Toni Collette
Super Star, Toni Collette once said “If I couldn't work I would wither and die!" Of course,Colette could be nothing other than super intense at every turn, that is why she was caste in the latest horror hit “Hereditary”, a dark cinematic experience if ever there was one. No borderline “scary” here, we are talking "Full Monty!" terror. But then Toni does sensor sound, Panavision rather well. With her sun in Scorpio, and Moon in Virgo she is a hard core, hard working powerhouse of talent. A lady with such a finely tuned mind she gets under the skin of every single role she plays. Probably because Mercury in Sagittarius ensures she beams her light, and ends up delivering astounding performances.
Little Miss Sunshine The Publicity Machine tells us that Collette won an Emmy, and that she is also an Academy Award nominated Australian actress with a Golden Globe and one Screen Actors Guild Award under her belt. To boot she has starred in the mythical “Sixth Sense” and “Little Miss Sunshine”, which got her a SAG award. However, when “Muriel's Wedding” hit Cannes, she was only 21 years old. No matter how young and inexperienced she was at the time, she was so adored by the critics her performance got her a standing ovation. Credit: BBC