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Toni Collette

Super Star, Toni Collette once said “If I couldn't work I would wither and die!" Of course,Colette could be nothing other than super intense at every turn, that is why she was caste in the latest horror hit “Hereditary”, a dark cinematic experience if ever there was one. No borderline “scary” here, we are talking "Full Monty!" terror. But then Toni does sensor sound, Panavision rather well. With her sun in Scorpio, and Moon in Virgo she is a hard core, hard working powerhouse of talent. A lady with such a finely tuned mind she gets under the skin of every single role she plays. Probably because Mercury in Sagittarius ensures she beams her light, and ends up delivering astounding performances.


Credit: Instagram

The Publicity Machine tells us that Collette won an Emmy, and that she is also an Academy Award nominated Australian actress with a Golden Globe and one Screen Actors Guild Award under her belt. To boot she has starred in the mythical “Sixth Sense” and “Little Miss Sunshine”, which got her a SAG award. However, when “Muriel's Wedding” hit Cannes, she was only 21 years old. No matter how young and inexperienced she was at the time, she was so adored by the critics her performance got her a standing ovation.

She told the Telegraph“I turned up at the Cannes Film Festival, which is madness itself, and I sat there in an auditorium with a few thousand people, and it was the most intense response. I mean, very, very positive and very vocal and very focused on me.”

“They pulled us all up onto the stage afterwards, and I thought it would be maybe one minute, but we were standing there for… ever. It was like 15 minutes of people clapping and cheering and hooting.”

“I was elated but I was also very jet-lagged, and it was just surreal. It was strange… and wonderful.”

Collette should be full of herself, after all she is a resoundingly successful thespian? However she is surprisingly humble. Perhaps because she knows what “ordinary” is; she grew up in a Sydney suburb, one of three siblings. Her first starring role was around ten years old, when she convinced the family GP that she had appendicitis when there was nothing wrong with her. Mr Uranus, is obviously on her side.

Credit: BBC

He ensures Collette is humane, original, and somewhat surprising when it comes to hidden clairvoyant capacities that she is not letting on about. She was certainly openly "Aqui Style" wacky in her twenties when she moved from Sydney to London. “I had a tumultuous, crazy, hedonistic, fabulous time” she told the Telegraph.

She has since calmed down, "crazy" & "weird" are off the menu. Some would say she is not the most beautiful actress on screen, she does have rather gauche overtones. However,few could deny Collett's honey, blonde hair and sleek demeanour ensure an out of the ordinary "Bella Figura!" hits the headlines.

Credit: Netflix

She said “I’m starting to realise that there are certain themes that I return to, those being that there is no such thing as normal....!" Few would argue with Collett when it comes to her far from normal life, demeanour and movie roles!

Jupiter in Capricorn gifted Collette with "down to earth faith" in herself, plus an OTT determination to try something new, even to “get serious!”Capricorn style when it came to “getting there!” with a determined grin on her face. She certainly "got somewhere" with all those thespian talents. But what about her personal life? With Venus in Libra she digs a well balanced domestic scene . With musician husband Dave Galafassi, by her side, plus daughter Sage, and Son Arlo to keep her on her toes she has no trouble maintaining that sweet, Libran style harmony. Her take is "maternal" even though some inner alter ego ensures she does "depressed mums" really well, as in “About a Boy!”

Some might wonder whether Collette is still that little girl in a Sydney Suburb at heart, pretending to have appendicitis, in other words a mischievous child with a yearning to be exceptional because normal she could never be!

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