Children Wonderland

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2.1 Background In 21st century, the technology and environment is evolving and the traditional approach is re- invented to adapt the society. During childhood, children spend most of their time to explore, discover and understand the world. The physical setting affects their behavior and learning process. Therefore, in the emerging society, we need to ask a question, are these environment are adequate and appropriate for children? Todays, parent busy at work, most of them send their children to the day care center. Alongside home and school, child care portrays a vital role where children spend most of their time with during childhood. However, 74% of the childcares in Malaysia are not registered to the Social Welfare Department due to the physical environment setting and program does not meet the minimum requirement of a child care center that encourage the holistic childhood development. Under these circumstances, the childhood development is overlooked. Children’s physical, cognitive, social and emotional development are neglected, as a result, children lack of care and these impact their journey of growing up. Besides that, parents and teachers hover children play time. Children only focus on the intellectual development and the disorder of neighborhood lack of safety, restrict and reduce children play area. In the long run, all these reasons holding the children back to engage with the outer world and thus, it fail and limit their exposure to experience and intact with the environment during the childhood. Meanwhile, most of the learning environment for children in Malaysia is still practice the conventional and traditional approach. The identical classrooms, the rigid classroom layout, children facing the chalk board to listen to the lecture for hours. Same place, same people and same atmosphere. The traditional approach teaches the children to follow the strict rules, discipline and organize. Todays, we require creative, flexible and with collaborative skill and diverse knowledge. These qualities cannot be cultivated through the traditional learning tactics. Therefore, we need to rethink the environment that design for the future learning.

2.2 Problem Statement Due to the working parent, children are sent to the childcare center that provide care and neglect their childhood development. The city is taken over by the car, building for adults and the space for children is neglected. Furthermore, the traditional education practice does not suitable for the children todays. Children don’t engage with the learning process and the learning environment does not respond their needs. Childhood development is neglected Malaysia is developing towards a knowledge economy and high technology status which require sufficient labor force. Based on the Malaysia Statistic department, there are 54% of women and 80% of male participate in the labor force (Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat, 2014). Correspondingly, there are an increasing number of child care services that initiated by private and government institutions to provide the service to take care of the children on behalf of their parents during works. The registered child care center in Kuala Lumpur is increasing from 364 units at 2010 to 1488 units at 2014. However, the child care centers that are reliable, inexpensive and safe for children are limited and unavailable. The shortage of quality nursery in Malaysia is a major problem. Although The Social Welfare Department has drawn up The Standard Practice and Standard Content and The Early Child Care and Development Policy for child care system and providers, the system is yet to be refined and implemented to meet the requirement of a child care services that promote the holistic development of children (Chiam, 2008). For parents, a good child care service is a center which is gated and guarded and there are adults who are caring and responsible to look after their kids. On the other hands, in the perspective of the child care services providers, they only ensure to provide a place that is safe and ensure there is enough human resource to take care of the child. Both of the parents and the services providers neglect the childhood development. Hence, children who grow up from the setting will face the difficulty to turn into a confident adult (Esther Entin, 2011). They tend to be more anxious and depress. Therefore, the idea of providing an environment for children to grow and development become just a bonus not an obligation. This affects the healthy childhood development and influences their cognitive, physical, social and emotional growth. Children engagement with the environment and rights to play is being hovered. The dense urban context and the enclosed environment deprive children opportunity to play and interact with the environment. Due to the limitation and shortage of lands, the available lot is taken over by building and infrastructure for adults and the disorder neighborhood and the unsafe environment are not suitable for children to mingle around. This creates an environment that is unsafe for children to explore. The city lack of public place, children unable to play and mingle around the neighborhoods. In

Malaysia, 85% of parents noted that their children play outdoor less frequent and shorter periods of time they had (Esther Entin, 2011). They don’t have the chance to meet with the other children and explore the environment. They play, live learn and grow within the restricted boundary. The rights to play and the place that children used to mingle around and taken for granted are not disappear. Besides that, parents refuse children to play and continuously focusing on the study. They are forced to travel from school to home, to tuition center and to others skill development center. The intellectual development is well considered but the physical, social and emotional development is not taken into account. The learning environment in the current society refuses to encourage children to go out. They learn, play and live in the indoor spaces, children are being over-protected. They are lacking of play time and engagement with environment. This affects their emotional development, leading to the rise of anxiety, depression and problems of attention and self control. Children need a more engaging environment to move freely and play. Traditional learning environment does not engage the children The current educational system in Malaysia depends on didactic approach in teaching and learning that based on teachers’ instructions. However, in the era of globalization, educational system nowadays are progressing with regards to approach of teaching and learning at every level towards a more active and constructive education. The current traditional system focus on the intellectual, parent involvement is low and the main source of knowledge is teacher. The teaching approaches are teacher-directed and follow cookbook steps of activities and demonstrations. Knowledge is absorbed through lectures, worksheets, and texts. This approach turns children to be passive absorbers of information and authority. Research also indicates that children and learners are more likely to retain the knowledge gained through active learning than through traditional textbook-centered learning. Students develop confidence and self-direction as they move through both team-based and independent work. Confucius once said:

I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. Children like to explore, experience, moving around to discover in order to learn. Children is the next generation and they are the people will take over the future world. We need to redesign and reimaging the learning environment that engage children and provide space for their imagination to be flourished.

2.4 Child Care Centre in Malaysia 2.3 Child Care Rules & Regulations Malaysian Government has taken the lead in planning for the provision of children’s services; and essential legislation such as the Child Protection Act, the Child Care Centre Act 1984, the Education Act 1996 were put in place to safeguard the survival, protection, and development of children. There are two types of institutions that provide early childhood development programs: the child care and development centers known as TASKA, which cater to children 0-4 years, and the pre-schools or kindergartens for the 4-6 year olds known as TADIKA or TABIKA or, if run by the Islamic religious organizations, TASKI (Nikolova & Design, 1998). The former is licensed by the Social Welfare Department in the Ministry of Women, Family, and Community Development and the latter is licensed by the Education Department under the Ministry of Education. According to the Child Care Act 1984 (The Commissioner of Law Revision, 2006), there are 4 types of Child Care Centre (Taksa) which are child care center for children between 0-4 years old under the act namely as institution, workplace, community and home based. The child care center will be registered under one of the category based on the set up initiatives. The child care center design for the community must be established with the initiative that benefits the lower- income families in the urban and rural area. In the act, the minimum standard of the center includes the number of caretakers, minimum ratio of children’s floor space, care providers eligibility, health and minimum standard of care are stated clearly and to be complied. These rules and regulation is established to ensure the well- being, safety and overall development of the child. Summary: 2 types of Institutional Childhood Development Centre in Malaysia: - TASKA for 0-4 years old - RASKI, TADIKA, TABIKA for 4-6 years old

The Child Care Centre is defined as any premises where four children or more in a household are cared for on a fee basis. The fee is ranging from RM 200 to RM 1200. Such centers are either classified as a home-based center with less than 10 children or a community or work or institution based center which look after more than 10 children. Such centers offer child care services ranging from half-day to full-day. Currently, only 1,788 child care centers have been registered with the Social Welfare Department, and these are mainly run by private individuals and workplace-based care providers. This is an increasing need of the child care center.

The high living cost demands require dual parents involve in the workforce. However, some parents tend to hand over their children under the care of their friend and relatives. Among family members, grandparents play an important role as care providers (60.4%) followed by other relatives (22.5%) and older siblings (17.1%) while neighbors and friends provided another 15% of the care. Domestic servants provided 6.6% and more than 70% were foreigners (Indonesians and Filipinas). Only 5.1% were in licensed child care centers and 18% of them were under supervision at public or religious schools. The rest, who could not afford center-based child care, had to rely on unlicensed and unregulated child care centers or private individuals. Therefore, under these circumstances, the development of the children is overlooked. Due to the inappropriate environment and the care providers are not professionally trained, there are not sufficient resources to support the holistic childhood development.

The Ministry of Women, Family, and Community Development as well as the Ministry of Education are greatly concerned over the inadequacies in its early childhood programs and are embarking on a strong and equal partnership to draw up policies and programs to address them(Unicef, 2010).

4 typology of children care center in Malaysia: - Institution - Workplace - Community - Home Based

Figure 2: The child care center in Kuala Figure 2: Typical childcare center in the shop lots and inside a building. Lumpur-The Montessori Place.

1.2 Research Question

How do we enhance the learning environment by applying the idea of “Kinesthetic” in the child-oriented design? Sub Question: 1. What do we need to consider while designing the space for children that will facilitate the holistic childhood development? 2. What is the relationship between Kinesthetic, children and their learning environment? 3. How do we translate “Kinesthetic” in creating architecture for children?

1.3 Aim &Objective Aim By applying the idea of “Kinesthetic”, this proposal aim to design a children development center that provide an environment that design for the next generation environment for future learning and encourage the engagement between children, environment and their childhood development. Objectives 1. Analyze and compare the traditional and the new learning mode and environment 2. Look into the design issue that concern children’s scale and study about the local rules and regulation to design a child oriented building. 3. Investigate the childhood development and explore the children relation and cognition to space. 4. Study about the kinesthetic learning and kinesthetic interface with architecture and explore how the children’s body-movement-mind is affected by the environment. This design thesis is about develops an understanding about children and their learning environment. It seeks the appropriate learning environment that promotes early childhood development. By identifying the different facts and gaps, the study will demonstrate an understanding of the children’s spatial ability and their relations to the physical environment. Subsequently, the study will compare and analyze the different pedagogy to reassure the idea of Kinesthetic is vital in children development. Therefore, the analysis and collected data will be summed up and translate to the design strategy and approach that enhancing the learning environment for children.

1.4 Significant of Research Children engagement with environment: Nurturing the healthy childhood development Living in the growing cities, adults cannot handle the negative emotion positively. Suicide, violent and drug abuse becomes the channel to distress. The society tends to reduce and solve the issue by providing rehab, therapy and medical center to cure these illnesses. The human character, behavior and emotion are formed during their early age. Without the environment that design for children to grow, this will take a step back to turn the children to become a confident adult. In this proposal, the proposed design is children development center, which focus on the early childhood development. This proposal will tackle the urban issue that start from nurturing the well being of children since early age. This will form a healthy background for them to grow. Provide space for children Nowadays, children lost the contact with outdoor and their engagement with the nature is being hovered due to safety and lack of public spaces. These will affect their emotional development that lead to the rise of anxiety, depression and problems of attention and self control. Therefore, the proposed building will engage children with both natural and built environment. This will allow the children to learn through playing, allow them to interact with each other and provide the space for them to mingle and release their energy. Understanding the architecture for children & solving dual parent working This paper will study the children, space and their relation. This research will benefit the adult to understand and design a space and place for children. Furthermore, the increasing participation of both parent involve in full time working causes the overlook of children development. This proposal intends to solve the dual career parent dilemma, taking care of their children to achieve the work-care balance.

Delimitation: Lack of empirical study This paper will not conduct the research in an empirical way due to the limited time frame to conduct the research and the target to be interview, children and parents are too broad. However, to overcome this, I will only interview the key persons who are working in Social Welfare Department and Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (MoWFCD) to give details and information about the current issues about the child care center, their concern about childhood development and the children. Moreover, due to the recent issues about the child care center in Malaysia, there are a lot of information that reported in new paper ranging from 2012 to 2016 and most of them are published in September 2016. I will retrieve the data from the different news channel which they have interviewed the care providers and parents about the fees, education, childhood development and child care system.

1.6 Research Structure The study of this design thesis is following a steady theoretical framework. The selected topic begins with the interest of children. From the general study, we can find the current issue that children are facing the inefficiency education system, less engaging learning environment, rights to play is hovered and their childhood developments are neglected. From these aspects, the research is followed by the study to understand the basic characteristic, needs, childhood development of children at different ages and the pedagogy of early childhood education. The research focuses on the developing the understanding about children. Basically, the study is around 3 interrelated topic, children, pedagogy and kinesthetic. Through understanding the children characteristic, different stage of development and needs are taken into account to understand the children from 0-12 years old. The research will present as the comprehensive study of children in different age groups. Through understanding the different key influential philosopher of early childhood education, the study will then compare and lead to an idea that children are a kinesthetic and tactile learner. Thereafter, upon understanding the above 2 topics, kinesthetic is introduce in as kinesthetic is about movement;, children move to play and play to learn. It is proven and developed from the study.

3.1 Basic Information The chosen site is located at Bandar Baru Sentul which is next to the Titiwangsa. This district is made up of institution and residential building. The chosen site is lie at the edge of Bandar Baru Sentul, the Gombak river act as the edge to demarcate the site with the downtown. There is a diversity of community in the context. The district is lack of public space for children and the community. Site Information District: Batu Location: Bandar Baru Sentul, Kuala Lumpur Size: 3.3 acre, 13645.6 m2 Land use: Residential Plot ratio: Allowable building heights:-

3.2 Site Justification The chosen site is an ideal place to set up a childcare center that will benefit the adjacent community, surrounding the neighborhood, there are 5 primary schools, 10 kindergartens and only 2 registered child care centers. There’re approximate 15 residential properties within the 3km distance. Located in the outskirt of town center, this district is lack of the community child care center and therefore the proposed project and program is feasible.

Physical environment is the third teacher for children. The chosen site lie along the water edge and surrounded by the natural landscape which offer the opportunity to engage the children with the nature, nurturing the children with the setting and pay the homage to the environment. Moreover, the site has the opportunity to provide the public activity along the riverside site, this will begin to educate and shape the contemporary city's relationship with its urban waterways. Besides that, the proposed building is also incorporate with the city development.

The project River of Life, aim to purify the river, revitalize the riverside site and reengage the people with the urban waterways. The insertion of the child development center not only benefits the adjacent of the community, it will also provide the health and safety outdoor environment for children. Through recreation, interaction and radical ideas to engage with the natural environment, this chosen site has the opportunity foster a more meaningful relationship between the children and the city’s waters.


4.1 Propose Program

4.3 Program Values

Children Development Centre 4.2 Assumption Potential Stake Holders The Social Welfare Department and the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (MoWFCD) will run the proposed development.

1. Children Access to Quality Program Provide an environment for children to participate in a high quality child development program. The high quality program will balance and enhance the children physical, social and communication, emotion cognitive development. High-quality child development programs assist families in the education of their children while promoting family self-sufficiency. 2. Health & Safety By providing the appropriate environment, this will offer an opportunity for children to grow in a safe, healthy physical, social and emotional environment. 3. Parent & Community Involvement To value the dedication of families and the community supporting of a comprehensive child development program that enhances the long-range personal, educational and developmental progression of every family and child. 4. Diversity Due to the richness of culture and language, the similarities and differences that each child and family has will enrich the child development program. Children will get to be exposed in a rich and diversity of learning environment.

Target User Group: Children & Parent (Adjacent community) Design for children age from 1-12 years old. They will be grouped based on their age: 1-3, 4-6 and 7-12 as 4 separated groups. The proposal will also provide the facilities for parent and public who interested in the child care talk, professional child care training class and enjoy the children performance.

Pre School 4-6 years old

6. Professional Child Care Staff Development For all personnel, professional preparation and continuing staff, the development programs will allow the acquire and enhance the knowledge and skills necessary. The program will facilitate them to provide quality services to children and their families and which reflect the professional standards of their positions. Moreover, the professional development training will insert the activity that encourages them to create and improve the program for child development.

School Age 7-12 years old

4.4 Program Objectives

Toddler 1-3years old

Hours of Operation 6 to 10pm, Monday to Sunday expect public holidays.

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5. Administration To value a state administration that exercises leadership by promoting quality programs, setting program standards, establishing appropriate outcomes for children.

1. To improve childhood development and provide space for them to engage with environment. 2. To recognize a child’s emotional, physical and mental needs. 3. To provide recognition and support for parents in their modern parenting style. 4. To provide the reliable childcare service to the parent and encourage their participation in work force. 5. To support Social Services in the undertaking of their duties, responsibilities and obligations to the children and families as identified by them as being in need.

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7.1 Skylight

1| SKYLIGHT - Skylight with with 1/8'' pvc double glazing unit 2| SKYLIGHT SHAFT - Skylight with with 1/8'' pvc double glazing unit and mounted on the structure that comprising - 100m rigid insulation - water proofing membrane - 150mm rc structure - inner wall finish with 15mm fiberglass- reinforced gypsum board - waterproofing membrane

3| METAL ROOFING - selected 0.47mm TCT stainless steel standing seam roofing sheet supported by m.s. Purlin. - 200x 75mm m.s. Purlin with spacing 1200 mm c/c have 200mm thk rock wool Insulation (50kg/m3 density)in between. 1 layer of double sided aluminum foil and chicken wire net/ brc 3315 will be supported by the trusses. 100mm x 200mm thk. High tensile m.s. C/z purlin with spacing1500 mm c/c as rafter and 50mm x 25mm thk. M.s. Batten At 550mm c/c.

The building has several key features that enhance the passive and active design: 1. SKYLIGHT - The skylight design allow the natural light transmit into the building. - The skylight is control by solar sensor; it acts as the outlet for air exchange. 2. Natural Tree scape - The existing site has 4 existing tree. The tree is conserved and becomes a design features. The tree absorbs heat and provides fresh air to the surrounding. 3. Atrium - The atrium allows the internal spaces naturally lit and ventilated. 4. Open plan - The ground floor is design with open plan. Cooperate with the atrium and skylight the daylight and air come into the building freely, leading to saving in electricity bill from low energy consumption.

7.2 Steps


19| EXTERIOR STEP DETAILS - riser 175mm, thread 225mm staircase comprising 5/4x8 composite deck board, 2x8’’ p.t. faceplate of deck, composite strip to cover pt faceplate of deck, 5/4x8 wood filler strip and 2x12’’ p.t stringer. 20| double anodized aluminum led light strips made with waterproofing mounting bracket and cap with translucent plastic cover. 21| SCUPPER DRAIN - 25X100mm SCUPPER DRAIN WITH 100MMØ DISCHARGE OUTLET and m.s trench grate with steel angle frame

7.3 Facades

12| 20mm plywood with quatered anigre veneer trim 14| facade 115mm brickwall with 19mm cement render with both sides. Exterior cladding with aluminum composite panel supported by undercut anchors system with c purlin 30x60mm, spacing 1200mm c/c and mounted to the wall with “hat� hollow section 60x90mm, spacing 1200mm c/c. 16| suspended false ceiling - 15mm fiberglass - reinforced gypsum board - supporting by the suspension rod and hook wire that hold the main t section . The tie wire with 3/8'' expansion anchor attach to the structure. -corner and end is concealed by r.h.s and trim and screw with the ceiling board. 17| movable timber block

The faรงade of the building is feature with Alucobond to decorate the exterior. The faรงade consists of single layer brickwall and exterior with cassette fixing system of the Alucobond. The double layer faรงade will also reduce the noise transmission between spaces.

Material Properties

Material Sustainability

Fixing System

7.4 Acoustics- Strategy As children will make relative much noise than the adults, the proposed design also features with the some acoustic strategy to treated the noise on the floor, ceiling and the door louvres.

3. Wall floor and ceiling design to enhance the interior acoustic performances.



Surface Absorptio Area n 2 (m ) Coefficien t (2000Hz)

1. Floor material Sound Proofing Ceiling (Company, 1999)

Sound Proofing Floor (Company, 1999)

Sound Elites Blinds


Table 7.1: Table above shows the sound proofing details for ceiling and floor.

2. Sound insulation louvers


SA: Surface Area x Absorptio n Coefficien t







(Equation, 2011)

Carpet, thin, over thin felt on concrete


127.5m 2

(Paper & Co, 2009) Acoustic Plasterboar d (12mm(1/2") in suspended ceiling grid)

Acousti c Ceiling (Company, 1999) The acoustic louvers are proposed for the community hall in order to absorb both external and internal noise. The inside of the box louvers is filled with absorptive material that will absorb the noise.

127.5m 2

Figure 3: Figure above shows the sun path and shadow at the longest and shortest day of the ear.

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Figure 4: Image above shows the sun angle analysis to the building at the critical hour of a day in June.

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Figure 5: Image above shows the sun angle analysis to the building at the critical hour of a day in December.

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Study of a daylighting in the selected building block

Plan above indicates the location of the selected block.

According to MS1525, the idea space for reading is 1-6%. According to the result generate from the Ecotect, the daylight factor that appear in the corridor is around 4-5 % and the interior spaces is around 1-3%. Therefore, the interior spaces required artificial lighting to illuminates the spaces which will be cover in the following chapter. There are series of opening puncture on the faรงade to animate the faรงade design and also allow the sunlight to penetrate to illuminate the spaces during daytime. Based on the study, even though there are 1-3 % of light will be received in the interior which according to MS1525 is consider average and fair. However, when the spaces requires for study and learning, it required around 4-6 % to fulfill the requirement of a good reading ambiance for the occupants. In the center corridor, the daylight factors are around 3-4% which is good. As the outdoor spaces is functioned as a social and share play space, this day lighting level fulfill the lighting need of such activities.

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Recommendation & Suggestion: To avoid the excessive radiation into the building, it is strongly suggestion that all the windows should apply the Low E Glass as the total solar energy transmitted through theglass is 64% less than that transmitted by standard clear insulating glass. On the others hand, the glass transmits almost 80% as much desirable visible light as standard clear insulating glass. Another key features of applying the Low E Glass is while the glass blocks 94% of damaging UV energy, it also blocks other contributors to fading — in all, 42% better than standard clear insulating glass.

Features/ Benefit Solar Energy Transmission The total solar energy transmitted through theglass is 64% less than that transmitted by standard clear insulating glass.

Transmits Visible Light/Appearance The glass transmits almost 80% as much desirable visible light as standard clear insulating glass.

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Standard Clear Insulating Glass

Solarban 70XL (2) Insulating Glass

Fading Factors While the glass blocks 94% of damaging UV energy, it also blocks other contributors to fading — in all, 42% better than standard clear insulating glass. Low U- Value The winter nighttime UValue (insulating value) of the glass is as much as 50% better than standard clear insulating glass.

8.2 Wind

Air Speed (m/s) <= 0.25

0.25-0.5 0.5-1.0

1.0-1.5 >1.5

Mechanical Effect

Occupant Sensation

Smoke ( from cigarette) indicates movement Flame from a candle flickers Loose papers may be moved. Equivalent to walking speed. Too fast deskwork with loose papers. Equivalent to a fast walking speed.

Unnoticed, except at low air temperature.

Feels fresh at comfortable temperatures, but draught at cool temperatures. Generally pleasant when comfortable or warm, but causing constant awareness of air movement. Acceptable in warm conditions but can be from slightly to annoying draughty. Acceptable only in very low and humid conditions when no other relief is available. Requires corrective measures if comfort and productivity are to be maintained.

Table above shows the impact of air velocity on occupants. Sources: MS 1525 pages 9. Refer to the CFD ( Computational Fluid Dynamics) diagrams beside, it is important to realize that the fragment design is not only design as pocket park for children play area, it is also an air outlet. The air flow rate in the spaces in the fully open space along the river site is around 3.5 m/s and when it reaches the pocket space it is around 1.5-2 m/s. This shows that the site is highly natural ventilated. The pocket of space also can turn to an outlet for the heat to exit.

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Refer to the diagram above, the plan indicate the selected portion to study about the CFD of a typical block of building. From the figure, we can found that the interior spaces can be natural ventilated if the door and windows are open to allow he air flor through. Generally the outdoor spaces facing the river site, the air flow rate is generally above 2.0 m/s and maximum 3.0 m/s. The outdoor condition is suitable for the chiling out as the the prewailing wind absord the moisture from the river and flow into the building, the wind is relatively humid and suitable to cool down a open spaces. The air flow rate in the central corridor is around 2.0 m/s which according to MS1525, the speed is equivalent to a fast walking speed. This is acceptable only in very low and humid conditions when no other relief is available. In the interior building the air flow rate with windows open is around 1-1.5m/s , and others corner and area without the windows and doors open will be around 0.5-1,/2 or less. According to MS 1525, the air flow rate 0.5-1 m/s has the mechanical effects of Loose papers may be moved which equivalent to walking speed. The condition generally pleasant when comfortable or warm, but causing constant awareness of air movement. For the air flow rate 0.25-0.5 m/s, in MS1525, the air flow rate has the mechanical effect which similar to a flame from a candle flickers. In this situation, occupant will feel fresh at comfortable temperatures, but draught at cool temperatures.

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SUMMARY:Recommendation & Analysis

1. Active Cooling Design: Big Ass Fan - In case of any big event to be held, people will be occupied the spaces, the big ass fan is suggested to install in the central corridor spaces to facilitate the cooling process. The big ass fan will effectively cooling down the space to around 10 degree cooler based on the study. - Based on the calculation above and the data comparison of fan and A/C at figure 3.4, the fan has largely reduces the building energy consumption and cost about 95.71%.

2. Passive Design: Natural Ventilation Heat destratification is the process of mixing that hot air at the ceiling with the cold air at the floor, creating a uniform temperature. The central corridor design with opening at both sides allows the hot air out, cool air in. The proposed design has shown that the design is taken the natural ventilation into account.

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8.3 Health & Safety

8.3.1 Fire Staircase Design & Lift

1. Fire Appliances Access - According to UBBL, clauses 140, the proposed building required the proportion of the building abutting the street, road or open space shall be in accordance with the following sale:

2. Fire Staircase: According to UBBL, - Clause 106, 107, 108, 110, 168 the staircase shall be designed as: - A: Maximum rise of staircase: 180mm, minimum tread not less than 255mm. - B: Depth of the landing shall not be less than the width of the staircase. - C: Handrails shall be provided for all staircases except the staircases that less than 4 risers - D: Intermediate handrails shall be provided for staircase that exceeding 225mm in width. - E: Staircase that vertical intervals more than 4.25m shall provide a landing which not less than 1.8m in depth and the maximum 16 riser to be provided in each flight and landing. 3. Single staircase - According to UBBL clause 194 stated that a singles staircase may be permitted in any building the top most floor of which does not exceed 12m in heights.

Figure 10: Calculation of building volume.

- According to UBBL Fifth Schedule, the design building is in institutional purpose group. - According to UBBL, Seventh Schedule, the maximum travel distance of the proposed building is: Purpose Group Institutional - Flexible Plan

Limit when alternative exits are available Dead End Limit Unsprinklered NR 45

1. Lift: Provided but not required - According UBBL clause 124 stated that the non residential building which exceeds 4 storeys above or below the main access level shall provide at least one lift. - The lift is provided due to the consideration of handicap and comfort accessibility for the people who visit the museum.

Sprinklered 60


8.3.2 Active Fire Protection System 1. Dry Rising System: No need to provide - According to UBBL clause stated that dry riser system shall be provided for building which topmost floor is more than 18.3m but less than 30.5m above the fire appliances access level. 2. Wet Rising System: No need provide - According to UBBL clause 231 stated that wet rising system shall be provided for building which the topmost floor is more than 30.5m above the fire appliances access level. 3. Fire Lift: No need to provide - According to UBBL clause 243 stated that fire lift shall be provided for the building which the top occupied floor is over 18.5m above the fire appliances access level. 4. Smoke Lobbies- No need to provide - According to UBBL clause 196(3) state that the smoke lobbies shall be provided at basement leve Requirement of the fire safety system: According to UBBL Tenth Schedule, the design building belongs to Institutional Purpose group, item No. 1 Educational Occupancies. There are different requirement on different type of spaces. 1. For the classroom: According to UBBL: (i) Used for instructional purpose only. Open design balcony approach (b) 3 to 5 storey - Need to provide Transformer and substations 2. For the Dining/ Canteen According to UBBL: (ii) Cateen/ kitchen detached - Nothing stated 3. For the Library According to UBBL: (iv)Library (b) Two Storeys- less than 1000 sqm - Need to provide Transformer and substation

Other than that, here is the list of the fire safety appliance to be install in the building:

List of Appliances


Max. distance: 16m Dry powder for sub- basement

Manual Fire alarm Max. distance: 12m

Co2 for TNB Substation

Max. distance: 12m Emergency Light

Max. distance: Hose reel - Will be placed at each fire staircase

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