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As the first moon of the zodiacal new year, this is an essential event as it helps to set the mood for the rest of the year. Aries brings a mood of optimism which can help to lift you from the lowest depths when needed. This is a wonderful time to start something new and exciting that you have been putting off. This is a sensational time for you to focus on romance and budding new relationships. Word choice is critical to your success, but even the wrong words are better than saying nothing at all. You are entering into a favourable period to give up your unpleasant habits and find new ways to express yourself. Cleaning the home is necessary but that does not mean you need to do it by yourself, hire someone if you can as it will make your life easier.


This is a time to expand your horizons. Too often we are stuck with our heads down, working out problems which have no real meaning in our lives. Jupiter is here to remind you to look up and see what is out there waiting for you to explore. This is also a call for you to expand your knowledge of life, the universe, and everything else it has to offer. You are more than just lucky right now, you are truly blessed with good fortune and fame, if you are willing to do the work for it. Get rid of negative associations and be on your guard against overindulgence. You may also find you are more giving of your time to others and more tolerant of their negative behaviours than normal; use this talent to mend the past and work together towards a brighter future.


This first quarter moon falls on an incredibly lucky day for you. While you would normally see this time as a chance to see your overall progress, this Moon is asking you, where are you on your personal dreams and ideas? If you have been putting off the action in your life, for what or whom are you waiting? The sad truth is there is no Superhero or Superheroine who will fly in to save you from yourself. You are the only one who can make the changes and take the chances needed for success. You are going to be the one who decides what kind of impact your actions are going to have on the real world. Stop waiting and put your plans into action now! Even a baby step in the right direction can make an everlasting impression.


Fairy-tale-like promises of a new and exciting world hold the promise of both great horrors and success. The ultimate outcome falls squarely on your lap currently. If you want to understand this change, it is important to look at it from afar. Your actions/or lack of it will have long lasting affects into your future. A choice made to wait until you have more time/money/energy to work on it will result in you pushing it off forever. If you really sit down and think about it, while it seems like you have an eternity to change your life, you only have a handful of weekends to do something extraordinary given all your work/home/family commitments. You may be telling others that you want to make a change, but your actions speak louder than your words ever will. So, as of this moment, you need to stop speaking and start doing if you ever what that fairy-tale-like life you say you desire.


As Mars enters Pisces, it brings with it the opportunity for making a variety of major transformations, a few challenges for you, and a handful of opportunities for advancement. While all areas of your life can be affected by this change, the key thing to remember is that the Devil is in the details! Any promise of a new and exciting change will require you to look at the opportunities from all angles to ensure it is what you want. However, as Mars is always in a hurry just know that others will be asking you to rush everything. They will be texting, emailing, and calling you endlessly to get you to move forward, but do not let them convince you to move, or spend one hard earned penny, until you have had the opportunity to review everything and consider closely what you might lose if things do not work out as planned.


This is a time to look for ways to bring balance back into your life no matter how difficult it might be for you. Have you been spending too much time at work at the expense of family time? Are you too involved in the drama of someone’s life to have a life of your own? Wherever you have gone overboard, it is time to reel it back in and make room for the other areas of your life which have suffered due to lack of attention. This need for focus can be especially pronounced in your love life.

While someone special may be willing to put up with your diversions, they will not do so for long; they could start looking for distractions of their own. There is no way around this one, you have work to do, and the first step is accepting the fact that you have work to do!


It is time for you to shift your focus and find the core you. It is all too easy to get mixed up in the world with all its demands and distractions and end up forgetting who and what you are inside. While you may have to live with the duties and responsibilities of this world, it does not mean you cannot explore your greater potential. Keep in mind, there is a real reason you are here, and it is not to just pay the bills. The universe has put you here for a reason; as the Sun enters Taurus, it comes in to help you see the path laid out for you! It asks nothing of you, except to follow it back to a place where you can find peace, love, and happiness with yourself and with those around you.


Once again, the Last Quarter of the Moon is here to make sure you are on point and keeping up with all your duties. This month has been a constant reminder, though you may have to live in this world, there are more important things for you to do than sitting around and watching the world go by. You have real duties you must perform, and the world is not going to wait for you to chase your dreams. The universe wants you succeed! It wants to fulfil your wants and desires of success both in the financial world and in your romantic efforts, but it is up to you to take the first, second, and even a third step forward to ensure you have the fortitude needed to see things through to the end. Is it going to take work on your part? Yes, but nothing of true value is ever just dumped into someone’s lap.

While we must endure many of Mercury’s retrogrades throughout the year, Pluto only gives us one to endure, but it will last for months at a time. While you may not feel the changes as much in your day-to-day life, it can cause you some delays. What this time will truly give you is an opportunity for introspection and to take advantage of the knowledge and lessons learned over the last six months. So much of the world has changed in the last half of a year, it can almost cause you whiplash when you think about it. However, these changes are long lasting and have a real affect on your life in ways you never thought possible. Take this time to think about the lessons learned and how you want to improve your life at home, at work, and especially when at play.


This is a time of powerful changes and a beginning of a new phase in life. This change is one of comfort and joy, allowing you time to rest and relax for once. You are being presented with time to express how you are feeling about things, how you really feel about someone close to you and relief from the daily struggles involving money and finances. For once, you do not have to worry about a big holiday or vacation looming on the horizon. Instead, you can sit back and enjoy the spring weather and sunshine. It is truly a time for some much-needed relaxation. While you are filled with abundance and natural beauty, you may want to take the time needed to understand how much joy and happiness you feel at this moment. While you may pause and wonder how you can hold onto this feeling forever, in truth, it is only because of its temporariness which makes it special. Enjoy the opportunity to take a breather!

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More than 2 million people have fled their homes to escape the conflict in Ukraine. Heavy fighting, shelling and air strikes across the country have had devastating consequences for ordinary people. Homes have been destroyed. Families have been separated. Lives have been lost. At Ukraine’s borders with Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Moldova, huge numbers of people are arriving with only what they can carry. DEC charities and their local partners are in Ukraine and in neighbouring countries providing food, water, shelter and medical assistance. ● £30 could provide essential hygiene supplies for three people for one month ● £50 could provide blankets for four families ● £100 could provide emergency food for two families for one month


Theresa asks “Have I met my soulmate?”

A: Piscean Theresa is intuitive and sensitive as well as romantic. She wants her relationships to work and she knows the difference now between the idea of falling in love with love and falling in love with the real person. Taurus is practical, levelheaded, sensible and reliable. Taurus might be slow to share their feelings but Theresa will have a good feeling that she has found the person she has been searching for all her life. She shouldn’t be in a rush to develop this relationship. If she takes it slowly and lets things happen naturally, they will eventually meet on a deeper more spiritual level and this is when Theresa won’t have to ask if she has met her soulmate. Her heart will know the answer.

Antonia asks “Is there a reason I keep dating Scorpio men? Is it true they’re a difficult sign?

A: With the Sun, Mercury and Mars in Leo, Antonio has a strong personality. He also has Saturn and Pluto in Scorpio which means as well as liking to be in control, he craves the kind of intense experiences only Scorpio men can seem to give him. Are Scorpios difficult? This will all depend on the personality types that Scorpio mixes with. Some will be intrigued by them, others will find them controlling. Antonio probably asks this because he does find his relationships with Scorpios challenging and a constant battle of wills but that’s the way he likes it and that’s why he keeps dating these powerful personalities.


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Russell Grant magazine is published every month by Russell Grant Astrology Limited Russell Grant Astrology Limited PO Box 322 Altrincham Cheshire WA14 2WE Email: vip@russellgrant.com

Managing Editor : Kelvin Jay For advertising enquiries please email kjp@russellgrant.com

Photo Credits: BBC, Vegan Food & Living, Refuge and DEC –Disaster Emergency Committee

Contributors: Russell Grant, Philip Garcia, Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg, and The Lifestyle Blogger UK

The views within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Articles and advertisements are for information only and should not replace medical or professional guidance.

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