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Important December Astrology Dates

Neptune goes direct in Pisces


After a very long delay, Neptune finally moves into its home in Pisces. As this fivemonth journey comes to an end, you will find this month to be a time of reckoning on most fronts. If you have been lagging behind in romance, you need to stop delaying and make a choice. Either you are going to ask someone out, or you need to let yourself be forever stuck in the friend zone. When it comes to work, you are going to have to decide what is best for you. Lastly, on the home front you will have to decide what part your family is going to play in your future. While you do not have to make all of these choices today, you will need to have answers by the end of the month, so you can start out the New Year in a much better place.

New moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius

This is a good time to take a small break and think about not only what you what to say but also how you say it.

Even the right words spoken in the wrong tone can convey a different meaning. You might also what to rethink the location and your body language. You would not tell someone you love while in the middle of a business meeting, just as you should not discuss business at a romantic restaurant. Clear and concise communication is what is crucial now. Once you have reset your thinking, then you can re-join the rest of the world in the rush to get things done before year’s end.

You are finally near the end of a long journey, and while the goal may be insight, it does not mean you rest on your laurels until you have reached the goal line!

Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces

Those around you are having a difficult time keeping on task. Although you may be the one who has to keep them on task, be very careful in your choice of words. Miscommunication and confusion abound and there really is not anything you can do to clear things up. If others keep looking at you like they are lost in a brain fog, it is because they probably are. Take the time to thoroughly explain to them just what you need done. While you have a seemingly unending list of things to do, it does not mean you cannot finish your duties. Although you might feel some frustration about the slow pace of things, keep going and you will find success.

Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces

If you have been bored with life, hold on as things are about to change. You may find yourself thinking more about the future and what you really what out of life. Have you been considering making a career change or moving to a new city? Then this may be the time to consider turning your dreams into reality! Your spiritual nature takes centre stage as those around you make you reconsider some of your core beliefs. While you have been pondering your place in the universe for a while now, you may what to take some respective time to make sure your beliefs still work for you. It is not that you need to change your religion, but you may need introspection and adjustment in perspective.

Full moon in Gemini

The new moon marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of something new. There may be some contradictions between what you hoped would happen and what is really happening. While there is no need for you to make a decision right away, you may be confronted with something which demands your attention in the next few days. Be extra careful of your word choices, as the phrases you choose in haste may come back to bite you. When others come to you to solve an issue, you need to keep in mind that there are two sides to every argument. Making a choice based only on one person’s input could be as dangerous as making no choice at all. Gather the information you need before moving forward.

Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus

This is your chance to grab onto an opportunity without putting forth much effort. While getting the chance to fulfil your dreams may be easy to grasp, it can be more difficult to hold onto if you are not committed to making the change. All changes come with a cost, sometimes in cash and sometimes in personal commitment. Either way, this is about chasing your dreams, not the dreams of others. Do not be afraid to think outside of the box for a solution which will be more beneficial for you. It is going to take all of your negotiation skills to ensure you do not let this opportunity pass you by. If you are asked to keep quiet by the other party, be sure to keep you lips closed until the deal is done or you could find this prospect slip through your fingers very, very quickly.

Sun enters Capricorn/Winter Solstice — Ceres retrogrades back into Taurus

The moment you have been waiting for all month long has arrived. For good or bad, it is time for you to make a decision about your future. On the one hand, you could stay where you are; there is nothing wrong with being warm and comfortable in a place you know well. On the other hand, if you are not being challenged you may not grow into the person you want to be. While those around you may not understand the bases for either choice you make, you know deep down which one is right for you; go with your gut and you will never go wrong. When it comes to love, you may be down, but you are not out of the race. It is time for you to get up, put one foot in front of the other and march!

Venus in Capricorn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

Although the rest of the world may be in celebration, all you might be able to see is the darker sides of life. This is not about being a naysayer; it is more about digging into the depths of yourself to find out who you are and what you want out of life. You cannot hide from yourself and if you have been waiting for the best time to tell someone something, then it is time to have your say and see what happens. Others may see this as a time of comfort and joy, but you need that same feeling in your heart. Hiding how you're really feel, or who you really are is only going to cause you more pain and anguish in the future. No matter what you do, this will be a day for everyone to remember.

Jupiter enters Pisces

All the stress and worry of the month finally flows away, it is time take your extra energy and give of yourself to those in need. You have both the time and money to help those around you to find insight and meaning to their lives. You will function best when you work on a project you believe in or care for the ones who have the most need. While you may have felt drained by the events of the past, a little time giving of yourself will help to replenish your batteries and give you hope for the New Year. If you do not know where to start this new adventure, pick a place close to home, you will find there is more need than you would have thought in your own community.

Mercury in Capricorn conjunct Venus in

Capricorn — Mars in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius

Be on your guard as negative thoughts and emotions have sway over your thinking and can cause you problems. We all have those negative monsters in our heads which work against us by keeping our darkest thoughts and fears close at hand. The question is not if they are there, but are you going to let them overtake you and drag you down? Do not let yourself be overrun by unhealthy and untrue mental constructs. You have value and worth, even if it is hard to see right now. If you continue to have difficulties overcoming negative ideas, seek the aid of a trusted friend or professional as soon as possible. Very quickly you will find even a few good words and acts will help you to chase away the wintertime melancholy.

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