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One of your main jobs as a parent is to ensure your child is in good mental and physical health. You’re probably already trying to encourage them to get plenty of fresh air and exercise. Ensuring they go to bed at a reasonable time each night, and providing them with three nutritious meals a day, but what are you doing to support their mental health?
Mental health is complicated, and it can be quite difficult to support a child’s emotional wellbeing, but here are some tips on questions about mental health from an independent prep school in Surrey. Talk About Mental Health
Having questions about mental health is a great place to start to get the conversation started. Make sure your child understands what mental health actually is and why it is so important. Talk to them about their emotions and how they can manifest in different ways. Even now, there is a certain stigma around mental health, even though sadness, anxiety and stress are nothing to be ashamed of.
Provide A Safe Home Environment
Parents have little control over what goes on in our child’s life when they’re at school, but you can change what goes on in your home. Try and create a home environment in which your child feels safe and comfortable; a place where they can develop their sense of self without fear or judgement. Make sure they know you love and support them no matter what and are there to provide a listening ear should they need one. Promote open and honest communication.
Avoid Harsh Punishments
Try and avoid harsh punishments, as these will have a negative impact on your child’s self-esteem. Instead, place a stronger emphasis on what they’re doing right. Praise them when you see them working hard, rather than punishing them when they’re not. Let them know you’re proud of them when they play nicely with their friends, or if they offer to help you with the housework. If they fail an exam, try not to show disappointment, and remind them that you are pleased with how hard they tried. If your child shares an opinion that you don’t agree with, try not to shut them down or respond in a judgemental way. Instead, ask them how they came to that conclusion and encourage them to think about it on a deeper level. Their home should be a space in which they feel comfortable voicing their opinions. If they don’t feel they have a safe environment to express themselves, they will struggle with their mental health.
Promote Optimism Your child’s outlook on life will alter their state of mind. With this in mind, try and help your child adopt an optimistic attitude. If they view the world as a scary place, they will suffer with stress and anxiety. So, try and help them focus on the good in life and put things into perspective. Perhaps you could encourage
them to start a gratitude journal, in which they write about all of the things they appreciate that day. Make sure they have plenty of positive things to look forward to, even if it’s just a day out at the weekend. Encourage them to try new things so that they learn that nothing is as scary as it first seems. The idea is try and help your child see life in a positive, exciting way. Avoid complaining in front of them, as this will have an adverse effect. Try and look on the bright side wherever possible. Encourage Your Child To Pursue Their Interests Having a hobby is important for a child’s mental health, especially one that they feel passionate about. Pursuing their interests will bring them joy and will also help them develop a variety of skills, which will help them with their confidence. Hobbies are a chance for children to burn off some steam and can act as a distraction for the daily pressures of school. They are also a chance for children to make friends with like minded people, which gives them a sense of assurance and support. It’s essentially an opportunity for them to use their time productively, rather than passively staring at a screen. However, even a hobby like allowing them to read their own choice of book could help with their mental heath. Allow them to escape reality and wonder around in a fantasy land. Monitor Your Child’s Behaviour
If your child’s behaviour changes, it could be because they’re struggling with something emotionally. Keep an eye out for this because it will put you in a better position to help should you need to. Perhaps their mood changes drastically, they’re more snappy than usual, or much quieter. Don’t just leave it thinking it’s them being a teenager, or a troublesome toddler. Talk to them and find the route cause of this change.
Talk About The Dangers Of Social Media
Thinking about youth mental health is never more important than when your child becomes of an age where they start using social media sites, be sure to talk to them on a regular basis. Social media can have a negative impact on mental health, particularly on body image, because it can make people feel like they aren’t good enough. Explain to your child that people only show what they want you to see, like their latest holiday or an edited selfie. This false outlook on life can damage already low self-esteem, so make sure your child knows that social media isn’t the reality. It’s a good idea to chat to your child about internet safety in general, to protect them against things like cyber bullies and online predators.
Where To Go For Extra Help With Questions About Mental Health
These days there are many places that you can go, either online or in person that will be able to help you if you’re in a bad situation or have any other questions about mental health. Charities such as Young Minds are a great place to go for mental health issues in children. It’s a place where both young people and their parents can go to get the support they need.
Then there’s the charity Mind where you can find support for yourself, a partner or friend, or for a young person. They specialise in children aged 11 – 18 years old, where there is a plethora of information on where to go next.

What Are Four Common Mental Health For Youth?
ADHD, anxiety problems, behaviour problems, and depression are the most commonly known mental health disorders in children and youths. What Are The Main Causes Of Mental Health Issues In Youth?
There can be all kinds f issues, however the most common ones are – stress, fear, anxiety, abuse, family conflict and bullying. What Are The Signs Of Anxiety In A Teenager? Of course this could vary depending on the severity of the anxiety, and the person themselves, but a few things to look out for are –Recurring fears and worries, Irritability, Trouble concentrating, Extreme self-consciousness, Withdrawal from life, Complaining about stomachaches or headaches often.

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A. Hi Roy, Spirit showed me a Treasure Island, this signifies that you will see financial increase! However, recent economic worries caused some stress within the family unit; this needs to be sorted with plain talking and an open hearted approach. Interestingly, the Emperor Tarot Card shows a great opportunity on the horizon. In fact, you will utilise your considerable business skills to get that "new show on the road". It is advisable however, not to just see things from your point of view, cooperation within the family unit is the "key". Their experience and your natural leadership abilities are a great mix match, ensuring positive outcomes. There is a lot to look forwards to with a proactive attitude! You could see a steep rise in profit by Christmas. The Planet Pluto also shows up in your chart, encouraging greater stability. As you work hard to overcome some minor difficulties, know you are on the right track. A diet, or alternative healing, such as Reiki, even a fitness programme would benefit the whole family, and give you all more peace of mind. Of course, all this is a challenge, but it will be well worth the effort when you see the benefits showing up at the end of the year. So know, even if you feel stressed out now, a positive light is guiding you in the right direction. Cooperation and a caring vibe within the family guarantees more than just some of your wishes will come true! You are on your way, and moving in the right direction! So take heart!