Sponsorship deck

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D A K A R Dakar Founda4on’s primary func4on is to provide economic opportuni4es in the form appren4ceships in digital media and informa4on technology career paths. We have worked with Civic leaders, educators, entertainers , private industry and the Department of Defense to expose the disenfranchised to careers and skills required to compete in today and tomorrow’s compe44ve environments. While Dakar recognizes the need for encouragement and role models it’s greatest need is among the minority popula4on. To this end, over 90% of the role-­‐models and sustained advocates working in the Dakar consor4um are people of color. Dakar programs are a collec4on of advanced mentoring experiences over mul4ple years that cover the gamut of exposure to data from Crea4ve Technologist, Communica4on Engineers, and SoOware Developers. Facilitators of these programs are requested to remain for a minimum of one year to ins4ll familiarity and trust of commitment between the students and the coaches/facilitators. Dakar programs include: School Involvement and advocacy: Partnering with State Of California Stakeholders in Educa4on/Workforce, Community Based Organiza4ons, Federal and State Government Agencies, and the Hollywood Philanthropic community.

Increase student awareness of employment opportuni4es.


Engage students in a conversa4on.


Con4nue the conversa4on with students who are interested and have poten4al.


Facilitate the applica4on process. Applica4on Hire qualified candidates. Employment

Program Par3cipa3on Social Ed. ! Program sponsorship with logo displays on program and website. Career Month ! Representa4ve involved in the discussion with students. Job Fair ! Onsite and virtual, representa4ve will to talk to students and view electronic files Mentorship ! Outreach to encourage student par4cipa4on in programs for high school Programs students. ! Work with recruiters and COI who can talk to poten4al recruits.

Other ! Discuss with us other programs and opportuni4es you may have in which Opportuni4es can support student engagement.


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