Chargello Connecting the world

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Most people find themselves constantly searching for places to charge their mobile devices

We solve low-battery issues for mobile device users by providing a free platform to restaunrants, local bars and hotels.

Work every where

sustainable by advertising

Brought directly to consumers

Free to venues & users

Provides batteries for free to selected venues Advertisers


Sponsor batteries with their ads

Transfer the benefits to their customers for free

EQUALS your ad, always there

Positive brand experience

Multiple ad targeting

Acces to all demographics

A multi-platform mobile app will provide Additional marketing opportunities A map of affiliated venues near the user A community for feedback and queality assurance

your ad always on the front cover! Associate your brand to the positive experience of a much needed charge!

Get offline access to smartphone users New and unique advertising medium


The math

4 ad views per seating x 4 seating per day x 30 days a month 48O Impression per battery/ month

Costs $10.00 per battery

Average impression is 30 + minutes

Costs per impression $10.00 / 480 $0.02 per impression


Increase on premise sales Ensure top of mind awarenes - Toma- with cusyomers Measure adversiting results based on sales tracking Promote the brand where it matters most Off special promotions via our apps and technology

We are looking for an anchor advertiser to experience mutual growth

We offer:

Launch pricing on advertisements Special rates for continued bussines Preferential Placement & Access

Most people find themselves constantly searching for places to charge their mobile devices

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