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Inspired Minds Posters and Products

The 30 titles of the Inspired Minds posters were developed, along with the help of a team of professional psychologists, as a means to foster self-confidence. The award-winning inspirational posters, notes, magnets, and postcards feature 30 affirmations designed to promote social-emotional learning, inclusion, and growth mindset. Our 30 poster titles are also available in Spanish. Writing prompts and classroom tools are available on our website and our email newsletter with exercises to promote SEL.

(715) 568-2166

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30 Individual Affirmation Titles Printed on Posters, Magnets, Postcards and Hand-Off Notes

Contact: Cindy Kettner (715) 568-2166


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�ll booster sets printed on 11” x 17” card stock. OR Full set of 3� ���l�s� �osters o� ��O��� ����R. P.01C178N4P282 ! ! ! ! ! !

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Spanish Posters Sets '(%"#)*+#,* '(%"#+%+!* '(%"#+%+"* '(%"#+%+#* '(%"#+%+$* '(%"#+%+%* '(%"#+%+&*

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Magnets 2! x 3.5! '(%"#+#,( '(%"#+%+!( '(%"#+%+"( '(%"#+%+#( '(%"#+%+$( '(%"#+%+%( '(%"#+%+&(

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Postcards 4.25! x 6! !"#$%&'&(%")*+',&-%))'.%& *+&$/%&0'12&)#3%4

Hand-Off Notes 2! x 3! '(%"#+#,W W67824: ;<004*8746=4>004#,4?17082 '(%"#+!",W !",4W67824: *8746=4>004 #,4?17082X4$46=48>I34

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Inspired Minds NEW Product: Health Series

Item number IMHS-5-1P Wash Your Hands Set of 5 Posters The key to staying healthy comes down to making it a habit to wash your hands! These posters are perfect for promoting health awareness and starting conversations on such an important topic. For example: “Are there other times when you should wash your hands?” “Why do you wash your hands?” Posters are designed for all ages! Each poster is printed on 11 x 14 card stock and sold as the set of 5. Displayed in a clear hang bag! $10.99

Inspired Minds LLC 13927 60th St, Bloomer, WI 54724 715-568-2166

Cindy Kettner, Owner of Inspired Minds

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