from 7 to 8. Open to the public
NAMI Far North Idaho annual meeting 5:30pm @ Bonner General Health There will be an overview of NAMI’s 2018 Annual Report and our current projects, programs, and services. Thursday Night Solo Series w/ Scott Taylor 6-8pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Live music with Scott Taylor and food by Sandpoint Curry Open Mic Night 8-11pm @ A&Ps Bar and Grill
March 23 2,400 Feet of Schweitzer March 23 Fly Fishing Film Tour @ Panida March 23 Bowling for Wildlife AHWF Fundraiser @ Huckleberry Lanes
March 14, 2019 /
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By Mike Wagoner Reader Contributor
Solar powered cars I was pourin’ some fossil fuel into my Toyota the other day when it occurred to me: My car and everyone else’s there at the station is solar powered. We’ve been runnin’ around on the stored energy in the stuff for a hundred years now. Energy that originated from the sun. Too bad we can’t just tax the sun, directly cutting out the middleman and all the pollution that goes along with it. Well, yeah! Solar panels! I wonder why the government subsi-
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dizes oil, gas and coal way renew more than it does renewables? I mean, the sun is free. Oh ... OK ... that is the problem Mike Wagoner person has a dual personality. By day he is a science teacher and by night a singer-songwriter. He has recently moved to the area from Nashville, where he taught school and did studio work on the side.
Wrenco Arms hosts grand opening of indoor shooting range By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff
Wrenco Arms isn’t just a store — it’s a gravitational center for Sandpoint’s large, thriving community of shooting enthusiasts. All the more appropriate, then, that the business is expanding its services to bring Bonner County its first fully-featured indoor shooting range, providing a safe environment for local marksmen and women to hone their accuracy rain or shine, summer heat or winter snow. According to Wrenco Arms owner Brendon Terry, an indoor shooting range has been a part of his and his wife’s vision ever since they bought the business in 2015. It’s only now that vision is about to become a reality, following two years of planning, financing, construction and legal wrangling. Beyond courting all kinds of firearm enthusiasts, the range also provides options for archers to practice with bows and arrows. “We wanted to make it really a destination for sportsmen,” said Terry. Of course, the first step was to determine whether a shooting range would thrive in a lesser-populated area like Bonner County. Terry said he knew an indoor range was something community needed — he just needed to ensure it made sense from a financial perspective. Because Bonner County is a destination for sportsmen and women all around the world, however, he was confident that a range would find the customer base it needed. The first priority at Wrenco Arms’ new gun range is safety, and its importance can’t be overstated. After all, even otherwise-responsible shooters can’t always guarantee they’re firing in a safe direction outside a range’s controlled environment. “There have been instances of errant rounds going near where kids are playing,” Terry said. A properly-maintained range is one of the few locations where shooters can rest assured their bullets cannot possibly do anyone any harm. To that end, the range is outfitted with a combination of steel and rubber construction materials, ensuring that a bullet fired in the range stays in the range. “The entire length is covered in steel baffles which prevent any errant rounds from exiting the building,” said Terry. What’s more, the range is designed to provide shooters a comfortable environment while target practicing. The range itself is 25 yards with 10 lanes, and it features an air movement system to ensure
smoke doesn’t accumulate when multiple weapons are firing at once — a consideration that will definitely be welcome for members’ eyes and lungs. Speaking of members, there are several options to accommodate anyone’s needs. Discounts are available for veterans and emergency personnel, and there are even a limited number of lifetime memberships available for individuals who know they’re staying in Bonner County for a good, long time. The lifetime memberships are pricey, Terry said, but it’s a one-time fee that he estimates will pay for itself after several years. Still not convinced? Maybe it’s time to fire off a magazine or two at the range itself. Luckily, the Wrenco Arms’ grand opening event provides a chance to do just that — free of charge. Set for this Saturday, March 14, from 10 a.m.-5 p.m., the day
will include free food, free range shooting, a wall of guns raffle, tours of the facility and discount machine gun rentals. Just drop by the range, 478338 Highway 95 in Ponderay, and join a growing community of enthusiastic shooting fans. “I think there’s a large group of people that are already excited (about what we’re offering,)” Terry said.
Neighborhood Storytelling at Matchwood March 21 By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff There’s a storyteller in everyone — the hard part is getting those stories down on paper. That’s where Matchwood Brewing comes in. Matchwood is starting up a Neighborhood Storytelling workshop series that facilitates peer-to-peer feedback for local writers and creates a chance to share those stories in a public setting. “We seek to create a space where people can listen and be heard,” said Matchwood owner Andrea Marcoccio. “Listening to stories helps us recognize what we have in common and that a community is strengthened when its members share stories with one another.” Though the peer-to-peer feedback portion of the current workshop happened last week,
The famous six-shooter smoker barbecue sitting outside of Wrenco Arms’ new location in Ponderay. Courtesy photo.
Marcoccio said everyone is invited to attend the evening when those workshopped stories will be shared: Thursday, March 21, at 6 p.m. at the Matchwood taproom (513 Oak St.). “We encourage listeners to attend and enjoy the beautiful stories over a handcrafted beer and food,” Marcoccio said. The next Neighborhood Storytelling workshop meeting will be April 10 in the Matchwood Community Room at 6 p.m. RSVP by emailing sami@matchwoodbrewing.com. Bring some writing and be ready to give and receive feedback, then take the leap and maybe read that writing April 18 at 6 p.m. in the taproom. To stay up to date on future Neighborhood Storytelling workshops at Matchwood, give the brewery a follow at www. facebook.com/MatchwoodBrewing or visit www.matchwoodbrewing.com.
8th annual Tour de Thrift next weekend
By Ben Olson Reader Staff
It’s always a great time to check out the selection of second-hand goods at our region’s thrift stores, but next weekend will give participants a chance to win a $200 gift card to Super 1 Foods. The 8th annual Tour de Thrift will take place Saturday, March 23 at eight participating thrift stores in North Idaho: The Cove, Bizarre Bazaar, Azalea’s Handpicked Style, Now & Then, Goodwill, The Cottage Home & Garden, Sanctuary Seconds and Panhandle Animal Shelter thrift store. It’s pretty simple how it works: visit any one of the participating thrift stores and
obtain a passport, and have each store stamp your passport when you visit. No purchase is necessary to receive a stamp. Participants who receive enough stamps at participating thrift stores may turn in their passport to the last store visited to be entered into a drawing for a grand prize of $200 in groceries at Super 1 Foods. There will also be lots of door prizes, including a one-night stay at Coeur d’Alene Casino There will be sales on clothing, furniture, books and more, so come out during open hours Saturday, March 23, and see what’s on the rack at our area thrift stores. Call the Panhandle Animal Shelter at (208) 265-PAWS with any questions. March 14, 2019 /
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Everything you need to know about
y a D s ’ k c i r St. Pat Weekend
By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff
St. Patrick’s Day may not be until Sunday, but Sandpoint has no shortage of events happening all weekend. Some might require wearing green, some don’t, but what can it hurt? Better be safe. And yes — underwear counts. Thursday, March 14 Pi Day @ the Sandpoint Senior Center Throw a cream pie in a local official’s face, donate to a great cause at the same time. We’re sold. Head to the Sandpoint Senior Center at 12:30 p.m. to celebrate Pi Day (3.14 … get it?) by throwing a small ($10) or large ($20) pie into the faces of Bonner County Commissioners Jeff Connolly and Dan McDonald, among others. Live music @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Singer-songwriter Jake Robin plays the Beer Hall’s Thursday Night Solo Series 6-8 p.m. and Sandpoint Curry brings the good eats.
St. Patrick’s Dinner Fundraiser @ First Presbyterian Church The spirit of Ireland is alive and well at this event, where there will be skits, Irish songs, cake raffles and perhaps the most important part: home-cooked corned beef and cabbage. Cost is a suggested $5 per person or $15 per family. Reservations appreciated. Call 208-263-8126. Live music @ Matchwood Brewing Red Blend — the musical trio of Meg Turner, Chris Lynch and Brian Jacobs — will play Matchwood 6:30-9:30 p.m. Live music @ 219 Lounge Missoula duo Smith McKay All Day bring the party to the Niner 9 p.m. to midnight.
Sandpoint Community Sing @ Downtown Yoga Learn songs about the human experience through call and response along with other community members. No musical experience needed. Songs start at 7 p.m. and a $5-$10 donation is encouraged.
St. Patty’s Day Shenanigans @ A&Ps Bar and Grill Friday kicks off three nights of St. Patrick’s celebration at A&Ps. Irish whiskey and green beers will be on special, and DJs will play both Friday and Saturday nights starting at 9 p.m.
Friday, March 15
Saturday, March 16
13th Anniversary Brewery Bash @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Check out an open house and brewery tour with Mickey and Duff 3-6 p.m. then listen to Devon Wade and Mac Tibbetts as they play a free show starting at 7 p.m. Live music @ Pend d’Oreille Winery Bright Moments Trio will jazz up the winery 5-8 p.m. Live music @ Idaho Pour Authority The Ron Kieper Jazz Trio will play IPA 5-7 p.m. 18 /
POAC Student Art Exhibit @ Power House Gallery In its 22nd year, the POAC Student Art Exhibit showcases work from students across the county’s high schools. This event is free and open to the public 5:30-7 p.m.
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Can Do Express for MS @ Schweitzer Mountain Resort Skiers, boarders and telemarkers of all abilities and ages are welcome to participate in the 2019 Vertical Express for Multiple Sclerosis. Learn more at www.schweitzer.com/event/vertical-express-for-ms. Grand Opening @ Wrenco Indoor Shooting Range Visit Wrenco Arms at its new location — 478338 Highway 95 in Ponderay —
and try out the new indoor shooting range for free 10 a.m.-5 p.m. St. Paddy’s Cornhole Classic Tournament @ Mickduff’s Beer Hall Attention cornhole fanatics — 32 teams will have the chance to be crowned St. Paddy’s Cornhole Classic champions Saturday at the Beer Hall. Call 208209-6700 to sign up, or get to the Beer Hall day-of between 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Tosses commence at 1 p.m. Cost is $20 per team, $10 per person.
Super Smash Bros. Tournament + Pre-St. Paddy’s Party @ Matchwood Brewing Smashpoint Gaming hosts a Super Smash Bros. Tournament starting with Melee doubles at 1 p.m., Melee singles at 3 p.m. and ultimate singles at 5 p.m. $5 to compete. There will be live music from Amhran — traditional Irish tunes — 3-5 p.m. and The Powers will play rocking Americana starting at 6:30 p.m. 24 Hours for Hank Fundraiser @ 219 Lounge A full-blown St. Paddy’s party is slated for the Niner Saturday, complete with live music, Irish drink specials and the annual fundraiser for Hank and the Cystinosis Foundation. The benefit lasts 4-7 p.m., music from Brendan Kelty goes 5-7 p.m. and funk band Far Out West will play 9 p.m. to midnight. Live music @ Pend d’Oreille Winery Mike and Sadie Wagoner play the winery 5-8 p.m. Live music @ Idaho Pour Authority Browne Salmon Truck brings traditional jazz, swing and Latin tunes to IPA 5-7 p.m. Shamrock Social @
Memorial Community Center in Hope Enjoy hearty Irish appetizers, a nohost bar and music from Bridges Home all while supporting the community center’s many programs. Tickets are $20 and can be reserved by calling 208-264-5481. Mugs and Music @ Laughing Dog Brewing Chad Patrick plays the Laughing Dog Tap Room 6-8 p.m. St. Paddy’s Bash with Miah Kohal Trio @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall The Miah Kohal Trio will play the Beer Hall 6:30-9:30 p.m. and green beer will be on special all day. Fire on First Benefit @ The Hive Bum Jungle and the Liabilities will play The Hive in an effort to raise money for the folks who lost their jobs following the fire on First Avenue. $10 cover charge. Doors open at 6 p.m., the music starts at 7. Sunday, March 17 Live music @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Brendan Kelty and Scott Reid will play Irish and Celtic tunes 2-5 p.m. Live music @ Matchwood Brewing Ken Mayginnes will play acoustic classic rock covers 4-6:30 p.m.
Angels donate to Bonner Co. Homeless Transitions
The Angels Over Sandpoint present a $2,000 Community Grant to Bonner Homeless Transitions. Community Grants are awarded in May and October to Bonner County educational and non-profit organizations. See the Angels’ website for information and to apply. Courtesy photo.
The 28th Annual Lou Domanski Chess Festival
By Reader Staff
Come join fellow chess enthusiasts for this annual one-day chess tournament. This program, formerly known as the Sandpoint Chess Festival, was re-named in honor of its founder and longtime coordinator Lou Domanski. The tournament will begin at 9 a.m., Saturday, April 6, at the Sandpoint Community Hall, 204 S. First St. The tournament begins at 9 a.m. and usually concludes around 5 p.m. Register
online by March 27 at www.sandpointidaho. gov/parksrecreation There are three divisions, splitting up players by age with differing entry fees for each: an elementary age division for grades 1-6 with a $5 entry fee; a Middle School/ High School division for grades 7-12 with an entry fee of $6; and an open division with a $7 entry fee. Trophies will be awarded for each division. Call (208) 263-3613 for more info.
Intro boater ed course for paddlesports By Reader Staff
Join Sandpoint Parks and Recreation on Saturday, April 20, from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 1123 Lake St., for this introductory course to meet the boater education needs for operating a paddle craft – specifically a canoe, kayak or paddleboard – and maintenance. The class will cover general information to make your paddle craft experience safer and more comfortable, tips on how to be a
Open to the public!
more courteous paddle craft operator, laws and regulations to which you must adhere. The program is free but space is limited. All skill levels are welcome. Participants must pre-register by the March 29 deadline so that there are enough class materials for everyone. Pre-register online at www.sandpointidaho.gov/parksrecreation, or visit Sandpoint Parks and Recreation, 1123 Lake St. in Sandpoint or call (208) 263-3613.
Learn to salsa dance By Reader Staff
Salsa is an energetic and fun Latin dance. Unlike some partner dances, it is a very sociable dance. You don’t need to have a regular partner; in fact it is common to dance with people who have never met before. That is the fun part of dancing salsa. Once you learn to salsa you can dance with people all over the world. Learn to dance the salsa Thursdays,
April 4-25 from 6-7 p.m. at the Sandpoint Community Hall, 204 S. 1st Ave.). The fee is $43/month. A minimum of four participants is needed to offer each monthly session. This class is for ages 12 to adult. Pre-register for April session online by March 24 at www.sandpointidaho.gov/ parksrecreation or at Sandpoint Parks and Rec Office, 1123 Lake St. Call (208) 2633613 for more information. For other activities offered by P&R visit our web site. March 14, 2019 /
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The Sandpoint Eater
Miodh for Mogue By Marcia Pilgeram Reader Food Columnist It is just a few days short of St. Paddy’s Day, and I haven’t made even a wee bit of a plan to celebrate. I’ve been known to swig a bit of green beer in Butte, Montana, and I’ve spent my share of time watching the river run green in Chicago. I’ve even counted myself lucky enough, on St. Paddy’s Day, to be perched on a worn leather stool at Durty Nelly’s, a 400-year-old pub, near Bunratty Castle in County Clare, Ireland. But a lot of unexpected life happened to me over the past month or so, and the task of planning (or joining) a celebration felt formidable, so I imagine my day (and night) will include some reflections, along with a quiet dinner at home, and a toast to my ancestral grandfather, Mogue Doyle. Grandfather Moses (nicknamed Mogue) Doyle, was the son of James Doyle and Ann O’Brien. He was born in Oulart Hill, Parish of Ferns, County Wexford around 1764. He was a leader of a group of United Irishmen who survived the fighting of the 1798 Irish Rebellion in Wexford (the single battle, of 13, which was won), only to be later captured and sentenced to death by the British. On the morning of his pending execution, when the guards came to prepare him for hanging, they discovered it was not Mogue in the cell but his very brave fiancée (and future wife), Judith O’Neill. Mogue 20 /
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had escaped the previous night, dressed as Judith, during their farewell visit. He escaped on a fishing vessel to Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, and a few years later, seeking pardon after the Act of Union in 1801, he returned to Ireland, where he spent many years as a tenant farmer on land owned by British land baron Earl Fitz William at Oulart Hill, on the banks of the river Slaney. I’ve poured through old records, Rebel Papers and Jail Registries at the National Archives in Dublin, and these ancient and worn court documents tell the story of how harsh their lives were during that period, when the entire families and the “house girl” all shared the same thinned mattress. House girls were no luxury — they
were young girls, pawned off to families who could at least provide a young girl a meal, in exchange for house chores and child care. I’ve always been proud of Mogue and his fight for justice and equality for his fellow countrymen. I’m not alone either. I have distant cousins with a band named for him, “Mogue Doyle,” who’ve immortalized his legacy with Irish pub tunes about the violence in Wexford and the British repression that involved death and exile. My own children and grandchildren have become more curious of their Irish heritage, and though I still haven’t convinced anyone to name a child after Mogue (or even a pet, for that matter), everyone seems eager to learn more about him. Though lots of the stories that
have been entrusted to me are anecdotal, I know many to be true. For instance, Mogue’s family existed on five pounds of potatoes a day. Sometimes they added some whey, but cream was used only for butter, or to fatten livestock. On the rarest of occasion, a bit of meat might be added to the mix and a jar of homemade Miodh (mead) passed amongst the men. Also, according to legend passed down from no-nonsense Judith O’Neill, leprechauns dancing on moors were nothing more than the marsh gas escaping from the peat beds as they were cut and readied for fuel.
But I can tell you what’s not anecdotal: the heartiness and resilience of the Irish. There’s also an extra twinkle in their eye and a generous nature that knows no boundaries. I’m grateful for the day we set aside to honor St. Patrick and the good people of the Emerald Isle. I’ll put it to good use by paying homage to the humble (roasted, Irish-style) potato and hoisting a mead for Mogue.
Irish Roasted Potatoes Recipe If you’re ever lucky enough to have a home-cooked, Sunday dinner in Ireland, no doubt you’ll enjoy roasted potatoes. Crunchy, fluffy and crispy – they’re the perfect accompaniment for any roasted meats. The secret is parboiling them, using lots of fat and a hot oven! In Ireland, the potato of choice is the Maris Piper. Here, I use Yukon Gold.
INGREDIENTS: • Yukon Gold Potatoes • Fat from roasted meat (or good quality oil – for vegetarian-style) • Sea salt • Fresh parsley minced
DIRECTIONS: To parboil, cut your potatoes into the size chunks you want to use for roasting and put them in boiling water for approximately ten minutes, depending their size. The outside should be soft, but the inside still raw. Don’t overcook! Drain, shake and dry. Drying is important, so the skin will be crisp! Pour a few tablespoons of fat/oil on a sheet pan, add the potatoes, and turn them several times. Coat well on all sides. Sprinkle liberally with sea salt. Cook at 425°F for about 15-20 minutes, until nice and golden brown, remove from oven, turn potatoes and
cook another 15-20 minutes. Place on serving platter (or bowl)
and sprinkle with minced parsley. Serve immediately!
Rethinking ‘Green Book’ By Jim Healey Reader Contributor The film “Green Book” is currently riding a wave of financial and critical success. It recently won the Best Picture award at the 91st Oscars, and this, in turn, ushered the film into more movie theaters across the country. I first saw “Green Book” at the Panida in late January. I walked out of the theater having mixed feelings about the film. I marveled at the memorable performances by Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali. But something was niggling me about the film. I have since seen the film again, the second time at the Bonner Mall Cinema, and now have a clearer idea of what I am bothered by in the film. Simply put, my bothersome response has to do with race. Three things have happened between my two viewings of “Green Book,” and they come into play as I discuss my response. The first thing is the negative response that some members of the film industry had towards the film, especially the moment when it was announced that “Green Book” received the Oscar for Best Picture. Spike Lee, a respected director for over 30 years, tried to walk out of the theater after the announcement. He was not happy. Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman was caught looking over his left shoulder to a friend with a look of “it figures” at the moment of the announcement. The video has gone viral. “Green Book” was receiving what I call “b(l)acklash.” The second event occurred during the recent Michael Cohen hearing in front of the House Oversight Committee on Feb. 27. Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) had Lynne Patton — a former party planner for the Trump organization and currently the overseer of public housing in New York and New Jersey for HUD — stand silently behind him. Cohen had testified that Trump was a racist. Meadows pointed at Patton, who is black, and said that “Lynne Patton says she would not work for a man who is racist.” But this did not end here. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) called out Meadows, saying that he used Patton as a “prop.” Meadows, of course, was defensive and said that Tlaib was accusing him of being racist. She made it clear that it was a racist thing to have done what he did, addressing the action and not the person. Meadows then defended himself even more by revealing that he had nieces and nephews of color. Neither of Meadows’ actions removes the reality of a person being a racist. Just because one
hires a person or has a family member who is a person of color, this does not make one immune doing racist things. Finally, the last thing that occurred to me between my two viewings of “Green Book” was the purchase of a book on a recent trip to Pegasus Books in Berkeley, Calif. The book, “White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism” by Robin Diangelo, is important and has opened this 73-year-old’s eyes and heart about race in our culture and how I have absorbed so much white privilege and advantage through laws, religion, movies, songs, newspapers, ads, politics, education and more. Now on to “Green Book!” Ann Hornaday, a writer for the Washington Post, ends her article “Why ‘Green Book’ Shouldn’t Have People Seeing Red” with this thought: “With luck, as ‘Green Book’ makes its way to hundreds more theaters . . . it will go from punching bag, cultural signifier and political shibboleth to what it should have been all along: a movie, not a message.” She is so correct: “Green Book” is a movie, but it also has a message. For some viewers it is a movie about two men from different worlds who hit the road and have adventures along the way as they grow to learn about each other. “Green Book” falls into the tradition of a “buddy” road movie. What has been niggling me is what the film’s subtext implies about race. Throughout the film, white Tony Vallelongo (Viggo Mortensen) rescues black Don Shirley (Mahershala Ali) from thugs in a bar, arresting officers in a YMCA, and two youths who saw Shirley unroll a wad of bills in a bar and want to rob him. And when both of them end up in a southern jail, it is white Robert Kennedy who gets them released. As the film unfolds, white Tony teaches black Don about what it means to be black by eating fried chicken and listening to Little Richard, Chubby Checker and Aretha Franklin. “How could you not know this music? These are your people,” says white Tony. Here we have a white man teaching a black man about blackness (“his people”) through the racist stereotypes of what one eats and what music one listens to. Elsewhere in the film, Tony claims that he is blacker than Don. Don gets out of the car in the pouring rain and breaks down about not being accepted in either world: “I’m not black enough. I’m not white enough. I’m not man enough. What am I?” Perfect! Don is suspended between a black world and a white world with no self-identity, no power and no joy. But Tony, on the
other hand, is secure and self-assured in his whiteness. He possesses no self-doubt about his color. Alone and isolated after the concert tour, Don becomes the surprise dinner guest at the end of the film. The ending celebrates a truly “white” Christmas in Tony’s apartment with family, food, merriment and holiday cheer. Don doesn’t really belong there, but where else can he go? He is absorbed into
the white world, thus perpetuating a myth of how magnanimous and generous white people can be to people of color. This is what has been bothering me about “Green Book,” and I could write more about the film which is definitely worth seeing. Track down a copy of “White Fragility.” I am rereading it a second time and am learning about white me in my white racist America.
March 14, 2019 /
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Local takes second at U.S. Open Taekwondo National Championship By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff
There aren’t many people in Idaho like Matt McCoy. The owner of Dynasty Taekwondo, McCoy isn’t just an accomplished martial artist — he competes on a national level in tournaments often used to narrow down candidates for Olympic teams. Over the course of competition, he’s won championships in his age and weight brackets, and this March added another medal to the mantelplace with a second-place ranking in the U.S. Open Taekwondo National Championships. That’s no small achievement given the size of the U.S. Open. The same organization that runs its famous tournaments for golf, tennis and other sports, the U.S. Open Taekwondo National Championships routinely attract around 2,400 martial artists from 77 countries to test their skills against the best in the world.
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Divided into divisions based on age and weight, competitors square off in a series of matches, trying to land kicks and punches on their opponent to score points. Fighters wear electronic sensors to determine whether or not points are awarded for landed blows. The result is a sport that tests the mind as much as the body. Korean in origin, taekwondo is characterized by its emphasis on speed and agility, with dramatic head-height kicks at the core of its techniques. That means that in competitions, much of the first round is spent learning an opponent, gaining a feel for his or her speed, aggression and ability. “It’s very much a situation where you have to be focused and disciplined and reacting right in the moment to what’s happening,” McCoy said. A competitor’s coach is a valuable asset as the pair work
through the best approach to face an opponent. McCoy has had the same coach for six years The latest drama unfolded March 1 when McCoy’s competed at the U.S. Open Taekwondo Championship, which occurred between Feb. 28-March 3 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. His first opponent was a skilled competitor, but McCoy ended up dominating the match after the first round was over, winning with a score of 5-1. “This gentleman was from the east coast,” McCoy said. “I never sparred him before. He was a little smaller but very fast and agile.” The second match was a different story. This time, McCoy sparred against a Brazilian martial artist, and for much of the match, he led with a score of 3-2. But toward the end of the final round, McCoy’s opponent struck true
with a head kick, and with little time in the round to make up for the points, he lost the match with a score of 5-3. He was an extremely skilled martial artist, McCoy said. “He was just almost my size, but very fast, and he had a very good read on distance and timing,” McCoy added. This is just the latest high-profile victory for McCoy, who has practiced taekwondo for 13 years and owned Dynasty Taekwondo since 2010. In 2010 and 2011, he took the national championship in the Amateur Athletic Union’s taekwondo championship, an event
Matt McCoy prepares for another match. Courtesy Facebook. almost as big as the U.S. Open. With victories like that under his belt, there’s no telling what the future holds for McCoy’s career as a martial artist.
The Real Folk Horoscope Common-Sense Soothsayings for a Happy Year
By Cody Lyman Reader Columnist
You have the propensity to pull more wisecracks out of your buttcrack than is usual in coming days. You will also experience increased flatulence, emanating from you or those around you.
Some of you have the urge to take some time to yourself and be alone for an extended period this month. Some of you slip and fall on the ice and hurt yourself enough to make that a reality.
If you piss on everything that pisses you off, by the end of the month, you will have pissed everything away.
Everyone should smile more. You are not the exception that proves that rule. So get yourself some activated charcoal toothpaste, eh? It will look like you strangled an octopus in your bathroom sink, but that is a small sacrifice to make for pearly chompers. And the stuff is good for them –– why, it says so right there on the tube!
When you cross paths with a black cat this month, don’t sweat it. Your true form is a lion/lioness, after all. Common house cats, stray, feral, or just out perusing the neighborhood, pose no threat, so long as you don’t cross the one carrying rabies.
An article in Business Insider prophesies that holding onto your smartphone for as long as possible “ensures you get the most value for your purchase, and it sends a strong signal to the phone-makers as well.” Do you see?
Making a Plan B makes for a half-assed Plan A. All good plans have a builtin backup plan, however. You may feel like you are in reverse, but you are still moving forward. Indeed, you are backing slowly out of winter, and into warmer weather. Don’t forget to breathe, and bathe regularly.
Your horoscope in the Onion this week tells you an over-the-top joke. It is irrelevant, more or less. Vice offers a highly technical three-page analysis of planets in aspect. It is practical jargon. Freewill Astrology offers you an anecdote that applies as much to all the other
signs as it does your own. I just thought I would do a little outsourcing so that you can rest assured you aren’t missing out on anything in the world of fate updates. Keep it real.
24 Hours for Hank fundraiser
When you make a fool of yourself on St. Patrick’s Day, five out of 10 people around you will be too intoxicated or otherwise distracted to notice.
If you’re the Irish subgenre of the sign, this month will hold you on a higher pedestal than other Sagittariuses, and thus you will be ignored that much more. Cheers!
Ride whichever wave rolls, unless it is an avalanche.
Before you go reinventing yourself (and I don’t mean by making a baby), maybe try reinventing the wheel, first. That should be a nice, easy warmup.
By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff For those planning on making a night of St. Paddy’s Day celebrations, there’s a chance to do some real good between the rounds at the 219 Lounge. On March 16, the Niner is bringing in all the food and drink you’d expect to do the Irish holiday justice. What’s more, the festivities will benefit 24 Hours For Hank, which raises money to fund research into cystinosis, a rare genetic disease that causes a buildup of amino acid that damages body systems over time. “Our annual fundraising party on St. Patrick’s Day is one of the highlights of our year,” said Mel Dick, owner of the 219. “ It is great to see so many people come together to support great cause.” Take place 4-7 p.m. Saturday at the Niner, the event will feature traditional Irish food made by Trinity at City Beach, including corned beef and cabbage with soda bread. Iron Horse Brewing of El-
Matt Gillis, left, fist bumps with Hank Sturgis at a 24 Hours for Hank Fundraiser at Schweitzer in 2017. Courtesy photo. lensburg, Wash., will be in town for a tap takeover featuring Irish Death Beer, green beer and Irish whiskey drink specials. Brendan Kelty and Scott Reid play Irish tunes from 5-7 p.m., while Far Out West, an “energetic Funk, jazz and rock band from Portland” will be playing from 9 p.m. to midnight. Throughout the event, Randi Lui, a major 24 Hours fundraiser, will be on hand to sell raffle tickets, with prizes including a Patron Tequila snowboard. To learn more about 24 Hours For Hank, visit http://www.24hoursforhank.org/. “We are excited to be supporters of funding the search for a cure for Hank and others,” said Dick. “It is great to see how our community comes together for 24 Hours for Hank.” March 14, 2019 /
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Budwig, Landis to play concert above Evans Bros.
Bart Budwig will be playing at Studio 524 above Evans Bros. Coffee on Saturday, March 23. Courtesy photo. By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff Local music fans have something special waiting for them this weekend when Bart Budwig rolls into town. The Inland Northwest singer-songwriter is known for his lush, evocative songs drawing from a variety of inspirations. And while he calls Oregon his home, he has a special place in his heart for Sandpoint. That’s why he’s so excited to be heading into town Saturday for a night of music with Sandpoint’s own Cedar & Boyer, headed up by Justin and Jen Landis. “I’ve been touring in eastern Canada, and working on John Craigie’s next record for the past three weeks,” Budwig said. “I am happy to be heading back to Sandpoint this weekend for a house show with my old buds Cedar & Boyer. Can’t wait to see y’all!” That house show is technically not taking place in house — instead, it’s being held at Evans Brothers Coffee, 222 North Sixth Ave. The more important detail is that it will feel like a house show — a warm, intimate environment with an attentive audience focusing its attention on the artists. 24 /
/ March 14, 2019
That’s perfect for Budwig’s music. Sean Jewell of American Standard Time described it this way: “Sometimes when Bart sings, I forget what we’re talking about. I’m sure he knows though. I trust him. He sounds like John Prine, plays like Hoyt Axton, and looks like, well … Bart Budwig. He’s a cosmic country lawn gnome. He’s cherubic, cheery and an old soul. Songs spring from the dreams of his noonday naps, and punch the keys of his typewriter above the OK Theater in Enterprise, Ore. When words won’t take, he calls ‘em in with a bugle of his trumpet, or a strum of soothing guitar.” Cedar & Boyer are a perfect complement to Budwig’s introspective songwriting. Locals who need no introduction to those acquainted with the regional music scene, Justin and Jen Landis weave complex soundscapes through looping and pedal effects around their soul-searching lyrics. With so much music to look forward to, fans will want to scoop up their tickets early to ensure entry to the show. It takes place at Studio 524 in Evans Brothers Coffee Saturday, March 16, with the doors opening at 7 p.m. Tickets are $12 in advance — order online at https://www. brownpapertickets.com/event/4100326 — or $15 at the door.
This week’s RLW by Ed Ohweiler
‘Chasing that magic moment’ Mattox Farm Productions brings east coast folk-rockers Driftwood to Sandpoint and Bonners Ferry next weekend
When Terry Pratchett passed away from earlyonset Alzheimer’s, the world of fantasy writing lost a playful spirit. Much like Douglas Adams and sci-fi, Pratchett had so much fun not only with his characters but with words themselves. Check out any of the novels set in his fictional Discworld for a peek inside Pratchett’s clever, insightful, and hilarious mind. And share with your kids, it’s all family friendly: witches, warlocks, knights, princesses and the ones Pratchett relates closest to perhaps, jesters.
By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff
The bands Mattox Farm Productions brings to town usually have a few things in common: they’re normally an Americana-based band, they’re often nationally touring and they always come with a rave review from Mattox Farm founder Robb Talbott. The same is true for the New York-based roots rockers Driftwood. Talbott described the band’s energy as “absolutely absurd and electric,” adding that when he watched the band perform in the past he couldn’t take his eyes off them. Local music lovers will have a chance to experience Driftwood at two upcoming shows: March 22 at the Pearl Theater in Bonners Ferry and March 23 at the Heartwood Center in Sandpoint. Driftwood is Dan Forsyth (guitar), Joe Kollar (banjo/guitar), Claire Byrne (violinist), Joey Arcuri (stand-up bass) and Will Sigel (drums). From the outside, Arcuri admitted Driftwood appears to be
your average string band, but said he’d describe the band’s sound “a whole conglomerate of styles all combined into one,” bringing together roots, funk, reggae and classical influences to land somewhere amidst the folk rock realm. Driftwood has also been incorporating more electric elements as of late, all while staying true to their song-driven style. “Whatever the song needs, the song gets — regardless of genre,” Sigel said. Driftwood is set to release “Tree of Shade” April 5 — the first album they’ve created with the help of a producer, Simone Felice. “Tree of Shade” showcases a new phase in Driftwood’s sound, where “less is more,” according to Kollar. “It’s a minimalistic approach, but it’s almost a bigger sound,” he said. The first single off the upcoming album, “Lay Like You Do,” came to Forsyth in a dream. He woke up and immediately wrote it down — an experience he compared to “plucking an apple off a tree.” The single veers away from the
foot-stomping nature of Driftwood’s better-known works and instead delivers a satisfying dose of melancholy. The song’s accompanying music video, directed by Anthony Saladino, is a minimalist production that plays a story of infidelity and revenge in reverse. “Basically it’s just a snapshot, and that’s kind of what a record is, too. It’s just a snapshot of where those musicians are in time,” Sigel said. “(The video) couples nicely with that.” The combination of the contemplative songs from “Tree of Shade” alongside barn-burners like “The Sun’s Going Down” and “Fishbowl” create a live show experience that Kollar said can be “heavy and emotional, or be crazy and frenzied.” “Fans love our albums but they say our live show is where it’s at,” Arcuri said. “We just really have fun and you can see that in our live shows. It’s a big party.” While Kollar said he loves the songwriting and recording process, he believes the true intent should be to share those creations in a live setting.
Driftwood by the pool. Photo by Heather Ainsworth. “That’s what music’s all about. It’s for playing — it’s for putting into the air and hopefully connecting with someone,” Kollar said. “We take a lot of chances on stage and when they work it’s like magic. It’s about chasing that magic moment.” Don’t miss the chance to experience those magic moments with Driftwood when the band plays the Panhandle next week. Tickets for both shows are $10 for youth (under 18) and $15 for adults and can be found at www. mattoxfarm.com or at select locations (Evans Brothers and Eichardt’s in Sandpoint, Bonners Books and Mountain Mike’s in Bonner Ferry). Doors open at the Pearl 6 p.m. March 22 and the show begins at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6 p.m. March 23 at the Heartwood Center and the music starts at 7 p.m. Matt Mitchell will open both shows. Learn more by finding Mattox Farm Productions on Facebook at www.facebook. com/MattoxFarmProductions.
Lately I revisited a CD that made a proverbial splash umpteen years ago among several friends here in Sandpoint. What I found is that Deep Forest still holds an appeal after all these years and after all the world music I’ve heard since then. The production quality stands up without feeling over produced. Or, maybe it’s the associated memories, but what’s not to like about the songs of pygmies and other African tribes artfully set to western music?
Among Dilbert-esque comedies it’s strange indeed that everyone knows about “Office Space”, yet few have heard of “Haiku Tunnel”. The movie sprouts from the comedic genius of the Kornbluth Brothers, Josh and Jacob, who write, direct and act (though much of the charm lies in Josh’s expressiveness). I can’t help hoping they’ll make another movie, though it seems Josh has reached a modest level of fame as a monologist and hosting a local talk show. March 14, 2019 /
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BY THE NUMBERS By Ben Olson Reader Staff
From Northern Idaho News, March 11, 1919
CROSSES ATLANTIC ON NEW WARSHIP Kebel Bowden, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.K. Bowden of this city, who joined the navy about two years ago, was a member of the crew that sailed the government’s newest big battleship, the New Mexico on its maiden trip across the Atlantic, and he has just written his parents an account of the trip. The New Mexico, which is the first of the American ships to use the electric drive, went across in February and acted as leader of the convoy for President Wilson on the George Washington for a part of the way, but on striking a storm, the new vessel, which apparently had not been tuned up to rough service, had to slow down and take a southern route to avoid the rough seas. Mr. Bowden’s account is an exceedingly interesting one and we portions of it below: “Dear Dad: The New Mexico arrived in New York yesterday after some trip. We left New York on the 15th of January for Brest. “I have crossed the Atlantic on three different ships, but I never saw a ship like this one. We had too much weight in the bow, having ten anchors and chain and first they would gallop and roll and pitch. We kept up 15 knots, but the ship started to take water. She quivered and shook and the captain began to fear she would go to pieces so he cut down to five knots. Then one turbine went to pieces on us, so we rolled around at three knots one night. “The captain then headed for a more southern latitude in hopes of better seas, and we continued at a snail’s pace, taking water and pounding badly.” 26 /
/ March 14, 2019
Pedestrians who died in the United States last year, which is the most since 1990. Over the last decade, pedestrian deaths have risen by 35 percent while other traffic fatalities declined by 6 percent.
21 years old
Minimum age for legally buying tobacco in California, Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Oregon and now Virginia, where Gov. Ralph Northam signed a bill last week making it the first state in the South to raise it.
from 6 to 10 %
The increase in the number of registered voters needed to sign ballot initiative petitions if Idaho State Senator C. Scott Grow’s bill just introduced. Grow’s bill is an attempt to “level the playing field among rural and urban legislative districts.” Grow’s bill also would raise the number of districts those signature would come from to 32 out of Idaho’s 35 districts rather than the current requirement of 18. The time to gather signatures would be shortened to 6 months from the current length of 18 months. It’s worth noting that neither the Medicaid expansion or horse racing initia-
tives would have made the 2018 ballot under these proposed requirements.
The final vote tally in the Idaho House when a bill was killed that would have raised the minimum age to get married in Idaho to 16 years old and required parental consent for those 16 and 17 to be wed.
14 years
The amount of time Todd C. Engel was sentenced to serve after he was found guilty in 2017 of obstruction and traveling across state lines in aid of extortion. Idaho Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin came under fire this week for posing for a photograph with two men wearing prison uniforms with “Engel” stenciled across the front in which she was “sending love” to Engel. The two men made hand symbols associated with the Three-Percenters patriot group, they said. “The photo was intended to show support for Engel and nothing more,” McGeachin wrote in a statement. “No other messages were intended in this photo. To claim otherwise is ridiculous, and is part of a larger narrative to paint conservative leaders as embracing identity politics.”
Crossword Solution
Here’s a good thing to do if you go to a party and you don’t know anybody: First, take out the garbage. Then go around and collect any extra garbage that people might have, like a crumpled-up napkin, and take that out too. Pretty soon people will want to meet the busy garbage guy.
Copyright www.mirroreyes.com
CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Preserves 6. Anagram of “Star” 10. Phone 14. Regarding 15. Former Italian currency 16. Hodgepodge 17. Relating to geology 19. 1 less than 10 20. Acid neutralizer 21. Hasten 22. V V V V 23. A common green newt 25. Meanders 26. Hairdo 30. Chemical cousin 32. Adage 35. Carouse 39. Spartan 40. American songbird 41. Continuing forever 43. Approve of 44. Ennui /vol-YUH-buhl / 46. Require [adjective] 47. Trails 1. characterized by a ready and continuous flow of words; 50. Salad oil holder of the fluent; glib; talkative. 53. Winglike 54. Cotillion girl “She began a voluble defense of her cause.” 55. A traditional headdress 60. Gray wolf 61. Deficient 63. Display Corrections: We incorrectly listed the exhibition date for Bruce Duykers’ art 64. Feudal worker show in last week’s article. The correct date was March 8, not March 23. Sor65. Unpack ry about the mistake. -BO 66. Tale
Word Week
Solution on page 26 12. Delineated 13. Loamy deposit 18. A castrated tomcat 24. Top part of DOWN an apron 25. Strange 1. Epic 26. Church alcove 2. Cain’s brother 27. Fuss 3. Search 4. A city in western Russia 28. Wander 29. Ousted 5. Filched 31. Natural satellite 6. Anagram of “Ail” 33. Anagram of “Sneer” 7. Wealth 34. Absorb written 8. Betrayer material 9. An exchange 36. Ripped involving money 37. If not 10. A type of change 38. Anagram of “Deer” 11. Exotic 67. Observed 68. Country of the Nile
42. Permit 43. Large flightless bird 45. Sophisticated 47. A condition marked by tremors 48. Hello or goodbye 49. Small drum 51. French for “Summer” 52. A Canadian winter hat 54. Perishes 56. A step on a ladder 57. Infant 58. At the peak of 59. Following 62. Lair
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$12 advanced $15 at the door --
cash only Cno deblt or credlt cards accepted)