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Kerri Zhang

Layout Diagram for the Front Part of Subject’s House Legend:






12 17


11 10

S 6 1




R1 R2 5


1. Table 2. TV stand and TV 3. Brown sofa 4. Wooden sofa with colorful cover 5. DVD shelf 6. Dining table with hand-made bowl on it 7. Cupboard 8. Cookbook shelf 9. Dining table 10. Fridge 11. Washer, dryer 12. Table with dishes on it 13. Cupboard with vases and bottles on it 14. Boxes and artworks/photos 15. Bed 16. Piles of letters 17. Drawers Bookshelf Window Piles of boxes Paintings Lamp Plants

Notes:  

Most of small things on the furniture have been omitted This layout is not drawn to scale

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R1 – Researcher Urvashi(seated) R2 – Researcher Kerri(seated) S – Subject(seated) RN – Researcher notes RC –Researcher comment

Subject: Female, around 60 years old, working in School of Education in Indiana University Bloomington. She is a graphic designer. She moved to Bloomington in 1980. But she has only lived in this house for two years. Before moving to Bloomington, she lived in Germany for nearly five years. The house was redesigned and redecorated by her and it is painted in Cyan and most of the furniture is white. She loves to recycle so a great part of furniture is from secondhand store or yard sale. The stuff in the house is mostly hers and her daughters. The older daughter lived here before but already left. The younger one is still living there but she is leaving for Vietnam in March.

I543 Interaction Design Methods (Spring 2014)



Kerri Zhang

The session started from 11:22 a.m., and the researchers arrived at the subject’s house 10 minutes before the session and started to learn about the subject’s demographic information. The subject works at school so she is willing to talk to students. And she mentioned she knows that it is hard to find someone to interview, so she is very glad she can help. [RN-02/01/2014: She is so nice.] The house is on 8th Street and is surrounded by many other houses. The weather was bad in the morning. It was freezing cold and windy. The researchers needed to walk around 15 minutes there and felt somewhat overwhelmed by the weather.

I543 Interaction Design Methods (Spring 2014)



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Kerri Zhang

[RN-02/02/2014: This part starts from the timestamp 00:08:02 of the audio recording.] 11:29 a.m.

R1: And what do you have in those boxes? [RN - 02/02/2014: We saw a pile of boxes in the dining room.] S: Oh, it's a mix of things. Some of them are old paper and letters. From family, kind of memories. And others are my yarn collections, my knitting tools, and the other one is fabric. R1: Hmm. S: I like to sew...(cont.) R1: That's cool. S: And I haven't been able to sew lately but I'm planning in a few years. I will be retiring and I'm gonna start sewing again so I'm holding on to the...some of the pieces I really like. I'd like to sew sometime. [RC: Save for future use.] R1: Oh, ok. So where are you working right now? S: I work at the School of Education. R1: Oh, where? In the university? S: Yeah, yeah. R1: Ok. [RN-02/02/2014: Researchers were taking notes and didn't continue the conversation for 4 seconds.] S: And I also have just, hmm, my summer clothes. You know, some kind of summer stuff is packed away here and then you know, winter's over I'll switch. R1: Uh-hmm. S: And it's because my daughter is using my back room. (cont.) [RC: Living with daughter.] R1: Ok. S: For a while but then when she leaves in March well a lot of it is going to move to the back room. That was like a storage room and I cleared it out so she could have a place to stay(cont.) R1: Uh, ok. S: For a little while...yeah. So that's why you see all the things like, oh really, storage room kinds of closet sort of things because this house doesn't really have much, well, there is just one closet. Haha...(cont.) [RC: Laugh hard.] R1: Haha, right. S: In the bedroom, yeah. Haha...So they don't, they are not, it's not permanent that they're in the dining room. I'll move to the back room. R1: Ok, yeah...Umm, can we have a look around in the house? S: Yes, yes. [RN-02/02/2014: Subject and both researchers moving to the dining room.] This part is, uh, dining room. And once I have everything cleared out, I'm going to move the computer and all that kind of stuff to this, this deck, this, desk area. (cont.) R1: Ok. S: I Just bought, I picked up that desk so now there are things around my‌making a mess on my...table and my bedroom that's supposed to be more my art table it's been taken over by paper work so the paper work is gonna move to that area. Hahaha‌ [RC: Laugh]

I543 Interaction Design Methods (Spring 2014)



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11:32 a.m.

Kerri Zhang

R1: Haha... S: So we're organizing things. I guess this is the dining room. And this is my table cloths and things like that. Here next that's cedarline so that's where all my sweaters and [RN-02/02/2014: I can’t hear clearly.] are. Another one and, just have to still find, uh, I wanna get some kind of large piece of storage furniture for this wall. And then the things that are like just like sitting on top, can get put away. Because actually I'm pretty neat person, don't like all the clutter. can never guess it's can never guess just looking at it. [RC: Excused the mess before.] R1: You like baskets too? S: I do. R1: Ok. Are these from Bloomington or...? S: I picked most them up at a garage sale. (cont.) R1: Ok. S: Somebody a couple of streets down you could, I think he was clearing out like his mother's house or something and she had these huge, I mean, piles of baskets. [RC: Recycle.][RN-02/02/2014: She also said she bought book shelves in Surplus Store.] R1: Haha. S: I just picked up a few I like them for putting vegetables and fruits, and serving things. I think they keep things from molding as fast. R1: Yeah. I need a few but there is so much clutter in my house. It's like I had to organize stuff in my house so that's why.. it looks nice. S: Oh see, I've been working. [RC-Subject saw an empty box on the pile of boxes.] I cleaned out one of my bins. is also my daughter's stuff. It's gonna go away. And..slowly getting here. Ah, that's my older daughter's accordion. She parked it here for a couple of months. That big black thing, instrument thing. [RC: Two daughters. Things not only hers.] R2: A couple of months it's still here? [RC: Months!][RN-02/02/2014: Maybe the reason it clutters.] S: Yeah. She moved from Rochester to Madison. And she brought it down once until she has a little more room in Madison. (cont.) R1: Madison is a really beautiful city. S: Wisconson. Yeah. R1: So where were you before you came to Bloomington? S: I'm originally from upstate New York. R1: New York. Ok. S: Near Syracuse you know where they get a lot of snow. Haha... R1: Yeah. Haha... S: And I lived in Germany though for about five years. (cont.) [RC: Lived in Germany.] R1: Wow, Germany. S: So we came back from Germany, I had fiancÊ with me and we used to stay in Syracuse for a year and then we moved to Bloomington in 1980. So... (cont.) R1: 1980? S: We really have been in Bloomington for a long time.

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11:35 a.m.

Kerri Zhang

R1: Wow. S: No right here though. In a different house. R1: Ok. S: Yeah. R2: So like all the stuff are not only yours or...? S: Right. R1: So you have any stuff from Germany, like anything which is, which you got from Germany you have got to save? S: Yes. Books. Haha. R1: Oh, wow. S: Some pictures. R1: Pictures. S: Some textile, some fiber, you know, some sweaters and some pieces of clothing and table cloths and things like that. [RC: Art person] R1: Ok. Do you visit Germany often? S: Uh, I haven't gotten back there since 78. Oh wait, no, I was there but...that's right, I did. It was in a different part of the country though from where I had lived so I didn't see any of my old friends. But I was in Munich for two weeks.

I543 Interaction Design Methods (Spring 2014)


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