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Valentines Love Horoscopes

There are people around you who seem almost psychic in their ability to pick up your moods and feelings. In fact, one friend may admit they are extremely intuitive. If you’re looking for love, you could find it early in February with someone with whom you share a spiritual connection. Your partner or best friend will be spending most of the month on work and other responsibilities. As February ends, lavish them with tender loving care.

You regret something you said or did a few months ago and it is preying on your mind. You can’t keep allowing the past to intrude on the present.
What’s done is done and it can’t be undone. A sensitive friend will help you see things from a different perspective. They may encourage you to return to a dream or goal you never achieved. You are more skilled and experienced and less likely to give in to people who try to stand in your way.

Some people will like it when you run around after them as this makes them feel in charge. Instead of jumping to it whenever they demand something from you, summon up the courage to confront them. You shouldn’t feel pressured by anyone who has no respect for you. After a pep talk from your partner or best friend you will find the confidence to stand up to a pushy workmate or relative. The 21st will be lucky for you, romantically.

You can’t do everything and be in two places at the same time. Having a strong support network will help you make the most of opportunities ahead of you this February. You can rely on the support of your friends and loved ones and this means you can accept new challenges with enthusiasm. Are you single? A long conversation with an attractive stranger on Valentine’s Day could lead you to hoping something romantic will come out of this meeting.

. After a spell of misunderstandings, your partner is being more upfront about their feelings. This gives you more confidence in this relationship. If you haven’t had much chance to spend time alone together, make some space in your lives around
the 14 th to do exactly that. As February ends, an outrageous flirt will try to distract you from your work. You will take their compliments with a grain of salt but it’s nice to know your sex appeal is still strong.

Someone is trying to influence you and get you to go along with their plans and ideas. You’re tempted to give in to pushy people for the sake of peace but don’t. Follow your conscience. Take time to make enquiries before committing to anything
around the 10 th . Even if it means opposing a friend or loved one’s wishes, obey your own instincts when it comes to making decisions. A surprise your amour is planning for you will lift your spirits as the month ends.

Dreaming the days away doesn’t take much effort but you could be missing out on some great opportunities. If you’re longing for excitement, look to your best friend for inspiration. Social events, as the month begins, will bring your friendly side to the fore. If you have a partner, plan some romantic delights for mid-February. A fun gathering around the 21 st is a one you won’t want to miss and if you are single, you could find the love of your life as the month ends.

Romantically, this should be an exciting month for you. You’re in the mood for love, you have a great imagination and there is a lot you can do to spice up your love life. So if you and your partner have been fighting recently, take this opportunity to reconnect. Take the initiative. The more spontaneous you are, the happier the consequences will be. If you’re working as February ends, encourage your partner to go out and have fun.

Romantic moments in February are so magical, they’ll feel more like fantasy than reality. A proposal given or received under a canopy of stars will never be forgotten. You may never have imagined you’d get to experience the kind of romance. Yet romantic opportunities are flying around you now. If you see a shooting star, believe the wish you make will come true. Attending a wedding will be lots of fun as the month ends.

Your best friend or partner is making plans for the future. You feel they are being irrational but before saying anything try putting yourself in their shoes. So, far from being crazy, they’ve given this a lot of thought and they hope you will offer them your support. A work related mystery will be resolved on the 14 th when you discover two workmates are involved in a passionate love affair.

Avoid people who have a habit of attracting bad luck their way. Their negative attitude is a magnet for trouble and it’s not because they are unlucky, as they try to make everyone believe. Although you feel for them, you need to mix with positive, optimistic people to keep your spirits high. Schedule a romantic break for you and your partner, mid-February. Head for a location known for its tranquillity. You will forget all about your problems when nestled in your lover’s arms.

A secret admirer will send you a lovely card and gift. You could be surprised to learn their identity. Unexpected romantic developments will bring exciting new possibilities. You may need to plan on how to move forward without causing too much disruption to existing commitments. A relative will want to share some happy
news around the 20 th and you will be the first to suggest celebrating. Expect to be mixing with some interesting people as February ends.