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Kevin James Bennett

New York, United States

Follow me on Twitter - Emmy® Award Winner & The Makeup MacGyver. Cosmetic Innovator | Developer | Marketer| Educator | Journalist So here's the deets... I, KJ Bennett, am alleged to be slightly insane (ie; brilliant), afflicted with 'Peter Pan Syndrome' and the owner of razor sharp tongue (but only when provoked). Despite these "supposed" flaws...I remain trustworthy, fiercely loyal and generous to a fault (sort of like a gay Oprah ...wait, is that redundant?) I've spent decade(s) painting and powdering everyone from celebrities to supermodels to pornstars (yes, I said pornstars...don't be shocked, just be green with envy because i got to powder their gorgeous butts). Through the years I've acquired many nicknames - "Blenderella", "Beauty Bitch" me whatever you like, just keep calling AND handing over the $$$. And just in case you didn't know - I'm a PRODUCT JUNKIE. Let's face facts, setting me loose in Sephora, Ulta, Space NK, Bluemercury or any place wit
