3 minute read

Miriam Margolyes

Miss Marple on Steroids?


Some might perceive Miriam as a very short, rather stout “Miss Marple on steroids”; but rather than wandering around country lanes determined to discover “Who Did the Vicar In?” she wanders around film sets and television studios starring as Prof. Pomona Sprout in “Harry Potter”, and doing the odd voice over such as “Fly the Border Collie” in “Babe!” In that “wandering process” she has collected the odd Bafta and LA Critics Award.

No Boxes Please

Although Miriam “don't stick me in a box” Margolyes is of pensionable age, she has a penchant for very filthy and fun asides that she delivers in cut glass English and perfectly formed vowels! Remember, notwithstanding her incredible class, Margolyes is the lovie who managed to shock Graham Norton with her steamy verbal aplomb, especially when she revealed “what really happened to her knickers" after meeting Lawrence Olivier in the fifties!”

No Battle Axe

Miriam is definitely not a British battle axe, she is a bright and earthy Taurus lady who did not have to “Get thee to Hollywood” to make her mark on the thespian world; probably because she has an ambitious Capricorn moon on her side!

She started her acting career at Newnham College Cambridge where she read English, and hit the high note with the Cambridge Footlights comedy troupe. Her star quality was apparent even then, perhaps destined. However, there is no “Thespian blood” flowing through her veins. Her mum was a property investor, her dad a physician from Glasgow!

Country and Western?

So who is the Mighty Miriam, really who is she? Well, astro aspects do explain her class act, plus the fact she is an incredible hoot! Without knowing her time of birth we sense a Leo ascendant vibe to her personality. Why? Well, she does have a lot of hair! She also has a penchant for "over the top" delivery. She admitted to the Guardian that “she picks her ears with a toothpick!” digs “country and western music”, and claimed if she were straight she would have fallen for Bob Monkhouse because “he was a very good kisser!”


Okay we get all that, we hear you cry. But what made this Sun in Taurus, Moon in Capricorn lady such an “incredible hulk” in the comedic department? Maybe the answer is the world is Miriam's oyster, and she plants her earthy feet on its green pastures wherever she goes. She certainly planted her feet well in India during The Real Marigold Hotel series, a popular documentary about retiring to the aforementioned country.

Taurus, Taurus Everywhere!

Does she ever feel lonely? Not with a loving partner waiting for her down under. So even if some might perceive those dirty quips as a defence mechanism, Miriam has long tempered any inner glitches and is happy to make the most of her generous disposition towards life. After all she is a fun loving Taurus, to boot she also has Venus in Taurus, Jupiter in Taurus, Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Taurus. So what does that all mean you might cry? Well, in her case it means earthly fulfilment and steady growth is virtually guaranteed; it also means she sports a natural “Hail fellow well met” attitude to life, even though Uranus suggests success will always be somewhat of a Rubric Cube to her.

The planet of love, Venus, is on her side you see, and whatever joke she cracks, or person she offends with her somewhat smutty utterances, it will continue to shine in 2019, but not in a conventional way of course. Nothing conventional about a Miss Marple on Steroids now is there? A Miss Marple who does not give a jot about diets, or even who poisoned the vicar, but does things "Her Way!"

Creative Challenge

Creative challenge awaits Miriam, and she is well up for it, perhaps with her very own late night chat show! Of course she will invite Graham,Terry and the Good Morning Team to sit on her couch if they can pick themselves up off the floor first that is!

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