Kevin Abdulrahman - Richard Branson

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Success! Simply more

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Kevin Abdulrahman

Borrowing Branson’s

Beliefs I was speaking with a client re-

decisions you’ve made, thoughts you’ve

back in business, when he could choose

cently when he shared with me his

had, which stem from the beliefs you

to have ones that propelled his business

dilemma. He told me how he was

harbour. In short, your results are the


able to work through and achieve

outcome of the beliefs you hold.

what ever goals he set out to do in

With a puzzled look and over a very

different areas of his life, except

I asked my client to write a list of what

silent few seconds I could tell that he

for when it came to his business.

he felt stopped him so far? What was it

didn’t believe that would be possible ei-

that was holding him from being where

ther. So I gave him what so many people

he wanted to be?

hope for (no not a silver bullet, magic

He longed to build a bigger business and generate a larger stream of income, one

potion, Abra Cadabra, but a how to tip).

that would give him the financial free-

The answers ranged from it possibly not

dom and flexibility he desired. Upon

being a priority, him not being creative,

I suggested that he borrows Branson’s

further questioning, it became rather

not having the resources to deal with big


apparent that in every aspect of my cli-

orders, right through the spectrum to

ent’s life, one constant held true. Where

‘it takes money to make money’. All his

Still a puzzled look ensued my sugges-

he achieved his goals, he had first be-

reasons were in actual fact excuses (be-

tion. However, now I could see my cli-

lieved them to be true. He believed that

cause he didn’t have any of these things

ent’s eyes widen with interest.

it was possible and had no doubt that he

holding him back when it came to set-

was going to achieve them. Subsequent-

ting and achieving his goals in other ar-

Sir Richard Branson is obviously an in-

ly, he would go on to achieve them.

eas of life).

spirational business icon. Someone who

When it came to his business results,

He was harbouring beliefs that were

which has resulted in him being able to

things were different. And if you have

limiting- and it showed in his business

generate the string of successes he has

heard me speak or have listened to any


enjoyed with The Virgin Group. It would

has a winning mind and winning beliefs,

of my audio programs, then you would

be fair to say that when Sir Richard

have heard me talk about how the re-

I suggested he develop his beliefs. After

Branson wants in something, he gets out

sults in any aspect of your life is an out-

all, if he was going to be owning a set of

there and makes sure it turns into real-

come of the actions you’ve taken, the

beliefs, why have ones that will hold him

ity. He believes that he can, and there-


5. Believe that you will always find solutions when faced with challenging circumstances 6. Believe that you are in control of your future 7. Believe that as you grow, so will everything else around you fore he does. Who would have thought

beliefs form the baseline for all your

of Virgin Galactic? Branson did. And

business results.

ply expensive lessons in business

before doing so, first and foremost he believed it to be true.

8. Believe that failures are sim-

The quality of your results is ultimately determined by the beliefs you hold.

9. Believe that you have courage to pursue what you seek

I went on to suggest to my client that

Make sure you develop winning beliefs

from this point on, when it comes to

like Branson’s, and if you find it chal-

any of his business matters, I wanted

lenging to start of with, feel free to bor-

10. Believe that you are the best

him to think of Sir Richard Branson.

row Branson’s beliefs until you develop

person for the job. If anyone

Where ever he came to having a busi-

your own winning ones.

else can do it, so can you

ness thought, having to make a decision or take an action, I wanted him to

Believe that you will make it big in busi-

Until we meet in person, Get Inspired,

ask two questions, ‘What would Bran-

ness, and it will hold true, as it always

Get Informed and Get Going !!!

son Believe in this moment? And what

does for every winner out there. Whether

would he do’?

you believe that you can or believe that

Athletes, Celebrities, CEOs, Direct Sell-

you can’t, you will always be made right.

ing Groups, Executives, Government

But I’m not Sir Richard Branson, my

Entities Models, Musicians, Private

client rushed to state the obvious, and

Here are 10 quick fire Winning Beliefs

Companies, Public Organisations, Roy-

some of you reading this would have

that you can borrow (until they become

alties, Schools, Sports Teams and Uni-

thought the same as well.

your own). Instil these beliefs to help

versities call for Kevin Abdulrahman

you create the business results you de-

when it comes to wanting an interna-

Indeed you may not be Branson today,

sire for this year and the many more

tional speaker and mind nutrition ex-

but you can certainly borrow his win-

years to come.

pert to consult, coach, train, work with

ning beliefs. By borrowing his beliefs you can walk in his shoes so to speak. And in doing so, you begin to model a

and speak in the areas of motivation, 1. Believe for things to be possible.

successful figure. By believing like one, you begin to think like one, deciding like one, acting like one until one day you

leadership, developing high performing teams and public speaking coaching. You can visit his website on www.

2. Believe in abundance of money, resources and talent

enjoy the results that is a reflection of a

BestMotivationalSpeaker.Me or contact Kevin



Team on 3. Believe that you are capable

Receive Kevin Abdulrahman’s gift to

and can certainly learn what’s

you by going on www.kevinabdulrah-

Also we as humans are creatures of hab-

required in order to achieve

it. Soon you will find that although you

your business goals

winner’s belief.

might have borrowed Branson’s Beliefs

Enter code “vision” to receive your full

to start of with, they end becoming part

4. Believe in your vision, even if

free e-copy of “The Book on What Ever

of your repertoire, and therefore it’s the

you are the only person who

You’re Into” courtesy of Kevin Abdul-

new and improved version of you. Your

sees it.

rahman and Obtainer Magazine.


International Author, Inspirational Speaker on Motivation and Leadership. The Authority in the field of Mind Nutrition.

“No one needs to give you permission to be Great. You hold that Authority”

Kevin Abdulrahman

If you want an engaging speaker to connect with the Audience of Today, then You Will Want to have The Man Inspiring Millions at your next event.

Book Kevin Abdulrahman for your next company and group conference by contacting his management team through


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