Russell Grant Magazine Feb 2019 (LOVE219)

Page 50

Philip Garcia’s L




There are people around you who seem almost psychic in their ability to pick up your moods and feelings. In fact, one friend may admit they are extremely intuitive. If you’re looking for love, you could find it early in February with someone with whom you share a spiritual connection. Your partner or best friend will be spending most of the month on work and other responsibilities. As February ends, lavish them with tender loving care.

You regret something you said or did a few months ago and it is preying on your mind. You can’t keep allowing the past to intrude on the present. What’s done is done and it can’t be undone. A sensitive friend will help you see things from a different perspective. They may encourage you to return to a dream or goal you never achieved. You are more skilled and experienced and less likely to give in to people who try to stand in your way.

Some people will like it when you run around after them as this makes them feel in charge. Instead of jumping to it whenever they demand something from you, summon up the courage to confront them. You shouldn’t feel pressured by anyone who has no respect for you. After a pep talk from your partner or best friend you will find the confidence to stand up to a pushy workmate or relative. The 21st will be lucky for you, romantically.

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