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June Horoscopes from Russell Grant

Solar Eclipse


New Moon

Full Moon


Striking a balance between your personal and professional lives will be challenging at the beginning of the month. It may be necessary to draw firm boundaries with a demanding relative who doesn't care about your career interests. On the 10th, a Solar Eclipse could trigger an important conversation with a neighbour or relative. Take this opportunity to address a sensitive subject; you can resolve this issue relatively quickly. During the middle of the month, your love life will sizzle with excitement. Whether you're single or attached, this is a good time to abandon yourself to romance. Stimulating conversations will cultivate intimacy during the second half of June. The Full Moon on the 24th may find you accepting an award, getting a promotion, or accepting a wonderful job offer.

You'll feel loved and adored in the opening days of June. Use this support as a springboard to a lifelong goal. A Solar Eclipse on the 10th brings an intellectually stimulating job opportunity. Not only will this position engage and delight you, it will also enrich you. Launch a home improvement project in midJune; take this opportunity to repair faulty plumbing or upgrade your kitchen. If you're looking for a new place to live, this is a great time to intensify your search. Erratic behaviour could damage your professional reputation during the middle of the month. Avoid power struggles like the plague. On the 24th, the Full Moon could mark the culmination of an academic programme or trip. You'll emerge from this experience feeling enlightened and happy.



You will be sought for your expertise at the beginning of June. Don't be surprised if you get a chance to teach an online course or workshop. The Solar Eclipse on the 10th inspires you to undergo a dramatic transformation. This is an ideal time to get a makeover, change your name, or step into a new professional role. It's possible you'll leave a stultifying job or career path during the middle of the month; have the courage to follow your heart. Going back to work for a former employer is a strong possibility in the second half of the month; this will be a rewarding move. It will be much easier to communicate your needs in the third week of June; be direct, especially about your physical desires.


You'll attract admirers like a flower draws bees in the opening days of June; embrace your popularity. On the 10th, the Solar Eclipse will trigger a spiritual awakening. Give yourself permission to abandon some worldly concerns that have been weighing on your heart. In midJune, you might decide to resume a course of study that brings you pleasure. Obey an impulse to sign up for an advanced course or study with a respected teacher. During the second half of June, your personal charisma will be off the charts. Use it to promote your agenda; getting a job, role, or date should be very easy. Getting engaged or married is a distinct possibility on the 24th, courtesy of the cooperative Full Moon.


It's possible you'll take the helm of a prestigious professional or political organisation in the opening days of June. People respond well to your excellent communication skills. A Solar Eclipse on the 10th is ideal for making a speech, publishing a piece of writing, or recording a podcast. Your words will uplift and inspire people. Mid-month will be an especially busy time, as you'll be intent on promoting your agenda whenever and wherever possible. By the second half of June, your focus will turn to an intimate relationship. Giving your other half some room to breathe will be good for your union. Use the power of the Full Moon on the 24th to complete an important work project.

Early June delivers some excellent professional prospects to you. It's possible you will be working remotely with an overseas client who appreciates your attention to detail. On the 10th, the Solar Eclipse could find you stepping into a leadership role. You might get paid a handsome salary as a spokesperson, speech writer, or public relations manager. In mid-June, it may be necessary to deal with some unforeseen legal problems. Stay calm and consult a lawyer who has a track record of success. A former romantic partner might make their way into your life during the second half of the month. Let your renewed relationship unfold slowly. The Full Moon on the 24th could find you celebrating an engagement, wedding, or birth.



The opening days of June could have happy news regarding your career. It's possible you'll land a job that draws on your creative talent; getting paid to exercise your imagination will bring great joy. On the 10th, a Solar Eclipse will open the door to a publishing or educational venture that's intellectually stimulating. You've been blessed with a brilliant brain, which is why you'll be granted this position. In mid-June, it might be difficult to find the fun and romance you desire. Don't take any rash chances for the sake of fleeting pleasure; it's better to be safe than sorry. The Full Moon on the 24th wraps up a family matter that's been quite emotional. Reward yourself for staying cool under pressure.


Harsh words between you and an expert could be exchanged at the beginning of June. Instead of resisting this person's efforts to teach you, put your pride aside for the sake of personal growth. A Solar Eclipse on the 10th could bring financial relief in the form of an inheritance, legal settlement, or rebate. Spend this money upgrading electronic equipment. Alternatively, you might decide to buy a bike, car, or other form of transportation. A close relationship could show signs of strain during the middle of the month, when your best friend or romantic partner expresses resentment over your professional preoccupations. Returning to a creative pursuit you enjoyed as a child is strongly advised during the second half of June. On the 24th, the Full Moon brings about a brilliant breakthrough.


Brainstorming with a respected friend or colleague will be fruitful in the opening days of June. Any ideas you get for a product, service or app are worth developing. On the 10th, a Solar Eclipse could find you taking a close relationship to the next level. Getting engaged or married is a strong possibility. Resist the temptation to quit a paying assignment in a huff during the middle of the month; it's better to let silly criticisms and tense situations roll off your back. During the second half of June, you might resume life as a homebody. Devoting more time to domestic pursuits will be enjoyable. The Full Moon on the 24th attracts a big payment, allowing you to buy some beautiful furnishings and artwork.

A power struggle with your romantic or business partner could erupt in early June. Even if you do have more clout, it would be wise to meet your other half in the middle. The Solar Eclipse on the 10th is perfect for launching a fitness regimen. Exercise that involves quick reflexes and precision could be especially enjoyable. These duties could renew your zest for life. Finances might be tight during the middle of the month, so avoid engaging in retail therapy. If someone close to your heart complains about your shoestring budget, have a heart to heart conversation about your economic situation. Once the Full Moon rises on the 24th, you'll be in a much better position to attract the lucrative assignments you want.



Your powerful personality will draw admirers from every corner at the beginning of the month. If you're single, you may not be so for much longer. On the 10th, the Solar Eclipse could deliver the ideal partner to your doorstep. Are you already in a relationship? It will feel like you've embarked on a second honeymoon together. In mid-June, you should be wary of coming to a wayward relative's rescue. Until this family member learns to accept the consequences of their irresponsible behaviour, they may never reform. Try reining in your spending during the second half of the month or you will feel a sharp financial pinch. On the 24th, the Full Moon will bring a delicious secret to light.


Love and romance are yours for the asking at the start of June. If you have a partner, arrange to do something special with your amour. Are you single? You could meet an attractive person through a mutual family friend. The Solar Eclipse on the 10th presents a great opportunity to upgrade your living situation. You could relocate to a nicer home quite suddenly. During the middle of June, a relative could have unrealistic expectations; it's up to you to set them straight. Scaling back social commitments is strongly advised for the second half of the month; an introvert like you needs plenty of privacy to recharge your batteries. The Full Moon on the 24th could find you realising a dream you've had since childhood.

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