Kerby News Published by Kerby C entre
“The most read publication for the 55+ in Calgary and Southern Alberta”
November Vo l u m e 3 5 # 1 1
Canadian Fallen Heroes
Memorials dedicated to those who died in the line of service displayed upstairs in the Kerby Centre. (Photo credit Andrew McCutcheon)
Inside Kerby Centre hosts immunization information event..... page 4 Preventing slips, trips and falls during winter............... page 14
Friday November 1st
The story of Canada’s WW2 Paratroopers.............. pages 18-19 Celebrating Dias de los Muertos in Calgary ................. page 26
Kerby Centre
1133 - 7th Ave. S.W. Calgary AB T2P 1B2 403-265-0661 PO # 0040064604
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HOLIDAY BAZAAR - December 7th at 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
OPEN HOUSE TOUR - November 21st at 3:30 pm. Spaces limited - RSVP
905 Prominence Way SW Calgary, Alberta
10715 Rocky Ridge Blvd N.W. Calgary, Alberta
Phone (403) 930-4848