Redeveloping the Modern Highway Framework

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Abstract The current highway framework is detrimental to society. The current system results in a million animal deaths each day and a billion dollars spent annually in property damage from vehicle/wildlife collisions (Beko ). Over 2.2 million acres of land are wasted as mowed medians. 14,750 interchanges tangle through our ci es and country sides (milesurfer). Furthermore, the current highway system is designed for the internal combus ble engine, which is severely outdated. In order to progress into a be er future, America’s highway system needs an overhaul. A more sensi ve highway will bene cially use land within the right of way. From produc ve medians to mul -use interchanges, the new framework will be more ecologically and environmentally sensi ve. Wildlife crossings will reconnect habitats and migratory routes. Electric vehicle infrastructure allows independence from gasoline powered vehicles. This proposal redevelops Southern Indiana’s highway 37 into the model for the future highway.

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Acknowledgments This project is dedicated to my professors Chris Marlow, John Motloch, and Burcu Yigit Turan for their guidance and advice; to my advisor, Cindy McHone for her irreplaceable advice; to my friends for their support; to my roommates Derrek Fields and Drew Ho man for their support and mo va on; to my family for their support and for ac ng like they understood all that I have been talking about for the last year; and nally, to my ancĂŠ Charlsie Sexson for her undying support and understanding of this me-consuming project.

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Review of Literature 1.1 Existing highway framework ecological and environmental impacts 1.2 Amenities and infrastructure for an electric vehicle framework 1.3 Benefits from a more sensitive highway framework 1.4 Guidelines for a new highway framework and highway 37

10 13 17 19

Problem and Its Setting 2.1 Problem Statement 2.2 Subproblems 2.3 Hypothesis 2.4 Delimitations 2.5 Definitions 2.6 Assumptions 2.7 Significance 2.8 Mission Statement 2.9 Goals and Objectives

28 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31

Case Studies 3.1 Highway 93 3.2 Paris Lexington Road 3.3 Parc Des Buttes Chaumont

34 36 38

A New Framework 4.1 Location 4.2 Right of Way Landuse 4.3 Wildlife Crossings 4.4 Driving Experience 4.5 Informative Signage

42 44 46 52 54

The Interchange 5.1 Location 5.2 Site Imagery 5.3 History 5.4 Inventory 5.5 Analysis 5.6 Design Elements 5.7 Design Concepts 5.8 Procedure Diagrams 5.9 Master Plan 5.10 Perspectives 5.11 Sections 5.12 Wetland Rest Area

58 60 63 64 69 70 74 76 78 82 85 90

End Use 98 100 104 106

Appendices 7.1 A: List of Figures 7.2 B: Design Considerations 7.3 C: Schedule 7.4 D: Bibliography 7.5 E: Methodologies

110 112 113 114 116


6.1 End Use 6.2 Deconstruction 6.3 Reconnecting Habitats 6.4 Conclusion



I’ve seen every highway in the United States, and they all look alike to me


– Lore a Lynn

The current highway system is one of monotony, tangled interchanges, and intrusion into the natural landscape. For too long, highways have been designed in a “one size ts all” mindset. The modern highway does not re ect the character of the land through which it passes. Hills are torn down and valleys lled to accommodate the most convenient route from each des na on. The resul ng form resembles a massive scar across the land. These highways tear wildlife habitats and migratory routes apart, forcing wildlife to desperately cross amidst speeding tra c.

This proposal looks to alleviate these problems. From a more sensi ve highway framework can come bene cial changes to society. From the economic bene ts of a billion dollars saved from human/wildlife collisions to the reclama on of the more than 2.2 million acres of land presently used as mowed turf medians, incen ves are present for a redeveloped highway framework (Beko ). The new framework will be one that is a visitor, rather than an intruder, to the land.

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Figure i.i | Hills are removed to make room for highways

Figure i.ii | Interchanges take up large swaths of “unusable land�

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Review of Literature Problem and Its Setting Case Studies A New Framework The Interchange End Use Appendices

Existing highway framework ecological and environmental impacts The current condi on of the exis ng highway system is one of li le regards to the environment. From wide, mowed turf medians to sweeping acre consuming interchanges, the current system is subpar in its land use. For example, of the 46,726 miles of interstate in the United States (FHWA), the average median width is 60-90 feet (ITE 178). If urban interstates are removed from this gure, an es mated 40,000 miles can be considered to have a turf median. At a conserva ve 60 feet width, then 290,909 acres of land are currently unusable. This factor only takes in the medians without regards to the land between the travel lanes and the edge of the right of way. A typical right of way for a rural freeway is 200 to 250 feet (ITE 178). This includes a 40-50 foot bu er from the edge of pavement to edge of right of way (ITE 178). If this land is assumed to also be mowed turf, than an addi onal 387,878 acres can be added for a total of 678,788 acres of currently unusable land. In actuality, this number is larger due to the irregulari es in median and right of way widths. Freeway right of ways can reach 375 feet with 150 or greater median widths (ITE 178). Also, these gures are only taking federal interstates into considera on. Divided state and federal highways also feature mowed bu ers and medians. For instance, there are 12,000 miles of highways in Indiana alone (INDOT). With 1,169 of those miles being interstate, a large por on of highway miles are in the form of state highways (TRIP). If one assumes just a quarter of these are divided highways, then an es mated 65,786 acres of land in Indiana are used up in the medians and bu ers in the right of ways of interstates and divided highways. Of this gure, only thirty percent is interstate land. If this percentage is considered to be typical and then applied on a na onal scale, then an es mated 2,262,627 acres of land are used up as medians and 10 | A New Highway Framework

bu ers in the United States. This is equivalent to roughly a tenth of the total land area of the state of Indiana (netstate). This es mate is most likely much less than the actual quan ty of land consumed by turf medians and bu ers. Nevertheless, it a ests to the fact that the exis ng highway framework is in dire need of being redesigned. In a world that faces overcrowding and food shortages, any available le over space should be u lized for u litarian purposes. Reprogramming this space to allow for more bene cial land uses will be a daun ng challenge. However, some leaders in the eld have begun to hypothesize ways in which these areas can be reprogrammed for more bene cial uses. However, medians and bu ers are not the major land consuming factor in highway design. A por on of this land is necessary for safety purposes, albeit not in the current quan ty. The culprit lies in the form of interchanges. There are an es mated 14,750 interchanges in the United States (milesurfer). Freeway interchanges can take up a large number of acres. According to Lawrence Halprin, a typical rural highway interchange can be as li le as 50 acres to as large as 150 acres in size (Halprin 34). The land between o and on ramps presents the greatest opportunity for redevelopment. First o , interchanges should be designed to take up the least amount of land possible. However, there will inevitably be land that is seemingly cut o from the surrounding land uses. Programming these spaces for either service or recrea onal purposes poses the most value. Another factor to consider in the impacts of the current highway system is the e ect on wildlife. Highways act as barriers between animal habitats and migratory pa erns. In the event of a physical confronta on between wildlife and vehicle, the resul ng incident is usually fatal for the animal. In the ar cle, No More Road Kill, Harvard landscape ecologist Richard Forman states that even Kyle E. Rader | 11

though roads in the United States only cover a percent of the physical landscape, their true ecological impact is es mated at 20 percent (Robbins 33). Every day, one million animals are killed on the current highway system. It is es mated that .5 to 1.5 million deer alone are killed annually in the United States by motor vehicles. This equates to a billion dollars spent in property damage each year from animal/vehicular impacts. These impacts leave 200 dead annually, with another 29,000 injured (Beko ). If the number of animals killed annually was not enough to merit a response then the addi on of personal injury and capital loss solidi es the argument warran ng wildlife crossings. Interstate 90 in the state of Washington has implemented several wildlife crossings to curb the number of animals killed each year. Another example is the Trans-Canada Highway, which intersects Ban Na onal Park in Alberta, Canada. 27 wildlife crossing were constructed. Since the implementa on, a reduc on of 80 percent in animal deaths was documented. The project spanned 27 miles and cost 80 million dollars (Robbins 32-35). Applying this percentage to the amount of money spent each year in property damages means that a poten al 800 million dollars could be spent elsewhere if wildlife crossings were implemented. The ini al cost of installing such crossings would be quickly negated by the fact that hundreds of millions of dollars could be saved each year. Furthermore, the value of lives saved, both animal and human, cannot be trivialized with a monetary value. These gures give credibility to the fact that the current highway system is ecologically irresponsible and actually poses a threat to the safety and well-being of both wildlife and humans.

Amenities and infrastructure for an electric vehicle framework 12 | A New Highway Framework

With more advoca on for reduced dependence on oil, electric vehicles have begun to make advances into the American car market. The thought of being able to travel to and from work on a daily basis without using a drop of gasoline is a promising one. However, one major hurdle in the path to a na on of electric vehicles is the concern of the vehicle’s range.

The new highway framework,

in order to be successful and worthwhile, must look beyond gasoline powered vehicles and foresee a future in which electric vehicles are the predominant method of transporta on. Therefore, in order to design a successful framework, the infrastructure required to sustain electric vehicles must rst be understood. Only then can the technology be applied to the framework in an assiduous and delicate manner. Currently, the average range for an electric vehicle is around 100 miles (Decker). This is perfectly suitable for day to day driving, as the average American only drives 40 miles a day (RITA). Since electric cars can be charged at home while the user sleeps, this cons tutes no problem. However, the challenge comes when one wants to exceed the 100 mile range, say on vaca on or a long business commute. Several op ons such as electric vehicle quick charge sta ons, ba ery swapping sta ons, and electromagne c induc on have been proposed to address this problem. The rst step to electric vehicle infrastructure is the charging sta on. There are various levels of charging sta ons, ranging from level one to level three. Level one charging u lizes a common 120 volt outlet such as the ones found in residen al homes. This is bene cial due to the fact that no new infrastructure is needed in one’s home in order to u lize this kind of charger. However, since it is only using a 120 volt, charging mes vary in the 8 to 14 hour range. While an eight hour charging me would be su cient for one charging the vehicle Kyle E. Rader | 13

over night, this would not be su cient for charging sta ons located on highways for travelers. Wai ng eight hours every 100 or so miles would severely hinder traveling long distances. In order to hasten the charging me, a level two charger can also be used in residen al situa ons. A level two charger runs o of a 240 volt circuit. This is the same circuit that household laundry washers use. By using this system, a full charge can be accomplished in 4 to 6 hours, or roughly twice as fast as the level one system. This begins to be a viable solu on to charging the electric vehicle’s ba ery, as one could achieve a par al recharge while doing some a ernoon shopping for a couple of hours at a shopping center. Also, if one commutes 30 miles to work and then allows the vehicle to charge during the work day at a charging sta on located at the business’s parking lot, that commuter will leave work with a charged vehicle. The third level is also referred to as quick charging. This system u lizes a high voltage of a 480 volt circuit. With this type of charger, a complete charge can be achieved in a ma er of minutes. This system shows the most poten al for charging sta ons located adjacent to the na on’s highways. Travelers can stop and recharge their electric vehicle while grabbing a bite to eat or taking a few minutes to stretch and stroll. The California Air Resource board has recently set the goal for quick charging sta ons to be able to recharge a ba ery to 80 percent capacity in just 10 minutes (Adams). Another solu on to the problem of me consuming ba ery charging is to just do away with recharging and simply swap out the ba eries at a sta on in less me than it takes to re ll a gasoline tank. Shai Agassi has created a company called Be er Place to develop a grid of electric vehicle ba ery swapping sta ons. These will be prototyped in Israel before being extended to places such as 14 | A New Highway Framework

Australia, Denmark, and California (Squatriglia). The premise is that in addi on to EV quick charge sta ons, ba ery swapping sta ons dot the landscape replacing gas sta ons. Be er Place has developed a system in which the car, user, and electric company engage in communica on in order to create a smart electric vehicle infrastructure. It all starts from residen al chargers which communicate with a special key chain that tells when the car is charged. Then, while driving, the car analyzes the route and guesses the loca on. The user responds, and the car determines the amount of energy needed to get there. Once to the des na on, the car talks to the grid and nds nearby open parking spaces with chargers. If one has to travel beyond the current range of the ba ery, a swap sta on will be located. The whole system will be set up to mirror the cell phone payment plan. One would choose a provider, and then purchase a mileage plan. Instead of minutes, one pays for miles. One would pull into a stall similar to a car wash and the ba ery would be pulled out and replaced with a new one automa cally. The spent ba eries can then be recharged and stockpiled for other customers. In this system, the consumer does not actually own the ba ery, but merely rents them through the payment plan (Roth). This op on starts to provide a feasible plan for an electric vehicle infrastructure that would allow one to travel long distances. A few disadvantages start to be foreseen with this system. First o , crea ng such a system costs money. Secondly, if gasoline powered vehicles are being used in tandem with this new system, then land will need to be allocated for these ba ery swapping sta ons. In such a system, gas sta ons and ba ery swapping sta ons would dot the landscape. However, if these were implemented as gas sta ons are phased out, then exis ng gas sta ons could be redeveloped into swapping sta ons. This would negate the need for new development. The third op on is the most radical. The electromagne c induc on system Kyle E. Rader | 15

places a high voltage cable into the roadway that recharges the car as it is driving. In this system, one would never have to worry about running out of charge, as the vehicle is constantly charging. Ingenieurgesellscha Auto und Verkehr (IAV) is an engineering company working on such a system. Below is a statement that describes the process: Through this principle, IAV is pushing towards a future where roadways would be ed with buried electrical conductors to generate a magne c eld, while the oorpan of the electric car would be ed with their counterpart, a non-contac ng induc ve pickup. This would allow current to be induced to provide power for the vehicle while it is in mo on, or stockpiled un l the ba ery is fully charged when the vehicle is parked. Electromagne c induc on also has the bene ts of being insensi ve to weather condi ons and free of mechanical wear. (Quick) Essen ally, a magne c eld created between the cable in the road and the oor of the car allows the energy to be transferred to the ba ery. Therefore, the car is able to charge without having physical contact with the cable. Besides being in the highway, these cables could also be placed in parking lots to charge the vehicle remotely while it is parked. With this system, highways can be more than lanes of asphalt, but a high-tech system powering our transporta on. The u liza on of these technologies will allow electric vehicles to become mainstream and move past just being a novelty. With consumer anxiety of ba ery range limits negated by the use of swapping sta ons or electromagne c induc on, the possibility of an electric America is promising. Charging sta ons o er the best poten al for quick implementa on. These could be the main source of infrastructure while gasoline powered vehicles are phased out. As gas sta ons no longer serve a purpose, then swapping sta ons could be built at these now vacant lots. This would begin to create a smooth transi on between the two technologies. Lastly, as roadways become outdated and need resurfacing, electromagne c induc on cables could be placed into the highway. Programming 16 | A New Highway Framework

electric vehicle infrastructure into the new highway framework is more than just a good idea, it is a necessity.

Benefits from a more sensitive highway framework As was seen earlier, the current highway framework is excessive in its land use and detrimental to wildlife. The rst step in crea ng a more sensi ve highway framework is to reprogram the right of way. Center medians do not need to be 150 feet across, or even 60 feet (ITE 178). Bu ers between the driving lanes and edge of right of way can also be minimized. However, public safety must be taken into account. With that said, u lizing wide turf covered medians is not the environmentally sensi ve solu on. No large tree should be planted directly adjacent to the driving lanes, but at what point is it safe? No ma er the distance from the road that an object is placed, there is s ll a chance of it causing damage. Driver error is the problem, not the infrastructure. That said, one must design with driver error in mind. However, at what point does concern for safety severely hinder design opportuni es? A balance must be made between the two. Transforming exis ng medians into bene cial and produc ve land uses is promising. Abbey discusses various uses that a right of way could entail. He envisions agricultural uses such as foresta on, crop plan ng, orchards, or even grazing. Also, in larger areas such as the center of cloverleaf o /on ramps, he proposes placing service industries such as police or emergency sta ons (Abbey 25-26). Using these areas for uses such as food produc on allow highways to bene t society. With a billion hungry people in this world, it makes sense to boost food produc on (Worldhunger). This is excep onally viable in Indiana. As can be seen in all parts of the state, agriculture is a large part of Indiana. Orchards would not only add to food produc on, but also help negate the e ects of the current Kyle E. Rader | 17

carbon dioxide emi ng society. Apple trees are grown in all 50 states. Also, an average apple tree produces 20 bushels of apples (Apple). For normal sized apple trees, a tree per acre density of 60-80 can be achieved (Sarfaraz). Applying these gures to the es mated acreage of medians used earlier, then 3.6 trillion bushels of apples could be hypothe cally grown in the exis ng highway framework. Of course this gure would not be as high is reality, as various land uses will be programmed. However, it does show that by simply reprogramming currently useless space, the highway framework could help to curb serious problems such as world hunger. Also, using the non-driving lane areas of right of ways for foresta on or habitat restora on is also promising. This is excep onally viable in Indiana, as only 4.4 million acres of the original 20 million acres of forest is le (Our Land). Any chance to provide addi onal woodland in Indiana should be capitalized as most of the original forest has been cleared for agriculture and development. Also, plan ng trees along the driving lanes can help to sequester the carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles. This would allow the highway framework to e ec vely help clean the environment, rather than pollute it. Through this, the new highway framework can be more environmentally responsible. Furthermore, redesigning the current highway framework to include wildlife crossings creates bene ts in the areas of decreasing wildlife and human death, reconnec ng habitats, and decreasing property damage. Besides crea ng ecological bene ts, wildlife crossings also create economical bene ts. With one billion dollars spent every year repairing vehicles from collisions with wildlife, it is logical to push for guidelines requiring wildlife crossings on interstate and divided highways (Robbins 33). This will be especially necessary on highway 37, as it passes through several rural areas in Monroe and Lawrence coun es. In 18 | A New Highway Framework

a na on with an inconceivable na onal de cit, losing a billion dollars annually to something that can be, if not prevented, lessoned is unacceptable. Losing money is one thing, but saving the lives of some of the 200 people that die a year due to animal collisions should be reason enough (Beko ). By designing a new highway framework, a poten al of 200 people would be saved and 29,000 would not be injured from vehicle/animal collisions (Beko ).

Saving humans

from injury is a great bene t, but also saving millions of lives of wildlife should also be considered. In a world where humans have decimated wildlife habitat through urban sprawl and agricultural development, any chance to alleviate this problem should be pursued. Furthermore, crea ng wildlife crossings not only reduces collisions, but it also reconnects habitat and migra on routes. In this way, humans and animals can begin to live in greater harmony, one that has not been seen since the development of modern roadways. These bene ts from a redesigned highway framework are not merely trivial, but rather provide basis for why the current highway framework needs to be redeveloped. The ecological and environmental bene ts are substan al. From saved lives, both human and animal, to the reconnec on of habitats, the call for a new framework is strong. If nothing else, the current highway system has been designed for the gasoline engine. As electric vehicles and other new technologies present themselves, the infrastructure needs to evolve. The infrastructure for the gasoline powered automobile is not necessarily the best t for these new technologies. As one evolves, so should the other.

Guidelines for a new highway framework and Highway 37 With ecological, environmental, technological, and economic reasons Kyle E. Rader | 19

for redesigning the current highway framework guidelines discussed, the next ques on is what form will these guidelines take? First and foremost, right of way guidelines will need to be redeveloped. With that, highway interchange forms that require the least amount of land will be standard. Interchanges such as those of the diamond variety and even some par al cloverleaf are ideal (ITE 180-181). Those of the diamond variety u lize the smallest amount of land. A par al cloverleaf, with all access to one side of the secondary street, uses just half of the land that a standard cloverleaf does. However, interchanges of the T and Y variety should be avoided as they consume large amounts of land (ITE 182). Furthermore, medians and bu ers will be reprogrammed to include a variety of land uses, from agricultural based to municipal. Highway 93 in Montana has recently been redesigned to be a more ecologically friendly highway with the addi on of wildlife crossings and a more sensi ve layout regarding the land. Jones and Jones of Sea le, Washington were in charge of the design. We at Jones & Jones proposed an unorthodox idea: step beyond the tradi onal “level of service” road-building approach, which focuses on simply adding lanes. Instead, reconstruct the highway as a respec ul visitor to the land. In other words, look at the land rst and then nd ways to t the road to the land. This approach would confer several bene ts. By focusing on ways the land can shape the road, which cut a virtually straight swath through the countryside, we could respect the way of life in rural towns along its route and restore fragmented habitat corridors through a “permeable highway” (Jones). This idea of a “permeable highway” is very intriguing (Jones). Currently, highways do present themselves as barriers that sec on o the land. By reenvisioning the highway as not a dominate structure in the landscape, but rather a non-intrusive and bene cial addi on, a sense of balance and harmony can be achieved. For this project, Jones and Jones developed four types of wildlife 20 | A New Highway Framework

crossings. The rst of which is small box culvert four feet high by six feet wide designed for rodents, amphibians, and deer. The second is a larger arch culvert 10 feet high by 22 feet wide that allows deer, elk, and bears cross under the highway. Open spanned bridges over streams were designed with enough clearance on either side of the water’s edge for animals to travel freely. Lastly, one overcrossing (land bridge) was placed over the highway. This essen ally places a lid over the highway and is covered in na ve vegeta on (Jones). Wildlife crossing such as these will be implemented in the new highway framework. Such crossings will be located in areas where the exis ng highway has severed wildlife habitat. The highway was also redesigned to t more sensibly into the land. Cut and ll was limited through careful horizontal and ver cal road layout. Instead of cu ng straight through the landscape, the highway now bends around hills and follows the contours of the land. Where cut and ll was necessary, slopes were reshaped to appear natural (Jones). Learning from Jones and Jones example is especially important for Highway 37 as the por on through Monroe and Lawrence coun es features very hilly topography. Highway 93 is a great example of what Highway 37 in southern Indiana should emulate. With high deer popula ons in Lawrence and Monroe County, crea ng these crossings will decrease mortali es rates and reconnect habitat routes. Furthermore, these two coun es are hilly in nature, and the current highway framework u lizes cut and ll extensively. Reshaping the highway to the landscape will create a more sensi ve structure that begins to become a “permeable highway” (Jones). As discussed earlier, the land used up by highway interchanges present the possibility for various land uses. There is no reason why this land has to con nue to be unusable. Presently, the majority of these spaces is mowed turf Kyle E. Rader | 21

areas or, at best, planted with a few trees. Why can these spaces not be adorned with artwork, municipal features, or even wind/solar generators? Even more, why can these spaces not become an area for one to stop and wander around a park within these interchanges that features electric vehicle quick charging sta ons? Access ramps can be designed with slow enough speeds that safety is not compromised as one is entering or exi ng. An example of highway land being converted into a public park is that of a highway reten on basin in Arizona being transformed into a dog park (Hill 112). The Cosmo Dog Park takes a mundane municipal infrastructure and turns it into a public space with stormwater func ons. Therefore, learning from the precedent, it is possible to create public spaces out of highway right of ways. Another aspect to consider is that of the ver cality of the right of way. If the highway right of way is 100 feet across, does this necessarily mean that the highway is 100 feet across 20 feet above grade? Can aspects from surrounding land uses begin to converge on the right of way above the exis ng framework? This would begin to create even more permeability to the new highway framework as di erent structures stretch out over the right of way. In Vancouver, Jones & Jones created a land bridge for people as they created one for animals in Montana. It is more than just a pedestrian crossing, but rather an extension of the surrounding landscape over the right of way. As Johnpaul Jones, partner of Jones & Jones, states: “We grabbed the prairie and pulled it over the highway� (Enlow 91). From this project come ques ons. Just how can this new framework be designed in order for highways to just not merely cut through land uses, but instead weave in and out of adjacent uses horizontally and ver cally? Do areas of land start to be pulled over and lengths of highway sunk to accommodate other uses above? Weaving the highway through, over, and below the landscape allows 22 | A New Highway Framework

this new framework to reconnect previously severed land areas. Wildlife corridors can be reunited. Park systems can be reconnected. Waterfronts no longer have to be disconnected from the urban centers of large ci es. By studying these projects that start to convey principles for a new framework, clues can be uncovered to just what this new highway framework will entail. However, while these projects are a step in the right direc on, the envelope needs to be pushed farther. The current highway system must be redesigned from the bo om up. Only then can a new ecologically and environmentally sensi ve and technologically innova ve highway framework be designed.

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Works Cited Abbey, Lester. Highways: an Architectural Approach. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1992. Print. Adams, Noel. “The Reality of Fast Charging.” Evworld. 27 Mar. 2009. Web. 02 Nov. 2010. “Apple Facts - Apples and More - University of Illinois Extension.” University of Illinois Extension-Urban Programs Resource Network - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Web. 01 Nov. 2010. Beko , Marc. “Animals and Cars: One Million Animals Are Killed on Our Roads Every Day |Psychology Today.” Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness Find a Therapist. Web. 18 Oct. 2010. Bureau of Transporta on Sta s cs . “Daily Passenger Travel.” RITA | Bureau of Transporta on Sta s cs (BTS). Web. 02 Nov. 2010. Decker, Kris De. “The Status Quo of Electric Cars: Be er Ba eries, Same Range.” Energy Bulle n. May 2010. Web. 29 Oct. 2010. Enlow, Clair. “Prairie Crossing.” Landscape Architecture 99.2 (2009): 90-95. Print. Halprin, Lawrence. Freeways. New York: Reinhold Pub., 1966. Print. Hill, Rachel. “To the Dogs.” Landscape Architecture 98.6 (2008): 112-19. Print. Indiana Department of Transporta on. Home. Web. 17 Oct. 2010. Indiana Geography from NETSTATE. 50 States - Capitals, Maps, Geography, State Symbols, State Facts, Songs, History, Famous People from NETSTATE. COM. Web. 17 Oct. 2010. Ins tute of Transporta on Engineers. Tra c Engineering Handbook. Fourth Edi on. Ed. James L. Pline. Englewood Cli s, New Jersey: Pren ce-Hall, 1992. Print. “Interstate Highway Trivia.” Milesurfer Home. Web. 18 Oct. 2010. 24 | A New Highway Framework

“Interstate System - Design - FHWA.” Federal Highway Administra on: Home. Web. 17 Oct. 2010. Jones, Grant, Cory Parker, and Charlie Sco . “Designing America’s Wildlife Highway: Montana’s U.S. Highway 93.” EXtension - Objec ve. Researchbased. Credible. 29 Mar. 2010. Web. 02 Nov. 2010. “Our Land, Our Literature: Environment - Deforesta on.” Web. 21 Nov. 2010. Quick, Darren. “Drawing Power from the Road.” Gizmag | New and Emerging Technology News. 1 Oct. 2009. Web. 29 Oct. 2010 Robbins, Elaine. “No More Road Kill?.” Planning 69.2 (2003): 32. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 30 Sept. 2010. Roth, Daniel. “Driven: Shai Agassi’s Audacious Plan to Put Electric Cars on the Road.” Wired News. 18 Aug. 2008. Web. 30 Oct. 2010 Sarfaraz, Irum. “How Many Apple Trees Do I Plant Per Acre? |” EHow | How To Do Just About Everything! | How To Videos & Ar cles. Web. 01 Nov. 2010. Squatriglia, Chuck. “Be er Place Unveils an Electric Car Ba ery Swap Sta on.” Wired News. 13 May 2009. Web. 30 Oct. 2010. TRIP. Web. 17 Oct. 2010. World Hunger Educa on Service. “Global Issues: World Hunger and Poverty Facts and Sta s cs 2010.” World Hunger Notes. Homepage. Web. 31 Oct. 2010.

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Review of Literature

Problem and Its Setting Case Studies A New Framework The Interchange End Use Appendices

Problem Statement This research explored the ecological and environmental impacts regarding wildlife, land use, and landscape character of the current highway framework in the United States. Focus was primarily on interstates and divided highways in Indiana. Bene ts of a more environmentally sensi ve highway framework were determined. Electric vehicle infrastructure was explored as part of the new framework. The research developed guidelines for a new na onal highway framework, and applied those guidelines to a speci c interchange of highway 37 in southern Indiana.

Subproblems What are the ecological and environmental impacts regarding wildlife, land use, and landscape character of our exis ng highway framework? What ecological and environmental bene ts can arise from a more sensi ve highway framework? What ameni es and infrastructure are needed for an electric vehicle framework? What are the guidelines for a new highway framework? What will this new model for highway 37 look like?

Hypothesis •

The new highway framework includes reprogramming right of ways and crea ng wildlife crossings in order to create a more ecologically and environmentally sensi ve infrastructure.

The implementa on of wildlife crossings dras cally reduces the amount of related vehicle/wildlife collisions.

The addi on of electric vehicle infrastructure in the new highway framework increases the use of electric vehicles.

28 | A New Highway Framework

Delimitations •

Guidelines will only address divided highways in Indiana

Project will not consider future technologies beyond electric/hydrogen vehicles and infrastructure

Project will not provide a maintenance plan for interchange park

Project will not move current loca on of exis ng highways

Project will not include public input

Definitions •

Highway framework: The system of roads, u li es, and other infrastructure that envelops the

physical character of the right of way.

Right of way: The physical boundaries of land that is regimented for a highway.

Highway interchange: The area of land that contains the intersec on of two or more highways and the corresponding access ramps

Electric vehicle quick charge (EVQC) system: the infrastructure required for recharging an electric vehicle through a physical plug-in

Ba ery swapping sta on: The infrastructure that removes a spent ba ery from an electric vehicle and replaces it with a fresh one

Wildlife crossing: the area of land enveloping the physical infrastructure that allows wildlife to cross over or under a highway right of way

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Assumptions •

Highway system is to be redesigned

Interchange for project site has been cleared to be redesigned

Funding for site is to come from INDOT and the city of Bloomington

Significance The modern highway no longer re ects the character of the surrounding landscape. Instead of moving with the land, hills are cut through and valleys lled to accommodate these rivers of asphalt. Through this, the exis ng highway framework also is a hindrance to our wildlife. Highways cut through natural wildlife corridors, segrega ng habitats and bisec ng migra on routes. They are a factor in numerous human and animal deaths every year.

Finally, with

modern right of ways and medians, a signi cant amount of land is wasted that could be allocated for more important uses. Acres and acres of land that could be used for agriculture is being wasted as a mowed bu er between lanes of tra c. Furthermore, with a push to electric vehicles, does our current highway system re ect the best designs for this new mode of tra c? Perhaps our current model is too primi ve for this new technology. An overhaul of our tra c framework is needed.

30 | A New Highway Framework

Mission Statement Create a more ecologically and environmentally sensi ve highway framework that posi vely addresses the issues of landuse, wildlife safety, and landscape character.

Site Goals and Objectives Goal: Create a more environmentally sensi ve highway 37 Objective: Provide land bridges for wildlife crossings Objective: Create underpasses for wildlife where highway has lled in natural valleys

Objective: Incorporate produc ve landuses in right of ways Goal: Create a func onal space within the land encompassing the Highway 37 and Highway 46 interchange

Objective: Create a public park within the highway right of way Objective: Provide parking with electric vehicle ameni es Objective: Create a safe, usable environment for the public that takes inspira on from the limestone heritage of the area

Objective: Provide mutli-modal access to the site such as pedestrian crossings and bicycle infrastructure

Kyle E. Rader | 31

Review of Literature Problem and Its Setting

Case Studies A New Framework The Interchange End Use Appendices

Case Study | Highway 93

Figure 3.1 | Highway 93

Location: Montana, US Designer: Jones and Jones The 55 mile stretch of Highway 93 in Montana was redesigned by Jones and Jones to be a “visitor” to the land. It also features 40 wildlife crossing structures. Elements drawn from this precedent include: The importance of wildlife crossings on major roadways. Wildlife crossing speci ca ons for various types of wildlife. Responding to the natural terrain of the region. Designing the highway as a “visitor” to the land rather than altering the land for the most direct route. Crea ng scenic overlooks along regionally sensi ve highways. Images courtesy of Jones and Jones 34 | A New Highway Framework

Figure 3.2 | Scenic Overlook

Figure 3.3 | Wildlife Crossing Kyle E. Rader | 35

Case Study | Paris - Lexington Road

Figure 3.4 | Paris - Lexington Road

Location: Kentucky, US Designer: Jones and Jones This 12 mile highway from Paris to Lexington, Kentucky was designed by Jones and Jones. The area is characterized by thoroughbred horse farms. Preserving the local character was of the upmost priority. Elements drawn from this precedent include: Incorpora ng local character into the design of the highway. Responding to terrain by allowing the highway to rise and fall with the rolling hills instead of cu ng and lling to create a level run. Incorpora ng regional character into the design elements such as fences, bridges, and guardrails.

Images courtesy of Jones and Jones 36 | A New Highway Framework

Figure 3.5 | Paris - Lexington Road Plan

Figure 3.6 | Regional Character

Kyle E. Rader | 37

Case Study | Parc Des Buttes Chaumont

Figure 3.7 | Temple at Buttes Chaumont

Location: Paris France Designer: Jean-Charles Adolphe Alphand This park located in Paris, France was once a gypsum and limestone quarry. Created in 1867, Parc des Bu es Chaumont’s quarry remnants create a sense of place and are displayed prominently. Elements drawn from this precedent include: Crea ng park space from an old quarry. Using industrial remnants in the design of the park. U lizing quarried rock as key landforms that can shape and de ne spaces. Celebra ng deconstruc on in the design of the park.

Images courtesy of bu 38 | A New Highway Framework

Figure 3.8 | Bridge at Buttes Chaumont

Figure 3.9 | Waterfall at Buttes Chaumont Kyle E. Rader | 39

Review of Literature Problem and Its Setting Case Studies

A New Framework The Interchange End Use Appendices


Figure 4.1 | Location Map


The site located for this new framework is Highway 37. The area in focus is located in southern Indiana in the coun es of Monroe and Lawrence. The major ci es that this stretch of highway passes through are Bloomington and Bedford.

42 | A New Highway Framework


Create Gateway into Bloomington Incorporate stormwater management as art installa ons Create social gateway -Wildlife -Educa onal demonstra on

Utilize Right of Ways -Food produc on -Water management -Environmental

Incorporate Character -Limestone -Wildlife -Terrain

Create Wildlife Crossings -Land bridges over rock cuts -Widen setbacks along streams/rivers -Culverts under raised por ons

Kyle E. Rader | 43

Right of Way Landuse Existing

Food Production

Forestry/ Wildlife


Figure 4.2 | Existing ROW Concepts

Standard cross sec on of 37, with 40 foot median featuring one large swale. Cleared bu ers are on either side of driving lanes. Majority of medians and bu ers are mowed grass. This layout hinders opportuni es for alterna ve uses as many types of plant life are unable to grow in the median. 44 | A New Highway Framework

Wasted space Mowed grass

Non intensive crops Orchards

Lumber produc on Natural corridors Small wildlife habitat

Combina on of di erent uses based on space restraints, soil types, terrain Figure 4.3 | Modified ROW Concepts

This model features two smaller swales with a raised por on within the median. This can be used when space allows as medians can be over a hundred feet wide in some areas. This model also allows for more opportuni es for landuse within the right of way. Kyle E. Rader | 45

Identifying Wildlife Crossings

Figure 4.4 | Wildlife Crossing Analysis

Wildlife crossings for Highway 37 were determined using the ve factors shown in the gure above and described on the adjoining page.

46 | A New Highway Framework

Roadways Iden fying major roadways that create the most hindrance for wildlife is the rst step to iden fying poten al wildlife crossings. Roadways with low tra c volumes may not jus fy the cost of crossing structures. Developed Areas Developed areas normally deter wildlife movement. Avoiding these areas is cri cal to the success of any major crossing structure. Smaller culvert style structures can work in these areas as small animals such as rabbits, raccoons, or squirrels live in developed areas. Agriculture Fields Agriculture provides both shelter and food for animals. With much of Indiana covered in crop elds, they also serve as a main corridor for wildlife movement.

Hydrological Systems Rivers and streams are vital to wildlife as they provide water to drink and normally undisturbed corridors for movement. Crea ng setbacks at exis ng bridges will allow safe travel for wildlife on either side of stream banks. Forested Areas Forested areas provide habitat for a wide variety of species, especially larger Indiana species such as deer, foxes, and coyotes. Monroe and Lawrence coun es s ll retain a large por on of woodlands.

Connec ng forested

areas that are adjacent to roadways will reconnect habitats and provide safe movement for larger animals which have a greater chance of causing serious injury and damage in an accident.

Kyle E. Rader | 47

Wildlife Crossings The following plans iden fy poten al wildlife crossings along Highway 37 in the coun es of Monroe and Lawrence. Nine loca ons were iden ed with the majority falling in the northern part of Lawrence

See Page 49

County. Bloomington

See Page 50


See Page 51


Figure 4.5 | Master Plan 48 | A New Highway Framework



Figure 4.6 | Bloomington Region

Kyle E. Rader | 49

Wildife Crossings

Figure 4.7 | Lake Monroe Region

50 | A New Highway Framework



Figure 4.8 | Bedford Region

Kyle E. Rader | 51

Driving Experience

Figure 4.9 | Limestone Heritage Wildlife Crossing

This land bridge concept is meant to appear as if it is a part of the exis ng hillside, mimicking the rock cut that it spans.

Figure 4.10 | Wildlife Character Crossing

This land bridge playfully uses forms of wildlife that will be crossing at a par cular loca on. In this instance, the form of a deer is used to signify their presence. 52 | A New Highway Framework

Figure 4.11 | Productive Medians

The image above shows a stretch of 37 planted with corn. Signage and Lane closures will ensure safe plan ng and harvest of produc ve medians.

Figure 4.12 | Informative Billboard

Signage informs public they are approaching a wildlife crossing. Informing the public of the bene ts of such crossings is cri cal to their success. Kyle E. Rader | 53

Informative Signage

Figure 4.13 | Raccoon Billboard

In order to inform the public about the importance of wildlife crossings, signage featuring animals giving their insight of the di cul es crossing roadways will be used. Such signage will be placed before a wildlife crossing to inform the public that they are approaching a crossing. Each billboard will feature an image of an animal that will be using the crossing and a phrase from the animal. These billboards will help to persuade the public the need for wildlife crossings. The images on these pages represent a few examples of what these billboards will look like.

54 | A New Highway Framework

Figure 4.14 | Worn Out Deer Billboard

Figure 4.15 | Baby Deer Billboard

Kyle E. Rader | 55

Review of Literature Problem and Its Setting Case Studies A New Framework

The Interchange End Use Appendices


Figure 5.1 | Site Location


The site is located on the northwest edge of Bloomington, Indiana. The primary land use east of the site is residen al. Immediately West of the site is an old limestone quarry. The land to the west of the site features agricultural plots, woodlands, and old industrial land. New residen al development has started on Highway 46 just Northwest of the site.

Presently, the site is mainly unused land. Primary users of the site are vehicles passing through on Highway 37 or 46. Some bicycle tra c can be found on the highways. The land is owned by the Indiana Department of Transporta on. To Martinsville

To Ellettsville

Residential New Residential Old Quarry

Site Old Quarry


Agriculture To Bloomington

Figure 5.2 | Site Features 58 | A New Highway Framework


37 | 46 Interchange



Figure 5.3 | Interchange N

The site is located at the interchange of Highway 37 and Highway 46 in Bloomington, Indiana. The site is approximately 60 acres in size. The site consists primarily of mowed turf medians with a few tree plan ngs in spaces between on/o ramps. Highway 37, running North/South, is the major artery of the site. It is a limited access, four lane divided highway. The speed limit is 55 mph. Highway 46 is the secondary artery on the site. Large mounds of quarried limestone block can be seen immediately west of the interchange in the image above.

Kyle E. Rader | 59

Site Imagery

A| Northwest corner from overpass

B| Northwest corner from overpass

C| 37 looking north from overpass

D| North cloverleaf from overpass

E| Southeast corner from overpass

F| Southwest cloverleaf from overpass

Figure 5.4 | Site Images

60 | A New Highway Framework

G| Southwest cloverleaf from overpass

H| South 37 from overpass

I| Looking south at southern cloverleaf

J| Looking west down 46

K| Southwest corner from overpass

L| Limestone remnants west of site Figure 5.5 | Site Images

Kyle E. Rader | 61







Figure 5.6 | Site Image Index

The gure above shows the loca ons of the site imagery on the previous pages.

62 | A New Highway Framework

History of Highway 37 Highway 37 (shown in blue) and Highway 46 (red) once intersected in downtown Bloomington.


As me progressed, both highways were moved to bypass the downtown area. 46 was moved to the north of the city while 37 ventured to the west. This created the loca on of the present day interchange in the northwest corner of Bloomington.

1986 The interchange became its present self in the 2000’s as 46 was moved accomodate more tra c to Elle sville. The modern par al cloverleaf design was created to handle increase tra c ows as Bloomington con nues to expand.

2010 Figure 5.7 | History of Interchange Kyle E. Rader | 63


Figure 5.8 | Contours

Figure 5.9 | Shaded Topography 64 | A New Highway Framework

10 ft Contours

2 ft Contours





Figure 5.10 | Watershed

The image above shows that the 37/46 interchange is located at the head of the Stouts Creek Basin watershed. This means that any stormwater runo from the site will directly a ect the watershed. Any untreated hydrocarbons and oils from automobiles could have a nega ve e ect on the area. Proper cleansing and ltering of the stormwater on site will be cri cal for the design.

Kyle E. Rader | 65

69 Proposal


t i Di t i t



omin i gton Nort rth H


North Gateway SR

South Gateway Legend


imits State Parks or Forests r und Sites rf



ed Development e Grove Road Rural Historic District




3 Miles

Figure 5.11 | 69 Proposal

The current proposal for the 69 corridor has Interstate 69 merging with Highway 37 just south of Bloomington. This merging allows for a South gateway to be created at this intersec on. Conversely, the North gateway will be located at the project site. As seen in the gure above, the areas around the site are deemed to be in lled with development. This presents the opportunity to a ract people to the site, but also creates a constraint in that development may hinder the interchange’s ability to treat stormwater runo before it a ects the watershed. A harmonious solu on will create a func onal and successful design. 66 | A New Highway Framework

Informative Diagrams

Highway Residential Industry

Figure 5.12 | Spatial Relations

Interchange and surroundings dis lled to their spa al characteris cs.

Vehicular Pedestrian Figure 5.13 | Sightlines Kyle E. Rader | 67

68 | A New Highway Framework portion

Southern remnant of quarry that Industry once existed still active on site on this

Interchange is 60 acres in size

Northern remnant of quarry that once existed on site

Grass Median

Old 46

No Median


Indiana Univeristy located just to the East


residential/ Commercial

Eastern remnant of quarry that once existed on site

site. Residen al lots reside directly east of the site. Furthermore, Indiana University is located east of the site via 46.

interchange , and to the northeast. Previous development to the west will most likely con nue to push its way towards the

The site is 60 acres in size and rests upon an old limestone quarry. Remnants of the quarry can s ll be seen the west of the

Figure 5.14 | Inventory Diagram

Rural residential

Grass Median

Secondary roadway completed while rest is undeveloped

New Development in previous agriculture


Quarry presents opportunity to use limestone as heritage linkage

69 proposal of development allows for opportunity of mixed-use but also constraint of negative environmental effects

high speeds of 69 create barrier of pedestrian movement, opportunity for crossings over and under

Being main intersection in Bloomington allows site to become gateway into city, Incorporate key features that reflect regional character

Close proximity to existing residential creates constraint Keep existing forest cover as barrier between residential and highway


Connection to IU to bring people into site


to the present development will help to draw visitors into the site, crea ng an economically viable design.

sensible design. Managing stormwater allows for opportuni es for art to be used in a func onal manner. Finally, connec ng

69 proposal’s par oning of the adjoining land allows for opportuni es to steer the poten al development towards a more

The limestone quarry remnants present an opportunity to use limestone as a regional design element. Furthermore, the

Figure 5.15 | Analysis Diagram

Being at head of watershed means all stormwater must be carefully treated, presents opportunity for art

Development allows for opportunity to draw people into site


Kyle E. Rader | 69

Design Elements

E n v i r o n m e n t a l

F o r e s t

W i l d l i f e

P u b l i c

P r i v a t e

70 | A New Highway Framework

L i m e s t o n e

H e r i t a g e

R i g h t o f W a y

V e h i c u l a r

I n t e r c h a n g e

G a t e w a y

S t o r m w a t e r

M i x e d u s e

S o c i a l

Figure 5.16 | Design Elements

Kyle E. Rader | 71

Design Elements

L i m e s t o n e S t a g e s

F o r m a t i o n

M u l e C a r t s

72 | A New Highway Framework

L a y e

r e d

L o a d e r

W e a t h e r e d

C u t t e r

Q u a r r i e d

L o a d e r

B l o c k e d

C o n v e y o r

S m o o t h e d

C r a n e

E q u i p m e n t

Figure 5.17 | Design Elements

Kyle E. Rader | 73

Design Concepts

Figure 5.18 | Concept A

This original concept focused primarily on sensibly incorpora ng the proposed development from the 69 proposal. Development would take place both north and south of the west side of the interchange (shown in purple). These would be connected by pedestrian walkways. A central gateway feature rests at the overpass, and a poten al wildlife crossing is placed at the intersec on of the stream and Highway 46 (pink circles). Views to the site are retained by compression of vegeta on (yellow arrows). Stormwater is collected and moved o site to the exis ng stream west of the interchange (blue arrow). Within the interchange, blue areas are restricted from public access and green areas are available public access. Poten al pedestrian crossings are shown as pink arrows. This concept was strong in providing public ameni es, but lacked in a cohesive stormwater management area.

74 | A New Highway Framework

Figure 5.19 | Concept B

This second concept focused on merging public access with properly managing stormwater. Development would be restricted to the north of the west side of the interchange (shown in purple). To the south is a wetland rest area that serves to not only lter stormwater but also to provide a stopping area for travelers. These would be connected by pedestrian walkways. Again the central gateway feature rests at the overpass, and a poten al wildlife crossing is placed at the intersec on of the stream and Highway 46 (pink circles). Smaller gateways are place at the north and south entrances to the interchange (small pink circles). Views to the site are retained (yellow arrows). Stormwater is collected and moved o site through the wetland rest area (blue arrow). Within the interchange, blue areas are restricted from public access and green areas are available public access. Poten al pedestrian crossings are shown as pink arrows.

Kyle E. Rader | 75

Process Diagrams

Figure 5.20 | Public Access Diagrams

The diagrams above show di erent scenarios for priority of the public areas of the site. Careful thought was given to which areas of the interchange would be accessible.

Figure 5.21 | Limestone Borders

Limestone blocks can be reused on site to create barriers between pedestrians and vehicles, and also can create a regional iden ty for the interchange.

76 | A New Highway Framework

Figure 5.22 | Gateway Sketch

This early sketch shows a poten al gateway design located at the overpass of Highway 46. This view is from the southbound lane of 37.

Figure 5.23 | Concept Plan Sketch

The gure above shows an early concept plan for the north por on of the interchange.

Kyle E. Rader | 77

Master Plan

1 3 2 4 5 6


8 9




Figure 5.24 | Master Plan

1 Mixed-use Development Area

6 Stormwater Art Feature

2 Gateway Overlook

7 Demonstra on ROW Crop Plan ngs

3 Interchange Park

8 Wetland Rest and Educa on Center

4 Wildlife Stream Undercrossing

9 Layer Plan ngs

5 Pedestrian Overpass

A new intersec on on 46 just west of the 46/37 interchange will provide access to the mixed-use area and the wetland rest area. The mixed-use area also connects into the exis ng development area (shown in red in gure 5.25). The mixed-use area provides economic viability for the site, drawing in visitors which will in turn experience the heritage and educa onal aspects of the interchange. The pedestrian overpass allows freedom of movement between the two public areas. 78 | A New Highway Framework


Figure 5.25 | Extended Master Plan

The wetland area not only func ons to lter stormwater, but also provides a new take on conven onal rest areas. Travellers can take a rejuvena ng stroll through the wetlands or venture over to the commercial area to do some shopping. The gateway overlook provides viewer a view of the en re interchange and also features the limestone educa on center which informs visitors about the region’s heritage. The overlook also connects the mixed-use area to the interchange park where one can take a stroll through the limestone rich park located within the right of way of the interchange. The southern cloverleaf features weirs that creates an ar ul display as stormwater is ltered as it moves towards the wetland area. The southeast por on of the interchange features a demonstra on crop area that experiments with right of way plan ngs. Finally, masses of plan ngs create visual interest to both viewers from the overlook and drivers as they move through the site.

Kyle E. Rader | 79

Exploded Master Plan Buildings

Pedestrian Areas

Stormwater Features


Mass Plantings

Tree Cover

Figure 5.26 | Exploded Plan

80 | A New Highway Framework

Design Diagrams

Figure 5.27 | Gateway Views

Gateways to the site are created by vegeta on framing views of the gateway overlook. The interchange park (red) and wetland rest area (blue) are placed in direct view axis of the mixeduse development (purple).


creates a triangula on of public spaces within the site.

Figure 5.28 | Public Spaces Kyle E. Rader | 81

Interchange Park

Figure 5.29 | interchange Park

82 | A New Highway Framework

Visitors stroll through the interchange park alongside limestone blocks that block access to the highway directly behind. Kyle E. Rader | 83

Gateway Overlook

Figure 5.30 | Gateway Overlook

The gateway overlook rises prominently out of the landscape as one arrives at the interchange. Vegeta on frames views of the overlook.

Figure 5.31 | Limestone Education Center

The gateway overlook features the limestone educa on center which educates visitors on the history of the quarry as well as the heritage of the region. The center also provides panoramic views of the interchange. 84 | A New Highway Framework

Figure 5.32 | Approaching Gateway Overlook

Access to the overlook is provided from the commercial area of the mixed-use development. Stairs led visitors from street level to the third level of the shopping area. Handicap access is provided through elevators located inside the stores.

Sections The gure below shows the loca ons of the sec ons located on the following pages.



B 0


Figure 5.33 | Section Key Kyle E. Rader | 85

86 | A New Highway Framework



on ramp 70’

median 30’

highway 20’



Pedestrian Overpass




structures used in quarrying limestone.

to these two spaces without hindrance from automobiles. The supports of the overpass are derived from the crane

The overpass connects the mixed-use area to the wetland rest and educa on area, allowing pedestrians direct access

Figure 5.34 | Pedestrian Overpass Section



Limestone Blocks

Kyle E. Rader | 87



Wetland Pods

River Birch

cleansed through na ve plan ngs.

and educa on center. Visitors can walk along paths that intersect the various pods and see rsthand how the water is

Stormwater from the interchange is ltered and in ltrated through a series of wetland pods located in the wetland rest

Figure 5.35 | Wetland Rest Area Section



88 | A New Highway Framework










Limestone borders will vary in design from bedrock forma ons to quarried blocks to nish stone.

spaces and driving lanes. Plan ngs will help to so en the barrier as well has provide visual and textural interest.

Quarried limestone blocks that now li er the old quarry will create a physical, visual, and noise barrier between public



Ornamental Grasses

Limestone Blocks

Figure 5.36 | Limestone Border Section



Red Maple

Kyle E. Rader | 89



plantings 20’







walk interchange park

Pin Oak

used to li limestone blocks from quarries. The overlook also connects visitors to the interchange park.

educa on center which also provides views of the en re interchange. The overlook’s form derives from the cranes once

The gateway overlook extends out of the third level of the mixed-use area. At the point of the overlook sits the limestone

Figure 5.37 | Gateway Overlook Section


mixed use


Wetland Rest Area

Figure 5.38 | Wetland Rest Area During Wet Weather

90 | A New Highway Framework

The wetland rest area lters stormwater while also serving as pleasant water features through which visitors can pleasantly stroll. The experience of the rest area changes with the amount of water that is present in the wetland.

Kyle E. Rader | 91

Wetland Rest Area

Figure 5.39 | Wetland Rest Area During Dry Weather

During dry weather, visitors can venture through the pods which double as areas for strolling, playing, or even walking dogs. Permanent paths allow access during wet weather. Na ve plants lter and cleanse the stormwater, but also provide visual and textural sensory experiences to visitors.

Figure 5.40 | Wetland Shape Diagram

Water lled pits li er the old quarry, as paths are placed between these rec linear pits, curved wetland pods begin to take shape. 92 | A New Highway Framework

As the water level increases in wetland pod, the water flows over the spillway into the adjoing wetland pod Pods are separated by a 3’ reinforced concrete retaining wall

Figure 5.41 | Wetland Pod Connection Detail

Placing the pods at di erent eleva ons allows oxygen to enter the nutrient rich water while providing visually interes ng water features.

Figure 5.42 | Wetland Pods

Each pod connects into the others by spillways that aerate the water while also allowing visitors to see the cleaning e ects as later waterfalls will be clearer than ones earlier in the cycle. Kyle E. Rader | 93

Wetland Details 1 AR PP 150 IV Road

200 EP


4 CC

300 PV


3 TC 310 CA

Symbol AR CA CC EP

Quantity 1 310 4 200

Scientific Name Acer rubrum Calamagrostis acutiflora Cercis canadensis Echnacia purpurea

Common Name Red Maple Feather Reed Grass Redbud Eastern Coneflower

Size 3 " 1 gal 1.5" 1 gal

Condition B&B CG B&B CG


150 1800 sq ft

Itea virginica


Poa pratensis

Kentucky bluegrass

3 gal 1

CG bags



Panicum virgatum


1 gal




Tsuga canadensis 'Bennet'

Dwarf Eastern hemlock

3 gal



5 lb bag mix

Figure 5.43 | Buffer Planting Plan and Schedule

The plan ng plan above shows a typical bu er plan ng that separates public areas from driving areas. These are common in the wetland rest area as well as the interchange park. Plants are selected primarily on visual and textural interest. Swaths of visually interes ng plants are planted between the driving lanes and the limestone border to create rhythmic interest for drivers. Plants on the pedestrian side provide both visual and textural experiences to the visitor. Na ve plants dominate the pale e selected for the site.

94 | A New Highway Framework

Figure 5.44 | Wetland Pod Spillway Detail

Figure 5.45 | Parking Lot Layout

Figure 5.45 shows a typical area of the wetland rest area parking lot. Electric vehicle charging sta ons allow travellers to recharge their vehicles as they experience the site. Kyle E. Rader | 95

Review of Literature Problem and Its Setting Case Studies A New Framework The Interchange

End Use Appendices

End Use The following pages are a response to a midterm review by a professional inquiring about the possible transforma on of the interstate system.

The internal combus ble engine has been rela vely unchanged for the last 100 years. As world popula on’s con nue to increase, highways will con nue to become increasingly congested with more vehicles featuring inferior technology. As oil reserves become depleted, new forms of transporta on will poten ally alter the look and role of the current highway system. New technologies may be able to use the exis ng pavement without altera ons while others may need minor changes to accommodate the new mode of technology. Perhaps the new transporta on will no longer need the highways of America. Then, the corridors that once devastated wildlife habitat and migra on corridors may be able to be reverted back to their natural state.

Vehicle Footprint

Passenger Footprint

Average Vehicle Occupancy: 1.11 Figure 6.1 | Vehicle-Passenger Footprint at Urban Gridlock

The gure above shows that while our interstates may look congested to the maximum, the actual space lled by passengers is minimal. This shows that the 98 | A New Highway Framework

current use of our transporta on corridors is ine cient. What other forms of current transporta on may have a closer vehicle to passenger footprint? The answer lies in an already widely available form of transporta on: the train. Trains were once America’s primary mode of transporta on, and can once again play a prominent role. As the gure below shows, trains can hold more people per footprint than the automobile. As new space for other development shrinks, trains can accommodate more people in a smaller area than a massive 10 lane interstate.

Train Footprint

Passenger Footprint

Average Car Occupancy: 108 Figure 6.2 | Train-Passenger Footprint

Mass transit trains will link ci es together via the exis ng interstate routes. Trains can be ed into the medians and in bu er areas alongside driving lanes. This retro ng will prevent anymore land to be used up in transporta on corridors. As demand for vehicles lessen, driving lanes can be removed and reverted back to a natural state. The following pages highlight the me frame for such an implementa on. Kyle E. Rader | 99

Deconstruction of the Interstate

Figure 6.3 | Existing Interstate

2011 Exis ng interstate cross sec on. Characterized by two lanes of tra c in either direc on with a mowed grass median between. Bu ers extend on either side of driving lanes and consist of either mowed grass or some forest.

Si S ima ma vvolupta ollup o uptta a ttumquam u q um qu uam m rra a co cons nsen ns endu endu en dunti ntti ipsa iipsam psam sa am fu fugi ugi gia d gia do olo lorp rp po sss se eq qu uii Sima consendunti fugia dolorpo ssequi

Figure 6.4 | Median Placement

2030 Mass transit is placed within the median. All lanes of tra c are s ll in use as demand for automobiles will s ll be high. This allows those who s ll want to drive their vehicles to access the current freeways. Train sta ons can be placed within the boundaries of exis ng large interchanges, or can happen underground in urban environments.

100 | A New Highway Framework

Figure 6.5 | Median Placement 1

2100 As vehicle use on the interstates begins to diminish, one set of driving lanes is removed. The remaining lanes are recon gured to allow two direc onal tra c. The area le from the removal of the driving lanes is reverted to natural systems. This begins to reverse the environmental impact of the highway system.

Sima Si S ima ma vvolupta olu ol up ptta a ttumquam um u mq qu ua am m rra a cco consendunti o ons nsse n en nd du unt ntii iip ipsam psa sam fu ffugia ug giia do d dolo dolorpo olo lorrp po ss sssequi se eq qu uii

Figure 6.6 | Median Placement 2

2150 Eventually, vehicle use will decrease enough that all driving lanes can be removed, leaving only the area needed for the trains. This creates two equally wide natural corridors that reconnect wildlife habitats. Vehicle use is contained to local and state highways as trains will connect major ci es, but transporta on will s ll be needed to reach smaller towns and country loca ons.

Kyle E. Rader | 101

Deconstruction of the Interstate

Figure 6.7 | Existing Interstate

2011 Exis ng interstate cross sec on. Characterized by two lanes of tra c in either direc on with a mowed grass median between. Bu ers extend on either side of driving lanes and consist of either mowed grass or some forest.

Siima S ma vvolupta ollup o upta ttumquam upta u q um qu uam m rra a co cons nsen ns endu endu en dunti ntti ipsa iipsam psam sa am fu fugi ugi gia d gia do olo lorp rp po sss se eq qu uii Sima consendunti fugia dolorpo ssequi

Figure 6.8 | Buffer Placement

2030 Mass transit is placed to one side of the current driving lanes within the right of way bu er. All tra c lanes are s ll in opera on. Train sta ons can now be located at any point as driving lanes will not hinder access.

102 | A New Highway Framework

Figure 6.9 | Buffer Placement 1

2100 As vehicle use on the interstates begins to diminish, one set of driving lanes is removed. The remaining lanes are recon gured to allow two direc onal tra c. The area le from the removal of the driving lanes is reverted to natural systems. This begins to reverse the environmental impact of the highway system.

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Figure 6.10 | Buffer Placement 2

2150 Eventually, vehicle use will decrease enough that all driving lanes can be removed, leaving only the area needed for the trains. Vehicle use is contained to local and state highways as trains will connect major ci es, but transporta on will s ll be needed to reach smaller towns and country loca ons. A large undisturbed natural corridor forms as all lanes are removed allowing for a greater impact on reconnec ng natural environments. Kyle E. Rader | 103

Reconnecting Habitats

Figure 6.11 | Fragmented Habitats

As can be seen in the gure above, the current highway system connects developed areas while fragmen ng and isola ng natural areas. Currently, the na on’s natural areas are lost in a network of developed areas. Highways and Interstates cut across habitats and migra on routes, crea ng a physical barrier that is detrimental to wildlife. As ci es con nue to expand, more and more land that was once wildlife habitat is lost to a sea of subdivisions and strip malls. With this expansion comes the addi on of driving lanes to exis ng roadways, or the crea on of en rely new road systems. Both scenarios con nue to contribute to the loss and fragmenta on of natural systems.

104 | A New Highway Framework

Figure 6.12 | Reconnected Habitats

A solu on to this problem has been discussed in this sec on, and the previous pages demonstrated the progression of deconstruc ng the interstates to begin to reconnect these fragmented areas. Through doing so, these fragmented areas will begin to create an expansive green network that extends across the na on. Human transporta on corridors and wildlife corridors can work in tandem to create a more sensi ve environment.

With the reforesta on of the interstate

corridors, the built environment becomes the fragments (Figure 6.12). This reforesta on of the interstates creates a network of natural systems that stretches from coast to coast. Just as humans can safely travel across the na on, animals will also be able to do so.

Kyle E. Rader | 105

Conclusion In its design infancy, this project set out to completely redevelop the current highway framework from the ground up. This meant completely wiping the slate clean and star ng over. However, star ng clean is not always the most sensible or sustainable manner. Some mes it is be er to retro t and remodel exis ng structures. This is the approach that was taken with this regional demonstra on highway. All driving lanes were kept in their physical loca on. Taking them out and replacing them with a new model would create more ecological and environmental impact than would o set any bene ts.

That being said, this new framework looked to add to what is right with the current highways and to change what is wrong. The highways have been graded in such a way that allows for easy implementa on of produc ve right of ways. Our lack of regard for wildlife corridors allows for wildlife crossings to have a great impact, and can be implemented with rela ve ease. The monotonous interstate system leaves a blank slate for regional character to begin to de ne and iden fy regions.

The 46/37 interchange located in Bloomington, Indiana celebrates the limestone heritage of the region. Celebra ng this heritage is woven into the fabric of all public spaces within the interchange. The redesigned interchange now creates a gateway into the north side of the city. Most importantly, this interchange can now be a precedent for other interchanges across the na on in crea ng public spaces within what was once seemingly inaccessible space. This project looked to rede ne the limits and uses of the highway right of way, and in doing so, has created a more bene cial use of this land.

With the possible evolu on of the interstate, the highway right of way now has an end use that is both bene cial to humans as it is to wildlife. This is very well the most important part of the project. The best design can be rendered mute 106 | A New Highway Framework

if it is not designed to last or to transform when its current use is no longer required. The gateway interchange func ons with a framework dominated by gasoline powered vehicles, but also are just as successful if the framework were dominated by electric vehicles. Furthermore, the gateway elements are designed to transform into sta ons for mass transit. The 46/37 interchange elements will con nue to be successful long a er rail transit has replaced the asphalt driving lanes.

This project set out create a new framework, a framework that took no ce of outdated rules and guidelines and set those aside in order to pursue the changes that the modern highway framework needed. From regional scale elements such as produc ve medians or wildlife crossings to site speci c aspects such as an interchange park drawing inspira on from the old quarry that it now stands over, this project looked to nd and celebrate the local and regional character of Highway 37.

Using the guidelines set up for this highway, other highways around the na on can create their own unique iden ty of place. Through each highway’s individuality, a sense of unity can also be achieved in the highway framework. One that celebrates the loss of a one size ts all mentality. A model that, while being a whole, is comprised of individual en es. A model that is very much alike the individual states crea ng a whole that is this na on. Such is ng for a new highway framework.

Kyle E. Rader | 107

Review of Literature Problem and Its Setting Case Studies A New Framework The Interchange End Use


List of Figures Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure

i.i | Hills are removed to make room for highways i.ii | Interchanges take up large swaths of “unusable land� 3.1 | Highway 93 3.2 | Scenic Overlook 3.3 | Wildlife Crossing 3.4 | Paris - Lexington Road 3.5 | Paris - Lexington Road Plan 3.6 | Regional Character 3.7 | Temple at Buttes Chaumont 3.8 | Bridge at Buttes Chaumont 3.9 | Waterfall at Buttes Chaumont 4.1 | Location Map 4.2 | Existing ROW Concepts 4.3 | Modified ROW Concepts 4.4 | Wildlife Crossing Analysis 4.5 | Master Plan 4.6 | Bloomington Region 4.7 | Lake Monroe Region 4.8 | Bedford Region 4.9 | Limestone Heritage Wildlife Crossing 4.10 | Wildlife Character Crossing 4.11 | Productive Medians 4.12 | Informative Billboard 4.13 | Raccoon Billboard 4.14 | Worn Out Deer Billboard 4.15 | Baby Deer Billboard 5.1 | Site Location 5.2 | Site Features 5.3 | Interchange 5.4 | Site Images 5.5 | Site Images 5.6 | Site Image Index 5.7 | History of Interchange 5.8 | Contours 5.9 | Shaded Topography 5.10 | Watershed 5.11 | 69 Proposal 5.12 | Spatial Relations 5.13 | Sightlines 5.14 | Inventory Diagram 5.15 | Analysis Diagram 5.16 | Design Elements

110 | A New Highway Framework

7 7 34 35 35 36 37 37 38 39 39 42 44 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 52 53 53 54 55 55 58 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 64 65 66 67 67 68 69 70

Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure

5.17 | Design Elements 5.18 | Concept A 5.19 | Concept B 5.20 | Public Access Diagrams 5.21 | Limestone Borders 5.22 | Gateway Sketch 5.23 | Concept Plan Sketch 5.24 | Master Plan 5.25 | Extended Master Plan 5.26 | Exploded Plan 5.27 | Gateway Views 5.28 | Public Spaces 5.29 | interchange Park 5.30 | Gateway Overlook 5.31 | Limestone Education Center 5.32 | Approaching Gateway Overlook 5.33 | Section Key 5.34 | Pedestrian Overpass Section 5.35 | Wetland Rest Area Section 5.36 | Limestone Border Section 5.37 | Gateway Overlook Section 5.38 | Wetland Rest Area During Wet Weather 5.39 | Wetland Rest Area During Dry Weather 5.40 | Wetland Shape Diagram 5.41 | Wetland Pod Connection Detail 5.42 | Wetland Pods 5.43 | Buffer Planting Plan and Schedule 5.44 | Wetland Pod Spillway Detail 5.45 | Parking Lot Layout 6.1 | Vehicle-Passenger Footprint at Urban Gridlock 6.2 | Train-Passenger Footprint 6.3 | Existing Interstate 6.4 | Median Placement 6.5 | Median Placement 1 6.6 | Median Placement 2 6.7 | Existing Interstate 6.8 | Buffer Placement 6.9 | Buffer Placement 1 6.10 | Buffer Placement 2 6.11 | Fragmented Habitats 6.12 | Reconnected Habitats

72 74 75 76 76 77 77 78 79 80 81 81 82 84 84 85 85 86 87 88 89 90 92 92 93 93 94 95 95 98 99 100 100 101 101 102 102 103 103 104 105

Kyle E. Rader | 111

Design Considerations The major element impac ng the redesign of the highway framework is the highway itself. All design will be done within the right of way of the highway.

Therefore, all aspects of the design will need to be done with

considera on of public safety. Also, in reprogramming the land use of the right of way, considera on for design speeds and uidity of tra c must carefully be examined. Furthermore, natural systems will need to be taken into considera on, as highways cut across numerous land uses and landforms. Wildlife is a major client of this redevelopment, so migratory pa erns and wildlife corridors will play into the outcome of the design.

Design Concerns In the overall redesign of the highway system, the major concern is how to reprogram right of ways in a safe but e ec ve manner. How can medians be more than just mowed turf without nega vely impac ng human safety? At what point do the bene ts outweigh the risks? Another concern is in the design of the 37 and 46 interchange. With the park being located within the boundaries of the two highways, public safety is a major concern. How will access within the site be controlled to insure pedestrians do not venture out onto the travel lanes? Addi onally, how does one access the site? Will crosswalks with signals be su cient, or do pedestrian overpasses need to be created? Being located within a highway right of way, the site will be noisy. How do design elements start to alleviate the noise from the highways? All these factors will need to be scru nized in order to create a func onal yet safe place within the highway interchange.

112 | A New Highway Framework

Schedule Break

J 9Ͳ15

J 16Ͳ22

J 23Ͳ29

J 30ͲF 5

F 6Ͳ12

F 13Ͳ19

F 20Ͳ26

F 27ͲM 5

Meet with advisor Continue Research Site Visit Inventory/Analysis Concepts Schematic Design Schematic Design Conceptual Plan Master Plan Mid Presentation Presentation Drawings Develop Presentation Practice Presentation Fi l P Final Presentation t ti M 6Ͳ12

M 13Ͳ19

M 20Ͳ26 M 27ͲA 2

A 3Ͳ9

A 10Ͳ16

A 17Ͳ23

A 24Ͳ30

Meet with advisor Continue Research Site Visit Inventory/Analysis Concepts Schematic Design Conceptual Plan Master Plan Mid Presentation Presentation Drawings Develop Presentation Develop Presentation Practice Presentation Final Presentation

Kyle E. Rader | 113

Bibliography Abbey, Lester. Highways: an Architectural Approach. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1992. Print. Adams, Noel. “The Reality of Fast Charging.” Evworld. 27 Mar. 2009. Web. 02 Nov. 2010. American Associa on of State Highway and Transporta on O cials. A Guide for Achieving Flexibility in Highway Design. Washington, DC: AASHTO, 2004. Print. “Apple Facts - Apples and More - University of Illinois Extension.” University of Illinois Extension-Urban Programs Resource Network - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Web. 01 Nov. 2010. Beko , Marc. “Animals and Cars: One Million Animals Are Killed on Our Roads Every Day | Psychology Today.” Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness Find a Therapist. Web. 18 Oct. 2010. “Daily Passenger Travel.” RITA | Bureau of Transporta on Sta s cs (BTS). Web. 02 Nov. 2010. Decker, Kris De. “The Status Quo of Electric Cars: Be er Ba eries, Same Range.” Energy Bulle n. 3 May 2010. Web. 29 Oct. 2010. Enlow, Clair. “Prairie Crossing.” Landscape Architecture 99.2 2009): 90-95. Print. Garrison, William Louis, and Jerry D. Ward. Tomorrow’s Transporta on: Changing Ci es, Economies, and Lives. Boston: Artech House, 2000. Print. “Global Issues: World Hunger and Poverty Facts and Sta s cs 2010.” World Hunger Notes Homepage. Web. 31 Oct. 2010. Halprin, Lawrence. Freeways. New York: Reinhold Pub., 1966. Print. Harrison, Keith, and Stephanie Roth. “Risking Success Through Flexible Design.” Public Roads 73.4 (2010): 5. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 16 Sept. 2010. Hill, Rachel. “To the Dogs.” Landscape Architecture 98.6 (2008): 112-19. Print. Indiana Department of Transporta on. Home. Web. 17 Oct. 2010.

114 | A New Highway Framework

“Indiana Geography from NETSTATE.” 50 States - Capitals, Maps, Geography, State Symbols, State Facts, Songs, History, Famous People from NETSTATE.COM. Web. 17 Oct. 2010. Ins tute of Transporta on Engineers. Tra c Engineering Handbook. Fourth Edi on. Ed. James L. Pline. Englewood Cli s, New Jersey: Pren ce-Hall, 1992. Print. “Interstate Highway Trivia.” Milesurfer Home. Web. 18 Oct. 2010. “Interstate System - Design - FHWA.” Federal Highway Administra on: Home. Web. 17 Oct. 2010. Jones, Grant, Cory Parker, and Charlie Sco . “Designing America’s Wildlife Highway: Montana’s U.S. Highway 93.” EXtension - Objec ve. Researchbased. Credible. 29 Mar. 2010. Web. 02 Nov. 2010. Keegan, Kent Mitchell. The Integra on of the Highway and Landform. Milwaukee, WI: Center for Architectural and Urban Planning Research, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1988. Print. Kutz, Myer. Environmentally Conscious Transporta on. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2008. Print. “Our Land, Our Literature: Environment - Deforesta on.” Web. 21 Nov. 2010. Robbins, Elaine. “No More Road Kill?.” Planning 69.2 (2003): 32. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 30 Sept. 2010. Quick, Darren. “Drawing Power from the Road.” Gizmag | New and Emerging Technology News. 1 Oct. 2009. Web. 29 Oct. 2010. Roth, Daniel. “Driven: Shai Agassi’s Audacious Plan to Put Electric Cars on the Road.” Wired News. 18 Aug. 2008. Web. 30 Oct. 2010. Sarfaraz, Irum. “How Many Apple Trees Do I Plant Per Acre? |” EHow | How To Do Just About Everything! | How To Videos & Ar cles. Web. 01 Nov. 2010. Squatriglia, Chuck. “Be er Place Unveils an Electric Car Ba ery Swap Sta on.” Wired News. 13 May 2009. Web. 30 Oct. 2010. Kyle E. Rader | 115

Methodologies In order to determine the ecological and environmental impacts of the current highway framework, primary and secondary research methods will be employed. These sources of data come from journal ar cles and books located at Bracken Library on Ball State University’s campus, as well as online ar cles and web sites. The Tra c Engineering Handbook by the Ins tute of Transporta on Engineers provides data on standard right of way widths and design speeds. The ar cle “No More Road Kill” by Richard Forman provides informa on on the e ects of the current highway system on wildlife. Sources such as these will be used to determine the current ecological and environmental impacts of the current highway system. This informa on will then be applied to the design of new highway framework. Furthermore, personally observing the character of Highway 37 will provide informa on on the rela onship between the highway and exis ng character of the landscape. This will be done through notes, sketches, and photography. To determine the ecological and environmental bene ts from the new highway framework, case studies will primarily be used to learn from past examples. Secondary data will be the main source of informa on for this subject. Projects such as Jones and Jones redevelopment of Highway 93 in Montana will prove an invaluable source for the development of wildlife crossings. U lizing Lester Abbey’s book, Highways: An Architectural Approach, will provide informa on for reprogramming highway median uses. This informa on can be found in the BSU Architecture Library and online. To discover the ameni es and infrastructure for an electric vehicle framework, primary data such as research ndings and secondary data such as case studies will be looked into. Journal ar cles, both hard copy and in e-journals will be looked at. These can be found online and in both the Architecture and Bracken Library. Journals about electric vehicle charging, such as “The Reality of Fast Charging” by Noel Adams, provide technical informa on from which design 116 | A New Highway Framework

decisions can be made. Journals such as Darren Quick‘s “Drawing Power from the Road” provide research results about emerging electric technologies. This data will be secured by bookmarking ar cles and prin ng out hard copies for personal reference. To nd data on crea ng guidelines from a new highway framework, secondary data will be used.

Projects such as those done by Jones and Jones

in Washington and Montana will be studied to develop new guidelines. Ar cles about recent projects, such as Rachel Hill’s “To the Dogs”, will be reviewed. These ar cles and case studies can be found online. These ar cles and sites will be bookmarked, and relevant informa on will be printed out for easy reference. Furthermore, primary data will be u lized in the form of GIS. GIS data from Indiana University’s GIS database will be used to locate preferred areas for wildlife crossings along the stretch of Highway 37 being u lized for this project.

Kyle E. Rader | 117

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