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Since the pandemic struck us all over a year ago now, for some people, finding ways to save money has become more important than ever before. So, here are a few quick ways to save money and cut down on your every day bills from some of the best known money saving experts. Get Rid Of Debt A great way to reduce your outgoings is to get rid of any debt you have as quickly as possible. Most debt will come with high interest so the quicker you can get rid of the debt, the less you’ll have to pay. Re-evaluate Your Grocery Bill Most people are shocked to find out how much they’re actually spending on their groceries each month. You might do one big shop a week but due to lack of planning, you end up having to go two or three more times for odd bits. Plan your meals in advance and work out exactly what you’ll need for the week/month. That way you’re less likely to waste and food that gets missed and goes out of date. Write down all your meals for the week, including snacks…etc. Then stick to your list while you’re in store.

Cancel Subscriptions Chances are, you’re paying for subscriptions you either no longer use or have forgotten you even have. So, it’s time to cancel any subscriptions you don’t use or need, and turn off autorenew. Go through your phone and bank statement and check for any current subscriptions or payments coming out and cancel them.


Avoid Branded Goods Did you know, most brands use the same ingredients as non-branded goods. In fact, most are made the exact same way, in the same factory. It’s purely the name you’re paying extra for! I bet you couldn’t tell the difference between say, a tin of Heinz beans and a tin of Tesco own beans. They are approx £0.60p cheaper and taste the same. Try it out for a month without telling anyone in your family. See if anyone mentions it – i doubt they will. Save yourself money on your monthly food shop without really having to do anything.

Set Up A Savings Account Set yourself up a savings account and transfer money across after every pay day. Whether it’s £10 or £100. An amount you won’t really notice. You can set it up to do this automatically so you don’t have to think about it. Plus, if you set it up without a bank card so you don’t get tempted to spend your savings. It quickly adds up over the months and in no time you’ll have a great little rainy day fund. Extra Income If you get some birthday money, or are given a bonus at work, make sure you use it wisely. Instead of going out and treating yourself right away, you could put it on to your mortgage, or pay off a little extra on a credit card. Don’t see this as free money to spend on luxuries, use it wisely to pay off any outstanding debt.

There are so many ways you can reduce your energy bills by making a few little changes: ●Take shorter showers ●Washing clothes at 30 degrees ●Installing dimmer switches, or energy saving lightbulbs ●Turn off plugs ●Don’t leave your TV on standby ●Only boil water you need ●Don’t leave lights on ●Don’t leave the oven on if you’re not using it

Unsubscribe From Email Marketing

The main aim companies have from sending you an email is to get you to buy something from them. The irresistible discount code, or 24 hour sale. So, by unsubscribing from these emails, you’re less likely to spend your hard earned cash on things you probably don’t need.

Eat A Pack Lunch

By taking your lunch with you, or eating at home, you’ll be saving yourself a lot. On average, it’s thought a household will spend approx £150 a month on eating out. The odd £3 sandwich, cup of coffee, or snack might seem like nothing but when you add it up over the year you’d be surprised. For example, if you have a £3 sandwich at work every day, that adds up to £720 a year – just on that one sandwich! The mark up on products like this is huge. If you think about it, you might buy an entire loaf of bread for £1, yet your spending X3 that on ONE sandwich. Plan ahead and make your lunch at home to take with you.

Ask About Discounts & Offers

If there is something you really need or want to buy, ask the brand if they have any offers or discounts going currently. Most companies are more than happy to give you a discount code if they think you’re more likely to buy from them. Plus, there’s no harm in asking!

Reduce Your Mobile Phone Bill

If you’re anything like me, you probably haven’t looked at your phone bill since you set it up all those years ago. A simple call to your mobile phone provider could reduce your bill. Ask them for any deals going on, or ways you could reduce your monthly bill. They will be more than happy to help you if it means you’re more likely to stay with them. I did this recently with O2 and reduced by monthly bill from £36 to £20. Not a huge saving but every little counts. Plus, over the year that’s now saving me £192.

Challenge Yourself To Stop Spending

Try challenging yourself to a spending freeze over a month. Anything that isn’t essential, it off limits for a month. See how much you can save yourself by adhering to this challenge. Plus, you’ll feel great once you’ve achieved it. Seeing the extra money in your bank account at the end of the month. Money you can put into savings, or pay off some debt.

Use Leg Power

One great way to save money is to use your car as little as possible. If you can walk to work, or cycle, do that instead. Not only will you be helping the environment, you’ll also be spending less on fuel and you’re getting a bit of extra exercise in.

Do It Yourself

Before you splash out on a new garden bench, or a side table for your lounge. See if it’s something you could make yourself. These days, there are so many places you can find tutorials for DIY projects.

Saving money on the materials you can likely get cheap through Facebook groups, or at your local merchants. Then there’s also the money saved on having someone make it for you. Having it delivered, or simply buying it brand new. It’s such a great way to learn a new skill, and once finished, something you can be proud of you made from scratch yourself.

Use The Library

Before you go buying brand new books you’ll only ever read once, check your local library to see if you can borrow it instead. Most libraries these days have audiobooks and digital copies you can rent. Or, perhaps you could go to your local charity book shop to see if they have it pre-owned.

Cash Back Sites & Coupons

Nothing beats a coupon or discount code when you’re about to buy something. Here in the UK it’s not as easy to find coupons, however it is still possible. You just have to look a bit harder to find them. However, if you can’t find coupons, you could try signing up to cash back sites instead to earn money back on your purchases.

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