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First off, the event for us was a suc-

and it made the venue look pristine. We also

cess. Since it was a different type of event, we

expected that there will be a lot of selfies

expected something different as well. We ex-

taken and people coming in to write about

pect that there would be a lot of concession-

their friends (post-it), Fortunately, many

aires and sponsors for the event. However,

people went inside the venue and wrote

due to the complications and delays brought

about their friends and even people they do

about by the security and procedures of

not know. In terms of the program, it was

pecting that we would spend a lot since

DLSU, we were only able to finalize the per-

fortunate that we were able to get the court-

we had to buy the designs and materials

mission of sponsors and concessionaires a

side reporter of DLSU, Ms. Ina Ongsiako to

for the decoration of the venue. Fortu-

few weeks before the event itself. During the

host our event. She did not ask any talent

nately, we were able to get cheap quality

event we only had a couple of sponsors. For-

fee, which means that the group was able to

materials for the event. Furthermore, we

tunately, the sponsors we had were able to

save money. However, there were a couple

were able to save money since we used

entice more people and increase traffic for

of artists who backed out last minute. In

our own cameras to take be used in the

our event. We also expected that it would

terms of finance, at first each member of the

photo booth and document the event.

have a nice backdrop and ambiance in rela-

class gave 500 pesos each. Due to the effi-

tion to our theme of purity and beauty. It

cient cost-cutting of the class, we were able

turned out better than we expected since the

to save and reimburse the members of the

drapes were white and the lights were subtle

class approximately 200 pesos. We were ex-

In terms of traffic and booth manning (registration), we expected that everything would be chaotic and disor-

ganized. Fortunately, the booth was not crowded due to the efficient booth manning schedule and people handing it. It wasn’t chaotic since the organizers made sure that visitors already have everything they need in order to participate (post-its and pen). There were also enough people to make sure that they cater to the needs of the visitors. The ingres and engres went

smoothly. We thought that it would be

booth can also be improved through hir-

hard since there were a lot of decorations

ing their own machine to print the pic-

and furniture used. But since the class

tures taken. Adding

helped each other as well as the helpful

programs that people can join would

staff of DLSU, everything went smooth-

make he event more exciting and lively.


We would also like to suggest that the



The group would suggest that in

next organizers get a stage for the perfor-

the event that Visage would happen

mance and hosts so that emphasis could

again, it would be better if they could get

be given to the program. Over-all, we are

more concesisonaires such as retail and

very happy with the outcome of the event

food to set up during the event to en-

and it was truly a class effort that made

hance the ambiance as well as attract

the event a success.

more traffic. It can also earn more profit to donate to those who are in need. The group would also recommend to take more selfies in order to enhance the design and gallery in general. The photo

The class contributed money to fund the event at P500 each. They were asked to sign in the cash collection paper to acknowledge that they have indeed paid.Of the 45 students only 4 students did not pay, this generated a cash amount of 20,500. This was used for the operation of the event. Only P10,875 was used, divided to 45 for equal shares in the expenses which give us P242 per student.

Students who paid are entitled to reimbursement and those who haven’t are required to pay the said amount. To ensure that they will pay one of the guidelines for reimbursement is that committee members who belong to committees with members that haven’t paid yet cannot claim their reimbursement. The money has not been released yet since there is still an anticipated expense for printing the post-event toolkit.

Projected Income was not attained since it was declared by the department that it will no longer be a profit generating event. Overall the actual expenses is less than the projected expense, this maybe attributed to the fact that most of the props for the event was from students homes plus the event was only operational for 3 days instead of 5 which resulted to less performances needed.

Projected Income was not attained since it was declared by the department that it will no longer be a profit generating event. Overall the actual expenses is less than the projected expense, this maybe attributed to the fact that most of the props for the event was from students homes plus the event was only operational for 3 days instead of 5 which resulted to less performances needed.

No Filter! I am your host, Ina!

Opening Day (April 1) VO: Good morning, De La Salle University! Visage: No Filter will begin in a few minutes. Please proceed to the registration before settling down. Thank you!


START OF SHOW VO: Good morning, everyone! Please stand up for the invocation.


INVOCATION VO: good morning, ladies and gentlemen! And welcome to Visage: No Filter! Please put your hands together for our hosts: Ina Ongsiako and Leah Sy! HOST ENTER Ina:

Good morning, De La Salle University! Welcome to Events Management K31’s event: Visage:


And I am Leah! Today’s definitely going to be a beautiful day! For all the students out there who have nothing to do, waiting for their class to start, you’re all welcome here! Yes, Ina! This class has prepared something for you all! Leah, speaking of which. What do we have in store for our audience? A lot, Ina. A lot! But one thing for sure, this weeklong event is the first in DLSU. So new that some of you may still be wondering what’s this “Visage: No Filter” is!


Well I am, Leah! From what I heard, this has something to do with redefining what Beauty really is!


Yes, Ina! And I believe we have someone here who can tell us more about Redefining Beauty? Ina, would you like to do the honor?


Thank you, Leah! May we call on the chairperson of EVENTMA class, Ms. Rachel Lucero for the opening remarks.

with such an event. Let’s give this class a round of applause!





Thank you, Ms. Lucero. Truly, there might have been struggles, but the result is wonderful. That is very interesting. In this day and age, we are very quick to judge about the physical appearance of the people we see around us. Very true. Though we cannot entirely blame each individual. Just look at the media- it tries to define what beauty is. With Adobe Photoshop, Beauty Face and other beauty applications, it’s so hard to see natural beauty anymore. that’s why this EVENTMA class decided to come up


I sincerely hope that our fellow schoolmates will hear the message of the event!


Not only hear but also see! And we made sure of that!


Yes. We want you to see what we’re talking about! And talking about what’s hidden behind us! It’s like we have something to unveil here!


Because there is! The weeklong event is all about that! Once we unveil it, everyone is free to go around and check out what the class have prepared for you all!


Before anything else, can I

ask the audience something? Do you want to know what’s hidden behind the veils? Yes? One more, yes? Any guesses? Leah:

Alright, alright! We’re all ready here, Ina! Let’s call on the faculty adviser of EVENTMA K31: Ms. Dorelene Dimaunahan; Chairperson: Ms. Rachel Lucero; Events Secretariat: Jhandrea Angkiangco; Budget and Finance Officer: Romelia Cigaral; Documention Officer: Janella Gangat; Audtior: Aldrin Dayauon; Organizing Committee Head:

Kevin Morada; and Creative Lead: Ms. Loren Tagle for the ribbon cutting and unveiling.

you to go around the gallery and stick those posts its to any photo you want. Write something about their features: wonderful eyes, vibrant smile, and lovely hair, anything you want.




Let’s give our representatives a round of applause! Thank you so much for all the hard work our heads have done! And the whole class as well! As you can see, we have photos hanging here. What do we do with these photos? Glad you asked, Leah! The registration and ushers have post its with them. They will distribute it around and for everyone, we would to ask



Anything positive! The main point of this event is once again, Redefining Beauty. Take this opportunity to tell that person in the photo how beautiful she or he is. Yes! That he or she may not look like cover girls or models but he is still handsome.


Are we ready for the posts it? Don’t limit yourself to one photo!


And if you want your photo

to be posted, fret not! We have a photobooth in the corner! Leah:

I know, I’ll line up for the photo booth later! Before we allow you to visit the gallery, we still have a lot of surprises for you!


This includes raffles and more performances! So if you have nothing to do, make sure to visit us again here!


Definitely! Let’s not keep anyone waiting, everyone, let’s all redefine beauty! Once again, this has been _______ from Green

Media Group. Ina:

And I am _____ from Green Media Group! Thank you so much everyone!

CONTINUATION OF PROGRAM VOICE OVER: Good day, Lasallians! Visage: No Filter is happening now in Yuchengco Lobby! Visage: Filter aims to redefine the meaning of Beauty, and you can be part of this movement! Visit our registration booth and get your postsit now! You can also have your photo taken and posted in the gallery!


PLANNED: The plan is to be able

come which was not allowed by the

to organize an event to exhibit with

Dean of Student Affairs. There was a


sponsors and to have a source of in-

problem in the signature process of

PROVEMENT: There should be

come for the class. To be able to process

the signatories since there was a time

constant communication with each

all the documents those are needed in

that they are busy such as business

other with the whole class so that

order to make the event happen. The

trip in particular so it took a long time

they will also be aware of what’s

reservation of the venues, equipment

for having the documents signed.

really going on. There should be in-

and permits are the processes and doc-

There were problems when it comes

itiative of others to step up and

uments needed for the event.

to communicating with the main

help out in the planning of the

ACTUAL: There was no problem

committee though the event was for-

event. The planning of the event

in reserving the venue of the event.

tunately approved just in time. All of

should be finished earlier to be able

However, there was a problem encoun-

the equipment and permits also that

to lessen the hassle and for the

tered in having the event documents

are needed for the event were pro-

event to be approved early so that

approved because of the proposal in

cessed so there were no problems

there will be more time to contact

which it encompasses of generating in-

when it comes to processing these

the sponsors.

The team decided to maximise the Yuchengco Lobby by using the whole Yuchengco Lobby A and Drives 1-10 in order for the gallery to not be cramped.

Overall Critique The event as a whole turned out to be greater than what was expected.

weekly. The output or deliverables of every member were also monitored by the committee head and secretariat.

Comparing it to the inspiration event

As the Registration Committee

of Dove, the concept worked the

proposed this event during the begin-

same way for VISAGE #NOFILTER.

ning of the term the members that

The feedback from participants (those

showed their passion and dedication

who submitted selfies and those that

towards the event wanted it to be suc-

viewed/attended the exhibit) were all

cessful. During every meeting plans of

positive. Even the posting of positive

other committees were always cri-

comments turned out to be plausible

tiqued and analyzed by the Registra-

since during the planning phase we

tion Committee in order to make sure

voiced out that we might encounter

that the event would turn out to be

problems in monitoring the com-

similar as what was originally pro-

ments that were going to be posted.

posed. Although changes during the

Planning Phase

planning phase were made, the com-

During this phase of the

mittee always made sure to post or

event planning, the committee did

The tasks that were assigned to

raise our concerns regarding the au-

not require much attention as

each member of the committee were

thenticity of the theme “redefining

tasks were dependent on external

done according to what was planned


committees’ requirements on the

Registration Committee

beforehand and what was assigned

event proper and final planning of

ing each member’s compliance

the event. At this time the Registra-

for each requirement and it

tion Committee assisting the Mar-

deemed to be partially successful

keting Committee in looking for

as most of the members of the

sponsors, coordinating with PATS

class complied to accomplishing

and Exhibit Committee on poten-

all the requirements.

tial photo printers, sent photos to Event Proper

Creatives for teasers and posters which were later on to be coordi-

Event proper began a week

nated with Marketing, and lastly,

before the event itself, since dur-

partnered with the Logistics Com-

ing this time all committees

mittee regarding need of manpower

photo, P500.00 contribution to class fund,

needed to meet and coordinate

during the final two weeks before the

and blasting of teasers and posters on as-

with the final requirements. Each


signed dates and regular blasting after

committee presented their tasks

Deadlines for all members of

that. Ideally the class should have will-

and participation in the overall

the class were also observed. These

ingly participated in accomplishing all

event, all of which coordinated

activities/requirements were submis-

these requirements individually instead

with the Registration Committee

sion of class schedule, booth man-

of being reminded by their committee

on compliance requirements and

ning schedule preference, selfie for

heads. Later on the Registration Com-

later on need of manpower. For

teaser, profile picture, and exhibit

mittee was assigned the task of monitor-

ingress day, each member of the

class willingly wrote their ideal

and Logistics Committee monitored the

sign were also being done before

time to help out based on their

members of the class that were supposed

the start of the event which was

booth manning schedule prefer-

to assist in the set up, however, those that

10AM. By the time the program

ence. It was announced in class

signed up for certain times did not attend

started it was already past 10AM

that Day 1 of the event would in-

as for those that did not give any time in

and close to the end of the class pe-

volve ingress and booth set up –

the booth manning schedule preference

riod. It was also during this time

this was headed by PATS and Ex-

were the ones that actually spent the

that the members of the Registra-

hibit along with Logistics as the

most time helping out. By the end of Day

tion Committee insisted on pur-

equipment and materials were to

1, the exhibit was not finished due to lack

chasing the sticky notes for the



of manpower available versus the one

event as no one other committee

Throughout the day members of

that was agreed upon in class and in the

was available to do the task.

the Registration, PATS and Exhibit,

Facebook Groups.




Another concern that the Reg-

The beginning of Day 2 was still

istration Committee noticed was

about setting up the exhibit. It was dis-

that most members of the class

cussed on the previous day that the pho-

would only sign the attendance

tos were to be hanged/placed an hour be-

sheet and leave. At all times they

fore the opening of the exhibit as to en-

would already sign for the whole

sure that no photos were lost, stolen, or

day event if it was only 940AM.

misplaced. However, besides setting up

Other times, people would put that

the photos final touches to the booth de-

they are not available due to school

requirements such as thesis – do take

or not, totaled 481. Below is a break-

External/Other Committees

note that almost all members of the

down of the collected selfies:


class who were manning the booth

All necessary documents re-

were also preparing for their thesis

garding the approval of the event

defense or revising their thesis.

were submitted and updated in

For the next two days the event

class. Problems encountered were

turned out to be a success. An aver-

raised and addressed accordingly.

age of 167 people viewed the exhibit

Equipment, venue, and other mate-

each day. A breakdown of turnout of

rials reservation were coordinated

participants for the 3-day event is as follows:

Lastly, during egress all members of the class that willingly signed up for this day helped out and was present. The following committees present were: Logistics, PATS and Exhibit, Marketing, Programs, and Registration.

with the designated offices and during the whole week of the event their whole committee assisted other committees. Manpower was always available; however, not all the members were present on all days of the event. Only around 4 mem-

As for the total selfies collected

bers, this includes their committee

for the event it exceeds the original

head, Jozef Dating, that were al-

goal of the class of 450 selfies. The ac-

ways present in the event.

tual selfies collected, whether printed

PATS and Exhibit

were not available, but the committee ten have few manpower were ad-

Planning and overall design of

head, Leah Sy, found replacements for dressed by willing marketing com-

the event was always brought up

each day and was able to deliver accord- mittee members to help man the

and discussed in class. Comments

ingly. However, her committee members event.

and suggestions made by the mem-

did not show any participation in the exe-

bers of the class were addressed.

cution of their tasks as during the event it- Main

Concerns from their committee re-

self it was always Leah that was present to

garding manpower for the week-

assist the performers. And during one in- of coordination with the main com-

long event were coordinated with

stance she assigned a committee member mittee. As each member of the main

the Registration Committee. All

to handle the performance for that day, committee seemed to have difficul-

members of their committee were

that member had no clue on what to do for ty in communicating with one an-

present in all stages of the event,

that task.

other, this would involve deadlines and announcements made in class

and all were present during the whole event proper.

Our committee saw the lack


as well as final decisions that left

Although the committee was not able the rest of the committee heads to Programs

to deliver in their task of gathering spon- finalize. Even during the event

Program flow was always up-

sors for the event, they compensated by proper there was a lack of presence

dated in class. Problems were en-

having their members present during the on specific main committee mem-

countered during the event itself

ingress and set up stages of the event. Also, bers. Those who were visible for

such as performers cancelled or

during the whole week time slots that of- the whole event and participated in

the set up and ingress were Lia, Loren,


sent such as class meetings

Aldrin, and Janella. As for the require-

The lack of participation seen

ments needed from the main com-

during the event proper was either

members during meetings,

mittee, most of which were late and re-

due to the amount of free time that

and last minute decisions.

flected in the earlier copies of the Com-

members of the class had or their


pliance Reports.

lack of interest for the event. Since

curred it should not have

the event was voted by the mem-

posed a delay in the over-

bers of the class based on the re-

all planning of the event. It

quirements stated by the depart-

was during the last stages


ment and the concern for funding,

of planning that all com-

skills among members of the

several members of the class were


events team should be observed.

not as dedicated to the final output

meetings after final an-

A database of contact infor-

of the event.

nouncements were made

Areas for Improvement Communication Coherent


mation was readily available in the class Facebook Group and it


Overall event planning











meetings each committee

was fully utilized during the

Plans and charts were made

head raised concerns and

planning stages of the event. The

at the beginning of the term as a

everyone participated in

purpose of the database was only

guide for the class. However, dur-

the planning and address-

noticed when deadlines and con-

ing the planning of the event un-

ing of these concerns.

cerns were already being raised.

foreseen circumstances were pre-

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