Keter Woods Resume

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Technical and marketing writer/project manager with over 20 years of experience in managing complex documentation and creative content management projects. Writing team/project manager

Technical and business writing, presentation design

Certified Scrum master, cross -functional and global teams Process, risk, and quality program design and improvement

CMMI and knowledge ecology strategies Specify and implement technology solutions

Online content and learning systems development Financial and government program compliance experience

Client and stakeholder liaison Startup team experience

Certified Scrum Master, Ascentium, 2008

Business Process Design and Improvement, Dell, 2000

PMI prep, St. Edward’s University, 2006 HIPAA compliance, ACS, 2004

Total Quality Management, San Antonio College AAS Electronics, Hallmark Institute (4.0 GPA)

CMMI, Accenture, 2003

Mathematics and Physics double major, UTSA

Partial listing. Please ask. Project Management Build, train, and manage in-house, global and remote teams Troubleshoot existing and develop new processes Former bookkeeper and QA – mind the details CRM – online, B2B, B2C, internal

10+ years S o f tw a re:

Me th o d s :

MS Acces s , Excel, Project, Visio, PowerPoint, Outl ook, DOORS, Lotus Notes, Pri mavera, Sa l esforce, SAP Agi l e, Ca pability Ma turity Model (CMMI), Learning Orga ni zation, PMBOK, Rational Unified Process (RUP), Scrum, WBS

Docume ntation

20+ years

Experienced documentation team manager

S o f tw a re:

Proven one-person documentation department Document software, hardware, processes, policies, plans Develop marketing collateral, bids, proposals, RFQs Create traditional and computer-based presentations Design templates and style guides Develop training materials and help systems, WIKIs Establish document review and sign off processes

S u b je cts :

Me th o d s :

Research and verify content, work with SMEs Identify inconsistencies and omissions, second li ne QA

Acroba t, CVS, Ecl ipse, Epic Editor, Flare, Fra meMaker, Mi crosoft Word, PowerPoint, Open Offi ce, MySQL, Ora cl e, RoboHelp, Subversion, Li nux, OSX, Wi ndows, UNIX, Eclipse, SharePoint, VPN Softwa re, web apps, marketing, business i ntelligence, financial s ervices, government, medi cal, i nsurance, a erospace, nuclear, electronics ma nufacture, semiconductor, wi reless Information mapping, CMM a nd ISO standards, Chi ca go Ma nual of Style, AP Styl e

Web Pres ence

10+ years

Set up and design Web sites Manage online content and wikis Establish and moderate online communities

S o f tw a re: Me th o d s :

Drea mweaver, Mi crosoft Expression Suite, Flash, W3C, Word-of-Mouth (WOM) strategies, vi ra l /social networking s trategies

Phot ography & Graphic Des ign

15+ years

Digital photography and photo manipulation/retouching

S o f tw a re:

Digital Video and Audio Creation and Editing CAD Drafting, Technical Illustrator

Me th o d s :


email phone 512.906.5800

Photos hop, InDesign, Illustrator, GIMP, Inkscape, AutoCAD, Audacity El ectronics, aerospace, medical, hospitality

snail 21203 Park Drive, Lago Vista, TX 78645 skype keter.magick

Positions in Austin, TX only. Owner


Keter Magick & New Eridu Media New media focused s ocial networking, consulting, and training for the New Age community, holistic health professionals, a nd exopolitical res earchers.

B l o g Ta l kRa di o : Yo u Tu b e: W e b S i te: Currentl y mi grating to a new web host Previ ew:

Cons ultant


Neverfail Crea ted FrameMaker templates, updated ma nuals Wrote HTML knowledgebase a rticles a nd Flash online tra ining materials

S o f tw a re: S u b je ct:

Fra meMaker, Expression Web, Flash, GIMP Enterprise s witchover/failover solution

S o f tw a re: S u b je ct:

Word, Vi sio, Outlook, Mi crosoft Office Li ve Aeros pace, facilities management

Era Helicopter As s isted l ead writer with creating Word templates and updating content i n a viation maintenance manuals a nd regulatory compliance documents.

Global Writing Team Manager


Freescale Semiconductor Wri ter ma nager for wri ting team in Noida, India. Project and requi rements management, coordination with gl obal development team.

S o f tw a re:

Fra meMaker, Acrobat, Agile, Pri mavera, DOORS, Outl ook, Excel S u b je ct: Mi croprocessors, cellular wireless Acco m p l i s hmen ts : Developed and updated processes for newly off-shored team, implemented CMMI Level 3 a nd Agile Scrum processes.

Cons ultant

2006-2007 Technical documentation and instructional design for two clients.

Triangle Technology St. Jude Medical Tra i ning materials and requirements for implantable medical device compl iance management software.

Devel oped requirements for tra nsition from Salesforce to SAP i n hous e solution.

TOPAZ Technologies Tra i ning materials for biomedical research laboratory IACUC protocol management software.

Wordsmith & Company

Worked with a pplication developed using Flash.

Technical documentation, marketing materials development and instructional design for two clients.

Troux Technologies Technical documentation and training materials for IT asset ma nagement software.

Worked with Ja vadoc.

Pavilion Software Technical documentation and marketing materials for refinery control software.

Worked with i ndustrial control and modeling software.

Business consulting services for an existing domain registrar and web hosting provider considering a transition to Web 2.0 business model incorporating new ASP features.

PowerPipe / TopSpot

R e s ul t: Research showed idea had missed window of opportunity a nd faced well-funded opposition from Google.


email phone 512.906.5800

snail 21203 Park Drive, Lago Vista, TX 78645 skype keter.magick

Content Se rvices Manager Bazaarvoice Founding team member. Ori ginated the Content Servi ces function, developed processes, and built a content management team to provi de ra ti ngs, reviews, and business i ntelligence s ervices for l arge online reta ilers. Created in-house marketing collateral, requirements a nalys es, s a les strategies, a nd proposals. Worked directly with upper ma nagement of l a rge online retailers i ncluding PETCO, Overs, Home Depot.

2005-2006 S u b je ct: R e s ul t:

WOM ma rketing, vi ral marketing, s ocial media, cus tomer ra tings a nd reviews Devel oped a n entirely new method of deriving a cti onable business i ntelligence and WOM marketing col l ateral from online customer ra tings and reviews. $3+ mi l lion i n contracts a fter only 6 months.

Technical Writer (Contract) NetSpend Ori gi nated the technical wri ting function for a prepaid debit card i s suer/processor with over $1 billion in tra nsaction vol ume. Analyzed ri s ks and needs and wrote initial internal policies, procedures, and audit documentation (SAS70 a nd CISP/PCI).

IBM Crea ted developer’s guides and online help for WebSphere Device Devel oper a nd WebSphere Cl ient Technology Mi cro Edition a pplications. Worked with developers all over the world.

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Devel oped online help for STARS compliance reporting application.

Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) Res earched and wrote approximately 60 a l l new i nternal process and procedure guides. Analyzed technical a nd business requirements; des igned user experiences and customer servi ce processes. Coordinated wi th departmental managers, State representatives, and in -house a ttorneys.

Interactive Silicon, Inc. Wrote a product brief, designed a prototype GUI a nd i nteractive help.

Buffalo Technology Worked with Ja panese engineering teams to redesign the GUI and help s ys tem for wireless bridging router software.

Motorola Worked with i nternationally distributed engineering teams to document PDA mi croprocessors with Bluetooth. Recommended specific changes for i mproved documentation process and trained new technical writers.

Finle Systems Hi red and supervised three contractors to perform an emergency recovery a nd update to a 650-page user guide a nd help system for photolithography (silicon wafer) simulation software in only one month.

2001-2005 S o f tw a re: Word, Excel , InDesign, Visio, PowerPoint R e s ul t: Pa s sed two ri gorous fi nancial i ndustry required a udits based on documentation on first a ttempt.

S o f tw a re: Ecl i pse, XML, SGML, Lotus Notes R e s ul t: Lea rned about Javadoc a nd WebSphere.

S o f tw a re:

Word, RoboHelp, Dreamweaver, SnagIT

S o f tw a re: Word, Excel , FrameMaker, InDesign, Photoshop, Il l ustrator, Acrobat, Form Designer, Ki ntana, Subversion, Project, Visio, PowerPoint, Drea mweaver, SnagIT, Outlook R e s ul t: Successful startup. S o f tw a re: Qua rk, PowerPoint, Dreamweaver, Hummingbird S o f tw a re: Fra meMaker, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, RoboHelp R e s ul t: Ma na ged Japanese tra nslations. S o f tw a re: Fra meMaker, Photoshop, Acrobat, SnagIT R e s ul t: Worked with engineers in Hong Kong on chipset that powered the first “Razr” s mart phone. S o f tw a re: Fra meMaker, Photoshop, OCR, RoboHelp, SnagIT R e s ul t: Met extreme challenge despite adverse conditions.

Docume ntation Team Leader Dell Computer Corporation Ma na ged 8–12 s imultaneous technical documentation projects (enterprise server s ystems, peripheral hardware, OS a nd networking s oftware) and coordinated up to 15 i ndividual contributors. Member of gl obal cross-functional teams. Developed and maintained FrameMaker templates; tra ined wri ters; i mproved processes

2000-2001 S o f tw a re: Fra meMaker, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, Project, Drea mweaver, Agile, Outlook R e s ul t: Specialized in fast-turnaround projects a nd i nterdepartmental relationship mending.

Other Experience Management & Front Office – operational management, bidding and subcontracting, bookkeeping and billing, inventory Policies & Procedures – Medi caid, biomedical laboratories, credit a nd fi nancial s ervices, risk management, i nsurance, medical practice R&D Engineering – fa ci lities management, electronic and electromechanical design and production, AutoCAD drafting, CNC ma chine progra mming, UL/CSA a nd MILSPEC certified quality a ssurance Sales & Hospitality – PR, l egislative lobby, tra de s hows, seminars, l icensed Realtor


email phone 512.906.5800

snail 21203 Park Drive, Lago Vista, TX 78645 skype keter.magick

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