Tarot Full Reading Sample

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Name June 17, 2010

Tarot insight by Keter Magick Š 2010,

Keter Magick

Zeitgeist These cards describe the character of the matter.

Š 2010,

Princess of Disks

Princess of Swords

4 Wands - Completion

A young woman (also probably an inner child aspect) full of creative potential, but that creativity is well-grounded. She is patient and thorough, and perhaps a little uncompromising.

A young woman (probably an inner child or who you once were) with a quick wit, passionate and quick to defend her beliefs. May be too quick to judge and too harsh in reactions.

The end of a cycle. A causal outcome. Results will appear and works will bear their fruit, good or ill. The speculative becomes manifest.

Keter Magick

Current / Near Future These cards describe this current time in your life.

Š 2010,

10 Cups - Satiety

3 Swords - Sorrow

3 Trumps - Empress

This is the symbol of having enough. A goal has been achieved and there is some satisfaction, if not celebration. All criteria have been fulfilled, but may have a feeling of being not quite finished, or finished too soon.

A pierced heart – sorrow capable of taking the joy out of life. An aching discontent. May indicate a self-inflicted wound or selfdefeating tendency.

Graceful feminine influence. Tact, kindness, and skill in managing emotions of self and others. May be a bit lonely or feel somewhat burdened.

Keter Magick

Likely Outcome These cards describe the likely outcome if no changes are made.

Š 2010,

8 Disks - Prudence

14 Trumps - Art

6 Disks - Success

Balance and wisdom in handling practical affairs. Growth and blossoming of potential in harmonious balance. Care and competence in worldly tasks.

Synergy. Art is the symbol of alchemy, of the melding of dissimilar materials to form a higher substance. In the central position, it indicates significant ability to transform a situation.

Success is generally what it says it is. The outcome will result in success. This success may, however be temporary unless thoroughly grounded (see Prudence).

Keter Magick

Personal Resources These are resources you already have that can help you.

Š 2010,

Knight of Cups

Knight of Wands

4 Cups - Luxury

A gentle, gracious, but dreamy young man. This card probably reflects how you deal with unknowns and situations you cannot fully control. May engage in too much wishful thinking without action.

A fiery and vibrant young man. This card probably symbolizes how you deal with challenges and opportunities. May come on too strong, burning people and opportunities unnecessarily.

The ability to enjoy what one has to the fullest. Riches are not required...this is a symbol of noticing, appreciating, and enjoying the fine and beautiful aspects in everyday life.

Keter Magick

Universal Forces These are Universal conditions and intentions in play.

Š 2010,

2 Disks - Change

5 Swords - Defeat

13 Trumps - Death

Change is always around, but lately is more in evidence in the world around us. The pressure for change is intense and is affecting everyone...and each person will be changed in a way that is entirely individual, and the collective as well will be changed.

The symbol is on of a judgment, an end to a conflict. Positioned as it is between two powerful indicators of change, “defeat� is not in the literal personal sense, but the ending of a condition that has long needed to change.

The ultimate symbol of change and transmutation. Death is not an end in itself, rather it marks the transition from one state to another. Certainly our entire civilization is undergoing such a transmutation, with the inherent risks of such a drastic change.

Keter Magick

Analysis What the Universe has to tell you... About the nature of the matter...

You seem to be reaching the conclusion of a cycle of personal transformation. This transformation seems to be centered on reconciling an aspect of yourself that you may not have appreciated or that you may have though of as negative. The Princess of Swords symbolizes that aspect, with her tendency to overreact and be harsh in her judgments, and as quick to destroy as to create. Your "other" nature is that of a creator and nurturer, and prefers to take her time with things. The synergy you are creating seeks to temper the harsher inner aspects with more well-rounded ones, while retaining the strength and passion that will ground creations in reality.

About what's going on now... You may be feeling discouraged, perhaps achingly so. Your rational mind may be measuring your accomplishments to date and assessing that you have mostly met your goals, but your heart may be insisting that it's not quite enough or that you aren't finished yet. You may feel indecisive about taking a risk to go on to the next step. You also may be feeling some weight of responsibility holding you back, and may be having difficulty reaching out for advice due to self-imposed isolation. You have a gracious and empathic nature that will listen to your heart and to the hearts of others, and is capable of making a very wise decision.

About the eventual outcome... This is a major transformation. One that is necessary, will require delicate balance and careful planning and execution, and may take some significant patience to achieve, but in the end will be successful. The degree of success will be largely determined by how carefully you perform and complete each step of the process. You will have all of the knowledge and resources necessary to accomplish your goal, but will have to be very careful to balance the inward and outward aspects of it and to ensure that it encompasses all of the aspects of your reality that you want to retain.

About what forces are motivating you and the applicable resources you already possess...

It is interesting that two male forces figure so prominently. The Knight of Wands occupies the central position, and is aligned with the Princess of Swords in temperament, if not mode of expression. While the Princess of Swords tends to be petulant and pouting, the Knight of Swords can be just as reactive, but in a vibrant and compelling way that draws others to you. This is an aspect you likely want to develop. Corresponding similarly with the Princess of Wands is the Knight of Cups, whose dreamy nature and wishful thinking often frustrate the ambitions of the Knight of Wands, but can be an effective counterbalance to his overly fiery nature. This is an aspect of your personality you also may want to develop, keeping in mind that it is a counterbalance, rather than a primary aspect. The symbol of Luxury, of fully appreciating good things in life, draws your attention to the positive aspects. This also is a needed counterbalance to the fiery Knight of Wands to prevent that aspect from becoming negative and destructive. The lesson in "luxury" is to remember to slow down, smell the roses, and give your dreamer aspect a chance to do what he does best...and together, to form the works accomplished by your most active aspect.

Š 2010,

Keter Magick

Analysis What the Universe has to tell you... About Universal conditions affecting you and others who may be affecting you...

Change and closure - I'm seeing some variation of this in every reading I have done for the past six months. It's the times and you are navigating through them while you are also tying up your own loose ends. The Universe will be arranging situations in the macro scale changes in the world that will assist you with making the inner changes you need to make to complete a cycle of change that has taken a long time to reach closure. That closure will occur, and with it, "one door will close, but another one will open."

In closing...

You are reaching a cusp in your life. You have new options opening up that require you to resolve some inner conflicts in order to cope with external changes in the world around you and internal changes wrought by the alchemical synergy you will produce within yourself as you finally meld the active and dreamy, judgmental and compassionate, creative and destructive aspects of your personality...you are combining fire and water...and you must make of yourself a carefully planned, beautifully wrought, and very well balanced dynamo to be able to handle the energy that will be released.

An Oracle of June 17, 2010 White Overtone Dog White Northern Castle of Crossing Earth family- Polar Clan- Truth

I empower in order to love Commanding loyalty I seal the process of heart With the overtone tone of radiance I am guided by the power of endlessness

Š 2010,

Keter Magick

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