Russell Grant Magazine - Apr22 (APRIL422)

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Russell Grant

April 2022














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HOW DO YOU SPEND YOUR SUNDAYS? Remember when Sundays were sacrosanct, all about church and family? No shops opened, so people used to worship, visit relatives and enjoy an easy day.

These days shops open 7 days a week and family dynamics are different. Single-parent families, hot-desking and travelling with business means weekends are often spent catching up on chores and outstanding tasks. When 25% of adults report struggling with Sunday night insomnia, it's increasingly clear that quality time as a couple or family matters. Sunday's often see restaurants filled with family groups enjoying each other's company or going for a walk together in the park. All ages, from young children through to grandparents chatting and catching up for an hour or two. Sundays should also provide a little me time, quiet time when you recharge your batteries and do nothing except perhaps reflect on the week ahead, reducing some Monday morning stress. Do you need a few suggestions to free up some time on Sunday? Share the load. Enforce a strict half day policy; maybe use Saturday mornings for chores. Could some be shared with others, done another time or outsourced, like cleaning, ironing, gardening. Ask others for help or consider paying as an investment in yourself and your stress management. Put yourself in the diary, just like you would an important appointment and honour that appointment. Even a thirty-minute window could give time to read a book, enjoy a relaxing bath, make a leisurely phone call to a friend. Ensure you allow time for you to use as you please. Credit: Susan Leigh - Counsellor & Therapist

Double up arrangements. If there are people you simply must see maybe plan something where you socialise with several together. Give it a fun, party vibe and it could work out surprisingly well. Remember to exercise. An Sunday walk or run, a game of football or rounders can provide fresh air, help you feel better and improve your sleep. Plus sharing exercise with others could add fun to your relationships. Spend time in nature. Enjoy a walk in a local park, beach or nature reserve and absorb the peace and beauty of the scenery, birds, animals. Appreciate it all. Reconnect spiritually. You may not 'do' religion or church but reflecting on your purpose and what's important to you, remembering those special people gone from your life gives time to ground and reconnect with yourself. Invest in your Sundays and treat them as special.

FOUR OF THE BBC’S BIGGEST DRAMAS THE TOURIST, THE RESPONDER, VIGIL AND TIME TO RETURN FOR A SECOND SERIES Charlotte Moore, BBC’s Chief Content Officer has announced the return of four top-rated BBC drama’s from the past year – The Tourist, The Responder, Vigil and Time. “The BBC is on fire creatively and the return of four of our biggest dramas over the last year demonstrates the sheer scale and range of storytelling on the BBC.” Further information about each series will be revealed in due course. Series one of all four dramas are available to watch now on BBC iPlayer.

HOW TO SUPPORT YOUR CHILD’S MENTAL HEALTH One of your main jobs as a parent is to ensure your child is in good mental and physical health. You’re probably already trying to encourage them to get plenty of fresh air and exercise. Ensuring they go to bed at a reasonable time each night, and providing them with three nutritious meals a day, but what are you doing to support their mental health?

Mental health is complicated, and it can be quite difficult to support a child’s emotional wellbeing, but here are some tips on questions about mental health from an independent prep school in Surrey. Talk About Mental Health Having questions about mental health is a great place to start to get the conversation started. Make sure your child understands what mental health actually is and why it is so important. Talk to them about their emotions and how they can manifest in different ways. Even now, there is a certain stigma around mental health, even though sadness, anxiety and stress are nothing to be ashamed of. Provide A Safe Home Environment Parents have little control over what goes on in our child’s life when they’re at school, but you can change what goes on in your home. Try and create a home environment in which your child feels safe and comfortable; a place where they can develop their sense of self without fear or judgement. Make sure they know you love and support them no matter what and are there to provide a listening ear should they need one. Promote open and honest communication.

Avoid Harsh Punishments Try and avoid harsh punishments, as these will have a negative impact on your child’s self-esteem. Instead, place a stronger emphasis on what they’re doing right. Praise them when you see them working hard, rather than punishing them when they’re not. Let them know you’re proud of them when they play nicely with their friends, or if they offer to help you with the housework. If they fail an exam, try not to show disappointment, and remind them that you are pleased with how hard they tried. If your child shares an opinion that you don’t agree with, try not to shut them down or respond in a judgemental way. Instead, ask them how they came to that conclusion and encourage them to think about it on a deeper level. Their home should be a space in which they feel comfortable voicing their opinions. If they don’t feel they have a safe environment to express themselves, they will struggle with their mental health. Promote Optimism Your child’s outlook on life will alter their state of mind. With this in mind, try and help your child adopt an optimistic attitude. If they view the world as a scary place, they will suffer with stress and anxiety. So, try and help them focus on the good in life and put things into perspective. Perhaps you could encourage

them to start a gratitude journal, in which they write about all of the things they appreciate that day. Make sure they have plenty of positive things to look forward to, even if it’s just a day out at the weekend. Encourage them to try new things so that they learn that nothing is as scary as it first seems. The idea is try and help your child see life in a positive, exciting way. Avoid complaining in front of them, as this will have an adverse effect. Try and look on the bright side wherever possible. Encourage Your Child To Pursue Their Interests Having a hobby is important for a child’s mental health, especially one that they feel passionate about. Pursuing their interests will bring them joy and will also help them develop a variety of skills, which will help them with their confidence. Hobbies are a chance for children to burn off some steam and can act as a distraction for the daily pressures of school. They are also a chance for children to make friends with like minded people, which gives them a sense of assurance and support. It’s essentially an opportunity for them to use their time productively, rather than passively staring at a screen. However, even a hobby like allowing them to read their own choice of book could help with their mental heath. Allow them to escape reality and wonder around in a fantasy land. Monitor Your Child’s Behaviour If your child’s behaviour changes, it could be because they’re struggling with something emotionally. Keep an eye out for this because it will put you in a better position to help should you need to. Perhaps their mood changes drastically, they’re more snappy than usual, or much quieter. Don’t just leave it thinking it’s them being a teenager, or a troublesome toddler. Talk to them and find the route cause of this change.

Talk About The Dangers Of Social Media Thinking about youth mental health is never more important than when your child becomes of an age where they start using social media sites, be sure to talk to them on a regular basis. Social media can have a negative impact on mental health, particularly on body image, because it can make people feel like they aren’t good enough. Explain to your child that people only show what they want you to see, like their latest holiday or an edited selfie. This false outlook on life can damage already low self-esteem, so make sure your child knows that social media isn’t the reality. It’s a good idea to chat to your child about internet safety in general, to protect them against things like cyber bullies and online predators. Where To Go For Extra Help With Questions About Mental Health These days there are many places that you can go, either online or in person that will be able to help you if you’re in a bad situation or have any other questions about mental health. Charities such as Young Minds are a great place to go for mental health issues in children. It’s a place where both young people and their parents can go to get the support they need. Then there’s the charity Mind where you can find support for yourself, a partner or friend, or for a young person. They specialise in children aged 11 – 18 years old, where there is a plethora of information on where to go next. What Are Four Common Mental Health For Youth? ADHD, anxiety problems, behaviour problems, and depression are the most commonly known mental health disorders in children and youths. What Are The Main Causes Of Mental Health Issues In Youth? There can be all kinds f issues, however the most common ones are – stress, fear, anxiety, abuse, family conflict and bullying. What Are The Signs Of Anxiety In A Teenager? Of course this could vary depending on the severity of the anxiety, and the person themselves, but a few things to look out for are – Recurring fears and worries, Irritability, Trouble concentrating, Extreme self-consciousness, Withdrawal from life, Complaining about stomachaches or headaches often. The Lifestyle Blogger UK

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As we start to plan ahead for a Summer holiday, it’s important to remember to check everything well in advance to avoid disappointment or delays. Is your passport valid? Renewing or applying for your passport currently takes up to 10 weeks and further delays can be experienced due to application form errors, issues with your photograph or a sudden surge in applications. Remember to check the passport requirements for your destination as rules can vary from one country to another. Get protected. Lots of countries require adults to be Covid boosted or to have had their second jab recently. Rules and entry requirements are constantly evolving so always get the latest information and advice for your destination. Visit the GOV.UK website for a step by step guide to help plan your holiday, visa/permit requirements, vaccinations and travel insurance.

LATEST PODCASTS A UKRAINIAN KITCHEN IN LONDON Ruth Alexander joins Olia and her Russian friend and fellow food writer, Alissa Timoshkina, to discuss the close ties between their nation’s traditional dishes, and the importance of the two women’s own personal friendship. The conversation was recorded on Tuesday 8 March; 12 days into the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

HOW DO YOU COPE? …WITH ELIS AND JOHN This week Elis and John are joined by actor George Robinson to discuss the accident that led to his sudden paralysis, and how he approached starring in the series ‘Sex Education’. PINOCCHIO: THE REAL STORY OF THE MISCHIEVOUS WOODEN PUPPET His story has been the subject of many retellings, and his growing nose when he lies has become a way to satirise politicians the world over. But Pinocchio’s origins are largely unknown outside Italy, and couldn’t be more different from his portrayal in the 1940 Disney film.

GARY BARLOW - WE WRITE THE SONGS Gary Barlow has a real laugh with Simon Le Bon as they reminisce over some of his biggest songs. As part of Duran Duran, Simon has sold over 100 million records and written anthems like 'Rio', 'Girls on Film' and 'Ordinary World'. Find out what it was really like recording the Band Aid Single ‘Do They Know It's Christmas?’ and the drama that unfolded when they wrote the Bond theme ‘View To A Kill’.

MONEY SAVING TIPS As the cost of living continues to rise, try our money saving tips to get more organised, reduce your spending and discover alternatives options. Getting Organised - Take a stock take of everything in your cupboards, fridge and freezer to make an accurate list. Make a meal plan for the next 7 days as this can help you list extra’s you need to make a full meal, avoid buying something you already have plenty of. It can also help to identify any food that is getting close to it’s use by date to avoid any wastage. - Avoid going shopping when you’re hungry as your attention can sometimes wander to sweet treats. Remember, supermarkets want you to spend more money so they promote and place products in key locations to tempt you to buy on impulse. Only buy what’s on your shopping list or you’ll regret it at the till. - Most supermarkets now have a loyalty/offer scheme. Keep an eye out for any time limited vouchers or offers but don’t be fooled by the spend £x to get £x off. While you may save money, they are forcing you to spend more than usual. - Buddy up with your friends & family and go shopping together. This can help share the travel costs and bulk buy offers can be split between you so everyone benefits from the saving. - Shopping with a buddy can also help you identify brands you may not have tried before. Set yourself a challenge to only buy own brand/own labels products for one week. We can get stuck in a routine of only buying a specific brand product when other alternatives are available which can sometimes save you a considerable amount of money. Try the own brands/labels and see if you can notice the difference. Other than the label and price, a large majority of products are made in the same factory so you may be surprised that you don’t notice any difference in taste but are managing to save money every week. Don’t let anything go to waste - Every time you take a stock take you may find food that needs using up quickly. Think about batch cooking several meals and freeze them . If it’s vegetables that are looking a bit limp, why not make your own soup, stock or pasta sauce. When soft fruit such as berries start to turn soft, whizz them into smoothies and have them as a power breakfast or a yogurt topping. - Fresh food can be frozen right up to the use-by date. Cheese, milk, eggs, bread, pasta and fresh herbs can be frozen in usable portion sizes to prevent waste. Freezing meat on the day of purchase and taking it out as and when you need it is a good habit to get into. Just make sure you wrap it in freezer bags or freezer-proof plastic boxes to prevent freezer burn.

- Label products before putting them in the freezer with the date and what they are, so they can be easily identified. Get a freezer-safe marker pen to make sure you can mark your meals clearly. - Ensure meat, fish or prepared dishes are thoroughly defrosted before cooking or reheating. Vegetables and fruit are usually best cooked straight from frozen. Defrost food in the fridge overnight to completely thaw it. Avoid leaving it at room temperature. - Vegetables and fruits with a high water content (such as tomatoes and strawberries) may be better puréed before freezing, particularly if that’s what you plan to do with them in the long run. - The day you buy a loaf of good bread, slice whatever you won’t eat for lunch and freeze it in a resealable bag. Toast slices directly from the freezer when the urge strikes. Any stale bread, buns or rolls can also be used in a bread and butter pudding or whizzed into breadcrumbs and frozen.

Being Travel Smart - Filling up when you get your supermarket shop can bring benefits - a litre of petrol at supermarkets typically costs a few pence less than at other fuel forecourts and reward points can be used for your food shopping. - While there's no harm in using super unleaded, there's usually no benefit either – unless you drive a high-performance or imported car that specifically requires it. - Make sure your tyres are at the correct pressure as stated in the car's handbook (or often on a sticker on the driver's door pillar). Under inflated tyres develop more rolling resistance than correctly inflated tyres, so your engine has to work slightly harder . - Only buy what fuel you need as filling up a full tank can add considerable additional weight. Imagine the weight of 40 litres of bottled water in your boot. Also have a tidy up and remove anything that could be adding excess weight. - Choose between opening windows or air conditioning. When driving on the motorway, air con is most efficient as open windows can cause additional drag due to the speeds being travelled. However, in local driving where speeds are up to 30mph, crack open a window as this won’t generate drag and air con can is the biggest sapping item of equipment in most modern cars. - If you’re travelling somewhere you’re unfamiliar with, make sure you have planned your route well to stop you from getting lost and wasting fuel. Sat navs apps on your phone or a dedicated device, will show you the quickest route to your destination.

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THE GREAT BENEFITS OF REFLEXOLOGY – INSIDE & OUT The most used part of our body – the feet, yet probably the most neglected when it comes to self-care. Our feet hold us up as we walk through life’s ups and downs. They steady us when we feel un-steady, or anxious. So why do we ignore them? There are so many great benefits of Reflexology that we just aren’t utilising. Reflexology is not just a great foot massage to relieve stress and built up tension, it’s great for your entire body – inside and out. What Is Reflexology? In the 1920’s, investigative studies allowed the first Western reflexology foot map to be produced and since then other anatomical areas have been mapped allowing reflexology to be applied to the hands, ears and face. A well-qualified reflexologist will carry out a consultation with you to make sure that a treatment is suitable to you and tailored to your individual needs. Reflexology is a gentle form of massage based on the theory that we have a complete map of our body on our feet, hand, ears and face. By stimulating the reflex points on these parts of the body, using pressure and gentle massage techniques, we can promote and restore balance, wellbeing, and relaxation. Other benefits of Reflexology include; reduction of tension, improved sleep, improved mood, and more. This aids to reduce of stress and therefore aid our digestion. Healthy Lifestyle Eating a healthy, balanced diet, drinking plenty of water and living a healthy lifestyle all help us work towards a healthy digestive system. A key trigger for digestive upset is stress, therefore it’s important to reduce or find ways to deal with stress if we are feeling out of balance. We can do this through

exercise, relaxation, mindfulness and also through mindful eating. Reflexology & Digestion As many as 86% of British adults have reported having a digestive issue in the past year! That’s a shocking statistic, isn’t it? With our busy, modern lifestyles, pressures of work and family life, and the stress of the pandemic. People have been suffering more than ever with tummy troubles. Digestion is a crucial pillar to our health. It alters our overall happiness, wellbeing, physical and mental health; as they say healthy gut – healthy mind. I’m sure many of us can relate to how what we put in our bodies can change how we feel and cope with life. What does our digestion have to do with reflexology though? So how can we help our health and improve and maintain a healthy digestive system?

Mindful Eating How many of us rush our food to move on to the next part of our busy lifestyle? How many of us actually sit down calmly in a quiet environment to enjoy a healthy meal? Or even enjoy a refreshing fruit juice? Studies have shown that mindful eating can reduce stress therefore the symptoms of IBS and digestive issues. Try dedicating time to sitting down for a meal this week and use these ways of beginning to eating mindfully…

�Eat slowly �Focus on your food by turning off your TV and putting away your phone �Notice how your food looks on your plate and how it smells �Select each bite of food consciously �Pay attention to the texture, temperature and taste of your food

How Can I Find A Good Reflexologist? Like any therapy, it is crucial to find a well-qualified reflexologist so using the ‘Find a Therapist’ function on the ‘Association of Reflexologists’ website is a great starting point. All therapists listed here have met high standards of qualification and experience to be members so you can relax, knowing you are literally in safe hands. FAQ’s What Conditions Can Reflexology Treat? It is mainly used to address conditions such as – anxiety, asthma, cancer treatment, cardiovascular issues, diabetes, headaches, kidney function, PMS, and sinusitis. What Are The Most Common Types Of Reflexology? There are a few types of reflexology including – Standard Reflexology, Zone Therapy, Vertical Reflex Therapy (VRT), The Reflex Meridian Therapy, 5 Elements Reflexology, The Morell Technique.

The Lifestyle Blogger UK

WHEN TO WORRY ABOUT A MOLE Generally, moles are harmless features of your skin, which will never cause any issues. But in some cases, UV exposure from the sun can cause a mole to change shape, size or colour and become cancerous. We explore what you need to look out for.

We're growing more aware of the dangers of the sun's rays and how important covering up and applying sun cream is, but melanoma skin cancer rates are still increasing. So it's important we all get into the habit of checking our skin regularly. "In the ‘good old days’, when a tan was a sign of a healthy outdoor life and holidays abroad were a novelty, many of us paid the price of wanting a tan. Some of us never got further than the peeling sunburn; some became addicted to sunbeds or spent every free hour in the sun. If any of those sounds like you, you need to be especially aware of the warning signs of skin cancer. But even if it doesn't, you need to look out for the signs," says Dr Sarah Jarvis,'s clinical director. What are moles? Moles form when pigment-producing cells in the skin grow in a cluster instead of being spread throughout the skin. Most moles are flat, but sometimes they can be raised, and can range from pink, brown to black depending on your skin colour. "Most moles will develop on the body during the first 30 years of someone's life, and they can often change due to hormonal fluctuations. Moles are more common and prominent in fairer-skinned people, and may darken after exposure to the sun, during the teen years, and during pregnancy," explains dermatologist Dr Sharon Wong from the London Bridge Hospital, which is part of HCA Healthcare UK.

How can a mole lead to cancer? UV light from the sun or using sunbeds can change the structure of a mole and increase the chance of it becoming cancerous. This is known as melanoma. "Melanoma is one of the most aggressive forms of skin cancer, which can spread to other organs in the body. The most common sign of melanoma is a change in an existing or new mole. The mole may also be larger than normal and can sometimes be itchy or bleed," reveals Wong. Of course, not all new, enlarged or changing moles will mean skin cancer. But you should keep an eye on them just in case. "Making a habit of examining your own skin on a monthly basis will help to detect any abnormal growths quickly. I always advise my patients to check their skin after they have had a bath or a shower, in a well-lit room with a full-length mirror," Wong adds. What to look for Wong recommends the ABCDE test, which is a handy guide to remembering what to spot.

Asymmetry Is the mole symmetrical? Look out for changes in pigment, texture or shape from one half of the mole to the other.

Border A non-cancerous mole will usually have smooth, even borders, and you can see clearly where the mole ends and normal skin begins. You should look out for uneven formations and rough edges or lack of clarity between the edge of the mole and the skin that surrounds it.

Colour Most non-cancerous moles are a single shade of brown, so if a mole is showing a number of colours this could be a warning sign.

Diameter Melanomas are usually larger than 6 mm. If a mole is bigger than this you may want to consider having it checked out.

Evolving Non-cancerous moles don't usually change shape or appearance, so if one of your moles is starting to evolve you should definitely book to seek your GP. Also, be aware of any new symptoms such as bleeding, itching or crusting. But don't fret if you find the self-checking process tricky, or you've found some irregular moles or patches of skin. Book an appointment with your GP who will be able to review your moles and determine if any should be removed or investigated further. How to reduce your skin cancer risk Stay safe this year and don't skimp on sun cream. Wong says you need to find one with good UVA and UVB protection. Both types of ray can cause damage to the skin and increase the risk of skin cancer. And cosmetically, UVA can age the skin, resulting in deep wrinkling and dark spots.

Patient Info

NATIONAL TEA DAY There is nothing more classically British than afternoon tea, which makes National Tea Day, 21st April, a wildly popular occasion in the country. This love of tea dates back centuries and this fondness seems to only get stronger with time!

So, why is tea so popular with us Brits? The answer is the amazing health and wellness benefits of tea. Plus, with the new rainbow range of teas available, we’re tapping into a wealth of potential new health benefits as well. What tea-drinker are you? According to the Modern Tea Trends 2019 study, 50% of tea brands identified the 24 to 35 year old group as their biggest growing demographic. Perhaps because of this, the view of tea has changed. It’s no longer a milky, warm beverage that sits on a table while people discuss problems, though it is still the go-to makeshift remedy for everything from a bad day at work to a broken leg. Now, tea has a swathe of health benefits to its name. It’s more than murky brown leaf-water; it’s a bright and colourful variety of health and wellness beverages. Unsurprisingly then, over 80 per cent of brands are watching the wellness trend as a key asset for tea.

If you answered mainly A… you’re a Traditionalist. You care about your tea being a healing drink, but not necessarily in the sense of it carrying antioxidants or being hydrating. It’s just about comfort for you, a means to relax and calm down with a soothing cup of milky tea.

It is thought there are two main groups of tea-drinkers. Ready for a quick quiz to find out which type you are?

Is it more important to you for your tea to be comforting or healthy?

If you answered mainly B… you’re a Modernist. Times are changing, and so is your go-to tea. Your tea isn’t always designed to make you fall into a milk-and-sugar-wrapped blanket of cosy warmth. Sure, camomile tea will relax you when you need it, but you have tea for every occasion. For energy, for a cold, for digestion, for preserving health, for anxiety, you name it, you’ve got a type of tea to wind around all the senses and sort it right out.

A: Comforting. If a good strong brew can’t fix it, it’s probably not worth fixing.

B: Healthy. A good tea should give me energy, pep, and cleanse my inner being.

Your perfect cup of tea would be…

A: Creamy or milky. Best described as a ‘hug in a mug’.

B: Colourful. Whether it’s red, blue, green, or purple, it needs to be bright and beautiful.

Sensory-wise, you expect your tea experience to be…

A: Sweet, or sweet-ish. If you wanted to assault your tongue with bitter tones, you’d have ordered a coffee…

B: Sensual, or aromatic. The experience of my tea is not just in taste but in smell. It should pamper my nose as much as my tongue.

Tea is evolving Tea has certainly become much more of an experience than just a go-to beverage. This ties in with the rise of herbal teas over standard black leaf tea — herbal teas come in so many varieties, from all over the world, and often have intricate ceremonies or stories attached to them. These aspects are as much of the ‘sensual’ experience as the tea itself. Cafés and tea rooms have been using this to their benefit too, offering tea experiences for their customers, such as offering food created to complement the flavour of different herbal teas, or brewing the leaves in a beautiful antique silver teapot in order to achieve a higher brewing temperature than a normal teapot, and making use of silver’s neutrality, protecting the pure taste of the tea. The whole experience is catered for the customer’s enjoyment. Tea is incredibly flexible, as it can be enjoyed at home with full control over your personal taste, or out enjoying an aforementioned experience and story.

The Lifestyle Blogger UK

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VEGAN SPRING RECIPES Vegan Food & Living reveal that Spring is one of their favourite seasons. After a long winter, the sight of blooming daffodils and pink blossoms on the trees is an instant tonic. In addition to fresh florals, springtime in the UK means delicious fruits and veg at our fingertips.

Strawberry Elderflower Scone Cake Potato Salad With Lemon & Herbs This show stopper of a dessert is perfect for the This salad replaces mayo with a super creamy later months of spring and throughout summer dressing that is easy to make. Serve at a when strawberries and elderflower are at their barbeque or enjoy as part of a tasty vegan peak. lunch.

Aubergine, Tomato & Fenugreek Curry Curry’s are perfect all year round and a great way to celebrate in-season vegetables. This aubergine, tomato, and fenugreek curry is perfect served with fresh vegan mint yoghurt and naan bread to mop up the delicious sauce.

April Horoscopes from Russell Grant

ARIES Your stars increase your individual magnetism, bringing out the more assertive aspect of your personality. This is the perfect moment to begin aiming for the long-term goal. A relationship can be a surprise and can behave in ways that you wouldn't have imagined of them. It might be difficult to be together. It can be stressful and challenging for you; however, you may need some stability in relationships. If your partner is temperamental or unpredictable, it is probably colossal displeasure. You shouldn't be too concerned when the passion-driven part of your love life has diminished slightly. It is possible to fix this soon. What will bother you is a partner's or friend's instability. A romantic message sent around 14th is likely to require an immediate response. Are you dating? A mysterious admirer is in the distance of your existence. You might already feel this. Trust your instincts if you believe there are complications in an agreement in the legal or financial realm or if someone you know cannot be reliable. It is possible to discuss your suspicions with an expert. There may be some doubts about money in April; however, if you limit any impulsive purchases, you'll be in good shape. While in certain aspects of your life, there are delays and frustration in other areas, when it comes to your career, there's optimism in the air.

TAURUS The private part of your life will be where you'll be spending the most of your efforts. Anything that agitates you, like people, places, or a specific project, is going to require more time and effort. Some may believe that love is more in line with words than actions. At present, you don't agree. If someone is looking to take your heart and keep it for the rest of their lives, they must get to know you emotionally. You'll be able to prosper in a relationship that is caring, tender and loving. A partner's sensitivity in handling a challenging situation on the 10th will give you a feeling of security. Are you dating? Someone who can understand and accept your desire for love, trust, and loyalty can win your lifetime love and devotion. Financial deals are likely to be a success for you and there are plenty of ways to earn money that you can consider. However, you are aware that due to the expense involved, certain ventures you're considering might be initially difficult. The help of a family member or friend's support is the perfect solution. If someone offers you an opportunity to boost your finances, you should take it up before they change their mind. It is crucial to study documents. Even when things go wrong, keeping an empathetic attitude can make it easier to get through. Whatever you are trying to achieve, do not surrender. You'll eventually beat obstacles that are in your way. There will be some bumps along the way but certain events are fascinating.

GEMINI Essential decisions you need to make when the month starts can be mentally draining. The good thing is that any doubt about whether you're making the correct decision will vanish by the 8th and you'll begin to feel more at ease with your emotions and life. There isn't an ideal time to express your emotions in close friendships and relationships. You can talk about your feelings easily and you'll be treated with appreciation and respect. Make the most of this opportunity to lay the most challenging plans or ideas. Your partner will encourage you to discover your creative talents since they trust your abilities. You'll feel like your relationship is improving significantly and you can make a bold decision around the 20th with great success. Joint financial commitments are likely to be at the heart of the hot discussion. Keep your distance and don’t let anyone pressure you into taking on financial risks. A favour you pledge to someone when the month gets underway may be regrettable when on the 11th, you discover the total amount it will cost you. However, give help to those in need but be sure that no one else takes advantage of it. Never stop trying, even when it seems likely to be complicated. The most challenging task may take longer than expected to complete but you must persevere. If you give up, a person in charge who was expecting more from you, is likely to be dissatisfied. You're being entrusted with a specific task. Don't let them fall. On the 23rd, you'll be unable to recall the last time that you were truly relaxed.

CANCER The new moves you make will provide future advantages. Be sure to keep everyone whose life could impact the decisions informed about any changes. The romance is growing and new friendships are being formed. You are committed to your relationships and you know that it's not enough to see one another on occasion. You're ready to put your money into a unique relationship, giving it the chance and time to grow and develop. This is the perfect opportunity to pay attention to your partner's requirements and others who are significant and dear to you. The goal is to keep your own healthy boundaries and be respectful of other people's boundaries. Are you dating? It's a lot of fun to figure out ways to attract the attention of someone you admire. The cost of living is growing, which should not be shocking to you. But you may wonder what you can do to manage. The answer isn't borrowing money. The solution, it’s more beneficial to develop an annual list of expenses and then create an updated budget. With a bit of planning, you will see improvements in your financial situation very quickly. House projects may require a fresh approach. Your housemates will be amazed by your creativity. A rapid rise in responsibility will require your focus.

LEO You're a unique person with unique ideas and you shouldn't allow a person to denigrate you. You can sing to your own music, dress how you like to dress and love and live your life the way you want to. You deserve to be loved just for your own uniqueness and not based on what others want to see in you. You require disclosure of some sort. This could mean having to alter the conditions of your close relationship. People change and grow and you're beginning to realise that your goals and desires don't match what they were a year ago. The need to be sure that your partner understands and supports your dreams and hopes is paramount soon. If you're single, you'll be happy in your own company but won't be particularly motivated to seek romance. The risks in financial ventures aren't necessarily risky, but you'll want to talk about them, nonetheless. Some may be eager to join in; however, you should study the subject before making any commitments. Nevertheless, being cautious with your finances today will pay off in substantial reward when you need it the most.

VIRGO You're more enthusiastic and less passive in relationships or romance, which can cause others to take you, who are familiar with you, to be taken by surprise. One advantage is that you'll have the confidence to speak about what's you're thinking about. Trust and honesty are the foundation of relationships. Trust is worth more than gold. A true partner will leave their competitive nature to one side for the sake of co-operation. You'll be grateful for their help. Your most trusted companion will help you try diverse hobbies, which can be an enjoyable experience. You're trying to find creative ways to delight your loved ones. Your joint plans might include a trip to another country or a romantic getaway. When the month comes to an end, the need for a loving response is needed in a personal circumstance. Your instincts will be your guide. Someone close to you will be urging you to take out a loan. If this has become the norm, you'll need to stand up for yourself and say no. You shouldn't continue to loan your hard-earned money to unreliable individuals. Additionally, you must be careful when lending money because miscommunications can happen. If you discover an issue with the law that is confusing by mid-April, a solicitor will clarify it in plain English.

LIBRA You're full of energy and drive to make things work to your advantage. Your colleagues will be inspired by your creative flair. Your appreciation for their ideas should make it simple for everyone to agree and then get to work. You might be worried that you and your partner were on different paths and had other aspirations. After the 10th, you'll realise that you have many common interests, which can help maintain your bond. A friend who's not been a good money manager will try to convince you to go to an extravagant event. If the concept doesn't appeal to you, or you don't want to pay for it, don't feel you’re obliged to agree. Tell them the truth as well as to yourself and say 'no'. If it's an event for fundraising, you may prefer to give without having to dress for a formal occasion. Taking a calculated risk around the 20th as it will pay dividends in the future for you. You're looking to make it big and since you're feeling confident and determined, you're likely to be successful in achieving your goals. Some ideas might require some work but there's no reason why they should not be implemented soon. New possibilities are waiting to be discovered for you today. Changes in your career are a transformation for the better and they will allow you to forget the past. Set up important meetings after the 23rd.

SCORPIO If you're looking to improve your appearance, now is the best time to make an effort. The most essential things in your life are work and health. It's not going to stop your thoughts from being enticed by romance and love. However, you're aware of your obligations to others and you will not let them down. Relationships at the workplace and at home can be mutually beneficial as there's an atmosphere of giving and taking around you. If you and your partner haven't spent enough time with each other, now is the perfect time to schedule an intimate getaway. Financial and legal issues will prevent you from being with your family members. It could be that you feel like you've got your priorities wrong, but it isn't possible to ignore the necessity of dealing with urgent financial issues. The middle of April is the best time to purchase furniture or artwork, as well as other household objects. There is a chance to get a bargain in an online auction. An inheritance or a legal settlement could be a possibility. Utilise this money to upgrade your garden or home. If you have a team of people willing to help, try taking on any challenging task to handle on your own.

SAGITTARIUS Your dreams are possible and they can come true. What actions and plans are you taking to realise your goals and goals? The process of planning will assist you in achieving your goals. Make sure your feet are planted on the ground and stay focussed on the practical aspect of things. Romance might not be more straightforward as you know you're looking for more out of life. Your partner might be concerned that you're becoming bored of their company, so make time to assure them that it's not them but you that needs to come up with ways to make your life more enjoyable. Making time for activities, hobbies and social sports will boost your self-confidence and renew your passion for living. Are you dating? Go out and have a blast, and you'll meet someone extraordinary. Don’t jump to conclusions when conflicts about cash arise in your home. Take your time before speaking. The relationship can be maintained in harmony if peace and love rule. Although it may sound dull, it's a good idea to review your correspondence, clean up and put essential documents in the appropriate places by mid-April. It is possible to be amazed by how unprepared you have been on these issues lately. Potential financial gain can be derived from an intimate or business relationship when April ends.

CAPRICORN The family will be top of the list of priorities for you now. The relationships in your home and any home-based projects shared with your family will run smoothly and efficiently due to the time and effort you put into these. Your housemates will be impressed by your enthusiasm. You might not have been expecting it to be that simple. You might have the opportunity to enhance your life by taking advantage of exciting new possibilities and opportunities. This can have a pleasant impact on your relationships with your loved ones. If you accept an unexpected offer, it could be that you need to negotiate a compromise with a spouse. However, this shouldn't be an issue since they have a stake in your future. Most likely, you'll receive the help you require from the people who matter to you regardless of what you choose to do. Bonuses or a financial gift can be an enjoyable surprise. Beware of the temptation to spend all your money on luxury items. You deserve a treat, but you've been working hard to attain financial security. Setting aside a certain amount in savings will increase your nest egg and protect you from financial risk. If you are the homeowner, updating your bathroom or kitchen will enhance what you can get from your house. Take a close look at the pros and cons of discussing long-term concerns at the beginning of the month.

AQUARIUS A new job or lucrative chance is worth taking. Unexpected twists and turbulences will cause a bit of a bump for a while, but after that, all is going to be fine. You may feel like you're riding a rollercoaster in April as the month starts. Making a move to a different career or lifestyle could be challenging; however, it can also be exciting. It isn't clear how this will impact your relationships. When you're focused on the outside world, this could make your family and friends feel disengaged. The barriers that separate you can be reduced by keeping everyone aware of the events. A lengthy discussion around the 18th can help overcome any unresolved misunderstandings while striving to create the best possible future for you. Your achievements in the past can lead to a lucrative opportunity that will provide you with an extended period of financial stability. You have the chance to break into a new career in which the highest paying jobs are available. Major changes are happening. These will benefit your financial situation when an extra income lets you travel and will give you more financial security soon. An interview could be followed by the possibility of a job offer. The acceptance of this offer keeps you in the loop. You're trying to visualise the future you want to live and gain an idea of how it will feel when you do it but it will be a while before you can settle into new routines. There are many things on your plate and it could be a bit overwhelming at times, particularly when you'd benefit from some rest and sleep.

PISCES A chance to take advantage of an offer causes you to hesitate. It is possible that you are worried you'd be foolish or that you might be putting too much pressure on yourself by imagining unrealistic dreams. Put aside any doubts. Be confident that you can and will accomplish whatever goals have significance to your life right now. You're more than you think and your family and friends will readily affirm this. Even things that appear impossible and beyond your reach are achievable with some substantial assistance from your loved ones. Moving in a different direction can be thrilling. Pay attention to your finances. You don't require extravagant clothing and items to be content. If an elegant friend wants to convince you to spend more than the budget, stand your ground and tell them "No'. It’s not a good idea to be involved in a petty fight about finances and you can avoid this by using a calculator, putting together the expenses for your month and determining the amount you're able to spend on entertainment. There's a bit of excitement going on; however, try to stay calm and relaxed. It is crucial to make the right decisions and you shouldn't make the wrong choice. The new skills and knowledge can help you continue to climb the ladder to success. You will impress your boss with the high quality and efficiency of the work you do.

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NEW MOON IN ARIES As the first moon of the zodiacal new year, this is an essential event as it helps to set the mood for the rest of the year. Aries brings a mood of optimism which can help to lift you from the lowest depths when needed. This is a wonderful time to start something new and exciting that you have been putting off. This is a sensational time for you to focus on romance and budding new relationships. Word choice is critical to your success, but even the wrong words are better than saying nothing at all. You are entering into a favourable period to give up your unpleasant habits and find new ways to express yourself. Cleaning the home is necessary but that does not mean you need to do it by yourself, hire someone if you can as it will make your life easier.

JUPITER SEXTILE TRUE This is a time to expand your horizons. Too often we are stuck with our heads down, working out problems which have no real meaning in our lives. Jupiter is here to remind you to look up and see what is out there waiting for you to explore. This is also a call for you to expand your knowledge of life, the universe, and everything else it has to offer. You are more than just lucky right now, you are truly blessed with good fortune and fame, if you are willing to do the work for it. Get rid of negative associations and be on your guard against overindulgence. You may also find you are more giving of your time to others and more tolerant of their negative behaviours than normal; use this talent to mend the past and work together towards a brighter future.

FIRST QUARTER MOON This first quarter moon falls on an incredibly lucky day for you. While you would normally see this time as a chance to see your overall progress, this Moon is asking you, where are you on your personal dreams and ideas? If you have been putting off the action in your life, for what or whom are you waiting? The sad truth is there is no Superhero or Superheroine who will fly in to save you from yourself. You are the only one who can make the changes and take the chances needed for success. You are going to be the one who decides what kind of impact your actions are going to have on the real world. Stop waiting and put your plans into action now! Even a baby step in the right direction can make an everlasting impression.

SATURN SQUARE TRUE NODE Fairy-tale-like promises of a new and exciting world hold the promise of both great horrors and success. The ultimate outcome falls squarely on your lap currently. If you want to understand this change, it is important to look at it from afar. Your actions/or lack of it will have long lasting affects into your future. A choice made to wait until you have more time/money/energy to work on it will result in you pushing it off forever. If you really sit down and think about it, while it seems like you have an eternity to change your life, you only have a handful of weekends to do something extraordinary given all your work/home/family commitments. You may be telling others that you want to make a change, but your actions speak louder than your words ever will. So, as of this moment, you need to stop speaking and start doing if you ever what that fairy-tale-like life you say you desire.

MARS ENTERS PISCES As Mars enters Pisces, it brings with it the opportunity for making a variety of major transformations, a few challenges for you, and a handful of opportunities for advancement. While all areas of your life can be affected by this change, the key thing to remember is that the Devil is in the details! Any promise of a new and exciting change will require you to look at the opportunities from all angles to ensure it is what you want. However, as Mars is always in a hurry just know that others will be asking you to rush everything. They will be texting, emailing, and calling you endlessly to get you to move forward, but do not let them convince you to move, or spend one hard earned penny, until you have had the opportunity to review everything and consider closely what you might lose if things do not work out as planned.

FULL MOON IN LIBRA This is a time to look for ways to bring balance back into your life no matter how difficult it might be for you. Have you been spending too much time at work at the expense of family time? Are you too involved in the drama of someone’s life to have a life of your own? Wherever you have gone overboard, it is time to reel it back in and make room for the other areas of your life which have suffered due to lack of attention. This need for focus can be especially pronounced in your love life. While someone special may be willing to put up with your diversions, they will not do so for long; they could start looking for distractions of their own. There is no way around this one, you have work to do, and the first step is accepting the fact that you have work to do!

SUN ENTERS TAURUS It is time for you to shift your focus and find the core you. It is all too easy to get mixed up in the world with all its demands and distractions and end up forgetting who and what you are inside. While you may have to live with the duties and responsibilities of this world, it does not mean you cannot explore your greater potential. Keep in mind, there is a real reason you are here, and it is not to just pay the bills. The universe has put you here for a reason; as the Sun enters Taurus, it comes in to help you see the path laid out for you! It asks nothing of you, except to follow it back to a place where you can find peace, love, and happiness with yourself and with those around you.

LAST QUARTER MOON Once again, the Last Quarter of the Moon is here to make sure you are on point and keeping up with all your duties. This month has been a constant reminder, though you may have to live in this world, there are more important things for you to do than sitting around and watching the world go by. You have real duties you must perform, and the world is not going to wait for you to chase your dreams. The universe wants you succeed! It wants to fulfil your wants and desires of success both in the financial world and in your romantic efforts, but it is up to you to take the first, second, and even a third step forward to ensure you have the fortitude needed to see things through to the end. Is it going to take work on your part? Yes, but nothing of true value is ever just dumped into someone’s lap.

PLUTO TURNS RETROGRADE While we must endure many of Mercury’s retrogrades throughout the year, Pluto only gives us one to endure, but it will last for months at a time. While you may not feel the changes as much in your day-to-day life, it can cause you some delays. What this time will truly give you is an opportunity for introspection and to take advantage of the knowledge and lessons learned over the last six months. So much of the world has changed in the last half of a year, it can almost cause you whiplash when you think about it. However, these changes are long lasting and have a real affect on your life in ways you never thought possible. Take this time to think about the lessons learned and how you want to improve your life at home, at work, and especially when at play.

NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE IN TAURUS This is a time of powerful changes and a beginning of a new phase in life. This change is one of comfort and joy, allowing you time to rest and relax for once. You are being presented with time to express how you are feeling about things, how you really feel about someone close to you and relief from the daily struggles involving money and finances. For once, you do not have to worry about a big holiday or vacation looming on the horizon. Instead, you can sit back and enjoy the spring weather and sunshine. It is truly a time for some much-needed relaxation. While you are filled with abundance and natural beauty, you may want to take the time needed to understand how much joy and happiness you feel at this moment. While you may pause and wonder how you can hold onto this feeling forever, in truth, it is only because of its temporariness which makes it special. Enjoy the opportunity to take a breather!

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More than 2 million people have fled their homes to escape the conflict in Ukraine. Heavy fighting, shelling and air strikes across the country have had devastating consequences for ordinary people. Homes have been destroyed. Families have been separated. Lives have been lost. At Ukraine’s borders with Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Moldova, huge numbers of people are arriving with only what they can carry. DEC charities and their local partners are in Ukraine and in neighbouring countries providing food, water, shelter and medical assistance. ● £30 could provide essential hygiene supplies for three people for one month ● £50 could provide blankets for four families ● £100 could provide emergency food for two families for one month


Theresa asks “Have I met my soulmate?” A: Piscean Theresa is intuitive and sensitive as well as romantic. She wants her relationships to work and she knows the difference now between the idea of falling in love with love and falling in love with the real person. Taurus is practical, levelheaded, sensible and reliable. Taurus might be slow to share their feelings but Theresa will have a good feeling that she has found the person she has been searching for all her life. She shouldn’t be in a rush to develop this relationship. If she takes it slowly and lets things happen naturally, they will eventually meet on a deeper more spiritual level and this is when Theresa won’t have to ask if she has met her soulmate. Her heart will know the answer.

Antonia asks “Is there a reason I keep dating Scorpio men? Is it true they’re a difficult sign? A: With the Sun, Mercury and Mars in Leo, Antonio has a strong personality. He also has Saturn and Pluto in Scorpio which means as well as liking to be in control, he craves the kind of intense experiences only Scorpio men can seem to give him. Are Scorpios difficult? This will all depend on the personality types that Scorpio mixes with. Some will be intrigued by them, others will find them controlling. Antonio probably asks this because he does find his relationships with Scorpios challenging and a constant battle of wills but that’s the way he likes it and that’s why he keeps dating these powerful personalities.


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Russell Grant magazine is published every month by Russell Grant Astrology Limited Russell Grant Astrology Limited PO Box 322 Altrincham Cheshire WA14 2WE Email: Managing Editor : Kelvin Jay For advertising enquiries please email Photo Credits: BBC, Vegan Food & Living, Refuge and DEC – Disaster Emergency Committee

Contributors: Russell Grant, Philip Garcia, Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg, and The Lifestyle Blogger UK The views within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Articles and advertisements are for information only and should not replace medical or professional guidance. For Entertainment only. © RUSSELL GRANT ASTROLOGY LIMITED

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