to get you in the picture this summer
Last of
the dairymen
Lisa VanDerKarr
Interview with QB Jake Plummer, ‘Old Barns’ Photo Essay, Alternative Healing, Alleys of Sandpoint, Proliferating Public Spaces, Pend Oreille Pontooning, Living Off the Grid, Calendars, Dining, Real Estate ...and more
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5/3/08 8:18:37 PM
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5/4/08 1:05:34 PM
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7:14 AM
Page 4
800-282-6880 TomlinsonSandpointSothebysRealty.com
Sue Brooks REALTOR® 208.255.1601 Cell 208.255.6782 sue.brooks@sothebysrealty.com
imply Incredible Sandpoint, Idaho BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAIN STYLE 1380 SQ FT CONDOS w/2 bed/2 bath plus den. Located in the 285 acre Dover Bay Waterfront Community on the magnificent Pend Oreille. 274 slip Marina, beaches, Marina Village with market/café (opening soon). 9 miles of trails and biking paths connect to 9 acres of parks right outside your door. Priced from $388,000 to $398,000.
Sandy Wolters REALTOR® 208.265.8207 Cell 208.290.1111 sandy.wolters@sothebysrealty.com
208.265.8000 Cell 208.290.2486 brian.harvey@sothebysrealty.com
Cheri Hiatt ASP REALTOR® ID & WA
208.265.6411 Cell 208.290.3719 cheri.hiatt@sothebysrealty.com
THE COTTAGES IN DOVER MEADOWS The first phase is nearly sold out! Whether it’s a second home or your primary residence, the Cottages in Dover Meadows offers the convenience of an ideal four-season lifestyle. With eight different home designs, these fully landscaped homes range from 1100 to 2400 square feet and are conveniently located along Dover Bay Parkway. Just steps away from parks, walking and biking trails, sandy beaches and the Marina Village. Within minutes of downtown Sandpoint and Schweitzer Mountain Resort, the Cottages in Dover Meadows embrace all the amenities that the Dover Bay Waterfront Community has to offer. Prices starting at $298,500.
© MMVII Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Yellow House, © Van Gogh Museum/Superstock, Inc., used with permission. Sotheby’s International Realty® is a licensed trademark to Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates, Inc. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated, Except Offices Owned And Operated By NRT Incorporated. Sandpoint office: 208-263-5101, 200 Main Street, Sandpoint, ID 83864.
4-5.qxd:Full Page 1
6:10 PM
Page 5
800-282-6880 TomlinsonSandpointSothebysRealty.com
DOVER BAY WATERFRONT COMMUNITY This 285 acre planned resort community on Lake Pend Oreille is surrounded by breathtaking mountain views & is located just 1.5 miles west of charming Sandpoint, Idaho. Dover Bay’s carefully designed waterfront community provides a magnificent natural setting with an unmatched array of amenities. These include more than 9 miles of trails along the water & through natural preserves, a community beach, a beautiful new park with panoramic views atop Dover Point, a full service 274-slip marina, & a future Marina Village with dining & shops.
imply Incredible Sandpoint, Idaho
DOVER POINT ESTATES Dover Point is our community’s most exclusive neighborhood. Incredible 270 degree vistas of sky, lake and mountains from estate-sized waterfront homesites. Starting at $998,000.
MARINA TOWN LAKEFRONT RESIDENCES Marina Town is located in the heart of Dover Bay, directly on the water and near the marina and Marina Village. These beautifully appointed luxury lakefront residences feature over 500 feet of private Lake Pend Oreille beach frontage. They also boast stainless steel appliances, dramatic views, wood floors, 3 to 4 stone fireplaces, granite counters and covered balconies. Starting at $685,000.
VIEW CONDOMINIUMS spectacular SUNSET SADDLE a few homesites SUNSET SADDLEESTATES ESTATESOnly Only a few homesitesMARINA available in this exclusive andThese secluded west condoshave offer 500+ ft of beach on Lake Pend Oreille. They available in this exclusive andunique secluded west Dover Dover neighborhood. These estate-size homesites approximately 100 feet of waterfront feature 2 bds w/office or a 3rd bd option, balcony, spacious neighborhood. These unique estate-size homesites and great views. Dock approved and starting at $390,000. crtyrd & are located along the plaza overlooking the Dover
have approximately 100 feet of waterfront and great views. Dock approved and starting at $390,000.
Cindy Bond Associate Broker, GRI 208.255.7561 Cell 208.255.8360 Cindy.Bond@SothebysRealty.com SandpointRealEstateOnline.com
Bay Marina. Characterized by their striking timber, cedar shingle siding & natural rock features & starting at $569,000.
MOUNTAIN VIEW CONDOMINIUMS Situated provide NEW WATERFRONT HOMES available in to the exclu-a picture-perfect view oflakefront the Cabinet & Selkirk Mountain sive Marina Town neighborhood. Top-ofRanges, townhome condominiums offer an the-line these residences with style 2 and 3 bedroom options, incredible Northcourtyards Idaho lifestyle. bd units w/afinishloft or 2-car garages, or Available lofts, and3luxurious aes.4 Call bd option, garage, access to 500 ftin of Stan 2-car or Cindy to porch, discusscrtyrd these&opportunities private beach onBay Lakeon Pend Oreille. Lake Starting at $499,000. the heart of front Dover beautiful Pend Oreille.
Stan Hatch Associate Broker, GRI 208.265.8994 Cell 208.290.7024 stan.hatch@sothebysrealty.com
© MMVII Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Yellow House, © Van Gogh Museum/Superstock, Inc., used with permission. Sotheby’s International Realty® is a licensed trademark to Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates, Inc. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated, Except Offices Owned And Operated By NRT Incorporated. Sandpoint office: 208-263-5101, 200 Main Street, Sandpoint, ID 83864.
Evergreen Realty is pleased to sponsor our local Habitat for Humanity.
SMS08_001-030.indd 6
5/3/08 8:25:14 PM
Contents SUMMER 2008 VOL. 18 NO. 2
[Pend d’Oreille Bay]
102 Cover story: Easy Hiking Five hikes that are easy to get to but not necessarily easy to do. Plus: A shoreline trail from Sandpoint to Kootenai, the Pend d’Oreille Bay Trail
The largest such project in Idaho’s history uncovers Sandpoint’s history
Encampment commemorates the explorer’s travels 200 years ago
Alternative Healing Community
How a plethora of practitioners offer options to allopathic treatments
Alleys of Sandpoint
One photographer publishes a yearlong sojourn into alleyways
Public Spaces
Places such as the old high school and the bridge invite people in
Twin Eagles Wilderness School
Nature awareness school works to connect people and the natural world
Pend Oreille Pontooning
Pontoon boats, possibly the perfect vehicle for putzing on the lake
The Spectacular Pack River Delta
Restoration plans for the delta. Plus: How to recreate in this watery hot spot
SHS Valedictorians Spell Success
Sandpoint High’s high achievers and just what they’re achieving
Bird Aviation Museum Encore
Soars into second season as its founder racks up achievements
The County’s Last Dairy Farmers
Poelstras carry on a way of life, a family tradition since 1944
Lisa VanDerKarr’s Colorful Work
Painter weaves Sandpoint into images that lift the spirit
Big Water, Big Book
111 New book charts Lake Pend
Oreille – and its enthusiasts
SMS08_001-030.indd 7
ON THE COVER Hiker, Scott Miller, contemplates the beauty of Lake Pend Oreille from the Mineral Point Trail above Green Bay in this photo by Doug Marshall. Trail No. 82 is one of five easy-to-get-to hikes in the cover story by Sandy Compton, page 102.
59 117 The High Drive
An adventurous driving tour around Lake Pend Oreille
119 Artists’ Studio Tour
Get driven to artistic distraction and see art in the making. Plus: Art about town – downtown galleries at a glance
127 Challenging Times
Lessons learned elsewhere in Idaho raise questions
202 Back to the Middle
Ages: Last Page
’Round here, we Saxons really live in the Shire of Pendale SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
w w w. s a n d p o i n t o n l i n e . c o m
The Pend Oreille Arts Council puts art on stage, on walls and in schools
Archaeology Dig
41 David Thompson Bicentennial
Celebrating Three 71 Decades of POAC
5/5/08 9:47:30 AM
Contents Almanac
DEPARTMENTS Calendar Interview
28 Jake Plummer, retired Denver Broncos quarterback
w w w. s a n d p o i n t o n l i n e . c o m
Photo Essay
32 96
Old Barns, Old Farms
Real Estate
Natives & Newcomers
Eats & Drinks
Dining Guide
Debuting The Idaho Club and Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course Phenomenal new home a ‘God-inspired vision’ Carving out a lifestyle, profiles of upcoming developments Building progress – communities continue to take shape The changing face of the west side Old-timer Realtors: lives and times of the three longest-running agents Priest River revival and its cornerstone, Beardmore. Plus: The PR market Green building – how a national building trend gains local appeal Living off the grid and why families find self-reliance rewarding Marketwatch: Shift to a buyer’s market complete
SMS08_001-030.indd 8
Who, What and Why in Greater Sandpoint
132 138 143 146 148 151 158 165 171 174
5/3/08 8:26:26 PM
T he Life Liif ffee The ife No visit to our town is complete without a visit to the warm hea heartt of Sandpoint Sandpoint, the Cedar St Street eet Bridge.The Bridge. The on only marketplace-on-a-bridge etplace-on-a-bridge in the nation,, it it’s ’s home to near nearly a dozen shops and restaurants restaurants. Find unique apparel, exquisite jewelry, y exotic gifts,, objects d’a d’art and mo more. Relax with a tasty meal or delectable ttreats eats with beautiful water views views. Or drop in for or an ente entertainment tainment ev event. Come,, exper experience ience the life of Sandpoint. Downtown Sandpoint at First and Cedar • www.cedarstreetbridge.c www.cedarstreetbridge.com Prime retail space available for energetic entrepreneurs: Book or music store; florist; restaurant, martini or wine bar; unique retail. Go to cedarstreetbridge.com or call 208.290.5153
SMS08_001-030.indd 9
5/3/08 8:26:56 PM
The great outdoors. Now with great indoors.
Sail into Seasons to schedule your personal tour and learn about our Summer Escape Package! • Luxurious one, two and three bedroom condominium and townhome residences on the shores of Lake Pend Oreille. • Resort-style services and amenities include an exquisite spa, boat club, marina, clubhouse and pool – overseen by a staff that includes a concierge and activities director. Let the memories begin!
Move in today! From the $400s to over $2 million | SeasonsAtSandpoint.com
SMS08_001-030.indd 10
5/3/08 8:27:24 PM
Sales Gallery and Designer Models Open Daily Toll-free 877.265.4420 | Local 208.265.4420 Tomlinson Sandpoint Each Ofce is independently owned and operated. Prices, plans and specifications subject to change without notice. Offer void where prohibited by law. ORAL REPRESENTATIONS SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UPON AS CORRECTLY STATING REPRESENTATIONS OF THE DEVELOPER. FOR CORRECT REPRESENTATIONS, MAKE REFERENCE TO THE DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM AND PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT TO BE FURNISHED BY A DEVELOPER TO A BUYER OR LESSEE.
SMS08_001-030.indd 11
5/3/08 8:27:44 PM
Contributors editor’s note Stories are about people, as one of my writers pointed out. And this issue has plenty of people to read about, such as the Poelstra family. Covering these dairy farmers – the last ones in Bonner County – carried me back to my Wisconsin roots and the period when my mom dairy farmed with her husband, Denny, from 1983 to 1991. Denny was a dairyman through and through, seldom taking time off. As with Randy Poelstra, it was the only thing he knew. Dairying was in his blood. He had the largest hands I’ve ever seen – truly a sign of a hard worker. On one of my visits to the farm, when I was 17, I snapped a series of pictures as Mom and Denny pulled a calf. The calf came out fine, and they named him B.J. after me. A couple days later, Mom snapped the photo shown below of me bottle-feeding him. My mom’s dairy farming days ended shortly after Denny died, in 1991. My admiration and respect for him and others like him remain. Somehow I hope this story pays tribute to this vanishing breed whose every day is a work day. –B.J.P.
Sheryl Bussard, a regular Sandpoint Magazine con-
tributor, wasn’t at all teed off when asked to write about The Idaho Club (page 132) and the Artists’ Studio Tour (page 119) for this sum-
mer’s issue. Following a full-throttle career in corporate communications for the motorcycle industry, Bussard hung up her leathers and relocated to Sandpoint in 2005. She has also been published in The Washington Post. Her freelance copywriting clients include Sunset Books, the Golden Door Resort, Gucci Timepieces and the Auto Club of Southern California. www.TheWriterAtLarge.com.
Susan Drinkard
When reads Sandpoint Magazine, she wonders if she deserves to live here. She has been a contributor to the magazine since its inception in 1990 and remembers with fondness her first visit to the Sandpoint City Beach in 1981: “It was a sunny Saturday and the water was clear and perfect. We thought there must have been a toxic spill because there were only seven people there.” Those days are gone, as noted by the natives she interviewed in this issue (Natives and Newcomers, page 176). She also spent “like a million hours” tracking down Sandpoint High valedictorians for the story on what they’re doing now (page 81).
Jane Fritz
began writing for Sandpoint Magazine at least 15 years ago. Her favorite from those old, old days was a cover story on the Kalispel Tribe of Indians (“Land of the Kalispel,” Summer 1997 issue). She feels this issue’s feature on the renaissance of the Kalispel canoe is like coming full circle. There are two more gems, a story on riding the mail boat to Kilroy Bay and another on common mergansers, from her upcoming book on Lake Pend Oreille (page 111).
David Gunter
Sandpoint Magazine is published twice yearly, in May and November, by Keokee Co. Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 722, Sandpoint, ID 83864.
Since 1978, David Gunter has witnessed the way affluence can change a small town – an evolution that has bred comparisons between Sandpoint and Sun Valley – and he explores the connections in this issue (“A warning signal: Lessons from Ketchum’s experience as a resort town,” page 127).
E-mail: inbox@keokee.com
An award-winning investigative journalist and feature writer, he is also a musician and actor whose artistic side resulted in a piece on
Web: www.keokee.com Phone: 208-263-3573
POAC’s 30th anniversary (page 71).
Publisher Chris Bessler Editor Billie Jean Plaster Editorial Assistant Beth Hawkins Advertising Director Scott Johnson
w w w. s a n d p o i n t o n l i n e . c o m
Account Executive Clint Nicholson
Art Director Laura White Designer Patrick Nash Administration Carole Eldridge Contributors Jenna Bowers, Sheryl Bussard, Kathleen Clayton, Sandy Compton, Kevin Davis, Susan Drinkard,
Sherry Ramsey checked out the early 1900s for
her article on the archaeology dig in Sandpoint, learning some interesting things about the town’s beginnings (“Archaeologists dig into Sandpoint’s past,” page 37). Her appetite for history whetted, she filled a pewter goblet with soda, donned a peasant dress and sandals, and literally walked into medieval times to witness armored battles, a working blacksmith and a royal coronation for her story on the Shire of Pendale (Last Page feature, page 202).
Jane Fritz, Trish Gannon, David Gunter, Cate Huisman, Julie Hutslar, Marianne Love, Kathleen Mulroy, Sherry
Kate Wilson
www.SandpointMagazine.com. Printed in USA
, formerly of Northport, Wash., moved to Sandpoint in 2005 after graduating from Carroll College in Helena, Mont. She works part-time as a project journalist for Avista’s Clark Fork Project. She has been interested in environmental issues since her early years, and she enjoys the recreational opportunities, stellar sights and sense of community found in the Pacific Northwest. Those interests led her to cover the upcoming conservation project and recreational opportunities in the Pack River Delta (page 76).
Ramsey, Carrie Scozzaro, Pam Webb, Kate Wilson and Dianna Winget The entire contents of Sandpoint Magazine are copyright ©2008 by Keokee Co. Publishing, Inc. No part may be reproduced in any fashion. Subscriptions: $9 per year, payable in advance. Send all address changes to the address above. Visit our Web magazine published at
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Inventor achieving his dream Mark Cherry holds up a couple SmartPlugs, his invention that makes engines run more efficiently, saving fuel and reducing emissions.
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s gas prices skyrocket,
inventor Mark Cherry is attracting more attention than ever. He patented SmartPlugs™, an invention that saves fuel in internal combustion engines on tractors, diesel trucks, gasoline generators and automobiles. Big companies have been funding him to adapt his invention to combustion engines. At age 10, Cherry’s dad gave him a toy dune buggy powered by a Cox gas engine. His father showed him how to fuel the engine, connect the battery to the glow plug and start the engine. When Dad disconnected the battery, to Cherry’s amazement, the engine still ran. He wondered why it could run with the electrical wires removed. His father said, “The glow plug makes it possible, but you can’t do this with a real car.” The boy set out to do what couldn’t be done. Cherry grew up in San Diego and attended Christian Heritage College before transferring to Cuyamaca College in El Cajon, Calif., majoring in mechanical engineering. At 29, Cherry SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
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founded Automotive Resources, Inc. (ARI) with friend Rob Morrissette. With investor money, persistence and hard work, Cherry invented and patented the SmartPlugs. Along the way, he married Janet, who homeschools their six children. They moved to Sandpoint in 1990. SmartPlugs is a self-timing catalytic ignition system that can be adapted to any internal combustion engine, allowing it to run without spark plugs, a distributor, coil, points or moving parts. A SmartPlugs-adapted engine uses fuel more efficiently with better fuel mileage, more power and little pollution. Tests have proved that a SmartPlugs converted engine has 40 percent more power, 55 percent better efficiency and fewer emissions. When used with Aquanol, a mixture of 65 percent ethanol and 35 percent water, fuel costs less than half the diesel fuel cost for the same power output or distance traveled. Now 45, Mark has two companies, ARI and SmartPlugs Corporation, and more than eight employees. They
are adapting engines fueled with Aquanol to SmartPlugs. Six investors fund him: ICM, Inc., the U.S. Navy and Air Force, AGCO Corporation, a major automotive company, GE and University of Idaho. ICM manufactures 75 percent of the ethanol in the United States. The Navy wants Mark to make their gasoline engines run on diesel fuel, so Mark is taking an outboard motor and making it run efficiently on diesel or jet fuel. SmartPlugs’ warehouse on Industrial Drive in Sandpoint buzzes with a weekly conference call involving AGCO personnel in Brazil and Finland. AGCO wants SmartPlugs-adapted tractors with diesel engines in Brazil to harvest sugar cane to produce ethanol at less cost. University of Idaho researchers consult with Mark on combustion technology. Inventor Dr. Forrest Bird has flown his 33-year-old airplane with the SmartPlugs installed and said: “It ran better than ever before. These guys have really done their homework.” Currently, Mark is helping Sandpoint dressing manufacturer Litehouse Foods recycle its waste to use for fuel for plant operations and vehicles, which could potentially save the company a significant amount of money. Mark and his son David drive vehicles fueled by recycled Litehouse waste oil. David calls his VW Rabbit the “Fryed Rabbit.” Will SmartPlugs become available for automobiles? “I think God may have brought us a licensee (a major automotive company) that may make SmartPlugs mainstream,” Mark said. Because of Mark’s persistence, mankind may well drive around in “SmartPlugs cars” in the future. See www.smartplugs.com to learn more.
Mark Cherry’s SmartPlugs save fuel
–Kathleen Clayton
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retchen Hellar is not
Sandpoint’s first woman mayor, nor did it cross her mind that gender was an issue when she was running for the position last year. Two women, Sally Cupan and Marion Ebbett, held the position for a term each in the 1980s, ushering the city through a budget squeeze, modernization of its filing and accounting systems, and a power outage during the World Series, which dismayed fans expected the mayor to fix. Hellar’s challenges are more within her expertise as a retired university sociologist and business owner, but they are nonetheless daunting. She was carried into office on a wave of demand for change, unseating incumbent mayor Ray Miller with 59 percent of the vote last November. Now she must demonstrate that she can help what has been an occasionally cantankerous council as it deals with unprecedented growth and
the implementation of a new comprehensive plan. Hotly contested debates over sidewalks and the city water system enlivened Hellar’s first few weeks in office, and she had to cast a couple of tiebreaking votes when the six-member council deadlocked. In general, however, her intention is to provide all council members with the information they need and to bring the group somewhat closer to consensus. Hellar also believes that it is essential to involve citizens in city government. She plans workshops, newspaper articles and frequent speaking engagements to help get citizens up to speed on city issues before decisions must be made on them. “Somehow,” she said, “we must help people feel it’s our city instead of the city.” Sandpoint works on a citizen mayor model, and the position, planned for one-quarter time, pays $12,000 a year.
Call her ‘Ms. Mayor’
Sandpoint Mayor Gretchen Hellar
In the three-quarters of her time that her job theoretically leaves her free, the mayor likes to paint in watercolors and maintains an organic garden behind her small south Sandpoint home, within walking distance of City Hall. –Cate Huisman
mentored Blood. Studies in anthropology, mythology, historical costume, art and history resulted in her Women in History series – Cleopatra, Mary Queen of Scots, et al. Blood continues to make work “rooted in feminine strength in hopes of providing other women and girls with tenacious, intelligent and confident role models of their own,” she writes on www.KamiBloodArt.com. While at University of Idaho, she met up with former high school chum, Luke Omodt, whom she married last year. They live in Sandpoint with kitty Grimoire Grimalkin. When she’s not painting, Blood is an administrative assistant at Sandpoint Parks and Recreation, which enables her to work on art, participate in Artwalk and do commissions. She continues to travel, striving for one trip SUMMER 2008
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Artist Kami Blood in her home studio
a year, to places such as the Oregon coast and Ireland, which harkens to Blood’s fascination with mermaids and other fantastical figures that often appear in her painting. Her plans for the future? Doing what she loves: camping, hiking, having kids (someday) and, of course, painting.
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“I’m either painting or wishing I was.” That’s the voice mail message for Kami (Blood) Omodt. The two things she mentions in her voicemail – art and hopefulness – reflect this 31-year-old Sandpoint native’s upbeat philosophy. Challenged by long-term back pain, Blood often uses her art to celebrate life, work through pain and pursue her vision with resolute passion. A graduate of Sandpoint High School, Blood credits instructor Dan Shook with rekindling her love of art, especially oil painting. “It’s really what you put into it,” she advises students on the occasional return to Shook’s classroom. After high school, Blood went to University of Idaho, where Shook happened to be doing his graduate work under his mentor, George Ray, who then
Native girl has penchant to paint – always
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Bonner County Fair
unny summer days are county fair days in communities across America. Sandpoint is proud to be the home of the Bonner County Fair, where this year’s theme is “Ewe Be There, It’s Our 80th Fair.” Since 1927, visitors and residents have been enjoying this rural fair. Always true to its country roots, the fair eschews carnival rides for a traditional fair experience. The fair’s first venue was War Memorial Field in Sandpoint, where livestock was shown out on the grass. New exhibit halls, barns and arenas were built when the fair moved to its current site on North Boyer Avenue in 1972. The all-volunteer, nonprofit Bonner County Fair Foundation is committed to upgrading and maintaining these facilities with the help of local sponsors, merchants and government agencies. Said Vice President Jim Corcoran: “We’ve replaced old carpeting with tiling in part of the Main Exhibit Building. In 2008, we hope to obtain
grants to replace the roof, additional flooring, complete a commercial kitchen and pave a parking lot.” During fair season the fairgrounds become a home-away-from-home to scores of young 4-H’ers and their families. They carefully feed and groom their pigs, goats, sheep and cows, preparing for the big livestock auction. It’s not all about large animals, though; poultry, rabbits and “pocket pets” are also shown. Cuddly guinea pigs, hamsters and ferrets abound, but less adorable animals – tarantulas, for example – are shown as well. Regular fair-goer Tanya Britt of Naples, Idaho, said, “I like looking at all the small animals – especially the weird chickens!” From Aug. 20-23, Bonner County Fair visitors can wander through 4-H animal exhibits; ogle prize preserves, produce and flowers; check out booths belonging to local businesses; and
Reaches milestone with 80th event
Christopher Koch, left, and Mason White cozy up to a calf at the Bonner County Fair.
admire arts and crafts displays. Other events at the fairgrounds this summer include a rodeo (Aug. 15-16), barrel racing, a 4-H horse show, stock dog trials and a wine tasting. Fans of bigtime fender-bending crowd in for the Demolition Derby on Aug. 23. See the calendar, page 28, for details. So pay homage to this octogenarian and herd yourselves to the 80th Bonner County Fair. –Kathleen Mulroy
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Tractor club showcases America’s heritage
Gentlemen, start your engines! No, it’s not NASCAR, it’s the Panhandle Antique Tractor and Engine Club revving up for a drive. Founded in 2002 by its current president, Lee Burnett, the club now boasts approximately 50 members, 15 to 20 of whom are quite active. And they hold monthly meetings. Not bad for a club that started mostly by accident. “I was going to repair a tractor,” said Burnett, “and while I was waiting for parts I ended up taking the whole thing apart and restoring it. I knew I hadn’t seen any tractors at the fairgrounds, so I asked Jim Thompson if he wanted to team up, and that first year we had SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
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several tractors at the fair.” “We’ve had some displays at the Spokane fair,” added Thompson, secretary-treasurer, “and we participate in the Fourth of July parade. The club has also restored several old engines and a tractor that are stored at my place.” The tradition of a tractor drive, along with games and a picnic, started a few years ago and is now held each spring. “We usually have about 25 tractors and 75 people participate,” said Burnett. To help promote the club, Les Schwab displays various tractors refurbished by members and sells raffle tickets for a pedal tractor. To learn more about the
club, contact Lee Burnett at 610-5871 or Jim Thompson at 265-8652. –Dianna Winget
Lee Burnett, left, and Jim Thompson in the early stages of restoring a tractor
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Documenting extraordinary lives Kurland photographed celebrities in cruise ships’ heyday
he courage of ignorance
The Courage of Ignorance
In 1931 when I was living in Greenwich Village at seventeen years of age with a group of friends, I would run down to the nearby waterfront whenever I heard the blast of a ship's horn. The deep-throated sound heard for ten miles was the siren song signaling the imminent departure of one of the glittering great ocean liners tucked into the piers which bore the names of all the countries I knew about from my reading: the Queen Mary meant England, the Swedish-American Gripsholm meant Sweden, the Bremen meant Germany. The Rex, Roma and Conti di Savoia meant Italy, and the Normandie, queen of them all, the most luxurious liner ever built, a floating palace, meant France. Just the proximity of the ships set me dreaming. To actually ever go abroad was unthinkable, yet here in front of the city's piers were the vehicles to take me there. I would watch as the giant ropes that tied the ship fast to the pier were cast off by the deckhands and tiny tugs nudged and eased the great ships slowly into deep water. As they departed, the ships were decked out with colorful confetti, streamers of all colors tossed overboard to friends waving below. I never tired of seeing these glorious ships dressed in their finery. It was theatre to me before I knew what theatre really meant. I wondered where the passengers were going and what kind of world would receive them at the end of their journey. As I wandered around the waterfront, gleaming white ships from foreign lands held my interest. I began to devour books about these countries and their spectacular photographs inspired me to take my little camera with me everywhere. Ethel Kurland, The Courage of Ignorance
Ethel Kurland
has allowed Ethel Kurland to lead the most extraordinary of lives. In 1931, at age 17, Kurland boldly embarked upon the enterprising career of ship photographer. She eventually serviced 120 newspapers, including large wire services, such as the Associated Press, and photographed many celebrities of the day, such as Carmen Miranda, Leslie Howard, Max Schmeling, as well as then-teenagers Gloria Vanderbilt and John F. Kennedy. When cruise ships were converted into military transport during World War II, Kurland made her way to California and found employment with young Hollywood. Her Encino neighbors included Spencer Tracy, Lucille Ball, Clark Gable and Edward Everett Horton. After Hollywood, Kurland settled in picturesque Carmel, Calif., thoroughly embracing the seaside community. She became friends with Ansel Adams, Jean Arthur and playwright Arthur Miller. Employed at the Monterey Peninsula Herald, she also opened a small shop where 10 percent of the profits went to spaying cats and dogs. She also found time to open an art gallery. When the tourists forever
changed Carmel, Kurland moved onto her next adventure – Spain. Kurland studied the language and culture, and then booked passage onto a steamship. Traipsing alone about the Mediterranean offered Kurland enriching and exciting adventures, including an encounter with one of the famed Barbary apes. Making her way back to the United States, she lived for a time in San Francisco and eventually made her way to Sandpoint in the mid-1980s. “I thought Sandpoint a lovely area, The Courage of Ignorance but I was dismayed by all the stray cats and dogs,” she said. Kurland decided to write letters and helped to secure enough funding to start Ethel Kurland’s the Panhandle Animal Shelter. new book, left, Some of Kurland’s adventures includes the above can be found in her book “The photo taken in her Courage of Ignorance,” published youth as a cruise by Mules Across America, available ship photographer. Ethel Kurland at Vanderford’s or online at www. official ship photographer mulesacrossamerica.com for $20. The slim, 110-page volume represents residing at Beehive Homes in Kootenai, half of what she wanted to share about Kurland, now age 94, enjoys keeping her undertakings as a brave, young current on world events and visiting woman. As Kurland said: “I had the with people. courage of an ignorant person. I simply –Pam Webb did not know any better.” Currently
Lakedance Film Festival beefs up in its third year
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resource this year,” Greenfield said. Workshops will offer nascent screenwriters and producers a chance both to hone their skills and to learn about working in the film industry, and a grip and lighting workshop will help prepare individuals who would like to work on film crews. Information about entering films in the festival, as well as about screenings, tickets, schedules and workshops is posted as it becomes available at www. lakedance.com. –Cate Huisman
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he third annual Schweitzer Lakedance Film Festival will be held this year from Sept. 7-14, kicking off again with a free opening night film screened outdoors at City Beach followed by a week of nightly screenings at the Panida Theater. Several new categories have been added to the festival this year, including those for music videos, experimental films, digital pioneers, shot-on-film entries, first-time filmmakers and Idaho filmmakers. This last group will be able to submit films without paying
the usual fee, and festival cofounder and director Trevor Greenfield expects more than 10 films to be submitted by northern Idaho filmmakers, a significant increase from last year. “I’m happy to see the quality of submissions continue to rise,” Greenfield said of the early arrivals. Up to 50 films will be selected from among those entered by the June 20 deadline, and a panel of eight judges will complete its selection of those to run in the festival by early August. In addition to the films, “We’re going to offer a huge educational
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hen she took over
Sandpoint’s popular Zany Zebra store in October 2007, owner Ranel Hanson toyed with changing the name, but only briefly. “I can do a lot with zebras,” she said enthusiastically. In addition to maintaining the funkiness of this First Avenue favorite, Hanson wanted to honor the original Jennestad family owners, whose matriarch, Edith, still owns the building. In addition to zebras, Hanson stocks the store with eclectic clothing, novelties and merchandise that reflects her quirky sense of humor: sushi placemats, politically incorrect magnets, fake bugs, a Barbie chandelier, baby clothes with hot rod flames on them. “I like pretty underwear,” she said, “and I wear a lot of jeans.” Thus, she buys what she loves, providing it is quality, low-cost and something no one else has. She acknowledges that Zebra’s offerings might not tickle everyone’s funny bone the same way. “My intention is not to offend,” she said.
Prior to her incarnation as proprietor of Zany Zebra, Hanson was “retired,” albeit briefly, from Monarch Schools, which she helped found after 14 years at CEDU Education. Although she loved working with kids, she needed to move on. “I wanted to do something creative where no one’s life is on the line,” she said. Only a few months into her retirement, Hanson’s real estate agent husband, Ron, reconnected Ranel with a former student, Tom Dunn, who happened to be selling the store. With no prior retail experience, Hanson relies on personality and common sense, a formula that appears to be working. “The best marketing,” she said, “is talking to people, having fun and employees feeling good about working here.” Future plans include a Web site and continuing to experiment with window displays. It’s a continual work-in-progress Ranel fondly calls a “labor of love.” Look her up at 317 N. First Ave., or phone 263-2178.
Keeping the zaniness alive
Ranel Hanson uses personality and common sense in her first venture into retail, as the new owner of Zany Zebra.
–Carrie Scozzaro
Where’s the apostrophe?
appeared several times. A vagrant apostrophe stopped by, which led to Pond’ d’Oreille and Pend’ D’Oreille. At least once, on a novelty map produced in the 1940s, the apostrophe slipped a couple of spaces to the right, resulting in the faux-Irish Pend O’Reille. But, officially, there is and has been no apostrophe (and no extra “d”) in Pend Oreille. In 1895, the U.S. Geological Survey’s Board on Geographic Names officially designated it Pend Oreille Lake. In 1970, the board renamed it Lake Pend Oreille. As for the words, they are French and mean “ear pendant,” probably named by French fur traders after a native who wore
such an earring. However, Native Americans in this area weren’t accustomed to wearing earrings. How the name came about is a small mystery, but, hundreds of years later, it’s clear that it stuck.
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he name of Sandpoint’s lake is French in origin. In school back in the ’60s, students were taught to spell it “Pend d’Oreille,” followed by “Lake.” They weren’t sure what that apostrophe was for, but it was French-looking. Surprisingly, the apostrophe was never official. In 1809, David Thompson called it Kullyspel Lake after the Salish living here, but by 1830, L. Pend Oreilles appeared on maps. In 1853, a railroad survey tacked on an apostrophe and hacked off the “s,” designating it Lake Pend d’Oreille. In 1860, the Pend became Pond, but not for long. In 1864, a “d” dropped out – Pen d’Oreille – then appeared and dis-
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Verna Brady and Shawn Keough
The Republicans are coming
301 N. First Ave. Sandpoint 208.263.3622
The Plaza Shops Downtown CDA 208.765.4349
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epublican delegates from across the Gem State will be blazing a path to Sandpoint this June as our town becomes a firsttime host to the Idaho State Republican Convention – and during a big election year at that. Somewhere between 500 and 700 delegates, along with spouses tagging along for the trip, are expected to attend the three-day convention, where they will select delegates for the Republican National Convention besides taking part in other political activities. And according to convention co-chairs State Sen. Shawn Keough and Verna Brady, this event will attract needed political attention to the area from state legislators. “To bring this to a smaller town is huge,” Brady said. “Northern Idaho is politically forgotten, and this convention will bring the area to the forefront.” The convention takes place June 12-14 at the Bonner County Fairgrounds, where the buildings will be decorated in a patriotic flair of red, white and blue. Highlights include speeches by U.S. Sen. Mike Crapo and Gov. Butch Otter, along with performances by local bagpipers and Boy Scout troops. Dan Young, secretary of the Bonner County Republican Central Committee, delivered the successful pitch for Sandpoint to host the convention. And since the two finalist cities were Sandpoint and Lewiston, visiting delegates should be happy with the results. “We live in a postcard,” Young said. “Who wouldn’t want to come here?” –Beth Hawkins
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An artist’s fascination Grishkoff explores ‘the tool as art’
Unique Women’s Designer Fashions From Accessories to Footware to Brazil Roxx Jeans
Artist Glenn Grishkoff teaches students how to make one-of-a-kind brushes, an art unto themselves.
–Carrie Scozzaro
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334 N. First Ave. On Cedar Street Bridge (208) 263-1304
Fine Jewellers & Goldsmiths
“Discover the unique and distinctive.” For over 28 years in Sandpoint, Idaho. 110 S. First Ave. Wed. thru Sat. 10 to 5
Fine Jew
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rtist Glenn Grishkoff is drawn to nature. Known for his oneof-a-kind brushes, Grishkoff pulled from his ceramics background to make handles from clay, using traditional Japanese techniques, such as raku firing, which gives the clay surface a telltale black-and-white crackle. The brushy part might be from horse, raccoon, deer, even cat. More recent brushes incorporate driftwood and bamboo he scours from riverbeds. The connection between nature and Asian aesthetics is important for Grishkoff, who writes, “Learning about and living in the Japanese culture have allowed me to appreciate the tremendous beauty in nature’s imperfectness.” In addition to Japan, Grishkoff has traveled to Africa, Thailand and throughout the United States exhibiting, teaching, lecturing and offering workshops for children to adults. When he’s not traveling, he is home in Hope doing summer workshops through Outskirts Gallery, which represents him along with The Art Spirit Gallery in Coeur d’Alene. With his offbeat humor
and limitless fascination for and knowledge of brush making, Grishkoff has a broad appeal for his workshops. No experience required! The atmosphere is relaxed, collaborative and hands-on as Grishkoff gets eager students making one, two and even three different brushes in a single afternoon. Classes are held in the brightly painted, renovated 1930s cabins behind Hope Market Café – the funky eatery and gathering place that shares space with Outskirts Gallery. Summer 2008 classes include brush making and ceramics with Grishkoff, as well as classes taught by Sally Machlis from the University of Idaho, where Grishkoff taught for many years. The artist-in-residence program is the labor of love for gallery founder Kally Thurman, a longtime arts advocate, former owner of Gallery 105 in Sandpoint and current art teacher at Monarch School. She has been quoted as saying that “her only identifiable goal is to put art in the walk of everyday life.” For more information about workshops, contact Outskirts Gallery at 264-5696. Or visit www.grishkoff studios.com to find out more about artist Glenn Grishkoff.
“Disc an
For in S
110 S Wed
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from the book sales will go back into the community,” said Friedman. She anticipates $75,000 in profit from the first printing. The plan is to fund grants to local nonprofits. In all, more than 35 local writers contributed stories to the book. Heather McElwain, writer, editor and graphic designer, has also put in long hours on the project. The book will be ushered in with a large celebration on Saturday, June 28 at 6:30 p.m. at the Cedar Street Bridge. Books will be available for purchase that evening and throughout Sandpoint, at
Tina Friedman, left, and Heather McElwain produced a book that’s all about Sandpoint.
more than 35 businesses. “Working on this book has been truly magical for me. I hope through the stories and photography people will see the richness and beauty that we all share in our hearts,” Friedman said. –Pam Webb
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n the works for the past two and a half years, “Sandpoint: A Small Town with a Big Heart” is being published in June. The four-color, 264-page book is priced at $40 and features close to 100 stories. “It covers every aspect of community life,” said director and photographer, Tina Friedman. The reason for the book is simple, according to Friedman. “It’s my way of honoring our community.” The book’s six chapters focus on the fabric of Sandpoint, its past, the land, and the people behind the businesses and organizations. The book’s theme is to show how big our community’s heart is. Another mission of the book is to channel the profits back into Sandpoint. “We are a nonprofit business through the state, and 100 percent of the profit
Big book on a small town
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Sandpoint EAA chapter
wo years ago, Sandpointers Jan Lee and Jess Guidry began attending Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) meetings in Bonners Ferry, where a chapter had been established. Encouraged by his wife, Paula, Jan formed a Sandpoint group, which has since grown to more than 30 members. The group now gathers on the third Wednesday evening of each month. Meeting programs include guest speakers, video presentations and, on occasion, “brag night,� allowing members to describe their latest aviation-related projects. Recently, the group went “hangar hopping� at Sandpoint Airport, where several members house aircraft. Among the group is 94-year-old Art Johnson, whose EAA membership number is 124.
Although perceived as a men’s group, women are welcome at EAA. Chapter 1441’s treasurer, Annette Orton, is an example, along with couples that share their love of flying. Not all members are pilots. “I joined mostly for the hangar flying,� said retired cargo airline operations manager Paul Nowaske, referring to the storytelling that goes on during every meeting. Among other projects, the chapter sponsors an annual Sandpoint Airport Fly-in and pancake breakfast. Regional pilots from the area congregate and place their aircraft on display. This
Bonds aircraft enthusiasts
Sandpoint EAA Chapter members go “hangar hopping� at a recent meeting.
year’s event, open to the public, is on Saturday, July 5, from 7 a.m. to noon. For more information, contact Jan Lee at 255-9954 or e-mail jan@sand pointinspection.com. –Jon Proctor
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Unique choices from
A to Zebra
317 N 1st Avenue 4BOEQPJOU t SUMMER 2008
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‘Rock and Read’ at the festival
The CHaFE 150 Aims to launch literacy
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s if building an independent, community-based foundation for public schools wasn’t enough, Panhandle Alliance for Education organizers are putting the wheels on an all-new, long-distance bicycle ride – the region’s first – to specifically target early childhood literacy. The CHaFE 150 – an acronym for Cycle Hard for Education followed by the number of miles on the route (the number is actually slightly less than 150) – is a one-day ride for “serious” bicyclists along the scenic highways of Idaho and Montana, beginning and ending in Sandpoint on Saturday, Sept. 13. And not surprisingly, its ultimate purpose is to raise money for education. Coinciding nicely with cooler fall weather, the CHaFE 150 takes up to 250 cyclists east out of Sandpoint along Highway 200 into Montana, north through the Bull River valley, swinging west toward Bonners Ferry before heading back down into Sandpoint. The ride includes five pit stops along the way and a large halfway rest area, fully stocked with food and bike mechanics. Sandpoint resident Brian Sturgis has already signed up with several friends who live out-of-state to participate in the CHaFE 150. “I thought it was great to see that Sandpoint was getting their own bike event, and (it’s an) opportunity to support the kids,” said Sturgis. He plans to train through the summer to get ready SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
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for the ride – the longest distance ride he’s ever participated in. “It will be a motivation factor over the summer,” Sturgis said. Proceeds from the bicyclists’ registration fee – $120 per rider – plus donations and sponsorships will directly fund a new literacy program for families in the Lake Pend Oreille School District. “Ready! for Kindergarten” promotes early childhood reading for young children who are still at home by giving parents the tools and resources to promote reading. Organizers are still looking for volunteers to assist with the ride and hope that the CHaFE 150 becomes an annual event. “We hope to build the CHaFE ride to become a celebrated event in this community – drawing a crowd of serious riders each September,” said Geraldine Lewis with PAFE. “We want to remain connected to the fact that this ride is established to bring funds to the very vital cause of early childhood literacy in the school district.” To learn more about the ride, visit www.chafe150.org. –Beth Hawkins
he Festival at Sandpoint and BookCrossing.com have teamed up to give concertgoers another reason to love the festival: free books. Wheelbarrows containing books free for the taking will be parked along the lines this year as people wait for the opening of concert gates. Heather Pedersen, Sandpoint resident and BookCrossing cofounder, conceived the idea of Rock and Read and pitched it to the Festival at Sandpoint, whose board and executive director embraced it wholeheartedly. The world’s largest free book club with headquarters in Sandpoint, BookCrossing.com is donating 3,000 books, while the festival is donating prizes in a sweepstakes of sorts. Fifty of the books will be coded with winning journal entries entitling participants to two free tickets to the concert of their choice at the 2009 festival. Pedersen explained that books are pre-labeled and registered, and participants may visit www.BookCrossing.com and enter the BCIDs listed. If they find a winning journal entry, then they call the BookCrossing office to verify and claim their tickets. “We are thrilled about this unique opportunity to help make the festival experience an even greater one through this creative plan,” said Pedersen. “We hope to bring a new element of entertainment to Memorial Field as a preconcert benefit.” BookCrossing.com receives about 25 million hits a month, and its membership has “registered and released” more than 4.6 million books in 130 countries. The 26th annual Festival at Sandpoint, held Aug. 7-17, pulls off eight outdoor concerts at Memorial Field, some of which have lines that start forming in the wee hours. See Festival Calendar, page 30.
5/5/08 9:50:18 AM
A ‘town treasure,’ the Healing Garden
From the top, artists Maria Larson, Nan Cooper and Diana Campbell peek around the entry to the Healing Garden’s chapel. Larson and Cooper recently painted the interior. Campbell created the chapel’s stained glass.
six homes decorated for the holidays at the cost of $15 per ticket; this year’s event is Dec. 14. Many people are offering their homes for the tour. “Now we have a waiting list, which is unusual for us,” she added. Plaster proudly adds that the Sonoran Institute recognized the Healing Garden in 2007 and selected it as one of eight case studies for inclusion in the book, “Building from the Best of the Northern Rockies.” A nonprofit organization, the institute conducts community-based conservation work in the Northern Rockies. “Built entirely by volunteers on a previously empty quarter-acre lot, the elegant garden demonstrates a profound commitment to the public good,” wrote the institute of the Healing Garden. “Dozens of people have made the garden work. It’s one of the town’s treasures and ought to be touted as much as possible,” Cooper said. –Billie Jean Plaster
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EVERY GARDENER KNOWS that you can’t just plant a garden and walk away. Plants need tending every spring and fall and throughout the growing season. It’s fitting, then, that the Bonner General Hospital, Bonner Community Hospice and a core group of volunteers – they call themselves the “Dirty Dozen” – keep working to maintain and improve the Healing Garden, which was built and dedicated in 2004. The Healing Garden, located along the shores of Sand Creek just north of the hospital adjacent to the hospice office, is a place of solace for anyone seeking peace and serenity. It was created as an “area of healing and beauty within the health care environment,” said Debra Kellerman, hospice director, at its dedication. Since that day in October 2004, volunteers have meticulously maintained the garden’s roses, bulbs and perennials, repaired the waterfall and repainted the chapel’s interior. And they initiated fund-raising events that help with the costs to do so. Three local artists recently updated the chapel by faux painting a soft, warm background throughout, punctuated by a cloud mural on its ceiling, a Native American blessing on the north wall and random words such as “compassion” and “hope” on the other walls. Nan Cooper and Megan Riffe painted the wall coloring, while Maria Larson painted the script. Cooper is happy to have contributed to a space that caregivers often go to for respite in this “contemplation park.” While those artists donated their time and talents, the Paint Bucket kicked in the paint, according to Linda Plaster, the Healing Garden chairwoman and one of the original Dirty Dozen. “We were always dirty,” she said, “because we were the people who worked in the garden.” She and the rest of the board established three fund-raising events: Spring for the Garden, Fall for the Garden and the Christmas Home Tour. The spring event held May 10 was themed around strawberries and rhubarb with a huge plant sale and goods made with the fruits. They also honored Hazel Hall and promised to erect a plaque dedicating a new children’s garden to the 95-year-old who is the widow of Sandpoint’s legendary photographer, Ross Hall. The board is saving money donated for the children’s garden and is earmarking more as funds come in. The fall event, slated Oct. 4 this year, is “always a wonderful plant and pot sale, and this year we’ll have some kind of twist,” according to Plaster. Finally, always the second Sunday in December, the Holiday Home Tour takes people through
Volunteers work to update, expand park
5/4/08 9:01:43 AM
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams ...
Live the life you have imagined. Henry David Thoreau
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Featured Builder at The Idaho Club SMS08_001-030.indd 26
5/4/08 9:02:14 AM
If Mother Nature had a second home, it would be in Idaho.
W E ’ R E N O T R E D E F I N I N G M O U N TA I N L A K E L I V I N G …W E ’ R E P E R F E C T I N G I T. Up here the air is fresher, the water’s clearer, the stars shine brighter. And life is good. The Idaho Club is a luxury lake and golf community being realized just minutes from Sandpoint, above the shores of pristine Lake Pend Oreille. As a member, you’ll be able to enjoy four seasons of outdoor activities, a full complement of incomparable amenities and Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf. It’s a lifestyle that will become a cherished family tradition. Learn more about our vision by calling 800-323-7020 or visiting TheIdahoClub.com.
TheIdahoClub.com · 800-323-7020 Offer void where prohibited by law and is subject to change or termination without prior notice. This advertisement does not constitute an offer to sell real property. The information provided in this advertisement is strictly for informational purposes and shall not be construed as an offer in any jurisdictions where prior registration or other advance qualification of real property is required. 09/07
POC006615_Sandpoint.indd 1
9/21/07 2:08:44 PM
Ca l e nda r JUNE
May 31-June 7 Sandpoint Bike Week. See Hot Picks. 5 SHS Spring Fling. Panida Theater hosts the Sandpoint High School Choir in this annual event at 6 p.m. 263-9191 7 Summer Sounds. This free, summer-long concert series with local and regional musicians happens every Saturday from noon to 2 p.m. through Aug. 30 at Park Place stage, located at First and Cedar. Ellipses performs. See story, page 71. 263-6139 10 Studio One Dancers. Dance school students give it their best in this annual performance at the Panida Theater, 6:30 p.m. 263-9191 12-14 Idaho Republican Convention. Delegates from across the state convene at the Bonner County Fairgrounds. See story, page 20. 14 Summer Sounds. Ken Rokicki performs. See June 7. 14 Scotland to Ireland Concert. Panida Theater hosts a performance at 7 p.m. by the Albeni Falls Pipes & Drums with their Highland Dancers, the Crooked Kilt Irish Band and the An Daire Irish Dancers. 263-9191 17 Harvard Glee Club. Panida Theater hosts the “60 men, 1 voice” Harvard Glee Club’s 150th anniversary tour at 7:30 p.m. 263-9191 18 42nd Annual Farm Tour. Join a daylong journey to an area farm and ranch to learn management practices. Sponsored by the Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce. 263-8511
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18-20 Plein Air Paint Out. Regional artists paint outside for two days and then showcase their paintings at a reception June 20 at the Timber Stand Gallery, 225 Cedar St. 263-7748
19 Summer Sampler. The Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce hosts this annual event at Farmin Park offering tasty cuisine from area restaurants – plus live music, local brews and wines, food eating competitions, a celebrity chef competition and more. 263-0887 19-21 Kootenai Encampment. A three-day conference commemorates the David Thompson Bicentennial with tribal-inspired activities, food and more at the Twin Rivers Canyon Resort in Bonners Ferry. See story, page 41. 263-2344 20-21 Arts Alliance Solstice Celebration. The Arts Alliance hosts festivities to mark the official start of summer, with an outdoor movie, gear swap, art activities, food and more. 265-4303 20-22 Horsin’ Around Horse and Mule Expo. Join horse and mule enthusiasts from across the Northwest and British Columbia for a weekend of equine competition, entertainment SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
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and education at the Bonner County Fairgrounds. Friday 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. 290-2701
See June 7.
20-Aug. 4 Artwalk I. POAC holds the first of two revolving art exhibits at 25-plus Sandpoint gallery locations. Opening receptions happen at all locations on June 20 from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Self-guided walking tours continue through Aug. 4. See stories, page 71 and 122. 263-6139
13 Sunday Concerts on the Lawn. Carl Rey & the Blues Gators perform. See July 6.
21 Summer Sounds. Brian Hibbard performs. See June 7. 21 Danceworks 2008. Local dance studio holds its annual performance at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. at the Panida Theater. 263-9191 21-22 Winery Anniversary Party. Catch the new whites released during the Pend d’Oreille Winery’s 13th Anniversary Party. 265-8545 28 Schweitzer Summer Celebration. Schweitzer Mountain Resort celebrates opening day of its summer session with free scenic chairlift rides and live music. Activities include a barbecue, climbing wall, hiking and more. 255-3081 28 Summer Sounds. Peter Lucht performs. See June 7.
2 Matsiko. The Panida Theater hosts the Uganda Children’s Choir of the International Children’s Network. 263-9191
12-13 Sandpoint Wooden Boat Festival. See Hot Picks.
17 Art Unveiling. Festival at Sandpoint poster unveiling at the Seasons at Sandpoint. 265-4554 18-20 Artists’ Studio Tour. Visit artists’ studios during this sixth annual self-guided driving tour. ArtTourDrive.org. See story, page 119. 19 Summer Sounds. Mike Strain performs. See June 7. 19 Schweitzer Bluegrass Festival. Live bluegrass bands perform on the lawn at Schweitzer Mountain, with an outdoor barbecue and beer. 255-3081 25-27 Artists’ Studio Tour. See July 18-20. 20 Sunday Concerts on the Lawn. Swing Street Big Band performs. See July 6. 26 Crazy Days. Find bargains galore during Sandpoint’s annual giant sidewalk sale by downtown merchants. Sponsored by the Downtown Sandpoint Business Association. 255-1876 26 Summer Sounds. Monarch Mountain Band performs at 10 a.m., and Carl Rey & the Blues Gators perform at noon. See June 7. 27 Sunday Concerts on the Lawn. Django’s Cadillac performs. See July 6.
3 Faith and Freedom Celebration. Panida Theater hosts the Christian Faith and Freedom Coalition celebration at 7 p.m. 263-9191
27-Aug. 24 Music on the Lawn. Artists perform free concerts on the lawn at Schweitzer from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. each Sunday. 255-3081
4 Fourth of July. The Lions Club sponsors this celebration with a parade in downtown Sandpoint at 10 a.m., plus stage performances and a fireworks show at City Beach. 263-0887. Schweitzer plans live music and a barbecue, followed by a hike to Picnic Point to watch the fireworks. 255-3081
31 Rouge Concert. See Hot Picks.
5 Sandpoint Fly-in. Third annual event from 7 a.m. to noon at the Sandpoint Airport includes displays of unique planes from around the region and a pancake breakfast. Sponsored by the local chapter of the Experimental Aircraft Association. See story, page 23. 255-9954 5 Summer Sounds. Bright Moments Trio performs. See June 7. 5 Alexey Koltakov Piano Concert. Ukrainian-born Alexey Koltakov brings his piano virtuosity to the Panida Theater at 7 p.m. 263-9191 6 Sunday Concerts on the Lawn. The POAC sponsors this free live concert series featuring regional musicians at the Dover Bay Marina at 2 p.m. every Sunday. Generations performs. See story, page 71. 263-6139 12 Summer Sounds. Bridges Home performs.
AUGUST 2 Long Bridge Swim. See Hot Picks. 2 Summer Sounds. Mixolydian performs. See June 7. 2-30 Movies on the Mountain. Every Friday night at dusk, through the month of August, enjoy free outdoor movies at Schweitzer Mountain on a giant inflatable screen at dusk. 255-3081 3 Music on the Lawn. See July 27. 6-27 Twilight Bike Races. Show up with your bike at 4 p.m., every Wednesday at Schweitzer, for races on a course that changes weekly, with kids’ races and after-event parties. 255-3081 7-17 Festival at Sandpoint. The internationally renowned outdoor concert series kicks off its 26th year on the lawn at Memorial Field alongside beautiful Lake Pend Oreille. See festival calendar on page 30. 265-4554 8-Sept. 15 Artwalk II. POAC holds the second of two revolving art exhibits at 25-plus gallery loca-
5/4/08 9:30:40 AM
Calendar tions in Sandpoint. Opening receptions happen at all locations on August 8 from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Self-guided walking tours continue through Sept. 15. See stories, page 71 and 122. 263-6139 9 Summer Sounds. Kathy Colton & the Reluctants perform. See June 7.
booths, arts and crafts and displays at Farmin Park from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 597-3355
3-4 All Bonner County Bazaar. Community Assistance League’s annual arts and crafts festival and sale at Sandpoint Community Hall. 263-3400
17 Dutch Swing Fever. Panida performance begins at 8 p.m., presented by POAC. 263-9191
8 Canvas. The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill Far North Chapter presents the film, 7 p.m. at the Panida. 263-9191
9-10 Arts and Crafts Fair. The POAC kicks off its 36th annual juried art exhibit at City Beach, with 11 Oktoberfest. Downtown Sandpoint Business more than 120 booths of all-original, handmade artwork, kids’ activities, food, music and demonstra- Association sponsors this traditional celebration with a variety of festivities. 255-1876 tions. See stories, page 71 and 122. 263-6139 11 Harvestfest. Sandpoint Farmers Market 10 Music on the Lawn. See July 27. closes out the season with entertainment, food 13 Outdoor Movie Night. The Festival at Sandpoint hosts a free outdoor film at Memorial Field. 265-4554 15-16 Bonner County Rodeo. Bonner County Fairgrounds holds its annual rodeo. 263-8414 16 Summer Sounds. Selkirk Brass Quintet performs. See June 7. 16 Schweitzer Huckleberry Festival. Schweitzer Mountain honors the native huckleberry with hosted picking hikes beginning at 9 a.m. Event also features arts and crafts vendors and a barbecue at the village starting at 10 a.m. Special huckleberry-themed activities begin at noon and live music from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. 255-3081 17 Music on the Lawn. See July 27.
23 Summer Sounds. Greg Grant performs. See June 7. 24 Music on the Lawn. See July 27. 30 Summer Sounds. Dolce Quartet performs. See June 7. 30-31 Schweitzer Fall Fest. See Hot Picks.
SEPTEMBER 10-14 Schweitzer Lakedance International Film Festival. The Panida Theater hosts this third annual event featuring narrative, animated and documentary films. See story, page 17. 263-9191 12-14 Harvest Party. See Hot Picks. 13 CHaFE 150. Long-distance bike ride fundraiser. See page 24. 263-7040 20 Hot Club of Spokane. Panida Theater hosts a gypsy jazz concert with horns and vocals at 7:30 p.m. 263-9191 26 Barefoot. Pend Oreille Arts Council hosts this indie acoustic bluegrass band from Alaska at 8 p.m. at the Panida Theater. 263-9191
hot picks
Sandpoint may be a walking town, but bicycles rule during the first-ever Sandpoint Bike Week, May 31 through June 7. Sponsored by Pend Oreille Pedalers and North Idaho Bikeways, the event-packed week includes: Sandpoint Bike Swap from 9 a.m. to noon at the old Co-Op building, May 31; Join Mel Dick at 7:30 a.m. at the Courthouse as he ventures off on a 10,000-mile bike ride to raise funds for Panhandle Alliance for Education, June 1; Annual Ride to Work/School Day, ditch your car for the day and enter for prize drawings, June 4; Sandpoint Bicycle Film Festival debuts at the Panida Theater with a series of short biking-themed films, June 6; the return of Schweitzer Hill Climb, a competitive event open to riders of all skill levels who like a challenge, June 7. Register at Sandpoint Sports. Look up www.PendOreillePedalers.com. 265-7979
It’s a classic The annual Sandpoint Wooden Boat Festival makes a splash with a classic wooden boat and car show, sand sculpture contests and more at the Old Power House, July 12-13. Sponsored by the Inland Empire Antique and Classic Boat Society and Downtown Sandpoint Business Association. See www.Sandpoint.org/BoatFestival. 255-1876
French flair Our lake’s name is French, right? So maybe that explains Sandpoint’s love affair with Rouge, a three-piece café ensemble that makes its way back for a repeat performance, July 31, at 8 p.m. at the Panida, after a fouryear absence. With their delightful French street music sound, à la Édith Piaf, including guitar and accordion, Rouge will have everyone saying “Je t’aime!” www.RougeMusic.com. 263-9191
Come on in, the water’s fine Hundreds of swimmers don swimsuits and perseverance for the 14th annual Long Bridge Swim. The open-water 1.76-mile event starts at 9 a.m. on Aug. 2, and makes the perfect spectator sport when viewed from the Long Bridge. Swimmers start on the south end, and finish at Dog Beach. Visit www.LongBridgeSwim.com to register. 265-5412
Party at the mountain Head on up the hill for the 16th annual Schweitzer Fall Fest, an outdoor microbrew and music festival extravaganza taking place Aug. 30-31. Featuring music from around the world, the Fall Fest includes a tasting tent featuring regional microbrews, wine and soda; also enjoy chairlift rides and special activities for the kids. www.Schweitzer.com. 263-9555
For the love of wine Don’t cover up those bare feet quite yet, because the Pend d’Oreille Winery’s annual Harvest Party happens on Sept. 12-14 from noon to 5 p.m. Featuring a grape-stomping competition, cork-spitting contest, plus food sampling, wine tasting, winery tours and live music, it’s the perfect way to make a final toast to summer. www.POWine.com. 265-8545
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31 Schweitzer Halloween Party. Spook it up at the Taps Lounge on Schweitzer with a costume contest, music and more; 21 and up. 255-3081
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6 Summer Sounds. Charley Packard and Jesse Harris perform. See June 7.
25 Warren Miller Ski Film. Annual event sponsored by the Alpine Shop shows at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. in the Panida Theater. 263-5157
Got bike?
18-23 Bonner County Fair. This traditional county event at the Bonner County Fairgrounds includes lots of livestock, 4-H auction and contests, crafts, produce and flower exhibits. Fair concludes with a Demolition Derby Aug. 23. 263-8414 22-23 Ponderay Days. Ponderay Community Development Corporation sponsors this fourth annual community celebration with food, festivities, carnival, games and car show. 255-2414
18 Jean Peck Variety Show. Panida Theater hosts at 7 p.m. 255-7801
5/4/08 9:36:46 AM
Festival at Sandpoint The Festival of Sandpoint enters its 26th season with a star-studded lineup for 2008. The eight concert dates fall over a two-week period from Aug. 7-17. Buy a season pass â&#x20AC;&#x201C; only 600 are sold â&#x20AC;&#x201C; and donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss a show. Or snag one of 2,100 individual tickets by calling 208-265-4554 or toll-free 888-265-4554, or visit www.FestivalAtSandpoint.com. All shows are at Memorial Field; gates open at 6 p.m. on Thursdays and Fridays, and at 4:30 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays.
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Thursday, Aug. 7 at 7:30 p.m. The illustrious career of Smokey Robinson includes
R&B and soul singersongwriter, as well as record producer and Motown Records executive. As both a member of The Miracles and as a solo artist, Robinson recorded 37 Top 40 hits between 1960 and 1987, including â&#x20AC;&#x153;Shop Around,â&#x20AC;? Motownâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first No. 1 hit on the R&B chart. Friday, Aug. 8 at 7:30 p.m. Californiabred surfer Donavon Frankenreiter has
established himself as one of the more original voices on the acousticrock scene through tireless touring and the innate catchiness of songs like â&#x20AC;&#x153;Free.â&#x20AC;? Following the 2006 release of his album â&#x20AC;&#x153;Move by Yourself,â&#x20AC;? Donavon recorded a song called â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lovely Dayâ&#x20AC;? along with Koool G., which was featured in the film â&#x20AC;&#x153;Snakes on a Plane.â&#x20AC;? Opening for Frankenreiter will be West Coast singer/songwriter Brett Dennen, who first drew attention in 2004 with the single â&#x20AC;&#x153;Desert Sunrise.â&#x20AC;? The tune garnered enough spins to warrant the release of his self-titled debut. Saturday, Aug. 9 at 7:30 p.m. As a successful country-rock band during the 1970s and early â&#x20AC;&#x2122;80s, Pure Prairie League has released 10 albums and enjoyed hits such as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Amie,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Let Me Love You Tonightâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Still Right Here in My Heartâ&#x20AC;? with different configurations of the group. Pure Prairie Leagueâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s longevity is a testament to the timelessness of their music. Opening performances include the mellow, easy country-rock sounds of Firefall, and Poco, one of the first country-rock groups.
Sunday, Aug. 10 at 4:30 p.m. Round up the little ones and head to the Family Concert, featuring the Spokane Youth Orchestra conducted by Verne Windham and Gary Sheldon. Fun kidsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; activities, such as the Instrument Petting Zoo, precede the alwayspopular concert. Thursday, Aug. 14 at 7:30 p.m. The BoDeans are
a rock-androll band who released their first album, the critically well-accepted Love & Hope & Sex & Dreams, in 1986. The band had several singles in the Top 40 â&#x20AC;&#x153;mainstream rockâ&#x20AC;? charts including â&#x20AC;&#x153;Closer to Free,â&#x20AC;? which became a hit thanks to its exposure as the theme song for the television show â&#x20AC;&#x153;Party of Five.â&#x20AC;? Opening for the BoDeans are The Waifs, a trio from Australia who describe their music as â&#x20AC;&#x153;wholemeal.â&#x20AC;? Come early for microbrew tasting at 6 p.m. Friday, Aug. 15 at 7:30 p.m. TBA Saturday, Aug. 16 at 7:30 p.m. As one of
the most popular and respected female country artists of our time, Wynonna Judd has an eclecticism that delves from country-pop to Southern R&B. Wynonna has numerous songs that have topped the country charts, including â&#x20AC;&#x153;She Is His Only Need,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;I Saw the Lightâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Girls with Guitars.â&#x20AC;? Opening for Wynonna is Bomshel, a country duo known for its high-energy performances and fiddle playing â&#x20AC;&#x201C; by none other than Sandpointâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own Kristy Osmunson, who grew up here before going on to Nashville and country stardom. Sunday, Aug. 17 at 7:30 p.m. Fireworks
light up the Grand Finale Beethoven concert featuring the Spokane Symphony Orchestra and conducted by Maestro Sheldon. The Beethoven program features the Triple Concerto, with Generations Trio performing in the first half and the symphony No. 6 (the Pastoral Symphony) in the second half. Come early for complimentary wine tasting at 4:30 p.m.
5/5/08 11:18:08 AM
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5/3/08 8:17:14 PM
Interview History
Jake Plummer, retired NFL quarterback Enjoying a simple, post-football life in Sandpoint By Beth Hawkins
ake Plummer was a star quarterback for 10 seasons in the NFL, playing for the Arizona Cardinals and then the Denver Broncos when an off-season trade last year would have moved him to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Rather than continue a lucrative career path to Florida, Plummer called it quits at the age of 33, retiring from the NFL and heading back to his native Idaho. Born and raised in Boise, Plummer spent summers growing up in Coeur d’Alene, where his dad still lives. And although he owns a place on Lake Coeur d’Alene, it was Sandpoint that captured his attention after his older brother, Eric, moved here three years ago to become the sports editor at the Bonner County Daily Bee. During a visit, Jake and his wife, Kollette, a former Denver Broncos cheerleader, fell in love with the small-town atmosphere of Sandpoint after walking into the Community Hall during the Adult Spelling Bee. “We thought, ‘Are we in a movie set?’ Everyone was drinking wine and laughing and singing. This is a cool place to live,” he said. A year ago, Jake and Kollette purchased a home on 40 acres north of town, and the two have been enjoying all the opportunities that come with living in a recreational paradise. Kollette utilized her dance skills this past winter and coached the Sandpoint Middle School dance team. And Jake has adjusted to life outside of the national spotlight very easily, looking incredibly relaxed and at home in his new town. In fact, Jake gives off such a laid-back demeanor that most Sandpoint residents aren’t even aware when the former NFL quarterback walks down the street – and that’s something he’s completely OK with.
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You’ve been in Sandpoint a year now. What do you love most about living here?
I like the small-town feel, and it has a lot of fun things to do, good places to eat. It has that nice feel of culture for it being so far north – the independent movies, the parades, the ski mountain. We went to the ’50s parade. My family spent a lot of summers on Coeur d’Alene Lake, but it’s getting overpopulated during the busy times of the year. Fourth of July, I can barely get out of our boat dock. We came up here last Fourth of July, went out to the Monarchs, parked on a beach and there was no one out there. And I was like “Wow.” It’s a nice place to live with down-to-earth, friendly people who are open-minded. You move up here, and right away everyone’s waiting for you to experience your first winter. What did you think of this past winter?
I loved it. I like the snow, I like the rain, summers – I like 32
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Broncos quarterback Jake Plummer rolls to the right outside the pocket to find an open receiver on Sept. 26, 2004, at INVESCO Field at Mile High in a game against the San Diego Chargers. The Broncos won 23-13.
the change. I lived in Arizona for 10 years, and I’ll never live there again in my life because it’s the same every day. Give me some clouds, some rain. I like the ski mountain – it’s a great ski mountain. The local kids are in awe of you. Is it still fun, or do you wish it was over?
It got a little overbearing at times back in Denver. That’s a city where football is the main thing. It never got to be a problem, but you just wanted to go to a restaurant and sit SUMMER 2008
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Interview History
Jake and Kollette Plummer, who were married in 2007, enjoy an outing at Dog Beach on Lake Pend Oreille with their “pound dogs,” Kosi and Ray.
down, and just be normal. But you would have people walking by or the cook coming out and staring at you. I always tried to enjoy that and be nice and cordial, and send people off with a smile. It takes 10 seconds out of my life. Just to do that was not a bad sacrifice for the fame, for what I’ve been able to accomplish as an NFL quarterback. But here, it’s been a few kids and a few people have said “Hey” and that’s about it.
I didn’t get to any. I was getting away from football for a while. I’ll go this year. Right when I retired I didn’t watch any football.
Do you think people in Sandpoint know who you are?
Did you watch the Superbowl?
Either they don’t know I’m living here or they’re the kind of people who say, “Cool, he’s living here? That’s sweet.” I think it’s kind of a mix of both. I haven’t really put myself out there, saying, “Hey, I’m here.” Seeing Kollette coach was a lot of fun, and Dave (DeMers, Sandpoint Middle School athletic director) is asking me to coach football or basketball. It would be fun, but I’m not quite ready to dive into something like that yet. I’m still taking my little sabbatical.
I actually did, but my TiVo (digital video recorder) kind of messed me up. The program guide ended before the game, so we watched the Superbowl up until there were about eight minutes left, and we missed the best part of the game. It was the one game I actually sat and watched. TiVo’s great, but it kind of got me that time.
I love kids, and I love interacting with them, but sometimes with today’s media, everything’s out there on the news and the Internet. Even though I’m just a normal guy, you get put on a pedestal when you’ve done what I’ve done, and these kids have a tough time just acting normal. .... In time, it wears off. Then they realize that I’m just a normal guy who has skill and a talent. I was able to go and do what I dreamt of doing when I was a kid. SUMMER 2008
Who’s your favorite NFL team?
Hmm … Would it be the Broncos?
No, I never was a big Broncos fan growing up. Gosh, I don’t know. I don’t really have a favorite. I guess growing up I was a New England Patriots fan, but that was way back before they got so big. SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
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Any chance you’ll return to the NFL?
Not at all. Nope, I have no desire.
That would be fun for the kids.
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Did you make it to any high school football games?
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Interview History How was it to be the quarterback to follow John Elway in Denver?
I didn’t mind it, I didn’t care. To me, the past is the past. I always tell people to just let it go – Elway’s not playing, so if you don’t like me, he’s not coming back. ... I didn’t feel like I was filling his shoes; I was just playing my game and trying to win as many games as I could. Do you have any crazy fan stories?
I’ve had some funny ones in college, stalkers leaving cookies. There are always some that I try to forget. A lot of people don’t recognize me or notice me. When I was playing, I wouldn’t carry myself as someone important. Some guys in my position would immediately have that presence. I’ve always just tried to sneak in through the side door and just be there and hope no one would know I was there. Even up here in Sandpoint, I’ll sign my name, and my real name’s Jason, so they’ll ask me “Is your brother Jake?” And sometimes I’ll just play along with it, if I’m in a hurry. “Yeah, yeah, he’s my brother.” Or “No, I’m not related.” Now that you’re retired, what keeps you busy?
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Right now, I’m learning Spanish online as a second language. I also do a lot of stuff for handball trying to promote the game. It’s a very good sport. I think kids can learn skills
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for other sports by just playing handball. That’s where a lot of my energy goes to now. Otherwise I’ve been doing what I want to do and going skiing. I keep telling myself, “You need to be doing something, you need to be doing something,” but I just did something for a long time. I need to sit back, relax and enjoy it. I get stir crazy, and occasionally I want something to do, but I can always go find a job somewhere if I want to. I could get into coaching or volunteer for the high school team. I am also looking to get involved in conservation efforts. Do you volunteer anywhere locally?
We go to the Humane Society and walk dogs when we can. I say that, and I’m feeling guilty because we haven’t been over there in a while. Getting more situated, we’ll find what we want to get involved in. The Humane Society’s always pretty easy – the dogs, they don’t care that I played football. You started the Jake Plummer Foundation to benefit Alzheimer’s. Why that?
My mom’s father had Alzheimer’s, so that’s why I got involved, and that’s the main point of the foundation is to help the Alzheimer’s Association. My grandpa passed away my rookie year in the league. It’s a real sad disease. The foundation has been the neatest thing – to have an effect that
The bike that started the four-stroke revolution benefits from chassis and engine refinements that ensure the five-titanium-valved YZ450F remains at the head of the open-class pack. Subtle modifications mean light, precise, confident handling at any speed.
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Interview History way, to do something really positive with the money I was given to play a game. It’s pretty neat. What’s the thing that’s surprised you the most about living in Sandpoint?
Definitely the snow. Also that the people are friendly – not that I thought they weren’t, but it’s just a good, smalltown feel. It’s what we wanted. I guess also the amount of things to do here surprised me. There’s a lot going on – you just have to find it. What is your idea of the perfect day?
A perfect day in Sandpoint? Wake up, get a Joel’s breakfast burrito, head up to the mountain, ski about four hours, go into the Panida for an independent movie, then eat at Oishii sushi afterwards. Do you do the North Idaho thing – hunt, fish, chop your own firewood?
I like to fish a little bit, but I’m not a big hunter. I’m sure people would love to come hunt the property, but I put up “No Hunting” signs because I like animals too much. I’ve got a tractor, a four-wheeler, a mower and I get to go brushhog all the hillsides. There’s a lot of maintenance to take care of – raking leaves, burn piles. There was wood left on the
property so I didn’t have to go chop any trees. I had to chop a little wood for this winter. I like doing that stuff, that’s fun. Gets you out of the house. It makes you want to be outside when you live here. Do you plan on raising your family in Sandpoint?
Someday. We want to stay here, but we also want to travel, too, so this is a home base. I can see us splitting time – being up here and away from everything, and also maybe being in a couple different places. And traveling a lot. This would be a great place to have a family. Great school system, and it seems like there’s great exposure to sports. If you raise kids here, they’re going to be outdoorsy and appreciate the environment – skiing and mountain biking. It seems like kids here are very active. What do you think of the bypass?
I think this town definitely needs a bypass. It can’t be a positive for the waterfowl, but the people of Sandpoint will enjoy the town more. Would you ever get involved in politics?
I don’t really like politics. I’m pretty much for the environment and the middle class and lower class. I’ve told people, “I’m rich, but I’m not high-class.” You won’t find
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Ledges Over Pend Oreille
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Interview History me wearing Rolexes and Louis Vuitton, and whatever those other names are. I grew up down-to-earth with simple things. When I was in Phoenix, it was such a materialistic place to live – at least the world that I was living in. Then when I went off to Denver, it got me closer to my roots of Idaho. And now living here, it’s like “I just want a truck; I want to drive with my dogs. And I just want a good pair of
shoes.” Who cares if they’re expensive? Pat Tillman (the NFL player who quit in 2002 to join the U.S. Army and was killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan) was a teammate of yours at the Cardinals. Were you good friends?
Yeah, actually we were at Arizona State together, too, for three years, and then four years at Arizona, so we were pretty good friends. It was really
sad when he got killed. The worst possible outcome happened, but he set an example. He’s a hero now, he’s a legend. He’ll live on forever. So to have known the guy and call him a friend, I feel pretty lucky. What were your most memorable moments during your career?
Probably my second year in the league at Arizona when we went to the playoffs (1998). They hadn’t been to the playoffs in 15 years, and they hadn’t won a playoff game in 50 years, and they still haven’t been to a playoff game or won a playoff game since that year. It was a pretty big accomplishment. It was big. And the second-to-last year in Denver when we went to the AFC championship, that was a fun season. A lot of fun games and fun memories. Are you in a fantasy league?
I can’t stand fantasy football. I think it’s ruining the game. I can give you my reason for it, but it won’t matter. When did you first get your nickname, Jake the Snake?
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Probably about seventh grade, my brothers just started calling me Jake the Snake. I played football, and I was skinny and I scrambled around. I read Kenny Stabler’s book, and he was called “The Snake” back in the day, so it kind of rhymed with Jake, and it stuck. Better than other things that thyme. What about a future in coaching?
Someday. I won’t coach past high school level though. This is your first interview since you’ve been in Sandpoint?
When we got up here, we wanted to get situated and kind of have anonymity. As time goes by, people are going to know that I’m living here. ... I’ve got a good feel for people here in Sandpoint – people are nice and friendly and helpful. If you’re stalled on the side of the road, they’ll pull over and ask, “Are you all right?” And that’s nice. In time, people will know that I’m here. I’m just kind of a quiet guy.
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Archaeologists dig Into Sandpoint’s past
By Sherry Ramsey
Clockwise, from above: Bob Weaver, a specialist in historic archaeology, looks over the excavation site along Sand Creek during the latest fieldwork in April. Archaeologists Bob Betts, left, and Mark Warner examine artifacts found in that phase. An 1861 Colt revolver and turtle figurines, possibly from a bracelet, were found in the area nicknamed “Chinatown.”
a major coup for the continuation of the project. “The clean water permit is important because a lot of the work we’re doing is at or below the water table, and as we remove vegetation, there’s a potential for runoff erosion into Sand Creek,” said Betts. “All along it’s been a critical aspect of the project, not to have any runoff occur into the creek. We’re screening a lot of sediment and producing a lot of back dirt.” In 1882, the Northern Pacific Railroad came through here and the original Sandpoint grew up on both sides of the tracks. According to Betts, there were hotels, saloons and various merchants, but it was a narrow peninsula with a lake on one side and a creek on the other. The town was getting too big with no room to expand, and major fires in the late 1800s and early 1900s had destroyed much of it. Around 1904 the present location of SUMMER 2008
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history, not all of which is highlighted in the town’s historical writings. There are gaps in the story of how Sandpoint got where it is today – across Sand Creek from where it started. The approval of the Sandpoint bypass has brought archaeologists from all over the Northwest to do some digging around in “old” Sandpoint. According to Bob Betts, archaeologist and owner of Vanguard Research in Sandpoint, projects using federal money or permits where there is reason to believe cultural resources may be impacted require mitigation, thanks to the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. “In this case, the highway bypass, a bridge, on-ramps, storm water ponds, and all kind of things,” said Betts. “Because there’s ground disturbance involved, the state archaeologist down in Boise has to make a determination of whether cultural resources will be impacted by the project. If they decide it will be, they have to come up with a mitigation plan, a resource design that’s approved by the state and other agencies involved.” In 2005, excavation began in Sandpoint on the largest project Idaho has ever undertaken for archaeological and cultural resources, what will eventually cost $5 million to $6 million for excavation, analysis and reports – funded through the Federal Highway Administration. Initially, the state anticipated a much smaller mitigation program, until local historians argued that this had been a major townsite and because of the fill protecting it, they expected a lot of discoveries. “It was very controversial for quite a while,” said Betts. “Finally the state was dragged kicking and screaming, or, should I say, they were eventually convinced into a much more comprehensive archaeological project.” Last fall the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued a water quality permit,
andpoint has a colorful
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the town was surveyed and platted by L.D. Farmin on the west side of Sand Creek, which drew most of the property owners and commercial establishments across the creek. Sandpoint had a reputation early on of being a rough town, with an abundance of railroad people and miners; single men whose boredom led them to saloons, gambling and brothels. Few respectable women resided here until the town was platted. “Women started moving in, and they built a school and churches and things,” said Betts. “They decided they didn’t need the ‘bad’ element of town and forced them to move back across the creek to the old townsite, calling it the Restricted District. That’s the area that much of our focus has been on, and we’ve come up with thousands of artifacts.” Sandpoint’s historical records tell about the Humbird Mill and other aspects of the original townsite, but they fail to relate the full story of some of Sandpoint’s seamier beginnings. “The records don’t really cover some of the minority groups that aren’t as high profile, like the Chinese, and the whole life in the Restricted District,”
None of the old buildings from the original townsite are still standing. In fact, the area has been landscaped, filled and used as a parking lot and various things over the past century, destroying any obvious evidence of a town. Archaeologists brought in backhoes to dig away the overburden of fill to get to the area where there might be any real finds, in some places 15 to 20 feet deep. They then used flat shovels to skim the dirt off in thin layers until they reached their target level. At that point they used hand trowels to slowly sift through each area. “We had one of the local survey companies resurvey and put in corners of where the buildings used to be,” said Betts. “What we’re trying to do is identify the archaeological material from specific buildings, with specific ethnic groups. Chinese laborers were brought in when the railroad was built and some of them stayed. There were Italians for
a while, and even some Japanese.” One area the excavators call “Chinatown” was simply a Chinese laundry and a place where many of the Chinese congregated. “We’ve found a tremendous amount of Chinese artifacts,” said Betts. “We recovered an amazing amount of intact items – pottery, ceramics with Chinese designs – and we can date them from those designs. There were Chinese coins and a lot of paraphernalia related to opium smoking. That was a fascinating part of the excavation.”
Artifacts weren’t the only things uncovered. “We found wooden stairs going down and wooden floor planks at the bottom of them,” said Betts. “We thought it might be some sort of subterranean dwelling. The bottles we got from the bottom were very early, maybe 1880s or even earlier.” Archaeologists have run into major concentrations of artifacts. They have found many complete bottles and can tell where and when they were manufactured from the necks and base marks. “It’s interesting because working in
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said Betts. “It doesn’t focus on the brothels, gambling and dance halls, but on the railroad and lumber mill. We’re not really doing the archaeology there because the records are pretty complete. This is historic archaeology with the aim of filling in the gaps in historic record.”
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The Farmin family provided this photo of Sandpoint taken circa 1915, which has been helpful to the archaeologists for identifying where buildings were in relation to the excavation sites.
the Restricted District we find a lot of early perfume bottles from France and lots of exotic things that we know the railroad workers weren’t using,” said Betts. “Lots of fancy etched glass mirrors, kerosene lamps, wine and champagne bottles, and coins dating from the early 1900s. We know there was a particular fire in 1905 that burned through the brothels, and the ladies barely escaped with their lives, leaving everything behind. So because of that they lost a lot of money, and we’ve been finding some of the coins.” The site being excavated is a wet site, an anaerobic environment, meaning there isn’t oxygen that deep to rot away all of the discoveries. Amazingly enough, things like leather shoes, bone and even material from clothing survived. “Some of the really exciting things we found were metal plates with illustrations on them and the writing was backwards,” said Betts. “They were templates from when they printed out movie posters from local theaters in the early 1900s. So w w w. s a n d p o i n t o n l i n e . c o m
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we can go on the Internet and find out what the movies were, who starred in them, what the plot was and get a little insight into what was playing at the local theater in 1905. One in particular was such a cool thing to find because we excavated it, and the plot was about a young girl who grew up in the slums and was rescued by a prince charming who came in and took her back to New York, but she never forgot her roots of growing up with the saloons. It was the perfect poster to find.”
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Another area that needed excavated was the original cemetery. The www.LQ.com 800.531.5900 Humbird Mill wanted that land in order to expand. In 1904 the cemetery -Reservationswas dug up and moved to what is now 208.263.9581 the Lakeview Cemetery in Sandpoint. “We thought there would probably 800.282.0660 be some unmarked graves that were 415 Cedar Street Sandpoint, ID 83864 missed, and there were,” said Betts. “One aspect of this project was to try to relocate that cemetery. This is where proved the freeway is going to come through, and we didn’t want human remains to proved with changes show up during construction, so it’s nges; please provide another proof way better to find them before construction starts, where we have the controlled excavation to recover them.” sign with your approval: Analysis was done on those bones, including four complete skeletons, www.fritzsfrypan.com and they were reburied at Lakeview ure Date Tel. 255.1863 Cemetery. But, what happens to the once the archaeologists dig Corner of First & Cedar St.fromartifacts d proof releases Keokee Publishing, Inc. anyup? reponsibility for and catathem The initial cleaning copy. Please read all copy and check this jobloging carefully. Thank you of findings happens in the onparticipation in ensuring your product is the site best we canThey make field trailer. are it. then shipped to CH2M HILL, one of the largest ote: This color comp is produced by an in-house printer and is not architectural-engineering firms in the e of the quality of the final printed piece. This proof may country, at itsnot areaaccurately office in Spokane for he colors. more analysis, cleaning and cataloging. The artifacts found in northern Idaho will eventually go to a laboratory and repository at the University of Idaho in Moscow where they will stay. To date, there have been nine excavation sessions that usually go for a couple of weeks at a time, the most recent in April 2008. 40
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“We’re in session nine right now, and it’s a dance hall at the extreme southern end of the Restricted District,” said Betts, during the dig in April. “We’re recovering a fair amount of material associated with it. North of the dance hall was the madam’s house.” There have been two field directors on the project, Bob Weaver, a specialist in historic archaeology, and Jim Bard of CH2M HILL, a specialist in prehistoric archaeology. “Most of the work has been on Bob Weaver’s shoulders because he’s an expert in historic archaeology,” said Betts. “He was the one who essentially wrote the research design.” Weaver is emphatic about the project’s significance. “In terms of historical archaeology, it’s one of the biggest and richest in terms of cultural material in the country,” he said. One aspect that makes Sandpoint unique is that it was at the crossroads of three railroads. Mark Warner, an associate professor of anthropology at the University of Idaho, is also one of the principal archaeologists, but he will be more involved in the analysis phase. “There hasn’t been a historical concentration of archaeological history in the West. This (the Sandpoint excavation) is extraordinary in what it can say about the history and settlement of the West,” he said. Bard finds it interesting that when Teddy Roosevelt visited Sandpoint in 1888, he thought Sandpoint was one of the roughest places in the West. “Even he knew it had a rough, raucous reputation,” Bard said. “Then Ella came in and civilized the place,” Weaver added, referring to L.D. Farmin’s wife. Bard says working on the excavation is like being in a time machine. “Even though the house isn’t there, I almost feel like I’m walking into the house of a madam. … You really get an understanding of what that person is like. We’re forming impressions all the time.
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History Reaches south of the border and around the Selkirk Loop By Kathleen Mulroy From 2007 through 2009, the North American David Thompson Bicentennials commemorate the famous explorer’s journeys to Columbia River country. Thompson, one of the first white people to visit the Inland Northwest and beyond, would still recognize the beautiful scenery, and this year he would discover plenty of ways to celebrate. Thompson, from Canada, first came onto what would become American soil when he arrived in the Bonners Ferry area in May 1808. The following year he established the Canadian North West Company’s first fur trading post on Lake Pend Oreille, Kullyspel House. He managed to maintain good trade relations with the local Native Mark Weadick dresses in garb from the old fur trade era Americans and located all the practical routes of during a Friends of Spokane House encampment. He and travel in the region. others will participate in the Film is one means Kootenai Tribal Encampment by which Thompson’s living history event. story will be told. The International Selkirk Loop (www.selkirkloop.org) was awarded a National Scenic Byway grant for the development of three, short film vignettes on Thompson’s journeys. Says Carol Graham, executive director of the International Selkirk Loop: “These vignettes will be produced in conjunction with a documentary film, ‘Shadows of David Thompson,’ being produced on Thompson and his wife, Charlotte Small. The vignettes will become special features included with the film on DVD.” Eventually the short films will be shown in regional visitor centers and museums along the 280-mile loop in British Columbia, Canada, northern Idaho and northeastern Washington, where the DVD will also be available for sale beginning in the fall of 2009. This year, the bicentennial’s focus turns to Boundary County. The historical museum in Bonners Ferry held an exhibit earlier this year, in May, entitled “David Thompson and the Kootenai,” and Forest Service archaeologist Tom Sandberg made a presentation. The Kootenai Tribal Encampment unfolds this summer, from June 20-21, at Twin Rivers Canyon Resort. An encampment is “exactly what it sounds like,” says Loretta Stevens, tribal liaison for the Kootenai National Forest. It’s an opportunity for Native Americans and visitors to experience an early 1800s gathering of Inland Northwest tribal peoples and fur traders. SUMMER 2008
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The story’s being told to us through the artifacts.” Weaver and Bard walked the students of three different schools through a presentation of the artifacts. “They really spent a lot of time with the kids,” said Susan Kiebert, public information manager for the Transportation Information Office, formerly known as the Byway Office. “They let them touch the artifacts and ask questions.” There have been several other public displays of the artifacts and the public has shown an overwhelming interest. “Our first presentation of the artifacts was held at Community Hall,” said Kiebert. “We held it for two hours and had over 500 people – we were just blown away. People are very interested; they love this history.” There aren’t any more showings of the artifacts planned at the moment, although it is possible they will have more at some time. “The official repository for the artifacts is the University of Idaho, but our museum will have access to the collection, and they can go on loan, even permanent loan to the historical society here in Sandpoint,” said Kiebert. “It will take a while to catalog the artifacts and put the collection together.” Another phase of the excavation is planned later this summer, at the site of the Humbird Mill’s blacksmith shop, also Sand Creek’s east side. Once fieldwork is done, the analysis and report must be completed within two years; however, the findings could be written about for years to come. “Somebody could do a thesis on the combs, for example, that came out of Sandpoint. Books could be written,” Weaver said. Interested people can find out more about the project by stopping by the Transportation Information Office, 202 Second Ave., Suite B in Sandpoint, or by calling 265-0897.
David Thompson Bicentennial
From left: This 1874 Swedish 2 ORE coin was found in the site of an old brothel. A tray of old bottles discovered in the same dig phase awaits cataloging. This opium pipe bowl was found in an earlier phase of excavation in “Chinatown.”
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F64C8 GB
David Thompson continued from page 41
Stevens encourages registering online, at www.idahohistory.net, as there are just 30 available spots. “We’re Hill’s Resort is located on the sandy shores of Luby Bay. really focusing on family here,” she said, The resort offers cabin rentals and lakeside dining. Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner, gourmet home as activities are planned for all ages. cooked meals in a great relaxing atmosphere. Workshops at the encampment will Creating family memories for generations! allow participants to learn about the traReservations suggested - 208.443.2551, hillsresort.com ditional Kootenai Indian way of life: mocThe Priest Lake Golf Course is a stunning 18-hole course casin making, canoe construction, how set in the natural wetland and lush forests. The clubhouse to dry meat on an open fire, and even offers a wide variety of golf merchandise, a bar and grill. Rates: $1/hole Spring & Fall, July-August $50 - 18 holes. “Fish Weir Construction and Cedar Bark Call for tee times Bag.” Classes will also be held on the 208.443.2525, priestlakegolfcourse.com spoken and signed Kootenai language. Author Jack Nisbet – a well-known authority on Thompson – will speak at 8:30 p.m., at the resort, on June 19. For strong-armed folks, a Tipi Raising Competition will take place the same evening at 6 p.m. Entertainment includes a Kootenai Dance Regalia Fashion Show and a dance troupe from Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada. “The public will ‘meet’ trappers, clerks Approved and voyagers of the fur trade during s 'OLF #OURSES Approved with changes David Thompson’s time,” said Mark s (IKING s #AMPING Weadick, of the Friends of Spokane Changes; please provide another proof s "IRDING House, which is participating in living s 7ATER 3PORTS history events dressed in authentic s !ND MUCH MORE Please sign with your approval: garb. Flint and steel fire-starting and muzzle-loading demonstrations are Signature Date scheduled for 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., on both Saturday and Sunday. Pick up your FREE A signed proof releases Keokee Publishing, Inc. from any reponsibility forCoinciding with Thompson’s 1809 64-page activity at this job carefully. Thank you error on copy. Please read all copy andguide check arrival in the Sandpoint area, an encampthe Sandpoint Vistor Center for your participation in ensuring your product is the best we can make it. ment on Lake Pend Oreille is planned or 300+ other locations. during the summer of 2009, according Please note: This color comp is produced by an in-house printer and is not to Ann Ferguson, curator of the Bonner indicative of the quality of the final printed piece. This proof may not accurately County Historical Society Museum and a reflect the colors. member of the bicentennial committee. T H E I N T E R N AT I O N A L To kick off the bicentennial, the museum had opened an exhibit in 2007 at Sam CANADA Owen Campground in Hope, honoring WA I D “An “An All-American All-American Road Road National National Scenic Scenic Byway” Byway” Thompson and the Kullyspel House. For more details on the bicentennials, Sandpoint w w w. s e l k i r k l o o p. o r g N look up www.davidthompson200.ca. 888-823-2626 w w w. s a n d p o i n t o n l i n e . c o m
more fun per mile
280 miles of:
Bonners Ferry
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Sandpoint’s amazing Alternative healing community
By Julie Hutslar
Gi Danielsson
Stones Wellness Center (www. ilanihealing.com), offers her clients the opportunity to “invite their bodies to soften with alignment.” And she doesn’t just mean physically. She means in whatever way her clients need aligning. Body, mind SUMMER 2008
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and spirit are often referred to by these therapists to explain that healing comes when all three are in balance. Yehuda Berg, in the preface to his first book, “The 72 Names of God,” describes three important components that are necessary for healing to occur: faith in the modality; trust in the practitioner; and a belief that healing is possible. Apparently this is what distinguishes the Sandpoint alternative SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
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t’s been said that the Indians used to call Sandpoint the “Valley of Sickness.” Some interpreted it as a place where people got sick; others interpreted it as a place where the sick came to be healed. Curious as to which it might have been, I inquired with Ann Ferguson, curator of the Bonner County Historical Society Museum, who says that it is simply a rumor, according to the Kalispel Cultural Program. I was actually glad to hear that, because I’ve found Sandpoint to be a center of an amazing collection of alternative healers. Alternative therapies offer options to allopathic (medicine and surgery) treatments. According to “A Guide to Holistic Wellness for the Inland Northwest” produced by Hoen Publishing in Sandpoint, two principles are distinguishing attributes. One is that a holistic approach is taken, in which the whole person is addressed, not just the symptoms for which they are seeking help. And two, that each person is responsible for their own health. All of the practitioners interviewed for this story had their own way of saying exactly that. No matter what the modality – massage therapy, digestive health therapy, expressive arts therapy, shamanic healing, acupuncture, colonics, naturopathy, rolfing or chiropractic – each practitioner works to bring wellness to the whole person, not just the physical body. Gi Danielsson, who practices colonics, uses the treatment of cleansing the colon to help her patients connect the dots from their physical releases to what needs to be looked at and possibly released within their entire lifestyles. Cranial sacral therapist, Ilani Kopiecki, who works out of Stepping
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healing community, according to these individuals. Not only is there about every modality available here, but the quality of the practitioners truly warrants the trust others have in them. Most feel happily fortunate that in general those who come here are looking for a change of lifestyle, which
includes better health. They may be looking for a simpler life, closer to nature or one where a sense of community is important, but what this translates into is: “I have choices. I do not have to accept something that does not work for me and my family.” These are the kinds of people who want choices
in health care. Perhaps that is why an overwhelming number of Sandpoint residents fit the criteria that Dr. Bernie Siegel puts forth in his book, “Love, Medicine and Miracles” as being exceptional patients. He identifies three types of patients: 15 to 20 percent are those that wish to
HEALTHFULLY Sandpoint Massage Therapy
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An alternative style pre-school held in a beautiful environment Art -Music -Yoga - Ballet Reading & Math Readiness Science, Reading & Math Imaginary Play, Cooking, Sewing Nature Walks, Fairy Houses, Wooden Toys Located 5 min. from downtown Kootenai in the Selle Valley Hours: 8 - 5:30 Excellent References
5/3/08 4:38:28 PM
die (consciously or not); 60 to 70 percent simply do what they are told and are inactive in their own healing; and the remaining 15 to 20 percent take an active role in healing, questioning their doctors, expecting them to teach, explain tests and medical terminology. They question everything and want
choices. Sandpoint, it seems, has an abundance of these types of patients. Beata Golau, who practices digestive health and enzymatic therapy, was called upon by a local client to intervene on her parentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; behalf. The clientâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s folks and her sister, who live in Missouri, had unresolved health issues.
You can see it in their eyes Good health comes with good habits. Make regular eye appointments to help insure that your eyes carry you through a long and colorful life.
Within moments of arriving at their home, Golau discovered the culprit â&#x20AC;&#x201C; an abundance of copper leaching from the water pipes that had led to a myriad of health problems for the entire family. Apparently, an excess of copper can be detrimental to health; much of the damage was far along. She assisted the
Sandpoint Drug Inc. DBA
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You can see it in their eyes Good health comes with good habits. Make regular eye appointments to help insure that your eyes carry you through a long and colorful life.
t &YRVJTJUF 'BDJBMT t $PSSFDUJWF 5SFBUNFOUT Approved t 'VMM #PEZ 8BYJOH Approved with changes t 4FBXFFE #PEZ 8SBQT Changes; please provide another proof BOE NPSF
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error on sugeeskincare@yahoo.com for your participation in ensuring your product is the best we can make it.
Please note: This color comp is produced by an in-house printer and is not indicative of the quality of the final printed piece. This proof may not accurately reflect the colors. â&#x20AC;˘Organic Produce
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Sandpoint�s Natural Choice Since 1997
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703 W. Lake Street, Sandpoint, Idaho Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8:30 - 7 â&#x20AC;˘ Sat. 9 - 5 (208) 265-8135 â&#x20AC;˘ www.winterridgefoods.com SUMMER 2008
â&#x20AC;˘Natural and Organic Meats â&#x20AC;˘Organic Coffee â&#x20AC;˘Organic Juice Bar â&#x20AC;˘Deli â&#x20AC;˘Bulk Foods â&#x20AC;˘Literature â&#x20AC;˘Supplements â&#x20AC;˘Homeopathics
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Junior Academy www.sjasda.org
Quality Christian Education Preschool, Kindergarten to 10th Grade Accredited by the NAAS Open To All Faiths
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family by providing supporting information and suggesting certain supplements to decrease the effects of the copper levels. Golauâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s philosophy on healing is that the body has an innate intelligence and will do whatever it can, as long as it is not overburdened, to bring it back to health. Another practitioner recently relocated to Sandpoint is Edward Hunt, D.C., (www.PinnacleHealthCenter. com) a chiropractor by profession who offers much more in his patient care. His guiding principle is quite similar to Golauâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. He believes that if he can restore the entire body to its natural state of balance, improved health is inevitable. Patients come from quite a distance for his trigger point therapy, chiropractic and visceral manipulation. With these three modalities he treats the bones, muscles, connective tissues and organs. What he finds most rewarding about his work is â&#x20AC;&#x153;seeing patients in the grocery store months after their treatment and hearing theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve gotten their life back. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not restricted by pain anymore.â&#x20AC;? Many clients of local alternative healing practitioners are devoted to their healers, who have given them a new lease on life. Together they are discov-
Practicing out of Stepping Stones Wellness Center are, from left, massage therapist Krystle Shapiro, cranial sacral therapist Ilani Kopiecki, Sheryl MacMenami, who does Reiki facials, and physical therapist Mary Boyd.
ering what changes need to occur in their attitudes, activities, lifestyle or even relationships for health to occur. Jane Habermann, who operates the Center for Expressive Arts, offers an unusual therapy as well. She uses many modalities to help her patients uncover what they may not be willing or able to talk about verbally. Combining visual arts, movement, music, psychodrama, sand play, and many other aural and tactile learning situations, Habermann assists individuals who are stuck or traumatized access their own creativity, which, she believes, restores meaning and purpose. The healing community Edward Hunt is exceptionally supportive; many are friends and trust one another. Instead of being competitive, they seem to know the limitations and benefits of their own practice, and they often refer to other practitioners when a client needs something outside their expertise. Berta KĂźhnel mentioned that the healers in Sandpoint do not carry a â&#x20AC;&#x153;scarcity consciousness,â&#x20AC;? and
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WEDNESDAYS 3:00-5:30
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Berta Kühnel Kopiecki further explained that the energy of giving and referring bring back the same. Kühnel, an acupuncturist and shamanic healer, (www.thefourwinds. com) and Kopiecki both have had their services requested outside Sandpoint. Kopiecki was recently invited to Tasmania, an Australian island, to teach intuitive counseling, which she said was truly a “global healing exchange.” Kühnel travels all over the world with the Four Winds Society teaching her shamanic work. Not only are there a myriad of alternative healing options found in Sandpoint, there is also a collection of trustworthy and capable practitioners. A resource for locating one is “A Guide to Holistic Wellness for the Inland Northwest,” found in health food stores, the Gardenia Center or online at www.guidetoholisticwellness.com. Coincidentally, the Gardenia Center offers space for practitioners, and its bulletin board posts services and classes (www.gardeniacenter.org). The Bonner County Daily Bee also offers the column Complementary Health News on Wednesdays in the “Health” section, featuring a different holistic practitioner each week. New to the Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce this year is the Health and Wellness Committee assigned to educate and enlighten in all areas of health. Watch for the Health and Wellness Fair in early September that the chamber will sponsor. With its collection of alternative healers, modern-day Sandpoint could certainly be designated “The Valley of Healing!”
5/3/08 4:38:35 PM
The Alleys of Sandpoint One photographer publishes a yearlong sojourn By Carrie Scozzaro
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here is an Old World elegance to Marie-Dominique Verdier, known to friends as Do (pronounced doe). Maybe it’s because she’s French, speaking rapidly in animated sentences punctuated by an accent lilting and fluid. Maybe it’s her beauty, brown-eyed handsome with model features, understated in khaki pants and oversized sweater on a chilly, not-quitespring morning as we sit in the front room of the home she shares with husband Scott Kirby and their two daughters. Maybe it’s the way she contains herself – contemplative, with a watchful photographer’s eye. An interview with Verdier is more like visiting with a long-lost friend, the kind where conversation flows into pathways as unexpected and delightful as those featured in her recent project, “The Alleys of Sandpoint.” The book of 114 photos highlights her yearlong sojourn through Sandpoint’s back porch entryways and secondary routes, a journey that may have defined a turning point in her artistic career as well. “I was just back in Sandpoint after spending 10 months in France,” said Verdier, explaining what led up to the project. Nostalgic for old buildings, she asked a friend’s husband to keep an eye out for an old barn when he went hunting. That friend, Doris Fuller, suggested she check out Sandpoint’s alleyways instead. “I often walked them to journey into the past,” said Fuller, who describes Sandpoint’s alleys, in the book’s preface, as the place “where time stands still.” Verdier agreed, saying she “occasionally felt transported into another era” while taking photos. Drawn to Sandpoint for its “hidden history and the people,” as well as its beauty, Verdier explained the personal impact the project had on her, one she hopes will be shared by others. “There is a real sense of community SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
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here,” said Verdier, unlike any other place she had lived, including France, which she left at age 18, and New Orleans, where she lived and worked before meeting Kirby and eventually moving to Idaho in 2000. We talked about the similarities between Sandpoint’s alleyways and New Orleans, especially the Southern sense of “back
On the cover of “The Alleys of Sandpoint” is “Sunlight Skipping.” The photographer wrote: “The lateafternoon light was perfect, and the innocence and freedom of this skipping kid made me want to run and jump as well, just to get a taste of my carefree childhood once again.”
door life.” “We only let our family and friends
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Earle and Redtail Gallery, Verdier had never published a book before. She had researched the idea for a client during a “trash-the-dress” session, an innovative component of her SandpointPhoto.com business. Trash-the-dress involves photographing the bride after the wedding in what can best be described as candid, free-spirited and celebratory – a way of honoring and creating tradition, not unlike the alley photos. Verdier discovSUMMER 2008
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ered software for print-on-demand publishing and envisioned pairing her alley images with text, something she later determined was not financially feasible. Similar to developing an exhibition, Verdier culled from 2,000 images the 100-plus photos that comprise the book, many of which were featured in a February 2008 exhibition at Stage Right Cellars. The images in the book are not chronological; rather they are SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
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go through our back doors. Going through the alleys felt like entering my new home through the back door,” she said, reflecting on her newfound appreciation for the town that became home. Serendipity played as much a role in determining the content as it did the process of creating the book. Although she has more than 17 years of photography experience and does Web design for such clients as artist Catherine
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meant to be viewed as successive twopage spreads. Her photos extend from the familiar, offering us a view that we might know if we would stop and notice. The child’s toy forgotten in a muddy puddle. A sliteyed feline lounging on the deck of an old boat. A ladybug poised for flight.
Ever the analytical one, Verdier wonders at the distinction of an “art” photograph, and we debate the age-old question of why photography sometimes doesn’t get the same reception as painting or drawing. By contrast, Verdier points to the vibrant watercolors her husband, also a musician,
has been developing over the past few years. They’re amazing, she said, especially Kirby’s inspiration. As does Verdier, Kirby builds on the familiar, particularly landscape, like those featured in his self-published book, “Visions of the Great Plains.” I would argue for the artistic merit
w w w. s a n d p o i n t o n l i n e . c o m
“Experience the Art of Craftsmanship”
308 N 1st Avenue Downtown Sandpoint Idaho
www.northwesthandmade.com SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
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of many of the images, especially the two that conclude the book, which happen to be Verdierâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s favorite as well: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sunlight Skipping,â&#x20AC;? which is also the cover image, and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Morning Stroll,â&#x20AC;? a subdued blackand-white of an older man walking his dog. Being able to make an emotional connection and impact others is yet
another discovery Verdier made along the way. Response to the book has been positive, making her realize how the images could touch people. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As a photographer, creating emotions is what I yearn for,â&#x20AC;? she said. Some of the framed pictures as well as the book are available in Sandpoint
at Great Stuff (313 N. First), Timber Stand Gallery (corner of Cedar and Third) and Fosterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Crossing (504 Oak) for $49. Verdier is participating in the Artistsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Studio Tour the last two weekends of July. For more info, go to www.SandpointPhoto.com or www. ArtTourDrive.org or call 946-9308.
Marie-Dominique Verdier, shown at left, writes about her photos, on page 49 clockwise from top: Under The Moon â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x153;I still see something magical in the quietness of that scene.â&#x20AC;? Morning Stroll â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was still in my car when I saw this old man walking his dog. My camera was ready to go, so I jumped out and snapped a quick shot. Then I checked the settings in my camera, and when I looked up again, the man was gone. About a year later, I found him again by accident, and the little dog had died.â&#x20AC;? Abandoned â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Another glorious contrast so typical of the alleys: a rusty shopping cart lying under beautiful purple flowers.â&#x20AC;? Life â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x153;This alley looks so different from all the other ones, and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s without a doubt the most photographed of all in Sandpoint. Opposite page: On The Fence â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Nothing is more common in Sandpoint than skis, but not skis screwed into a fence.â&#x20AC;? Last Ride â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x153;I love the looks of old cars, but I especially like this picture for its location and its underlying contrast: Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s only half a block from a major avenue, with its new, fancy buildings.â&#x20AC;?
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Property offered exclusively by DMB Realty Sandpoint. Brokers welcome. The Crossing at Willow Bayâ&#x201E;¢ name, marks and all indicia are owned by Crossing Development, Inc. This offer is not intended to constitute an offer in violation of the laws of any jurisdiction where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. Warning: The CA Dept. of Real Estate has not inspected, examined or qualified this offering. Prices, plans, and other features are based on current development plans that are subject to change without notice. © March 2008. Crossing Development Inc. All rights reserved.
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5/4/08 11:16:47 AM
Public Spaces
Public spaces
New and old spots invite people in
The Sandpoint Events Center hosted its first Festival of Trees inside the school’s former gym last November.
community use of the building an obvious part of the picture. On the ground floor, the former gym offered plenty of room for several fund-raisers over the past year: Kinderhaven’s Festival of Trees, the Waldorf School’s auction, Sandpoint Title’s scholarship fundraiser, and a unique “Spring Mud Fling Benefit” to help a well-known businessman in town pay off his medical bills (no mud was involved). The school’s beautiful auditorium on the third floor has also been renovated, and its sloping floor has been converted to several shallow levels to make it useful for a variety of groups and events. Another example is the Cedar Street Bridge. Longtime local developers John Gillham and Jeff Bond wanted to make sure it remained a public resource when they decided to redevelop it after Coldwater Creek pulled out two years ago. Bond had been a painter on the original salvage project in 1983, and the town has been good to him in the intervening years. But taking it over meant a significant commitment: It needed a major refurbishment, including new high-tech glass for those big, SUMMER 2008
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south-facing windows and a new, stateof-the-art heating and cooling system. Maintaining a lively public gathering space was important: “We want to create a life inside of this place that has a lot of animation,” said Bond as the bridge neared its reopening last year. The animation has picked up since Cedar Street Café opened just inside the entrance. A recent visit revealed four evident activists organizing at one table, a grandfather sharing an ice cream cone with his grandson at another, and a writer at a third, tapping away at her laptop keyboard while enjoying an Americano and free Internet access. In addition to providing a public hangout, an enlivened market benefits long-term tenants as well as local artisans, who can rent kiosks or space for as little as a single day to hawk their wares. The whole bridge is also available for community events; many were happy to see the return of the Taste of Sandpoint last winter after its absence while the bridge was closed for renovation, and the Semi-Normal Semi-Formal Ball, a fund-raiser for Angels Over Sandpoint, SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
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s Sandpoint-area properties that have lain idle for years are bought up by investors and developed for private uses, citizens have mourned the loss of access they once had to de facto recreation and gathering spaces. In the face of this decline in the public inventory, it’s been heartening to see that some developers have left places open to the public and have even created spaces specifically for public use. These new public spaces provide a variety of benefits. They have given artisans places to sell their works, and musicians and actors places to perform. They have provided new places for community groups to meet and venues for fundraising events for Sandpoint’s innumerable grassroots charitable efforts. And they have salvaged historic resources that could not have been retained without the infusion of private money. For example, when Brad and Lynda Scott arrived from Reno, Nev., they recognized the potential of the dilapidated school building at the corner of Euclid and Pine and decided to take it on. Legions of graduates of the 1922 vintage Sandpoint High School (later the Ninth Grade Center) had had to watch their alma mater decay after its closure in 1989. The windows were boarded up, it was stripped of its hardwood floors and trim, and there were holes in the floors and wires hanging from the ceiling. Lynda notes that the one remaining thing of value was a World War I memorial plaque in the auditorium: “It was hanging by one bolt that was so bent that no one could get it off.” But the shell of the classic brick schoolhouse remained intact, and now the Scotts are not only rescuing a piece of Sandpoint’s past, but offering a new public space with a new name, the Sandpoint Business and Events Center. While the classrooms are being converted to business offices and a coffee bar, the two performance spaces made
By Cate Huisman
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Public Spaces
here; this is a local bank, and we wanted the headquarters here because it has a lot of jobs, a lot of really good jobs,” said Chairman Jack Parker. “The board and the bank felt strongly that we should give back to the community,” added Travis Kaul, local branch manager and vice president. It’s not surprising, then, that providing public space was an important consideration when the bank constructed its new home, the Sandpoint Financial and Technical Center of Intermountain Community Bancorp. The scale and
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moved in on New Year’s Eve. Panhandle State Bank is another Sandpoint institution, but until this year, it has not been associated with a particular public space. Founded here nearly 30 years ago to support local businesses and residents, the homegrown bank has expanded out of the panhandle and now does business at more than a dozen branches in three states as Intermountain Community Bank. When the bank needed new headquarters, it was important to the board to keep it in Sandpoint. “We started
Left: Panhandle State Bank celebrates its first employee party in its new headquarters (photo by Tami Wood). Above: The Cedar Street Bridge was again home to the “Taste of Sandpoint” for Winter Carnival in January (photo by Heather Bennett).
parking requirements of the resulting building have been difficult for some locals to adjust to, but the public amenities are impressive. An atrium with benches, tables, chairs, and a garden with a water feature reaches through the building’s three stories to its skylit ceiling. Next door, Tango Café provides breakfasts and lunches (and takeout dinners for the harried) for citizens to eat in the atrium while cruising the Internet on the free connection. In addition, a meeting room with audiovisual equipment and seating for up to 90 has been built specifically for use by local groups. Similar to the Panhandle State Bank building, the new Dover Bay development just downriver was controversial; it dwarfs the neighboring town of Dover, and locals have had to stop using a favorite beach near the site of the old Pack River Lumber mill. But in contrast to communities that advertise themselves as “exclusive” and “private,” Dover Bay is specifically and purposeContinues on page 58
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Public Spaces
Public Spaces
Public Spaces, continued from page 56
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fully ungated and open to anyone. “There’s a lot of development (around Sandpoint),” said developer Ralph Sletager, “and the public access is just getting whittled away. We wanted to preserve something for the future.” Dover Bay includes a public beach, hiking and biking trails, a waterfront with a fishing pier and boat launch, and a viewpoint on a little knob, all open to anyone who wants to use them. The area has also welcomed public sporting events, including Sandpoint High School cross-country meets. It is the new venue for the Sunday Concerts on the Lawn, sponsored by Pend Oreille Arts Council. In addition, an old barn on the property is available for events. The mayor’s daughter used it for her
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wedding reception after she was married at the waterfront. The community’s own recent addition to its gathering places is the Little Theater adjacent to the Panida Theater. When the Avalanche Bar next door to the Panida came up for sale a few years ago, the theater’s board saw an opportunity that wasn’t likely to come by again soon. The Panida hosts a variety of live entertainers as well as films, but “We were built as a movie house, not a performing arts facility,” said Executive Director Karen Bowers. “We have a very small lobby, and there’s no space for props, costumes or dressing rooms.” So the board took on a new mortgage to buy the bar next door, and thus far has managed each year to raise the funds necessary to make the annual payments. Lease payments from a wine merchant, Stage Right Cellars, currently in the front of the new building contribute to paying off the loan, and the Little Theater has opened in the back. This space has been useful to groups who want a smaller space and a more intimate atmosphere than the 550-seat Panida provides. It’s been used for everything from the annual meeting of the Downtown Sandpoint Business Association to business seminars, poetry readings, a Lost Horse Press book fair, and the Idaho Conservation League’s global warming forum. Nonprofit groups get preferred rental rates. It would be easy to shrug off many such public offerings by pointing out that they serve a commercial purpose: Where the public gathers, the market gathers. Developers of retail spaces, in particular, have every reason to do all they can to lure the public in. But welcoming us into new developments and buildings also conveys the message that members of our community are valued. New public spaces could be the silver lining to what some perceive as the cloud of encroaching development.
www. LatelierJ ew e lry.c om 58
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Outdoor Education Books
Twin Eagles Wilderness School Connecting people and the natural world
A Twin Eagles Wilderness School student becomes one with nature as she camouflages into the forest, hiding during a game of “Eagle Eye.”
not an easy task. They were determined to use it to light their wood-burning stove. With winter fast approaching and the cold weather motivating them, it didn’t take long for them to learn how to use this ancient tool. Over the next five years the couple was immersed in a five-year apprenticeship through the Wilderness School’s Art of Mentoring and Naturalist Studies program. Tony Ten Fingers, elder Gilbert Walking Bull and other Native American teachers across the country mentored them. Corcoran finished the Wilderness Awareness School’s 2,000-hour Kamana Naturalist Training Program. Tidwell completed a bachelor’s degree from Prescott College in Earth-based living skills and mentoring. SUMMER 2008
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Both became certified Wilderness First Responders – a rigorous first aid and wilderness safety training. The young couple explored America for about three months, wandering here and there in search of the right location in which to settle. One rainy day in 2003, they found themselves on the south end of the Long Bridge, heading for Sandpoint. Just then, a spectacular rainbow appeared – one end of it dipping into the picturesque town. Perhaps, thought Corcoran and Tidwell, this was a forerunner of good things to come. And so it was, for in 2005, they launched Twin Eagles Wilderness School north of Ponderay. The Twin Eagles Instructor Training Program is a key element at TEWS. SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
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assion is what Sandpoint residents Tim Corcoran and Jeannine Tidwell, a husbandand-wife team, feel about their Twin Eagles Wilderness School (TEWS). This family-focused nature awareness school is based in Sandpoint and serves the greater Inland Northwest. Tidwell says TEWS aims to “connect people of all ages with the natural world.” Co-founders and co-directors of TEWS, Corcoran and Tidwell follow an educational model called Earth-Based Mentoring, which combines traditional Native American teachings, field ecology and current research on brain development. Adult instructors mentor their students through storytelling, ceremonies, singing, group and individual activities, reflection time and adventures. The Twin Eagles journey began for the couple when they were living in Taos, N.M. Around 1998, a friend sent Corcoran some books written by Tom Brown Jr., an internationally known wilderness awareness expert. Brown espouses living close to the natural world in accordance with the teachings of native peoples. Corcoran comments that he and Tidwell were “particularly struck by Brown’s call to live one’s life to the fullest; to truly live one’s vision. We didn’t feel we were really doing that.” They were captivated by Brown’s writings – so much so that one day Corcoran picked up the phone and called Brown’s Tracker School in New Jersey. Soon the couple attended a lifechanging, weeklong wilderness class at the Tracker School. Corcoran said, “I knew I’d found my life’s calling by the end of the first week.” His wife agreed, and they went on to take more than a dozen courses. Next, they quit their jobs in Taos and enrolled in Jon Young’s Vermont Wilderness Awareness School. After settling into a log cabin near the school, their first challenge was to teach themselves how to use a primitive bow-drill –
By Kathleen Mulroy
5/4/08 11:29:13 AM
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The program’s importance can’t be emphasized too strongly because, as the directors say, “It’s the essence of who we are that transfers to our students.” Corcoran and Tidwell guide future TEWS instructors through a curriculum called “Eight Shields of Awareness” pioneered by tracker Jon Young. One of the skills learned is the art of mentoring. Youth who receive long-term mentoring, say the couple, can develop the ability to adapt to natural challenges and change. During the oncea-month program, adult students also study wilderness skills, leadership and community building. A lot of “inner tracking” – the process of developing self-awareness – goes on as well. Brett Holmquist, of Sandpoint, said of his training, “It’s not often that two days can influence one’s life work at the level I’ve experienced through my time with Twin Eagles.” The in-depth instruction results in teachers who work exceptionally
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At Twin Eagles Wilderness School, nature serves as the ultimate, dynamic teacher that awakens our senses, including our deepest sense of who we are and our place in the world.
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Outdoor Education
well with all age groups. One summer camper, 12-year-old Samuel Cook of Napa, Calif., describes his instructors as “very kind, intriguing and creative.” Sagle resident Dylan Potter, 12, said, “It’s easy to tell the teachers love what they’re doing; they’re so enthusiastic.” TEWS’ programs have been developed with the whole community in mind. Students acquire a wide variety of skills, including how to track and identify animals, find and prepare edible wild plants, and blend into the natural environment. They’re taught how to build fires with a bow-drill, create debris huts, braid cordage and craft bows. Sandpoint’s home-schooled children can attend Community School, which meets one day a week during the school year – usually in “nature’s classroom,” the outdoors. Parents may enroll their child in 10-week increments during the fall, winter and spring seasons. Saturday programs are offered in Spokane, Wash., and at the Sandpoint school.
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Outdoor Education
“Nature always strives for interconnectedness and balance, and so do individuals and communities.” –Tim Corcoran, co-director, Twin Eagles Wilderness School Elementary school student Blake Rockwell said: “This is probably the only school that makes everything fun. They even make gathering wood fun!” In the annual Winter Wilderness Olympics, children participate in a series of winter-oriented events. One of these is called Coyote Chases His Own Tail, in which kids work through a snowcovered obstacle course as quickly as possible while “becoming” different animals. During the summer months TEWS offers weeklong day and overnight camps. Eventually, teen leadership programs may be added. Adults can study wild plant medicines, fire making, traditional games and how to build shelters. Crafting bows and moccasin making are also popular courses. Passion-based learning – a core philosophy at TEWS – means that students learn easily if they are excited about a subject. So learning comes in the guise of outdoor adventures, games and crafts. For the participants, it’s just plain fun. In the words of 8-year-old Alissa Beggs of Sandpoint: “I like that we learn stories about native elders and how they lived. I feel happy, excited and free when I’m at Twin Eagles.” Dylan said: “One of my favorite things at summer camp was learning how to make fire with a bow-drill. I’ve
never done anything like that – and now I can! The games are great, too, like learning how to hide in the woods or the pond.” His friend Samuel said enthusiastically: “I liked creek stomping, exploring and going to the swimming hole. I learned the differences between thistle and stinging nettle plants. I learned how to make a bow-drill and how to make shelters from tree branches.” Parent Michael Welp of Sandpoint speaks of the impact TEWS has had on his children: “Twin Eagles brings nature and wilderness awareness to a whole new level for my children. The Earth-based mentoring approach is very powerful on many levels. I see both my girls thriving in a grounded manner as a result of their experiences. To sum it up, TEWS is one of my top three favorite parts of the Sandpoint area!” Twin Eagles Wilderness School, explain its directors, teaches “life lessons, the cycles of life and death, teamwork, facing hardship, conservation and relationships” within the context of the natural world. Twin Eagles’ ultimate goal, say Corcoran and Tidwell, is to “foster a community of naturalists, lifelong learners and caretakers of our Earth.” And have plenty of fun along the way! See www.twineagles.org or call 265-3685.
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Six Star Automotive,Inc
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FUN On Our Lake
See ya on the Lake Sandpoint Marina
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WAT E R F R O N T P R O P E R T Y M A N A G E M E N T 2 6 3 - 3 0 8 3 • w w w. s a n d p o i n t wat e r f r o n t. c o m
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Outdoors Books
Pend Oreille pontoonificating By Marianne Love
Sandpoint Outfitters (www.sand pointoutfitters.com) co-owner Tom Anderson can be considered a local
Clockwise from top: Pontoon boats such as this one can be rented by the day on Lake Pend Oreille. Tom Anderson fishes the Bull River with Max on his modified pontoon boat. Author Marianne Love cools off on Lake Pend Oreille in her single-person pontoon (photo by Laurie Tibbs).
pontoon pioneer. Years ago, when his friend Ray Pelland started a company called Kingfisher Pontoon Boats, Anderson helped Pelland design and test prototypes. “I have one of the original six that he built once we landed on a design,” SUMMER 2008
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Anderson said. “I modified my boat to accommodate my dog who always went with me.” He later modified it to accommodate another person and an electric motor. Anderson has fished with his boat in western Canada, Idaho, Montana and Washington. SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
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A man and his dog
y sisters, Barbara and Laurie, and I – all teachers – have resorted to using plastic 8-foot-long paddles to get our way. We prefer the 8-foot plastic variety. We’ve learned that it’s best not to slap too hard. They’re more effective if you apply them in a circular motion. We use our paddles in the summer – on water, not on students. After several sessions last year of learning to operate our single-person pontoons, we figure we’ve discovered an inexpensive way to spend hot summer afternoons in Pend Oreille country. We’re anxious to get started again paddling down area streams such as Sand Creek, and we’ll probably enjoy some more time letting lake waves carry us while sipping on cold drinks, basking in the sun, dangling our feet in the water or snapping photos of the serene beauty around us. The Lake Pend Oreille area teems with pontooning opportunities. Pontoons are metal or vinyl float devices that support structures ranging from simple platforms to elegant houseboats on the water. Minnesota farmer Ambrose Weeres started the pontoon industry in 1952 when he mounted a wooden deck on two columns of barrels welded together, creating a boat with more stability on the water. Pontoon pilots range from singlecraft owners looking for leisure to anglers such as Tom Anderson who design their own boats for fly-fishing adventures, or to full-fledged houseboat captains, such as Cory Cookman and Tom Puckett, who wine, dine and recline while putzing blissfully across Lake Pend Oreille’s vast waters. Heck, I’ve even met some year-round pontoon boat residents, such as J.T. Cheslic. People love to talk about their pontoons, regardless of size, use or price tag.
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“One of my best memories is fishing for bass down on the Johnson Creek slough when I caught and released an 8-pound largemouth bass one evening,” Anderson said. “While on the Bull River just across the Montana border, I caught and released a 26-inch German brown trout on a dry fly … actually had to turn on my electric motor and go upstream to chase it around a corner.” Anderson is also a virtual informational guide for pontoon safety, opportunities and accessories. “The boats can be used in all types of lakes for all types of fishing … bass fishing in the weeds, trolling on the big lake (with a motor),” he said. “When rowing in a river, you always face yourself downriver … pull yourself away from danger. … Start with non-threatening water first and work your way up (to more challenging waters).” He says the possibilities for singlepontoon boats are limitless, with acces-
sories ranging from rod holders to depth finders to fins or waders. “You can personalize it to whatever you’re going to be doing,” he said. Even the personal pooch can serve as a pontoon accessory, as Rugger did for his master one day on Montana’s Bitterroot River. “I told him to stay on the boat as I was wading across the river to fish,” Anderson said. “The wind came up. It blew my seat cushion off the boat. It was floating down the river. I was a long ways from the boat and watched in astonishment as my dog took the initiative to jump off the boat, retrieve the cushion and put it back on the boat.”
Work and play, the pontoon way Tom and Kim Puckett, parents of two boys, have the girl they never had in Josie Marie. At 612 inches long, she
The Blue Heron: a “single-wide” with Dad’s loving imprint
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weighs in at 33,000 pounds. She’ll turn eyes when she sets off for her first adventure on Lake Pend Oreille this summer. The Pucketts saw Josie Marie at dock one night last summer while celebrating their anniversary. Tom liked her looks. The owner was in and thinking about selling. Soon afterward, the Pucketts bought the houseboat. Tom, a real estate agent, says the boat, with newly resurfaced pontoons and extensive remodeling, will be ready for a dual role this summer. “There are no real estate offices on our water,” he said. “This way I have Century 21 banners on my boat and, with Wi-Fi, I can print out property information on the boat. I know I’ll be the first real estate office on Lake Pend Oreille.” The Pucketts will also use Josie Marie for family fun at their favorite spot in Sunnyside Bay. “The kids go down the slide or fish,” he said. “The adults visit on top. We play lots of board games, discuss business, brainstorm and host a lot of visitors. Our theme name is ‘When the Sun Goes Down,’ because we’re always on it at that time.”
Cory Moon Cookman, owner of The Blue Heron, has her father to thank for realizing her dream of owning a houseboat. In 2006, Bud Moon, a
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Outdoors Books
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well-known area boatman, called Cory the day after her husband, Eric, had deployed to Iraq. “I was singing the blues,” she said. “Dad said, ‘Hey, Core, I found a boat we ought to look at.’ ” The 1985 boat was docked on Lake Coeur d’Alene. In spite of its need of extensive repair, Cory fell in love. With the blessing of her husband, she bought the 46-footby-14-foot Three Buoys vessel. “It’s like a single-wide on pontoons,” she said. “It was such a joy to see Dad coming around the bend, piloting that houseboat. We had a spot at Kramer’s Marina but stopped in front of his condo, tied up at the little dock and christened it The Blue Heron that day.” With Cory as “gofer cash and gofer supplies,” Bud and woodworker friend Jack Harlow teamed up at Kramer’s parking lot during the winter to restore the vessel. The project included new siding, rails, floor, wiring, new studs, bathroom, spruced-up cabinets and knotty-pine interior paneling. Bud also taught his daughter how to drive the boat. Her first solo trip to Glengary Bay for a Sunday picnic with friends tested Cory’s grace under pressure while trying to stay out of the way as overhead planes scooped up water for a forest fire. “Suddenly two, red-orange airplanes were racing toward the water. I got an up-close-and-personal appreciation of how those planes do their jobs. I think I was close enough to hear the swearing,” Cory said. “The planes got their water, and I got to keep the top rail of the upper deck.” Since then, her husband has returned from Iraq, and she’s taken groups on memorable outings, even to the Pend Oreille River. The restored boat inspires thoughts of her dad. “Working on The Blue Heron with Dad was one of the great joys of my life,” Cory said. “(In February) he had been over to the boat for the first time all winter. He called and told me we needed to order some things for the boat. We made plans to work on it again on Saturday. He died Friday morning. I
Bud Moon and daughter Christine Moon Hengstler visit as Cory Moon Cookman pilots The Blue Heron, during an outing on Lake Pend Oreille in 2007.
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Pontoon Pointers will continue with the project. I know in my heart I will smile because the memories of the time Dad and I spent together will always be with me.”
Home on the lake
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J.T. Cheslic surveys land for a living but lives on the water at Hope’s Kramer’s Marina. For six years, the 31-year-old Illinois native has called a 36-foot-by10-foot houseboat home. He spent three years in the Navy but prefers this northern Idaho sea life. “When you’re the captain, everything’s good,” Cheslic said. “It’s on the water, and I love fishing. It’s hard to get (land) close to the water. How else can you live anywhere on the lake that you want at the time you want?” Cheslic pays $3,000 annually to rent his slip. He likes having water on all four sides without property taxes. He plans to remodel his boat from the bottom up and increase its interior space. He’s content with the lifestyle in spite of a few down sides, i.e., bad weather, big waves and banking pitfalls. “The banks don’t consider a boat a place of residence, so if you try to borrow, it can get tough,” Cheslic said. The good outweighs the bad though. “I can fish all the time, run all over the lake or just get out there and bob around … all the sunsets you want, great stars at night, no phone,” he says. “The neighborhood, it couldn’t get much better. … And, for rules? Everyone respects each other’s space. It works.”
Purchase: Single-person pontoons are available at Sandpoint Outfitters (2639119), Black Sheep (255-1238) or at Wal-Mart (265-8332), all in Ponderay. Prices range from $170 to $500 for single-person, 8-foot pontoons, and up to $600 for 9-footers. Double/triple-person pontoons ($800 to $5,000) can be ordered through Sandpoint Outfitters or Sandpoint Marina Shop (263-1535) in Ponderay. Larger boats can be ordered through some marinas or purchased from private owners. Rentals: A few area marinas rent larger pontoon boats. Reservations recommended two weeks in advance. Hope Marine Services (264-5105, on Highway 200 in Hope next to the Floating Restaurant) rents four 24-foot vessels at $300 for 8 hours, includes tax and fuel for up to 18 passengers. Half-day rentals are possible on a walk-in basis. Sandpoint Marina (263-3083, at 120 E. Lake Street) has two 20-foot pontoons available for $325 per day. Pontoon safety and laws: Lt. Cary Kelly, supervisor of the Bonner County Sheriff’s Marine Division, says the general guideline for pontoon operators, large or small, is to follow Idaho boating laws, i.e., no-wake zones and respect for nonmotorized areas. “Obviously, the size of the vessel and the weather/sea conditions will dictate suitable areas for safe boating,” Kelly said. “Generally, small, nonmotorized vessels are best suited to the protected areas – Pack River and Clark Fork deltas, small lakes and rivers, and close to shore.” For small pontoon boats, operators must carry a whistle and a life jacket. Larger pontoon boats powered with outboard engines must be titled, registered and equipped with extra safety equipment. Launching sites: The Lake Pend Oreille area offers dozens of designated public launch areas for boaters with single-person pontoon craft. Besides nearly 20 sites around the big lake, the Pack and Clark Fork river deltas, Pend Oreille River, Chuck’s Slough, and Sand Creek provide downstream paddling, especially for shuttlers preferring to avoid a tough, upstream workout. For anglers and floaters preferring smaller lakes, Mirror, Shepherd, Cocolalla, Kelso, Round and Gamlin, etc. have public access. Launch areas are clearly noted on the Lake Pend Oreille Idaho Recreation Map; see below. Maps: The Lake Pend Oreille Idaho Recreation Map sells for $12 in bookstores, at www.SandpointGeneralStore.com, and at marinas in Hope, Sandpoint, Dover, Garfield Bay and Bayview. TerraPen Geographics, which published the waterproof map in 2006, also sells it at The Map Store, on Church Street in downtown Sandpoint.
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5/4/08 11:29:54 AM
Creative output
POAC celebrates 30 years of art, on stage and in schools
By David Gunter
Left: POAC’s former executive director Ginny Jensen, board member Marilyn Sabella and Executive Director Kim Queen have all helped make POAC succeed (photo by David Gunter). Above: New Zealand’s Kahurangi Maori Dancers pose with POAC Vice President Judy Thompson and Queen.
folksinger/songwriter Tom Rush; the critically acclaimed Appalachian Mountain-bluegrass conglomeration, Music from the Crooked Road; the annual holiday tradition of Ballet Idaho’s performance of “The Nutcracker”; one of America’s premier doo-wop groups, The Alley Cats; Eugene Ballet’s dancers celebrating the Big Band era with The Swing Kings; 60 local children who were featured in the Missoula Children’s Theatre production of “Robinson Crusoe”; the Grammynominated chamber/jazz infusion quintet, Imani Winds; New Zealand’s tribal emissaries, Kahurangi Maori Dancers; SUMMER 2008
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and the grand finale – London’s Carl Rosa Opera with a rendition of Gilbert and Sullivan’s “H.M.S. Pinafore,” featuring a traveling company of more than 40 singers and actors, accompanied by a 20-piece orchestra. “In terms of arts presenting, we’re now playing with the big boys,” said board member Marilyn Sabella, who also serves on the board of directors for Arts Northwest – a coalition of statewide arts organizations from Idaho, Oregon and Washington. “When my colleagues in Arts Northwest see what we’re bringing to little old Sandpoint, they’re very impressed, because it’s the SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
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hen it comes to all things artistic in Sandpoint, the Pend Oreille Arts Council (POAC) has been the go-to organization for the past three decades. The group’s longevity, as well as its longterm effectiveness, can be attributed to the efforts of a 14-member “working board” and a virtual army of volunteers – more than 250 of them at last count. Now celebrating its 30th anniversary, POAC has become a well-oiled arts machine, directly responsible for a slate of events that take place on stage, in schools or on the walls of a growing number of community galleries. This summer, the council has expanded the number of galleries showing the work of local artists, as well as the head count for artists taking part in its popular Arts and Crafts Fair. Success, as they say, breeds success. But POAC’s beginnings were more humble. In the late 1970s, the group cut its teeth by presenting only a handful of concerts and a few artists’ exhibits. “It was kind of a Judy-Garland-andMickey-Rooney ‘Come on, kids – let’s do a show!’ affair,” said Ginny Jensen, who was there during the early years and served as the group’s executive director from 1986 to 1999. These days, POAC shows are consistently sold out. The most recent season included 10 performances at the Panida Theater, with attendance that totaled approximately 5,500 ticket holders. In the 2007-08 Performance Season, the organization presented “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare – Abridged,” a fast-paced homage to the bard; legendary ’60s
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same caliber of artists they’re booking.” The annual concert series might be POAC’s most visible effort on the local arts scene, but its connection to local schools has the broadest reach in terms of the sheer number of people affected. In an environment where
federal mandates for academic testing have squeezed the arts out of many school districts across the nation, the council makes certain that students in Sandpoint have access to art in virtually every form. “It seems like budget issues are
always looming on the horizon for schools, and sometimes the first programs to be cut are art and music,” said Kim Queen, who joined POAC as executive director in 2006 and feels the group continues to make a difference in offsetting those cuts. “Right now, we
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have more than 50 volunteers teaching art in 11 elementary schools, and I really think we can expand that.” The volunteers cover art fundamentals for students in grades 3 through 6 in a program called Kaleidoscope – a cooperative venture with the Community Assistance League and Lake Pend Oreille School District that involves more than 1,600 children each school year. Elementary students also attend concerts at the Panida Theater as part of the Ovation series, where touring performers add a daytime show to their Sandpoint schedule in order to give youngsters a chance to experience live performance. At the high school level, POAC sponsors the Perspectives program,
which brings working artists into the classroom for instruction, along with regular workshops and master classes for both band and choral music students. In total, the school-related programs reach more than 3,000 local students in grades kindergarten through 12. According to Sabella, education has always been a cornerstone in establishing Sandpoint as an arts community. “Growing up here, I didn’t get to see an orchestra until I was 16 years old, even though I played cello in band,” she said. “Now the school-age children in our community are experiencing ballet, opera, theater and world music – that’s exciting.” “We’ve always had a history of outreach into the community; it’s just expanded now,” Jensen said. “And over the past 10 years, POAC has also evolved to give more service to artists.” Multiple venues have been created for both performing and visual artists who call this area home. Local musicians are featured every Saturday
from Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day weekend in a downtown concert series called Summer Sounds at Park Place. The same is true for the stage at POAC’s annual Arts and Crafts Fair in early August, which acts as a forum for resident musical acts over the course of two full days. The fair – like everything else the arts organization touches – is growing to keep up with demand. “It has turned into one of the premier arts events of the summer,” said Carol Deaner, president of POAC. “It’s so popular now that we’re going to expand the number of artists involved from the 110 we’ve had in the past to 120 to 130 this year.” The Arts and Crafts Fair, held every August at Sandpoint City Beach, attracts up to 3,500 people for the weekend event, this year Aug. 9-10. In the visual arts, the group has developed a citywide network of galleries that show local sculpture, photography, mixed media and painting in every medium from June into September.
Opposite page, from left: A child experiments with art at the annual Arts & Crafts Fair at City Beach. Artist Gail Lyster paints the sidewalk at Farmin Park. Local and regional musicians perform in Sunday Concerts on the Lawn.
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Arts Now in its 22nd year, the Artwalk series has grown to include 30 locations and the work of more than 100 artists. A much larger exhibition space is provided year-round at the POAC Gallery, located in The Old Power House. This past spring, the gallery was filled with work of young artists during the annual Student Art Exhibit. In December, students will again be featured in a show titled “The Art of Human Rights” – an event offered for the first time last year to honor worldwide Human Rights Day in partnership with the local Human Rights Task Force. “We asked the kids to pick one article from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that really spoke to them and create art around it,” Queen said, adding that topics included race, religion and sexuality. “We got some very powerful, very edgy work.” Building on its educational foundation, the arts council presents three high school scholarships each year for students pursuing performing arts,
visual art and literature. Two of POAC’s most popular local events were founded by Sabella more than 25 years ago when she initially sponsored the Summer Concerts on the Lawn series and Summer Sounds at Park Place, both free public performances. Those musical presentations now make up only a small part of the year-round offerings the arts council brings to the Panida Theater. Through the efforts of Sabella, POAC and other community groups and individuals, the Panida has been turned into the kind of venue that can support the national-quality acts now being booked by the arts council. Major improvements since the mid-’80s include a stage extension, converting the former basement into dressing rooms, creating an interior artists’ access to the stage and the installation of a new heating and air-conditioning system for the theater. In the early days of POAC – before those amenities were in place – the
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organization still managed to attract traveling companies such as the San Francisco Opera Company. When the opera came to town the first time, the board begged and borrowed enough Winnebagos to cobble together a makeshift string of dressing rooms in the parking lot behind the theater. Portapotties were lined up outside to provide restroom facilities. Despite the decidedly downscale trappings, the performers were caught up in POAC’s “show must go on” fervor. Jensen has fond memories of those first events. “When the opera company was here, it was so hot that we had to keep the stage doors open for a breeze,” she recalled. “Right in the middle of ‘La Traviata,’ a little dog walked onto the stage and stood there looking out at the audience. One of the performers just casually picked it up like it was part of the show and kept on singing as they carried it into the wings.” In its current incarnation, POAC brought Queen aboard to help direct both the artistic and fiscal side of the operation. A native of the Pacific Northwest, her professional background included time as financial officer for the Northwest Aids Foundation, as well as fund development manager for First Place, a Seattle-based school and social service agency devoted to helping homeless children and families. Once she took the arts council position, Queen was immediately impressed with the can-do spirit of the Sandpoint arts community. Just as impressive, she noted, was the interactive relationship POAC has with its audience, which both cheers and steers the group’s artistic direction. “Everyone loves the accolades, but we also like to hear about what else we should be doing,” Queen said, adding that there is never a shortage of creative input and constructive criticism. “Whether it’s the artists themselves or the arts aficionados and patrons, this community is extremely vocal when it comes to the arts.” For more information visit www.art insandpoint.org.
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Resource conservation: Restoring the Pack River Delta
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pecial places come in all shapes and forms; they may range from formally acknowledged to wholly unprotected. One of our special places around Sandpoint is soon to benefit from not only acknowledgement, but enhancement and protection for the future as well. The Pack River, second largest tributary to Lake Pend Oreille, drains more than 185,000 acres, and provides key habitat, as well as a migration corridor, for native trout. It is utilized by a myriad of wildlife, including elk, deer, moose, beaver and many species of waterfowl. It is also a local favorite for recreational opportunities such as kayaking, canoeing, hiking, wildlife viewing, fishing and hunting. This winter, some exciting work will begin on the Pack River Delta to build up the islands to provide habitat for birds and wildlife year-round. This area receives much eyeing and ogling, as it lies on the stretch of Highway 200 designated as a Scenic Byway. For locals and tourists alike, the delta is an inevitable eye-catcher. A delta is a landform where the SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
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mouth of a river flows into an ocean, estuary, lake or another river. It builds up sediment outward into the flat area; the sediment is transported by the water and set down in a fan shape as the currents slow in the mouth. The Pack River Delta, locally known as the Pack River Flats, is comprised of 574 acres of slow and deep meandering of the Pack River, dotted with wetlands formed by old oxbows. The construction of the Albeni Falls Dam on the Pend Oreille River, completed in 1955, changed the operation and flow of the entire delta area. From a riverine habitat, meaning near a river, the delta was transformed into a shallow, lacustrine environment, which is more lake-like. The fluctuation of Lake Pend Oreille water levels as part of the operation of the dam also impacts the ability of the delta to function properly. The Pack River Delta supports thousands of waterfowl during migration. Delta habitat is utilized by a variety of species including bald eagle, osprey, great blue heron, Canada geese, tundra swans, transient shorebirds and a variety of landbirds dependent upon wetland
By Kate Wilson habitats. It is one of the most essential feeding and resting areas for migrant and wintering waterfowl in the watershed and supports migrant flocks of northern pintails, wintering flocks of up to 30,000 redheads, canvasbacks, and hundreds of American wigeon and ringnecked ducks. The restoration planned in the delta will increase the diversity of species, ideally recovering populations present before dam construction. “The project is unique in that it will be something very visible to folks – it will show them how deltas operate and the importance of wetland habitats,” said Avista’s Terrestrial Program Leader Nate Hall. The North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) was passed by Congress in 1989; it provides federal matching funds to public-private partnerships to conserve wetlands around the nation. The primary focus of the NAWCA program is on wetland habitat for migratory birds. NAWCA funds projects that protect, restore or enhance wetlands and associated upland habitats; it is administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
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addition, $4.8 million in federal funds were provided as part of the overall project. Though the NAWCA grant awarded is large, the contribution of the partners is colossal. Avista Corporation holds the licenses to two dams on the lower Clark Fork River, Noxon Rapids and Cabinet Gorge. As part of the relicensing for these dams, Avista and representatives from 26 stakeholder groups jointly developed the Clark Fork Settlement Agreement, through which Avista has committed financial and technical support to assist with wildlife, water quality, wetlands, fisheries and recreation projects in the basin. Ducks Unlimited, the proposal sponsor, was conceived during the Dust Bowl in 1937 when a group of sportsmen got together to conserve the habitat for waterfowl that was being degraded at an alarming rate. With a mission to conserve habitat, Ducks Unlimited is now the world’s largest and most effective private wetlands conservation organization with more than 775,000 members in North America. IDFG manages more than 4,000 acres in the region that are part of the Pend Oreille Wildlife Management Area. That area consists of 25 separate parcels of land located within Bonner County that are managed for wildlife, recreation, waterfowl production and the protection of wetland areas used by migrating birds. Its mission ties in nicely to the NAWCA project. SUMMER 2008
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During 2006, a group of 14 organizations, individuals and agencies worked with Avista Corporation’s grant writer, Ruth Watkins, to craft a proposal seeking NAWCA funds for the delta restoration project. In spring 2007, $1 million in NAWCA funds was awarded for the delta and to facilitate conservation easements with private landowners to further protect important habitat from development. “NAWCA is a big, national program that is highly competitive,” said Watkins. “The fact that we got this funding is pretty amazing.” Without the partnerships of many local agencies and organizations, the NAWCA grant would not be possible. The lead organizations include Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), Ducks Unlimited and Avista Corporation. In addition, the Clark Fork-Pend Oreille Conservancy, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, The Conservation Fund, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, American Bird Conservancy, and several private landowners were instrumental in securing the grant. “This is something that couldn’t have been done by any one entity,” said Hall. The “match funds” provided for the project, totaling an impressive $2.5 million includes money, property and in-kind work from the 14 partners. In
Currently, the highest quality habitat in the Pack River Delta is located on the upper one-third of the delta near the Highway 200 bridge; the remaining area of the delta is completely submerged during summer high-water levels, severely decreasing habitat value during a substantial portion of the year. Essentially, the NAWCA funds will enable the project partners to design and build mounds and islands and to plant these with trees and shrubs, replicating plant communities that already exist higher up in the delta. The sediment deposited from the Pack River will serve to reinforce the higher and more stable islands, restoring more of the original state of the delta. “To restore the functionality of a delta is huge,” said IDFG biologist Kathy Cousins. “People will know all across the country about the Pack River Delta if this works.” She equates a successful Pack River Delta project with the notorious repute of the Chesapeake Bay. Cousins also has dreams of applying the lessons learned in this project to the larger and more complex Clark Fork Delta in the future. This groundbreaking project will benefit from the support of the community; whether you are a birder, a kayaker, a wildlife watcher, or just a driver on the scenic byway, keep in mind the scope and intent of the project when you next dabble in the delta. The collaborative and complex nature of this project will make it a worthy one to watch progress over the next couple of years. “Beyond just goodwill and good intentions, a $2 match for every $1 requested was required,” said Ivan Lines, biologist for Ducks Unlimited. “We’re leveraging money that was already spent in the area. If we didn’t have the local support, we would not have gotten this project.”
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Environment Run of the river: Recreational opportunities in the delta Though time of year plays such a large role in which activi-
For birders, the greatest waterfowl use of the WMA occurs in the
ties can be done due to fluctuating water levels, changes in river flow,
fall. The Pack River Delta supports thousands of bird species, includ-
and the overwhelming presence of mud, the Pack River and its delta
ing the great blue heron, bald eagle, wood ducks, northern pintail,
area provides many recreational opportunities for those who plan
canvasbacks, redheads and more. Wildlife viewers have the opportu-
ahead, those who go along with the planners and even those impulsive
nity to glimpse more than 200 documented wildlife species, including
107 species of breeding songbirds, 54 waterbird species, 10 rap-
When driving along the Highway 200 corridor, designated the Pend Oreille Scenic Byway, limited parking is available at the Pack River
tors, 21 butterflies, six amphibians, four reptiles, and 28 mammals in the Clark Fork-Pend Oreille watershed.
Delta, a popular place for birding and watching wildlife. This section is
Hunting is known to be excellent for ducks and geese in the early
also part of the Pend Oreille Wildlife Management Area (WMA) man-
season, before Lake Pend Oreille has been drawn down. In the Pack
aged by Idaho Department of Fish & Game (IDFG), which is open to
River Delta, deer, elk, waterfowl, turkey and grouse are commonly
public access. It is a great spot to watch for wildlife and take in the
hunted. Fishing for warmwater species such as bass is also a com-
water world of the Pend Oreille. For more information on the Scenic
mon activity in the delta area. For more information on hunting or
Byway, see www.poby.org or stop by the Greater Sandpoint Chamber
fishing in the Pend Oreille WMA, see http://fishgame.idaho.gov/cms/
of Commerce.
wildlife/wma/pendoreille or call IDFG at 208-769-1414.
Fish & Game manages more than 4,000 acres in the region that
“Our agency has embraced the notion of getting people back out-
are part of the Pend Oreille WMA, consisting of separate parcels
doors,” said IDFG Mitigation Biologist Kathy Cousins. “Large portions
of land located within Bonner County. Habitat management in these
of the local community are not hunters or anglers – but they love to
areas is based on protecting the sites for wildlife, waterfowl and
watch the wildlife, walk their dogs or go birding.”
the public, for hunting, fishing, wildlife viewing and other outdoor
Hiking opportunities abound in the delta area, but for an estab-
recreational pursuits.
lished trail and a stellar view from the top, try Trout Peak, at 5,000
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Sometimes you need to take a mini-vacation from your vacation.
Within the private resort of Seasons at Sandpoint, lies an exquisite Spa open to the public everyday this summer. With so many outdoor activities in North Idaho during the warmer months, you may just want to take a soothing massage break, enjoy an invigorating facial, or relax in the rejuvenating repose of a steam bath. Any of these mini-vacations will put you back into the swing of things as you soak in the spectacular views of Lake Pend Oreille. All available in The Spa at Seasons.
The Spa at Seasons. This is the place. Call 888.263.5616 or visit SeasonsAtSandpoint.com 424 Sandpoint Avenue, Third Floor of The Retreat
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Environment feet elevation. From Sandpoint, take Highway 200 east nine miles to Trout Creek Road No. 232 (across from Pack River bridge); take a left and continue nine miles. You’ll see the trailhead on the right. Trout Peak Trail No. 57 is 2.3 miles one-way and is considered a fairly difficult hike. It is closed to motorized use April 1 to Nov. 15 but hikers and horses are welcome anytime. Farther up the corridor, there are many nonmotorized boating opportunities; the Lower Pack River is a popular destination for kayak and canoe enthusiasts. There are three common trips taken by kayak/canoe: • Highway 95 ust south of Samuels Store, 1 miles north of Sandpoint, parking available) to the Colburn-Culver Road (first bridge is three miles east of Highway 95); • Rapid ightning Road at the bridge, parking available to the Pack River Delta (where Highway 200 intersects with the Pack), or • A full day trip from Highway 95 to the Pack River elta PHOTO BY WOODS WHEATCROFT
The first two trips can be done in a half-day, the range depending on the flow and river conditions. The third trip would require more planning and take most of the day. Remember your keys for the shuttle vehicle. The Pack is said to be “doable” after May, though later in the summer you could expect the water to be less chilling and less full of debris, the air warmer and the skies bluer. Paddlers in May and June may also find stronger currents and should have good swift-water skills; it’s mellower in summer. Kayaks can be rented from Full Spectrum Tours (321 N. Second Ave., 263-5975) or Outdoor Experience (314 N. First Ave., 263-6028) in Sandpoint.
Paddlers en oy the half day oat from the Pack River Store to the lake
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5/3/08 6:35:13 PM
People Arts
Valedictorians spell success Offer advice for today’s high school students Editor’s note: This is the first in a series of stories.
By Susan Drinkard
Class of 1968: Bruce Greene
f there are any loser valedictorians from Sandpoint High School, they’re not easy to find. An informal survey of some of the highest-ranking students from Sandpoint High over the years finds these high achievers still achieving. And they have ready advice for today’s high school students.
Class of 1970: Theodore Hadley
Class of 1957: Rose (Chronic) Chaney worked as a dental hygienist for 25 years with her late husband, Angus Snedden. She eventually remarried and became a real estate broker. Now semi-retired in Sandpoint, she and her husband, former mayor Ron Chaney, are doing some development projects, gardening, boating and playing golf. Advice: “Take advantage of the great teachers and great school you have. There is skiing and a lake (here) and endless access to knowledge through the Internet. Students today can go anywhere and do anything,” she said.
Class of 1957: Rose Chronic Chaney
Senior photos artwork courtesy of Monticola, the Sandpoint High School yearbook.
Class of 1971: Sharon Bolstad lives in Albuquerque, N.M., where she enjoys the 300-plus days of sun and works as a contract manager for Honeywell, a Fortune 100 company in the aerospace industry. She has been involved in contracts for the space shuttle, interplanetary probes, and several spacecraft now orbiting the Earth for weather prediction and other purposes. “I make a very good living, and I trace that back to my high school teachers who provided a solid foundation in English, Latin and math. Advice: “Learn to put a decent sentence together. Take math and science.
Class of 1971: Sharon Bolstad
ee m m
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-1 64
Class of 1968: Bruce Greene practices family, probate and criminal defense law in Sandpoint in the same building where he began his career at his father’s law office in 1975. He has two children and enjoys hunting, gardening, traveling, hiking and skiing. Advice: “Four decades gives you some wisdom. … Think beyond immediate gratification.” Class of 1970: For 34 years Theodore Hadley has taught junior and high school band and guitar in Twin Falls, Idaho, where he is also conductor of the community symphony and municipal band. He and wife, Patty Krum Hadley, have three grown children. Advice: “Realize how little you know. School is serious business requiring discipline and perseverance.”
5/3/08 6:24:27 PM
People Class of 1974: Jamie (Fallat) Rundhaug
Lama says to have compassion. Looking to serve others helps us reframe our own stuff.”
Class of 1978: Barbara Tibbs teaches freshman and junior English and yearbook at Sandpoint High School, a 22-year veteran of the local school district. She also trains and shows Arabian and half-Arabian horses; coaches a youth Arabian horse team; judges horse shows and gives clinics. Advice: “Set goals. Stick to them. Adjust them when you need to. Get your assignments done and turned in.”
Class of 1978: Barbara Tibbs
Class of 1980: Lynne Stockman holds two master’s
Understand how to do basic analysis and be interested in what’s happening in technology.” Class of 1974: One of four valedictorians of the class of 1974, Jamie (Fallat) Rundhaug is working on
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her doctoral dissertation in the mental health field. She is a counselor specializing in eating disorders. She and her husband, Vincent, live in Kennewick, Wash. They have two grown sons. Advice: “Be self-reliant. The Dalai
degrees in mathematics and she is pursuing a doctorate in astronomy at Queen Mary and Westfield College in London, which is part of the University of London system. She has lived in England for the past 16 years. She and her husband, Dr. David Harper, live in Bar Hill, close to Cambridge. According to Lynne’s mother, Sandpoint resident Geraldine
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405 Schweitzer Cutoff Road, Sandpoint, ID 208.263.2413 or 208.265.4036 www.bonnercountyfairfoundation.org
5/3/08 7:02:06 PM
People Arts Class of 1980: Lynne Stockman
three children. Advice: “You get out of it what you put into it.” The co-valedictorian that year was Kevin Wright.
Class of 1985: Bryan’s sister, Becky (Jacobson) Hansel, is a first grade teacher in Camas, Wash. She and her husband and three children live in Washougal, Wash. Hansel earned her undergraduate degree from Class of 1982: Bryan Jacobson
Stockman, Lynne is not the first SHS valedictorian in their family. Lynne’s grandmother, Ada (Hagadone) Phillips, was the 1929 SHS valedictorian. Ada Page DMBR_SAN_NC 4/14/08 3:26 PM taught elementary school in Sandpoint
Class of 1985: Becky (Jacobson) Hansel
for 35 years.
Class of 1982: A Gonzaga University graduate, Bryan Jacobson is1 a Web designer for Micron in Boise where he resides with his wife and their
Gonzaga and a master’s in educational leadership from the University of Washington. Advice: “Enjoy high school. Work hard.”
Among the most coveted lake views in Northern Idaho.
First Phase Release Summer 2008.
The breathtaking waterfront surroundings known as Cheval Noir will be home to only nine custom estate properties. Shown by appointment only. www.DMBRealtySandpoint.com 800.653.7007 Property offered exclusively by DMB Realty Sandpoint. Brokers welcome. The Cheval NoirTM name, marks and all indicia are owned by Odyssey Development. This offer is not intended to constitute an offer in violation of the laws of any jurisdiction where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. Based on current development plans and subject to change without notice. (c) May 2008. DMB Realty LLC. All rights reserved. 041008.
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5/3/08 7:02:44 PM
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800-282-6880 TomlinsonSandpointSothebysRealty.com
imply Incredible Sandpoint, Idaho
“ONE-OF-A-KIND” Is An Understatement. This unique 136 acres has not one, but 2 rivers running through it. Beautiful elevated benches overlooking the lush meadows & river. Two nice existing barns, electric/phone, well & septic. #2065614 $2,250,000. Call BRIAN 208.290.2486
ON THE WATER. Enjoy panoramic views of Lake Pend Oreille
THE RARE WATERFRONT ACREAGE IN HOPE! 2.27 acre with 200’ of waterfront, SW facing building site, new Trex dock, well, septic, sprinkler system & if that’s not enough, enter through a mature forest that gives you privacy as well as beauty. 2.27 acres consists of 2 buildable lots which could be purchased separately. #2075907 $1,450,000. Call JUDITH at 208.255.6296
4 bedroom, 4 bath, fireplaces, gourmet kitchen, marble, custom tile, master bedroom suite with views. Attached garage, large shop/garage. Located close to Schweitzer Ski area. Visit www.graniteridgeestate.com for more information. #2073435 $1,295,000. Call MICKIE 208.290.5116
from this spacious “Attention to detail” home. This 5 bedroom, 5 bath home offers high vaulted ceilings, 2 fireplaces, lg. kitchen with all the amenities and granite countertops, in floor Hydronic heat, “wired for everything.” #2080667 $1,890,000. Call SHELLEY 208.290.5453
frontage feet on the Priest River with boatable access to the Pend Oreille River when water is up. City utilities available including water and sewer. Great development opportunity. Preliminary plat is already approved for 5 waterfront lots. #2075297 $695,000. Call JIM WATKINS 208.265.1505
3 baths, game room; 27 acres, creek, pasture, timber…this is the Idaho dream! #2073481 $424,500. Call STEVE 208.699.1719 or TONYA 208.699.1718
© MMVII Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Yellow House, © Van Gogh Museum/Superstock, Inc., used with permission. Sotheby’s International Realty® is a licensed trademark to Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates, Inc. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated, Except Offices Owned And Operated By NRT Incorporated. Sandpoint office: 208-263-5101, 200 Main Street, Sandpoint, ID 83864.
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800-282-6880 TomlinsonSandpointSothebysRealty.com
imply Incredible Sandpoint, Idaho
PANORAMIC VIEWS OF BALDY MOUNTAIN AND THE VALLEY from this 25 acre estate parcel, 10 minutes northwest
PERFECTION IN NEW CONSTRUCTION. 3900 sq ft, 4 bedroom, 3.5 Bath home on 5 quiet acres. Gourmet kitchen w/ wood floor, granite counter tops, stainless appliances; great room w/ fireplace, wood floor; master suite w/ jetted tub, walk-in closet; triple full size attached garage; zoned heating; central air; formal dining; den/office; only 12 minutes to Sandpoint. $669,000. Call PAUL 208.610.1360
VERY SPECIAL HOME IN A VERY SPECIAL SETTING. 3825 sq ft, 4 bedroom, 3 bath home on 9.5 parked-out, landscaped acres; wood floor in kitchen/dining area, water feature in living room, fireplace in family room; library/reading room, office, master suite with sky lights; large bonus room above the garage; large deck off the kitchen/dining area w/ gorgeous mountain views; 10 minutes to Sandpoint, 40 to CDA. $599,000. Call PAUL208.610.1360
A SPECTACULAR HOMESITE JUST 3 MILES FROM TOWN. Paved road. Parked out. Nat. gas, power and phone in street.
of Sandpoint. This serene property has many building sites, three pastures, a pond, dramatic granite rock outcroppings, level to gently rolling terrain, excellent access, and power/phone. Owner/Agent $449,000. Call JANE 208.290.6126
South Sandpoint; 2 blocks from public boat launch. Hardwood, granite, marble & travertine throughout. Custom cabinets. Sumi glass backsplash. Central A/C. Auto sprinklers. Owner/agent. $449,000. #2080644 Call MISTIE 208.290.5171
Peek-a-boo lake views. Two driveways installed – one for your home and the other for your shop. 6.38 acres @ $209,000. #2075187 Call MISTIE 208.290.5171
NEWER HOME IN NORTHSHORE. Super clean 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, Fresh paint inside. Refinished decks. Carpet & hardwood floors. Gas heat/fireplace. Central A/C. Fenced yard. Primo community beach area with dock & sandy beach. #2075656 $309,000. Call MISTIE 208.290.5171
© MMVII Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Yellow House, © Van Gogh Museum/Superstock, Inc., used with permission. Sotheby’s International Realty® is a licensed trademark to Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates, Inc. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated, Except Offices Owned And Operated By NRT Incorporated. Sandpoint office: 208-263-5101, 200 Main Street, Sandpoint, ID 83864.
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800-282-6880 TomlinsonSandpointSothebysRealty.com
Private Lake on 497 Acres
imply Incredible Sandpoint, Idaho
Sharing the Privilege Cheri Hiatt REALTOR® Idaho and Washington
• 6,634 sq ft main home • 2,300 sq ft log guest home • 1,900 sq ft caretakers home
• Barns & outbuildings • Miles of groomed trails • Borders national forest
www.AlmostIdahoRanch.com $10,800,000 Newport, WA #2073247
208.290.3719 800.282.6880 cheri.hiatt@ sothebysrealty.com
Your Adventure Vacation Destination Priest Lake waterfront home with 100 feet private deeded lakefront on Copper Bay. The unparalleled beauty of this pristine wonderland is at your doorstep for every kind of water sport imaginable. Snowmobile out your front door to 100’s of miles of National Forest trails in winter. Minutes to Priest Lake Golf Club and Hills Resort. 4600+ sq ft, contemporary cedar home, MLS#2080991 $2,500,000.
TEREE TAYLOR 208-610-3401
ANDY WOLTERS 208-290-1111
© MMVII Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Yellow House, © Van Gogh Museum/Superstock, Inc., used with permission. Sotheby’s International Realty® is a licensed trademark to Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates, Inc. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated, Except Offices Owned And Operated By NRT Incorporated. Sandpoint office: 208-263-5101, 200 Main Street, Sandpoint, ID 83864.
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800-282-6880 TomlinsonSandpointSothebysRealty.com
imply Incredible Sandpoint, Idaho
RAVENWOOD HOME 5 acres overlooking Sandpoint and the Selle Valley, 4 bed/3 bath, stunning woodwork throughout and natural rock fireplace in the living room. Wrap-around decks give extensive views from Baldy to Hope. #2074911 $1,350,000
2 WATERFRONT LOTS totaling 375’ on Oden Bay. Each lot has its own dock. Water and sewer available to each lot. Buy individually or together for a family compound. 1069 #2075397 $1,708,700 1071 #2075409 $879,900
TOP FLOOR WATERFRONT CONDO in Hope. 2 bed, 1 3/4 bath, plus loft. Tastefully furnished, propane forced air heat/central air conditioning. Detached one-car garage. Best priced waterfront on the lake! #2073979 $549,500
BEAUTIFUL CONTEMPORARY HOME WITH PANORAMIC MOUNTAIN VIEWS on 2.78 ac, trails & seasonal creek. Single level 3 bed/2 baths. Lovely master suite, garden tub & French doors to spacious deck. Oversized garage plus 27'x11' shop. 2081144 $499,950
SANDPOINT TOWNHOME with cottage garden. Hardwood floors, tiled countertops, garage, stainless appliances, gas fireplace, 9' ceilings, butcher block island, custom woodwork. Deck & covered patio with fenced yard. 3 bedrooms 2.5 bath. #2080583 $238,500
THE PERFECT HORSE SET UP, level 11+ acre 2/3 pasture & 1/3 wooded with barn, shop and tack room. 4 bed/3 bath includes complete mother in-law suite, vaulted ceilings, large jetted tub on the deck and 3-car garage. #2074035 $675,000
BEAUTIFUL LAKE AND MOUNTAIN VIEWS from 5 acre parcel at Ravenwood Estates, within minutes of downtown Sandpoint. Ready to build on, well and septic installed, utilities in the street, CCR's apply. #2080545 $428,000
NOT 1 BUT 2 GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS PANORAMIC Lake Pend Oreille and mountain views! Just over an acre each with power, phone, water and sewer. Ready for your new home. #2073316 $390,000 #2073315 $400,000
GORGEOUS LAKE PEND OREILLE AND MOUNTAIN VIEWS! One-half acre parcel with paid community sewer and water hookups, utilities to property line. Gently sloping terrain and ready for your new home. #2073314 $179,500
Susan Moon
Brandon Moon
Id & Mt REALTOR® ABR, CRS, GRI, RRS Cell 208.290.5037 susan@susanmoon.com
Idaho REALTOR® ABR, e-Pro Cell 208.610.4685 www.susanmoon.com
© MMVII Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Yellow House, © Van Gogh Museum/Superstock, Inc., used with permission. Sotheby’s International Realty® is a licensed trademark to Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates, Inc. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated, Except Offices Owned And Operated By NRT Incorporated. Sandpoint office: 208-263-5101, 200 Main Street, Sandpoint, ID 83864.
84-91.qxd:Full Page 1
5:55 PM
Page 91
800-282-6880 TomlinsonSandpointSothebysRealty.com
imply Incredible Sandpoint, Idaho
SandpointLuxuryCondos.com ~ SEASONS AT SANDPOINT RESALES! Enjoy resort living on Lk Pend Oreille w/ a clubhouse, pool, gym, day spa, marina, concierge services and underground parking. Choose from a Penthouse w/ 2 master suites and a boat slip for $1,199,000; a 2 bed/2 bath corner unit for $599,000; or an upper level 2/2 unit w/ custom interior design for $789,000.
ElliottBayWaterfront.com ~ LAKE FRONT LIVING ON PEND OREILLE!Quality home on .67 acre w/ 100ft of private beachfront, dock, boatlift and amazing views of the lake and the Monarch Mtns! Offered at $995,000.
DiamondTRanchNorthIdaho.com ~ AUTHENTIC IDAHO RANCH! The Clark Fork River runs nearby this unique retreat, surrounded by rugged FS mtns and boasting beautiful pastures, ponds, streams, trees and wildlife. The main home has 3 bdrms in addition to 6 log cabins, horse set up, barns, shop, bordering a wildlife refuge. 72+acres for $1,295,000 OR 137+ acres for $1,695,000.
COCOLALLA LAKEFRONT RETREAT ~ Sits on 1.2 acres w/ over 200ft of prime water frontage! Enjoy gorgeous views and water recreation from this private setting. Boat dock, det'd garage. Incredible value at $799,000!
LAVISH WATERFRONT ESTATE ~ Located in the celebrated Dover Bay community on Pend Oreille River w/ a private dock and access to unrivaled amenities. The home’s impressive design offers appealing luxury to the privileged buyer. Great for entertaining w/ an outdoor fireplace, deck and det’d guest quarters complete w/ kitchen, bathroom and more! Offered at $2,395,000.
SereneRiverView.com ~ SUBLIME TRANQUILITYoverlooking Pend Oreille River. Featured in fine home magazines, this thoughtfully planned home boasts oiled fir flrs, slate, 100yr old fir beams and vaulted ceilings. $789,000.
GoldHillEstate.com ~ LUXURY LIVING in every aspect! Experience the ultimate in materials and craftsmanship in this brilliantly designed 5000+sf masterpiece. Indoor pool, media rm, central vac, hand-stamped copper fascia, Brazilian cherry hardwood floors, handcrafted walnut cabinets and extensive use of stone for the indulgent home-seeker. Boat slip and community amenities on Lk Pend Oreille incl. tennis, swimming beach, marina and park. Offered at $1,595,000.
RESIDE AT THE IDAHO CLUB ~ Located within the prestigious Idaho Club golf resort! A level .35 acre along the Pack River and overlooking the 14th green of the new Jack Nicklaus course! $349,000.
Cindy Bond Associate Broker, GRI
elping buyers and sellers see possibilities before they become obvious.
208.255.7561 | Cindy.Bond@SothebysRealty.com | 200 Main | Sandpoint
© MMVII Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Yellow House, © Van Gogh Museum/Superstock, Inc., used with permission. Sotheby’s International Realty® is a licensed trademark to Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates, Inc. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated, Except Offices Owned And Operated By NRT Incorporated. Sandpoint office: 208-263-5101, 200 Main Street, Sandpoint, ID 83864.
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5/3/08 7:05:36 PM
The Bird Museum Arts
Bird Aviation Museum Soars into second season
By Dianna Winget
Docent Ted Farmin shows young visitors the interactive helicopter demonstration at Bird Aviation Museum.
Inventors Hall of Fame. Hand-in-hand with Dr. Bird’s belief, “Today’s interest and experiences result in tomorrow’s inventions,” kids will be exposed to five full days of fun and creativity, including the opportunity to design miniature amusement park rides, create vehicles, and brainstorm how to survive after “crash landing” on strange Planet Zak. The camp will be taught by local, certified teachers from Sandpoint Charter School, Farmin-Stidwell and Sagle Elementary. Also donating their time will be mentoring inventors such as Bob Smith, creator of Smith ski goggles, and Bob Parker, inventor of the digital thermometer. “Inventors come in all shapes and sizes,” said Pam. “They’re people who see a problem and find a solution. Camp Invention teaches and accelerates creative thinking skills. Even the great artists such as Michelangelo and Picasso had mentors.” Other helpers will include 14-yearold Blake Alfson, who is on the board SUMMER 2008
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of directors for the National Young Inventors, and Connor Lawrence, also 14, the museum’s youngest volunteer and codesigner of the popular scavenger hunt offered to all children who stop for a tour. The camp will run from July 7-11, 2008, and is open to students entering first through sixth grade. In addition to scheduled public events, the museum is also available for special, private events. “We’ve hosted our first wedding,” Pam said. “(It) overlooked the sky lodge at the top of the runway, followed by a Western reception with dinner and dancing in the museum. It was awesome. During the reception, Forrest and I were upstairs watching the people from the top floor. We hugged, and I thought, ‘That’s what the museum is all about. It’s a museum with heart.’ ” Visit www.birdaviationmuseum.com or call 255-4321 for more information on Camp Invention or Bird Aviation Museum and Invention Center. SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
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uly 7, 2008, marks the first anniversary for the Bird Aviation Museum and Invention Center, and if community response is any indication, it’s been a rousing success. “The museum is ten times more than we ever thought it would be,” says Pam Bird. “It’s amazing the people who have come from all over the world to visit, and the school groups have been coming through by the busload.” The Birds are quick to credit Sandpoint’s generous spirit and community involvement. “We couldn’t do it without the volunteers,” said Pam. The museum has a volunteer program run by Chris Wilson – real-life “Top Gun” and former commanding officer of the U.S. Navy Fighter Weapons School – and is always on the lookout for additional docents or other volunteers who can spare just a few days a month. The year’s been a victory not only for the museum, but for Dr. Forrest Bird himself who seems to keep racking up achievements. He granted an interview to Morley Safer and was featured on 60 Minutes in an episode that aired Oct. 7, 2007. Then he launched into 2008 by being honored at the fifth annual Living Legends of Aviation event held at the Beverly Hills Hilton. Now the Birds are busy gearing up for another eventful summer. “The museum is always open Monday through Saturday,” said Rachel Riddle, director of community relations and education. “But we’ll kick off the season again on Monday, May 19. From then through October we will be offering a seminar lecture series with topics ranging from innovation to aviation.” In keeping with their goal of educating America’s children, the Birds are thrilled to host this summer’s big event – Sandpoint’s first Camp Invention, a children’s math and science program sponsored by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and National
5/3/08 7:06:25 PM
The last dairy farmers Poelstras carry on family tradition
By Billie Jean Plaster
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onner County used to have dozens of dairies, but a steady decline since the end of the last World War has brought the number down to just one. The Poelstra family has been dairying since 1944 when Cornie and Fran moved here and bought 160 acres on East Shingle Mill Road. Today their son, Randy, his wife, Carla, and their son Garrett carry the torch in what has become a vanishing way of life, the family-run dairy farm. Cornie, originally from South Dakota, met his wife in Belgrade, Mont., and eventually moved to Sandpoint, buying the farm that was first homesteaded by Charles Selle. When they bought it from the Martin family, only about 50 of the acres had been cleared. The rest was logged over and left as a “stump farm.” Randy remembers blowing stumps with war surplus dynamite and pulling the remaining chunks out with horses, later using dozers, to clear the rest of the land, a process finished in the early ’70s. Cornie started his Grade A dairy with a herd of brown Swiss cows purchased from a farmer in Belgrade. The herd is all Holsteins now, although Randy has been experimenting with cross-breeding them to a registered SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
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milking shorthorn bull, to produce a calmer cow that converts grass to milk better. Father and son formed a partnership in 1971, when Randy came home after a year and a half of college. Randy had always liked farming, and he “didn’t fit in” at college. Later, he started his own family, marrying Carla in 1983, and raising two sons, Garrett and Glen. Carla admits she never thought she would be doing what she’s doing now – milking cows. Today with her husband she does the morning milkings that start at 5:30 a.m. and every other evening milking, which begins at 4:30 p.m. Garrett milks with his dad on the other evenings. Each milking session lasts two and a half to three hours. Randy’s last vacation was three years ago when he and Glen went to salmon fish in Alaska, while Carla and Garrett stayed home and milked cows. The pair spends more time together than the average working couple, but it is mostly in working hours because there is not much leisure time. Randy’s last day off was to attend a Darigold meeting in Seattle in March 2007. When there were other dairies here, neighbors would relieve each other, so they could take vacations. That all changed when
Jim Hickey closed his farm six years ago, and the Poelstras became the last dairy farmers in Bonner County. “There’s no support without other dairymen,” Randy said. The difficulty of the work and the increasingly stringent environmental regulations is discouraging. Every other dairy farmer in Bonner County has called it quits. But the good still outweighs the bad in Randy’s mind, even as the cost of feed, fuel and other supplies goes up. It’s simply been a way of life for all of his 57 years. “You’re your own boss. It’s a lot of hard work,” he said. “It’s satisfying watching the crops grow. We do all our own breeding by AI (artificial insemination) and get to see the babies grow, and it’s gratifying.” Carla, 55, sees the stress her husband is under, though, and she worries that they won’t retire soon enough to enjoy traveling together. Cornie, now 86, only just retired about six years ago. Fran died in 1988, and although he remarried and did a little traveling, he never fully enjoyed the so-called “golden years.” Randy says he finally had to tell his dad he couldn’t milk anymore. “He felt obligated,” he said.
5/3/08 7:06:27 PM
Clockwise from opposite page: Carla, Garrett and Randy Poelstra work the family’s dairy farm, milking about 80 cows twice a day, 365 days a year. Randy uses the tractor to take feed to the cows. Garrett bottle-feeds a two-day-old calf by hand. Dairy cows feed after the morning milking. Randy walks past the orchard behind the farmhouse. A calf peeks out of its PolyDome hut. Garrett carries bottles of milk to feed calves living in PolyDomes.
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– plastic huts shaped like an igloo – for their first two months. Meantime, Randy mixes ground corn, hay and supplements and feeds the cows. As Garrett heads to his full-time job, Randy continues with chores around the farm and works on remodeling the house. He takes a midday break or perhaps takes care of business in town, which sometimes includes Co-op board meetings. After eating an early dinner, the whole milking process starts over at 4:30 p.m. About three hours later, the day is done – that is, unless something unexpected happens. The milk truck arrives every other day to extract milk from the bulk tank. Coming from Dairygold’s plant in Spokane, it first goes to Boundary County, where there are two dairies, then to Poelstras’ and on to Elk, Wash. Poelstras’ milk – about 68,000 pounds, or 1,200 gallons – fills half the truck. Although regulations don’t allow selling raw milk, Randy drinks it and enjoys the full-bodied taste. “I have a neighbor who comes and begs for a glass of milk,” he said. Having raw milk to drink may just be one thing that keeps this dairy farmer going. While it’s tough work, and he rarely gets any time off, Randy said, “Ultimately, I like what I do.” “It’s all he knows,” Carla added.
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Both Carla and Garrett have second jobs, working for Oden Water, as parttime secretary and full-time water master, respectively. Cornie, now suffering ill health, lives in the next house down, a newer manufactured home, while Randy and Carla live in the farmhouse built in 1960, replacing the original house. Garrett lives in their former home at the corner down by Selle Road. Meantime, Randy is trying to save the historic barn built on cedar blocks in 1910; it used to house teams of horses used in logging camps. He and his son are jacking it up and building a concrete block foundation underneath, but they find little time to work on the project. They plan to remodel the milking parlor, too, into a double, six herringbone design that will allow Randy to milk alone. Garrett hasn’t decided whether he
will continue to milk cows when his parents retire. He loves farming but doesn’t especially enjoy milking cows. Mom says she makes him milk anyway because it “builds character.” Garrett thinks he might turn the farm into a heifer breeding operation someday. Dairy farming can be dangerous work. They’ve all been kicked, especially when they’re breaking heifers to be milked for the first time. “It can get hairy sometimes,” Randy said. “Some will tear the whole stall down when you touch them,” Carla added. Randy describes a trick known as the “Texas strangle,” holding the tail up over the head. Some heifers might take two months and “a few cuss words” to train. That’s where crossbreeding with shorthorns might help. The method is getting popular in the United States, as purebreds are starting to have problems, Randy explains. Each day starts at 4:30 a.m. with breakfast. Randy says they learned years ago to eat before they do the milking “because you never know what’s going to happen.” Starting at 5:30 a.m., he and Carla milk about 80 cows, and then clean the milking parlor and all its equipment. Randy fills plastic bottles with fresh milk so when Garrett arrives at about 8:30 a.m., he can go feed the young heifers, who live in PolyDomes
Farming Arts
5/3/08 7:06:32 PM
Photo Essay
Old barns, old farms
Old barns, old farms
Jerry Pavia :: Misty Sunrise 96
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5/3/08 7:06:34 PM
Photo Essay
Tim Cady :: God Beams and Barn SUMMER 2008
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5/3/08 7:06:36 PM
Photo Essay
Ben Olson :: Dufort Barn
Mathew Hall :: Morning in the Meadow 98
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5/3/08 7:06:44 PM
Photo Essay
Michael White :: Peek-a-Boo Barn SUMMER 2008
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5/3/08 7:06:46 PM
Photo Essay
Michelle Fish :: Rust in Repose
Jerry Pavia :: Summer Storm Approaches 100
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5/5/08 10:33:06 AM
Photo Essay Tim Cady :: Moravia Barn
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5/3/08 7:06:57 PM
Easy to get to, that is, but not necessarily easy to do
f there is any single thing you can do in the summer around Sandpoint that is good for you, cheap (almost free) and sure to keep your stress level down and your cardiovascular fitness up, it is to hike. In the National Forests are dozens of trails leading literally hundreds of miles through the Cabinet, Selkirk and Bitterroot mountains as well as the range along the west side of Lake Pend Oreille. Of the five featured here, only one requires a high-clearance rig to reach the trailhead. But all are within ridiculously easy reach, eliminating excuses for not taking advantage of them, and all provide dandy walks in the woods less than an hour from the city limits. So, get out your map and let me tell you where to look for these easy-to-get-to trails. In spite of their proximity to town, these are not necessarily easy. Some are at least moderately strenuous, and some are purely kick-ass, easy access or not. Rather than rating them by how easy they are to get to, I’ll begin with the easiest trail and work my way up through the cardio ratings.
First is Mineral Point Trail No. 82 – dedicated to Brent “Jake” Jacobson – 45 minutes from town via Sagle Road, Garfield Bay Road and then Forest Roads 2672 or 532. No. 2672 leads to Green Bay at the lower end of the trail, while No. 532 is the high road. There are campsites at Green Bay, and picnic tables and outhouses at either end of the route. The trail leads some two miles as a hiker hikes through an open ponderosa pine forest on rock ledges far above the lake, as well as darker valleys filled with grand fir, hemlock, larch and Douglas fir. This is a great trail to start kids on, with easy and varying terrain and flora and a big, beautiful lake at one end to jump in on a hot day or toss a rock into. The trail is “hikeable” or “bikeable” (even horses are allowed) and modThe Mineral Point Trail is suitable for families. erately easy, with an elevation gain of about 500 feet in its length. It also offers views of the Green Monarchs and Cabinets from both above the lake and from the pebble beaches of Green Bay. Next on the ease-o-meter is the complex of trails at Schweitzer Mountain Resort. It’s no sweat to get there – 25 minutes from Sandpoint on paved roads to Schweitzer Village to trailheads that offer various levels of exertion. There are miles of trails and roads of varying pitch, plus lots of single- and double-track trails for the bike minded. The resort has free trail maps, bikes and mountain scooters for rent, and a mondo elevation equalizer: The Great Escape Quad.
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The easy stuff
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Schweitzer is rated second easiest because hikers don’t necessarily have to walk up. The chair that takes skiers to the top of Schweitzer Peak in winter runs in the summer, too; an easy-loading-and-unloading, four-person lift that whisks you to the top in about the same time it takes to get your heart rate above 120 if you choose to hike up the mountain. Choosing to walk provides a lot more to see up close and personal, trekking through subalpine forest, tag alder patches and meadows that are in bloom with something from the time the snow goes off nearly until it returns. Schweitzer offers a virtual web of trails, most beginning near the bottom of the Quad. To the left, one threads up through the forest along the main stem of Schweitzer Creek and then casts back and forth under the quad on a strenuous climb that leads to the top of the mountain. To the right, the road that doubles as a return track during ski season climbs at a steady rate along the south face of the ridge topped by the Great Divide. Also at the bottom of the quad, a large series of trails used by cross-country skiers in the winter form a network of roads and single-track through dark hemlock groves and open timber, leading out to Picnic Point or way out to Wolf Ridge. Ride the quad to the top ($10 for an all-day pass and free for season pass holders) and take one of two loops that begin there and run north along the ridge past the top of Chair Six, known as Snow Ghost. These offer incredible views of the lake, as well as a perspective of mountains in three states and Canada. It’s possible to walk down the hill by a number of different routes – a good kid adventure – or ride back down on the quad. Whichever you choose will provide an ever-changing perspective of the basin below, but lunch will probably taste better if you walk.
The next hike is the original “easy-to-get-to” trail, Gold Hill Trail No. 3. The lower trailhead is on Bottle Bay Road, with parking and an outhouse. The trail ascends steeply up the north face of Gold Hill, switching back and forth through deep timber for the first mile and a half before leveling off and trending south and west through a basin full of birch, aspen, cedar and Douglas fir. There’s a bench at the one-mile mark that provides a panorama of Kootenai and Oden bays and the Cabinets’ front, west of Pack River. From there the track continues through forest another three miles to a wide-open vista on a rock point looking down the Pend Oreille River and northwest toward Sandpoint and the Selkirks. Continue on from there another quarter of a mile to a bench on the hillside, and just past that, to Contest Mountain Road No. 2642 and the upper trailhead. Gold Hill has a relatively steady grade interspersed with easy-walking sections. A strong hiker can make it to the rocky point in just over an hour. Mountain bikers use this trail extensively and can access it from Road No. 2642, which is not necessarily an easy climb, but it’s easier than pumping up the single-track. The Gold Hill Trail is a good trail for kids who are ready for something a bit more adventurous, and because of its shady north-facing terrain, it’s great on a summer day. Next is the trail easiest to get to – the Mickinnick Trail No. 13. The parking lot and outhouse are a little more than three miles from town on Woodland
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Easy access but more challenging
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H I K I N G Drive. Volunteers built this trail on land donated to the Forest Service for that purpose by Mick and Nicky Pleass. From trailhead to trail’s end is four miles, and it is no pushover. A quarter-mile from the parking lot, it begins up and keeps climbing, rising more than 2,000 feet in its length; roughly 500 feet per mile of trail. That’s a workout, especially on a warm summer day. The east-facing aspect of the trail makes it more user-friendly in the afternoon. The trail leads through open forest on a rocky hillside with big ponderosa pine, larch and Douglas fir trees and shady groves of cedar and white pine interspersed along rock benches where water gathers. There is a viewpoint with benches at the half-mile point, a good goal for folks with small kids or cardiovascular challenges. Beyond this, the trail dips briefly into a dark swale before beginning an unrelenting climb. Halfway to the top is Cougar Rock, offering a tremendous view of the Purcell Trench, the lake and the Cabinets. From there, the trail trends along a magnificent rock bench full of big timber before beginning up through one shelf after another to the ridge with filtered views of the ridgetops at Schweitzer. Then, it trends southwest through deeper forest and a little swamp before ending on a rocky knob commanding a view of Sandpoint, the Long Bridge, the lake and a long arm of river stretching off toward Washington.
Next is the trail hardest to get to, and nearly the hardest to climb – famous Scotchman Peak Trail No. 65. The trailhead has no outhouses and not much of a parking lot. It is accessed via Highway 200, Lightning Creek Road, Mosquito Creek Road, Road Nos. 2294 and 2294A, and just within an hour’s drive. I don’t recommend taking the Cadillac or any low-slung car to this trailhead. Horses are allowed on the trail, too, but it’s not recommended for mountain bikes. This trail is also a bit over four miles, but it gains 3,700 feet, more than 900 feet per mile. The trailhead is at 3,350 feet; the top is 7,009 feet. This is not a trail to start your kids (or your hiking season) on. Trail No. 65 begins up an old road for about three-quarters of a mile, which is the toughest part of the trip. It climbs 750 feet before the first switchback. At this point, life gets easier and the trail winds back and forth through deep forest and up an open ridgetop before popping out into spectacular bear grass meadows overlooking the mouth of the Clark Fork River and the big lake. Beyond them, Johnson Point, the Green Monarchs and Packsaddle Mountain loom. Early season, these meadows are rife with bear grass, penstemon, lupine and Indian paintbrush; so beautiful they bring tears to your eyes. Beyond the meadows, the trail returns to forest that includes huge, wind-twisted Douglas fir. At the three-mile mark, it winds through an open forest of subalpine fir, whitebark pine and bear grass as the trail climbs toward the tree line. At the edge of the forest, huge rocks begin to appear, and soon the track takes off into the talus at the edge of a burn that happened 14 years ago. Beyond this, the trail is all rock to the top of the peak. Scotchman Peak once held a lookout, still in evidence by decaying pieces graying in the extreme weather. The peak itself and those surrounding it are evidence of the last ice age, which less than 12,000 years ago scooped out and sculpted the Blue Creek and Lightning Creek drainages surrounding the mountain. North and west are mountains and drainages of the incredibly rugged proposed Scotchman Peaks Wilderness, much of it rock exposed by the massive forces of the glaciers. On any of these trails, you might encounter some sort of large wildlife, an elk, deer or moose on any of them, a bear on most of them, or a mountain goat on the Scotchman Trail. Ironically, as close as it is to town, the Mickinnick is the only one of these trails on which I have seen a bear regularly, which can be a thrill. Just keep walking and make a little extra noise is my best advice – unless there is a cub involved. Then, get a good grip on your dog’s collar and go home. Beyond the physical benefits of hiking these trails are the mental and spiritual paybacks; intangibles that flow into a mind and soul even as sweat flows from the body. They are opportunities to stretch yourself in dimensions beyond the Sandpoint captured from three we normally live in as well as within them; and they are good preparation for other endeavors, both physical and not. Best of all, it doesn’t cost a fortune in Gold Hill, above, and from gasoline or time to indulge yourself in a good workout, a change of scenery and a Schweitzer’s Outback Bowl in background photo meditative experience in the out-of-doors. 104
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Not easy but worth the effort
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Pend d’Oreille Bay Trail
Mineral Point Trail No. 82: Go south on U.S. Highway 95 to Sagle Road; turn left and travel to Garfield Bay Road and go right. At Garfield Bay, a left goes uphill across from the beach. Follow this about a quarter mile to Mineral Point Road 532; turn right and go 1.25 miles to another right onto Green Bay Campground Road 2672. This leads to Green Bay and the lower trailhead. If you wish to start at the upper end, stay on Road 532, which winds up through forest; follow signs to the upper trailhead, a half mile in.
Dream of lakeshore park edges closer to reality
Schweitzer Mountain Resort trails: Go north on U.S. Highway 95 to the Schweitzer Cutoff Road, then left at the light. Turn right on North Boyer and go to Schweitzer Mountain Road; turn left. Follow this paved road nine miles to the Schweitzer Village. Trail maps are available at the Mountain Activity Center in the Selkirk Lodge.
Gold Hill Trail No. 3: Go south on U.S. Highway 95 across the Long Bridge to a left on Bottle Bay Road. Follow this around Contest Point about 4.8 miles. Watch for a trail sign and a steep, paved driveway on the right. To access the upper trailhead, take Highway 95 south six miles to Sagle Road; turn left onto Sagle Road and go six miles to Contest Mountain Road 2642 (located on the left at the hairpin turn); turn left onto Road 2642 and go six miles to the trailhead.
Mickinnick Trail No. 13: From Sandpoint, take Highway 95 north 1.3 miles to Schweitzer Cutoff Road; turn left and go a half mile; turn right and go less than a mile to turn left on Schweitzer Mountain Road (at Schweitzer Sign); go one-half mile to Woodland Drive; turn left and go 0.7 miles. The trailhead parking, with pit toilet, water and map, is on the right.
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Scotchman Peak Trail No. 65: Go east 25 miles on State Highway 200 to Clark Fork. In Clark Fork, turn left at Hays Chevron onto Lightning Creek Road. A half-mile after that, FR 419 goes left. Go straight ahead onto Mosquito Creek Road, and follow 1.4 miles to a right turn onto FR 2294 (watch for the sign). Continue on 2294 three-quarters of a mile to a left and then another third of a mile to a left on FR 2294A, which winds about a mile and a half to the trailhead, a total of 6.3 miles from Hwy. 200. Watch for small signs along the way pointing to Trail 65. Contact the Sandpoint Ranger District at 263-5111 or look up www.fs.fed.us/ipnf for more details on Forest Service hikes.
By Sandy Compton
n 1966, Sandpoint photographer Ross Hall and his high school-age son, Dann, walked along the shore curving northeast from where the city docks then thrust into the lake east of the Northern Pacific (NP) depot. They passed the water tower north of the depot and skirted the foundation remains of the Humbird mill that once pulled logs out of the huge bay between Sandpoint and Kootenai. They came into the dense band of forest that still lines the bay – cottonwood, cedar, horsetail reeds, ferns, red-stemmed dogwood, grand fir, skunk cabbage, birch, alder and myriad other plants that love the water seeping from the clay banks rising to the flats upon which sit Sandpoint, Ponderay and Kootenai. Somewhere on that walk, Ross told Dann that he and partner Wells McCurdy would buy the land they trod, and Dann said, “Dad! Why would you buy Bum Jungle?” It was a good question, for, indeed, hobo camps were tucked into gullies under the trees and sunny spots facing the lake. The NP main line ran less than 100 yards away, and travelers who rode the rails found this place as attractive as many of us do now – a resting place from the travails of the world. Ross’ answer amazed Dann even more. “This is my life insurance. This will keep your mom should I die first.” Ross suffered rheumatic fever as a young man, and no insurance company would write a policy on him. “I couldn’t imagine anyone thinking that far ahead,” Dann said. That piece of land still causes folks to think ahead, now about a sort of insurance policy for generations to come. The Friends of the Pend d’Oreille Bay Trail, a coalition working to build a public pathway along that same stretch of lake, hope to assure public access to the lake in an era when it is becoming increasingly rare. The group includes representatives from Bonner County; the cities of Ponderay, Kootenai and Sandpoint; Idaho Conservation League; Idaho Transportation Department; Idaho Department of Environmental Quality; North Idaho Bikeways; the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; and individuals including the Hall family, trail advocate Leo Addison and former Sandpoint Mayor Ray Miller. Miller began working toward a city park along this shore when he became a Sandpoint city councilman more than 20 years ago. “Once you get down there and walk that trail,” he said, “it’s like being in an alternative universe. Our idea is to preserve that environment.” The McCurdy interest was purchased in the 1990s by the Halls, and when Miller became mayor in 2002, he and the Halls began to talk seriously about a park. Following wishes of the senior Hall, who died in 1990, the family committed themselves to seeing that the land would become accessible to the general public. In fact, they encourage people to get permission to visit their land via the Web site www.PenddOreilleBay.com, which extols the virtues of the shore and includes the Halls’ intention to make this land accessible. Leading the Friends of Pend d’Oreille Bay Trail is Chairwoman Susan Drumheller, North Idaho associate of the Idaho Conservation League, Vice Chairwoman Jan Griffitts, Treasurer Bob Carlson (also of North Idaho Bikeways) and Secretary Marilyn Haddad.
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The park they envision begins at Sandpoint’s city water treatment plant north of City Beach, which includes the Humbird ruins. Planned already for that property is a “passive” city park. The unpaved trail will begin there and dip to the shoreline before veering inland through thick forest behind a portion of the Hall property that will be retained for private use. Then, the tread will descend to the shore and follow a roadbed that has been there many years and is currently used by those who have Halls’ permission to do so. Activities the friends foresee along the trail include fishing, hiking, biking, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, running and that Sandpoint standby – dog walking. In its ideal incarnation, the trail will run along the shore to Black Rock, a leftover from a 1910s smelter at Ponderay, then climb to the top of the bank and follow at a respectful distance the BNSF tracks to the Ponder Point community in Kootenai. Bike riders, runners and walkers will access that end of the trail via an underpass beneath the railroad, also connecting riders to a bike route back to Sandpoint via the Kootenai Cut-off Road. Ponderay Mayor Carol Kunzeman looks forward to having the communities connected via such a trail. “Ponderay owns land at this end of the trail, which we hope becomes a park similar to the one at the Sandpoint end; a meditative place. There are still a lot of things to be worked out, but when they are, it’s going to be a beautiful place,” she said. Drumheller agrees that there is a lot to do to make the Pend d’Oreille Bay Trail a reality. “This is going to take time and persistence,” she said, “but this year we would like to have some certainties in place so we can continue.” Much work has already been done. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recently finished a project started more than 30 years ago, riprapping the shoreline from Black Rock to the water treatment plant near the Humbird ruins, including “wildlife ramps,” thanks to Corps employees John Coyle and Eric Winter. This summer, the Corps will replant disturbed areas along the shore with native species. Haddad points out that there is no dedicated public access to Lake Pend Oreille between Sandpoint City Beach and Sunnyside, and it is in the interest of all the residents of Bonner County – and visitors – to do what’s necessary to build this trail. “This is one of the last undeveloped pieces of accessible shoreline,” Griffitts said, “and it’s right in our backyard. It’s a place where people can go to renew themselves; a place to be at the lake, which belongs to everyone.” Ross Hall, who loved to walk, might not have known in 1966 what his idea would come to, but it’s my guess that the Pend d’Oreille Bay Trail, when it’s finished, would be very much to his liking. Look up www.pobtrail.org to learn more.
A couple walks the future shoreline trail.
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Paintings that lift the spirit
Sandpoint images weave their way into VanDerKarr’s colorful work
alking into Lisa VanDerKarr’s studio is like walking into a sunny day. The senses are greeted by romantic vineyards, windswept seasides, charming gardens and bold swaths of color that chase the gray away. “Sometimes when I need to lift my spirits, I’ll just come in here and surround myself with my paintings; it always brightens my mood,” she said. Other people find their way into her studio for the same reason and inevitably leave feeling lighter.
One could speculate that there is a reason that VanDerKarr’s paintings are so joyful – she is making a living doing something she loves. “I’ve been lucky or something, because things have been good to me,” said VanDerKarr 108
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By Jenna Bowers of her life and career. But it’s more than just luck. She is a driven businesswoman: “It’s easy to make a living at this; you just have to take care of business.” She says that she spends only half of her time painting, the rest of her time goes to the commercial side of things: the maintenance of her Web site www.lisavanderkarr.com; shipments of artwork for people who live out of town; and pursuing lucrative venues, such as galleries in Southern California or magazine covers. “Magazine covers are a great source of publicity. The first one I ever did (Vine Times, in 2004) reached a half a million people. It got some attention,” she said. Indeed it has. VanDerKarr now sells about 50 paintings a year. “The SUMMER 2008
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to paint and then lays down a water base – sometimes spending weeks getting the composition just right – before she starts layering on the oils. This process allows her lots of freedom to play with the colors and finer details. Her use of light is especially moving, casting an unusual glow over each piece. Her portraits of Sandpoint seem to take place mainly in people’s summer gardens and over brisk fall landscapes. Their brilliant colors and composition capture not just the essence of the town, but of something outside of it as well. There is worldliness in each painting, which leaves the interpretation of the location to the beholder. “People will ask if a certain piece is from a certain place, and I say, ‘Yes, it is wherever you want it to be,’ ” she said. Much of this is because of how she notices unusual things while walking the streets of Sandpoint, such as unique flowers or uncommon trees, ones that could look at home anywhere in the world. She points out one particular tree that had made its way into several of her
art really sells itself; people get attached to the images, images that make them feel something, and that’s it. They have to have it,” she said. In the end though, VanDerKarr’s true talents lie in her brushstrokes. She spends the winters devoted to painting in her studio above Cabin Fever overlooking Cedar Street, where she gets great light, especially after a fresh snowfall. “When I start painting, I just approach the whole day as if I’m free from time. It makes the resulting art more open, more creative,” she said. She has been living in Sandpoint for 15 years with her husband and three children. The light of the newly fallen snow isn’t the only inspiration she finds in the small town. “Every little bit of Sandpoint is just so beautiful. All you have to do is stop and look around,” she said. She paints with oils, a medium she loves for the texture and bold color – and the fact that the brushstrokes often have a mind of their own. Sometimes when she paints something a few times, it will start to appear more and more. “If something really wants to be in a painting, it will just show up. I can try to redirect it, but usually I just have to go with the flow, and it will work out,” she said. VanDerKarr begins with photographs she has taken of images she wants
Opposite page: “Bringing in the Hay” is based on familiar scenes of summer hayfields. This page: “Night Sailing” is reminiscent of sailing on Lake Pend Oreille. In her studio on Cedar Street, Lisa VanDerKarr poses with some examples of her artwork.
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Interview Almanac
Clockwise from top: Migrating Canada geese are the focus of “Just Passing Through.” A south Sandpoint neighborhood was the inspiration for “The Back Alley.” A snippet of First Avenue, “FC Weskil’s” is based on a familiar downtown landmark, the bistro next to the Panida Theater. Finally, “Fall Trees” displays the vivid colors of fall foliage alongside water.
paintings. “Doesn’t this look like a coastal tree?” she asked. “It’s not. It’s from someone’s yard on Euclid, but it can make a painting feel like it’s in California, or anywhere else on the ocean.” It is no coincidence that her paintings have a California feel to them; she grew up with her big family at Butterfly Creek Winery in the Sierra Nevada foothills. She still visits her brother and his vineyards yearly at harvest time, and inevitably at least a few paintings will come out of it. Her images are as much a result of her outside surroundings as they are from her outlook. “I really believe in the power of thought. We are what we think, and we can create our own realities,” she said. If it’s true that positive thought significantly changes reality, then the happiness and hope that VanDerKarr’s art inspires is surely doing its part to make the world a better place. Her inspiration from the natural beauty of her surroundings is abundantly evident and continues to move her brush along each canvas. As long as she is living in Sandpoint, her muse will be by her side, drawing ideas from every yard, garden, lake view, hillside and forest she encounters. Her relaxed attitude and love for life show up in each painting, and the result is a piece of art that evokes just that in its viewer. What a treat. Lisa VanDerKarr may be found in her downtown studio at 111 Cedar St. Appointments welcome by calling 610-6494 or e-mail LisaVanDerKarr@yahoo.com.
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The Lake Book
Big water, big book New book charts Lake Pend Oreille – and its people “Shimmering beneath the North Idaho summer sun; churning in the fury
Following are three selections
of a winter storm; brimming with the icy waters of spring runoff; tran-
from Fritz’s new book. The Lake
quil in the shadowy light of an autumn full moon – Lake Pend Oreille
Pend Oreille book is being pro-
has been the lifeblood of civilizations old and new.”
duced by Keokee Co. – publisher of Sandpoint Magazine – and will
That’s a passage from the forthcoming book on Lake Pend Oreille by
reach bookstores later this year.
Jane Fritz and numerous contributors.
It will also be available online at
It’s a guidebook, the first ever devoted to Idaho’s largest lake. At 43
miles long and more than 1,100 feet deep, Lake Pend Oreille dwarfs every other lake in the state, and much of the new book is devoted to describing its physicality and the unique environment and ecology around it. The book provides detailed information for recreational access and activities on the lake, explores its natural and human history and follows the shoreline geography – all 111 miles of it. All that came easy for Fritz, who has had a deep connection to the lake for nearly 30 years as an avid canoeist, swimmer and shoreline wanderer. But Fritz’s love for the lake gave her other ideas for the book. An oral historian who has produced numerous works for National Public Radio, she was particularly interested in the connections that other people and animals have made to the great lake across the millennia. So she collected their stories, and larded the guidebook with
Jane Fritz, author of the forthcoming book on Lake Pend Oreille, is an oral historian with a deep connection to the lake.
anecdotes, vignettes and even poems about the people and wildlife around the lake. SUMMER 2008
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The Lake Book
John Thaxter used to have a desk
job. But along with the lure of more time to fish, when opportunity knocked he found himself a storm-worthy vessel and commenced delivering mail for the Bayview post office – by boat. Despite scorching sun, thick winter fog and furious winds that pound the hull of his boat with spectacular waves, Thaxter has delivered mail to the remote outposts of civilization on the east side of Lake Pend Oreille since 1993, six days a week, all year long. In addition to his contract with the U.S. Postal Service, he also delivers packages for UPS and FedEx. Upon request, he’s also happy to bring a dozen eggs or a loaf of bread from Bayview Mercantile or maybe deliver something a little bigger, like a new washer and dryer. He also offers taxi service. Deliveries to this side of the lake are much easier to make by boat than by car or truck. The roads through the surrounding mountains, maintained by the U.S. Forest Service, are primarily dirt roads. It takes one and a half hours to drive the 19 miles to Lakeview from Bayview, but by boat it takes only 10 minutes. It can take all day to deliver something to Kilroy Bay (just ask the Sears delivery man who swears he’ll never do it again). But for Thaxter, Kilroy Bay is merely the last stop on his well-traveled lake route; in less than two hours he’s back at the dock at MacDonald’s Hudson Bay Marina and Resort in Bayview after also visiting Lakeview, Cedar Creek, Whiskey Rock, Granite Creek and Pine Cove. The only way to reach these human enclaves once the snow flies is by water because the roads eventually become impassable. So Thaxter is also a lifeline to the residents on this side of the lake during the winter months. “There’s never a dull moment,” says Thaxter, adding that he really enjoys his work. (But for the record, he actually has less time for fishing.) He particularly likes
the challenge of making deliveries on wintry or stormy days, although the near-80 mph winds and 10-foot waves in November 2006 were downright frightening – the worst weather he’s ever seen on the lake. At each stop along the east shore, most of the residents come down to the docks to meet him and they exchange mailbags and friendly news, and Thaxter always has biscuits for the dogs. Most of the time he doesn’t even have to get out of the boat: “It makes it a little nicer,” he says, “especially when the wind is blowing 30 miles per hour.” One can imagine the swell of residents who arrive to spend their summers on this isolated side of the lake, but what sort of people lives here year-round? This particular July day, I’m hitching a ride on the mail boat all the way to Kilroy Bay and back to find out. Argyle Mydland is a former Angus cattle rancher from Montana who, along with three other year-round families, is enjoying his retirement living at Whiskey Rock. He was used to remoteness, but because of the lake’s effect of moderating temperatures, he finds that Whiskey Rock is warmer in winter and cooler in summer than his former home. Mydland really appreciates the old-fashioned hospitality that Thaxter offers to residents like him on Lake Pend Oreille’s east shore, especially during wintertime. “If it wasn’t for John,” he jokingly says, “people here probably wouldn’t get anything to eat!” “It’s more fun if you do more than what you’re supposed to do,” Thaxter says. Folks like Mydland may be customers, but they’re also friends. “I don’t mind bringing the groceries,” he says. Sometimes Thaxter will even get a phone call in the middle of night. “I make emergency runs, too, sometimes for medications.” Once he helped take a SUMMER 2008
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resident to the hospital. After all these years and clocking more than 150,000 miles on the lake, he says he could probably do his route blindfolded. With fuel as expensive as it is – in summer 2007 he was spending $400 a week – he performs the extra duties because he enjoys doing them, not because there’s much money in it. At Kilroy Bay, there are three year-round residents and 24 families who arrive during summertime. Lou Crisler, a Naval retiree from Spokane, has lived here for 22 years. Since Forest Road No. 278 is several miles away, he usually goes by his own boat across the lake to Garfield Bay when he needs to go to Sandpoint. Lou’s neighbor, Velda McTighe still enjoys living at Kilroy Bay even after her husband, John, died. Surprisingly, no one admits to getting cabin fever here. Instead they spend their days hiking, doing crafts, socializing, watching the storms pass through and viewing wildlife – eagles that flock to Granite Creek for a feast of spawning kokanee in the winter, and moose, deer, elk, mountain goats, and cougar who come to shore year-round. McTighe says some of the ungulates, recalling a cow moose and her calf, will swim across the lake to Garfield Bay. “It’s a little bit of heaven,” says Crisler. “I wouldn’t go anywhere else.” On the boat heading back to Bayview on this lovely July morning, John Thaxter reveals that although every day on the lake is special, his favorite season of being a mailman on the water is during the winter months when there isn’t a lot of human activity. He says the lake’s monochromatic landscape with ice sculpting the shoreline and wildlife peacefully drinking at the water’s edge is like a beautiful charcoal drawing. Most days he just can’t wait to get out on the water. And as far as jobs go, it’s the best one he’s ever had. SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
Riding the mail boat to Kilroy Bay
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The Lake Book
The first time I met J.R. Bluff, a Kalispel tribal member, was in 1991 at an environmental education camp for Native American youth held in Clark Fork. We were both camp counselors, but I was the one who had the responsibility of organizing canoe trips to a tribal sacred site in the Clark Fork Delta at Denton Slough. I called upon several friends with canoes to help. The first evening’s paddle went smoothly, but the next trip was a near disaster. Denton Slough was unusually rough from a storm that had just moved through. It was brisk and windy as June can sometimes be. Suddenly, I realized two girls in a small, peapod-like vessel had capsized halfway across the slough. They had lifejackets on, but they were in very cold water. Not knowing what to do, I sat in my cedar canoe on shore, frozen with panic. J.R. kindly told me to get out of the stern, which I did, and taking my canoe he paddled out to rescue the students. Not only did he save the girls from hypothermia, he taught me a lesson about preparedness when it comes to being responsible for others on the water. Several years passed before I saw J.R. again, at a Kalispel powwow on his reservation in Usk, Wash. We laughed about how so many years before he had rescued a novice canoeist – on land. Since then we have both grown more proficient in our life’s work: I as an environmental writer and oral historian and he as a tribal leader and now assistant director of the tribe’s culture program. We both have become more adept at canoeing, too. Now he regularly takes tribal youth canoeing on Denton Slough and other places on Lake Pend Oreille as part of his cultural work for the tribe. J.R. Bluff, a Kalispel Indian, paddles a traditional canoe on Lake Pend Oreille – the first time in 65 years that such a canoe had plied its waters. Above: The bark from a white pine tree is stripped to make the canoe.
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So it seemed perfect that J.R. Bluff was the first Kalispel in 65 years to paddle a traditional Kalispel canoe again on Lake Pend Oreille. The Kalispel were a canoe people, but with acculturation, a different way of life on the reservation took hold and canoe making became a lost art. A skilled boat builder in the Sandpoint area (who wishes to remain anonymous) had researched their unique, sturgeon-nose design and built a canoe out of traditional, natural materials. It is quite different from other Indian canoes. When Kalispel leaders saw the canoe on display at the Bonner County Historical Society Museum in Sandpoint, where it still is today, they asked the boatwright to help them build another canoe for the tribe. J.R. and Francis Cullooyah, director of the tribe’s culture program, were both involved in the process of making the second canoe, beginning with stripping the bark from a huge, 50-inch-diameter, live, western white pine tree. The bark had to be removed as a single piece and be longer than 20 feet. Before pioneers logged the hillsides bare around Lake Pend Oreille, Western white pine was the predominant species here, and these trees were giants. In making the Kalispel canoe, the rough outer tree bark becomes the inside of the canoe and the smooth inner bark becomes the outside surface of the boat. The skeletal structure is cedar, and it is lashed together with chokecherry bark. It has a nose of birch bark, and the seams are sealed with pine pitch. It is a very handsome vessel on the water, and as it ages the outer bark surface turns a reddish gold. J.R. talks about his first paddle in a Kalispel canoe as if he were riding a new horse for the first time. It took a few minutes before he and the canoe got comfortable with each other. “I am a Kalispel,” he remembers saying out loud to his waterborne steed. He paddled the pine bark canoe out from the
Hope Peninsula near Memaloose Island on an April day when snow lingered on the Monarchs before him and geese honked as they flew past low to the water. Sitting on an elk hide in the stern of the canoe, J.R. paddled quietly into open water and thought about his ancestors. He had read once that people in Hope would see Indian canoes out on the water here every morning. He realized that he was rekindling a strong connection to his past. Sitting in the canoe, the teachings of his elders about gratitude came flooding back to him; of how the canoe was at once a simple thing and also at the very heart of his people’s survival. “Every time I think of Pend Oreille Lake, I think of Indian Meadows and the life of the camp,” J.R. said. “When I’m out there (on the water in a canoe), I’m always visualizing the families that came down and camped – this was a shared area. Even though times were tough and we had to gather meat to make it through the winter, the smiles on the faces of the kids running around, the women working hard, the men out fishing and hunting … we were just a common people following nature, and basically sharing everything with everyone. We need to keep rekindling our connections with the Kalispel places off the reservation. “Being on the water in a Kalispel canoe was a very special feeling,” J.R. continued. “We were here and are still here today. Everything is still alive. It gives you that extra energy to get back to your regular daily living and say ‘I’m going to do something better.’ There are a lot of people who have paid the price for me to be here, and I have to be sure to keep their memories alive and our heritage and culture strong in the best way I can.” This part of the Kalispel past certainly has been reawakened, as J.R.’s intentions are to carry on the tradition of canoe making as part of the tribe’s culture program.
Paddling a Kalispel canoe
5/3/08 8:02:04 PM
'VO CZ UIF CPBUMPBE What does waterfront mean to you? A morning paddle to greet the rising sun? An afternoon of waterskiing or tubing with the family? Enjoying a quiet sunset on the dock? Whatever waterfront means to you, Salishan Point delivers. An exclusive gated community located just 25 minutes from Sandpoint, Idaho, Salishan Point boasts 14 of the largest waterfront estate parcels available along the shores of the Pend Oreille. Residents receive a private dock or a personal boat slip and access to a variety of common recreation areas. Waterfront owners also have the unique option of customizing their private beach to suit their needs, be it swimming, boating or simply relaxing. Schedule a showing of Salishan Point today and let your imagination run wild for tomorrow.
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www.salishanpoint.com Contact Randy Stone 208.255.8268 or Darla Wilhelmsen 208.290.4373 Come visit our on-site preview center open weekdays 10-4 pm and weekends noon-4 pm. Highway 95 South to Dufort Road, 11 miles west to Salishan Beach Drive.
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5/3/08 8:02:06 PM
Scenic Drive
The High Drive An adventurous driving tour By Sandy Compton
From the Johnson Point Vista hundreds of feet above Lake Pend Oreille, all looks serene at sunset.
along a ridge three miles to Bernard Overlook. Take a break from the curvaceous road and enjoy a spectacular view of Pend Oreille, Maiden Rock, Talache Landing and Garfield Bay. Continue, then, on FR 2707 two miles to an intersection and take the right fork (a switchback into West Gold Creek) to a left on FR 278, which leads all the way to the north end of your journey. But don’t take it for granted. Watch your map – always. FR 278 wanders south, turns and crosses Middle Gold Creek and then turns north. A left on FR 278H leads down and through the little, halfabandoned mining town of Lakeview and ultimately to the sometimes-open, sometimes-not cafe/bar at the mouth SUMMER 2008
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of Gold Creek. This is a good place for a break, a quick swim and skipping rocks into the lake. Unless you have a high-clearance vehicle, return to FR 278 instead of climbing FR 278H out of Lakeview. The latter is not well-maintained. FR 278 meanders into North Gold Creek and then begins twisting north (and up and down) past Cedar Creek, the Clara Cemetery, Whiskey Rock (with campground and boat ramp) and Granite Creek. At Granite Creek, the road turns inland past kokanee egg-gathering stations, then up and up and up, through Tom’s Gulch, Jinks Gulch and Elk Gulch to Johnson Saddle and the intersection of FR 1066. If you turn right on FR 1066, you SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
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n the mountains east of Lake Pend Oreille, a jumble of roads leads to places left from a time when steam was queen of the lake. Mail boats carried passengers then, and among the stops were Whiskey Rock, Granite Creek, Cedar Creek and Lakeview. Now, if you have a summer day and a reasonably good vehicle, preferably with high clearance (a two-wheel-drive car is OK if you’re cautious), a great adventure is to drive from Sandpoint to Sandpoint – via the east side of the lake. You can begin south on U.S. Highway 95 to Bunco Road at Silverwood or east on Highway 200 to Clark Fork, where you cross the river and take the first right onto Forest Road (FR) 278. Start with a full day, a full tank, a spare tire, lunch, a camera, binoculars, a book on native flora and fauna – and a good map. In this hodgepodge of roads, a Kaniksu National Forest map, available from The Map Store, the Sandpoint Ranger Station or at www. SandpointGeneralStore.com is a smart purchase. I prefer the south-to-north route, which ends in Clark Fork. So, from Silverwood, take Bunco Road east. Two miles, plus a little (all distances are approximate – watch road numbers and keep an eye on the map), it turns left; a mile later, right; and then it’s two miles to Bunco Corners, where straight ahead is Forest Road 332, winding through deep timber up and around the side of Chilco Mountain. Five twisty miles later, go left on Forest Road 2707. A half-mile later, go left again on FR 2708 to Bernard Peak, overlooking the south end of Lake Pend Oreille. That little white dot in the lake past Cape Horn is the Navy’s submarine-testing barge. Those little white dots below are likely mountain goats, inhabiting the cliffs along the long arm of the lake. Return to FR 2707 and go left
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Drives Drive Scenic will be on the famous High Drive, which is also a good route through the mountains (see your map). Follow it and you will soon be back on FR 332, the road you began following at Bunco Corners. Returning to Silverwood via FR 332 will take the same time it took to get to Johnson Saddle. If you’ve nearly had it with forest roads for the day, though, continue on FR 278. Two-plus miles later, FR 2710 turns left to Johnson Point Vista, another chance to view the lake from hundreds of feet above. From here can be seen the Hope Peninsula; Cottage, Pearl, Memaloose and Warren islands;
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your path or a great horned owl, swooping through the forest. You may see deer grazing in an abandoned field full of oxeye daisies or an elk browsing in a steep clear-cut. You will traverse through history, along the lake and into some lovely, dark, green creek drainages and across high ridges where bear grass, fireweed and Indian paintbrush bloom and huckleberries grow. After an initial foray, you will want to return to this “lost” side of the lake. There are many places to camp along the way, as well as dozens of miles of hiking and biking trails. And, many of them are right there – on your map.
the Cabinets behind Hope and Trestle Creek; Gold Hill and Grouse Mountain on the Sagle Peninsula; and the southern Selkirks from Schweitzer to the Seven Sisters. Return to FR 278, which drops into the Clark Fork River valley. Stop on a switchback and take in a breathtaking perspective of the river and the proposed Scotchman Peaks Wilderness on the other side. Then, follow the road past the Johnson Creek boat launch and campground and up the south side of the river to the bridge that returns to “civilization” at Clark Fork. On this journey, a bear might cross
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5/3/08 8:08:02 PM
Studio Tour Drives
Driven to artistic distraction See art in the making on the Artists’ Studio Tour By Sheryl Bussard
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Wilkinson said: “The experience was about being in the moment, From top: feeling the art and allowing Artists myself to let the piece draw me Barbara Janusz, right into it and take it home. Catherine Earle Being in the artist’s home environment made the pieces all feel and Shirley Scofield are all in so special. It’s truly a treasure.” this year’s Artists’ More than a dozen of this Studio Tour. year’s tour artists are participating for the first time, all committed to the vision of sharing the art-making process with the public in their homes and studios. Two of them are husband-and-wife artists Scott Kirby and MarieDominique Verdier. Viewers get lost as Kirby’s art takes them high above the farmlands and a perspective that suggests only dreams, while Verdier (who doubles as the Web creator for the tour) captures their hearts in photography with scenes of the alleys of Sandpoint, perhaps reminiscent of her homeland, France. Visitors to Betty Billups’ studio may think they are in the SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
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hen you think of natural resources, the first thing that comes to your mind may not be a group of 30 rural artists, but like veins of gold exposed to the sun, these artists truly shine. Celebrating its sixth year, the annual Artists’ Studio Tour combines the beauty of northern Idaho with those inspired by it. Petja Scheele, the tour’s new executive director this year, said: “We have it all. You take an absolutely beautiful part of the country – lakes, mountains, rivers, valleys – and you combine that with artists from all over who depict the beauty in their own ways, and what you get is startling. The rural flavor to the sophistication of the European artists on the tour is mind-boggling. Where else would you get that? Paris? Seattle? London? Vancouver?” Divided into three self-guided driving tours encompassing Sandpoint, Sunnyside/Hope and Sagle/Garfield, the event takes place the last two weekends in July and provides a once-a-year, behind-the-scenes chance to experience the creative environments of working artists. This year’s tour dates are July 18-20 and July 25-27 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. As one art lover, Jean Maryborn, described her experience last year: “The tour was a treat because of the studio locations. … The studio in a big barn of a working farm and the home overlooking a cozy harbor come to mind.” With an eclectic variety of mediums, there’s something to appeal to everyone’s personal aesthetic, including painting, both traditional and contemporary, photography, stunning handcrafted jewelry, sculpture in a variety of mediums, glass works, ceramics, fiber and textile works, and even furniture. Scheele was impressed with the caliber of the artists when she considered pursuing the position of executive director. “I wouldn’t do this if it were an artsy-craftsy thing. These artists are incredible. The more I uncovered, the more in awe I became,” she said. Scheele explained that visitors on the tour are invited to be tactile. “You are not in a museum and will not be reprimanded; you are a guest in an intimate setting where creative processes happen frequently,” she said. “You have to touch the fabrics of Sally Dennison’s famous Socks of Many Colors or run your palms over the cool, smooth, recycled-glass creations of Cassie Tauber. In touching comes the soul of the piece, the thing that the artist has beckoned from the lifeless materials. Stand back and breathe in the waterfalls of Barbara Janusz’ watercolors, so alive you may feel the water’s spray.” Reflecting on last year’s tour, local art enthusiast Tanja
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Studio Tour Drives
From left, Julie Hutslar, Mike Burks and Judy Bauscher
Besides the option of doing one (or all) of the selfguided driving tours, chartered buses will be made available for those wanting more of a guided experience (see www. ArtTourDrive.org for details). Also new this year, the Artists’ Studio Gallery in the Village at Schweitzer Mountain Resort will be offering classes and workshops for both children and adults throughout the summer season (call 265-1776 for more information). Several of the artists will be displaying there during the tour, so a trip up the mountain is worth the drive, and certainly the reward of the stunning view is an added attraction. The Artists’ Studio Tour Gallery at Schweitzer is one location to
208.255.4200 477703 Hwy 95 North Ponderay, ID
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H wy 95
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Louvre because her works are so skillful and inspired. “She has truly been touched by the old masters,” Scheele said. Judy Bauscher, Darlene Pfahl, Susie Pace and Carolyn Beckwith offer handcrafted jewelry that ranges from playful to regal, whimsical to modern. “Last summer, I struck it rich,” said Maryborn. “The directions took me along the Pack River, then up to Julie Hutslar’s studio, but the lovely view paled next to her art. She has an eye for angle that gives an exciting freshness to her compositions. I finally settled on an exquisite architectural watercolor with a long view toward a sunset-colored mountain. It was sheer delight.”
½ mile
K ootenai C utoff
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Studio Tour Drives
find these artists the rest of the year, and the Coit House Bed & Breakfast will also be featuring several artists every month. During the tour visitors can watch while many of these artists demonstrate their talents. Another plus is the opportunity to purchase art directly from the artists, which not only makes the experience much more personal, but more economical as well, as no extra commissions are paid. Scheele says it isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t any one single artist that makes this tour unique,
but the combination of them all that creates the excitement. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This splendid art event now has art enthusiasts from near and far marking their calendars for the last two weekends in July as a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;must doâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; annual experience,â&#x20AC;? said Teddi Garner, one of the founders of the tour. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tour promises even more opportunities to experience firsthand art in the making.â&#x20AC;? Set against the stunning backdrop of Lake Pend Oreille between the Cabinet and Selkirk Mountain ranges, the many scenic locations of studios beckons visitors to pack a picnic lunch and bring a blanket just to hang out a little longer and savor the artistic ambiance. Artists on the tour also welcome visitors by appointment all year. The Web site (www.ArtTourDrive.org) includes artistsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; bios and images of their work, downloadable tour maps, information on special events, and a gorgeous pictorial montage of Sandpoint with visuals by the artists. The suggested routes also highlight galleries, where to grab a bite to eat, places to relax, and points of interest along the way. Artistsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Studio Tour brochures are also available at the Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center and in rack displays at supporting local businesses.
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Tastings and tours daily
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On Lake Pend Oreille
5/3/08 8:08:20 PM
Studio Tour Drives
Art about town
Art exhibit opening reception at the POAC gallery inside The Old Power House
Downtown galleries at a glance B y S h e r y l B ussard Among its many cultural attractions, Sandpoint appeals to local residents and visitors alike with its
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Art Works Gallery 214 N. First Ave., 263-2642 – www.SandpointArtWorks.com Voted Sandpoint’s favorite art gallery by readers of the Bonner County Daily Bee, this unique cooperative features more than 50 regional artists, offering an enticing array of fine arts and gifts – including basketry, calligraphy, cards, ceramics, crystals, enamels, fabric and fiber arts, fractals, jewelry, mixed media, mosaics, paintings in all media, photography, sculpture, handmade soaps and lotions, and even trolls and wood creations.
Fine Art Tile 806 Oak St., 263-0826 – www.FineArtTileStudio.com The mother-daughter artistic team of Gail and Kate Lyster has produced some of the most provocative artistic and decorative tile projects imaginable over the past 20 years. From kitchen and bath commissions to distinctive signage and even endearing pet portraits, their projects manifest a powerful design philosophy: “Good friends and family keep us smiling. Great attention is paid to detail, and we are proud of our diversity of styles and techniques. Each day is a joy, and each project a one-of-a-kind piece of art.” Call to make an appointment. Hallans Gallery 323 N. First Ave., 263-4704 – www.RossHallCollection.com Hallans kicks off Artwalk I on June 20 with photography of actor/ artist/poet Viggo Mortensen. You’ll also discover the superb technique and documentary vision of Sandpoint’s legendary photographer Ross Hall (1905-90), respectfully preserved by his son and gallery owner, curator, and multimedia artist himself, Dann Hall. The Ross Hall Collection captures the raw splendor of the Northwest from the early 1900s through the 1950s. SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
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growing roster of fine artists and galleries. Put on your favorite walking shoes and head out for an adventure in the arts – most of these Sandpoint galleries are within comfortable walking distance of each other. During the summer months, unless noted otherwise, many are open Monday through Saturday, but you might want to call ahead or check the Web site, just to be sure. You never know when an artist – or gallery proprietor for that matter – might be seized by a sudden summer urge to nurture their creativity out on the lake. But hey, can you blame them?
Hen’s Tooth Studio 323 N. First Ave., 263-3665 If you’re looking for quintessential Idaho wildlife studies, meticulously presented by skilled masters – or if you’re in the market to have a piece of your own expertly framed, the Hen’s Tooth Studio deserves a closer look. Owned by Sandpoint native and artist Ward Tollbom, whose own dry-brush watercolor wildlife originals are available through a long waiting list, making them truly “rarer than a hen’s tooth,” other featured works include exquisite trout prints by Eileen Klatt; explorations of nature scenes rendered in graphite by Doug Fluckiger; and expressive nature photography by Jay Mock. Panhandle Art Glass 514 Pine St., 263-1721 Known for her expert craftsmanship in all manner of decorative glass techniques, including stained, leaded, fused and faceted glass, as well as painting, beveling, and etching, Patricia Barkley’s studio has been operating continuously for over 16 years, longer than any other glass works studio in the Pacific Northwest. Her commissioned glass works, ranging from traditional to creative contemporary, grace churches, libraries, restaurants, and residences throughout the U.S. and Asia. Panhandle Art Glass is also participating in this year’s Artists’ Studio Tour of North Idaho (see page 119). POAC Gallery (Pend Oreille Arts Council) 120 Lake St., Ste. 215, 263-6139 – www.ArtInSandpoint.org Located in The Old Power House Building, POAC’s “Art Quilts: Beyond Tradition” exhibit features more than 20 regional artists from Idaho, Montana and Washington and runs through June 9. There are 22 downtown businesses scheduled to participate in the 22nd annual Artwalk this summer. During SUMMER 2008
5/3/08 8:08:37 PM
(UNTERS OF THE PAST SPECIALIZING IN THE RARE AND EXCEPTIONAL s .ATIVE !MERICAN Navajo weavings, jewelry, baskets, beadwork, weapons . . . s &INE !RT Original western & Sporting oils, 19th and 20th century s #OWBOY 7ESTERN Saddles, chaps, spurs, gun rigs, gambling . . . s ,ODGE Moose heads, bear rugs, decoys, snowshoes, creels, Black Forest carvings, camp blankets . . . s +ENNEDY #OLLECTION Leather sofas and chairs, rustic iron and wildlife lamps, antler fixtures
#ISCO S s . TH 3TREET #OEUR D !LENE )DAHO s Catalogs Available for: Black Forest Carvings, Beacon Blankets, Waterfowl Decoys & Art, Navajo Weavings ~ $35 each - Visa & MasterCard Welcome
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5/3/08 8:08:38 PM
Artwalk I, June 20 to July 28, the POAC Gallery will show “About Faces: A New Look at Capturing Personality Through Portraiture.” Artwalk II, Aug. 1 to Sept. 8, features “Northwest Shelter: an exploration of what makes our part of the world unique by looking at the concept of shelter interpreted through media of photography, painting, sculpture or drawing.” In addition to its main Power House gallery, POAC exhibits in the following satellite locations: Bonner County Courthouse, Commissioners Office, 215 S. First Ave.; Farm Bureau Insurance Companies, 920 Kootenai Cutoff Rd., Ponderay; Northern Lights Inc., 421 Chevy Rd., off Highway 95 in Sagle; Taylor-Parker Motor Company, 300 Cedar St.; and University of Idaho, Extension Office, 4205 S. Boyer. See story, page 71.
Mark Kubiak, Redtail Gallery
Studio Tour Drives
ARTFULLY Sandpoint J. R. Hutslar Watercolors Offering Intuitive Commissions and private in-home consultations to create the perfect piece for you and your home. Don’t Miss: July ‘08 Artists’ Studio Tour Aug ‘08 Solo showing at Redtail Gallery P O Box 2547 Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208)263-1448
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Original Contemporary Fine Art.
Summer Hours:
Tuesday - Saturday 11-5pm Friday Noon-7pm Artwalk I - Dalas Klein Artwalk II - Julie Hutslar
Sixth & Oak St. Sandpoint, ID 208.265.1810 www.RedtailArtGallery.com SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
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Studio Tour Drives Redtail Gallery 518 Oak St., 946-8066 – www.RedtailArtGallery.com Originally built in 1912, this charming gallery was most recently an Episcopalian Church until it debuted on July 27, 2007, as the Redtail Gallery with its first exhibition, featuring the paintings of Robert Bissett and the sculpture of owner/curator Mark Kubiak. The building also houses the Art Alliance, an arts education center, all part of a long-held dream to provide residents and visitors to Sandpoint with a high-quality visual arts experience. This summer’s featured artists include the Sandpoint Waldorf School Student Exhibition, May 16-31; oil paintings by Dalas Klein, June 20 to Aug. 2 (Artwalk I), and interpretive watercolors by Julie Hutslar, Aug. 8 to Sept. 13 (Artwalk II).
-Watercolors Expressions of Nature
Visit the Studio filled with treasures inspired by nature, and enjoy beautiful panaoramic views of Lake Pend Oreille.
Bring your camera!
Timber Stand Gallery 225 Cedar St., 263-7748 – www.TimberStand.com The Gallery will be hosting the Plein Air Paint Out show June 18-20 with several new artists in attendance. It is also working with the Friends of Scotchman Peaks group to host a fall Plein Air event in October of this year. Featured artists include Hurley Dean, Bill Drum, Catherine Earle, Dalas Klein and Stephen Lyman. Timber Stand Gallery specializes in 19th, 20th and 21st century American art, emphasizing Northwestern and Western art. The gallery also offers appraisals and restoration services, and is open from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. except Tuesdays and Sundays.
Located 20 minutes from Sandpoint on Hwy 200 between road mile posts 43 &44. Open Friday-Sunday Always welcome other days by calling.
www.ArtTourDrive.org SUMMER 2008
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July 18-20 & 25-27 2008
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Studio Tour Drives
Thanks for listening for the past 28 years
Lisa VanDerKarr Art Studio 111 Cedar St., Ste. 5 (above Cabin Fever) 610-6494 – www.LisaVanDerKarr.com Extensive travels eventually led her to find a home in northern Idaho with her husband and three children, but her painting style is a combination of European Impressionism mixed with California plein air. VanDerKarr is an award-winning artist and has been featured on numerous magazine covers with her vineyard paintings, which are also currently in homes and corporate collections across the nation. “People say my paintings make them feel good and happy. So many people come into my studio and just sit and enjoy the view. Sometimes we have a conversation, sometimes we just enjoy the art. Either way they always leave with a feeling of joy.” See story, page 108.
Woods Wheatcroft Photography Sixth and Church in the old granary 255-9412 – www.WoodsWheatcroft.com As Wheatcroft’s photography migrated from shooting everything to finding “something,” a style emerged that blended irony, documentary and classicism, fused with color and a splash of humor. His commercial and editorial clients include Jansport, Lonely Planet, Patagonia, Title Nine, Forbes, New York Times, Outside, Runner’s World and Sunset. The unique, new gallery space inside the old Co-op granary features his photos and paintings by Atom Welch; open to the public by appointment.
From the Mountains to the Lakes
...since 1980
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Woods Wheatcroft gallery opening, February 2008
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5/3/08 8:08:57 PM
Social Changes
Challenging times in Sandpoint By David Gunter
That’s a real ghost town, above, not Ketchum, Idaho. But Ketchum now has so many second-home owners only in town part-time, that in the shoulder seasons, it is likened to a ghost town. Representatives from a local workforce housing agency believe it provides a perfect case study for what Sandpoint should avoid.
admission into what has become an exclusive club – or to be more precise, a high-priced network of exclusive neighborhoods. The town is Ketchum, located next door to Sun Valley. And according to an affordable housing education and advocacy group based there, the same situation is breathing down Sandpoint’s neck. “Through lack of vision or planning, we’ve become purely a resort town,” SUMMER 2008
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said Rebekah Helzel, executive director for the ARCH Community Housing Trust in Ketchum. “And the amount of land we’ve dedicated to people who are only here a few weeks a year has turned us into, for all intents, a ghost town.” Not that the streets of Ketchum are always empty. Far from it, during peak visitor seasons. At those times, residents wedge themselves into the small, community market to buy groceries and inch their vehicles along overcrowded SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
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his is a cautionary tale. It warns about what can happen when affluence overtakes a city. Sandpoint is not the city in question. Not yet, anyway. But it bears more than a passing resemblance to another resort community in Idaho that is struggling to keep from losing its soul in a bargain that has placed land into the hands of only the wealthy, while forcing an exodus of low- and middleincome workers. Restaurant staff, grocery store clerks, schoolteachers, firemen and law enforcement personnel have moved on because they can no longer afford
Lessons learned elsewhere raise the questions: Where are we going? And is this a handbasket we’re sitting in?
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Social Changes
real estate environment such as that seen in 2007. Out of a total of 189 residential units in the Sandpoint area, which includes Dover and Schweitzer, sold last year, 112 were condominiums, according to information from the Selkirk Association of Realtors Multiple Listing Service (MLS). “That’s an interesting stat,” said MLS President Ken Clark. “The guy who buys the condo up at Schweitzer or out in Dover doesn’t have to sell a home to come here. “So you’re seeing a tweaked kind of market where the super rich who can afford a home anywhere are starting to buy here,” he added. “The deep pockets have discovered us.” Although Sun Valley has been a playground of the rich since the 1930s, recent growth in upscale, gated communities around Sandpoint has begun to close the affluence gap that once
separated the cities. More alarming is the way increased prices – especially within Sandpoint’s city limits – have affected higher-wage employees. By home industry standards, affordable housing is defined as no more than 30 percent of gross monthly income going to pay for a mortgage or rent, plus utilities. Using that measure, even dual-income families who traditionally made up the middle class are being crowded out of neighborhoods that had been considered within their means. The Sandpoint area has seen development on both ends of the price spectrum, with aggressive growth of multi-acre lots in gated communities, as well as a limited number of new rental units coming on line in recent years. The void in affordable housing lies between those two extremes, where the income levels of most workers can
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roads to travel across town. But once ski season or the height of summer vacation come to an end, the tourists and part-time residents clear out. “We go from being overrun by tourism for part of the year to beyond dead the rest of the time,” Helzel said. The two cities share one geographic attribute – both have a limited amount of prime land available for sale. Sandpoint is lake-locked; Ketchum is ringed by mountains. In each case, the supply-and-demand cycle has tightened inventory and driven prices higher. In the past three years, one of the primary catalysts for higher average homeselling prices in Bonner County has been the same “discovery” trend that redefined Sun Valley as wealthy buyers purchased vacation homes. Locally, such purchases have tended to skew the average home price picture toward the top end, even in a slower
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Social Changes
Ice Fishing
be found. Some developers see a price of about $300,000 as an appropriate target for easing the local workforcehousing crunch. That’s still too high for someone earning a teacher’s wage and outstrips the home-buying power of most city workers. But according to one homebuilder who has focused on that price point, this may be as good as it gets for those in search of newer, “stick-built” homes inside the city limits. Gary Parsons began construction last summer on what eventually will become about 50 homes on 10 acres of South Division Street property. They start at Sandpoint resident Nancy Hadley and Al Van Voren, $289,000 for a smaller, single-story a Boise biologist, pose with a 28-pound Idaho lake unit and climb to $329,000 for a twotrout she caught. A veteran ice fisher, Hadley once story dwelling. fell through old, crystallized ice and was rescued by “That price range is as close to her husband, Jim Aiken. The incident was a ‘affordable’ as we’re going to see in this reminder to always follow the leader’s footsteps. area,” Parsons said.
on the ice. After all, where there are fishermen, there are probably fish! The conventional wisdom is that, Of course, fancier equipment is cercompared with Ketchum, Bonner tainly available. Aiken’s wife, Nancy County still has time to address affordHadley, a Sandpoint financial consulable housing. Helzel agreed, but said tant, sometimes uses a portable, lightSandpoint is on the balance point weight ice hut. Her husband prefers between seizing the opportunity for open-air fishing, likening sitting in the change or losing that ground for good. hut to “fishing in an outhouse!” Other “You’re behind us right now, but extras you might want: a hook sharpyour last five years of major developener; bobbers; a Vexilar (sonar fishment has brought you much, much finder); an underwater camera; GPS; a closer,” she said. heater for your ice shelter; a lawn A nonprofit group called the Bonner chair; a small, collapsible shovel for Community Housing Agency (BCHA) removing snow on the ice; and twowas formed in 2007 to address the way radios to talk to your buddies. workforce housing shortage. Its board Ice fishing is a wonderful family includes representatives from busisport. Fifteen-year-old Curtis ness, government, education and social Mickelson has been fishing with his services, all of whom share at least dad for years and says he looks forward one common view: They believe Sun to it every winter. If you bring young Valley is a perfect case study for what children along, be sure to pack extra Sandpoint should avoid. gloves and plenty of snacks. And “We most certainly see Ketchum in
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they’ll enjoy playing with a sled if they get tired of fishing. Don’t let your kids that light,” said Alana Hatcher, chairwander off without supervision, person for the agency’s employers comthough. It’s especially important to mittee. “They’re always top of mind keep them away from open water because of the resort town similarities.” where the ice can be thin and unstable. Hatcher is going into her seventh Speaking of safety, there are some year as a professional recruiter for general rules to follow. After arriving at Coldwater Creek, Sandpoint’s largest the water’s edge, survey the ice. Look private-sector employer. In the past, it for wet areas, then avoid them as the was almost unheard of for candidates ice may be too thin where it’s wet. to decline an offer from the company, The ice should be a minimum of 4 in part because the salaries were among inches thick, which will safely hold a the highest in the region, but also group of people. Test the ice thickness because the area was an easy sell ecoby using an auger or a spud bar (a nomically and geographically. Between crow bar with a chisel at the end) to 2005 and 2007, however, home prices make a hole. You’re required to make more than doubled. In turn, the numa legal-sized hole, which is 144 square ber of applicants turning down offers inches (12 inches by 12 inches). at Coldwater Creek tripled over the If you move around much on the same period, with the primary reason ice, occasionally drill holes to check being an inability to find a home in the the ice thickness. Another safety rule: appropriate price range. People in a group should follow the “Historically, the biggest selling leader’s steps and stay several feet apart. That way their weight will be distributed evenly on the ice. Always have a rope with you, just in case you need to haul out something larger than a fish – like a friend or relative. Aiken and a buddy were faced with this situation last year. Hadley and her friend had dropped behind and were busy talking and drinking coffee. They forgot to follow the leaders’ tracks and got onto some old, THE MERIWETHER INNAiken crystallized ice. The next thing Antelope Loop knew, both121 women were in the icy Clark Fork, Idaho water. He and his friend rushed to pull tel. 208.266.1716 them out. They needed to move fast fax.about 208.266.0131 because after 60 seconds in the water, heavy winter become Direct clothes TV, Jacuzzi, Kitchenette, even heavier. Laundromat, By Air-Conditioning, the way, if you’re alone on the Continental Breakfast ice and fall into the water, don’t use Cabinet Mountains yourGateway elbowstotothe pull yourself out; this Backcountry Trails will just push more ice into the water. Camp, Fish, Hunt Instead, try toSnowmobile. roll yourself out. Another safety tip: If the ice is slick or Lake Access Nearby. uneven, strap ice cleats onto your Year-round Recreation boots to get a better grip. Follow these rules and You’re you’ll haveHome a safe, fun ice fishing experience.
5/3/08 8:09:13 PM
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Social Changes
features I’ve had to work with have been cost of living and quality of life,” Hatcher said. “I can no longer speak comfortably to cost of living.” Even with a downturn in prices over the winter, buying a home in Sandpoint remains too expensive for families making the average Bonner County household income of somewhere between $40,000 and $45,000. “People making the area’s mean income can afford homes priced in the range of $150,000 to $160,000,” said Andy Chapman, president of the Bonner Community Housing Agency. According to the Selkirk Association of Realtors, the inventory of homes – apart from modular designs and older houses with limited square footage – in Sandpoint proper in that price category remains virtually nonexistent. For those willing to live elsewhere, however, the choices become more attractive with almost every mile you drive away from the city limits. “A lot of people are buying in places like Boundary County and commuting to Sandpoint, because they can get so much more for their money,” said Lana Kay Hanson, president of the association. “If people are willing to travel up to Bonners Ferry or Moyie Springs, there are some tremendous buys out there.” Ketchum has seen a similar migration of its workers. Unlike Sandpoint, that resort city has no burgeoning manufacturing base, depending instead on service-industry jobs. Employees who choose to commute for those jobs – fewer of them every year – have the upper hand in negotiations, and runaway wage inflation is making it difficult for restaurants, gift shops and hotels to keep good employees, Helzel noted. Of greater concern, however, is the number of medical, emergency and educational positions that now go unfilled as workers in those fields give up on the idea of living anywhere
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around Sun Valley. “We’re talking about policemen, firemen, nurses and teachers – the people who are critically important to the health of any community – who can’t even afford to work here,” she said. The situation has degraded to the point that, in order to keep key law enforcement personnel in town, Ketchum has partnered with Habitat for Humanity to build a house for the county sheriff. Bonner County’s employment situation – even with spring layoffs in the local lumber trade this spring and job cuts that affected 65 Coldwater Creek employees in January – continues on solid footing, with ongoing growth at manufacturers such as Quest Aircraft Company and Unicep Packaging, Inc. Sandpoint’s eventual challenge, according to the local housing agency president, might be the same one that faces Ketchum – finding enough qualified labor to fill the new positions as they open up. The long-term concern is that potential employees will maintain a trend that started shaping up when home prices spiked three years ago and continue to move farther away from the city in search of affordable housing. At some point, they may elect to commute another direction – from Priest River to Spokane, for instance – or take a lower-paying position closer to home to avoid the drive. While the migration of workers directly impacts employers, there are other costs involved, such as decreased state funding for schools based on lower attendance. That’s the issue the Lake Pend Oreille School District was forced to deal with this year, primarily through staff cuts that affected classroom teachers, librarians, paraprofessionals and school counselors. As families move to districts farther away from Sandpoint, children shift to new schools, and state funding follows in their wake.
“If we can get some affordable housing in place and get people moving back to Sandpoint from places like Bonners Ferry and Priest River, it will have an impact on school enrollment,” Chapman said, noting that the local school district’s beginning attendance dropped by 100 students last year. Schools stand to take a second hit when bonds or levies are defeated as part-time residents vote “no” and a substantial number of “yes” votes migrate to other communities. Watch all of these signs closely, Ketchum’s Helzel advised. They are forerunners of things to come. While she applauds Sandpoint’s willingness to tackle the housing question, she points to the urgency of moving quickly beyond holding meetings and starting to make things happen before available land is snatched up by the highest bidder. Because, in the end, it is what happens to that land – and who ends up living on it – that could write the community’s future. “Whatever you do up there, sit down and agree to do something,” she said. “This thing just gets away from you so fast, and once that land is gone, it’s gone for good. “When the workforce starts being pushed out, it’s hard to push back,” Helzel added. “By the time you realize what’s happening, it’s too late.” Helzel’s description of Ketchum as an off-season “ghost town” may be more than pure rhetoric, the MLS’s Clark pointed out. “When you go down to Sun Valley, you don’t see kids playing in the neighborhoods, and the only people you see out in the yards are the caretakers,” he said. “It’s true – these second- and third-home properties really are like phantom homes.” Visit BCHA at www.bonner communityhousing.org. Editor’s note: As part of our continuing series on growth in Sandpoint, the next issue will cover the BCHA.
5/3/08 8:09:15 PM
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5/3/08 8:09:16 PM
R _ eal Estate E
The Idaho Club debuts
By Sheryl Bussard
Features Idaho’s first Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course
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t’s almost tee time. This summer marks the opening of The Idaho Club, featuring Idaho’s first Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course – currently on par to wow club residents, members and Greater Sandpoint. Just eight miles east of Sandpoint on Highway 200, The Idaho Club is the former Hidden Lakes Golf Resort, which was originally established in 1985 and then taken over in 1994 by Villelli Enterprises, headed up by President Dick Villelli. It was in the late spring of 2006 that the final rounds were played at Hidden Lakes before its acquisition by Chuck Reeves of Pend Oreille Bonner Development, LLC. “Hidden Lakes became a stalwart development of the community,” Villelli said. “It really hit its stride between 1994 and 2006, particularly
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with the addition of the new clubhouse and restaurant in 2000.” Given that Hidden Lakes was named the No. 1 golf challenge in Idaho when it was realigned in 2001, Villelli is being characteristically modest. Hidden Lakes Golf Resort earned its share of accolades over the years, including “Four Star Rating” and “Best Places to Play,” Golf Digest; “Top three courses in Idaho,” Golf Week; “Runner-up best new clubhouse in America,” Golf, Inc.; “Best restaurant wine cellars in the world,” Wine Spectator; and “Best golf course restaurant in the Northwest,” Pacific NW Golfer. “I’m personally excited to see it (The Idaho Club and Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course) open. They’ve done an unbelievable job of quality development. There’s a darn good chance that
this will be the premier golf course in the Pacific Northwest,” Villelli added. “They’ve really raised the bar, and the type of people buying property and memberships there expect that. The prices (to purchase a homesite, Lodge Home or Golf Club membership), while lamented as being beyond the reach of many in the local community, could still be considered a bargain compared to other places, most of which aren’t nearly as beautiful as Sandpoint. It’s also gratifying to see that many of the key employees are still there.”
Resort living, The Idaho Club way With golf course, wetland and forest views, Lodge Homes at The Idaho Club offer stone and rough-sawn wood exteriors that mimic the natural mountain setting. Luxuriously appointed
5/3/08 8:15:58 PM
Real Estate
munity of just over 900 acres. Arnold noted that all the Club amenities will be in place within two years. “Besides the inherent beauty and resort-quality amenities, a huge part of The Idaho Club’s appeal is that Sandpoint offers four-season recreational opportunities,” said Arnold. “Fifteen to 20 percent of our custom homesite and Lodge Home purchasers plan to make The Idaho Club their primary residence. They’re coming from Texas, Seattle, Arizona, San Diego – you name it. They’ve chosen Sandpoint and The Idaho Club as their home base.” The balance are buying second homes and planning to live here parttime. He adds that buyers are a real mix – people from their 30s to 80s. “The average purchaser’s age is 55 to 60, and most have young grandchildren. With so many opportunities for outdoor activities, from hiking to boating to SUMMER 2008
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Strengthening community ties Developer Chuck Reeves sees many opportunities to interact with the community and to support the growth and prosperity of Sandpoint. “As the final development evolves over the next few years, we could be hiring as many as 150 people to support The Idaho Club, thus providing numerous employment opportunities to the community of Sandpoint,” he said. In addition to the anticipation associated with the opening of Idaho’s first Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course, Director of Golf Mike DePrez is proud to point out that the course will be home to Sandpoint and Clark Fork SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
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interiors combine rustic ambiance with wood-burning fireplaces, hardwood and stone flooring, and top-of-theline appliances. Each home purchase includes Lake Club membership with access to all amenities except the golf course, which is an optional, additional membership. Lodge Homes, designed by architectural firm Hart Howerton and built by Sullivan Homes of Idaho, range from approximately 1,740 square feet to more than 3,380 square feet, and start around $850,000. By mid-April, more than 140 units – valued at more than $97 million – had been sold, including 27 out of 49 Lodge Homes. Set for final release this summer, The Idaho Club’s remaining custom homesites average $500,000 just for the site. The final plan, according to Director of Sales Brad Arnold, calls for approximately 450 homes in the gated com-
skiing, and of course, golfing, plus recreational activities here at the club with our tennis courts, fitness center, and spa, there’s something for every member of the family,” Arnold said. A number of overnight rental and extended-stay accommodations are available to the public through The Idaho Club’s Guest Rental program, including a half dozen Lodge Homes this summer (with the possibility of another six by the end of summer), plus eight units in The Roosevelt and The Jefferson. In addition to the main property currently being transformed into homesites and the Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course, The Idaho Club also owns two lakefront parcels at Trestle Creek, three miles from the golf course on Lake Pend Oreille, the state’s largest and deepest lake with 111 miles of shoreline and depths of 1,200 feet. Construction of the Idaho Lake Club, on the south side of Highway 200, will include 86 condos, 13 attached townhomes and 13 custom homesites as approved by Bonner County commissioners in March. Along with its residences, the Idaho Lake Club will feature a private community dock, floatplane landing, private party facilities, a casual shoreline dining restaurant, and other recreational amenities. Construction is scheduled to begin this winter.
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5/3/08 8:16:02 PM
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Real Estate offers the beauty of Lake Pend Oreille, Schweitzer Mountain and great opportunities for outdoor recreation. We’ve designed a golf course that complements the surroundings very nicely. Anyone who enjoys playing golf in a beautiful place should be extremely happy with the experience here. “The course should be a stiff challenge from the back tees, just as we intended, but we really focused the design on the members and the average golfers who will play the golf course. It doesn’t make sense to intimidate players with a design that outmatches their ability. We want a golf course that every member of the family will enjoy.” DePrez added, “Jack’s the greatest player of all time, and he’s translated that into being the greatest golf course designer of all time.” DePrez was the head golf professional for nine years, then general manager for two years at Hidden Lakes prior to taking on his current role with The Idaho Club.
The “Golden Bear” was integrally involved in the team effort led by Nicklaus Design. When he inspected the grounds in 2006, he made fundamental changes to the course based on topography maps. During repeated visits over the next two years, he was involved in the refinement of the par 71 course. From the back tees, The Idaho Club’s course plays about 7,100 yards. What’s the most obvious difference from Hidden Lakes? The course has spread across to the south side of the highway, where there are now seven holes. It winds through more than 100 acres of wetlands, with holes along Pack River and carved along the edge of Moose Mountain, each sculpted to fit the lay of the land. Rock outcroppings, ancient riverbeds that have formed ponds and streams, a rock quarry cliff, fairways lined with cedar and birch trees – all combine amidst a picturesque mountain setting. Hole 1, a par 4, has been described by DePrez as “possibly the most beauti-
ful starting hole you’ll ever play and also very challenging, with the Pack River running along the left.” (Hint: Favor the right side of the fairway off the tee.) Jack Nicklaus paid attention to the details of every aspect of the design, including green movement and surrounds, says DePrez. Each hole provides for multiple approaches off the tee – to test the expert player and allow novices to hole out in an easier fashion, depending on individual players’ skills. Nicklaus Design, as a company, has 324 courses open for play. Nicklaus Design opened 18 courses in 2007 and expects to open 27 in 2008, including The Idaho Club. Nicklaus himself has been involved in 22 of those 45 projects. To learn more about sales at The Idaho Club, call 265-8600. For information on public tee times and green fees for the golf course, or to make reservations for the restaurant or resort accommodations, call 265-2345. Or visit www.TheIdahoClub.com.
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North Idaho’s largest home furnishing store with five levels of
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R _ eal Estate E
‘God-inspired vision’
Pedersens’ phenomenal new home Story By Beth Hawkins ‘A place to share’
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or Heather and Bruce Pedersen, drawing inspiration for their spectacular, new home in the Syringa Heights area just above Sandpoint came from a wide variety of sources: worldly travels to foreign lands, poking around in junk dealers’ basements and even some terrific auction finds on eBay. But it was their deep faith in God and sense of community that kept the entire three-year project grounded. “It will only be the people God brings through our doors, and the relationships that are made while they enjoy the space, that will fulfill our vision for building it,” said Heather, who along with husband Bruce not only found the time to stay actively involved throughout the entire home-building process, but also homeschool two of their three children, run an altruistic Web site, develop real estate, provide veterinary relief work, and stay active in church and community groups. The family’s commitment to their religion and the community runs so deep, in fact, that the lower level of their new home was designed to accommodate all sorts of functions and gatherings. Bruce and Heather envision using the “Nooma Room” (named from the Greek word pneuma, meaning breath, soul or spirit) to put up touring groups overnight from out-oftown, host church functions and hold meetings, such as 4-H and women’s groups. The large, open area is perfectly equipped with a full kitchen, bedrooms, full baths and a movie theater (purposely added in hopes of keeping the Pedersens’ kids at home more often).
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Photos By Barbara Pressler
Driving down the meandering road to the Pedersens’ new home is reminiscent of what a sightseer might find along the backroads of Italy. The home’s exterior is a combination of stucco and rock, meant to mimic the crumbling structures that the Pedersens fell in love with during their travels in Europe. They wanted a Tuscan feel to the house, appearing as if it had been sun-worn for more than 200 years. “Some people look at the odd, patchy crumbling rock and either love it or hate it – unsure of the plan,” said Heather. “They’ll ask, ‘Did you run out of money to finish the stone?’ I thought I’d have to bring the ambulance to the poor mason who had never laid a vertical stone in his life.” The home’s entrance is graced by a beautiful hand-carved front door, crafted by a wood artisan from Colorado who extended the carved aspen tree’s branches out across the transom windows encircling the door.
“I wanted something that had our fingerprints all over it and hoped it would surely be an eclectic, out-of-the-box place.”
–Heather Pedersen It’s touches like these, and expecting the truly unexpected, that best exemplify what the Pedersens set out to create in their new home. “I wanted something that had our fingerprints all over it and hoped it would surely be an eclectic, out-of-thebox place,” Heather said. “The house is chock full of whimsical, subtle surprises
– a heart-shaped rock hidden under here, a tiled lizard behind there – something interesting to the eye wherever you look and which isn’t immediately seen at first glance.” The home’s centrally located great room and gourmet kitchen sit beneath soaring timber-framed beams, salvaged from reclaimed wood found at two local mills and carved by hand to bring back their natural hue. A two-story wall of windows shows off the home’s million-dollar view of mountains, and since the property was carefully cleared to leave trees on all sides, it truly takes some convincing to realize the home sits in the middle of Sandpoint and not on a remote mountaintop. The 20 acres include a skating pond, outdoor heated pool, professional landscaping and a giant boulder, possibly deposited there by a glacier. That unique chunk
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Pictured in the great room is the Pedersen family with some of their pets, from left, Rio with hampster Scha-weetie, Kipling, Selkirk, Bruce with dog Talus, Heather with ferret Rikki Tikki Toffee, and gray cat S. Tripe in the foreground. Above, past the outdoor, heated pool made of cinder blocks is the 8,300- squarefoot home mimicking European architecture with masonry purposely designed to appear sun-worn.
of rock – and pet dog Talus – helped inspire the home’s name: Talus Rock. The Pedersens utilized nature’s inspiration to create awe-inspiring drama throughout their home, as seen in the beautifully creative craftsmanship of the great room’s fireplace. Fashioned completely out of concrete, twists of snarled branches shape their way upwards above the small “cave” of the firebox. And next to it, two cedar trees that grew together – salvaged whole from the property – spiral from floor to ceiling among massive stones. Not to take things too seriously, there’s a delightfully surprising touch of whimsy in the adjoining kitchen, where an antique carousel horse prances midstride across a beam. Another fun-spirited nod to Heather’s penchant for the unusual is a rustic, 8-foot metal awning, stripped of its canvas and now part of a charming light fixture that dangles pendants over the kitchen’s eat-in bar. “I fell in love with everything about it,” said Heather, who found the awning at a Spokane junk dealer. “When I dragged it home and pulled it out of the flatbed, my husband just shook his head and said, ‘Garden, right?’ I said, ‘No, kitchen.’ Poor guy. That was only the beginning.” Walking through the sprawling home’s many hallways and stairways feels like a treasure hunt, with imaginative touches at every turn. The master bedroom is Heather’s favorite room in the house, where the bed sits beneath a copper-domed, twostory turret. And in the middle of the room sits the couple’s bathtub, where the couple likes to relax while watching movies projected against the bedroom wall. In the corner, a playful concrete shower created by craftsman John Siegmund mimics a large tree with two outstretching “limbs” housing the showerheads. Perched above an open staircase leading to the loft, a fanciful stained glass window
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gleams brilliantly, its cheery floral motifs adorned with five dragonflies to represent each member of the Pedersen family. And once upstairs, an oversized black-and-white mural of the three children – Rio, Selkirk and Kipling – is displayed on a wall next to a hand-painted inspirational passage from Khalil Gibran’s “The Prophet.” This leads to the children’s wing of the house, which includes three bedrooms and private bathrooms, each artfully tiled in a colorful mosaic. Tucked away on the very top level is a quaint reading room complete with its own fireplace, a cozy nook and views that extend for miles. It’s easy to imagine that this tiny oasis will become the family’s favorite place to be. For all of the home’s exquisite craftsmanship and European grandeur, the Pedersens remain true to the message
that their home is a God-inspired vision meant to be shared with others. The couple say they feel humbled when they pull into the driveway and that they did not build such a large home to show wealth or to consume resources but to become a place to share with family, friends and people in need. “The primary use for this home is for others to be here,” said Heather. “We remind ourselves that this place is ‘just a house’ and remember why we built it.” Bruce echoes his wife’s sentiment, saying that his vision for the home is “to help those who helped us along the way.” The Pedersens are quick to credit their builders, Jerry Cox and Seth Burnett, for bringing all of their ideas to reality, adding that they had an unbeatable team of craftsmen who never told them, “No, we can’t do that.” They all brought a sense of simplicity and order to the often-chaotic process of building a custom home. But builders do have their earthly limits, and there were some days through the seemingly never-ending journey when Heather would find herself seeking divine inspiration when all else had failed. “There were many mornings I’d close my eyes and paint the space, while asking God, ‘What shall I do with that corner?’ ”
Top, the handcrafted door’s three wolves represent the family’s three children. Above, the stained-glass window ushers in cheerful light above the stairway.
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Real Estate
that native Sandpoint residents can fully appreciate about the location: no train noise. “I think we’ll appeal to families who will appreciate the location and privacy that each lot gives,” said McCanlies. “You’ll have trouble seeing your adjacent neighbor.” McCanlies envisions would-be buyers being families who want to build their dream homes, retirees and baby boomers. “We’re going to be able to hold the homeowners’ fees down to a bare minimum – road maintenance care,” said McCanlies. “We expect a combination of buyers. We’re not catering to the investment market.” Look up www.sandpointcanyon creekranch.com to learn more. McCanlies, broker at Coldwell Banker Resort Realty, will be the listing agent for Canyon Creek Ranch.
Salishan Point
Salishan Point features oversized waterfront homesites on the Pend Oreille River.
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Paved roads in an out-of-town setting is one of the appealing features of Canyon Creek Ranch.
development “out there” until everything is completely finished. Along with a marina, recreational building and large outdoor pavilion, half of Salishan Point is common area, much of which is heavily wooded, and includes hiking trails and a pond. The property borders Kaniksu National Forest, so opportunities to get outside are right there. “It’s a pretty spectacular piece of property,” Carpenter said. Go to www.salishanpoint.com for more information. Salishan Point is listed with Randy Stone and Darla Wilhelmsen from Coldwell Banker Resort Realty.
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If property seekers are looking for the hard-to-find combination of a larger-sized lot yet still want to be on the water, then their wait is over. Salishan Point, a 50-acre neighborhood located approximately 11 miles west of Highway 95 down Dufort Road, offers oversized lots along the banks of the Pend Oreille River. Spokane resident and developer of the project, Keith Carpenter, anticipates the lots coming up for sale by Memorial weekend. Prices for the lots start from the $300s for the 10 wooded, secondary-waterfront lots, and prices for the 14 waterfront lots range from the $400s up to $2 million for the most expensive lot, which includes 600 frontage feet on the river. “We’re pretty excited about it,” said Carpenter. “The waterfront lots themselves are quite big – bigger than average – which allows you to put in larger docks.” Carpenter worked with an architect in Seattle to design innovative swim-
ming beaches, allowing waterfront homeowners the ability to create their own private cove. Carpenter said the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was involved in the process, and is satisfied with the fact that the coves encourage wildlife along the river. The 10 secondary-waterfront lots will have access to Salishan Point’s fouracre private peninsula, which has 1,500 frontage feet on the river. Carpenter foresees both year-round residences, given the fact that the development is paved throughout, as well as vacation homes. Carpenter has held off from taking any reservations or putting the
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Communities continue to take shape The Crossing at Willow Bay has completed the centerpiece of its community – the Willow Bay Yacht Club. At more than 6,300 square feet, the club includes a great room overlooking the water, a catering kitchen and bar, library and business center, fitness center, and children’s activity room. On the homebuilding front, Sullivan Homes will have a lakefront cabin model ready for prospective homeowners to tour in June. www.CrossingWillowBay.com
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Recreating at The Crossing at Willow Bay
This past year, Dover Bay has focused on developing the Marina Village, which includes the Dover Bay Café and Market, Beach Bungalow Vacation Rentals, and Lake Club Fitness Center. A number of homesites as well as condominiums and cabins have been sold. The next phase of construction includes condominiums in the Marina Town neighborhood and also in the Bayside South neighborhood. Dover Bay has a number of custom homes currently under construction and still has waterfront homesites, Cabin in the Woods, Cottages in Dover Meadows, waterfront condominiums and single-family residences available. www.DoverBayIdaho.com
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Productivity’s the word at The Idaho Club, where sales director Brad Arnold says the entire development is really coming together. “We’re just starting to get our first handful of full-time residents,” Arnold said, adding that in the past year they’ve made 55 real estate sales totaling a combined $40 million. Arnold said 27 lodge homes, offered in five different floor plans, are currently under construction with another 22 custom homes being built or in the planning stages. With the clubhouse and golf course set to open this summer, work has shifted to the construction of the Town Center located in close proximity to the clubhouse. Once completed, it will include amenities such as a swimming pool, tennis courts, dining facility and sports courts. www.TheIdahoClub.com Phase II at The Meadows at Fall Creek is now open, and Merry BrownHayes of Windermere Realty reports that sales are strong. Developed as an equestrian property on 300 acres, the 42 homesites range in size from 5 to 7 acres in Naples. Along with a log community center, residents enjoy a 27-acre common area with walking and bridle trails. The property borders Fall Creek on both sides. Fifteen homesites are currently available and include paved roads, underground utilities and community water. Prices range from $179,000 to $220,000. www.The-Meadows-at-Fall-Creek.com Currently
Seasons at Sandpoint continues to be a hot spot in the local real estate market. The second set of residences – a condo building – was recently completed. According to Holly Mostoller with Bella Vista Group, developers of Seasons at Sandpoint, approximately 90 percent of the residences already built have been sold, and construction will soon begin on eight exclusive townhomes priced above $2 million each. The tri-level townhomes will be 4,000 square feet each, with terraces on The boardwalk at Dover Bay
Inside a home at Seasons at Sandpoint
all three levels. Contracts to purchase three of the townhomes have already been signed. www.SeasonsAtSandpoint.com
Stillwater Point, located on 27-plus acres on Lake Pend Oreille, is listed this year as one parcel for the price of $11 million. Last year the development was offered as seven separate pieces. Windermere broker Merry Brown-Hayes is marketing Stillwater Point as the ultimate private or corporate retreat, advertising in such publications as the Wall Street Journal in hopes of finding the right buyer. Complete with three custom homes ranging in size from 5,000 to 6,000 square feet each, built by Pacific Construction, the property includes 100 frontage feet on Lake Pend Oreille. www.StillwaterPoint.com Thinking green in Sandpoint is easy now that Cedar Green subdivision is up and running (see story, page 165). With one home now occupied, a second home finished and ready for tours, and a third house being built this summer, the environmentally friendly neighborhood still has 15 home/lot packages available with a variety of plans to choose from. Prices range from $300,000 to $500,000, with houses varying in size from 1,200 square feet on up to 2,500 square feet. Kyler Wolf, a Realtor with Tomlinson Sotheby’s Sandpoint, said Cedar Green is attracting attention due to the increased awareness of building green. “We’ve had lots of interest,” said Wolf. “People are really excited about the project, and what we’re doing.” www.CedarGreenHomes.com –Beth Hawkins
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R _ eal Estate E The changing face of the west side Location, amenities driving force behind growth
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lthough visitors have long extolled the virtues of the Long Bridge as a spectacular front entrance to Sandpoint, many locals prefer the bucolic charms of the side door: U.S. Highway 2 as it meanders along the Pend Oreille River into Sandpoint’s west end. Now developers are sprucing up and filling out Sandpoint’s west side to attract shoppers, diners and home buyers. Recent commercial development is centered on the highway as it enters town, and anchoring this is WestPointe Plaza, where Mountain West Bank’s third office in the Sandpoint area will open by late summer. Noting the westward development of businesses along the highway corridor, bank managers wanted a presence there. The plaza will also house several other businesses new to town. Perhaps the most exciting to surrounding residents is the prospect of a nearby grocery store. They’ll have to be patient, however, as this is part of Phase II of the development and will not materialize until the summer of 2009. Some smaller ventures, however, will be open this summer, including Sandpoint Coffee Company with a drive-up window, Subway, and possibly a familystyle pizza place. Numerous other businesses have sprouted or are about to sprout along the highway. Probably the most familiar to travelers east of the Cascades will be Zip’s, one of 34 such burger emporiums unique to the Inland Northwest. “I’ve wanted to do a store in Sandpoint for close to 20 years,” said owner and city councilman Michael Boge, who owns four Zip’ses in other towns and will open this one Memorial Day weekend. He has remodeled the former Aspen Building to create the restaurant, which he says “is an ideal location” for the drive-in on Highway 2. Feeling that “the whole corridor needed some sprucing up,” developer John Gillham did just that at Two Rock Plaza, salvaging an 80-year-old building
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at the corner of Ella Street and adding on to it to accommodate the White Cross pharmacy with its drive-through window and several offices. Across the highway, the Michigan Street Center and Westside Center house several other small concerns. Nurse practitioner Cynthia Dalsing chose the Westside Center when she opened up her own practice. “I’ve been here a year and a half, and I’m very happy,” said Dalsing, who has found her new location more costeffective than her previous office space downtown and easier to get to as well, with better parking and access to the bike path that runs next to the highway. Unique among the new west-siders is the North Idaho Animal Hospital, a state-of-the-art facility that can provide care to local pets (and the occasional wild animal) that’s as good as anything they’ll get in Seattle or Los Angeles. Veterinarian Robert Pierce said, “Our
By Cate Huisman
The first two buildings in WestPointe Plaza, shown as artist’s renderings above, will house Mountain West Bank and other businesses, providing an anchor for the west side of Sandpoint.
original hospital was located at Fifth and Church, but the building couldn’t contain us anymore.” They wanted a larger place in town where they could add operating rooms and board animals. “This was pretty perfect,” he said of their new location on Highway 2. “We like the bike path, because we can walk the animals along it. We knew this side of town was changing, and we wanted to be a part of that.” The west side has a lot of appeal for home buyers, too, close as it is to the library, the middle and high schools, a couple of health clubs, Centennial and Travers parks, and numerous churches. But while the commercial development is centered on the highway, the residen-
5/3/08 8:19:10 PM
Real Estate North Idaho Animal Hospital Cold Noses - Warm Hearts
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321 N. First Ave., Sandpoint • E-mail: charesse@Evergreen-Realty.com Cell: 208.255.6060 • Toll Free: 888.228.6060 *Based on Selkirk MLS data for 2004 - 2007
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“Thinking of making a move or wanting to find a home? Put me to work for you and let me show you why I have risen to the top. I have established a proven and effective way to market and sell your property along with an effective system for helping buyers find the properties they are looking for.”
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tial development is more widely broadcast throughout the west side. Perhaps filling the greatest need will be Luther Park, a 60-unit residence for seniors that will open in December on Olive Avenue. The project fulfills a dream that goes back 50 years for members of the neighboring First Lutheran Church, says Pastor Dave Olson. “We understood that there was need in our community; that was really confirmed because just shortly after groundbreaking we were full,” he said. He anticipates that spots will open up as people’s plans and needs change. Two condominium developments on the west side include Sandpoint Villas, on Pine Street between Division and Lincoln, and West End Station, a group of five colorful townhomes farther north on Division. Both have high-end interiors with amenities such as granite counters, wood floors and stainless steel appliances, but they moved more slowly than expected last year. Now most of the townhomes and half the condos are rented; the rest of the condos are expected to move quickly now that prices have been lowered. Another batch of condos, Westside Terrace, opened April 15 on Olive Avenue just off Highway 2. Of the 12 two-bedroom units, more than half were sold before the building was complete, and the two that included ground-floor offices sold before they even hit the market. Prices run from $129,000 to $149,000. “They were built to address the need for properties in this price range,” said agent Charesse Moore. The prices at Westside Terrace make it an attractive option for young people buying their first homes. In addition to condos and apartments, three developments of singlefamily homes are rising on the west side this spring. While two of them have some spec houses under construction, all three give prospective homeowners an opportunity to choose home designs and sizes that fit their needs.
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North Idaho Animal Hospitalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new state-of-the-art building on Highway 2 has become a highly visible landmark on the townâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s west side.
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Cedar Green, Sandpointâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first â&#x20AC;&#x153;greenâ&#x20AC;? neighborhood, will fill in a former pasture north of the library with 18 homes gathered around a central green space (see â&#x20AC;&#x153;Green building,â&#x20AC;? page 165). According to agent Kyler Wolf, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Urban infill was our number one choiceâ&#x20AC;? for a development in which environmental concerns would take precedence in construction and design. The ability to get to schools, parks and other community facilities without a car was an attraction of the west side for developer Grey Hecht, who hopes to attract buyers with â&#x20AC;&#x153;greenâ&#x20AC;? values and who want the community feel the neighborhood is designed to provide. Like Cedar Green, Maplewood Village, near the south end of Division Street, will cluster homes on small lots around a shared green space, this one with a central water feature that simultaneously provides open space and storm water management. â&#x20AC;&#x153;These are high quality homes built on a moderate scale,â&#x20AC;? said agent Bill Drayton; theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re also energy efficient and designed to require minimal maintenance. The third development, Northview Estates, is a group of 26 lots just where the highway enters the town. Fifteen of these lots had been sold at press time, their prices ranging from $127,000 to $149,000. According to agent Debbie Ferguson, their appeal has been in their proximity to the Dover bike path and to town. They will be just a short walk from that new bank and grocery store, too. Buyers on the west side have run the gamut from young families to downsizing empty nesters, absentee owners who want a family retreat, and people with country or mountain homes who want a pied-Ă -terre in town. For many, the area bridges the gap between downtown and suburban locations, and it appears that its appeal will intensify as the city continues to grow.
5/3/08 8:19:16 PM
Real Estate
Old-timer Realtors
From left, Realtors Bernie McGovern, Lana Kay Hanson and Don McCanlies head into the future in this stylized, historic photo of Sandpointâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s First Avenue.
The three longest-running agents reflect on their lives and times
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By Trish Gannon
This story profiles the first three; others will be interviewed in the future. Paired with these profiles are news headlines from the years they were licensed to give readers more insight into what the community was like back then. SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
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he local real estate market has cycled up and down through the years, and Realtors have come and gone. Some made a few dollars, then left; others worked themselves to starvation in the down cycles before they, too, moved on. But some stayed, riding the vagaries of the market; in the process, theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve amassed almost 500 years of total experience in the field. Those Realtors who have at least 25 years of experience in the local market are, in the order that they were licensed: Lana Kay Hanson, Bernie McGovern, Don McCanlies, Jim Parsons, Tom Mehler, Phil DeBoard, Tom Wehrle, Mark Hall, Tom Renk, Marita Stewart-Ramsay, Pat Parks and Mike Parkins.
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From left, Lana Kay Hanson and Norman and Nonna Sommerfeld, her brother and mother, are sworn in as secretary, vice president and president, respectively, of the Bonner/Boundary Board of Realtors in December 1963.
Lana Kay Hanson licensed 1964
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In 1964, working as a Realtor was “very challenging,” said Lana Kay Hanson, owner/broker of Lana Kay Realty and current president of the Selkirk Association of Realtors. “Our population was so low that most income came from farming and logging. The recreation potential was just barely starting. Schweitzer Basin had just opened in 1963. People were moving here to live and make their living, and the wages were low,” she said. Hanson headed off to college in Colorado with a real estate license already in her pocket. Talking with the dean of students, when he realized she had her license, he asked her, “Why are you looking to go to college? You already have a profession people would
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Headlines in the first issue of the Sandpoint News-Bulletin for 1964 read, “Schweitzer development biggest story in this area in 1963.” The opening of a ski operation brought thousands of new people to the area and kicked off the marketing of Sandpoint as a destination town. “Schweitzer drawing huge crowds,” the paper wrote. Throughout 1964, advertisements for Pacific Power stated “53 percent of all homes and apartments last year … installed flameless electric heat!” While rival Washington Water Power promised “half of all new homes built will feature gas heat.” The census counted 667,000 people in Idaho, and the local office of Civil Defense promised, “Practical Shelters can Save Millions of Lives in (a Nuclear) Attack.” A new roof was built on Memorial Field grandstands. Thanks to legislative apportionment, “The political future of Northern Idaho looks gloomy,” said local legislators, and the Cabinet Mountain Primitive Area was reclassified as “Wild.” Sommerfeld Realty offered a “4-bedroom, modern home” in the city for $8,000 and 125 acres with a 600-foot pebble beach “all timbered like a park” for $45,600.
give their eye teeth for.” She returned to Sandpoint and never looked back. Forty-four years ago, “Almost every transaction was owner/carry,” she said. Owners carried the note when they sold property because, “The banks wouldn’t even loan on anything outside of Sandpoint. I remember when they started loaning on properties five miles out and 10 miles out. My goodness, when it got to where they would loan on a property anywhere in Bonner County, then there was really an opportunity to sell.” Truly a child of local real estate, Hanson grew up in a family of Realtors. Her mother, Nonna Sommerfeld, was the first woman in Idaho licensed to sell real estate. She began work in her mother’s office, Sommerfeld Realty, and now her sons work with her in her office. In the early days, a lot of commissions
were taken in trade. “We would take anything,” she said, “livestock, equipment, furniture. When I opened my own office in 1980, my very first commission was houseplants and peacocks,” she said, laughing. “I got 12 peacocks for $50 each – that’s a lot of money for a peacock!” Even cash commissions generally came in the form of payments, some stretched out over 15 years. Four-plus decades have taught Hanson at least one of the secrets of success is hard work. “You’ve got to be willing to work hard. It’s important to actually show the property,” she said. Although much has changed over the years, Hanson predicts one thing will never change – the need for competent and qualified Realtors. “People want service,” she said. “They want someone to guide them through the process. A good Realtor is a guide.”
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152 S A N D P O I N T M A G A Z I N E
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Approved Approved with changes
5/3/08 9:00:15 PM
Real Estate
Bernie McGovern licensed 1969 When Bernie McGovern received his real estate license in 1969, he went to work for Sandpoint Realty and Insurance Agency, and says he discovered early on that working with people is interesting. It’s a fascination that’s stayed with him for almost four decades of working in both those same fields. In 1976, midway through a local real estate “boom,” he opened his own business, McGovern Realty (which also started out selling both real estate and insurance). He remained the owner/ broker of his company until recently as ownership passed to his daughter and son-in-law, Erin and Mike Roos. He agrees with the other real estate agents interviewed for this story when he says the area has changed a lot throughout the years. “When I started there were only six real estate offices in town. You could buy a house for around $13,000.” According to the Selkirk Association of Realtors, there are now 25 member real estate offices with a Sandpoint address; the current median
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Bath & Shower Enclosures
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“Life goes through it”
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R _ eal Estate E sales price on a home in the Greater Sandpoint area is $194,700. He said the market then for second homes was practically nonexistent. “People were moving up here because they wanted to live in North Idaho,” McGovern said. He says his “secret” for success is “being very up front and honest with people.” A good Realtor won’t be looking to make a sale but instead will look to “help a person find what’s best for them.” Although people know what they want, they don’t always understand what that means. “You might have to point out why a person wouldn’t want a particular piece of property,” he said. “Maybe they’ll have to do more plowing than they realized or hiking around mud. (Selling real estate) truly is about service.”
N EW S F R O M 1 9 6 9
By 1969 times were changing, and that included the real estate market. The first issue of the Sandpoint News-Bulletin for ’69 said building construction was “up substantially during 1968” and announced 47 building permits had been issued. Voters in the area were asked to provide a new hospital, create a hospital district, and consider the pleas of the local school board. “Circumstances, economics have held back local school construction since World War I,” the newspaper said, announcing a $2.5 million bond issue. Tibbets Motel and Southside Elementary were destroyed by fire, and Ellisport Bay Resort held its grand opening. A 1-acre piece of land just outside city limits with a two bedroom “modern home, priced for quick sale” was offered for $8,000 – a “small down will handle.” Five, one-pound cartons of golden margarine could be purchased for $1, and boneless ham was $1.33 a pound. Residents were told three atomic power plants were on the drawing board to be built in Seattle, Portland and Eugene, and snow measurements were up 50 percent above the five-year average. The state board voted unanimously in favor of public school sex education, and Sheriff Wilcox arrested an unnamed “youth” on a charge of possessing growing marijuana plants.
we wanted to live and raise our kids.” In those days selling real estate was “very interesting. We were basically in the lumber industry. There was no market for tourism, for retirees. That’s changed now, but back then it was people moving here just to live here. We’ve been here during some really tough times,” he said. “It was a good market in the ’70s, then it tanked, then it started to recover again.” McCanlies, the broker of Coldwell Banker Resort Realty (he became affiliated with Coldwell Banker in 1982) says the best change he’s seen is that the
area is finally becoming “a place where there’s next-generation job opportunities. For a long time our (community’s) kids grew up and left the area. Now there’s jobs for them and we’re seeing a lot of them come back.” His secret to succeeding in this difficult field? “There really isn’t any magic to it. You have to have some endurance; you have to be willing to hang in there. We had a commitment to this area. We might have gotten here early,” he said, laughing, “but we were here. You stick to it because you love where you are.”
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Don McCanlies licensed 1970 Don McCanlies was in California in the mid-1960s when he first began selling real estate and hit Ketchum, Idaho, in 1970 as an experienced Realtor. He gained more experience there, including selling some of the first condos in Idaho, before moving to Bonner County in 1973 and opening Resort Realty. “We decided North Idaho was the place for us,” he said. “This was where
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In 1970 a Sandpoint News-Bulletin headline read, “Comprehensive plan forecasts continued Bonner County growth.” This was an accurate forecast as the year saw planning and zoning approve “the most extensive real estate development in the history of Bonner County,” the Sun Mountain Village on the Pack River Flats, a “year-round, residential recreation area” featuring 540 residential lots and an 18-hole, championship golf course (it later became Hidden Lakes Golf Resort). National societal trends were reflected locally with a series of articles about drugs – from “marihuana” cigarettes (“it looks harmless but is deceptive”) through “Dangerous LSD leads to psych ward, death.” The Bank of Idaho offered 5 percent interest on “premium passbook savings.” A “parent delegation” convinced the school board to address issues at the old Farmin School – listing falling plaster, poor wiring and substandard lighting as reasons for a new building. In real estate, a 3-bedroom, 2-bath home in town with an attached onecar garage and “wall-to-wall carpet!” was just $15,900. SUMMER 2008
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R _ eal Estate E
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5/5/08 9:51:37 AM
R _ eal Estate E
Priest River revival
Beardmore cornerstone of downtown revitalization
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ighty-five years ago, in the spring of 1923, Charles Beardmore held a grand opening celebration for his new Beardmore Block in the center of booming Priest River. The lumber demands of World War I and a growing U.S. population had been good to Beardmore and the community, and the building was complete with modern innovations such as hot and cold running water and a refrigerated room for the meat market. Beardmore’s wife, Lucy, had just returned from Boise, where she had served a term as the first woman in the state legislature, and his daughter Vivienne had just graduated from Priest River High School; the opening was held on her 18th birthday. The following weekend, Nell Shipman’s new movie “Grub-Stake,” filmed at her studio up at Priest Lake, premiered in the building’s Rex Theatre. The boom continued until the Great Depression hit; in the decades that followed, the town fell on hard times. Although Priest River still welcomes visitors with signs that say it is a “progressive timber community,” mill shifts have been shrinking, and the community has been exploring other employment options. The Priest River Development Corporation helps draw employers to town, and it has succeeded in attracting or supporting a diverse collection of employers, including Harrison Dock Builders, Aerocet, which makes pontoons for floatplanes, and FMI, which builds furniture. However, the town’s promoters are also beginning to consider more fully another natural resource – its uncrowded, unspoiled setting at the junction of two equally unspoiled rivers. Recent arrivals, unlike those who came to work in the woods and mills in the past, are more often looking to retire SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
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or build vacation homes. “I’ve met with a lot of developers through the last two years,” said Mayor Jim Martin, a native son. “People from Seattle and New York have a huge vision of what Priest River could be. We don’t see it because we’re here every day, so their vision kind of spurs us on to see the possibilities. We’re hoping to make something happen.” The physical boundaries of town are such that there is little room for new development, but it is annexing nearby land to accommodate growth. The proposal causing the most buzz at the moment is The Settlement – a proposed development that could put as many as 500 high-end homes and a golf course on 800 acres across the Priest River to the east. The town welcomes such new developments because they bring in the tax dollars it needs to upgrade its aging infrastructure. But having watched the recent real estate boom of its upriver neighbor, Sandpoint, and having absorbed some of the workforce that can no longer afford to live there, Priest River is taking a balanced approach to growth. “We watch that really closely,” said Martin, “so that we’re not getting so much high-end development that people can’t afford to live here.” To meet this need, several clusters of more moderately priced homes are also being developed. The town is also trying to preserve nearby recreation opportunities and open space. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers maintains a park and campground called the Mudhole on the Priest River at the east edge of town, and recently 291 acres, including the old Louisiana-Pacific mill site, have been protected by a conservation easement through
By Cate Huisman
5/3/08 9:01:06 PM
Real Estate
The historic Beardmore Block, built in Priest River in 1922, is being renovated by a descendant of Charles Beardmore, its original builder. His great grandson Brian Runberg is an architect who spent summers growing up in Priest Lake.
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the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. Although this parcel is still privately owned, it will be held in perpetuity as a protected area for wildlife and wetlands protection, never to be subdivided or developed. For the moment, Highway 2 is the business focus of the town. This is where the groceries, banks and many retail outlets are, and it’s where the town’s two newest restaurants, the Mexican-flavored Del Rio Grill and the Priest River Hardwood Grill, opened this spring. But along with capitalizing on the town’s natural setting, citizens are making an effort to draw business back to its historic downtown, which is on the National Register of Historic Places. In December 2007, the city completed setting up an urban renewal district that will fund improvements in this area. “We’re looking at extensive bike and walking paths through town and along the waterfront,” said the mayor, with the hope of connecting downtown attractions with the recreational opportunities at the waterfront. Contributing to this nascent renaissance are local fatherand-son, filmmaking-team Fred and Trevor Greenfield, who are continuing revitalization work on the 1912 Hotel Charbonneau on Wisconsin Street. The Greenfields have deep ties to the town; Trevor’s grandfather arrived the same year the hotel was built and was the custodian at the high school. As filmmakers and originators of the Schweitzer Lakedance International Film Festival, they have a particular interest in Nell Shipman, the actress whose film premiered
at the opening of the Rex Theatre and who stayed at the Charbonneau on her way to and from Priest Lake. The hotel was closed in 1989, and despite the efforts of the Priest River Revitalization and Restoration Committee and a few other owners, “There were vines coming in the windows like an Alfred Hitchcock movie and wrapping around the beds,” said Trevor of its condition when they took it over in 2004. Since then they have been refurbishing it to provide modern amenities but still allow visitors to feel as though they are “stepping into the 1920s.” Plans for use of the building are still in flux; one thought is to use it as a film school or as a venue for the film festival. Seattle architect Brian Runberg’s connection to the area has motivated him, too, to be involved in Priest River’s future. The great grandson of Charles Beardmore, he spent his childhood summers boating around Priest Lake with his grandmother Vivienne – the Vivienne whose 18th birthday was celebrated as the Beardmore Building opened. For the past year and a half he has labored to reclaim the building in a way that meets both strict historical and exemplary environmental standards; it will be one of just a few in the state that meet the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design gold standard (see “Green building,” page 165), and one of only four historic buildings in the country to meet that standard. This endeavor has not been without its setbacks. Last fall, a parked beer truck lost its brakes while its driver was making deliveries to a business on the highway above the building. The vehicle went over the embankment, made its way through a parking lot, narrowly missed a motorhome, and smashed a hole in the Beardmore that was, well, the size of a beer truck. No one was hurt, but the uncannily directed truck had managed to damage both the central feed of the electrical service and two of the pipes that drained water from the roof to the cistern in the basement. But the biggest challenge in making repairs was finding historically correct replacement brick to fill the hole; after several failed attempts to use brick from other historic buildings, Runberg had to poach bricks from the inside walls of the Beardmore itself to make the match. Nevertheless, the building opened for its new tenants on May 1. A counseling service, an attorney and a financial advisor, among others, were under consideration at press time to fill the upstairs offices once held by dentists, the Diamond Match Company and the Western Union Life Insurance Company. Downstairs, a coffee shop and a restaurant will take over where the Priest River Hardware Company, the Peoples Market and the Kaniksu Drug Company once stood. When work on the Rex Theatre is completed in Phase II of the project, the restaurant will provide meals for dinner theatre performances there. Runberg believes that revitalization of the theatre
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R _ eal Estate E is particularly important; he has seen the reclamation of old theatres draw other small communities together, and he thinks the Rex has the potential to do this in Priest River. He has established the Rex Theatre Foundation to support this mission and has also expanded his
grandmother’s Beardmore Endowment, which has long supported Priest River students in getting a college education. And these philanthropic organizations have recently been joined by another, the Priest River Community Foundation, which had its first fund-raiser at the
Father-son team, Trevor, left, and Fred Greenfield aim to save the historic 1912 Hotel Charbonneau, which they acquired in 2004.
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Beardmore Building just this past fall. In November 2007, close to 200 celebrants again crowded into the building for a community celebration. The 21stcentury guests marveled at the entrance hall with its hardwood floor and open staircase, although they were less impressed with the hot and cold running water than with the fact that the original toilets stayed and were flushed with water collected from the roof. Runberg’s slide show on the building’s history, the town and the renovation summarized his hope “that the Beardmore Building will create some synergy and life that has been absent in the historic core for many years. It will take both civic and private collective efforts to make it reality.” Then Mayor Martin reminded guests that the purpose of the gathering was to serve as the “first annual” fund-raiser for the newly formed, community-instigated Priest River Community Foundation, and the auction of community-donated items began. The raucous and good-natured auction that followed ultimately raised $36,000, far more than was anticipated for this initial effort, suggesting that, indeed, Priest River has the potential for a second coming.
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5/3/08 9:01:27 PM
Real Estate
Priest River market Prices climbing, but affordable homes exist Priest River is 22 miles west of
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tor and utility costs minimized by the remodel, will have rents at the high end of that range.
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Sandpoint, situated at the confluence of the Priest and Pend Oreille rivers and accessed from Sandpoint by a pastoral journey on U.S. Highway 2. Home prices in the Priest River/ Priest Lake area have climbed steadily in recent years to a median selling price of $183,893 in 2007, according to Windermere associate broker Carlene Peterson. She points out that homes in the town are grouped with more expensive resort properties in outlying areas and at Priest Lake. A new home in town or just beyond the city limits is more likely to cost about $210,000, and the older, smaller homes above the highway can go for as little as $130,000. Buyers include those who looked for second homes or vacation homes in Sandpoint but decided its prices were too high, as well as workers in Priest River and Sandpoint. New areas of moderately priced homes include Green Meadows, planned to have 102 single-family homes on Bodie Canyon Road, and Beardmore West Village on Beardmore Avenue at 14th. The latter will include 42 townhomes with prices starting at less than $150,000 and will include access to community trails, garden areas, and a pavilion for picnics and barbecues. Prices for waterfront property are, of course, higher. Older homes along both rivers go for $400,000 to $500,000, while developed lots at the new Hidden River Estates range from $242,000 for a lot with secondary waterfront access to $499,000 for the largest waterfront lot with a private dock. Peterson anticipates that the homes in The Settlement will start in the $500,000 range. Commercial properties in the downtown area rent for 90 cents to
$1.25 per square foot per month. The Beardmore Building, with amenities such as paved parking, an eleva-
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5/3/08 9:02:04 PM
Real Estate
GREEN building
By Cate Huisman
National building trend gains local appeal
Cedar Green’s first occupants are Solan and Amie Wolf and their new son, Liran, born six days after they moved in. The couple appreciates having a home with safe, nontoxic materials and finishes.
carpenter arts, and you can plaster right on it.” For Lockwood, the fact that RASTRA blocks use recycled material was particularly important. Transportation issues also contribute to the choice of materials. No one can argue that wood isn’t available locally. But Millard said, in arguing for straw bales, “We’re on the edge of the thirdlargest grain-producing region in North SUMMER 2008
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America. We have an incredible amount of straw.” In contrast, Faswall has to come from Oregon, and RASTRA from Arizona. Eco-Shakes come from Oklahoma, and Arxx blocks are made in New York. But even the choice of a local material such as wood is not straightforward. Developer Grey Hecht has chosen to SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
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ost people learned in fourth grade or so that green was a “cool” color. But right now, green is hot. Green cars, green clothes, green travel – in the environmental sense, green is the color to be. But beyond knowing it’s hot now, the meaning of green is hard to nail down, and nowhere more so than with respect to the myriad choices that builders must make. “There is no one technique that should be used everywhere,” said architect Bruce Millard of the Studio of Sustainable Design in Sandpoint. “There are lots of different green techniques, and there are different reasons for using each one.” An initial approach to green building focuses on using alternative materials that require less energy to produce, deliver and/or build with than traditional wood- and steel-framed buildings. Many of these provide numerous other advantages as well, including soundproofing, insulation integrated into the building material, and resistance to bugs, rodents, mold, earthquakes and/or fire. Among such materials, insulated concrete forms (ICFs) are a popular option; several types are in use in northern Idaho, including RASTRA®, Faswall™, Durisol and Arxx blocks. Another alternative is straw bales, which Millard points out are “much more quickly and easily renewable than wood, and easier to transport and shape into building pieces.” Rammed earth is a centuries-old technology using dirt; it’s currently being used for many homes on Salt Spring Island in our neighbor to the north, British Columbia, Canada. RASTRA, made of postconsumer polystyrene waste combined with cement, was the choice for Park Cottages, an environmentally friendly urban infill community that Millard designed in Sandpoint. Codeveloper Steve Lockwood indicates they chose RASTRA because “it’s 85 percent recycled material, it’s not susceptible to
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R _ eal Estate E use traditional wood framing for the homes in his sustainable Cedar Green neighborhood in Sandpoint’s west side, just north of the library. But he wants to use lumber certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, which guarantees that the wood comes from a certified well-managed forest. He hasn’t been able to find this lumber locally, so it’s being shipped from Oregon. On the other hand, “There’s an Agriboard (a structural panel made from straw) that would be neat to use from Texas,” said Hecht, but he’s abandoned the idea because there is no nearby source for it. One approach to resolving the transportation issue is to use locally recycled material. Architect Brian Runberg, who is restoring the historic Beardmore Block in Priest River to meet Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design standards (see sidebar), will use timbers reclaimed from a turn-of-the-century warehouse at nearby Priest Lake in the
building’s theatre as well as in other projects in northern Idaho. He’s also ground down the old plaster from the building to use under the paving in the parking lot, and he even recycled some of the original 1920s toilets after modifying them to reduce their water consumption. The energy that a building will consume after it is built is yet another consideration. This begins with good insulation, and again ICF blocks, straw bales and rammed earth are advantageous, in that all are good insulators, so it’s not necessary to add insulation in the building process. A green approach also suggests generating, delivering and using energy in the most efficient way possible. Homes in Cedar Green will use appliances and heating units that are the most efficient available, cutting the cost of heating fuel by about half relative to older, less-efficient homes of the same square footage.
Golder Associates Providing Bonner County and the Inland Empire with: s Groundwater Development s Geotechnical Engineering s Environmental Services s Wetland Delineation Tim Martin (208) 676-9933 tmartin@golder.com
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Chris Sneider John Monks (509) 327-2084 (208) 263-1991 csneider@golder.com john_monks@golder.com
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Randy Thoreson, of Homestake Construction in Sandpoint, advocates the use of geothermal heating systems, which he has installed in close to 100 homes in Bonner County. For these, water is run through polyethylene piping in the ground, where it picks up heat that it then transfers to a building. It is more expensive to install than other systems, but a typical system will pay for itself in five to seven years with savings in fuel consumption. “You can pay now or pay later,” said Thoreson, “but geothermal is greener.” Wherever the heat comes from, an efficient way to deliver it is with radiant floor heating, which is used in numerous homes in northern Idaho, whether they are considered “green” or not. This system uses hot water run through pipes laid in a concrete floor to radiate heat into a room, helping occupants to feel warmer without the indoor breeze generated by forced air systems. As a commercial site, the Beardmore Building incorporates several kinds of energy conservation on a larger scale, all compatible with preserving its historic nature. They include high-density insulation in the walls and roof, a high-efficiency heating and cooling system that uses environmentally friendly refrigerants, refurbished original windows with new insulated glass, and photovoltaic cells on the roof to provide supplemental energy on-site. Natural daylight and ventilation through skylights also help reduce the use of energy for lighting. Although the development of tightly sealed and well-insulated buildings over the last several decades has been effective at reducing heat loss, at the same time, construction materials have been made with more toxic materials. These materials slowly release toxic gasses in a process called outgassing, and this can contribute to poor air quality. At Cedar Green, only natural and nontoxic materials and finishes are used. Among the residents at Cedar Green is new mother Amie Wolf. “We wanted a nice, safe home to bring our baby into,” she said. Park Cottages takes another
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R _ eal Estate E
and runoff. â&#x20AC;&#x153;One of the biggest issues for development is impervious surfaces,â&#x20AC;? said Runberg. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If the waterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not soaking into the earth, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s running off somewhere and creating havoc.â&#x20AC;? To address this issue at the Beardmore Building, the roof is designed to collect water into pipes that drain to a cistern in the basement, and this water is used to flush the buildingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s toilets. Cedar Green has an integrated storm water system that keeps runoff in the neighborhood; it goes through grass infiltration swales and then into long-term storage for treatment. At Park Cottages, impervious surface is minimized by that reduction in parking spaces, and another approach to managing water is taken with xeriscaping. This addresses the seasonality of water availability in northern Idaho by landscaping with native plants that can thrive on rainfall alone and do not need to be watered in summer. Perhaps the most challenging aspect of green living for U.S. consumers is
reconsidering the size of their homes. The average home in the U.S. has been getting bigger, from 1,400 square feet in 1970 to 2,330 square feet in 2004. But the smaller the home, the less it uses of virtually everything â&#x20AC;&#x201C; making it naturally greener in many ways. Park Cottages embraces this notion by offering relatively small apartments. Although each is light and airy, none is bigger than 900 square feet. Confining the home to a small lot also helps, and this idea is embodied in Cedar Green, where the green space in the center creates views and a feeling of openness. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Somebody who wants a large yard and a big sprawling house isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t going to fit,â&#x20AC;? said Kyler. Both Park Cottages and Beardmore West Village add to amenities without increasing lot size by providing shared space for outdoor cooking and recreation. In addition to its being a green choice, a significant advantage to building a smaller home is minimizing cost: Building green is not cheap, and the
extra cost is magnified by northern Idahoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s distance from urban centers. â&#x20AC;&#x153;New products, whether green or not, are harder to find in a small town,â&#x20AC;? said Millard, and Runberg admits that itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;considerably more expensive per square foot.â&#x20AC;? Rapidly increasing demand and the resulting economies of scale, however, are starting to bring prices down, and Kyler believes they will be decreasing the cost once they go further into the process. Millard goes so far as to suggest that in 10 years all building will be green. Until it becomes the standard way of doing things, however, building green will remain a question of values, and the choices that buyers and builders make about size, location and materials will reflect their personal and environmental priorities. For anyone aspiring to build green, however, one priority is clear: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s important,â&#x20AC;? Runberg said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;to make a positive contribution to the community and the environment.â&#x20AC;?
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Real Estate green projects Resources for building the green way Future Renovation of Sandpoint’s historic 1910 City The Internet contains a wealth of resources for prospective green builders. A good place to start is with standards that help sort out the intertwining considerations. For commercial buildings, the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards of the U.S. Green Building Council (www.USGBC.org) are the best known. Using points awarded for different environmental considerations, buildings can be built to LEED silver, gold or platinum levels; the Beardmore Building will meet the LEED gold standard. For homes, the National Association of Home Builders (www.NAHB.org) is in the process of developing the National Green Building Standard; it anticipates the standard will be complete by the end of 2008. A set of LEED standards has also been developed recently for homes, and readers can link to it from the U.S. Green Building Council’s Web site. Once builders know what they want, they can use the “green pages” on the Northwest EcoBuilding Guild’s Web site at www.ecobuilding.org to find it. The site
enables visitors to search for everything from architects to waste management by city or zip code. More information on green building, natural architecture or permaculture design is available locally from Gentle Harvest in Sandpoint (255-2440), and there are links to many resources from its Web site at www. gentleharvest.org. Architect Bruce Millard of the Studio of Sustainable Design, also located in Sandpoint, focuses on the design of healthy, green, sustainable and holistic buildings and is also a great resource: call 263-3815 or look up www.bemarchitect.com. For those concerned about indoor air quality, the American Lung Association has a Health House Advantage certification program; look up www.healthhouse.org. For energy efficiency, the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (www.nwalliance.org) helps consumers choose products and systems that are effective in our region, and information about Energy Star ratings is at www. energystar.gov. –Cate Huisman
Hall is one of two more green building projects planned by the Beardmore Company in northern Idaho. The building once housed the town’s fire station and jail along with a horse stable. “It’s been added onto and changed a lot,” principal architect Brian Runberg said. He will endeavor to uncover and honor its historic, original uses while converting it to mixed office and retail space. The renovation is intended to meet LEED silver standards (see story on left). “The biggest change is going to be increased energy performance,” said Runberg. Increased insulation, modern heating and cooling equipment, and non-outgassing paints and finishes will all contribute to the LEED rating. A new green project, Creekside Village in Ponderay at Highway 95 and Schweitzer Cutoff Road, is 10 acres that will include roughly 56,000 square feet of retail space along with about 30 townhomes to qualify for LEED. Runberg believes this “smart growth” pattern of mixed uses – residential, hotel, offices, restaurants and retail – will create a vitality that is absent in single-purpose developments. –Cate Huisman
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5/3/08 9:04:37 PM
Real Estate
Living off the grid
N n, Inc.
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orthern Idaho By Kevin Davis may not seem like the most practical place to take advantage of renewable energy, but locals tap into solar, wind and water to generate clean, efficient power and take advantage of a chance to be more selfreliant. Renewable energy, also known as alternative, is the term more commonly used now to emphasize the undeniable practicality of essentially free power. Steve Willey, founder of Backwoods Solar, said it pragmatically: “The sun Caribou Mountain Lodge is a well-equipped backcountry lodge operating off the grid using solar and wind-generated power. shines and the wind blows on everyone. You don’t have to have a central extension in Sandpoint,” said Elizabeth ing mountain stream may be able to power plant that costs a million dollars. of how their business was born. Over tap into a micro-hydro system. The The energy is there to be collected.” the years, the Willeys experimented beauty of a hydro system in a stream With the rising cost of oil, renewable with numerous products and systems; that flows yearlong is that the power is energy systems are looking more costthey found, as they ease into retirement constant, providing electricity around effective every day. after selling the business, that 3,000 the clock, 12 months out of the year. High in the Selkirk Mountains, watts produced by solar panels does the There are some concessions: A considseven miles and 2,500 vertical feet erable investment of time and money is trick for their own home. from the nearest power lines, Mark Homes don’t have to be remotely required to develop the site and mainRemmetter built a backcountry lodge tain the system periodically throughout located to benefit from homemade that utilizes solar panels and a windelectricity. Even town dwellers can erect the year. Unlike wind and solar that mill to generate enough power to run solar panels to supplement power to an don’t require permits to tap into the his well-equipped Caribou Mountain already grid-powered home. Jeff Nizzoli power, a micro-hydro system does Lodge (www.cariboumountainlodge. require the necessary permits to obtain lives in such a home, a setup especially com). When visitors walk in and see beneficial during the winter months the water rights and do the work in the amenities, they would expect to see when solar power is in short supply. the stream. power lines running up to the house. During the summer when the sun is Thirty-one years ago Steve and Looking out the window to the pinshining more than 12 hours a day, the Elizabeth Willey started Backwoods nacles of the Selkirk Crest, they quickly Solar Electric Systems (www.backwoods sun can power more than one would realize they are in the boondocks. expect with a modest system. People solar.com), based out of their remote “Between the windmill and the home high on a ridge in the foothills of shouldn’t necessarily expect their power solar panels, I have more than enough bills to drop dramatically and suddenly the Cabinet Mountains. They had been power for everything, all year long,” living off the grid prior to retail produc- be able to cut the cord to the power Remmetter said of his self-devised company. Renewable systems typically tion of solar panels in the late 1970s. power system. provide just a fraction of the power that “When windmills and solar panA lot of it has to do with working is consumed in a conventional els became available, we bought bulk with the power that is available at one’s home. But with a little creorders to supply friends. Steve even homesite. In northern Idaho water is taught classes at the community college ativity and well-thought-out abundant. People living on a cascad-
Families find self-reliance rewarding
R _ E
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Author Kevin Davis reads to his children with the benefit of light generated by a self-sufficient power system.
energy conservation, homeowners can see a reduction in energy bills and possibly achieve less reliance on grid power. Old-schoolers, tinkerers, back-tothe-landers and even techno freaks alike appreciate that living off the grid forces them to be inventive and more selfreliant. With no meter man or power company, they become the electrician in addition to the plumber, the carpenter and so on.
The author’s transition to off-the-grid life
w w w. s a n d p o i n t o n l i n e . c o m
During the first year of living at our new home off the grid, I was on the roof adjusting the angle of the solar panels for the winter months. No problem, I thought, I designed this easy-adjusting rack. But on a dark night in November, during a snowstorm, clinging to the rack with frozen hands, fumbling for the wrench and worrying I might slide off the roof any minute, I cursed about the practicality of renewable energy and the logic of our decision to live this way. That was the toughest moment of becoming self-reliant, and I quickly learned from stupid mistakes like that. Balancing the needs of your household with the output of your power system is probably the most important and rewarding aspect of off-the-grid living. You will soon figure out if you consistently use more power than your system can supply. Your kids, too, will learn quickly that, when they leave a
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R _ eal Estate E
room, the lights go out. A commitment to conservation of electricity has to be at the core of any renewableenergy household. You can’t expect to light every room while playing the stereo and surfing the Internet. Certain appliances, such as electric refrigerators, stoves, air conditioners and heaters, are not practical to operate because of the electric loads they require. Most of these appliances come in propane models. It comes down to being aware of your consumption and finding ways to reduce it as much as possible. We have found that, after seven years of living off the grid, we have not had to make any uncomfortable changes. The satisfying part is when your home is running smoothly after you have made some adjustments to your system – relocating the solar panels to a sunnier place in the yard, increasing the wire size to the batteries or upgrading the charge controller. You come to appreciate the intrinsic value of your land and surroundings when you realize that the natural elements in your backyard are supporting and sustaining your lifestyle through a wellplanned system that you engineered. And if you can create cost savings and conservation in your home, you can bet that it benefits your community. It makes sense for the future of our children and the security of our country to begin with conservation measures we can realize at home and in our community. If we don’t start on a local level, how can we ever expect our government to achieve an independent energy policy? Encourage your legislators and commissioners to utilize energy-efficient appliances and light fixtures and to incorporate renewable energy systems when practical.
5/3/08 9:04:48 PM
R _ eal Estate E Marketwatch: Shift to a buyer’s market complete With that said, the market was definitely slower early this year: 166 homes sold in the first quarter 2007 versus 115 in the same time period this year in Bonner County, and 34 versus 23 homes in Boundary County, respectively. Total sales volume for the two counties combined was half of what it was a year ago: $24.82 million compared to $49.54 million, according to Larry Brewer of Action Appraisals. He notes, however, that heavy snowfall surely contributed. And Brewer is quick to assert that the local real estate market last year finished close to 2006 in terms of residential sales. In 2006, the sales volume for residential properties was $240.78 million with 835 units sold. In 2007, that volume was $256.95 million with 818 units sold. That’s a 7 percent increase in volume with 3 percent fewer homes sold. Realtor Ken Clark, president of the MLS, finds clients now are mostly first-time home buyers spending $250,000 or the $600,000-and-up-second-home buyer, who doesn’t have to sell a home to buy here. Four times more land parcels are available for sale than in 2005, partly because the hot
market in 2005 spurred people to subdivide, and now those subdivisions are coming on the market, according to Clark. “Larger parcels are hard to find,” he said. He adds that the local market differs from boom-and-bust states that are more tied to the economy and jobs. “You can be assured that values here won’t nosedive because of the quality of life here, and we’re not economically driven with large-scale employers. We’re not suffering like a lot of places.” “Because prices have come down, now is the time to buy because prices always go up,” Hanson said. “I really think people will be pleasantly surprised by the end of this year for sales. Our market is local. I think there will be a lot of sales made and more people coming this direction.” Hanson, who has practiced real estate in in Bonner County since 1964, says that she has seen the same cycle happen over and over. “When the economy gets bad, people want to head to North Idaho and survive, where the water and air is clean, and they can have their own piece of earth.” –Billie Jean Plaster *Figures as of April 21, 2008
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Prices are down, and inventory is up, making the real estate market in Bonner and Boundary counties a buyer’s market, say Selkirk Association of Realtors (SAR) spokesmen. The Multiple Listing Service contained 1,091 residential and 1,451 vacant land properties for sale* – offering buyers plenty to choose from. Meantime, the median sales price in Bonner County of $239,900 in the first quarter of 2008 is down almost 6 percent from $255,000 in the same quarter of 2007, according to SAR statistics. Even those median figures are skewed upward because of high-priced luxury homes having closed recently, according SAR President Lana Kay Hanson. She points out there are actually a number of homes listed at $150,000 or less. In fact, the MLS showed 66 such residential properties, with six of those inside the City of Sandpoint*. That price range coupled with historically low interest rates is attracting more first-time home buyers. “It’s opening the door for young people and others who have never bought a home before,” Hanson said. She adds that a lot of new programs are available for first-time home buyers and older people.
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Real Estate BONNER/BOUNDARY REAL ESTATE TRENDS Average / Median Selling Price Area
1/1/08 4/21/08
1/1/07 4/21/07
1/1/06 4/21/06
Homes– Sandpoint
248,278/ 194,700
260,419/ 245,650
309,916/ 230,000
Homes– Bonner County
306,683/ 239,900
353,828/ 255,000
Homes– Boundary County
190,813/ 159,000
Land– Sandpoint
1/1/05 4/21/05
Average Days on Market
Number of Properties Sold
1/1/08 4/21/08
1/1/07 4/21/07
1/1/06 4/21/06
1/1/05 4/21/05
1/1/08 4/21/08
1/1/07 4/21/07
1/1/06 4/21/06
1/1/05 4/21/05
218,809/ 210,000
320,386/ 243,250
222,688/ 180,000
176,556/ 151,500
182,589/ 177,500
151,857/ 125,000
104,367/ 82,600
129,833/ 93,500
159,278/ 129,500
119,275/ 108,000
Land– Bonner County
236,243/ 103,000
146,714/ 100,000
160,055/ 114,500
110,845/ 70,500
Land–Boundary County
115,909/ 97,500
98,900/ 80,500
125,629/ 80,000
56,930/ 37,500
Based on information from the Selkirk MLS for the period 1/1/02 through 4/21/08. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.
Luxury In-Town Waterfront
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CZZYfYX Uh % *)$ $$$ Zifb]g\YX
Newly completed waterfront home! 3664 sq. ft. of custom amenities! 4 Bedroom, 4 bath, Gourmet kitchen with Viking Stainless Steel appliances, Great room with massive rock fireplace, 5 seat Movie theater, Game room , Wet bar, Knotty Alder Doors and trim throughout, Travertine showers, hand scraped wood floors, Granite counter tops! Hydronic heat and Air conditioning, 3 fireplaces, hardwood beams! Deep water dock with pebble beach front. Completely furnished and landscaped. Incredible Water, Mountain & City light views! Only 3 miles to town & 12 miles to Schweitzer Mountain Ski Resort. For more information: www.sandpointlakehomes.com or call Tony Tran (480) 861-4101 SUMMER 2008
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5/3/08 9:04:53 PM
Natives and Newcomers
Natives and Newcomers By Susan Drinkard Sandpoint was poorer in the “old days” but richer in ways that matter most, say the two natives we interviewed in this ongoing feature of contrasts between newcomers and natives. One of the newcomers is still in the infatuation stage, and the other isn’t sure if he’ll stay here. We invite you to see what resonates as true for you as you read these perspectives on Sandpoint from four individuals in midlife.
Natives Kim Barfuss
with children at Alliance Family Services and rents a house on Oak Street that she can’t afford to buy.
w w w. s a n d p o i n t o n l i n e . c o m
How did the community change during the time you were gone?
Kim Barfuss was born 48 years ago in Bonner General Hospital. Her family has been here five generations. Childhood memories include woodcutting excursions up Trestle and Trout creeks, picking huckleberries for her grandma’s pies or grandpa’s wine, picnics, and fishing and swimming in the lake. Barfuss left town in 1978 to join the U.S. Army and went on to earn a Bachelor of Science in criminal justice at the University of Idaho. Her career in corrections took her to Oregon and Nevada. In 2003, after a 25-year hiatus, she came back home to spend more time with her family. She works
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Attitude. As a kid in the ’60s it was primarily about survival. There weren’t as many opportunities for employment. It was slow-paced and we felt isolated. Going to Coeur d’Alene was a huge endeavor and going to Spokane was crazy! We didn’t have as many services as other areas. For example, I grew up with a (telephone) party line. There were a lot of hunters and loggers, and money wasn’t such as issue. You made enough to live and that was good enough because there were outdoor activities in a beautiful place. … The money wasn’t here and all the excesses that brings.
you’re from the city. Take your turn. Be patient. Relax. If you could change something about Sandpoint, what would it be?
I would change the fact that it was discovered. I understand things change, but I almost feel like there is some disrespect to the natives when people come in and scoop up property for a second or third home and put up gates and “No trespassing” signs in places people have walked for generations. That’s not an investment in the community. That’s an investment in rental or vacation property. Do your future plans include Sandpoint?
Absolutely. I’ve always considered this home.
Dick Ross
What are the biggest challenges facing Sandpoint?
The traffic. They’ve had that bypass on the books since 1952. They said, “in the spring,” but they just forgot to say what year. What advice do you have for newcomers?
One of the important things to remember when you come to Sandpoint, Idaho, is that it is a small town. Don’t come in here driving like
Dick Ross, 50, has taught industrial tech at Sandpoint Middle School for 27 years. He lives with wife, Betsy, in Syringa Heights on the property he grew up on, next door to his parents, Jack
5/3/08 9:04:59 PM
Ready. Set. Launch.
and Virginia. He lived an idyllic childhood there, when it was “all woods and farms,” participating in 4-H, horseback riding, motorcycling, hunting, fishing, huckleberry picking, backpacking and gardening. Growing up he would ride his bike down to the old city dock by the Windbag Marina and catch the limit of blueback in a couple hours. Ross recalls selling homegrown strawberries to Dairy Delite – now Dub’s – where then owner Rueben Stark “paid us in silver dollars.” His family sold cucumbers by the pound to people coming by their big garden. “We always had livestock. I eat sheep now out of revenge,” he said, laughing.
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Erin Maher
What has changed here?
Hunting and fishing. There is less public land and more posted land. … You have to be a lot more tightlipped about your spots. The lake kind of bums me out that it doesn’t have the good rainbow fishing anymore. I used to spend a lot of time out there chasing the kams and the blueback. … That’s all gone. Winter weather has changed. For the last 10 years (besides this one) we’ve had extremely mild winters.
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Maintaining its identity. There is such an influx of retirees and vacationers. … Our populations in the schools are dropping due to a lack of middle-income families coming in. We don’t have a lot of industry, and with the problems at Coldwater Creek, it appears we’ll have fewer middle-income families. … My son had to move away. He just turned 21, and he had a great-paying job here at Sandpoint Furniture, but he couldn’t
Sagle, ID 83860
Members of Selkirk Assoc. of Realtors MLS and Coeur d’Alene Assoc. of Realtors MLS
Plumbing Service HVAC Service HVAC Installation Sheet Metal Refrigeration Hydronic
Howard Faux
Managing Assoc Broker
Yvette Rainey Sales Agent
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SMS08_151-180.indd 177
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Clark Fork, ID 83811
What do you believe are the biggest challenges facing Sandpoint?
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Specializing in Heating and Air-Conditioning
5/3/08 9:05:03 PM
Natives and Newcomers
afford to buy a house here, so he moved to Gillette, Wyo., and built a house there. The bypass is a challenge. â&#x20AC;Ś It needs to happen. The traffic in town from 7 to 9 in the morning and from 3 to 6 in the evening trying to go any direction is a bottleneck.
Newcomers Christine Denova
What advice do you have for newcomers?
People move here because they like what they see. Then they want to change it, so they have the amenities of the place they left. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll complain about the dirt roads, but the pavement didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t turn to dirt the day they moved here. Is your future here?
Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll retire here.
Christine Denovaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s husband, Ron, was commuting from his job in Chicago to their suburban home in Naperville, Ill., when he read an article in USA Today about Sandpoint. He came home and said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve found where weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to move.â&#x20AC;? Ron worked 19 years as a financial trader and wanted to â&#x20AC;&#x153;semi-retire.â&#x20AC;? They found what they were seeking when they moved here in July 2006 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x153;a small town where we could focus on family, community and church, and live a wonderful, quiet life.â&#x20AC;? Christine, 40, worked as admissions adviser for DeVry University in Chicago. Now she works part-time at Cedar Hills Church. Her husband works for AmericanWest Bank. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have been very blessed here,â&#x20AC;? she said.
w w w. s a n d p o i n t o n l i n e . c o m
If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re thinking about buying a place on the lake, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll want to wait. Coming soon, by invitation only.
The Cottages at Hayden Lake
TheCottagesAtHaydenLake.coĂ&#x201C;Ć&#x2019;Ć&#x2019;rĆ&#x2019;Ć&#x2019;ŽŸŸðŸâ&#x2C6;&#x2019;â&#x2C6;&#x2019;𝎎Ž Ă?Ă?Ă?ÂąMÂ?Â&#x2122;Â&#x2122;jĂ WÂ?Ă&#x2013;Â&#x2122;Ă?Ă&#x;a?Â&#x2030;Â?Ă&#x;MjjÂąWÂ?Â&#x201D;
178 S A N D P O I N T M A G A Z I N E
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5/3/08 9:05:08 PM
Natives and Newcomers
What has been the biggest adjustment for you?
There are several adjustments. My husband would definitely say the food. Coming from Chicago where there is just a plethora of fantastic restaurants, it’s been really tough for him to come here and not have a variety of good food. Though there are some good restaurants, there aren’t many of them. I’d say for me it’s just adjusting to not living in a world of convenience anymore. Everything where I came from was open 24 hours a day. … Compared to the rewards, that (inconvenience) is miniscule. What do you think are the biggest challenges facing Sandpoint?
First and foremost would be the school district. There are so many challenges as far as funding; the needs are tremendous. There’s a big difference
as far as … involvement. There seems to be a great percentage of people here who just want to be left alone. Not that they are rude. The people here are tremendously friendly, but what I mean by that is that they don’t like to be in their community very often. They like their isolation, their separateness, their home away in the mountains. That’s been different for me. Do your future plans include Sandpoint?
Yes, we will be here for the rest of our lives.
Greg Crawford
After much “due diligence” researching different areas, Greg Crawford, 42, moved to Sandpoint in July 2006 from the Silicon Valley where he worked as an executive assistant for a semiconductor company. He was raised
in California but has lived in Oregon, Alaska, South Carolina, Arizona and Texas. He discovered Sandpoint while traveling the International Selkirk Loop. “I felt Sandpoint was a hip, small town with energy, arts, attractions, festivals, unlimited outdoor
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1225 Michigan St. Sandpoint, Idaho 208.263.0582 www.mountainstove.com SUMMER 2008
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Town & Country t Jotul t RSF t Hearthstone t Mendota t Monessen t Lexington Forge
5/3/08 9:05:15 PM
Coit House Bed&Breakfast
If you could change one thing about Sandpoint, what would it be?
Do your future plans include Sandpoint?
The direction of the town. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see the changes being consistent with the historic, rural, small-town atmosphere of Sandpoint such as out-ofscale buildings. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m concerned with
Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a tough one. I made a concerted effort to move to a small town, and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be here for several years, but if it keeps growing like crazy, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll have to look at that.
What was the biggest adjustment you had to make?
I really didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t feel it was a big adjustment to move here. I researched it well and I have lived in small towns before.
What do you see are the biggest challenges for Sandpoint?
How growth will affect the smalltown feeling of Sandpoint.
the condo developments and strip malls and that formula businesses will become prevalent, conflicting with the small-town charm and character enjoyed by current residents. Growth is inevitable, yet it can be done where the unique character of Sandpoint can be preserved while maintaining continued vitality of the townâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s economy. I have lived in small communities that have achieved this. â&#x20AC;Ś It appears that Sandpoint is turning into what I just tried to move away from.
recreation, great food, local ales, pubs and wine bars.â&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;˘ Lu ury Rooms â&#x20AC;˘ uiet Downtown Sand oint â&#x20AC;˘ Full Gourmet rea fast â&#x20AC;˘ Intimate Meeting S aces â&#x20AC;˘ Massage Thera ist on site www.coithouse.com
â&#x20AC;˘ 3 Room Suites â&#x20AC;˘ Full itchens â&#x20AC;˘ Dish Networ s T w H O â&#x20AC;˘ Morning Coffee Doughnuts Local News a er Magazine2www.k2inn.com 8/13/07 1:23 PM Page
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T E L : 2 0 8 - 2 6 3 - 2 2 11
W W W . L O D G E AT S A N D P O I N T. C O M 180 S A N D P O I N T M A G A Z I N E
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5/3/08 9:05:18 PM
Meeting Rooms
Bar or Lounge
Pool on site
Spa or Sauna
No. of Units
Comments Archer Vacation Condos (877) 982-2954 / drarchers@msn.com
Beach Bungalows at the Marina Village (208) 263-3083
Best Western Edgewater Resort (208) 263-3194 or (800) 635-2534
Church Street House B&B (208) 255-7094
Beautifully restored arts & crafts classic, period furnishings, queen-sized beds, private baths, scrumptious breakfasts. Walk to shops, restaurants, beach. churchstreethouse.com.
Coit House B&B (208) 265-4035 or (866) 265-COIT
Beautiful 1907 Victorian. Private baths! Gourmet breakfast. Wireless. Massage available. New light thru old windows. New management. coithouse.com
Guesthouse on Fourth Street (208) 255-2821
Vintage South Sandpoint cottage suites renovated with a fresh new contemporary feel.
Huckleberry Tent & Breakfast (208) 266-0155
Old-fashioned B&B. Canvas tent cabins, queen-sized bed, plank floor, wood stove, kitchen & s’mores! Private, 3 sites on 42 acres. huckleberrytentandbreakfast.com
Inn at Sand Creek (208) 255-2821
K-2 Inn at Sandpoint (208) 263-3441
La Quinta Inn (208) 263-9581 or (800) 282-0660
Lodge at Sandpoint (208) 263-2211
Meriwether Inn (208) 266-1716
Monarch Mountain Lodge (208) 263-1222 or (800) 543-8193
Motel 6 (208) 263-5383, (800) 4-MOTEL6
Beautiful 3-bedroom, 2-bath waterfront condos on Lake Pend Oreille in Hope. Discount ski and golf tickets available. See ad, page 121. 10kVacationRentals.com/Sandpoint/index.htm
Waterfront bungalows at beautiful Dover Bay. Fully furnished with lake and mountain views. Fitness center, marina and hiking/biking trails. doverbaybungalows.com
Downtown Sandpoint on the Lake. Indoor pool, sauna, fitness room, hot tub. All rooms with lake view. Beach House Bar & Grill. 22-site RV park. sandpointhotels.com.
The feel of a small European boutique-style hotel located on the creek in the heart of historic downtown Sandpoint. sandcreekinn.com Quiet downtown location close to lake, restaurants and shopping. Clean rooms. New linens and towels. Wireless Internet. Friendly atmosphere. k2inn.com Downtown location, high-speed Internet. Free breakfast, themed spa suites. Silverwood, ski & golf pkgs. Kids stay free. See ad, page 40. hotels-west.com
Accomodations for weddings, retreats and banquets. Outstanding views of lake and mountains. For an unforgettable Idaho vacation. See ad, page 180. LodgeAtSandpoint.com
Located on Scenic Byway Highway 200. Beautiful views, wildlife and bird watching, biking and more. See ad, page 129. geocities.com/clarkforklodge
At-home atmosphere, wireless Internet, cable TV, gift shop. Free Continental breakfast with homemade sourdough waffles.
Free wireless Internet, free cable w/ HBO and ESPN, free 24-hour coffee in lobby, Jacuzzi suites, and hot tubs. Inner corridor rooms w/ all queen beds, next to Schweitzer. motel6.com
Pend Oreille Shores Resort (208) 264-5828
Fully furnished condos and on-site athletic club on Lake Pend Oreille. Stay and play packages. See ad, page 79. posresort.com
Sandpoint Quality Inn (208) 263-2111 or (866) 519-7683
Indoor pool and hot tub. Close to downtown Sandpoint. 5th Avenue Restaurant and Mitzy’s Lounge on property. Kids stay and eat free. sandpointhotels.com
Sandpoint Vacation Rentals (208) 263-7570 or (866) 263-7570
High-end properties that are the perfect lodging choice. Let our staff help plan a memorable getaway. Boat rentals, tee times. See ad, pg. 18. sandpointvacations.com
Selkirk Lodge (208) 265-0257 or (800) 831-8810
Mountain accommodations, stay and play packages. Spectacular mountain and lake views. Outdoor heated pool and hot tubs. See ad, page 203. schweitzer.com
Sleep’s Cabins (208) 255-2122 or (866) 302-2122
Super 8 Motel (208) 263-2210
Vacationville (208) 255-7074 or (877) 255-7074
Waterhouse B&B (888) 329-1767
Western Pleasure Guest Ranch (208) 263-9066 White Pine Lodge (208) 265-0257 or (800) 831-8810
On beautiful Lakeshore Drive. Sleep’s Cabins consists of six log bungalows decorated with original furnishings and collectibles. See ad, page 58. sleepscabins.com Free breakfast with waffles. 24-hour hot tub, free wireless Internet. Family suites. Schweitzer ski packages. At the base of Schweitzer Mountain, 2 miles from lake.
Luxury lakeside homes, cozy mountain cabins and lovely condominiums at the heart of Sandpoint. See ad, page 20. vacationville.com
Deluxe spa suites with private hot tub on deck, jetted tub for two in bath. Gas fireplace, AC, kitchenette, free wireless Internet. sandpoint.org/waterhouse
Private cabins sleep 2-8. Lodge rooms with private baths, rec room, horseback riding and meals available. See ad, page 79. westernpleasureranch.com
New accommodations, stay and play packages. Spectacular mountain and lake views. Outdoor hot tubs, access to heated pool. See ad, page 203. schweitzer.com
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5/5/08 10:20:14 AM
By Carrie Scozzaro
Just right for summer
Dish it up spicy hot
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Experience Modern American Cuisine by
Chef Jeremy Heidel - Fresh - Local - Innovative 116 North 1st Ave. Sandpoint
208-255-7558 www.cafetrinitysandpoint.com
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t’s 90 degrees outside and you’re slurping salsa. Has the heat gone to your head? Probably, and to the rest of your body, too. Some people swear by the adage, “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.” Spicy food can raise body temperature, causing you to sweat, which makes you feel cooler. Both Joel’s (229 Church) and Jalapeno’s (314 N. Second) get your tongue tingling with Mexican meals while chipotle and cranberry flavors the pulled pork sandwich at Café Trinity
(116 N. First). You can still get Cajun-inspired spunky crawfish chowder at the Sandpoint location, as well as at Trinity at Willow Bay in Priest River. If it’s curry you crave, Bangkok Thai (202 N. Second) serves mild to meltdown, doused with cooling Thai iced tea. An ice-cold beer goes better with the green curry-coconut and noodles at Eichardt’s (212 Cedar). At MaMaSan’s Amerasian Grill (Cedar Street Bridge), Thai chili adds
& Drinks
5/4/08 10:00:16 AM
true methods of staying cool. Mouthfriendly foods such as gelato cool and sweeten. It’s served fresh at Cedar
St. Bridge Café inside Cedar
Pend Oreille Pasta & Wine (Highway 95, Ponderay) can set you up with gourmet takeout for dining. Just add water to the pasta and your own air conditioning for the ultimate cool. The pulled pork sandwich at Café Trinity is just one of the spicy foods of summer – raising your temperature and ultimately cooling you down. Or go straight to cool with the gelato at Cedar St. Bridge Café or Café Bodega inside Foster’s Crossing.
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sparks to som tom salad: limemarinated papaya, carrots and scallions, topped with peanuts. Garlic adds heat to hummus and pita at MickDuff’s Brewing (312 N. First), which goes perfectly with their handcrafted ales. Garlic teams up with tomato in cold gazpacho soup at The Landing (41 Lakeshore, Sagle), and puttanesca pizze at Ivano’s Ristorante (First and Pine) features tomato, capers and olives with chili pepper flakes. Sriracha chili and their own TNT sauce heat up the sushi offerings at Oishii (116 N. First), like spicy tuna roll. If this eat-the-heat approach leaves you panting, chill out with tried-and-
Street Bridge and Café Bodega inside Foster’s Crossing Antiques mart (Fifth and Cedar), where it’s also available by the pint. For liquid cool, go to FC Weskil’s (300 N. First) or Monarch Mountain Coffee (208 N. Fourth) and order a tall iced latte or homemade granita. Summer salads satisfy without stuffing you. Try the colossal salad bar at the Hydra (115 Lake), chicken fajita salad at Blue Moon Café (124 S. Second) or the Mediterranean trio – lentils, goat cheese and tabouli – at Di Luna’s (207 Cedar). Second Avenue Pizza (215 S. Second) serves salads as does Mr. Sub (602 N. Fifth), and doesn’t a cold tuna salad sub sound scrumptious for a hot summer day? Speaking of to-go orders, stop by Hope Market Café (Hwy 200A, Hope) and pick up a sandwich, salad or calzone, or keep heading east on Highway 200 to the Floating Restaurant or Beyond Hope Resort for fabulous food in cool, onthe-water locations. Not cool enough?
& Drinks
or chillin’ cold
Lake Pend Oreille Cruises offers the ultimate lakefront dining experience, literally on the water. In addition to specialty trips such as the Fourth of July fireworks cruise, the fall foliage cruise and the Sunday island tour, Lake Pend Oreille Cruises hosts dessert, wine tasting and dinner cruises that appeal to sight, sound and taste. John and Valerie Albi of Pend Oreille Pasta and Wine (www.pendoreille pasta.com) provide the magnificent menu for dinner cruises (Tuesdays and Thursdays, $37) and “Wine and Unwind” (Wednesdays, $22). A typical wine tasting features wine-and-appetizer pairings, such as the shrimp with apricot ginger chutney and Washington’s Barnard Griffin Sangiovese. Dinner cruises start with appetizers like their signature mozzarella, sun-dried tomato and basil pesto canapés. Salad follows, such as spinach with jicama, orange, avocado and red onions in apricot Dijon. Main courses might be brisket of beef with caramelized onions and Zinfandel sauce or butternut squash ravioli with roasted red pepper sauce. Chocolate mousse cups or other delectable desserts finish a lakefront dining experience oh-so-sweetly. Sweets play a major role on sunset dessert cruises, but the bald eagles often seen are the stars of the show (Mondays and Fridays, $23). The 40-plus-foot Shawnodese accommodates 30 diners for regularly scheduled cruises, as well as catered special events, including weddings and luncheons for area groups. And, says Valerie, it’s a great way to entertain out-of-town guests. Call 255-5253 or go online to www.LakePendOreilleCruises.com. –C.S.
Now this is waterfront dining
5/4/08 10:00:20 AM
Light amber to copper, full head, nicely laced, pine-citrus nose. Fine wine? Nope. That’s beer-speak, and it’s cobbled from comments about Diabolus Canis Imperiosus, aka Devil Dog Imperial IPA. One of Laughing Dog Brewing’s reserve ales, Devil Dog took the double gold at the 2007 Wine Stein and Dine, a Post Falls-based fund-raiser. Devil Dog’s best in show is just one in a growing list of accolades for the brewery, owned by hometown couple, Fred Colby and Michelle Douglass. Hop Dog, a seasonal beer brewed once a year at harvest season, impressed judges, winning first place at the fifth annual Fresh Hop Ale Festival last October at Yakima, Wash., bumping California-based, Sierra Nevada Brewing from its long-held spot. Other Northwest breweries at this invitation-only, prestigious event included Full Sail (Bend, Ore.) and Northern Lights (Spokane, Wash.). Laughing Dog Brewing, named for the couple’s affable golden lab, Ben, has a pedigree dating to 2005, when Colby turned his homebrewing hobby into a business augmented by his systems engineering background and Douglass’ marketing savvy. They struck gold with
a chili pepper ale from the American Homebrewers Association – out of 4,700 entries – when they were still in the planning stages for the brewery. The brewery has since blossomed from 1,000 barrels per year (at 31 gallons per barrel) to planning for 4,500 barrels per year, with 11 on staff. Distributing to stores and dining and drinking establishments around Sandpoint, the brewery also distributes throughout Idaho, Washington, Oregon
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and Alaska, with plans to tap into northern California. Laughing Dog makes at least 11 beers, including core beers cream ale, pale ale, India pale ale, sweet stout, extra special bitter and a black IPA called Dogzilla. Plus there are some seasonals, such as the Huckleberry Cream Ale voted people’s choice at several festivals, and two reserve beers. Joining them later this year is an imperial stout, a rye IPA called Rocket Dog made especially for the Oregon Brewers Festival, and this year’s anniversary beer – a Belgian triple. Eight varieties are normally available in the popular taproom at $5 for a dog bone-shaped board with seven or eight 4-ounce glasses. Woof! Summer hours are Monday through Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., Thursday through Saturday until 7 p.m. Tours are free and available unless the kettle is up or the bottler is running; weekends are better. Call 263-9222 or stop by 55 Emerald Industrial Park Rd. in Ponderay (off Highway 200 across from Bonner Mall). –C.S. Brewmaster Fred Colby and Ben, left, the inspiration for his brewery’s name, pose with Ruger, Ben’s son.
& Drinks
Home brewer turned brewmaster racks up awards
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Laughing Dog Brewing
Di Lun a ’s 86;:
American Bistro Dining & Catering For delivery call
www.DiLunas.com 207 Cedar Street SUMMER 2008
5/5/08 10:22:50 AM
Crossing the culinary gap Cedar Street Bridge ramps up dining options like, Frazier serves homemade gelato and baked goods, some from her own kitchen and some from Sandpoint’s own Pine Street Bakery. Farther down, MaMaSan’s Amerasian Grill (263-0103) continues to thrive with East-West cuisine like Vietnamese spring rolls and boardwalk fries. They deliver, too, so think about catering an order of coconut shrimp tempura or delicious chicken satay for your next luncheon. Next door, That’s a Wrap (265-1500) is familiar to Sandpoint from its humble beginnings in 2007 outside the Sandpoint Events Center, That’s a Wrap celebrates heart-healthy Mediterranean food. Taking their cue from an interest in moviemaking, owners Terra Fortyune-Blair, her daughter Velvet, and partner Tim Gould hope That’s a Wrap will receive the nominee for best salads and sandwiches. –C.S.
Sandpoint’s Premiere Fusion
& Drinks
What’s that delectable aroma as you enter Cedar Street Bridge Public Market? Freshly grilled panini sandwiches and strong coffee from the new Cedar St. Bridge Café (265-4396). It’s likely to be nicknamed “The Café” by the growing number of visitors lured by owner Manuela Frazier’s delightful display of homemade gelato, baked goods and gourmet chocolates. Frazier wants people to stop and relax while drinking their coffee or enjoying a bite to eat, just as the Europeans do. She modeled the café after her experiences growing up in Germany as well as living in Italy with her husband, Tim, who was stationed there. After seven years of living in Sandpoint, she decided the Europeaninspired bridge was the ideal location to express her culinary vision. Her coffee connection includes Tim’s work as a production manager at Diedrich Coffee Roasters’ manufacturing facility. In addition to coffee, tea and the
Sushi & Saketini Bar
116 N. First Street 208.263.1406
Cedar Street Bridge Public Market
Take out or Eat in!
Premier Sushi • Infused Sake Fresh Hawaiian Seafood ( Delivered Daily )
.EXT TO THE (ISTORIC 0ANIDA 4HEATRE 300 N. 1st Ave. s 208-263-6957
~ Eichardt’s Serves up the Best of Northwest Microbrews, Food and Local Live Music ~ Full Lunch and Dinner Menu 16 Micros on Tap • Oak Cask Red Wines Upstairs Game Room Open Daily From 11:30 am
212 Cedar St. • Sandpoint • 263-4005
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Chef Junior Solis ”All About Sushi”
5/4/08 10:00:29 AM
& Drinks
The Local Dish
• Enjoy spectacular views and that special 'lake experience' from the floating decks or dining room • Feast on regional fare featuring fresh seafood, aged beef and local, fresh ingredients • Relax with a full bar & outstanding wine list on the cocktail deck • Accessed easily by boat or car • Join us April through October for lunch, dinner and Sunday brunch
at Hope Marine Services Hwy 200 E. Hope, Idaho
Approved Approved with changes Changes; please provide another proof Please sign with your approval: 264-0506 w w w. s a n d p o i n t o n l i n e . c o m
(next to the Hope Post Office)
Doggone! Lucy’s Deli Dogs (Corner of Main and Highway 200, Clark Fork) has resurfaced upriver in the old Scotchman’s Coffee House, serving their trademark Chicago dogs and breakfast all day from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., expanding hours during summer (266-1100). Dogs may be gone, but beef is in session. As the owner of establishments in Coeur d’Alene, Priest River and Bonners Ferry, Sandpoint councilman Michael Boge finally got his wish to own a Zip’s Drive-in (1301 Highway 2) in his hometown of Sandpoint. Set to open around Memorial Day, this Zip’s will sport a Northwestern roadhouse theme while serving its trademark fish ‘n’ chips, burgers and onion rings with plenty o’ special sauce (255-7600). Mr. Sub reaches its silver anniversary Aug. 3, and to celebrate, owner Mike Brown will offer blow-out specials on sub sandwiches. A family-owned-and-operated business for 25 years, Mr. Sub (602 N. Fifth, www.subslinger.com) has always offered free delivery and the “25-foot club,” a way for repeat customers to earn free sandwiches (263-3491). It’s not really news – unless you’re from another planet and didn’t know Blue Moon
Time Grill and Sports Bar should be
in its new two blocks north of Kootenai Please note: This color comp is produced by an in-house printer and is location, not indicative of the quality of the final printed piece. This proof mayCutoff not accurately Road across from Motel 6 at 477326 reflect the colors. Highway 95 in Ponderay – weather permitting,
Enjoy outside dining on our deck!
124 S. Second Ave.
(208) 265.9953
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best breakfasts in town. Also open for lunch with out-of-this-world salads, sandwiches and homemade soup (265-9953). Just when you thought Connie’s (323 Cedar) couldn’t get any better, it’s participating in Artwalk and adding live music. Six nights a week in the lounge and on Thursdays and Fridays in the restaurant, groove to local acts while munching on menu items such as Ed’s favorite roast beef or huckleberry glazed chicken (255-2227). Sample summer’s sweet and savory taste at this year’s Summer Sampler, June 19, featuring activities for all ages and Sandpoint’s best cuisine for ridiculously reasonable prices of $1 to $7 per ticket, all at Farmin Park and the Jeff Jones Town Square. This street party is sponsored by the Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce (263-0887). See www.SandpointChamber.org/ SummerSampler to learn more. Like a phoenix rising, Arlo’s Ristorante (330 N. First) reopened in March after six months of fireinduced downtime. Grateful owners Tom Mike Brown of Mr. Sub gets set to celebrate the restaurant’s silver anniversary.
Slates on the move
A signed proof releases Keokee Publishing, Inc. from any reponsibility for � error on copy. Please read all copy and check this job carefully. youyou � read this, Slates Prime ByThank the time for your participation in ensuring your product is the best we can make it.
Serving Breakfast & Lunch Everyday
Café (124 S. Second) has some of the
of course. After an exceptionally snowy winter, construction of the new pine log facility experienced delays. That’s not for lack of effort by owner Steve Coffman, who works evenings at the bar and days coordinating details such as a display of trophy mounts – fish, deer, whatever – on loan from local outdoors enthusiasts.
Although a new menu is planned – more home-style food, breakfast served all day seven days a week – Slates will continue the prime rib, burgers and steaks it’s known for. With its philosophy of “not a bad seat in the house,” the new Slates can seat 156 in booths and open areas, all with high-definition, big-screen televisions. A central island bar separates the gaming area – with pool tables, of course – from open dining. There will also be a patio and banquet facilities. Sports is still key, and Slates will keep con-
News and events foodies need to know
5/4/08 10:00:32 AM
Cyber restaurant guide
salata kritiki with oranges, Kalamata olives, beets, feta cheese and lemon-oregano vinaigrette (255-5736). Let the butler cook. Spuds (102 N. First) has expanded its Butler’s Pantry to-go service, including boat-in access. How about a basket of sandwiches and a crisp Caesar salad for a day on the lake? Or phone in an order of roasted tritrip dinner for home-cooked food you didn’t have to stay home for (265-4311). If you have to cook, try the recipe feature on Litehouse Food’s Web site (www.LitehouseFoods.com/recipes.asp). Simply use the drop-down menu to enter the products, occasion and courses, and hit the “Go” button. The Idaho bleu cheese potato salad, for example, is ideal for a family get-together. –C.S
necting with local radio stations KPND and 106.7 The Point for the Monday Night Football parties they first initiated. Also key, said
Coffman, is maintaining the good energy of a local hangout. “We’ve had weddings here, baby showers, work parties, all kinds of events,” said Coffman of the former Triangle Drive location. The building, owned by Coffman’s former partner, will be sold. Meanwhile, the new Slates, opening in June, will front a planned Holiday Inn Express, which is breaking ground sometime in summer. Slates’ phone number remains the same, 263-1381; visit the grill and bar online at www.SlatesPrimeTime.com.
• Ser ving the best hometown meals • Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner 7 days a week • Prime Rib Special Friday & Saturday
Jeremy Heidel of Café Trinity
Two Blocks North of Wal-Mart on Hwy 95
H wy 95
• Happy Hour 4-7pm daily
SMS08_181-193.indd 187
The Area’s Only Sports Bar
Kootenai Cutoff
Slates is the Place
263-1381 477326 Hwy 95 N Ponderay, ID
w w w. s a n d p o i n t o n l i n e . c o m
Steve Coffman of Slates
& Drinks
and Lisa Guscott celebrated the return of longtime patrons and musician John Kelley to their New York-style Italian restaurant overlooking Sand Creek (255-4186). Pizza will be the featured food at Three Glasses’ (202 1/2 N. First, 265-0230) new venture called The Loading Dock (265-8080). Located upstairs from the popular eatery, The Loading Dock will also serve up sandwiches, salads, drinks and desserts. It’s the Sandpoint chef shuffle … Jeremy Heidel joined Café Trinity (116 N. First, 255-7558) after having been at The Idaho Club. Heidel describes his food as modern American cuisine using local, seasonal ingredients. MaMaSan’s Nadja Lane is doing the twostep: working as head chef at Dock of the Bay in addition to her own restaurant on the Cedar Street Bridge (263-0103). Speaking of dancing, Tango Café inside Panhandle State Bank’s new building (414 Church) opens in June. Owners Gary Baughm, Brad Vogler and Dock of the Bay-veteran Barney Ballard will offer “fast food with flair” – breakfast bites, quiche, pastries, espresso and, for lunch, salads, and a pasta and risotto bar. Meanwhile, back at Dock of the Bay (46624 Highway 200, Hope) owner Jorge O’Leary (from the Beach House) is gearing up for summer with a new menu in this word-ofmouth-popular lakefront locale. Owners Jennings and Gloria Waterhouse and manager Jason Jacobs have revamped the Web site (www.InnAtSandCreek.com) and menu at Sand Creek Grill (105 S. First) featuring seasonal Northwest cuisine with global accents. Try a new salad: the Greek-inspired
What’s cooking around town? Find the right food to hit the spot online in SandpointOnline. com’s database-driven restaurant and nightclubs guide at www.SandpointDiningGuide.com. There you’ll find every local establishment – more than 100 restaurants, nightclubs and taverns. The guide is searchable by a tasty menu of criteria: type of cuisine, typical cost and amenities such as live music, kids menu, meeting room, waterfront dining, etc. Give it a click.
5/5/08 10:25:34 AM
& Drinks Eats
A & P’s Bar & Grill
Bangkok Cuisine Thai
Beyond Hope Resort
Blue Moon Café
Café Bodega
DINING GUIDE A & P’s Bar & Grill 222 N. First Ave. A traditional tavern located downtown on Sand Creek. Serving “the best burgers in town” and pub fare. Enjoy “Taco Tuesday” every week. Pool and dart leagues every week throughout the year. Enjoy the friendly atmosphere, food and drink. Located on First Avenue in downtown Sandpoint. 263-2313.
Bangkok Cuisine Thai Restaurant 202 N. Second Ave., across from US Bank. Come enjoy authentic Thai food in a welcoming atmosphere. All of our dishes are cooked to order using the freshest ingredients with no added MSG. We also have a wide variety of vegetarian dishes. We offer a selection of wine and beer as well as Thai tea and coffee. All of
Now in Sandpoint
our traditional desserts are made in our kitchen. Takeout orders are also available. We are open for lunch Monday through Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and dinner Monday through Saturday from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Closed on Sundays. 265-4149.
Beyond Hope Resort Restaurant Located 16 miles east of Sandpoint on Highway 200’s scenic byway. Inside enjoy fireside dining and a rustic lounge. Indulge in cocktails and appetizers on the expansive lawn. Dine deck side with panoramic lake views and spectacular sunsets. First-rate cuisine, fine wine and friendly service are Beyond Hope’s signature. Reservations recommended. 264-5251.
Blue Moon Café 124 S. Second Ave. The Blue Moon Café offers a great summer and winter dining atmosphere: a deck, large windows and cozy comfortable seating. Our menus and specials combine the best of your favorites and also something new and different including many vegetarian choices. All our ingredients and cooking methods present you with the freshest of meals. Homemade soups are our specialty and show off our multicultural backgrounds and interests. We welcome you and your family for get-togethers and meetings. We’re open seven days a week for breakfast and lunch. Also available for evening parties upon request. 265-9953.
Café Bodega
Restaurant Located @� Sandpoint Idaho�
N OPE ily -7 Da
Serving -Wine -Beer -Monarch Mtn. Coffee
Café Trinity 116 N. First Ave., next to Starbucks in the Old Lantern District. Enjoy the flavors of our modern American cuisine. We also feature fresh seafood and Tim’s Special Cut Meats. Whether you are having dinner on our wonderful deck overlooking Sand Creek or sitting at our dining bar and exhibition kitchen, you will enjoy a taste of the South in beautiful North Idaho. Serving lunch and dinner. Beer and wine available. 255-7558.
Cedar St. Bridge Café On the Cedar Street Bridge. Where family and friends gather. A European-style café located in the heart of downtown Sandpoint inside the renowned Cedar Street Bridge. Experience exceptional coffee and tea drinks, premium crafted gelato, delectable cakes and pastries, fine chocolates, and tasty panini sandwiches all in a unique and warm setting. 265-4396.
Connie’s Café
The True
Asian & American Cuisine� Asian Market�C�atering�D�elivery�
Foster’s Crossing Antique and Gift Market. Revitalize yourself at Café Bodega, Sandpoint’s Bohemian eatery (with wireless Internet access) featuring an assortment of international sandwiches, homemade soups, all organic espresso bar, whole leaf tea and Italian artisan gelato. Open seven days a week starting June 15, Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Café available for catered evening events. 263-5911.
323 Cedar St. Home-style meals served since 1952. Featuring extensive breakfast, lunch and
On Fifth Avenue between Cedar and Oak at
w w w. s a n d p o i n t o n l i n e . c o m
Café Trinity
for your enjoymen t
CALL AHEA D for ta ke out
Best Burgers In Town
Call 208.266.1100 Located on the Corner of Main & Hwy 200 in Clark Fork
188 S A N D P O I N T M A G A Z I N E
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5/5/08 10:27:02 AM
Connie’s Café
Di Luna’s
Enoteca La Stanza
FC Weskil’s
Restaurant index by type of cuisine Locate alphabetically in listings Bakeries, coffee & desserts
Monarch Mountain Coffee Pine Street Bakery Bistro-style cafes or delis
Blue Moon Café Café Bodega Cedar St. Bridge Café FC Weskil’s Hope Market Café Lucy's Deli & Dogs Mr. Sub That’s a Wrap Zip’s Drive-in
The Loading Dock @ Three Glasses Trinity at Willow Bay Pub-style
A & P’s Bar & Grill Eichardt’s Pub & Grill MickDuff’s Brewing Co. Slates Prime Time Grill & Sports Bar
Warm up by the fire and have a glass of wine, a pint of local microbrew or a cocktail from our full-service bar. Return to Connie’s. 255-2227.
Di Luna’s
Enoteca La Stanza at Ivano’s Ristorante 102 S. First Ave. Enoteca (full bar) La Stanza (the room). Sandpoint’s only specialty martini and wine bar, located in Ivano’s Ristorante, serving exotic martinis such as the Fallen Angel, Mayan Temple, Flirtini and the Pear Sage Margarita. Classic wines and a bar menu with all entrees under $9 are also served. Specialty pizzas, salads, paninis and traditional pasta selections served in a comfortable, soft, warm atmosphere all with Ivano’s integrity. Join us for a relaxing evening in “Enoteca La Stanza” WednesdaySaturday starting at 4 p.m. or visit Ivano’s dining room for a full dining experience. 263-0211.
FC Weskil’s 300 N. First Ave. Named after FC Weskil, the man whose vision became the Panida Theater, and located adjacent to the theater lobby in the heart of downtown Sandpoint is Sandpoint’s newest coffee bistro. The aroma from our oven will entice you with fresh baked goods to complement your morning coffee. For lunch or a light dinner, enjoy a daily variety of soups, salads and sandwiches. There are ready-to-go selections if time is tight or the beautiful outdoors is calling your name. Light catering and box lunches also available. Ticket location for the Panida and local events. 263-6957.
Sandpoint’s Best Thai Food EZVcji hVjXZh 8jggn Hi^g [gnh VcY hdjeh L^cZ VcY WZZg KZ\ZiVg^Vc X]d^XZh Cdl 8ViZg^c\
Eat in or take out
'%-"'+*")&). '%' C# 'cY 6kZ#
“Where family and friends gather” A European Style Cafe located in the heart of downtown Sandpoint inside the renown Cedar Street Bridge. Experience exceptional coffee & tea drinks, premium crafted gelato, delectable cakes & pastries, fine chocolates, and tasty panini sandwiches all in a unique and warm setting.
334 N 1st Ave, Sandpoint, ID SUMMER 2008
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207 Cedar St. We’re an American bistro café offering hand-cut steaks, homemade soups and vegetarian cuisine. Everyone Regional/ethnic in your family will find specialties their favorites here. Open for breakfast and lunch, Bangkok Cuisine Wednesday-Sunday, servIvano’s Ristoranté ing breakfast all day. We Oishii Sushi Eclectic or fine dining also specialize in theme Pend Oreille Pasta Café Trinity catering menus that can MaMaSan’s Amerasian Beyond Hope make any occasion large or small a success. Our Grill Connie’s Restaurant catering staff will work Second Avenue Pizza Di Luna’s Café with you to take the Sand Creek Grill hassle out of your special Wine Bars & Cocktail Spuds event, so you can enjoy Lounges The Floating Restaurant the experience along with Enoteca La Stanza your guests. We love good The Landing Stage Right Cellars music, so twice a month Three Glasses we have dinner concerts and bring in the best acoustic musicians from dinner menus. A Sandpoint icon for generations. around the country. 263-0846. Under new ownership, Connie’s has returned to Eichardt’s home cooking with large, affordable portions and delicious homemade desserts. Also be sure to 212 Cedar St. Don’t miss this comfortable check out Connie’s Lounge. Serving a late night pub and grill. Located downtown in a charming, appetizer menu, featuring 50-cent pool games, historic building. This relaxing pub mixes casual live entertainment and Monday night football dining with seriously good food. With more than parties, Connie’s lounge is the fun place to be. a dozen beers on tap, good wines including oak
cask local red wines, and regional touring live music, there’s something for everyone. Upstairs you’ll find a game room with a pool table, darts and shuffleboard. Eichardt’s offers smokeless dining seven days a week. Find out for yourself why Eichardt’s is continually picked as the locals’ favorite hangout. Open daily at 11:30 a.m. 263-4005.
& Drinks
Cedar St. Bridge Café
5/5/08 10:29:55 AM
Fine Italian dining serving Sandpoint for over 23 years Lunch served Mon-Fri 10:30-2:30 Dinner served 7 nights a week starting at 4:30 Enjoy outdoor dining on Ivano’s patio
Corner of First and Pine 208-263-0211
Hope Market Café 620 Wellington Place, Hope. Simply put, the Hope Market Café is all about flavor. Artisan cheeses, fine wines, ales, a gourmet market and a café with exceptionally prepared dishes – all located in an old mercantile in beautiful Hope. A true destination along a truly scenic byway. The café offers gourmet sandwiches, pizzas, salads and desserts throughout the day. With an ever-changing evening menu, dinners are fresh and market driven. Their own gardens highlight the summer menu with fresh produce, herbs and fruits. Be it dinner, lunch or dessert, everything is complemented by North Idaho’s most impressive wines and microbrews. Limited spirits are also available. Come enjoy an artisan cheese plate with a glass of wine as you watch a spectacular sunset over the lake. Call for details about our music, acoustic jam night and daily specials. On the old Highway 200 Business Loop in Historic Hope. Outdoor seating. 264-0506.
Ivano’s Ristoranté & Caffé First and Pine. Serving the community for more than 23 years, Ivano’s Italian dining accompanied by classic wines and gracious atmosphere add to the enjoyment of one of Sandpoint’s favorite restaurants. Pasta, fresh seafood, buffalo and beef, veal, chicken and vegetarian entrees round out the fare. Dinner served seven nights a week starting at 4:30. Lunch served Monday-Friday at 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. An excellent bakery featuring organic coffee, fresh pastries and a deli-style lunch offering, Monday-Friday. After lunch we transform the deli into Sandpoint’s finest “Martini/Wine Bar” Wednesday-Saturday beginning at 4 p.m., Enoteca La Stanza. (For further information see the Enoteca listing.) Off-site catering available for weddings, family get-togethers and just plain large gatherings. 263-0211.
int’s Sandpo b Shop
190 S A N D P O I N T M A G A Z I N E
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MickDuff’s Brewing Co.
Lucy’s Deli & Dogs Highway 200 in Clark Fork. The Scotchman Coffee House has been a landmark here for the last year, and Lucy’s Deli and Specialty Foods has made this one of the Northwest’s greatest delis. We serve the original Vienna all-beef hot dog. The owner, Spencer Clark, with his family, has a great estate wine that we will soon be serving and selling. Louise Sims, manager, creates great foods, serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. Enjoy dining inside or take out. Also offered is a sack lunch for those on the run or off for a day of hiking on Scotchman’s Peak. Lucy’s Deli serves homemade carrot cake, biscuits and gravy, smoked salmon quiche, spinach lasagna, and a variety of sandwiches. Enjoy our warm atmosphere. Open seven days a week, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. 266-1100.
MaMaSan’s Amerasian Grill On the Cedar Street Bridge. This eatery boasts some of Sandpoint’s finest Asian and American fare. Nadja Lane’s authentic Thai peanut sauce has been passed down through many generations of her family and cannot be matched for its quality and unique taste. Enjoy it either on your Asian or American dish. Treat yourself to MaMaSan’s phad phai, Panang curry, or one of their signature sushi dishes. MaMaSan’s also offers many American dishes to suit the whole family. Eat in, take out or have your meal delivered. Want to take home some of Nadja’s secrets? You can purchase many items from her market. 263-0103.
MickDuff’s Brewing Company 312 N. First Ave. Come and enjoy our fine handcrafted ales in a family dining atmosphere. We offer a variety of top-of-the-line beers ranging from fruity blondes to our seasonal porter. We also brew a unique-style root beer for those
Local Su
www.monarchmountaincoffee.com 208 N. 4th Avenue • Sandpoint, ID 208.265.9382 • 800.599.6702 Open Daily
w w w. s a n d p o i n t o n l i n e . c o m
Lucy’s Deli & Dogs
& Drinks Eats
Hope Market Café
International Wine Selection Artisan Cheeses & Breads Gourmet Deli www.monarchmountaincoffee.com
www.pendoreillepasta.com 208 N. 4th Avenue • Sandpoint, ID 476534 Hwy 95 Sandpoint ••208.263.1352 208.265.9382 800.599.6702
Open Daily
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5/4/08 10:00:52 AM
Mr. Sub
young in age or at heart. Our menu is packed full of flavor with traditional and updated pub fare. You will find toasted sandwiches, hearty soups, gourmet hamburgers and much more at our cozy brewpub located in downtown Sandpoint. 255-4351.
Monarch Mountain Coffee 208 N. Fourth Ave. Monarch Mountain Coffee has been roasting coffee in Sandpoint since 1993. This friendly coffeehouse and outdoor café is the hub for relaxing, meeting with friends, people watching or getting the latest scoop on happenings in town. Featuring a variety of drinks sure to satisfy your thirst. Fresh roasted coffee, espresso drinks and teas are complemented by an assortment of smoothies, chai and yerba mate. Also serving breakfast burritos, locally crafted baked goods, bagels and desserts. All coffee is roasted on-site in small batches and is available for purchase in our coffeehouse or by mail order. Take a taste of North Idaho home with you! Monarch Mountain Coffee is open daily. Located next to Packages Plus. Loitering strongly encouraged. Call for directions at 265-9382 or (800) 599-6702.
Mr. Sub 602 N. Fifth Ave. Mr. Sub – where there is always a daily special. We are a family-ownedand-operated business providing a tradition of great service and quality foods for more than 20 years. Our delicious subs are made with fresh ingredients, our bread is baked at a local bakery, and our salami is specially made by Wood’s Meats. Come in and enjoy our local favorites like the turkey bacon sub, potato salad or our great garden fresh salads. Having a party? With 24-hour notice, our 3-foot and 6-foot party subs are sure to please. We will also deliver your fresh subs until 2:30 p.m. on weekdays in the
Oishii Sushi
Oishii Sushi 116 N. First Ave. Oishii is definitely Sandpoint’s hottest fusion sushi and saketini bar. Energy and excitement pulse through the room with walls dressed in original art by local artist Matt Donahue. The incredible custom lighting creates a surreal effect that makes the design sleek and chic without being too formal; it’s an intimate, notoriously stylish atmosphere. You can dress up but don’t necessarily have to. The food is light and healthy, but it is also elegant and reassuringly priced. As for the service, Oishii is the kind of place where everyone knows who you are, or at least treats you like they do. It’s very central, making it the perfect place to start or end your evening. 263-1406.
Pend Oreille Pasta & Wine Market 476534 Highway 95 (one block south of WalMart). John and Valerie love to help their customers select from their outstanding selection of fine wines and artisan cheeses. Market food items include: world-famous cheeses, the best selection of international wines at competitive prices, the largest selection of ravioli and olives in North Idaho, bulk olive oil and many gourmet grocery items. Fresh, homemade pastas and sauces made on-site may be purchased as part of a complete dinner package including salad and fresh, daily-baked artisan bread. The largest preparer of custom gift baskets in Bonner County. Custom quality catering for large and small events. For a stimulating food and wine experience rarely found in small towns, visit Pend Oreille Pasta. 263-1352.
710 Pine St. Welcome to Pine Street Bakery, specializing in European pastries, breads and cakes. Also a complete line of coffees, espresso drinks and teas from Tazzina of Santa Cruz. All bakery products are made on the premises using fresh butter and cream, farm eggs and fine chocolate. Custom order birthday, specialty and wedding cakes; fine French pastries; and a complete line of tarts, cookies and bars. The bakers create more than 10 varieties of breads every day, including whole grain organics and sourdoughs. Come in and let the products speak for themselves. Open Tuesday-Friday, 7 a.m. until 5:30 p.m., Saturdays 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. Located right next to The Paint Bucket. Plenty of parking and outdoor seating. Ask for Liz or Deirdre for custom orders and/or questions. 263-9012.
Second Avenue Pizza 215 S. Second Ave. Try the piled-high specialty pizzas at Second Avenue Pizza. They’re loaded with fresh ingredients, and the dough is homemade. The Juke Box Special weighs 7 pounds – now that’s not your average pizza! We also specialize in excellent calzones, specialty salads and sandwiches, or try the garlic bread appetizer, an excellent hand-tossed pizza covered with cheese and garlic, served with marinara sauce. We also offer take-and-bake pizzas for those in a hurry after a long day or those who like an easy fix for dinner. Beer and wine also served. Rice crusts and soy cheese are now available for those who have specific dietary requirements. For an outof-this-world pizza experience come to Second Avenue Pizza! Open Monday-Friday 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Saturday-Sunday 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. Free deliveries available! 263-9321.
Slates Prime Time Grill & Sports Bar
Rice crusts & soy cheese now available
“Out of this W
• Delivery • Sandwiches • Calzones • Specialty Salads • Homemade Dough • Beer/Wine • Take & Bakes
The Caroline
215 S. 2nd Ave.
263-9321 SUMMER 2008
SMS08_181-193.indd 191
Pine Street Bakery
102 N 1st Ave. Sandpoint w w w. s p u d s o n l i n e . c o m SANDPOINT MAGAZINE
w w w. s a n d p o i n t o n l i n e . c o m
Second Avenue Pizza
477326 Highway 95 in Ponderay. Slates Prime
710 Pine Street • Sandpoint
Pine Street Bakery
Sandpoint area. Come in and see us for great service and excellent food! Credit and debit cards accepted. 263-3491.
“Tastes as good as it looks!” Deirdre Hill Liz Evans
Pend Oreille Pasta
& Drinks
Monarch Mountain Coffee
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& Drinks Eats
#FZPOE Slates Prime Time Grill
Spuds Rotisserie & Grill
Dinner Reservations Recommended
0O UIF )PQF 1FOJOTVMB 1FOJOTVMB 3E )PQF *EBIP www.beyondhoperesort.com
Time Grill & Sports Bar has moved, and is only five minutes from downtown Sandpoint, just two blocks north of Wal-Mart. Slates serves breakfast, lunch and dinner seven days a week and mouth-watering Black Angus prime rib on Friday and Saturday nights. We serve some of the best burgers, salads and steaks in the area. We also have a full bar with happy hour every day at 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. We have numerous big screen TVs, so there is not a bad seat in the house. Our kitchen is open late nights on Friday and Saturday and closes at 9 p.m. the remainder of the week. Our bar is open until there is no one to serve or 1 a.m., whichever comes first! 263-1381.
Spuds Rotisserie & Grill 102 N. First Ave. Located on the beautiful Sand Creek waterfront, offering outdoor dining in downtown Sandpoint, Spuds has earned its reputation as a North Idaho restaurant thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s truly â&#x20AC;&#x153;to die for.â&#x20AC;? Serving lunch and dinner. For lunch, choose from our savory soup list, a loaded salad, one of our unique sandwich concoctions or the original Spuds potato. Dinner is a casual event, with table service, candles and outdoor dining on Sand Creek. We feature specials like choice of grilled steaks, marinated tri-tip, rotisserie chicken, fresh seafood and Southwest specials. Dine in or carry out. 265-4311.
pproved Stage Right Cellars pproved with changes 302 N. First Ave., â&#x20AC;&#x153;Stage Rightâ&#x20AC;? of the Panida anges; please provide another proof Theater. Looking for a particular bottle of wine
e sign with your approval: Serving Dinner, Lunch and Sunday Brunch Call for Seasonal Hours 208-265-2000 41 Lakeshore Drive, Sagle ID
or a special cigar? Stage Right Cellars carries a variety of fine wines and cigars, along with specialty beers. Pick up a bottle to go, or stay and enjoy a glass of wine or beer in our comfy lounge. Our walls are filled with local art for your viewing pleasure, and we offer free live music on the weekends. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss our monthly Comedy Night, tasting events, art openings and much more.
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ed proof releases Keokee Publishing, Inc. from any reponsibility for n copy. Please read all copy and check this job carefully. Thank you r participation in ensuring your product is the best we can make it.
Approved note: This color comp is produced by an in-house printer and is not ve of the quality of the final printed piece. This proof may not accurately Approved with changes Yes, We Deliver! the colors. Free Live provide Music Wine &another Beer Clubs Changes; please proof every weekend Tasting Events Local Art Shows Private Parties
ease sign with your approval:
Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s A Wrap
Easy boat access, plenty of parking
Stage Right Cellars
302 N. 1st Avenue Sandpoint, ID 83864
208.265.8816 www.StageRightCellars.com
192 S A N D P O I N T M A G A Z I N E
290-8893 Date or 691-2377
Located on Cedar Street Bridge STE #108
signed proof releases Keokee Publishing, Inc. from any reponsibility for or on copy. Please read all copy and check this job carefully. Thank you your participation in ensuring your product is the best we can make it. SMS08_181-193.indd 192
Open seven days a week! stagerightcellars.com 265-8116.
Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s A Wrap On the Cedar Street Bridge. The unique Mediterranean fresh wraps we carefully prepare are brought to life through family recipes, research and the desire to bring a fresh, hearthealthy alternative to our eating habits. With humble beginnings in a little shack behind the Sandpoint Events Center, our family-owned-andoperated eatery is now expanded to the breathtaking Cedar Street Bridge. We are blessed and privileged to be one of Sandpointâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s culinary hot spots! 290-8893 or 265-1500.
The Floating Restaurant Highway 200, East Hope at Hope Marine Services. Twenty minutes from Sandpoint, in beautiful East Hope. The lakeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s only floating restaurant and lounge offers spectacular views from two decks or a cozy dining room. Regional fare, fresh seafood and local products fill the menu along with handmade breads, desserts, soups and sauces. A full-bar and outstanding wine list complements your experience. Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s menu too! Open Easter through October serving lunch, dinner and Sunday Brunch. Accessible by boat or car. 264-5311.
The Landing Where the river meets Lake Pend Oreille at Highway 95 south of the Long Bridge on the water. Clearly one of the finest restaurants, with water and mountain views and boat dockage. Serving dinner, lunch and Sunday brunch. Closed Monday and Tuesday. Offering beef, lamb, pork, seafood, fowl and pasta along with our chefâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s daily specials. Our food is made fresh daily on premises, including all of our breads, wonderful desserts, salad dressings and soups, using the
Willow Bay Marina 520 Willow Bay Road Priest River
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The Landing
finest and freshest ingredients. We hand-cut all of our meat, grind our own hamburger and make our own sausage. Enjoy our full-service cocktail lounge featuring specialty drinks and an extensive wine list with comfortable seating in front of a large fireplace or our dining room with a large fireplace and a 340-gallon saltwater aquarium. During warm weather we have two large outdoor patios for dining and cocktails. The Landing offers great food and excellent service at competitive prices. 265-2000.
The Loading Dock @ Three Glasses Located on Bridge Street facing the rope swing on Sand Creek. The Loading Dock @ Three Glasses offers a little bit of everything for everyone. Come enjoy the only wood-fired pizza in Sandpoint ready in three minutes – come watch! You’ll barely have time to check out our extensive selection of beer, wine and champagne. Not only wood-fired pizzas, but also an eclectic smattering of gourmet take-away, locally sourced seasonal salads, desserts, chocolates and artisan meats and cheeses. Feeling all-American? Try one of our 10 styles of frankfurters, including the “real” Chicago dog and the “Coney Islander.” Top it all off with the only soft-serve ice cream on the lake. Open 10 a.m. ’til sundown seven days a week. Clean public restrooms and especially easy access for boaters docking at Sandpoint Marina or at the boardwalk on Sand Creek. 265-8080.
The Loading Dock
Three Glasses Restaurant
French cuisine. Whenever possible, we feature locally sourced ingredients. Think of us whether you’re looking for a night on the town or simply a glass of wine. We offer a 300-plus international wine list with handpicked favorites from the Northwest, select imports and microbrews in a relaxed but sophisticated setting. Come for the food and wine, and stay for the live music nightly, showcasing a baby grand piano, big comfy mobster booths and a hardwood dance floor. Open Tuesday-Sunday 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. www.three glasses.com. 265-0230.
Trinity @ Willow Bay 520 Willow Bay Road, Priest River. Trinity at Willow Bay offers modern American cuisine with Lake Pend Oreille as its backdrop. Nothing beats sitting on the deck enjoying a damn good burger, a cup of spunky crawfish chowder or a succulent filet mignon with friends while taking in fresh Idaho air and watching the sunset over the lake. Trying to get out the sun for a while? Treat yourself to a scrumptious meal in the shade on our covered patio before getting back to your marvel-
Trinity @ Willow Bay
Zip’s Drive-in
ous summer tan. Save time and headaches as Willow Bay Marina can take care of all your gas and ice needs. Our dockhands will assist you with filling your tank and get you ice without you even having to step foot on dry land. 265-8854.
& Drinks
The Floating Restaurant
Zip’s Drive-in 1301 Highway 2. Opening around Memorial Day, this new addition to the Northwest’s favorite fast food franchise is decorated in a Northwestern roadhouse theme and serves up its signature burgers, grilled chicken, halibut ‘n’ fries and a variety of appetizing sides, such as tater gems, onion rings and mozzarella sticks. Plus, Zip’s Drive-in carries Pepsi products, milkshakes, ice cream shakes and sundaes, and hurricanes. Try the huckleberry shakes made with berries from Priest Lake. Enjoy the casual, new atmosphere and taste what’s made Zip’s famous around the Northwest for more than 50 years. Zip’s Drive-in still keeps founder Robert “Zip” Zuber’s motto “Thrift and Swift” at the heart of its business today. Located on the west side of Sandpoint on the Dover Highway. 255-7600.
Three Glasses Restaurant & Wine Bar 202 N. First Ave. On the corner of Bridge Street and First Avenue, appropriately located on the subterranean level of First Avenue (downstairs). Classically French-trained chef Luigi Ornaghi, of Torino, Italy, prepares elegant American seasonal fare with deep roots in Northern Italian and
• Seasonal American Fare
Accessible from Sandpoint Marina
• Italian and French Accents
• Wood Fired Pizza • Sandwiches • Hot Dogs • Gourmet To Go • Softserve • Public Restrooms 265-8080
• Live Music Nightly • A 300+ International Wine List
202 1/2 N. 1st Ave Sandpoint, Idaho
w w w. s a n d p o i n t o n l i n e . c o m
Introducing Chef Luigi Ornaghi
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Service Directory www.SandpointOnline.com ACCOMMODATIONS See the LODGING DIRECTORY on page 181 ANTIQUES
Foster’s Crossing Antique & Gift Market
5th between Cedar and Oak, 263-5911 – An early 1900s railroad freight house converted to three floors of eclectic shopping. Antiques, furniture, unusual gifts and yarn. New and used books. See ad, page 40.
ARTS ORGANIZATIONS Lakedance International Film Festival 597-0961 – 50 new independent movies shown Sept. 7-14, in Sandpoint. See ad, page 198. lakedance.com Pend Oreille Arts Council 120 E. Lake St., Ste. 215, 263-6139 – Presents the finest quality experiences in the arts for the people of northern Idaho. ArtinSandpoint.org ART & PHOTO GALLERIES
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Artists Studio Tour 208-597-6934 – Explore a variety of open artists’ studios by taking this free, countryside, self-guided driving tour in North Idaho. Guide maps available. See ad, page 125. ArtTourDrive.org ArtWorks Gallery 214 N. 1st, 263-2642 – Fine arts and crafts by regional artists, including original paintings, sculpture, jewelry, pottery, glass, tile, photography, prints. See ad, page 124. SandpointArtworks.com Hallans Gallery 323 N. 1st, 263-4704 – Since 1906. Celebrating the century in photos by Ross Hall and Dick Himes. See ad, page 124. RossHallCollection.com J.R. Hutslar Watercolors 263-1448 – Offering intuitive commissions and private inhome consultations to create the perfect piece for you and your home. See ad, page 124. jrHutslar.com Janusz Studio by the Lake 264-5153 – Experience the
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Artist Dream at this working art studio. Watercolors, sculpture garden, magnificent views of Lake Pend Oreille. See ad, page 125. Redtail Gallery 6th & Oak St., 946-8066 – Local sculptor Mark Kubiak displays art for a chosen local artist for six weeks at a time in his gallery but also has several of his own pieces available in the studio. See ad, page 124. Skeleton Key Art Glass 255-2429 – A working stained glass art studio, where you can get all of your supplies and tools, take classes and attend workshops. See ad, page 125. ASSISTED LIVING The Bridge Assisted Living 1123 N. Division, 263-1524 – A total continuum of care on the campus of Life Care Center of Sandpoint. See ad, page 66. AUTO / MOTORSPORTS Alpine Motors Company Hwy. 95 N., 263-2118, 1-800430-5050 – Your Cadillac, Buick, Pontiac, GMC truck dealer. New and used sales and leasing. Full service parts and body shop. AlpineMotors.net Anderson’s Autobody 263-6443 – Since 1989. We specialize in complete frame, body and paint repairs. Car rentals on-site, free pick up and delivery. See ad, page 129. Les Schwab 265-4518 – Not just a tire store! We do wheels, batteries, brakes, shocks, alignments and more. No appointments necessary. Located on Bonner Mall Way in Ponderay. See ad, page 128. LesSchwab.com Ponderay Yamaha 263-1124 – Family-owned business, started in 1994. Our goal is to serve the needs of our customers to the fullest. The largest showroom in the Idaho Panhandle. See ad, page 34. Six Star Automotive 255-2955 – Dealing in sales, repair and service for foreign and domestic vehicles. We
specialize in Asian imports. See ad, page 61. BANKS / FINANCIAL AmericanWest Bank Come visit our new financial center at 5th & Poplar, 255-1700 – Forty-three full-service financial centers throughout Washington and northern Idaho. See ad, page 92. AWBank.net Edward Jones 263-0515, 800-441-3477, Dave Reseka or Rob Kincaid, 255-7405, 877-777-5677 – Since 1871. Stocks, CDs, mutual funds, bonds, IRAs, government securities, tax-free bonds and much more. See ad, page 140. edward jones.com Horizon Credit Union 800-852-5316 – Serving Washington and northern Idaho for 60 years. With a wide range of services and products to choose from, your one-stop, fullservice financial institution. See ad, page 155. hzcu.org Jensen, Brian C., CPA 263-5154 – Specializing in tax preparation, payroll and accounting services. Financial and tax planning. See ad, page 118. Mountain West Bank 476655 Hwy 95 N., 265-2232 – Branches in Sandpoint and Bonners Ferry. Whatever your lending questions, you’ll find the answers here. See ad, page 51. Mtnwb.com Panhandle State Bank 231 N. 3rd, 263-0505 – Branches in Bonners Ferry, Ponderay and Priest River. Also bank in Post Falls, Rathdrum and Coeur d’Alene. See ads, pages 70 and 74. PanhandleBank.com Wells Fargo Bank-Private Mortgage Banking Gain the advantage of an entire team of professionals working on your next high-end real estate transaction. Visit Steve Kirby 610-8171or Dick Sams 6664502. See ad, page131. BOATS / DOCKS Alpine Shop 213 Church, 263-5157 and at
Schweitzer, 255-1660 – Boat sales and service for all your lake boating needs. Water skis, water gear and Old Town canoes and kayaks. See ad, page 30. MasterCraft Inland NW 888-598-2628 – In July 2007, Wayne Sorensen opened new doors in Liberty Lake, Washington with his new dealership, “MasterCraft Inland Northwest.” See ad, page 69. MasterCraftINW.com Northwest Docks & Water Works 263-4684 – New dock construction, dock rebuilds, mooring buoys, shoreline protection, amphibious pile driving, crane service. See ad, page 140. Sandpoint Marine & Motorsports 195 N. Triangle Dr., across from Slates, 263-1535 – Your Bluewater boat dealer offering complete parts and service departments for all your watercraft. See ad, page 66. BOOKS Keokee Books 405 Church St., 263-3573 – Publishing fine nonfiction and guide books. Also offering publishing services to authors and groups that wish to self-publish. See ads, pages 200 and 201. KeokeeBooks.com BREWERY Laughing Dog Brewing 263-9222 – A craft microbrewery that offers tours, taproom for tasting and a gift shop to browse through. See ad, page 74. LaughingDog Brewing.com. BUILDING / HOME Ace Septic Tank Service 263-5219 – “Where a Flush Beats a Full House.” Portable toilet rental, construction/ all occasion, permanent or temporary. Septic tank pumping, residential and commercial. Acme Integrations 255-1110 – We provide custom home cinema, structured wiring, phone and network systems, audio, security systems,
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Service Directory
a HVAC control systems, central vac, lighting control, and more. See ad, page 57. AcmeIntegration.us AirSeal Insulation, Inc. 263-4421 – Specializing in Spray Foam Insulation. This technology is healthy, comfortable, quiet, and green. See ad, page 170. sealection500.com Baker Construction 263-9550 – Specializing in new custom homes, extensive remodels, ski condos or commercial improvements. See ad, page 156. Bakercd.com Bonner County Landscaping 263-9877 – Superior design, attention to detail and commitment to customer satisfaction. See ad, page 156. BonnerCountyLandscaping.com Bowers Construction 263-5447 – Specializing in remodels. Creative designs for custom finish work and cabinetry. Registered and insured. See ad, page 156. TedBowers.com Burnett, Jim CCM, PMP Priest River, 255-6636 – Certified construction manager specializing in alternative energy. See ad, page 156. jburnett@ gotsky.com Clearwater Landscapes 1701 Cemetery Rd., Priest River, 265-5881 – Provides an interactive design process that enables you to plan and visualize your landscape before any work begins. See ad, page 156. IdahoLandscapes.com
Dan Fogarty Custom Builder 263-5546 – A fully insured, local builder with the experience and history you can rely on. In Sandpoint since 1981. See ad, page 156. DanBuilt.com Dennis Springs Concrete 290-2352, 264-5785 – For all your concrete needs: residential, commercial, industrial, decorative, stamped and stained. See ad, page 157.
DSS Custom Homes 263-2853 – We are a family-owned business serving Sandpoint and northern Idaho since 1974. We build with honesty, pride, integrity and responsibility. See ad, page 26. DSSCustomHomes.com. Fogg Electric 597-1121 – 125 years in the electrical business. Commercial, industrial and residential. Licensed/bonded/insured. Serving all of North Idaho. Free estimates. See ad, page 157. Fred’s Appliance All major brands, including complete Viking dream kitchens. Coeur d’Alene or Spokane, 208765-4202, 509-328-3824 or 509-893-3581. See ad, page 164. FredsAppliances.com GII2 265-0247 – Large format specialists. B&W and color. Copying, printing and scanning of blueprints, maps, arts, etc. Survey supplies, marking paint, flagging. Instrument sales, rental and service. See ad, page 172. Glahe & Associates 265-4474 – Professional Land Surveyors. Our goal is to deliver the highest quality product in a timely manner and at a fair price. See ad, page 172. GlaheInc.com Golder Associates 676-9933 – Specializing in ground engineering and environmental services. See ad, page 166. Golder.com Idaho Lights 402 Cedar St., 265-2308 – Our goal is to provide the most comprehensive, up to date and intelligent service available today in the lighting industry. See ad, page 150. IdahoLights.com Idaho Sash & Door 765-8620 – Opening up a world of possibilities for your home with the creative craftsmanship of premium-grade, custom windows, doors, and
bronze hardware. See ad, page 160. IDSashAndDoor.com Monarch Marble & Granite 263-5777 – Specializing in custom fabrication of solid-surface, natural stone. Custom kitchen countertops, vanities, showers, tub decks, fireplace surrounds, desks, decorative inlays and more. See ad, page 152. Northwest Custom Concrete 290-6581 – We create quality custom concrete. Specializing in countertops, acid stains, stamping, decorative saw cutting, and general flatwork. See ad, page 166. allopucci@hotmail.com Panhandle Art Glass 514 Pine St., 263-1721 – Est. 1982. Studio specializing in stained, etched, beveled and fused glass: residential, commercial and liturgical. Artistic design and fabrication for projects of any size tailored to the needs of our clients. Panhandle Pump 500 Vermeer Dr., Ponderay, 263-7867 – Serving the Idaho Panhandle with quality service and merchandise for over 25 years. The area’s leader in water purification and filtration plus complete water and sewer systems. Residential and commercial. Mon-Fri 7am-6 pm. Sat 7am-noon. PanhandlePump.com. Pend Oreille Mechanical 1207 Dover Hwy., 263-6163 – Service 24/7. Plumbing, cooling, heating, sheet metal, hydronic, refrigeration. See ad, page 177. POMechanical.com Ponderay Garden Center 255-4200 – Located ½ mile north of Walmart on Hwy 95. We offer a full line of landscaping supplies for your yard or business. Plants, shrubs, trees, pottery, and a huge gift shop. See ad, page 120. Sandpoint Building Supply 263-5119 – We carry everything from lumber, siding, doors and cabinets all the way to the tools that help you get the job done. See ad, page 168. SandpointBuildingSupply.com Selkirk Glass & Cabinets In the Ponderay Design Center, behind Sandpoint Furniture,
SMS08_194-204.indd 195
263-7373 – Specializing in custom cabinets, windows and doors. See ad page 153. Selle Valley Construction 263-1808 – We build quality custom built homes suited for the land we all love so much. See ad, page 39. SelleValleyConstruction.com Studio of Sustainable Design 100 Jana Lane, 263-3815 – Bruce Millard, Architect. Personal, environmentally sensitive and healthy design, incorporating natural, recycled and durable materials including straw bale. Full services. bemarchitect.com Sullivan Homes Sandpoint 877-263-1522 – Come see the custom homes and rustic cabins we are building at The Idaho Club, The Crossing at Willow Bay, and Festive Lane at Bottle Bay. See ads, pages 54, 134 and 135. SullivanHomesSandpoint.com Tafoya & Associates 208-717-0407, or Arizona 480-488-6581 – Specializing in custom residential architecture. See ad, page 142. ArchitectTafoya.com Terry Williams Construction 265-2936, 290-5423 – Specializing in custom home construction, remodels and additions. Certified ARXX Insulated Concrete Form installer. See ad, page 157. The Paint Bucket 714 Pine St., 263-5032 – Sandpoint’s complete paint and wallpaper store. Paint and sundries, window covering, wall covering, custom framing. Timber Frames by Collin Beggs Sandpoint, 290-8120 – Handcrafted traditional timber frame homes. Wooden, draw-bored joinery. Handrived pegs. See ad, page 157. TimberFramesByCollinBeggs.com Western Luxury Homes LLC 290-3490 – Turning our clients’ dreams into reality. We create homes that fit your lifestyle and express your quest for perfection. See ad, page 13. WesternLuxuryHome.com
w w w. s a n d p o i n t o n l i n e . c o m
Crown Builders 691-7607 – Providing complete construction services from design inception through completion for 33 years. See ad, page 156. CrownBuildersIdaho.com
Doty Concrete Company 610-8396 – Custom concrete work since 1985. Residential, commercial, foundations, driveways, or custom stamped work. See ad, page 156.
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Service Directory
Advertiser Index
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CLOTHING A Child’s Dream Come True 121 Acme Integrations 57 AirSeal Insulation 170 Albertson / Barlow Insurance 118 Alpine Shop 30 Alternative Health Care 47 AmericanWest Bank 92 Anderson’s Autobody 129 Archer Vacation Condos 121 Artists’ Studio Tour 125 ArtWorks Gallery 124 Baker Construction 156 Beardmore Building, The 162-163 Belwoods Furniture 137 Bitterroot Group 75 Blue Lizard, The 73 Bonner County Fair Foundation 82 Bonner County Landscaping 156 Bonner General Hospital 60 Bonner Physical Therapy 44 Bowers Construction 156 Bridge Assisted Living, The 66 Burnett, Jim CCM, PMP 156 Canyon Creek Ranch 116 Cedar Street Apparel 21 Cedar Street Bridge 9 Century 21 80 Century 21 - Kim Hansen 22, 174 Century 21 Shawn Taylor & Alex Wohliab 173 Century 21 - Patrick Werry 161 Cisco’s 123 Clearwater Landscapes 156 Coit House / K2 Motel 180 Coldwater Creek 204 Coldwell Banker - Michael White 3 Coldwell Banker Resort Realty 2 CO-OP Country Store, The 60 Cottages at Hayden Lake, The 178 Crossing at Willow Bay, The 52-53 Crown Builders 156 Daily Bee, The 178 Dale Pyne Real Estate Investments112 Dan Fogarty Custom Builder 156 Dennis Springs Concrete 157 Divine Health and Fitness 44 Doty Concrete Company 156 Dover Bay 31, 147 Dreams in Beauty 44 DSS Custom homes 26 Edward Jones 140 Evergreen Realty 6 Evergreen Realty Charesse Moore 149 Exit Realty 35, 169 Eye Care For You 44 Family Health Center 36 Farmers Insurance Dave Neely Agency 118 Farmers Market 47
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Finan McDonald Clothing Company 20 Flying Fish Company 46 Fogg Electric, Inc 157 Foster’s Crossing 40 Fred’s Appliance 164 Fritz’s Fry Pan 40 Full Spectrum Kayak Tours 79 G II 2 / Glahe & Associates 172 Golder Associates 166 Hallans Gallery 124 Handyman Services 157 Heritage Shores Realty 177 Hope Marine Services 67 Horizon Credit Union 155 Idaho Club, The 27 Idaho Lights 150 Idaho Sash & Door 160 International Selkirk Loop, The 42 J. R. Hutslar Water Colors 124 Janusz Studio by the Lake 125 Jensen, Brian CPA 118 Joanna’s Pre-School 44 Just Clever 121, 125 Keokee Books 200, 201 Koch, Paul E. O.D. 45 KPND 95.3 Radio 126 Lake Country Real Estate 141 Lake Country, Sarah & Natalie 136 Lakedance International Film Festival 198 Lake Pend Oreille Cruises 68 Lake to Mountain LLC 39,157 45 Lake to Mountain Massage Lakeshore Mountain Properties 167 LaQuinta Inn 40 L’Atelier Jewelry Boutique 58 Laughing Dog Brewing 74 Les Schwab 128 Local Pages, The 199 Lodge at Sandpoint, The 180 Maher Company, The 177 Mastercraft Inland NW 69 MeadowBrook Home & Gift 72 Meadows at Fall Creek, The 144 Meriwether Inn 129 Misty Mountain Furniture 39 Monarch Marble 152 Mountain Horse Adventures 30 Mountain Spa & Stove 179 Mountain West Bank 51 N.A.T.S. 45 North Idaho Animal Hospital 149 Northwest Custom Concrete 166 Northwest Docks & Waterworks140 Northwest Executive 118 Northwest Handmade 50 Odyssey Development / Cheval Noir 83 Outdoor Experience 79
Pacific Far West Insurance 118 Panhandle State Bank 70, 74 Pend d’Oreille Winery 121 Pend Oreille Mechanical 177 Pend Oreille Shores Resort 79 Petal Talk 46 Ponderay Garden Center 120 Ponderay Yamaha 34 Priest Lake Golf / Hills Resort 42 Redtail Gallery 124 River Journal, The 199 Rolfing, Owen Marcus 44 Salishan Point 115 Sandpoint Building Supply 168 Sandpoint Business & Events Center 56 Sandpoint Interiors 157 Sandpoint Junior Academy 46 Sandpoint Marine & Motor Sports 66 SandpointOnline.com 201 Sandpoint Super Drug 45 Sandpoint Vacation Rentals 18 Sandpoint Waterfront Vacations 68 Sandpoint West Athletic Club 82 Schweitzer Mountain Resort 203 Seasons at Sandpoint 10, 11 Selkirk Glass & Cabinets 153 Selle Valley Construction 39 Six Star Auto 61 Skeleton Key Art Glass 125 Sleep’s Cabins 58 Spa at Seasons, The 78 Starhawk Realty 153 Stillwater Point 62-63 SuGeé Skin Care 45 Sullivan Homes 54, 134-135 Summit Insurance 61 Sunshine Goldmine 21 T 3 Investment Group 175 Tafoya Architect Associates 142 Taylor Insurance 38 Timbered Ridge 152 TerraPen Geographics / The Map Store 78 Terry Williams 157 Timber Frames by Collin Beggs 157 Tomlinson Sandpoint Sotheby’s 4-5, 84-91 Tomlinson Sandpoint Sotheby’s Kyler Wolf 167 Vacationville 20 Waterfront Property Management 64 Wells Fargo Mortgage Loan 131 Western Luxury Homes 13 Western Pleasure Guest Ranch 79 Winter Ridge Natural Foods Market 45 Zany Zebra 23
Cedar Bridge Apparel 263-1304 – Quality clothing made in the United States. Featuring unique women’s designer fashions from accessories to footwear to Brazil Roxx Jeans. Located on the Cedar Street Bridge. See ad, page 21. CedarStreetBridge.com Coldwater Creek 800-262-0040 or 263-2265 – On First Avenue in Sandpoint. Discover one of the most unique collections of women’s apparel and accessories. See ad, back cover. TheCreek.com Finan McDonald Clothing Co. 301 N. 1st Ave., 263-3622 – Unique selection of men’s and women’s outdoor and natural fiber clothing; woolens, fleece, cottons and silks. See ad, page 20. FinanMcDonald.com CRAFTS & TOYS A Child’s Dream Come True 255-1664 – Wood toys, soft dolls, art supplies, baby gifts and games are just a few of the fun things we have. See ad, page 121. AChildsDream.com EVENTS FACILITIES Bonner County Fair Foundation 405 Schweitzer Cutoff Rd., 263-2413 – To preserve and enhance the integrity of the Bonner County Fairground facilities. See ad page 82. BonnerCountyFairFoundation.org Sandpoint Business & Events Center 515 Pine St., Ste. 102, 2637770 – The most convenient ceremony, reception and performance center located in downtown Sandpoint. See ad, page 56. SandpointEventsCenter.com FARM / GARDEN Farmers Market 290-3088 – Open from May to October, an open-air market full of fresh produce, garden starts, handcrafts, flowers, food and live music. At Farmin Park, Sat. and Wed. See ad, page 47. SandpointFarmersMarket.com. The CO-OP Country Store 125 Tibbetts Lane, Ponderay, 263-6820 – Farm, Home,
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Hardware. The CO-OP has just about everything for the farm and home. See ad, page 60. CoopCountryStore.com FURNITURE Belwoods Furniture 301 Cedar St., 263-3189 – Featuring furniture, floorcoverings, appliances and more. Family owned for over 31 years. See ad, page 137. BelwoodsFurniture.com Edmundson Fine Woodworking 1965 Samuels Rd., 265-8730, toll-free 866-877-1882 – Custom, handcrafted furniture and cabinets built with attention to detail. Carefully selected hardwoods, hand-cut dovetail drawers, curved surfaces and inlay are just a few details. EFineWoodworking.com Misty Mountain Furniture 265-4190 – A unique variety of custom handcrafted furniture, cabinets, railings, accessories and the fine artwork of over 70 regional artisans. See ad, page 39. Misty MountainFurniture.com Northwest Handmade 308 N. 1st Ave., 255-1962, 877-880-1962 – Featuring a variety of regional artists. Custom log furniture, wood carving, metal art, one-of-akind gifts. See ad, page 50. NorthwestHandmade.com
GIFTS/FLOWERS/JEWELRY Blue Lizard 334 N. 1st Avenue, 255-7105 – Large selection of authentic Indian jewelry, pottery, drums, artifacts, art, rugs, hand-carved fetish and much more, all high quality and affordable prices. On the Cedar Street Bridge. See ad, page 73. Cisco’s 212 N. 4th, Coeur d’Alene, 208-769-7575 – Specializing in investment quality historic
Fritz’s Frypan On the corner of 1st and Cedar St., 255-1863 – Featuring a wide array of fine cookware such as Le Creuset, J.A. Henckel, Cuisinart and more. See ad, page 40. FritzsFrypan.com Just Clever 334 N. 1st Ave., 255-5556 – A blend of carefully selected gifts, home décor, and handcrafted iron garden art and a wide selection of humorous and thoughtful signs. See ads, pages 121 and 125. JustCleverOnline.com L’Atelier Jewelry Boutique 265-2054 – Located on the Cedar Street Bridge, our boutique offers Idaho Opals and Garnets. Unique sterling silver and designer jewelry. See ad, page 58. LatelierJewelry.com MeadowBrook Home & Gift 205 Cedar St., 255-2824 – We offer a timeless selection of unique and affordable gifts, home decor and furnishings. See ad, page 72. MeadowBrookHomeAndGift.com Petal Talk 120 Cedar St., 265-7900 – Full-service floral and gift shop! Fresh flowers, bundled or custom designed. Special event and wedding services. Delivery available. See ad, page 46. SandpointFlowers.com Scandinavian Affar 319 N. 1st Ave., 263-7722 – The Scandinavian countries are represented in this specialty shop including their kitchen items, table tops, candles, electric candleholders, books, cards, rugs, pewter Vikings, mugs, Danish irons, tomtes, fjord design tableware. Sharon’s Hallmark 306 N. 1st Ave., 263-2811 – Special gifts for special people including Vera Bradley bags; Big Sky Carvers; Yankee, Tyler and BeanPod candles; souvenirs, balloon bouquets, Hallmark cards, books, gift wrap and stationery. Sunshine Goldmine 263-6713 – Come discover the
unique and distinctive. Serving Sandpoint for over 28 years, the number one stop for handmade jewelry and gold. sunshinegoldmine.com See ad, page 21. Zany Zebra 317 N. 1st Ave., 263-2178 – We offer the latest fashion trends for all ages. Many accessories adorn our store, great prices, and friendly and fun atmosphere. From A to Zebra. See ad, page 23. GRAPHIC ARTISTS Keokee Creative Group 405 Church St., 263-3573 – Complete graphics, design and editorial for any project. If you like Sandpoint Magazine, you’ll like what we can do for you. keokee.com HEALTH CARE Alternative Health Care 263-7889, 866-464-2344 – North Idaho’s most trusted provider of in-home care services for the elderly and disabled. Skilled nursing services, respite care, hospice care and housecleaning. See ad, page 47. Bonner General Hospital 520 N. 3rd Ave., 208-2631441 – Combines state-of-theart medical technology with the very best in patient care. See ad, page 60. BonnerGen.org Bonner Physical Therapy 263-5731 – Providing cuttingedge technology and manual techniques to obtain the optimum result for pain control and recovery or resolving symptoms from diabetic neuropathy. See ad, page 44. Divine Health & Fitness 208-946-7027 – We combine personal training with traditional exercise-based physical therapy and nutrition and lifestyle coaching. Nia, Yoga, fitness classes. See ad, page 44. DivineHF.com Family Health Center Located in the Pinegrove Medical Center at 606 N. Third Ave., Ste. 101, 263-1435 – Our family practitioners specialize in caring for every member of the family. See ad page 36. FHCSandpoint.com N.A.T.S. 610-3690 – Reshape, recreate,
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rejuvenate your body both physically and mentally with Natalie, a fitness trainer and wellness consultant. See ad, page 45. NatalieLitzell.com Rolfing 219 Cedar St., Ste. A, 2658440 – Rolfing aligns the body’s structure by releasing old injuries, chronic stress and embedded tension to create an experience of vitality. See ad, page 44. align.org Sandpoint Super Drug 263-1408 – Family-owned pharmacy serving Sandpoint for over 32 years. Four knowledgeable pharmacists on staff. See ad, page 45. Su Gee’ Skin Care 516 Oak St., 263-6205 – Extensive menu of exquisite facial and body treatments provided in a serene and relaxing environment. See ad, page 45. sugeeskincare@yahoo.com INSURANCE Albertson Barlow Insurance 265-6406 – Specializing in life, disability, individual, group health, and now home and auto too. For over 15 years we’ve been assisting the Sandpoint community. See ad, page 118. Farmers Insurance – Dave Neely Agency 263-3741 – Serving Sandpoint and the rest of North Idaho since 1997. We specialize in personal lines insurance at competitive rates. See ad, page 118. Summit Insurance Resource Group 1205 Hwy 2, 265-9690 – The largest independent insurance agency in North Idaho, specializing in business, personal, life and health. See ad, page 61. North Idaho Insurance 102 Superior St., 263-2194 – A full-service, independent insurance agency serving northern Idaho since 1978. Business or personal risks: property, liability, workers comp, bonding, home, auto, life and health. NorthIdahoInsurance.com Pacific Far West Insurance 263-1426 – Serving Sandpoint and northern Idaho for 24 years. Quotes on auto, home, business,
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Sandpoint Furniture Carpet One 401 Bonner Mall Way, Ponderay, 263-5138 – Unique furniture, flooring, window covering packages. Luminesce Lighting offers full service lighting design. See ad, page 153. SandpointFurniture.com
American Indian art, collectibles, Americana, fine original paintings and more. huntersofthepast.com See ad, page 123.
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life and group insurance. See ad, page 118. isu-haddock.com Taylor Insurance Co., Inc. 1009 W. Superior St., 2634000 or 773-6441 in Post Falls – Insurance and financial services for all your personal and business needs. See ad, page 38. Taylor AgencySandpoint.com INTERIOR DESIGN Sandpoint Interiors 502 Cedar St., 263-8274 – Specializing in residential and commercial design, custom draperies and window treatments. See ad page 157. SandpointInteriors.com INTERNET SERVICES SandpointOnline.com 263-3573 – Our town’s community Web site. Complete online services include Web site design, hosting and search engine optimization. MARINAS Holiday Shores/East Hope Marina 264-5515 – Full-service marina located 18 miles east of Sandpoint on Hwy 200 East in Hope, Idaho. See ad, page 64. Hope Marine Services 47392 Hwy. 200, Hope, 263-5105 – Your full-service, year-round stop. Boat sales, fullservice shop, accessories and boat charters. See ad, page 67. HopeMarine.com
The Maher Company 755-7407 – Providing comprehensive marketing and sales programs for real estate developers. Services include feasibility studies, project branding and marketing. See ad, page 177. TheMaherCompany.com MASSAGE / SPA Dreams in Beauty Day Spa, Peggy Richards 263-7270, 877-422-6240 – Offering message: The Rolf Method, Deep Tissue, Sports, Trager, Swedish, Reflexology, Pregnancy. See ad, page 44. DreamsInBeauty.com Lake to Mountain Massage 610-3591 – Therapeutic integrative massage. See ad page 45. The Spa at Seasons 424 Sandpoint Ave., third floor, 888-263-5616 – Offering holistic, healing therapies and luxury skin care treatments, products and gifts. See ad, page 78. SeasonsAtSandpoint.com MEDIA Bonner County Daily Bee 310 Church St., 263-9534 – Bonner County’s No. 1 daily
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Sandpoint Marina Located next to the Old Power House, 120 E. Lake St., 2633083 – Accessible to downtown Sandpoint. See ad, page 64. SandpointWaterfront.com
MARKETING Keokee Creative Group 405 Church St., 263-3573 – We help your ideas take shape. Keokee can set your company apart by developing effective advertising, public relations and marketing campaigns. Talent. Experience. Professionalism. Print, brochures, rack cards , logo development and websites. keokee.com
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newspaper. See ad, page 178. bonner countydailybee.com KPND FM - KSPT AM - KIBR FM - KBFI AM - KICR FM 327 Marion, 263-2179 – Blue Sky Broadcasting. Adult album alternative, news, talk, and real country. See ad, page 126. The Local Pages 888-249-6920 –The phone directory with the most. See ad, page 199. LocalPagesInc.com The River Journal 255-6957 – A twice-monthly publication of the news and events of our area. Get in touch with Sandpoint by reading our community paper. See ad, page 199. RiverJournal.com MOVING Handyman Services, Inc. 1606 Baldy Mtn. Rd., 2655506 – For all your moving or handyman needs. Packing supplies available for sale. Heated and record storage. Bonded and insured. See ad, page 157. SandpointMovers.com OPTOMETRY / OPTICAL Eye Care For You 710 W. Superior, Ste. A, 263-9000 – Dr. Julie Gagnon and Dr. Kenneth Cameron are dedicated to providing the best eye care for our customers. See ad, page 44. Paul E. Koch, O.D. Located inside Wal-Mart, Hwy. 95 N, 255-5513. – Full service optometry office. Same day fitting for most contact lens prescriptions. Treatment of minor eye infections. See ad, page 45.
PRESCHOOL / EDUCATION Joanna’s Pre-School & Kindergarten 434 Siskin Lane, 263-9823 – An alternative-style pre-school located in the Selle Valley. Featuring art, music, yoga, dancing and much more. See ad page 44. JoannasPreschool.com Sandpoint Junior Academy 263-3584 – Offering a quality Christian Education from kindergarten, up to 10th grade. We and welcome all faiths. See ad, page 46. www.sjasda.org PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Lake To Mountain, LLC 597-2553 – Offering full service property care, including property caretaking, property management, vacation rentals, and more. See ads, pages 39 and 157. LakeToMountain.com Northwest Executive & Environmental Services 255-2266 – Property management for a discerning clientele, with high security and utmost privacy. Licensed, insured and bonded professionals. Concierge services, cleanup, restoration. See ad, page 118. nwees.com R&L Property Management 204 E. Superior, 263-4033 – Over 25 years of rental management experience. Tenant screening, rent collection, accounting, maintenance and marketing. Residential, commercial and mini storage. Friendly, prompt service. RLPropertyManagement.com
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Sandpoint Property Management 314 N. 3rd Ave., 263-9233 – Since 1993, providing exceptional real estate management. Representing the Beardmore Building in Priest River. See ads, pages 162 and 163. SandpointRentals.com PUBLISHING / PRINTING Keokee Co. Publishing, Inc. 405 Church St., 263-3573 – We publish Sandpoint Magazine, plus fine books about our region. Offering complete design, editorial and publishing services for books and all other publications. KeokeePublishing.com REAL ESTATE Century 21 on the Lake 316 N. 2nd Ave., 255-2244 – Nationally known, locally trusted. Sandpoint’s premiere real estate firm. Any of our 22 professional agents can help you. See ad, page 80. C21Sandpoint.com, C21Schweitzer.com • Kim Hansen 263-0639, 255-9876 –Over 20 years experience as a real estate professional and specializes in locating resort properties. See ads, pages 22 & 174. • Shawn Taylor, Alex Wohllaib For your all-access pass to Schweitzer Mountain properties, come see us in the Lazier building. Shawn, 290-2149; Alex, 610-1388. See ad, page 173. • Patrick Werry 255-2244, 290-2016 – Providing an exceptional real estate experience. I look forward to the opportunity to earn your trust. See ad page 161.
Coldwell Banker Resort Realty Sandpoint 263-6802, Schweitzer 263-9640 – If you’re looking for real estate in the Sandpoint area or at Schweitzer Ski Resort, we can help fill your needs. See ad, inside front cover. CBSandpoint.com • Michael White 290-8599 – B.S. in forestry and ecosystem management. Specializing in land, ranches and homes on acreage. See ad page 3. NorthIdahoLandMan.com Dale Pyne Real Estate Investments 212 N. 1st Ave., 265-5577, 597-1200 – Whether you are looking for a home in Sandpoint, waterfront, a mountain cabin or investment property, you have found the right place. See ad page 112. DalePyne.com Evergreen Realty 321 N. 1st, 263-6370, 800-829-6370 – For all your real estate needs in Idaho, Washington and Montana. Waterfront, Schweitzer and commercial properties. See ad, page 6. Evergreen-Realty.com or SchweitzerMountain.com. • Charesse Moore 255-6060, 888-228-6060 – Hard-working professional. Sandpoint’s top producing agent 2004 to 2007. See ad, page 149. Evergreen-Realty.com Exit Realty Sandpoint 255-4550, 888-331-EXIT – “Your Safe Passage to all your real estate needs.” Find your dream home! Call today for a free market analysis. See ads, pages 35 and 169. ExitRealtySandpoint.com
• Rich Curtis 17 years of experience specializing in resort homes for mountain living. Helping buyers in the development of large tracts of land. SandpointListings.com Cottages at Hayden Lake, The 755-7407, 877-700-4888 – 12 spectacular condominiums on Hayden Lake, located in a waterfront village setting. Now accepting early reservations. Call or visit our website to be included on our priority viewing list. TheCottagesAtHaydenLake.com See ad, page 178 Heritage Shores Realty, Inc. 310 E. 4th St. #2 in Clark Fork, 266-1800 or 15 Sagle Rd. in Sagle, 265-1958 –Full-service experienced Real Estate Agency serving your needs in northern Idaho and northwestern Montana. See ad, page 177. HeritageShoresRealty.com Lake Country Real Estate 226 N. 1st Ave., 263-5454 – Making Clients For Life. Search MLS online, see virtual tours and more. See ad, page 141. LakeCountryRealEstate.com • Sarah Mitchell, Natalie Leatherman 290-3402, 610-4785 – Your elements for success, embrace your element! See ad, page 136. Lakeshore Mountain Properties 255-1446, 264-6505 – We can service anyone from either of our locations. We specialize in Schweitzer and waterfront properties. See ad, page 167. LakeshoreMountainProperties.com
Starhawk Realty 204 E. Superior St., Ste. 1, 263-0363 – Since 2003, continually one of the top producers and handles residential, income property, acreage, waterfront and new construction. See ad, page 153. StarhawkRealty.com T3 Investment Group 480-861-4101 – Newly completed beautiful luxury waterfront home on Lake Pend Oreille. This 3664-sq. ft. home is full of custom amenities and incredible water views. See ad, page 175. SandpointLakeHomes.com Tomlinson Sandpoint Sotheby’s Int’l Realty 200 Main St., 263-5101, 800282-6880 – No. 1 in sales and service, year after year! We’re the market leader for a reason. Offering top-notch service for residential, land, commercial land, waterfront properties. TomlinsonSandpoint SothebysRealty.com. See ads, pages 4-5, 84-91. • Sue Brooks, pg 4 • Sandy Wolters, pg 4, 88 • Brian Harvey, pg 4 • Cheri Hiatt, pg 4, 86 • Cindy Bond, pg 5, 91 • Stan Hatch, pg 5, 89 • Teree Taylor, pg 86 • Susan & Brandon Moon, pg 87 • Michael McNamara, pg 88 • Alison Murphy, pg 88 • Chris Chambers, pg 90 • Kyler Wolf, pg 167 RE DEVELOPMENTS Beardmore, The Priest River, 263-9233 – Retail and office suites for lease. The
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In Sandpoint it’s the first choice
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Beardmore has been remodeled with a “green policy” in the construction techniques. See ad, pages 162-163. BeardmoreBlock.com Bitterroot Group South Fork Big Sky, MT, 888-775-0006 – Architects, interior design, builders and timberwrights. See ad, page 75. BitterrootGroup.com Canyon Creek Ranch 263-6802 – Between Sandpoint and Coeur d’Alene is a beautiful estate development, now selling lots with paved road access, underground utilities and protective CC&Rs. Contact Don McCanlies, Coldwell Banker. See ad, page 116. SandpointCanyonCreekRanch.com Cedar Street Bridge Public Market Downtown Sandpoint at First and Cedar. Shops, restaurants, entertainers, special events, and just a splash of nightlife. See ad, page 9. CedarStreetBridge.com Crossing at Willow Bay, The Sandpoint’s premier waterfront community featuring 82 luxury homesites on 180 wooded acres located on the Pend Oreille River. See ad, pages 52-53. CrossingWillowBay.com
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Dover Bay 265-1597 – New waterfront
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community. Homesites, condominiums and cabins. Custom built homes. On the shores of beautiful Lake Pend Oreille. See ads, pages 31 and 147. DoverBayIdaho.com Idaho Club, The 800-323-7020 – A private, upscale waterfront community featuring Idaho’s first Jack Nicklaus Signature golf course. Amenities include lakefront recreation, spa, marina, kid’s club. See ad, page 27. TheIdahoClub.com Meadows at Fall Creek, The A private, gated community on 300 pristine acres with 42 estate sites of 5-7 acres. Offered by the Merry BrownHayes Group, 255-6389. TheMeadows-At-Fall-Creek.com See ad, page 144. Odyssey Development Call 800-653-7007 for your appointment. Cheval Noir on Lake Pend Oreille features breathtaking waterfront surroundings and home to only nine custom estate properties. See ad, page 83. Salishan Point Call Randy Stone 255-8268, or Darla Wilhelmsen 290-4373 – An exclusive gated community featuring fourteen of the largest waterfront estate parcels on the Pend Oreille. See ad, page 115. SalishanPoint.com
Seasons at Sandpoint 313 N. 2nd Ave., 255-4420 – Luxury waterfront condominiums and townhomes. Experience the best of both worlds – lakefront in the heart of downtown. SeasonsAtSandpoint.com See ad, pages 10-11. Stillwater Point Unique offering of custom designed homes in a private gated community with spectacular lake and mountain views. Offered by the Merry Brown-Hayes Group, 208-255-6389. See ad, pages 62-63. StillwaterPoint.com RECREATION / TO DO From the Heart Ranch – Alpacas 1635 Rapid Lightning Rd., 265-2788 – Tour our ranch to see what life is like with alpacas! Shop for the wonderful alpaca fiber hats, scarves, sweaters, rugs, throws, and yarn. Open year-round, closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. FromTheHeartRanch.com
Lake Pend Oreille Cruises 255-5253 – Experience the breath-taking scenery of Lake Pend Oreille. Enjoy a public cruise, or charter a private cruise. See ad, page 68. LakePendOreilleCruises.com Mountain Horse Adventures 263-TROT (8768) or 800831-8810 – Three-hour guided horseback trail rides on Schweitzer Mountain. Outrageous views. See ad, page 30. MountainHorseAdventures.com Priest Lake Golf Course 152 Fairway Drive, Priest Lake, 443-2525 – A stunning 18- hole course set in a natural wetland with lush forests. See ad page 42. PriestLakeGolfCourse.com
Full Spectrum Kayak Tours 321 N. 2nd Ave., 263-5975 – The first flatwater kayak company to operate on Lake Pend Oreille and Priest Lake and have been doing so since 1993. See ad, page 79. kayaking.net International Selkirk Loop 267-0822, 888-823-2626
– 280-mile scenic drive encircling the wild Selkirk Mountains in northeast Washington, northern Idaho and southeast British Columbia. See ad, page 42. SelkirkLoop.org
Sandpoint West Athletic Club 1905 Pine St., 263-6633 – Fullservice club with indoor pool, aerobics, racquetball and more. Daily rates, flexible/affordable memberships. See ad, page 82. SandpointWest.com TerraPen Geographics The Map Store, 100A Church St., 265-8883 – We carry a complete line of travel and
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recreational maps, wall maps, atlases and much more. See ad, page 78. GetGreatMaps.com Wolf People On Hwy. 95 in Cocolalla, 2631100 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Wolf People is a wolf education facility where you can see live wolves and learn all about them. WolfPeople.com RESORTS Hills Resort 4777 W. Lakeshore Rd., Priest Lake, 443-2551 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Since 1946, Hillâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s has been providing lodging and vacations on Priest Lake. See ad, page 42. HillsResort.com Pend Oreille Shores Resort 47390 Hwy. 200, Hope, 2645828. Fully furnished condos on Lake Pend Oreille. Full-service athletic club with indoor pool, racquetball. Boat moorage. See ad, page 79. POSResort.com Schweitzer Mountain Resort 11 miles from Sandpoint, 800-831-8810, 263-9555 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Lodging packages, dining, hiking, biking, horseback riding, chairlift rides. See ad, inside back cover. Schweitzer.com SPA & STOVE Mountain Spa & Stove 1225 Michigan, 263-0582 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Featuring spas and saunas, stoves and fireplaces, furnaces and boilers for your home, garage, shop or barn. See ad,
page 179. MountainStove.com SPORTING EQUIPMENT Outdoor Experience 263-6028 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Quality equipment and clothing for outdoor enthusiasts. Kayak and bike rentals and sales. See ad, page 79. OutdoorExperience.us SPECIALTY FOODS Flying Fish Company 255-5837 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The finest selection of fresh and frozen seafood in North Idaho. Open Wednesdays and Fridays year-round. See ad, page 46. FlyingFishCo.com The Smoke House Hwy. 95 at south end of Long Bridge, 263-6312 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Smoked fish, meat, poultry, â&#x20AC;&#x153;worldfamous jerky.â&#x20AC;? Fine wines, imported beers and local products in our delicatessen. Winter Ridge Natural Foods Market 265-8135 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Organic produce, natural and organic meats, organic coffee and juice bar. Deli, bulk foods, supplements, homeopathic medicines and literature. See ad, page 45. WinterRidgeFoods.com VACATION RENTALS Lakeshore Mountain Management 264-5300, 888-708-3300 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; From Lake Pend Oreille to
Schweitzer, the perfect vacation rentals for everyone. Variety of accommodations for all seasons. NorthIdahoRentals.com Sandpoint Vacation Rentals 263-7570 or 866-263-7570 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Offering a variety of fully furnished accommodations in the Sandpoint area, up at Schweitzer Resort, and on beautiful Lake Pend Oreille. See ad, page 18. Sandpoint VacationRentals.com Sandpoint Waterfront Vacations 402 Sandpoint Ave., 5971574 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Come spoil yourself at the Seasons at Sandpoint. Marina and beachfront, many amenities, concierge services, deluxe spa, and free shuttle to Schweitzer. See ad, page 68. SandpointWaterfrontVacations.com Sleepâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cabins Lakeshore Drive, 255-2122 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Six historic log and bungalow cabins on beautiful Lake Pend Oreille. Sleeps 4-12. See ad, page 58. SleepsCabins.com
Vacationville 109B N. 1st Ave., 255-7074, 877-255-7074 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Sandpointâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s oldest vacation rental company. Specializing in vacation rentals on the lake, the mountain and the city. See ad, page 20. Vacationville.com VETERINARIAN North Idaho Animal Hospital 320 S. Ella Ave., 265-5700 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Safety, skill and compassion are the cornerstones of our practice. We strive to continually celebrate the human-animal bond. See ad page 149. IdahoVet.com WINE Pend dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Oreille Winery 220 Cedar St., 265-8545 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Tastings, tours and retail sales of our award-winning wines. Expanded gift and wine shop. Open daily. See ad, page 121. POWine.com
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Back to the Middle Ages ’Round here, it’s the Shire of Pendale
Story and photos by Sherry Ramsey From left: The king and queen of An Tir are crowned in an SCA living history event at Farragut State Park in 2007. “Knights” battle in hand-tohand competition.
w w w. s a n d p o i n t o n l i n e . c o m
hat would it be like to live in medieval times with knights, Vikings, kings and queens? The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is an organization that studies and re-creates the clothing, workmanship and practices of the Middle Ages. It’s more than 30,000 strong and has members in countries all over the world. Chapters hold event weekends such as coronations, where battles are fought and period knowledge is shared. At these events, ladies in long dresses walk through the encampment and drink from pewter goblets. Men dress in tunics and mill around drinking from tankards. They address each other as “m’lady” or “m’lord.” The period clothing ranges from barbarian to Renaissance. Some embrace their Italian or Japanese heritage, others wear Scottish or Irish kilts, and many choose a Viking persona. Domed pavilions are scattered around the makeshift village and give the feel of stepping back in time. Piles of furs are heaped inside “tents” to be used as blankets or worn as cloaks in the chill evenings. One impressive camp is set by Lord Weezil of the Shire of Pendale, a Burlington Northern worker by trade and SCA player by weekend. Bottles made from animal skins hang from his small pavil-
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ion with deer and bear hides adorning his “bed.” A tripod sits outside, keeping his edibles out of reach of animals. He also has a handmade suit of armor on hand. Children flock to Lord Weezil’s camp to make jewelry – rings pounded from copper pipes that look quite authentic. Do you believe you live in Sandpoint? Nay, you Saxons. If you live in Bonner or Boundary counties, you reside in the Shire of Pendale. Those in Kootenai, Shoshone or Benewah counties live in the Canton of Silverhart. Spokane County is known as the Barony of Wealdsmere. All of these lie within the Kingdom of An Tir (pronounced on-teer). At the Coronation at Farragut State Park last July, the crown prince, Tiernan Mor Dal Cais, known by some as Todd Brothers from Vancouver, Wash., was crowned the new king of An Tir. Battles were fought; fencers faced off; archers and weapon throwers competed. Merchants sold their wares, and some taught their crafts. SCA members have many different talents, and most enjoy showing them to newcomers. There are leather workers, costume makers, ale brewers, and those
who craft jewelry by hand. You can find a blacksmith in most camps by the “ping! ping! ping!” ringing through the air with every strike of the anvil. At Defender of the Hart, it was Raegnarr at the forge, otherwise known as Mike from Sagle. Raegnarr’s grandfather was a blacksmith as was his grandfather. When he started playing in the SCA, he knew he wanted to be a Viking and chose his SCA name from a Web site of Viking names. He is currently working on making himself a set of armor, so he can compete in the battles. Perhaps the members of the SCA are best described by singer Leslie Fish in an excerpt from her song “True Story.” We’re just harmless historical nuts Who wear boilerplate on our butts Who dress up in clothes from the 12th century To bash on each other with sticks and debris … Harmless historical nuts!
ON ATTENDING SCA EVENTS The SCA encourages all visitors to get into the spirit of the day: Wear sandals and a tunic for men or long dresses for women; bring or purchase a goblet from a merchant to drink your beverages from; and park modern vehicles out of sight. SCA events this summer: May 23-26, Celtic Revolt, Farragut State Park; July 25-27, Champions’ Tournament, Coeur d’Alene; Aug. 1-3, Pendale Championships, Sandpoint; and Sept. 19-21, Border War, Spokane, Wash. For more information, go to www.inlandregion.org/pendale.
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