Giangeruso promotes six to higher ranks at Lyndhurst PD
By Kevin A. Canessa Jr. kc@theobserver.com
Six of Lyndhurst’s finest were promoted in a ceremony Feb. 27.
Sgts. Francis O’Rourke, Steven Passamano and Eric Cerrito have been promoted to the rank of lieutenant. Lts. O’Rourke and Cerrito will serve in the Patrol Division. Lt. Passamano will continue his work within the School Resource Office Division, continuing the department’s engagement with local schools.
Additionally, Dets. Thomas McSweeney, Christopher Cuneo and Robert Fernandez have been promoted to the rank of sergeant. Sgt. McSweeney will take on a new role within the Special Operations Division, while Sgt. Cuneo will remain in the Detective Bureau.
Sgt. Fernandez will remain in his current capacity as a task force officer with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), a position he has held with distinction for the past nine years.
“These promotions recognize the hard work, dedication and leadership of these officers,” Chief Richard L. Jarvis Jr. said. “Each of them has demonstrated a strong commitment to serving and protecting the residents of Lyndhurst, and we are confident they will continue to excel.”
Mayor and Public Safety Commissioner Robert Giangeruso also praised the promoted officers, noting: “The safety of our community depends on the dedication and professionalism of our police officers. These
See LPD, Page 8
Wiggins, Bocchino & Mara honored at 2025 St. Patrick’s Day Parade dinner Page 4
King expected to become new Kearny business admin

Kearny’s Dow elected state Elks’ president
By Kevin A. Canessa Jr. kc@theobserver.com
William W. “Bill” Dow Jr. of Kearny-Belleville Elks Lodge No. 1050 has won elected as the new president for the upcoming 2025-2026 Elks fraternal year.
Following in a tradition of Elkdom that spans four generations, Dow, first initiated an Elk in 1997, has navigated through the lodge ranks with dedication and commitment.
Having held roles such as exalted ruler, vice
and district
deputy, he has been instrumental in guiding the lodge to achieve the esteemed title of All American for multiple consecutive years.
Dow’s theme for the coming year, “New Jersey Elks: Compassionate, Touching Lives, Changing Tomorrows,” embodies what he says is his vision for a year filled with impactful initiatives and community service. The formal swearing-in ceremony is scheduled for June at the NJ State Elks Annual Reunion in Wildwood, marking the official commencement of his term in office.

Retired Kearny Police Chief George King Jr., left, was expected to be named Kearny’s new business administrator when Mayor Carol Jean Doyle and the Town Council met Tuesday, March 11. He will begin working in the position April 1, the same day current Kearny administrator Stephen Marks is set to take the town manager position in Montclair. King is seen here with wife, Ruth, when he retired from KPD last year. See updates at www.theobserver.com.
Town of Kearny photo
Stream films with Kanopy through the NAPL
The North Arlington Public Library has made the Kanopy streaming service available to its patrons. A North Arlington library card is all that’s necessary to enjoy thousands of critically acclaimed movies, documentaries, foreign films and children’s
entertainment for free. Visit northarlington.kanopy.com and type in your library card number. Create a username and password, and follow the prompts. You will receive 25 free “tickets” per month to stream Kanopy’s content. Children’s programming is unlimited and does not require tickets.
Garfield School PTA hosts vendor fair
The Garfield School PTA in Kearny hosts a vendor fair Friday, March 28, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the school, 360 Belgrove Drive. Anyone interested in being a vendor should send an email to krystalgonzalez616@ gmail.com.
Celebrate Women’s History Month in Kearny
Elks hosting fundraiser at Michael’s Roscommon
The Special Children’s Committee of Kearny-Belleville Elks Lodge 1050 host a special fundraiser April 16, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., at Michael’s Roscommon, 531 Joralemon St., Belleville. A portion of all meals will be donated back to the Elks.


The second-annual Women’s History Month Celebration takes place Thursday, May 13 at 6:30 p.m., at Kearny Town Hall, 402 Kearny Ave. Join Mayor Carol Jean Doyle in an evening to honor and empower women. You’ll be able to connect with government leaders, community activists and those in healthcare, law and education — as well as a variety of women business owners.
Lupus ribbon cutting in May Lupus Awareness Month will be marked in Kearny with a ribbon cutting May 3 at 10 a.m. at Kearny Town Hall, 402 Kearny Ave. All are invited to attend.
Library/Museum hosting genealogy event

North-Central Elks hosting charity ball
The Kearny Library Museum hosts “An Intro to Genealogy,” a 90-minute presentation with Steven Gabai, of the Bergen County Genealogical Society that will explain what one would learn from researching a family history, Saturday, March 22, at 11 a.m. The event is free to the public Use the elevator to get to the second floor.

Office: 201-955-3100 Fax: 201-955-3339 Email: ncoco@bellatlantic.net

NA Knights hosting breakfast for CERT

The North Central District of the Elks Special Children’s Committee hosts a charity ball May 10 at 7:15 p.m. at the Nutley Elks Lodge. The $50 ticket includes dinner, drinks, dessert and dancing. The event is open to all Elks and their guests. Purchase tickets at your home lodge. Guests are encouraged to wear their favorite NFL gear or something pink.
Scout Unit 305 hosting ‘80s tricky tray
The Scouts of Unit 305, Kearny, host an ‘80s-themed tricky tray April 26 at Hedges Hall at St. Stephen’s Church, Kearny, with doors opening at 6:30 p.m. A $45 fee includes dinner and there will be prizes, door prizes, a 50-50 and more. Attendees must be 18 or older. One sheet of tickets are included, with more available for purchase. All proceeds benefit the youth of Unit 305. To purchase tickets, visit 305trickytray2025.eventbrite. com. For more information, send an email to friendsof305@ gmail.com.
The Queen of Peace Knights of Columbus sponsor a Sunday morning benefit breakfast for the North Arlington CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) Sunday, March 16, at 10 a.m. All proceeds will be donated to the CERT. Reservations must be made by Wednesday, March 12, by calling (201) 988-0183. The Knights ask those attending to consider donating a non-expired, non-perishable canned food item for the Food for Families Project.
Senior Center hosing Resorts bus trip
The Henrietta Benstead senior center hosts a casino is trip to Resorts March 19. The bus will leave from 60 Columbia Ave., Kearny, at 9:30 a.m. Coffee, breakfast and snacks will be served starting at 8:30 a.m. The cost is $45 per person. For more information or to purchase tickets, call Marion at (201) 889-3387. (Checks payable to Henrietta Benstead Friendship Travel Club.) Same-day ticket purchases may be available.
NAPD: Clifton man charged with sexually touching woman
By Kevin A. Canessa Jr. kc@theobserver.com
The North Arlington Police Department have arrested a 21-year-old Clifton man they say inappropriately touched a woman sexually inside a local business, the department said.
According to the North Arlington PD:
On Feb. 27, 2025, the North Arlington PD say they responded report involving an incident of inappropriate physical contact. Upon arrival, officers interviewed the victim, who said after purchasing coffee from a local business, she returned to her vehicle. As she was opening her car door, an unidentified man parked beside her, opened his door and made inappropriate physical (sexual) contact before fleeing the scene.
Following a comprehensive investigation, including the

review of surveillance footage from surrounding businesses, police were able to verify the victim’s account and identify the suspect. Further on in the investigation, police were able connect and charge Samual Monroy Durango with an identical incident that took place on Jan. 30, 2025, also in North Arlington.
Durango was charged with fourth-degree criminal-sexual contact, police said.

Ken Davie
Schuyler School Kearny names February Students of the Month
Valerie Iacono, Principal of Schuyler School in Kearny, has announced the school's February Students of the Month:
Eliyanah Diaz, Christofer Pateiro, Zoe Guzman, Ava Padilla, Makayla Brehm, Jade Felipe Fernandez, Jayden Hernandez, Joangel Bautista, Emil Jadadic, Camila Pacheco, Alfredo Herrera Igna, Athena Wojcik, Michael Andron, Melania Neves, Vada Haight, Owen Bayer, Sarah Arias, Melania Neves, Olivia McNally, Jaritza
Cruz Jimenez, Hannah Cosmeus, Marcos Lopes Peixoto Pinto, Jeremy Funes, Amy Betancourt, Lucas Varilias, Olivia Walsh, Aiden Silvestre, Lucas Desa, Abigail Moreano and Africa Acevedo Taboada.
Also, Ibrahim Mir, Elaine Yang, Penelope Sime, Rebecca Fernandes, Shayla Soriano, Juan Guzman, Fallon Ricciardi, Luciana Sanchez, Julieta Jaramillo Novoa, Yamilet Chumbiriza Pomalia and Noah Pascual.


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The 2025 West Hudson St. Patrick’s Day Parade steps off this Sunday, March 16, at 1 p.m. However, prior to that, Grand Marshall Mark Wiggins — and Deputies Donna Bocchino and Michael Mara — were honored at a grand banquet. Wiggins is seen, left, with his mom, Marge Radford Wiggins, at the dinner and right, with his wife, Noreen, before dinner.
Family matriarch Linda Zadroga, of North Arlington, dies aged 78
By Kevin A. Canessa Jr. kc@theobserver.com
Tragedy has once again struck the Zadroga family. The family’s matriarch, Linda A. Zadroga, died March 3.
She was 78.
Mrs. Zadroga was the mother of former NYPD Police Officer James Zadroga, who was a first responder at the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. He died tragically Jan. 5, 2006, aged 34, as a result of being exposed to deadly toxins at Ground Zero.
News reports said Zadroga was the first NYPD officer whose death was directly attributable to the terror attacks of almost 24 years ago. He was reported to have spent nearly 500 hours at Ground Zero in the weeks and months after the attacks, and it led to him contracting a bad cough, difficulty walking long distances and acute shortness of breath.
Some 21 years ago, reports said he was awarded $1 million in a settlement over his illness, the same year he had no other choice but to medically retire from the NYPD.
In 2010, the federal James Zadroga 9/11 Health And Compensation Act of 2010 was adopted by the United States Congress and signed into law by former President Barack H.
Obama in early 2011. This came after four years of Congress being unable to pass the bill, which had first been brought to the floor in 2006. Republicans fought against the bill’s passage initially and instituted a filibuster to prevent its passage until ultimately relenting in what was a public relations nightmare for the GOP.
The bill has since been extended to 2090.
Meanwhile, Zadroga Field, along Schuyler Avenue, was named for James
The Zadroga family experienced tragedy not too long ago when the family’s patriarch, retired North Arlington Police Chief Joseph Zadroga was hit and killed by a car as he took his better half to a medical appointment Jan. 13, 2024 in Atlantic County, South Jersey.
First responders in Galloway Township tried, but were unable, to revive Mr. Zadroga that day.
He had served the North Arlington Police Department from 1970 to 1997.
Mrs. Zadroga, meanwhile, is survived by her son, Joseph, and raised her son James’s daughter, Tyler Ann, after they lost their mom first, then their dad, James.
North Arlington Mayor Dan-
See ZADROGA, Page 8

Free Drive- thru Rabies Clinic
Date: Saturday March 15 th, 2025
Time : 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Place : Franklin Elementary School rear
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GET READY: Silly season may soon be upon us!
By Kevin A. Canessa Jr. kc@theobserver.com
At the last meeting of the Kearny Mayor and Town Council, there were a few moments that reminded us — though it’s just March, the silly season could be soon approaching — that’s shorthand for local elections — and 2025 promises may be as silly as it’s been in a while
Mayor Carol Jean Doyle, First Ward Councilwoman Marytrine DeCastro, Second Ward Councilman Jose Rodrigues, Third Ward Councilman Fred Esteves and Fourth Ward Councilman Jerry Ficeto — all incumbents — will seek re-election.
All of the aforementioned are running on a strong, unified ticket. Doyle, who has been a member of the governing body for nearly three decades, comes with the strongest possible resume any candidate could have.
DeCastro, Esteves and Ficeto each carry with them an impressive body of work as elected officials, as well, with Esteves jumping in full-speed since winning his special election in November.
Rodrigues has a strong resume of community involvement, most notably the work he has done, along with his wife, Ann, for Kearny High School’s Project Graduation. He is also tri-lingual,

Lisa M. Feorenzo lisa@theobserver.com Co-owner/Advertising Dir.
something most necessary from a Second Ward representative.
Now, the biggest question that remains is whether the aforementioned five will face challenges from anyone, either intraparty, from the GOP or from unaffiliated candidates.
The last council meeting sort of offered a glimpse into what we might expect to see this election cycle, with Renato da Silva’s presence at the podium. He referred to a coalition called “Move Kearny Forward.”
What isn’t clear is who else is part of that coalition and whether it will be party (GOP)-based or unaffiliated with a party. And, it’s not clear whether any in the coalition will seek office.
There has, however, been chatter da Silva might run along with multiple-time challenger Sydney Ferreira.
When da Silva spoke at that particular meeting, it was, perhaps, the most he ever had to say, including his time as an appointed councilman.
No matter what ultimately happens, we can be certain one ticket will be united and strong. If there are challengers — it seems there could be — get ready to expect anything and everything to be thrown out to the electorate. We may know shortly with party petitions due soon. Now, remember: You have been forewarned.
Tina Feorenzo Co-owner/Advertising
Robert P. Pezzolla gm@theobserver.com General Manager
Somber Black Balloon Day returns

The Observer accepts letters from readers on topics relevant to our readership area. They should be no more than 250 words and all letters must be signed with a phone number for verification purposes. Anonymous letters will not be published under any circumstances. On occasion, The Observer accepts letters more than 250 words as op-eds — they are judged for publication on an individual basis. Opinion pieces are published based on space availability. We do not guarantee the publishing of any letter or op-ed. All letters should be submitted to editorial@theobserver.com.
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Kevin A. Canessa Jr. kc@theobserver.com Editor/Broadcaster Michelle Rybeck advertising@theobserver.com Graphic Artist/Real Estate

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Town of Kearny photo Kearny Mayor Carol Jean Doyle and Councilmembers Marytrine DeCastro, Jose Rodrigues, Fred Esteves and Jerry Ficeto joined representatives from the ICCDAA, Paola Castano, members of the Municipal Alliance and Kearny Prevention Coalition to take part in the second-annual Black Balloon Day in Kearny. Assemblywoman Barbara Stamato also shared comments with those in attendance. The ceremony included a moment of silence and candlelighting in remembrance of those who have tragically died from addiction.

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Q’Tal Bar & Grill 3 Kearny Ave. • 201-997-7825
Kearny Deli & Cafe 751 Kearny Ave. • 201-997-3691
Angelo’s Ristorante 263 Ridge Rd.•201- 939-1922
Shawn’s Crazy Saloon 350 Belleville Tpke.•201-997-4296
Celebrating ‘Read Across America’

North Arlington Mayor Dan Pronti, Councilman Kirk Del Russo and other borough officials took part recently in the annual celebration of ‘Read Across America’ day and are seen here with several students & teachers.
Continued from Page 5
iel H. Pronti, himself a retired police officer, took time last week to reflect on Mrs. Zadroga’s death.
“The Zadroga Family has been a big part of North Arlington.” Pronti said. “The name will live on in our history. My heart goes out to Linda and Joe’s granddaughter, and James’ daughter, Tyler, who has been through more than any young person should have to endure. She will forever be a part of our North Arlington family.” Mrs. Zadroga was to be laid to rest March 10 in Holy Cross Cemetery, North Arlington after a Mass of Christian Burial at Queen of Peace Church, North Arlington. The Armitage & Wiggins Funeral Home, Kearny, was in charge.

The newly promoted with Giangeruso and Chief Richard Jarvis.
Continued from Page 1
promotions are a testament to their hard work and commitment to serving Lyndhurst. I congratulate each of them and look forward to their continued contributions to our town.”
“The Lyndhurst Police Department congratulates Lts. O’Rourke, Passamano and Cerrito, as well as Sgts. McSweeney, Cuneo and Fernandez, on their well-earned promotions and wishes them success in their new assignments,” Public Information Officer Capt. Vincent Auteri said.
March 12, 2025
By Jason Bernstein jason@theobserver.com
Carina Rivera’s wrestling career started with her seeing a sign on a classroom door as a sophomore.
Nearly three years later, Rivera, who had never wrestled before, concluded her high school career as the most decorated girls wrestler in Nutley history.
This weekend at the NJSIAA Girls Wrestling State Championships, Rivera finished eighth in the 185 pound weight class. With that, Rivera became the first two-time medal winner for girls wrestling in Nutley history.
Rivera’s second medal is the latest addition to a resume that has raised the bar for Nutley’s girls wrestling program.
“She evolved, she learned, she listened and she did whatever we asked her to do (to get better),” head coach Mike DiPiano said. “She bought in and got better at it year by year.
“She’s proof that if you’re willing to put the work in and listen, you can accomplish great things.”
With 80 wins, she graduates as the program’s career wins leader. Rivera also placed three times in the North 1 Region and was an Essex County champion.
Last year, as a junior, Rivera finished seventh at 165 pounds.
“Mariah (Koster) was the first one (to medal in 2022) and then Isabella Bobadilla last year ended with 70-plus career wins and she placed last year,” head coach Mike DiPiano said. But Carina’s going to end as a three-time region place winner, a county champ, and a two-time state place winner. It’s a big deal. She finished with 80 career wins and she didn’t wrestle her freshman year.”
Rivera’s tournament run on Thursday started with a 4-1 decision over Hunterdon Central’s Madilyn Rios. However, in the quarterfinals later that day, Rivera was pinned by Paris Ford of Rancocas Valley.

The next day, Rivera won her first wrestleback, defeating Keyra Huastilian of Hightstown by a 2-0 decision to ensure a return trip to the medal stand. Rivera later lost by pin to Brianna Sandoval of Bound Brook by pin, then, in the seventh place match, dropped a 4-3 decision to Vernon’s Rowan Waite.
It marked the third time in four years that Nutley had a state medalist in girls wrestling, a trend that DiPiano expects to continue because of the example set by Rivera, who previously had a background in martial arts.
“We’d like to continue to bring people to Atlantic City,” said DiPiano. “We’re going to continue to and we’re to continue to get medals down there. That’s the goal.
“We hope people that are in the building and seventh and eighth graders look at Carina and say ‘Carina just saw a sign on a classroom and inquired about wres-
tling and ended up being good at it. We’re hoping more girls take a leap of faith like Carina did.”
While Rivera was the only one of Nutley’s four wrestlers to leave Atlantic City on the medal stand, the weekend proved to be a valuable experience. For freshman Michelle Gavilanes as well as Nutley boys wrestling standouts Aidan Rotbaum, a sophomore, and freshman Louis DellaVolpe, it was their first appearances in the state championships.
Gavilanes, at 138 pounds, dropped her opening match to North Brunswick’s Gabrille Roberts by fall. Gavilanes’ tournament run ended with a defeat to Ecrin Haliloglu of Delran to finish her rookie season with 28 wins.
On the boys side, DellaVolpe was defeated by Bergen Catholic’s Sowzrawca Tsay by a 4-3 decision in the first round of the 150 pound tournament. DellaVolpe
won his 39th match of the year when he pinned Logan Kahrs of Burlington Township in the first wrestleback, but saw his tournament run end with a loss by decision to Ridgewood’s Charles Shaddow.
At 157 pounds, Rotbaum’s tournament run started on a rough note when he was pinned by Christian Brothers’ Brendan Boyer. In the wrestlebacks, Rotbaum defeated Dylan Jones of Cranford for his 37th win of the season before falling to Delsea’s Riley Boos.
“All three of them (are underclassmen) so we’re not upset about the weekend,” DiPiano said. “Michelle has big goals for her future. So do Louis and Aidan. Being there this year, everybody winning a match is a big deal. It’s going to get them better.”
DellaVolpe and Rotbaum headline a group of seven regional
qualifiers who are set to return next season,so DiPiano expects to send an even bigger contingent to Atlantic City in the years to come.
“The goals have changed for next year,” DiPiano said. “The goals are different and we want to punch four, or five or six tickets to Atlantic City next year. That goal starts tomorrow for some of these kids.”
n Bloomfield once again had a strong showing during the Girls Wrestling Championship, as three Bengals returned home as medal winners. Junior Saharia Quamina took second at 235 pounds, junior Leanna Noel finished third at 132, and senior Madelyn McLaughlin ended her career with a fifth place finish at 126.
Reno Prochillo and Lesley Sanchez as well as heavyweight Gabriel McCulloch on the boys side, competeted, but did not medal.
Harrison volleyball begins new year with Sabia as head coach
By Jason Bernstein jason@theobserver.com
Technically, this week marks the beginning of a new era for Harrison boys volleyball as Anthony Sabia takes over as the Blue Tide’s head coach. But don’t expect too much to be different besides for the name in charge.
That’s because for the last 16 years, Sabia’s influence as Nick Landy’s top assistant was felt throughout the program. And considering the success they’ve enjoyed, particularly coming off consecutive Hudson County titles, the lack of significant changes is understandable.
“I don’t think that it’ll be much different from last season in terms of what the expectations are, what my expectations are of the players, what their expectations are of the coaching staff,” said Sabia. “I feel like
we’re in a good position heading into this spring. I know the boys are really looking forward to getting started so I don’t expect much to be different from the jump.”
It’s why the decision to make Sabia the head coach in Landy’s place after the latter decided to step down was an easy one.
A 2004 graduate of Harrison High School, Sabia played volleyball for the Blue Tide under then head coach Larry Manning when the program was still in its infancy. After attending and playing club volleyball at TCNJ, Sabia returned to Harrison as a teacher and later became involved with the girls program, which Manning coached, then the boys team under Landy. Sabia later was the head coach for Harrison’s girls team on two separate occasions.

Currently, he serves as a high school girls volleyball official during the fall season
In each of those situations, Sabia was joining a team that was struggling. The opposite is true for the current version of the Blue Tide.
In the 16 years that followed the start of the Landy-Sabia partnership, Harrison won
four Hudson County championships, two North Jersey, Section 2 titles and five division championships. In seven of the last nine seasons, the Blue Tide have won 20 or more games.
During that time, interest in volleyball exploded in Harrison as summer leagues and open gym programs grew significantly.
“When I played in high school, we weren’t very good and when I started coaching with Nick, we weren’t very good,” Sabia said. “So a lot of times looking at where we are now and all the stuff that we’ve gone through, it’s a really amazing feat what we were able to build together.”
Sabia inherits a team that is projected to return five starters, including All-Group 1 selections Jeremy Rivera, Alattim DeLeon and Yamil Es-
pinoza from a Blue Tide squad that went 26-5, won a second straight Hudson County title, and reached the North Jersey, Section 2, Group 1 final.
One thing Sabia has already continued is having a coaching staff composed of alumni of the program in Cris Oliveira, Kevin Molina and Adrian Vivanco.
With all the pieces in place, it’s easy to see why Sabia doesn’t plan to change much going into the start of the season. One big thing he does look to change however is the end result as Harrison has fallen in the sectional final in each of the last two years.
“I’m just looking forward to the opportunity to really keep it going. We say it every year, but I really believe this year that we have a really great opportunity to do something special and hopefully win a sectional title.”
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Harrison High School Athletics
Lyndhurst baseball team prepping for Florida
By Jason Bernstein jason@theobserver.com
The first day of practice for high school baseball and softball serves as a reminder that winter is nearly over with longer days and warmer temperatures ahead.
After taking a look at the weather forecasts, local coaches understandably have an added level of excitement beyond the usual amount that comes with the start of the preseason.
With high temperatures in the 60s and no precipitation forecasted, Monday’s first day of practice, and the few that follow will be able to be held outside, rather than modified workouts inside the school gym.
It’s certainly a welcomed gift

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as compared to previous years where the fickle March weather limited outdoor practice time and scrimmages.
“The weather we’re going to get is amazing so this week’s going to be great. We get to go outside.” North Arlington baseball coach Paul Marcantuono

and vision problems, but they do not perform surgery. Taking care of your eyes and vision may mean you need to see an ophthalmologist at some point. Ophthalmologists can provide eye exams, as well as diagnosis and treatment for common and serious eye disorders, like glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and cataracts. If it’s been some time since you’ve had an eye exam, please call 201-8960096. We are located at 20 Park Avenue, Lyndhurst. To get in touch with our optical shop, call 201-896-0007. We accept most insurance.
P.S. An optician is an eye care specialist who can test vision and provide corrective lenses.

Shawn Bellenger Ayden Carrero Pat Auteri
Paul Marcantuono
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However, from time to time, there may be mistakes in what we report. As such, we take our obligation to report errors seriously.
If you believe we’ve made an error, please send an e-mail to editorial@theobserver.com, indicating what is to be corrected.
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Continued from Page 11
and we get to get scrimmages in the week after.”
The mild weather not only is appreciated, but frankly a necessity for most teams. In recent years, the lead up time before the start of the regular season has been shortened. This spring, most teams will be starting the regular season on Monday, March 31, leaving just three weeks to get ready.
“We’re pretty much losing a week when we start now on the 10th,” said Lyndhurst baseball coach Patrick Auteri. “We’re opening up on March 31, so the more we can do outside right away is definitely going to be a blessing

and obviously help our kids get better.”
In less ideal weather, outdoor work for Auteri and the Golden Bears would be limited to maybe some defensive drills on the turf before returning inside to the gym for hitting.
As a way to beat the weather and be well prepared for opening day several programs, including Lyndhurst baseball and Nutley softball among others, take annual March trips to Florida or other warm weather areas in order to get extra practices and scrimmages.
Lyndhurst will be spending six days in Florida, a period which Auteri anticipates being able to get in six scrimmages as well as some additional practices in. The motivation is obvious, to try to counteract the fickle nature of March in the Northeast.
“That’s really the reason why we

do it, knowing that March around here in the north, it’s still winter,” Auteri said. “So even though this week looks pretty good, you never know what could come in.”
For Belleville softball coach Chris Cantarella, the prospect of bad weather, while not ideal, is not the disastrous development it might have been in the past thanks to the recent opening of Belleville Public Schools’ Indoor Athletic Training Facility.
“Our new indoor facility is fantastic and a huge improvement over where we used to practice,” Cantarella said. “The baseball team and us have the best of both worlds. The turf fields are a huge asset since we don’t have to worry about the softness or unplayable fields.”
Monday’s first day of practice is always a day for optimism. Thankfully this year provides the weather to match.
Premier Car e TALK S

Restless Leg Syndrome, or RLS, is a neurological disorder characterized by an uncontrollable urge to move the legs, usually due to uncomfortable sensations. These sensations are often described as tingling, crawling, or pulling and typically occur during periods of rest or inactivity, particularly in the evening or at night. Moving the legs temporarily relieves the discomfort, which can make it difficult for individuals with RLS to relax or fall asleep, leading to sleep disturbances and fatigue. The exact cause of RLS is not fully understood, but it is believed to be related to an imbalance of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that controls muscle movements. RLS can also be associated with conditions like iron deficiency, pregnancy, or chronic diseases such as diabetes. Your doctor may order blood tests, particularly for iron deficiency, to rule out other possible causes of your symptoms. You may be referred to a sleep specialist, which may involve an overnight stay and a study at a sleep clinic if another sleep condition such as sleep apnea is suspected. To schedule a wellness exam, please call PREMIER CARE ASSOCIATES OF WEST HUDSON at 201-9987474. Our practice is located at 512 Kearny Ave., Suite B, where walkin patients are always welcome 7 days a week.
P.S. Treatment for RLS includes lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise, good sleep hygiene, and medications that address symptoms or underlying causes.
Email any questions or comments to: premiercare@gmail.com
Premier Care Associates of West Hudson is available on a walk-in or appointment basis for your primary healthcare needs.
Dr. Prakash J. Doshi
Dr. Hector Aguilar
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Michael G. D’Isa
Michael G. D’Isa died March 3, 2025.
He was 65.
Born in New Haven, Connecticut, he lived in Hoboken before moving to Kearny 35 years ago.
Visiting was at the Armitage & Wiggins Funeral Home, Kearny. Mass was celebrated at St. Stephen’s Church, Kearny. Burial was in Holy Cross Cemetery, North Arlington.
Michael was a proud member of the Kearny Community Garden. Anyone who knew him got to hear about his lifelong love of music and his championing of vinyl records — but perhaps, most of all, his love for The Beatles. His passions ranged from nerdy (Star Trek and Marvel) to delicious (baking), but the constant in all of it was that Michael loved things with his whole heart.
On weekends you could find
him finishing The New York Times crossword puzzle, or watching CBS Sunday Mornings; on weeknights, he loved to be tucked away with his family watching Jeopardy! or cheering on the New York Yankees.
He is loved (particularly by his hive) and will be missed.
Husband of Linda (nee Krauss), he was the father of Nicole, Faith and the late Michael D’Isa. Brother of Christian, Gabrielle, Nicholas, Melanie and the late Frank, Jr., he is also survived by his grandchild Eli and his sisters-in-law Karan and Barbara.
In lieu of flowers, kindly consider a donation to the Kearny community Garden at www. tinyurl.com/kcgdonations.
Linda A. Zadroga
Linda A. Zadroga (nee Baczewski) died Feb. 3, 2025. She was 78.
Born in Newark, she lived many years in North Arlington before moving to Little Egg Harbor 19 years ago. Visiting was at the Armitage & Wiggins Funeral Home, 596 Belgrove Drive, Kearny. Mass was celebrated at Queen of Peace Church, North Arlington. Burial was in Holy Cross Cemetery, North Arlington.
Linda was the beloved wife of the late Joseph Zadroga (retired North Arlington Police Chief) and loving mother of Joseph Zadroga (his wife Lisa) and the late James Zadroga (his late wife Ronda).
James was a 9/11 first responder and after he died, the Zadroga Act was developed and became law to assist 9/11 survivors. She was also the devoted grandmother of Tyler Ann and Dakota. After both of Tyler Ann’s parents died, Linda and her husband Joe raised her.
Doyle celebrates Dr. Seuss, ‘Read Across America’ day

In lieu of flowers, kindly consider a donation to the Tunnel to Towers Foundation at www. t2t.org
Mary Patricia Glackin
Mary Patricia Glackin, (McIn-
obituaries must be submitted by email by 10 a.m., Mondays, to obituaries@ theobserver.com. Payment is due at submission.
erney), 88, died peacefully on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, in Complete Care at Cedar Grove, Cedar Grove. To view the complete obituary or to share memories and condolences, please visit www.thiele-reid.com
Cleveland Avenue, Harrison
Arrangements may be made in Spanish, Portuguese or Polish Frank X. Mulligan III, Manager, NJ Lic. 4221 Frank X. Mulligan, Jr. Inactive Private Parking at 10 Frank E. Rodgers Blvd. North 973-481-4333 visit us at: www.mulliganfh.com

arrangements to the
over when you entrust
Town of Kearny photo
Mayor Carol Jean Doyle fostered a love for reading at an early age, and so she visited Franklin School and the North Hudson Community Action Corporation Head Start/Early Head Start kindergarten and pre-K class to celebrate Read Across America Day and honor Dr. Seuss’s birthday. The annual event encourages young readers and highlights the importance of literacy.

- 5 bedrooms and 5 1/2 baths, multitude of amenities.Open floor plan. 1st floor: generously-sized kitchen: walk-in pantry, SS appliances,functional island. Dine/room, fam/room, and lounge area. Ensuite flex/bed with a f/bath,1/2 bath. Rear deck, Backyard. 2nd floor - 2 primary beds with full baths and walk-in clsts, along with two adjl beds and another full bath. 3rd floor: game room, flex/bed, and a full bath. Full basement. .Convenient access to shopping, schools, restaurants, and transportation to NYC.

Eagleswood - $589,923 Renovated - Raised Ranch2 Bdrms, 2.5

2 Fam. - Large Renovated home 1st Fr-one bdrm one bath- 2nd Fr 2 bdrms, full bth, lr, dr, kit,w/access to 3rd floor bdrm, full bth, add room-fin bsmt w/ half bth, parking for up to 4 cars.

N. Arlington$2,250 - 1st Floor Apt.2 Bdrms, Renovated , large open floor plan, hardwood flrs, bonus sunroom, ample closets. NEW RENTAL!

We Are One NJ & Kearny offer guidance to those affected by immigration
The Town of Kearny recently hosted two, We Are One – Know Your Rights workshops, providing resources on immigration and community support, in light of recent federal changes to the immigration process.
The first workshop took place Sunday, Feb. 16, at the VFW, organized by Councilwoman Marytrine DeCastro in collaboration with Mayor Carol Jean Doyle, U.S. Rep. Nellie Pou, state Sen. Angela McKnight, County Executive Craig Guy, Assemblywoman Barbara Stamato and Assemblyman William Sampson also attended.


Kearny$2,200 Fully Renovated, hardwood floors
Living rm,
Eat-in-Kitchen, office, bonus room full bath, parking, no pets.

The second workshop took place Friday, Feb. 28, at the Henrietta Benstead Senior Citizens Center, hosted by Doyle, De Castro, and Councilmembers Fred Esteves and Jerry Ficeto, with additional support from Pou, Senator McKnight and Stamato.
At both events, Julia Bernal, executive director of We Are One NJ, led the Right to Know presentation, offering guidance on the immigration process and available resources. The second session also featured Ingrid Echeverria, who provided insight into immigration law, including expedited removal, deportation relief, court hearing preparation, work authorization and guardianship for minors.
Residents attending both workshops had the opportunity to receive flu and COVID-19 vaccines, administered by nurses from North Hudson Community Action Corporation, and access to mental health resources provided by Martha Silva of the Hudson County Chapter of NAMI.
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
RESOLUTION #02-25-07
WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 231, Laws of 1975, known as the Open Public Meetings Act, all meetings of all public bodies wherein formal action, decision or discussion relating to the public business may take place, are required to be publicly announced and scheduled, with adequate posting and advance notice of time, date, location and the extent known, the purpose or agenda of each such meeting; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Kearny Municipal Utilities Authority, in the County of Hudson, as follows:
1. The following are designated as meeting dates of the Kearny Municipal Utilities Authority at which the business of said Authority may be formally discussed, decided or acted upon:
6:00 PM Mar. 26, 2025
Town Hall 402 Kearny Ave. Kearny, NJ 07032 or TBD Regular Meeting
6:00 PM Apr. 23, 2025
Town Hall 402 Kearny Ave. Kearny, NJ 07032 or TBD Rate Hearing to followed by Regular Meeting
6:00 PM May 28, 2025
Town Hall 402 Kearny Ave. Kearny, NJ 07032 or TBD Regular Meeting
6:00 PM Jun. 25, 2025
Town Hall 402 Kearny Ave. Kearny, NJ 07032 or TBD Regular Meeting
6:00 PM Jul. 23, 2025
Town Hall 402 Kearny Ave. Kearny, NJ 07032 or TBD Regular Meeting
6:00 PM Aug. 27, 2025
Town Hall 402 Kearny Ave. Kearny, NJ 07032 or TBD Regular Meeting
6:00 PM Sep. 24, 2025
Town Hall 402 Kearny Ave. Kearny, NJ 07032 or TBD Regular Meeting
6:00 PM Oct. 22, 2025
Town Hall 402 Kearny Ave. Kearny, NJ 07032 or TBD Regular Meeting
6:00 PM
Dec. 10, 2025
Town Hall 402 Kearny Ave. Kearny, NJ 07032 or TBD Regular Meeting
6:00 PM Jan. 28, 2026
Town Hall 402 Kearny Ave. Kearny, NJ 07032 or TBD Regular Meeting
6:00 PM Feb. 25, 2026
Town Hall 402 Kearny Ave. Kearny, NJ 07032 or TBD Organizational Meeting to be followed by Regular Meeting
In addition, such other meetings as may be required, shall be scheduled and held, but pursuant to and with such additional notice as may be required by statute.
2. The Board Secretary of the Kearny Municipal Utilities Authority is hereby authorized and directed to: a) post and maintain a copy hereof on the Town Council bulletin board; b) file a copy of this resolution with the Town Clerk; c) mail a copy to the Jersey Journal and the Star-Ledger the official local newspapers circulated in the Town of Kearny and; d) do all necessary thereafter to comply with said statute so that adequate public notice of all public meetings, pursuant to such statute, be given according to law.
I certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Kearny Municipal Utilities Authority on February 26, 2025.
Moved by: Commissioner Doyle
Seconded by: Commissioner Torres Aye Nay/Abstain Doyle
Solano (Alt.1) Zapata (Alt.2) ($54.00)
BE IT RESOLVED by the Kearny Municipal Utilities Authority, Town of Kearny, Hudson County, New Jersey, that
• Gregg F. Paster and Associates be and hereby is appointed to the position of General Counsel to the KMUA
• For a one (1) year term commencing on March 1, 2025 in accordance with the Agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof. This agreement is entered into pursuant to a fair and open process under NJSA 19:44A-20.4 et seq.
• The Chairperson and Chief Financial Officer be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute any and all documents and to take any and all actions necessary to complete and realize the intent and purpose of this Resolution, including the execution of the attached Agreement.
• The Board Secretary shall cause to be published notice of this action as required by law.
• The Resolution shall be effective immediately.
ADOPTED: I certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Kearny Municipal Utilities Authority on February 26, 2025.
Moved by: Commissioner Torres
Seconded by: Commissioner Doyle
for individual bond and finance work as the situation dictates.
• The Chairperson and Chief Financial Officer be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute any and all documents and to take any and all actions necessary to complete and realize the intent and purpose of this Resolution, including the execution of the attached Agreement, in a form acceptable to the Authority General Counsel.
•The Board Secretary shall cause to be published notice of this action as required by law.
•The Resolution shall be effective immediately. ADOPTED:
I certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Kearny Municipal Utilities Authority on February 26, 2025.
Moved by: Commissioner Torres
Seconded by: Commissioner Doyle Aye Nay/Abstain
Solano (Alt.1) Zapata (Alt.2)
Solano (Alt.1) Zapata (Alt.2) ($35.00)
RESOLUTION #02-25-09 IN THE MATTER OF APPOINTING BOND COUNSEL WHEREAS, KMUA requires the assistance of counsel with specialized knowledge of local public finance and bond issuance; and WHEREAS, proposals were received from qualified bond counsel at the request of KMUA by way of publication in the Jersey Journal; and WHEREAS, have the requisite experience, familiarity with KMUA administration and procedures, and have submitted a competitive and reasonable fee and compensation proposal relative to the other proposals submitted.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Kearny Municipal Utilities Authority, Town of Kearny, Hudson County, New Jersey, that:
•McManimon – Scotland Baumann, LLC be and hereby are qualified as Bond Counsel to the KMUA for one (1) year term commencing on March 1, 2025 in accordance with the Agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof. This agreement is entered into pursuant to a fair and open process under NJSA 19:44A-20.4 et seq., and either firm may be assigned
Solano (Alt.1)
Zapata (Alt. 2)
BE IT RESOLVED by the Kearny Municipal Utilities Authority, Town of Kearny, Hudson County, New Jersey, that
•Mott MacDonald be and hereby is appointed to the position of Consulting Engineer to the KMUA for one (1) year term commencing on March 1, 2025 in accordance with the Agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof. This agreement is entered into pursuant to a fair and open process under NJSA 19:44A-20.4 et seq.
• The Chairperson and Chief Financial Officer be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute any and all documents and to take any and all actions necessary to complete and realize the intent and purpose of this Resolution, including the execution of the attached Agreement.
• The Board Secretary shall cause to be published notice of this action as required by law.
• The Resolution shall be effective immediately.
I certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Kearny Municipal Utilities Authority on February 26, 2025.
Moved by: Commissioner Torres
BE IT RESOLVED by the Kearny Municipal Utilities Authority, Town of Kearny, Hudson County, New Jersey, that
1.Wielkotz and Company, LLC be and hereby is appointed to the position of Auditor to the KMUA for;
2. one (1) year term commencing on March 1, 2025 in accordance with the Agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof. This agreement is entered into pursuant to a fair and open process under NJSA 19:44A-20.4 et seq.
3. The Chairperson and Chief Financial Officer be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute any and all documents and to take any and all actions necessary to complete and realize the intent and purpose of this Resolution, including the execution of the attached Agreement.
4.The Board Secretary shall cause to be published notice of this action as required by law.
5.The Resolution shall be effective immediately.
I certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Kearny Municipal Utilities Authority on February 26, 2025.
Moved by: Commissioner Torres
Seconded by: Commissioner Doyle
Seconded by: Commissioner Doyle Aye Nay/Abstain
Torres ✓
Santana ✓ O’Connor
✓ Rodrigues
Solano (Alt.1)
Zapata (Alt.2) ($33.00)
BE IT RESOLVED by the Kearny Municipal Utilities Authority, Town of Kearny, Hudson County, New Jersey, that
• Brown and Brown Metro, LLC be and hereby is appointed to the position of Risk Manager to the KMUA for;
• one (1) year term commencing on March 1, 2025, in accordance with the Agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof. This agreement is entered into pursuant to a fair and open process under NJSA 19:44A-20.4 et seq.
• The Chairperson and Chief Financial Officer be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute any and all documents and to take any and all actions necessary to complete and realize the intent and purpose of this Resolution, including the execution of the attached Agreement in a form acceptable to the Authority General Counsel.
• The Board Secretary shall cause to be published notice of this action as required by law.
• The Resolution shall be effective immediately.
ADOPTED: I certify that the above Resolution was adopted by
the Kearny Municipal Utilities Authority on February 26, 2025.
(Alt.2) ($35.00)
RESOLUTION # 02-25-13 IN THE MATTER OF THE SALE OF UNPAID BALANCE OF SEWERAGE SERVICE CHARGE AS LIEN ON REAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, the Kearny Municipal Utilities Authority, a duly authorized, autonomous political subdivision of the Town of Kearny, County of Hudson and State of New Jersey, seeks to reduce the outstanding unpaid balance of the sewerage service charges by selling said obligations as tax sale certificates; and WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 40:14A-21 and N.J.S.A. 40:14B42 provide that unpaid service charges of any sewerage authority and any municipal authority, respectively, and all interest accruing thereon shall be a lien on such real property; and WHEREAS, said statutes and the New Jersey case law authorize the Kearny Municipal Utilities Authority to enforce said liens on property for the unpaid balance of the sewerage service and all interests by filing with the official of Town of Kearny vested with the power to make official certificates of searches for municipal liens; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this 26th day of February 2025, that the Kearny Municipal Utilities Authority be and are hereby authorized to take, or cause to be taken, all acts necessary to approve and adopt the sale of such obligations as Town of Kearny tax sale certificates; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Executive Director Assistant and Authority General Counsel be and hereby are authorized and ordered to negotiate and prepare a service agreement with the Town of Kearny providing for collection of sewer liens and tax sale certificates forthwith for the year 2025-2026
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution shall be served upon the tax collector of the Town of Kearny and published in two newspapers of general circulation within 10 days of the adoption hereof.
I certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Kearny Municipal Utilities Authority on February 26, 2025.
Moved by: Commissioner Torres
Seconded by: Commissioner Doyle Aye Nay/Abstain
Doyle ✓ Torres ✓
ern 2 BR Apt. C/A & H/T, Laundry room. 1 parking space. $2,100 +1.5 months security. Utilities separate. No Smoking/Pets. Avl. Now (201) 463-6684 45W03
HARRISON 3 BR’s, 1 Bath, Large EIK, No Pets/Smoking, 1.5 Months security, Utilities not included Available Now (973)714-2368 or (201)463-6303 43W03
HARRISON 2nd floor, 2 BR, LR, DR, EIK $1,800 + 1 month security. Utilities not included Walking distance to PATH. No pets. No smoking. Avl. Now (973) 4200139 43W03
HARRISON 2nd floor Modern 2 bdrm 1 bath,LR, DR laundry in Unit access to patio $2250 + 1.5 months security Utilities not includedClose Trans No Smoking/ Pets call Available now(732)429-9372 44W03
HARRISON Newly renvovated 3 BR. LR, EIK $1700 + 1 1/2 months security. Water included. Conveniently located near Rt21 & Rt280 and PATH. Available March 1st No Pets/ Smoking (973)5784599 44W03
HARRISON Newly renovated 2nd floor 3 BR’s, LR, DR, EIK $2600 + 1.5 months security
Utilities separate No Pets/Smoking Close to transportation Available April 1st (973)536-6559 45W01
KEARNY 1st fl. Newly renovated 2 BR,LR, EIK $1,500 + 1.5 months security. + utilities. no pets. no smoking Available Now (973) 583-7670 43W03
1 BR. Apt. Bldg. Arlington Sect. Newly Renovated. Laundry on Premises. HT/HW included. Near Transportation. No pets. $1450 + 1.5 months security. (201) 998-4972 Available Now 43W03
KEARNY Recently renovated 2 BR First floor apartment. LR, DR, EIK. Washer/dry hook up. No Pets/Smoking. Credit report. $2100 + 1.5 months security. Utilities separate. Near Transportation. Available Now (973)838-1662 44W06
KEARNY Newly renovated 1st floor Spacious 3 BR apt. Bath, EIK, LR, DR, laundry hook-up, storage, $2,400 month + 1 1/2 months security. Utilities separate Easy access to transportation into Jersey City or Manhattan via bus or train. Available Now (732)688-7756 43W03
KEARNY 1st floor. Large 2 BR, LR, EIK. $2000 + 1 1/2 months security. Utilities separate. No Pets/Smoking No Laundry Avl. Now (201) 696-0496 43W03
KEARNY Arlington section. 1st Floor, Large LR, Large Formal DR, Large EIK, 2 small BR’s. $2400 + 1 mo. sec. Utilities separate No Pets/Smoking Call (732) 859-9957 44W03
KEARNY Large 3 BR apartment, fully renovated, brand new eat-in-kitchen with new appliances, new hardwood flooring throughout apartment and freshly painted. 1 Parking Space included. Rent: $2500 Security: 1.5 months rent Utilities are separate, Landlord pays for Cold Water No Pets No Smoking Available April 1st Contact: 201-693-3480 44W03
KEARNY 3rd Floor 40
Highland Ave 2 BR’s, LR, EIK 1.5 months security, Utilities separate, credit required No Pets/ Smoking Available Now (201)998-0509 44W03
KEARNY 2nd floor 4 bedrooms, Kitchen, LR & DR 2 bathrooms. Hardwood floors throughout and lots of closet space. 1 Parking space, Laundry room ,Excellent location, next to public school, close to Stores and 10 minutes to Harrison path. No Pets/Smoking Available Now (201)6793254 45W03
KEARNY 1st floor. Beautiful 1BR, LR, EIK, $1,950 + 1.5 months security. Heat/HW incl. Washer/dryer hook-up in apartment no pets/ smoking. Single or couple preferred quiet home. Available May 1st 551-655-2492 45W03
KEARNY 1st floor. Newly renovated. 2 BR. LR. EIK. Bath. $1900 + 1 1/2 months security. Utilities separate. No Pets/Smoking. Available 04/01. (201)4914174 45W03
KEARNY Newly remodeled 2nd Floor 2 BR’s, LR, EIK, Laundry in apartment $2400 + 1.5 months security, Utilities separate, 1 Car parking No Pets/ Smoking References a must Available Now (862)368-7760 45W03
KEARNY 3 BR’s, EIK. $2200 + 1.5 months security. Utilities separate. No pets/Smoking Available Now (201)772-9965 45W03

KEARNY 4 bd 1ba 42 halstead street Kearny, NJ 07032 Showing 3/13/2025 @6pm $3000.00 a/month 973-753-2818 45W01
KEARNY Arlington Section Recently Renovated 2 BR, LR , EIK, 2nd Floor Apartment. No Pets / No Smoking. Heat and Hot Water Supplied. $2100 + 1 months Security. Available May 1st. Call or Text After 3:00 p.m. 973809-6987 45W03
KEARNY 5 rooms. Close to schools and transportation. 1.5 months security. separate utilities. No Smoking/Pets (201)997-3757 45W03
LYNDHURST 2nd floor
Freshly renovated plus new bath, 3 BR’s, LR, EIK, with use of walk up attic for storage $2650 + 1.5 months security, Utilities separate, plus credit check, washer/ dryer hook-up. No Pets/ Smoking Off street parking for 2 cars, share use of yard. Close to Transportation Available March 15th (973)9000350 43W03
LYNDHURST 2nd Floor. 1 BR, LR, EIK, Hardwood floors. Full Bath, $1,800 + 1 month security. Utilities Separate. No pets, No smoking, Walk to Train/Bus. Aval April 1st. (201) 655-4663/4664 call between 9am-5pm. 45W03
1 BR, Close to shops. $1,700 + 1 1/2 months security. No smoking. No dogs. Credit check. Available Now, 2025 (973)838-1662 42W06
One bedroom in an apartment complex. Excellent location, near stores and transportation.$1875.00 per month, one month security. Heat and hot water provided. Laundry on premises Storage in basement.No smoking and no pets. Adults preferred. Available March 1st Please call between 10:00am and 7:00pm: 201-997-2341 43W03
NEWARK 1st fl. 2 BR, Kitchen, LR & DR. $1900 + 1.5 months security. HT/HW included. No Pets/Smoking Credit check Avl. Now (862) 888-8487 43W03
N.ARLINGTON Large 2 BR apartment, fully renovated with new eat in kitchen, large living rooms and bedrooms. Rent: $1950 Security: 1.5 months rent Utilities are separate, Landlord pays for Cold Water No Pets No Smoking Available April 1st Contact: 201-693-3480 44W03
N.NEWARK 2nd floor
3 full BR’s 2 full baths. LR/DR open concept. $2500 + 1 months securtiy, utilities separate No Pets/Smoking Available April 1st (973)5178872 43W03
N.NEWARK 2ND Floor 1 bedroom and small kitchen with Living room. Close to transportation. Heat included. No Pets. Perfect for couple Available April 1st Call between Noon7pm (973)202-5103 or (973)477-0925 44W03
BELLEVILLE Room for rent. 1 or 2 people reasonable price. Everything included. Private Bath. Shared Kitchen. Available now. Please Call (973)5366559 45W01
HARRISON For single person. Everything included. Close to Path & Stadium. Available Now. (973)536-6559 45W01

From $299 + Court cost. BANKRUPTCY Chapter 7 only. $450.00 + Court cost. www.njdivorce299-nj.com (973)273-1325 43W09 SERVICES OFFERED
45 Year old male, looking for a mature woman, ages 40-48 years old for a long term relationship. Fun fact, I play piano Call (845)709-7898 44W03


Attics, basements, yard cleaning. specializing in apartment/house clean-up. We haul or you can rent 10-15 cubic-yard containers. We Accept Visa/MasterCard (201) 998-1262 45W06

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Santana ✓
Solano (Alt.1)
Zapata (Alt.2)
WHEREAS, the Kearny Municipal Utilities Authority, a duly authorized, autonomous political subdivision of the Town of Kearny, County of Hudson and State of New Jersey, seeks to adopt a statutory interest penalties on outstanding sewerage service charges; and
40:14A-21(a) grants the Kearny Municipal Utilities Authority the power to collect interest, in the event that a service charge of sewerage with regard to any parcel of real property is not paid as and when due; and
WHEREAS, under the N.J.S.A. 40:14A-21(a), interest shall accrue and be due to the Kearny Municipal Utilities Authority on the unpaid balance at the rate of ½% per month on the first $1,500.00 of the delinquency and 1% on any amount in excess of $1,500.00 until such service charge, and the interest thereon, shall be fully paid to the Kearny Municipal Utilities Authority; and
WHEREAS, under N.J.S.A. 54:4-67a, the governing body of each municipality may also fix the rate of interest to be charged for the nonpayment of municipal liens or charges, where the interest rate shall not exceed 6% per annum on the first $1,500.00 of the delinquency and 12% per annum on any amount in excess of $1,500.00, to be calculated from the date the tax was payable until the date that actual payment to the tax collector is made; and
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this 26th day of February, 2025, that the Executive Director Assistant of the Kearny Municipal Utilities Authority be and is hereby authorized to take, or cause to be taken, all acts necessary to approve and adopt such interest rate to be accrued on the unpaid service charge shall not exceed ½ % per month, or 6% per annum on the first $1,500.00 of the delinquency and the interest thereon at the rate of 1% per month, or 12% per annum, on amounts in excess of $1,500.00 or as prorated per diem if necessary; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that should the unpaid service charge become a lien on the property and the municipal governing body collect the unpaid service charge as liens on such property, no interest shall be charged if payment of any installment is made within the tenth calendar day following the date upon which the same became payable. The rate so fixed shall be 6% per annum on the first $1,500.00 and 12% per
annum on accrued balances in excess of $1,500.00, to be calculated from the date the tax was payable until the date that actual payment to the tax collector is made; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution shall be served upon the tax collector of the Town of Kearny and published in a newspaper of general circulation within 10 days of the adoption hereof.
I certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Kearny Municipal Utilities Authority on February 26, 2025.
Moved by: Commissioner Santana
Seconded by: Commissioner Torres
Solano (Alt.1) Zapata (Alt.2)
WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 35:1-1 et seq., provides the requirements for publication of official notices in a newspaper of general circulation for municipal government agencies; and WHEREAS, the KMUA requires certain notices and legal advertisements in order to conduct its business and to publish same in an official newspaper from time to time.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Kearny Municipal Utilities Authority, Town of Kearny, Hudson County, New Jersey, that the Kearny Observer and The Record be and hereby are designated official newspapers for publication of such notices referred to herein for the year 2025-2026, effective as of February
26, 2025.
I certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Kearny Municipal Utilities Authority on February 26, 2025. KEARNY MUNICIPAL UTILITIES AUTHORITY
Moved by: Commissioner Torres
Seconded by: Commissioner Doyle
Solano (Alt.1) Zapata (Alt.2)
201-955-7880, ext. 3012
FAX 201-998-5171
That LUZ ADRIANA MUNOZ-BUITRAGO has appealed to the Kearny Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Town of Kearny for variance application from the following terms of Articles and Section of the Subdivision of Land and Site Plan Review Ordinances and/or the Zoning Ordinance: CHAPTER XXXVIII: Sections 38-4.1, Schedule II; 38-4.2(c); 38-5.3(b)(6)(b); 38-6.2(a) (1); 38-7.6(a); 387.7 and any other variances/waivers deemed necessary by the Board at the time of hearing
To Permit: To construct a new single story garage on the premises located at 765 Chestnut Street a/k/a 767 Chestnut Street; Block 142, Lot 25, as shown on the Town Tax Map. This appeal is now on the Board’s calendar and a public hearing has been ordered for TUESDAY, APRIL 1ST, 2025 AT 7:30 P.M.
in the Town Hall, 402 Kearny Avenue, Second Floor, Kearny, NJ 07032 at which time you may appear either in person or by agent, or attorney at the hearing of
this appeal.
All documents relating to this application may be inspected by the public between the hours of 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. in the office of the Secretary of the Board, Town Hall Annex, 410 Kearny Avenue, Kearny, NJ 07032. Respectfully, Luz Adriana Munoz-Buitrago
Owner/Applicant ($21.00)
201-955-7880,ext. 3012 FAX 201-998-5171 www.kearnynj.org
Please take Notice
That Anthony A. Vanagas and Vicki V. Vanagas, Trustees, has applied to the Kearny Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Town of Kearny for a certificate certifying that the use or structure existed before the adoption of the ordinance which rendered the use or structure nonconforming for the premises located at 357 Devon Street in a R-2 Zone and constructed as a two family residential dwelling TO CERTIFY THAT THE APPLICANT HAS A VESTED NONCONFORMING USE OR STRUCTURE AS:
Three Family Residential Dwelling
Said property is recorded in Block 232, Lot 32 as shown on the Town Tax Map .This application is now on the Board’s calendar and a public hearing has been ordered for Tuesday, April 1st, 2025 at 7:30 P.M. in the Town Hall, 402 Kearny Avenue, Kearny, New Jersey at which time you may appear either in person, by agent or attorney at the hearing of this application
All documents relating to this application may be inspected by the public between the hours of 9:00 A.M. & 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday , in the office of the Secretary of the Board, Town Hall Annex, 410 Kearny Avenue, Kearny, NJ 07032.
Anthony A. Vanagas and Vicki V. Vanagas, Trustees
Town of Kearny, Zoning Board of Adjustment hereby notices that the following resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the Kearny Zoning Board of Adjustment held 03-04-25: #2025.06 – Variance Appl., 398 Davis Avenue, Owner/ Applicant: Eric & Jamille Centeno, To convert the existing commercial unit into a residential unit for a total of three (3) residential units. Approved.
By: Jennifer Diaz, Zoning Board Secretary ($5.50)
Superior Court of New Jersey Chancery Division
Hudson County Docket Number: F-009554-23
YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to serve upon Friedman Vartolo LLP, Attorneys for Plaintiff, whose address is 1325 Franklin Avenue, Suite 160, Garden City, NY 11530, an answer to the Complaint in Foreclosure, Amended Complaint and Amendment(s) and Order(s), if any, filed in a Civil Action, in which U.S. BANK TRUST NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE OF CABANA SERIES V TRUST is Plaintiff and ODALY R. CAMILO, et al., are Defendants, pending in the Superior Court of New Jersey, Chancery Division, Hudson County, under Docket Number: F-009554-23, within thirty-five (35) days after the date of publication of this notice, exclusive of the date of service. If you fail to do so, judgment by default may be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint, amended complaint, amendment(s), order(s), if any. You shall file your answer and proof of service in duplicate with the Clerk of the Superior Court of New Jersey, Hughes Justice Complex, 25 West Market Street, Trenton, New Jersey 08625, in accordance with the Rules of Civil Practice and Procedure.
This action has been commenced and is pending to foreclose a mortgage and recover possession of certain lands and premises, as follows: The mortgage being foreclosed is dated February 28, 2020, and made by Camilo, Odaly R., as Mortgagors, to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (“MERS”) as nominee for First Alliance Home Mortgage, LLC, which mortgage was recorded on March 30, 2020 in Hudson County, in Book 19584 of Mortgages for said County on Page 838 et seq. The lands and premises affected by this action and for which possession is sought are commonly known as 306 New York Avenue, Jersey City, NJ 07307, and also known as Lot 8 in Block 2305.
If you are unable to obtain an attorney, you may communicate with the New Jersey State Bar Association by calling (732) 249-5000. You may also contact the lawyer referral services of the County of Venue by calling (856) 482-0618. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may communicate with the Legal Services Office of the County of Venue by calling (856) 964-2010.
You, Jennifer L. Vazquez, are hereby made a party defendant to the foreclosure action because you have or may claim to have some right, title, lien or other interest affecting the real estate being foreclosed, by virtue of ownership, inheritance, descent, intestacy, devise, dower, curtsey, mortgage, deed, or conveyance, enter of judgment or other legal or lawful right. The nature of which and the reason that you and each of you are joined as defendants is set forth with particularity in the Complaint, Amended Complaint, Amendment(s), Order(s), if any, a copy of which will be furnished to you on request addressed to the attorneys for the plaintiff at the above-mentioned address.
MICHELLE M. SMITH Clerk of the Superior Court ($339.50)
Lyndhurst PD: Two 15-year-olds charged in armed robbery
By Kevin A. Canessa Jr. kc@theobserver.com
Two Lyndhurst kids have been arrested in connection with an alleged armed robbery over the weekend, Det. Capt. Vincent Auteri said.
Both suspects, 15, have been charged with first-degree robbery, third-degree possession of a weapon for unlawful purposes and fourth-degree unlawful possession of a weapon.
According to Auteri:
On Saturday, March 1, 2025, at approximately 9:49 p.m., officers responded to a convenience store on Ridge Road follow-
ing a report of an armed robbery. Upon arrival, officers learned two individuals wearing face coverings and hoods entered the store, canvassed the premises and attempted to conceal merchandise.
One of the suspects then approached the sales counter and brandished a knife, while the second suspect grabbed a hammer from near the counter and raised it toward the store clerk. The second suspect proceeded behind the counter, attempting to steal tobacco products. When confronted by the clerk, the suspect dropped the stolen items and the both of them fled the store.
Shortly after, Officer Mark Rivera, who was patrolling nearby, spotted two individuals matching the suspects’ descriptions. As soon as the suspects saw his marked patrol vehicle, they ran toward a commercial parking lot on Valley Brook Avenue. Officer Rivera pursued them and confronted them on foot. One suspect complied with his commands to stop, while the other attempted to flee and hid behind a storage shed before ultimately surrendering.
Lts. Richard Holicki and Charles Giangeruso, along with Officers Edward Montoya and Michael Carrino, arrived to
assist, and both suspects were taken into custody without incident. Sgt. Thomas McSweeney, along with Dets. Joseph White and Steven Batista and Officer Michael Scalese, responded to the robbery scene.
After interviewing witnesses and reviewing surveillance video, they were able to confirm the suspects’ actions. Both juveniles were remanded to the Bergen County Juvenile Detention Center. No one was injured during the robbery and the Lyndhurst Police Department says it commends the swift actions of officers in bringing this case to a safe resolution.
Schuyler School in Kearny has announced its second quarter honors.
Principal’s Honors
Grade 4 - Maria Eduarda Cabral Nunes De Franca, Aiden Silvestre, Alexa Ciudad Real, Olivia McNally, Shayla Soriano.
Grade 5 - Sophia Fermaint, Luisa Abarca, Lucas Desa, Zachary McCarthy, Lyla Soto, John Zabala, David Caceres, Adrian Pego.
Grade 6 - Domenic Avitable, Danna Diaz, Jeremy Funes, Aliyah Inoa, Julian Leiro, Mia Pham, Ariannys Ramos, Anthony Santos, Joel Soriano, Nicholas Ball, Sofia Betancourt, Jack Harding, Mateo Martinez, Angela Moawwad, Elaine Yang, Amy Betancourt, Gabriella Muniz Ramirez, Isabella Muniz Ramirez, Bryan Robledo, Lucas Varilias, Jaeden Zhang.
Grade 4 - Clarabelle Cook, Jeremiah Espinoza, Lucas Gomes, Sophia Lepore, Liam McGirr, Luciano Refosco Medina, Sabali Roberts,Raymond Yang, Sophia Capurro Rendon, Ashleen Hora, Eliana Inoa, Khedira Solano Calderon, Marcy Vargas Lorenzo.
Grade 5 - William Cook, Hannah Cosmeus, Aiden Varilias, Andianna Dileo, Jose Hernandez, Sofia Macias Conforme, Jake Perez, Andrew Real Tice, Ethan Solis, Olivia Vaz, Ariana Viteri Lema,Octavius Wojcik.
Grade 6 - Lily Catrambone, Brittany Muyudumbay, Leo Zhang, Rochelle Muyudumbay, Johanna Villafana, Camila Padilla Ascoy, Aiyana Ramsarup,Olivia Tighe.
Marking Period 2 Citizenship
Grade 4 - Millie Jo Buchanan, Maria Eduarda Cabral Nunes
DeFranca, Clarabelle Cook, Jacob DaSilva, Jeremiah Espinoza, Lucas Gomes, Zoe Hernandez, Sophia Lepore, Brianna Lopez, Ivan Martinez, Liam McGirr, Isabella Navarro, Sabali Roberts, Giovanni Semidey, Aiden Silvestre, Raymond Yang, Luciano Refosco Medina, Vincent Avitable
Sophia Capurro Rendon, Francisco Chang Cardenas, Alexa Ciudad Real, Asleen Hora, Eliana Inoa,
Julieta Jaramillo Novoa, Ozan Kirca, Olivia McNally, Carmelo Rojas, Khedira Solano Calderon, Shayla Soriano, Marcy Vargas Lorenzo.
Grade 5 - Aiden Varilias, Yamilet Chumbiriza Pomalia, William Cook, Hannah Cosmeus, Sophia Fermaint, Rebecca Fernandes, Julian Flores, Darriel Guzman, Paul Luna Celi, Isaias Moreno Garcia, Nayely Ortiz Rodriguez, Nicolas Pato, Palesa Rojas, David Caceres, Jaritza Cruz Jimenez, Gabriela
Dudek, Daira Guerrero Abad, Quentin Jefferson, Vittoria Neto, Adrian Pego, Julia Silva, Jace Solis, Octavius Wojcik, Luisa Abarca, Ava Astorga, Adrian Cabrera, Daniel Cabrera Polanco, Lucas Canales, Lucas Desa, Andianna Dileo, Jose Hernandez, Julian Lorenzo, Sofia Macias Conforme, Zachary McCarthy, Jake Perez, Andrew Real Tice, Ethan Solis, Lyla Soto, Giovanni Valdez, Olivia Vaz, Ariana Viteri Lema,John Zabala.
Grade 6 - Domenic Avitable, Lily Catrambone, Axiel Caycho, Ian Chang, Danna Diaz, Jeremy Funes, Aliyah Inoa, Julian Leiro, Brittany Muyudumbay, Mia Pham, Ariannys Ramos, Lucas Rendon, Analeese Roldan, Anthony Santos, Joel Soriano, Anthony Vilardo, Leo Zhang, Nicholas Ball, Sofia Betancourt, Jack Harding, Mateo Martinez, Angela Moawwad, Rochelle Muyudumbay, Johanna Villafana, Elaine Yang, Imrane Elkassimi, Genesis
Encarnacion, Simon Fernandez, Olivia Mennella, Ella Perez, Jacob Rodriguez, Nasri Solano Calderon, Justin Vilardo, Amy Betancourt, Arianna Brodie Sosa, Raquel DeOliveira, Caleb Hernandez, Egypt McSwain, Gabriella Muniz Ramirez, Isabella Muniz Ramirez, Camila Padilla Ascoy, Aiyana Ramsarup, Mason Rivera, Bryan Robledo, Daniel Rodrigues, Ava Taggart, Olivia Tighe, Lucas Varilias, Jaeden Zhang.

-Rami Alrabaa