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Fashion Hotel
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Luxury Hotel
Boutique Hotel
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Resort Hotel
Luxury Hotel
ISBN 978-7-214-07243-6
Business Hotel
Resort Hotel
1 1 World 101 Classic Hotels
Business Hotel
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Classic Hotels
ॿ໋ට௷ӲมཀৄݴมDŽ࣡ލक़Dž ࣡ލӲدणཷሞཀৄׯ૬ڦ੦ࠣഓ ᄽăഄሞฉ࡛Ă࠽ዝĂԛยᆶ๚ᄽ ևă၄ᆶཷׯܓᇵۼٷሞॺዾກଶ ᇘٶࡗܠĂᆶጣݿঢ়ᄓڦጆᄽӲ ටăሞഽᆶ૰ڦጆᄽԝৠኧᅜतཷׯܓ ᇵڦࢇፕူLjཀৄݴมӲࡗڦፕ փৈၨ࡛ాྔLj߸ྔాࡔܠڟኪఁ ยऺڦဠҺࢅࡻೠă ཀৄݴมణമڦກݛၠीჄզࣩ݀ Lj૧ᆩᆫڦLjᅈᅜॺዾĂৠ ࠵ĂᇴଠĂాĂࡀࣄतཱིॺૌڪກྺ ዷăೞጣ࣡ލӲणཷഽࢫڦٷኧ Lj၎႑ཀৄݴมՂॽሞ࿄ઠ݀ڦቛዐׯ ྺᄽহڦᅃኧആᕴă Tianjin Branch of Jiangsu People’s Publishing House (Ifengspace Culture & Media Co., Ltd.) is a subsidiary company of Phoenix Publishing and Media Group (PPMG) with offices in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. All the employees, with professional backgrounds, have years of work experience in architectural fields. Under the cooperation and hard work of the whole staff, the publications are popular home and abroad, and win approval and praise from professionals as well as readers. Tianjin Branch of Jiangsu People’s Publishing House mainly engages in fields of architecture, landscape, interior design, planning and civil engineering, etc., and will gradually broaden to other fields. With the strong support of PPMG and valued partners’ collaboration, we believe that Tianjin Branch will grow rapidly and stably, and become a miracle in the publishing field.