1 minute read
By Mike Wagoner Reader Contributor

Little tanks
You know something that might make a lot more people go with an electric car fairly soon? The batteries. I heard the other day that just the batteries in a standard-size electric car weigh as much as a Honda Civic… so who’s gonna win when one of those little tanks ram into a typical gas-powered rig? I don’t know, maybe it will help bein’ in a light car… it won’t argue as much and just move out of the way.
I’m all for decreasing the CO2 released into the air, but I’m wonderin’ where is all the electricity gonna come from to charge millions of cars every day? There are times right now when the country’s electric grid is taxed to the max and when power is lost for days in some regions of the because of a storm or hack or somebody shootin’ a substation full of holes… how’s that gonna work out?
I’m thinkin’ hybrids are as far as things should go in the new direction, because it’s gonna come in handy to still be able to get around independently of what may be happening with the grid. It’s like, “Power’s out… oh wait, we can still make dinner on the wood stove.”