Russell Grant Magazine - March 2022 (Spring322)

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March 2022











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BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO SUSTAINABLE LIVING If you’re interested in becoming more sustainable, reducing your carbon footprint and living a more sustainable lifestyle, there are countless ways in which you can do this. Things that will help you to have a more positive impact on the planet. From buying less in general, to reducing your plastic waste – and so much in between. Sustainable living has become so much easier over the last few years with more companies choosing sustainable products and materials where possible. However, sustainable living is more than just what you buy, it’s more about how you choose to live your life as a whole. The good news is that these days it’s possible to change just about everything to a more sustainable option. Whether it’s how you travel, your diet, even how you do your recycling. You don’t even need a huge bank account to become more sustainable, you could even save money by switching to sustainable living. Sustainable living, or green living as it’s sometimes referred to, is a very broad term for living a lifestyle that doesn’t deplete the planet of its natural resources. Cutting down trees and killing animals and insects for example. Sustainable living means reducing our demand for things like non-renewable energy sources. Instead, opting for the use of renewable resources, and only using what we really need. An example of this would be commercial fishing with huge trawlers, depleting the ocean of all sea-life. A better option would be to line catch a single fish when we plan to eat it. There would be no waste, and mammals such as Dolphins, Sharks and Turtles wouldn’t get killed for no reason. It’s all about making better, healthier choices for the planet. Examples of this could be to – only buy products made from recycled materials, avoid fast fashion, shop at local markets. A great money saving one is to make sure your home isn’t consuming water and energy you don’t really need.

* Turning off plug sockets when not in use * Not leaving electrical items on stand-by * Having shorter showers * Don’t leave the tap running while brushing your teeth * Only using the washing machine with full loads

Sustainable living is all about doing what we can to reduce our own contribution to climate change. If we all carry on the way we are, scientists believe the planet will be beyond repair within the next 50 years – how scary is that! Whether you’re still here or not, think about your children, and their children – what kind of world will we be leaving for them? We are all stewards of the planet, looking after it while we’re here, before passing it on to future generations. I would hate to think we were the generation that killed an entire planet! Take A Look At Your Washing Washing machines and clothes dryers come with a rather large environmental price tag these days due to the energy they need to run, along with the amount of water they consumer per wash. However, there are many ways you can change your clothes washing habits to be more sustainable. Where possible, wash your clothes on a 30 degree wash, no higher:

● Wear clothes longer so you do fewer washes ● Switch your washing machine to a front loader rather than a top loader ● Choose shorter washing cycles – yours may have an eco or time save option ● Wash clothes on a colder wash – no more than 30 degrees ● Switch to natural detergents Do You Have To Drive? A great way to reduce your carbon footprint is to use your car as little as possible, or to car share if you need to. Instead, perhaps you could walk, get public transport, or even ride your bike. The more you use your car, the more you’ll be damaging the environment due to the pollution being emitted from your vehicle. If you have long commutes to and from work, perhaps you could look in to doing a car share with anyone else from your area. If that isn’t an option then perhaps public transport such as trains or buses might work for you. Even once or twice a week if not using your car would be beneficial to the environment. Do you remember how quiet the roads were during lockdown – wouldn’t it be great to have it like that one day! Ditch The One Use Plastic One of the worst contributors to the environment is plastic. Especially one-use plastic items such as straws, coffee cups and plastic bags. It’s estimated over 385 million tons of plastic was produced in 2015 alone! This number is said to have almost doubled since then, so it’s not getting any better. However, the good news is people and companies are starting to make changes. Reusable alternatives are now becoming more popular, and more widely available. From reusable travel coffee mugs, glass and metal straws and a plethora of reusable shopping and produce bags. Switch To Sustainable Fashion When you hear people talk about sustainable fashion, it can be hard to know what they really mean. Sustainable fashion could mean any of the following… ● Opting for products made in your country ● Items are ethically made using sustainable resources and materials ● Clothing that can be worn for years ● Buying secondhand whenever possible is the ultimate goal. To produce less from new, use what we already have for longer periods of time, and recycle what we can’t use anymore.

Make Your Own Of course the best example of sustainable living is to make what you can yourself, using what you already have at hand. This means you don’t have to buy anything new, or travel anywhere to get the items. It also means you can use up something that would have gone to waste. Whether it’s turning an old pillow case into a handkerchief, or growing your own fruit and veggies. Using old socks as hand-warmers, cutting a pair of trousers down into shorts…etc. Anything you have at home can be made into something that you can continue to use again and again. You could even make your own cleaning solutions instead of buying bottles of chemical filled cleaners. Or use old coffee grounds as a delicious body scrub. You just need to think outside the box! Eat Plant Based Did you know, eating vegan, or plant based for just one day a week can save the equivalent of 1,160 miles worth of fuel! Surely if nothing else, doing this is worth it just to save you all that money on petrol/diesel. Reduce Your Food Waste Did you know, approximately 30-40% of of all food ends up as waste, filing up landfill sites, which equates to around 130 million pounds of waste per year in the US alone. If you are able to, composting is the best way to get rid of any waste you do accumulate as it provides nutrients back in to the soil. By doing this, you are also helping to reduce the amount of methane gas released into the air. Methane gas is also another major factor in the effects of climate change, so needs to be stopped where possible. One misconception is that by putting any food waste you have into your food bins, you’re helping the environment. This actually isn’t the case at all, as this food goes onto those landfills and causes the methane gases to be released. If you can, compost your food where possible to do your bit for the environment.

The Lifestyle Blogger UK

GLOBAL RECYCLING DAY- 18/03/22 Every year, the Earth yields billions of tons of natural resources and at some point, in the not too distant future, it will run out. That’s why we must think again about what we throw away – seeing not waste, but opportunity. The last decade has been the hottest on record, and we are now facing a climate emergency of unparalleled proportions. If we don’t make significant and rapid changes, we will see continued rising global temperatures, the melting of icecaps, continents on fire and rapid deforestation. This directly affects humanity with increased poverty, immigration from displaced communities, job losses, waste mountains and natural habitats disappearing. We have the power to make lasting changes to combat this, and with recycling being recognized in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals 2030, we are already seeing many individuals, governments and organisations taking direct action to support the global green agenda. Recycling is a key part of the circular economy, helping to protect our natural resources. Each year the ‘Seventh Resource’ (recyclables) saves over 700 million tonnes in CO2 emissions and this is projected to increase to 1 billion tons by 2030. There is no doubt recycling is on the front line in the war to save the future of our planet and humanity.

Image: Global Recycling Day

CELEBRATE THE ROUTINE OF LIFE Some people might find doing the same thing over and over again boring, tedious and de-motivational. Following the same routine, walking the same route, eating the same lunch each day might appear unimaginative and tedious, and indeed, it might be perceived as such by some. But others appreciate that having a familiar framework provides a comfortable backdrop from where to intermittently enjoy the nuances and subtleties of each day. They relax in the security of what they've come to expect, and are then able to appreciate any changes that crop up; the differences on their walk, new people to speak to or the ever-changing seasons. Sometimes it's good to have change, but a familiar framework with minimal upheaval, can also be good, especially during busy or stressful times in life. That way it's easier to switch off whilst doing the filing or housework and pleasantly anticipate the same sandwich for lunch or smile because it's Tuesday and shepherd's pie is on the menu tonight for supper. Dropping into comfortable familiarity is a reassuring way of coping with periods of overwhelm and situations where we feel we've no control. Routine can help us ease stress levels by training the body and mind as to what to expect. And, daily routines, like preparing for bed and sleep, really benefit from cultivating a regular wind-down sequence.

It can be fun to be spontaneous and grab unexpected opportunities whenever they present themselves, but, equally routine provides a familiar, recognisable backdrop to our lives and ensures that our default allows us to function in an efficient way. We can't be full-on, completely focused and engaged 24/7, otherwise we'd be exhausted by midday. When we're performing regular, routine tasks they enable us to drift into an auto-pilot state. Doing so helps us conserve a little mental focus & energy. It's important not to be fully, totally focused & concentrating all the time, or there's a risk of burnout. Routine provides order to our lives & enables important functions to be carried out almost unthinkingly.

For many of us, it helps to be clear about what we need to do in order to reach work on time, meet deadlines, keep appointments, go to the gym, connect with friends, attend important classes or hobbies. Doing the same thing, every day, can motivate us to do what needs to be done, because these items are scheduled, ingrained and effectively booked into the diary as stepping-stones, like clockwork! Routine motivates us on the days when we're tired or can't be bothered. It helps us automatically get out of bed, dressed and off to work or the gym. It provides structure and allows us to switch off a little as we undertake regular, routine duties, like making a drink or travelling somewhere familiar. Not every task requires us to be fully focused and engaged and indeed, some tasks lull us into a trance state as we drift into the familiar, repetitiveness of them. This auto-pilot state comes about because we're performing trance-inductive acts that we may be able to do in our sleep. How often have you been driving somewhere new whilst following a familiar route, only to find yourself almost ending up at your old destination? Even if we become bored with our routine, there can be a relevance to coping with that boredom. We don't need every moment to be exciting, crazily busy or require our full attention. In fact, sometimes being still is good as it allows our adrenalin, engagement and stress levels to disengage for a while. Taking time away from busyness is an important stress management strategy. And, it can often be the case that, after time away, when we do return to our previous task, we have a new, maybe refreshed perspective. Taking a break away from an intense, highly concentrated task or piece of work to undertake a routine, mundane activity can ease the pressure and provide a breather, giving us time to mentally recharge. There are parents who find themselves under relentless pressure to entertain their children, aiming to fill every moment with meaningful activity. But a little boredom is fine. It can prompt children to use their imaginations and entertain themselves. Or even learn to cope with being still and doing nothing for a while. Touching base with familiar activities provides reassurance that all is well with the world. We relax into what we're doing, whilst we perhaps enjoy meeting familiar people, situations and all that they entail. When there's no routine the result can sometimes be a random, more chaotic response to situations. Familiarity allows us to enjoy and appreciate whenever variations and nuances that appear, perhaps on a minor scale. It provides a framework where we can explore other options, other ways of working and assess if they're better or worse. Don't underestimate those times. It can be good to celebrate the routine in your life! Susan Leigh - Counsellor/Therapist

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LIFE CHANGING WAYS TO BOOST YOUR HEALTH Eating the occasional salad is always good, but it’s not exactly going to lead to massive health improvements. If you have distant dreams of being healthier but have no idea where to start, it’s time to stop thinking small. Big changes to your life and your habits aren’t just going to improve your health: they will improve your quality of life too. It can be daunting to make big changes to how we live, and habits and lifestyles can be hard to change. So if you want to go big, it’s going to mean putting some work in. But with the right motivation and a clear set of goals, you can change the way you live and boost your health levels more than you ever imagined possible. Get Moving This might seem like a small step, but it’s one that you can’t overlook. Physical movement is always a good thing for your health levels, especially right now when so many people stay home more than they used to. Don’t panic and assume that you have to hit the gym (that’s coming though). Moving more means just that: move more than you do right now. If you spend hours on the sofa and pay someone to walk your dog, then you’re missing out. If you drive a mile to get to your nearest supermarket, skip the car and walk there instead. Carrying back your weekly shop is a great way to get your heart racing, and that cardio will only help you become fitter. Commit to moving more, and even the most sedentary lifestyle can be transformed.

Change Career This is a big step, but if you’re tired of sitting at a desk or standing behind a bar, then a career change can be an amazing way to boost your health. You’re spoiled for choice too. There are plenty of more physically active careers, so you can choose the one that best suits your goals. You could ditch the office work and head to a swimming pool to become a lifeguard. Or find work as a forest caretaker instead of working retail. However, one of the fastest-growing choices for a healthier career change is to become a personal trainer. You don’t have to be the epitome of health to do this job, as most people who hire personal trainers want someone they can relate to. So even if you’re overweight or over 40, earning the certifications you need to become a personal trainer is well worth the time. And think of all that time you’ll be able to spend in the gym! Get Nourished We all know whether or not we eat healthily. For some of us, a healthy meal at least once a day is a habit that’s hard to break. For others, the day starts with a Red Bull and there are more takeouts than home-cooked meals. While that kind of lifestyle can be fun, it’s not sustainable.

If you want to make some big changes to your life to get healthier, your food choices will need addressing. The good news is that in the age of the Internet, you’re going to be overwhelmed with information about healthy eating. As always, the NHS is a good source of healthy eating info. Start there and those dietary changes could have more of a positive effect on your health than you think. Sort Out Your Stress Feeling stressed? Then that’s having a direct effect on your hath levels. Most people are entirely unaware of just how much stress affects their health, and that’s dangerous. From having more headaches to high blood pressure, stress affects our health in many ways, and it can even lead to heart problems and mental health issues. Getting rid of stress isn’t easy though, especially if it’s tied into your personal life or career. The most commonly suggested solutions to get rid of stress mean some big life changes. Regular exercise, more time spent outdoors, and studying relaxation techniques are often recommended. These can be tricky to integrate into a busy life, but it’s always worth trying. Understand the cause of your stress and you’ll be part way through to lessening it. Get Some Sleep When looking at life-changing ways to boost your health, it’s easy to overlook the importance of sleep. Getting a good night’s sleep allows your mind and body to reset and recharge. That’s why waking up after a solid eight hours is more likely to see you facing the morning feeling more refreshed. From warding off illnesses to giving you more motivation, sleep is amazing. If you struggle to sleep well, there are plenty of ideas to try. From lavender leaves in your pillow to avoiding eating a few hours before bedtime, there’s plenty of bedtime inspiration that will make it easier to doze off and get the rest you need. Make an evening routine that includes putting your devices down 45 minutes before it’s time to sleep and you’ll find that dreamland isn’t as far away as usual.

Boost Your Health Today With Life Changes It’s not easy to make big changes to your life. Even the prospect of doing it is enough to make us reach for the chocolate bars and alcohol! However, if you’re concerned about your health levels and your lifestyle, then it’s time to make those changes. Go big and you’ll get big results. The bigger your changes, the more effective they’ll be. Always do your research before you commit to a new health regime. Get it right and those life changes could do a lot more than simply make you healthier: they could transform your life for the better.

The Lifestyle Blogger UK

Image: Jamie Oliver

EASY PANCAKES FROM JAMIE OLIVER “Take this versatile crêpe recipe in a sweet or savoury direction, depending on what you fancy. ”

eggs e g n a r e e r f ● 3 large flour ● 125 g plain k ● 250 ml mil utter ● unsalted b

I sometimes mix it up and swap 7 5g of plain flour for wholemeal to give my pancakes lo vely texture and flavour. To ma ke more Americ an style pancakes , swap the plain flour for self-raisin g, dolloping ladlefuls of b atter into the p an without spreadin g it around the base.

Method 1. Crack the eggs into a blender, then add the flour, milk and 1 pinch of sea salt, and blitz until smooth. 2. Pour into a bowl and leave to stand for 15 minutes. 3. Melt the butter (or a drizzle of oil if you want to be a bit healthier) in a large non-stick frying pan on a medium heat, then tilt the pan so the butter coats the surface. 4. Pour in 1 ladle of batter and tilt again, so that the batter spreads all over the base, then cook for 1 to 2 minutes, or until it starts to come away from the sides. 5. Once golden underneath, flip the pancake over and cook for 1 further minute, or until cooked through. 6. Serve straightaway with your favourite topping.

DO YOU NEED TO TAKE A SABBATICAL FROM YOUR RELATIONSHIP? There has been much coverage in the media of late on the value of taking a sabbatical from your relationship. The reasoning behind taking a sabbatical is that it provides a breathing space to reflect on your life, what your relationship means to you, ponder the good and the bad, really consider what it is you want.

But are there other ways of reaching that same level of insight and awareness? Do you really need to take a sabbatical from your relationship to discover if it's still for you? Let's look at four C's that might influence your need to take a sabbatical from your relationship: An ability to COMMUNICATE; many couples struggle over communications. They lead exceptionally busy lives, have many demands on their time. By the time they reach home there is often much that still needs to be done by way of chores, cooking, the demands of growing children. Taking time to converse properly with a partner can seem a massive effort when all you want to do is sink into a relaxing bath or enjoy a glass of wine and watch TV. Many couples end up effectively house-sharing, where their main communication is 'we're out of cereal' or 'can you pick up the dry-cleaning'. A sabbatical can provide an appealing escape from everyday life and its demands. It can mean that when you do meet up you schedule that time exclusively for your relationship, do pleasant things together, have adult conversations like you did way back at the start of your relationship, discuss each other's days, your thoughts and feelings. In your day-to-day life consider how you demonstrate the way you feel about your partner through your words and actions. Many people have successful relationships because they plan to include 'us' time in their lives. They delegate some of the mundane tasks in order to have space in their lives for each other. Would it be feasible to have a cleaner once a week, have your grocery shopping delivered, send out the ironing, give the children some tasks? What about having one evening a week where you freshen up, dress nicely and sit and eat dinner together with distractions like the television or phones switched off? Think of something that could work for you that provides an opportunity to focus on your relationship and support better communications.

A preparedness to COMPROMISE; many of us have relatives, friends, hobbies, jobs that our partner might not 'get', might regard as more of a nuisance than a pleasure. These external demands can place a strain on a relationship, especially if there is an undercurrent of pressure and tension over the amount of time these interests consume. There might be a resultant feeling of not being respected or understood which could ultimately escalate into a need for a sabbatical in order to consider how the relationship is working out.

Consider ways that time can be found to accommodate the things that each of you regard as important. Could you both pursue family/friend/work/hobby related interests separately and then meet up afterwards? Having separate interests can add interest and conversation to a relationship. There's no reason why you have to do everything together. If there are times when it's required to bring along a partner remember that compromise is about occasionally doing things you don't want to do in order to show support for your partner.

both think in private you co-operate and work together for the greater good. Co-operation also means that when one of you is overloaded the other steps in to provide extra help and support. There are times when one of you will be extrasupportive and other times when the roles may be reversed but no one keeps a tally, that's the way it works, it's about give and take. Remember to CONNECT; remaining aware of the various demands on your relationship allows you to discuss how you feel about those demands. Having a strong connection means being honest with each other about how you feel, even if there's no apparent solution in sight. There may be issues with an impossible workload, a relative who's seriously ill, a friend who's going through a bad time and you or your partner has to be involved. Discuss how you feel, reassure each other that they're your top priority but that you need some latitude during this time. Demonstrate your love and try to allow regular quality time to meet and talk, to have a little fun, and enjoy a pleasant interlude together. By treating your relationship as important, not taking each other for granted and maintaining an attitude of respect and openness you may find that your relationship remains consistently good. Then there may be no need to take a sabbatical from your relationship.

Look to COOPERATE; work together, even if there are things you disagree about in private, behind closed doors. Build a solid relationship and discover that your relationship works better when you act together as a team. Presenting a united front allows both of you to feel supported, strong, with a good friend and ally by your side. Loyalty can be an important part of this commitment. It means that whatever you Susan Leigh - Counsellor/Therapist

INTERNATIONAL WOMAN’S DAY 8TH MARCH 2022 Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women's equality. Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias. Celebrate women's achievement. Raise awareness against bias. Take action for equality.

IWD 2022 campaign theme: #BreakTheBias Imagine a gender equal world. ● A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. ● A world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive. ● A world where difference is valued and celebrated ● Together we can forge women's equality. ● Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias.

Be part of a movement ● Individually, we're all responsible for our own thoughts and actions - all day, every day. ● We can break the bias in our communities. ● We can break the bias in our workplaces. ● We can break the bias in our schools, colleges and universities. ● Together, we can all break the bias - on International Women's Day (IWD) and beyond.

Whether deliberate or unconscious, bias makes it difficult for women to move ahead. Knowing that bias exists isn’t enough, action is needed to level the playing field. Are you in? Will you actively call out gender bias, discrimination and stereotyping each time you see it? Will you help break the bias?

Cross your arms to show solidarity.

Image: International Women’s Day

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ARE YOU BORN LUCKY? Way back in the day world-class golfer Jack Nicklaus was asked how lucky he felt at being so successful. His reply was that the more he practised, the luckier he got! How true is that! Belief, determination and motivation all feature heavily in successful people's strategies. That, and a commitment to hard work. Athletes are great examples of people who tenaciously keep on going, refusing to allow a negative outcome to deter their resolve. If you think about a high jumper, they only know they've achieved the limit of their ability when they fail to clear a jump, and fail repeatedly. They keep on trying, believing that they will succeed, until they either clear the height (when they will again raise the bar), or fail and keep on going until they're unable to continue anymore. Many people say that we create our own luck. And yes, for some people a positive attitude has been nurtured from childhood, with supportive role models encouraging their confidence and self belief. Some may even be born with a silver spoon in their mouth. But people from tough backgrounds can also appear to be lucky as they power through, determined to achieve their own desired outcomes. - The way we treat set backs, limitations, other peoples attitudes towards us, are all significant in our approach to success. Some people don't realise they harbour underlying fears, obstacles, limitations or other priorities and modifiers to success. They may feel resentful at their situation or have a sense that there's no point in trying as others are better, more gifted, luckier than they. In these instances their heart and enthusiasm may not be truly invested in the project or challenge. These are times when therapy can help or they need to stop and ask themselves some questions; how much do I want this, what else matters in my life, is there something I need to deal with first? And for some people the answer may be that they tried, had a go and that is satisfying enough. - There are people who really enjoy work and working hard. It defines who they are, how they spend their time. They may even have concerns that if they did reach their goals what would they do next. This is an interesting way to hi-jack success. Being a workaholic, defining who you are through your work-related role, may be mean that the journey itself is more important and relevant than any eventual destination and outcome.

- Others may feel that they do not deserve to succeed or be lucky. Accepting that 'good things happen to people like me', can require a real mindset change. Our attitude, approach, desire and motivation all impact on the 'luck' and good fortune that we attract into each situation. Turning self belief and self-worth around to attract success and good results, feeling that they are deserved and earned can impact on every area of life. So much of what we do, think and feel is communicated to other people in non-verbal ways. A person's feelings, attitudes and expectations are expressed through their stance, their body language, their facial expressions. A high percentage of communication is done non-verbally and this factors in when we create our own luck. When we send out either a positive or a negative expectation it influences the eventual outcome and what we attract to ourselves.

Visualisation of a good result can help. See yourself as you would like to be, the outcome that you really want. Sports people practice over and over in their minds, seeing themselves at every stage of their performance. They feel, experience, smell, live taking that shot successfully.

Use positive language when you talk to yourself. So many people talk to themselves more harshly than they would ever talk to another person. It's important to avoid negative self talk. Try saying acceptable rather than fantastical things to yourself. Telling yourself something like, 'I can do this', 'I am worth it',' I deserve my success',' I have earned this', are all reasonable things to say that will keep ourselves focused and on track. And not forgetting that sometimes 'bad' luck can turn out to be good and vice versa. Sometimes not getting the job or the house that we wanted may turn out for the best, as something better comes along. Or sometimes the 'good' luck brings with it changes in life in unfortunate ways and we end up losing more than we gain. Some lottery winners have found themselves rueing the day that they won the jackpot and sometimes people have said that being made redundant was the best thing that happened to them as they were forced into doing something new and different.


Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham,Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor,writer & media contributor who offers help with relationship issues,stress management,assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients,couples and provide corporate workshops and support.

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VEGAN NEWS We all know eating more plants is good for us and the planet, but some say the benefits of a vegan diet extend to our love lives too. Who doesn’t want better circulation and stamina, for a more enjoyable evening for all involved? EuroNews have confirmed a survey in 2020 discovered that 84 per cent of vegetarians reported satisfaction with their sex lives, compared to only 59 per cent of meat eaters. But crucially - 95 per cent of vegan participants said they were satisfied. So why do vegans purport to have better sex? Red meat can make for a heavy meal, often leaving you feeling lethargic and sleepy afterwards which is not the sexiest mood to be in. Whereas vegetables don’t leave you bloated or tired in the same way. In fact, research suggests there is a link between B vitamins, found in spinach, sprouts and oranges, and serotonin production. This is one of the chemicals in your brain that makes you happy but also nominate them too. This year more than 42,000+ UK vegans voted for their favourite vegan products of the year. But, hang on, we all know the saying about beans, and it’s true, beans can cause flatulence. Not ideal for a romantic evening. What’s the best dish to eat before you jump into bed? “The Mediterranean diet has long been known to support a healthy heart, but research has also shown these benefits may extend to sexual health – reducing the risk of erectile dysfunction and preserving sexual function,” explains London-based nutritionist Lily Soutter who works with Future Farm. “So, by eating less meat, moderate fish and dairy, small amounts of red wine and having an emphasis on plant-based foods, things could certainly be looking up in the bedroom.” “What’s more, red and processed meat appear to have the greatest effect on the environment out of any type of food. Shifting our diets to encompass more plant-based protein, may even help to cultivate a more environmentally sustainable diet,” says Soutter. Insider have reported that Arnold Schwarzenegger says he's been 80% vegan the past 5 years and his 'bad' cholesterol is now so low his doctor thought he 'might be a different person' The bodybuilding legend said he'd been eating a mostly plantbased diet for the past five years and it significantly lowered his cholesterol. The seven-time Mr. Olympia has been outspoken about the benefits of a vegan diet for health, inspiring a generation of vegan bodybuilders to build muscle on plant-based diets. Image: Twitter @Schwarzenegger

Make sure no one misses out this Easter !

Tesco Wicked Kitchen Wellington,

To help you pick your plant-based Easter feast with confidence, the Good Housekeeping Institute tried the best prepared vegan centrepieces from the leading retailers for Easter Sunday.

Another great vegan wellington, with reassuringly crisp, flaky pastry (no mean feat, when you consider there’s no eggs, butter or milk in the mixture) and a rich mushroombased filling, which is packed with thyme and black pepper seasoning.

Image: Marks and Spencer

M & S Vegan Chicken Roast With its herb medley reminding our panel of homemade sage and onion stuffing, this vegan centrepiece is the perfect plant-based stand-in for roast chicken. Unlike other meat substitutes, the crust is crisp and satisfying, with a soft interior laced with fragrant herbs for added umami. Image: Tesco

ASDA Extra Special Vegan Wellington With its golden pastry and intricate lattice design, ASDA’s vegan wellington deserves prime position on your Easter table. The chunky stuffing is full of mushroom, caramelised onion and black pepper flavour, which would pair beautifully with roasted veg and vegan gravy.

Image: ASDA

March Horoscopes from Russell Grant

ARIES Although you love the idea of starting new projects, it's difficult to stick with them when your mind wanders to other possibilities. People want to see that you finish what you started. You may need to remind yourself how positive you felt during planning, journeys or joint ventures in order to fulfil a promise. It will be wonderful to reunite with your amour when the month starts. Are you single? When you tell your friends you are single, you won't be laughing. You can find a way out of your madness. You may have noticed a pattern in your relationship with someone you just separated from. Therefore, you want to get rid of it. You want to avoid making the same mistakes in your next relationship by choosing someone very different from your ex. You will feel happier and more optimistic if you accept a steady job or take on additional work. Being able to accomplish a lot reflects who and what you are. When you put your energy into things that are important, you will always be happier and content. You will be able to pay off debts and save money thanks to the progress that you make. Despite moments of distraction, you are becoming more focused. As will be proven in March, you have never been afraid to take on enormous responsibilities.

TAURUS Taking part in club and group activities can bring you so many benefits. Although you may be a shy person, it is important to socialise with others. Your current goals will be greatly helped by a new friend. You can make your wildest dreams come true if you have a passion for something and will work hard. A new friend will inspire you to do something different. You will be more attractive if you have more confidence. This will help if you're not getting along with your housemate, as they will probably admit that you are more approachable. This allows you to discuss your differences and come up with compromises. You are now ready to spice up your love life. Your amour should be attentive, kind, and affectionate. Are you single? You will feel strong now so find some unconventional friends. Your financial approach has always been practical and pragmatic. You should discuss your concerns with your housemate about their spending habits. You will find your partner and other people who have a hand in the purse strings more accommodating than you might expect. They will listen to you and allow you to express your thoughts about money, work and religion without you taking offense. The 8th of March will surprise you the most. Your colleagues will appear to be willing to do anything to please your boss. Your job is enjoyable when you can laugh with your colleagues and share the fun. You all work well together when you are working on shared projects.

GEMINI Once March begins, the pattern of events should make a significant improvement on trends you've seen in the past. While this year has been full of fun moments, these are nothing compared to what spring holds. All relationships should be happy and harmonious in March. Spending more time with friends, old and new, will improve your social life. You might feel like you're always thinking about the person you have been falling in love with. This might be the right time to make this relationship more romantic. You can take the initiative to suggest it and they will feel the same. Your partner, a friend or close relative will introduce you to a new hobby after the month is over. You could be able to get money from a legal settlement, a bonus or a royalty agreement. Your cash could go into a new venture which could provide a steady income for many years. Showcase your skills and achievements, no matter if you are working for yourself or pursuing a great job. You should always accept an offer to display your work to a publisher, gallery or business owner. You should be available to audition or attend interviews at any time during the month. You will soon receive money that you want to save. A small amount of this money could be used to start your own business. You will see this new venture flourish. You can move up in your career by signing a contract before the 21st. It will surprise you at the services an agent, manager or employment agency can provide.

CANCER Travel plans made with a friend or partner can give you something to look forward to. This exciting journey will not be complete without you imagining the fun times you'll have together. A journey will inspire and lift you but you won't travel on an impulse. The fun part of planning a trip is the preparation. It will make you feel like a child at Christmas Eve. You will enjoy the anticipation, waiting and hoping for the future. Are you single? Travelling could lead to a special relationship. The attraction you have for one another will last a lifetime. Romance is fun, exciting and wonderful. It's not the time to spend a lot on extravagant items. Every penny will be saved for a memorable holiday. Both short- and long-term journeys will be exciting and enjoyable. Relaxing moments will also be enjoyed. Your loved ones and friends know how to bring out your best. It will be a pleasant surprise to receive jewellery as a gift around the 16th. You could receive it from a family member. Your month is creative, romantic and vibrant. You will find new opportunities by mixing with people outside of your usual circle. You might find yourself in a new area of expertise because of unexpected events or arrangements on the 18th.

LEO Your top priority should be to achieve a goal you love. You won't take it lightly if you do nothing by the book. During the first few days your entire attention will be focused on one goal. The good news is that you have the talent and determination to accomplish it. While you are serious about your social and professional responsibilities you can still enjoy life and take risks. While your friends will be pleased with you burning the midnight oil at both ends, an older relative won't be so happy. While you might think you are old enough to take care of yourself, you should not neglect your health. The cause of your symptoms will be obvious if you feel irritable, anxious or tense. Much will depend on the outcome of an official or legal decision made in March. It may be necessary to delegate practical matters to others. This won't be a straightforward task. A partner or loved one will feel heavy because they are responsible for the responsibility. While you're having fun, they will remind you about the problems they face. It's difficult to maintain harmonious relationships.

VIRGO As March starts, friendships, sports and competitive events will keep your mind busy. A new outdoor activity will interest you. Travel will work well together and romance is possible if you're single. Your relationship will be successful if you are honest, respectful and open to communication at work and home. A friend will be happy to help you work in an area in their life that is badly neglected. Your advice will make a difference to a neighbour. You have plenty of things going on that will keep your life exciting and vibrant. You can do something right now if you feel like you don't have enough time to enjoy a new friendship or relationship. If you immediately address your financial issues, joint financial problems will not affect the foundations of a loving relationship. Talking to your partner at the beginning of March can help you both to understand what needs to be done to fix this problem. Your partner will try their best to help you both. It is amazing what can be accomplished when you and your partner are open to discussing what you want and how it might be achieved. You will feel more in control when you both agree on what you should do. Try again if your first attempt at a difficult task fails.

LIBRA It's not your job to help your neighbours, friends and colleagues with their problems. Politely decline to help the next person in need. It's too much work for others, but not enough for you. Take care of your health. Start with yourself if you have to care for someone this month. You are beginning to see the truth about yourself. As much as you try to please everyone, you can't please them all. Celebrate your achievements and talents. Spend time with friends who value your friendship and use the 11th to indulge your sensual side. Are you single? Take a massage. Get a massage or a new fragrance. It's amazing what you can do for others. When you have enough energy, it's easier to help others. Are you in a relationship that is committed? You can go on a romantic getaway with your partner later in March. Before you lend a friend money, think about what they might be thinking. Are they still owing you money? Are they going to pay you back? Save your money and make sure you have enough to pay for the holiday you want later in the year. Choose something that will delight your senses if you have to spend a lot.

SCORPIO Life will move quickly if you are enthusiastic, energetic and able to use your initiative. You will probably get the green light for long-term plans and creative ideas. You are sure to have a great month, both romantically and socially. You have great ideas about making life more fun. You will be a hit with your family and friends. Your enthusiasm and willingness to change is infectious, so you can discuss ideas with your partner. It will help you achieve romantic happiness by sharing the same goals. You will be inspired to plan a holiday after receiving some good news from overseas in March. Share your joy with the people you love. You don't have to wait for a special occasion in order to celebrate your love. This is a wonderful time to dine with your amour. Respect, recognition and financial reward will be earned for achievements around the 11th. There are many exciting ways to brighten up your home or spark a romance. It's never been a better time to start a home-improvement project. It's a great way to have fun with your partner and give your home a facelift. After the project is completed, you can throw a party to showcase your work.

SAGITTARIUS You would like more freedom to pursue your interests. Your partner or friends may not share all of your plans but that won't stop you. They don't know you well enough if they find it annoying. It is not fun to do everything together. No matter how close your relationships are, you need to be independent. Sometimes it may take some time for a partner to accept your adventurous ideas. While a new partner may not be able to understand your passion for exploring new places, a long-term partner will encourage you to do so. It might be a good idea to reduce your suggestions if you feel someone is overwhelmed by your enthusiasm for changing. Are you single? You could find a new hobby or a new partner by taking up a new sport. It's a great day for entering a contest of skills. Your talents will be admired by many people. Your friends might be wondering what is going on with you. You seem more extravagant and impulsive in your spending. Either you have received, or will soon receive a bonus, pay rise or large financial payment. You are in the mood for generosity and will treat yourself and others. You have exciting plans but don't want to spend too much time discussing them with others. It is obvious that waiting for feedback from others could be a waste of time.

CAPRICORN You'll be entertained by exciting emails, texts messages and phone calls. As March begins, you will be pleasantly surprised by a variety of exciting events that will brighten up your day. This month's events will make you rethink your life and help you see the importance of setting new goals. You may need to take a different route or change your direction. No matter what choice you make you will know that the changes you are making now were the right ones. Your friends want to be with you and are eager to have more fun. To keep up with your positive outlook and great sense of humour would be a waste. You and your friends should plan something new. If you have one, include your partner, as a group trip to the theatre, amusement park or sporting event can strengthen your romantic and social connections. You will find it almost impossible to read your partner's thoughts in March but you will be amazed at how quickly you pick up on their feelings. An extensive legal or financial matter that involves many people can last for a long time. It doesn't matter if it's a long-term deal or a partnership, it will impact your life. Through your business and social connections, luck will be yours. It's hard to keep up with all the plans. Many people are sending emails and texts and others will require a fast response.

AQUARIUS You need stimulation and change. You are looking for something new to focus on. Your March stars will encourage you to put your imaginative ideas into practice. You may find it necessary to combine business and pleasure at times during the month. You will be happy with anything that gives you hope and anticipation. You need more excitement and this is what you're about to receive. Accept an invitation to take part in a group event or community project. You will learn more about your local community by participating in these events. Even if this activity is not for you, someone can point you in the right direction to other activities that might be of interest. It's great to have friends and enjoy the company of likeminded people. You would never, ever, betray your partner if you're in a relationship. It is possible to have fun hurting no one. Don't worry if money is tight these days. There is always hope. To your great relief, money will flow more easily now. Around the 17th, you will receive written confirmation that you have been offered a job or an educational position. You can make your financial future brighter by making wellplanned moves around the 28th. Your ideas, opinions and suggestions will be appreciated by your friends and colleagues. This will help you be more expressive of your communications. It's easier to have harmonious relationships with your colleagues, friends and other community members.

PISCES These are exciting times and they will have long-lasting consequences. Your life is about to change. You have the power to make choices, and you can empower yourself. Keep moving forward with plans that you believe in. You may have to abandon your best friend or partner if they refuse to accept the fact that you have your own needs and have to take responsibility for them. You would be happier if your loved ones were more supportive. However, it is important that you are able to forge your own path now. Are you single? You may be able to move out of your family home and have more freedom to do what is best for you, with whom you want, and when you want. You're noticing the importance of being organised about money matters. Recent economising has given you some extra cash in your pocket. It might be a good idea to have a conversation about finances with someone you care about around the 20th. Positive endings are predicted when you're happy with the deals and decisions that are happening in your life. It is only a matter of time before you can start something new which will make this an exciting year. You are loved for your kindness and sensitivity. Your friendship is a welcome one. You will feel more at home at work than you ever imagined.

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TRUE NODE SEMISQUARE CHIRON Lessons you have learnt in the past about romance come into question now. Ask yourself, what particular motives would a past lover possess, to come out of obscurity and initiate contact with you? Are they trying to rekindle an extinguished flame, or are they searching for a means to make themselves feel righteous about what happened? The truth is out there, but it may take a little digging to discover it. Avoid the temptation to jump into a relationship which did not work in the past as it will not work now either. This is also a good time to look at what you would like to change in your life. Are you looking to learn something new, or perhaps just a transformation in your living area? A new wall hanging, or rug can help bring a new energy into your home and help to improve your mood.

NEW MOON IN PISCES The whisper of Pisces presents us with a slippery, complex vibe, filled with the need to try something new! It is time to commence a change in attitude and prepare to put winter behind you. While it may be cold in the morning, the warmth in the afternoon leads you outside to dream of eating alfresco amidst the exuberant colours of spring blossoms. While you may not get any solid plans for the coming seasonal changes, you would do well to consider what items you can pack away until fall and start clearing out the clutter which is a result from spending long days indoors. Take a close look at your calendar and make sure you have your dates correct for springtime events, and do not forget to look for a spectacular wardrobe item to add to your vivacious look. problem.

MARS AND VENUS ENTERS AQUARIUS You will find yourself moving towards some unconventional ideas which have a real chance of changing your life for the better. What are you really looking for when it comes to romance, or work? These questions become more important to you now as the world changes in yet another direction. Whatever your decision ends up being, make sure you are the one who is in charge, do not allow others to make the choices for you. As Mars enters Aquarius, you will be asked to take on challenges, which before, seemed impossible to accomplish. Make use of the energy Mars provides to push past blockages which have been keeping you from reaching your dreams. If you must go over someone’s head to get approval, this is the time to make your move to get your plans authorised. Others are looking upon you and will acknowledge your determination to make things happen, be it at home, at the office, or in romance; you are the one in charge!

MERCURY ENTERS AQUARIUS It is time for you to become the commander-in-chief in all areas of your life. At home, you should be the one coming up with the options of what to do. If others are not willing to give you simple answers, then go off on your own and do what you feel is right. If they question you later, remind them that they had their chance to speak up and they chose not to. At work, you should still be pushing to get your changes implemented, especially if it will make work easier and cost less in the long run. When it comes to romance, be bold and suggest a course of action which you have been wanting to try for some time. If your partner voices an unwillingness to try something new, this could point to a bigger disconnection which needs to be addressed.

FIRST QUARTER MOON/VESTA ENTERS AQUARIUS The first quarter of the Moon is always about focusing on making changes you have been wanting to implement; when added to Vesta Enters Aquarius, these forces combine to not only make a changing of the seasons enchanting, but also promises to make this one of the most eventful months of the year. You should be welcoming this time as it helps open your mind to new concepts and helps you to find innovative ways to solve what has been troubling you. Focus your energies on long-term projects at both the office and in your personal relationships to find lasting success. While your family is always going to be resistant to changes, especially if they do not understand the problem, you might want to present a couple of choices, something small, to get the ball rolling. Plant the seeds of change now and see what grows from them.

FULL MOON IN VIRGO With the full Moon in Virgo, you should expect emotional outbursts from you and others, especially if things are not going according to the plan. The emotional nature of this time will help you to make connections with those around you, you will still have to contend with some cold piercing stares from those who do not agree with you, or do not see the problems you see. Do not let anyone tell you your emotions do not count when it comes to anything you do. Nobody is a soulless robot, there is, even if it is small and cold, a beating heart within everyone who has a passion for something. The trick to getting those who are not willing to show their emotions onto your side, is to find a way to connect the item they love to your desires. Work to find their motivations and you will find them supporting you very soon.

SUN ENTERS ARIES The Sun entering Aries will help to bring in good news and favourable results to the plans you have been fighting to achieve. You will gain some muchneeded authority during this time, and it will help you make choices with great speed and clarity. Additionally, this is when others are willing to give you more responsibility, if you are up to the challenge. While that may sound great, you should make use of this time to also ensure you ask for the money that comes with the job. Do not let others fool you into thinking they do not have the additional funds to give you a raise. If you must, point out to them that giving you a raise is cheaper then bringing on another person to do the job. Take on the challenges, but do not do it for free.

LAST QUARTER MOON While the First Quarter of the Moon is all about beginnings’, the Last Quarter is about finishing up everything you started this month. This time stands as a reminder that everything which has a start also must have an end, so one can review what they have accomplished and move forward with the knowledge and skills they learned from the journey. What do you have to complete this month? This week? Or even today? If you have been putting off telling someone something, then this is the time to do so. If you have been waiting to finish up a project at the office or at home, put your back into it, and make sure you have it completed soon. If you have not spoken to a relative in a while, now is the time to write that email, or make a phone call to show how much they mean to you.

MERCURY ENTERS ARIES Spring is here, even if the weather doesn't know it yet, but your actual amount of energy is a result of more light and longer days, than the movement of the planets. You may find yourself feeling impatient and have an overwhelming need to move or do something, as opposed to sitting around, couped up at home. This is a time for you to focus on your plans and ensure you communicate with others what you are wanting from them. You are tempted to handout deadlines and to give others very little time to accomplish huge tasks. Before you give them something impossible to accomplish, ask yourself, how long would it take you to complete it? Be honest. Nothing but anger and resentment is going to come from setting someone up for failure. So, be optimistic in your planning but a realist when it comes to asking others for their help.

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Susan asks “What can I look forward to after my 60th year?” A: Gemini Susan thrives on change and variety and will already have a few hobbies, plans and interests she will want to pursue in her sixties. She will be taking a positive approach to the future and may also be thinking about relocating to a different area. Susan loves to be on the move but as adventurous as she happens to be it is important for her to have a comfortable place where she can recharge her batteries. If all goes according to plan she will be throwing a large party to celebrate her 60th, travelling more over the years ahead and making more time for herself to enjoy all the things she hasn’t had time to do in her fifties.

Elsie asks “Why do I suffer in love as I only seem to attract toxic people?” A: Taurus Elsie is loyal, honest and a good listener. With Venus in Aries she is honest and charming and will generously share her time and energy with others. Elsie is highly creative and will find inspiration through her environment and relationships but toxic friends and partners can take a toll on her health. Toxic people will be drawn to her kind and compassionate personality. Being around her makes them feel good while they drain Elsie’s energy. Having noticed this pattern in relationships, Elsie is in a good place now to do something about it. The moment her intuition tells her a relationship isn’t right for her she should heed this warning. The more Elsie is in touch with her emotions and trusts her feelings the less vulnerable she will feel to toxic people.


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Russell Grant magazine is published every month by Russell Grant Astrology Limited Russell Grant Astrology Limited PO Box 322 Altrincham Cheshire WA14 2WE Email: Managing Editor : Kelvin Jay For advertising enquiries please email Photo Credits: Global Recycling Day, Jamie Oliver, International Women’s Day, Twitter @Schwarzenegger, Marks and Spencer, Asda, Tesco, Refuge and ITV

“You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible...” DEEPAK CHOPRA

Contributors: Russell Grant, Philip Garcia, Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg, and The Lifestyle Blogger UK The views within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Articles and advertisements are for information only and should not replace medical or professional guidance. For Entertainment only. © RUSSELL GRANT ASTROLOGY LIMITED

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