Russell Grant Magazine - Nov18 (NOV3018)

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Russell Grant

November 2018









4 CONTENTS NOV 18 4 Toni Collette

29 Ben Affleck

8 Special someone in your life..?

31 Primark ÂŁ5 Make Up Range

13 Your November Horoscopes

32 Luxury Advent Calendars

21 FREE Natal Birth Chart

35 Trending Fashion

22 Vegan Make Up

46 Love Horoscopes

23 How to use the power of Jupiter

50 More reasons to drink tea

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Toni Collette

Super Star, Toni Collette once said “If I couldn't work I would wither and die!" Of course,Colette could be nothing other than super intense at every turn, that is why she was caste in the latest horror hit “Hereditary”, a dark cinematic experience if ever there was one. No borderline “scary” here, we are talking "Full Monty!" terror. But then Toni does sensor sound, Panavision rather well. With her sun in Scorpio, and Moon in Virgo she is a hard core, hard working powerhouse of talent. A lady with such a finely tuned mind she gets under the skin of every single role she plays. Probably because Mercury in Sagittarius ensures she beams her light, and ends up delivering astounding performances.

Little Miss Sunshine The Publicity Machine tells us that Collette won an Emmy, and that she is also an Academy Award nominated Australian actress with a Golden Globe and one Screen Actors Guild Award under her belt. To boot she has starred in the mythical “Sixth Sense” and “Little Miss Sunshine”, which got her a SAG award. However, when “Muriel's Wedding” hit Cannes, she was only 21 years old. No matter how young and inexperienced she was at the time, she was so adored by the critics her performance got her a standing ovation. Credit: BBC

She told the Telegraph“I turned up at the Cannes Film Festival, which is madness itself, and I sat there in an auditorium with a few thousand people, and it was the most intense response. I mean, very, very positive and very vocal and very focused on me.” “They pulled us all up onto the stage afterwards, and I thought it would be maybe one minute, but we were standing there for… ever. It was like 15 minutes of people clapping and cheering and hooting.” “I was elated but I was also very jet-lagged, and it was just surreal. It was strange… and wonderful.” Humble Collette should be full of herself, after all she is a resoundingly successful thespian? However she is surprisingly humble. Perhaps because she knows what “ordinary” is; she grew up in a Sydney suburb, one of three siblings. Her first starring role was around ten years old, when she convinced the family GP that she had appendicitis when there was nothing wrong with her. Mr Uranus, is obviously on her side. He ensures Collette is humane, original, and somewhat surprising when it comes to hidden clairvoyant capacities that she is not letting on about. She was certainly openly "Aqui Style" wacky in her twenties when she moved from Sydney to London. “I had a tumultuous, crazy, hedonistic, fabulous time” she told the Telegraph. Credit: Instagram

She has since calmed down, "crazy" & "weird" are off the menu. Some would say she is not the most beautiful actress on screen, she does have rather gauche overtones. However,few could deny Collett's honey, blonde hair and sleek demeanour ensure an out of the ordinary "Bella Figura!" hits the headlines.

She said “I’m starting to realise that there are certain themes that I return to, those being that there is no such thing as normal....!" Few would argue with Collett when it comes to her far from normal life, demeanour and movie roles! Getting Serious Jupiter in Capricorn gifted Collette with "down to earth faith" in herself, plus an OTT determination to try something new, even to “get serious!”Capricorn style when it came to “getting there!” with a determined grin on her face. She certainly "got somewhere" with all those thespian talents. But what about her personal life? With Venus in Libra she digs a well balanced domestic scene . With musician husband Dave Galafassi, by her side, plus daughter Sage, and Son Arlo to keep her on her toes she has no trouble maintaining that sweet, Libran style harmony. Her take is "maternal" even though some inner alter ego ensures she does "depressed mums" really well, as in “About a Boy!” Some might wonder whether Collette is still that little girl in a Sydney Suburb at heart, pretending to have appendicitis, in other words a mischievous child with a yearning to be exceptional because normal she could never be!

Philip Garcia Celebrity Astrologer Credit: Netflix

Special someone in your life.?

For many people being in a relationship gives them a sense of identity, purpose and belonging. They feel that having that special someone, no matter how much of a compromise is required, allows them to comfortably fit into their social group, especially if everyone in their circle is partnered. Being single can feel alone, lonely and an outsider. Allowing the pressure to be partnered to build up can distract you into making bad decisions, feel impelled to hook-up with someone out of a feeling of necessity. That might be okay in the short-term as a temporary stopgap, offering companionship for a time, but it's important to recognise that for what it is.

So often people feel bereft when a relationship ends. Even the ending of a bad relationship can feel like a failure, generating fear, apprehension, anxiety. There may be concerns about the future; will I meet someone else, how long will I be on my own, should I have tried harder or stayed with the relationship I had?

But there's nowhere more lonely than a loveless marriage, where one person stays because of financial reasons, a fear of being alone or of upsetting the children or family. The tension, underlying resentment, hostility or constant bickering can make for a very unhappy household. There's nothing 'special' about a relationship that's missing love or mutual respect. When we're desperate to find a special someone it can cause more problems than it resolves. Defining ourselves and others through our relationship status can miss the real point of having someone important with whom to share our life. That person should add value, not provide the sole reason for our existence. -Some people may even enter our lives in a purely temporary capacity. As such, they may provide the impetus for us to move on from a bad situation, enthuse us to review our lives, change career, update our image, introduce us to new exciting hobbies and interests. But once that's on track they may well then fade from our orbit. Other people may be fair-weather friends or lovers, great when everything's going well but not much good during stormy times. They can't or don't want to deal with any of our mess, troubles or complications. Conversely there are those people who love nothing more than to coach, problem-solve and fix us, the foul-weather friends and lovers who enjoy deep and meaningful sessions but don't much care to party or socialise. Having a relationship with either may work well for a time, but is unlikely to be a long-term solution to your relationship status. But equally, not all special relationships have to be permanent. An important step is to ask yourself what you want from a relationship; do you really need a special someone, does your life literally revolve around having a significant other in your life, does your relationship status define who you are? What does that look like to you? It's important to know if you're prepared to wait for the right person to come along, no matter how long that may take.

Some people may be focused on getting married or living permanently together, for others that would be too intrusive. Some may want a constant partner where they do everything together, discuss everything, share every aspect of their lives, but others like to keep some independence and separateness, enjoying specific times together, like holidays or weekends, but living their own lives at other times. To find our special someone it's good to first start working on yourself. Ask yourself who's the most important person in your life. Even if you still have young children it's best if the answer is you. When you feel good about yourself, healthy, happy and at peace, everyone in your life benefits. Then you find that your quality of life improves and you realise that you'd rather be alone that with someone who's not right for you, who's unsupportive or brings negative energy into your home. Being on your own is better than good enough or fine, once you're comfortable in your own company. When you learn to love yourself you find ways to communicate your thoughts and feelings to others and are able to define appropriate boundaries of acceptable and unacceptable treatment and behaviour. Your desperate need to have a special someone abates and you're able to be more selective and discerning, able to find someone who complements you and adds value to your life. You become clearer about the things you will and won't accept. Sure, some things that bother others may be fine by you; that's good for you to know and can help you to become clearer about what you want from a partner.

It's liberating to realise that a special someone is only special because they're right for you. The relationship then becomes a wonderful outcome and addition, rather than a necessity in your life.

Susan Leigh - A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham, Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.

November Horoscopes from Russell Grant

How will the supportive New Moon on the 7th affect your Starsign..?

ARIES Things are getting serious on the romantic front in early November. A supportive New Moon on the 7th makes it a great time to let down your defences with someone who has demonstrated their loyalty. You might decide to move in together or even get engaged or married. Are you single? Keep your eyes open for someone special at a religious, cultural or artistic gathering. You could make a love connection. If you already have a serious partner, they could get a raise or lucrative job that greatly improves your own financial standing. Take this opportunity to book a romantic holiday together. On the 23rd, the Full Moon brings troubling news about a legal matter. It may be better to settle out of court or drop this fight altogether. If a decision is rendered against you, take some time to process your disappointment. Then pull yourself together and make a fresh start.

TAURUS An exciting opportunity to team up with a highly creative person will arrive on or around the 7th. That's when an intensifying New Moon prompts you to take on a partner. Whether you're looking for love or want to form a business partnership, it's time to make your move. An engagement or marriage will pave the way for a lifetime of happiness. Working with a fellow artist will help you realise a cherished dream. The Full Moon on the 23rd could bring a challenge to your financial position. A contractor could deduct money for expenses or delays, making you very upset. Launching a legal case will fall flat. You're better off cutting your losses and moving on to bigger and better assignments. Treat this unfortunate setback as a learning opportunity. Don't begin work on a project until you have the terms set down in black and white. Ask a lawyer to review all contracts before signing them.

GEMINI The New Moon on the 7th is ideal for landing a job or hiring help. If you're looking for work, you'll find a job that involves working on a commission basis. At first, you won't be thrilled about such an arrangement. After making a few impressive sales, you'll realise this way of working is actually more profitable than taking a flat salary. If you run a business and require help, hold interviews. You'll find the perfect candidates. Look for staff who are able to work independently. This will give you time to focus on the big picture. On the 23rd, the Full Moon tempts you to overhaul your look. Any changes you make should be temporary, as there is a good chance you won't like the results. If you shop for clothes, make sure you understand the return policy before buying anything. Keep the receipts in a safe place, as you'll probably need them.

CANCER If you're recovering from a bad breakup, it's time to return to the dating game. The New Moon on the 7th will put you in the path of an attentive admirer who makes you excited to be alive. You share many of the same interests and values; a powerful physical chemistry is the cherry on this luscious cake. Are you already in a serious relationship? Your partner will give you a beautiful token of their appreciation. Don't brush off this tribute; instead, show your profound thanks for it. The more gracious you are about accepting tributes, the more often they will be given. The Full Moon on the 23rd urges you to let go of an old grudge. Dwelling on a betrayal will stop you taking advantage of new opportunities. A terrific job offer is on the horizon; be on the alert for it. Attend a party instead of staying home sulking.

LEO A domestic matter will command your attention on or around the 7th, courtesy of the New Moon. If you've been looking for a place to live, you'll find a lovely, secluded property close to a body of water. This will be a terrific investment. If you're not able to afford a deposit, don't worry. A generous relative will give you the funds to finance this deal. Are you happy with your current abode? This would be a great time to make room for a baby, roommate or elderly relative. Any addition to your household will give it a cosy, happy atmosphere. On the 23rd, you will be inspired to break ranks with a troubled organisation. You don't want your reputation tarnished by some underhanded activities. Don't bother to explain your defection to angry members. These guilt trips are just sheer manipulations. Block phone calls and emails if you feel harassed.

VIRGO Launching a blog or podcast on the 7th will attract fame and acclaim. That's when the New Moon will showcase your communication abilities. Being able to share your ideas with an adoring public will be a good use of this talent. If you've been thinking of taking up writing, this would be an ideal time to begin. Ideas will flow like a mighty river. Taking charge of a study group could also be rewarding. Acquiring valuable skills will improve your professional prospects. The Full Moon on the 23rd brings pressure on the career front. You'll be asked to assume some unpleasant responsibilities. This work assignment will involve working hard while someone else takes all the credit. It's better to look for employment elsewhere. It will take time to land a position worthy of your abilities, so be patient. Whenever you feel discouraged, lean on your family for support. They'll give you the strength to continue.

LIBRA The New Moon on the 7th is perfect for asking for a raise or landing a lucrative job. Instead of increasing your standard of living, put your excess income into a savings account, where it will protect you from financial uncertainty. If your company isn't in the position to increase your salary, they might be able to give you added perks. More annual leave, a travel allowance and a merit based commission are among the possibilities. On the 23rd, a Full Moon will create legal difficulties. It may be impossible to move forward with a business plan until you get official permission. If your company sends you on an overseas trip, make sure your passport is up to date. Bureaucratic nightmares can cause delays and even cancellations. Instead of pressing the issue, give in gracefully and form an alternative plan. You may have to wait for other people to make decisions at the end of November.

SCORPIO The New Moon on the 7th invites you to undergo a makeover. Updating your hairstyle, getting a cosmetic procedure or revamping your wardrobe will lift your spirits. Don't be surprised when you become a hot commodity on the romance market. Your new look will attract admirers like bees to a flower. This is also a good time to change industries or adopt a different role. Any move designed to change your image will be successful. On the 23rd, a bonus or royalty payment will be less than you expected. Trying to recoup more money will be an exercise in futility. It's better to channel your energy into finding new sources of regular income. Finding freelance work or landing a steady job will release you from debt. It will also help you enjoy occasional luxuries. When one door closes, another opens, but you must be on the lookout for this opportunity.

SAGITTARIUS Spend the first half of November resting and relaxing. On the 7th, the New Moon will prompt you to withdraw from the party scene. Enjoying the peace and quiet of home will be therapeutic. Take this opportunity to read for pleasure, listen to music and spend time with your pets. Low key activities will prepare you for a busy Christmas season next month. The Full Moon on the 23rd puts strain on a close relationship. It will be difficult to discuss your feelings with a loved one who seems intent on twisting your words. Instead of forcing the issue, make a strategic retreat. You're better off surrounding yourself with supportive people who are sympathetic to your situation. The second half of November will make you decide whether it's worth maintaining this relationship or not. You can't compromise your own well-being for the sake of somebody else. Protect your interests at all costs.

CAPRICORN The New Moon on the 7th is great for joining a sports team, political organisation or humanitarian group. Donating your time and energy to a meaningful cause will lift your spirits. You're tired of going from home to work and back again. Having some interests outside of your family and career is healthy. The people you meet during the first half of November will be kind and considerate. Prepare to make some lifelong friends. On the 23rd, the Full Moon will bring a health concern to your attention. Talk to a doctor about a nagging ache or pain. It will be necessary to alter some routines to get better. Be willing to cut certain foods from your diet. Taking gentle exercise will also improve your energy level. Resist the temptation to stay up all hours. By reducing your social schedule, the final days of the month will restore your equilibrium.

AQUARIUS An exciting career opportunity will arrive on the 7th, courtesy of the passionate New Moon. Being able to make money by doing work you love will be empowering. You're not the type who can be happy in a dead-end job. Opportunities related to environmental protection, antique restoration or research will give you a chance to move up the ladder to success. Not only that, but such work will give life a sense of purpose and meaning. Getting out of bed each day will be invigorating instead of dispiriting. The Full Moon on the 23rd warns you against taking risks. Confessing a crush or making an investment will result in a big disappointment. Maintain the status quo during the second half of November, even if it bores you to do so. Sometimes it's better to lead a predictable life than stir the pot. There will be plenty of chances for excitement during the Christmas season.

PISCES The New Moon on the 7th invites you to expand your horizons. Take this opportunity to earn an advanced degree, travel abroad or publish some work of your own. Venturing into unfamiliar territory will attract fame and acclaim. People will be charmed by your creativity and compassion. They'll welcome you into an environment that makes you feel supported. Life is about to take an exciting turn; say 'yes' to every opportunity to advance your knowledge and experience different cultures. On the 23rd, family matters will weigh on your heart. Arguing about religion and politics with a relative creates stress. It may be best to put this relationship on hold, at least until tempers subside. If you can no longer maintain ties with a narrow-minded family member, break things off as civilly is possible. Forcing this relationship will just create misery on both sides. When in doubt, follow your moral code. It will never let you down.

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After a year’s trek in Scorpio, on the 8th November Jupiter will enter his own sign, Sagittarius, and remains in this mutable fire sign until December 2019. Jupiter, planet of prosperity, knowledge and travel is most powerful when passing through adventurous Sagittarius. This combined energy encourages spiritual growth and learning through exploring different cultures, spiritual practices and philosophies. Are you searching for a life purpose? Jupiter’s presence in Sagittarius can lead you to thinking-big and realising the ideas that lie within you. This massive planet is expansive and over the year ahead can amplify parts of your world reflected by its position in your chart. You can begin by looking up your sun sign below (although you need your full astrological chart to know the house Jupiter is in and the aspects from other planets) to discover how Jupiter can bring growth and new wisdom into your life and how you can work with his portentous powers. You have the power to do anything you can imagine through tapping

ARIES WANDERLUST! It’s imperative you expand your horizons at this time. Visit faraway places as they will be educational and you will experience a way of life very different to your own. You will feel an instant affinity for people from another culture. Starluck is all around you and in particular through learning, study and exploring exciting places you’ve been to or seen before. Jupiter urges you to embark on new adventures and it will be good to be back to your daredevil self after a prolonged period of drifting along with lots of uncertainty.

Taurus SUPER SEXY! If you have any doubts about your ability to make your passions come alive, now is the time to leave them behind. Negative thoughts can create self-fulfilling prophecies that are totally unnecessary because Jupiter will help you refocus and realise your full potential. The more confidence you have, the more success you will enjoy. Your life experiences have prepared you for this new phase in your life and the opportunities available to you, in 2019, will be magical. Money from an inheritance, legal settlement or prize will improve your financial fortunes.

Gemini HAPPY PARTNERSHIPS! This will be a great time to improve all your relationships and to commit to joint ventures. You can learn more about yourself and what makes you tick through your involvement in team efforts. Folks from different countries, creeds and cultures will expand your view of the world and broaden your horizons and there’s nothing you will love more than connecting with others. Working on a joint project could bring you favourable publicity that will have fortunate consequences. A wedding, engagement and forming a business partnership are all lucky possibilities.

Cancer BUSINESS LUCK! Tired of taking on jobs just to pay the bills or of getting paid peanuts for your work? It’s time for you to become captain of your ship. Your first priority should be to find a positive outlet for your talents. Jupiter encourages you to start looking for opportunities rather than focusing on disappointments. Moving to a different place, finding a better job or getting a promotion will prove fulfilling. The prospect of doing what you love will keep you optimistic and motivated. Be receptive to inner guidance and follow it without hesitation. Take small, progressive steps towards your goal.

Leo LOVE! This has the potential to be one of the most loving times of your life. Putting passion into everything you do as well as finding your own Love Island in life. Your spirit longs to express itself in creative ways. Playing music,painting, cooking, gardening and anything that inspires your imagination will reignite your passion for life. It doesn’t matter whether you are a professional or a beginner, what’s important is that you liberate your inner artist. Enrolling in a creative class and developing your raw talent will give your life purpose and meaning outside of work.

Virgo HOME LIFE! The more time you spend with your family, the wealthier you will feel, materially and spiritually. Although you are careful with your cash, putting money toward a home improvement project will add value to your home and make your daily life more comfortable. When you invest in your own happiness, you exude confidence and your family will enjoy spending more quality time with you. Reach out to relatives you haven’t seen recently and start planning a big family reunion. The warmth and affection you receive in return will remind you of what’s truly important.

Libra CEREBRAL BRILLIANCE! When you set your hand to do something you are always intent on doing it to the best of your ability. Jupiter is now offering you a chance to turn ideas into something tangible and worthwhile. When you believe in yourself and your decisions, you can convince anyone to do anything and your prospects for success grow stronger. You should move forward with new plans and ideas knowing you have some supportive friends with you every step of the way. Be sure to show your gratitude for any favours received. New friendships will take you down some interesting paths and it’s entirely possible you will be able to study abroad or take an exciting trip overseas.

Scorpio MONEY! Jupiter’s entry into Sagittarius will bring opportunities to improve your finances, build a better budget and longer-term security. A new source of income is on the way and unless you manage your money terribly which is unlikely, this will mean greater spending power and a little more cash to play around with after the necessities of life are taken care of. Remember too, that whatever you put out there comes back to you. Random acts of kindness will make a positive difference and there’s the added benefit of attracting abundance when you share your time and energy with others.

Sagittarius LUCKY YOU! Opportunity knocks! The spotlight is aimed directly at you and you shouldn’t shun its glare. Now is the perfect time for you to act on your inspirations. When new doors open, don’t delay in walking through because everything is in place and everyone is on your side to support a positive outcome. Sometimes it isn’t how you approach a situation that’s important but what really matters is that you put energy, action and intention into manifesting what you desire. Once you take the first step, wisdom & experience will guide you along the way.

Capricorn SPIRITUALITY! Things that once gave your life meaning no longer seem as important. Your values are changing and there’s never been a better time to make a fresh start. Whether this means relocating to a different city or changing careers is up to you. The important thing is to obey your intuition. Jupiter encourages you to summon your courage and usher in important changes. If you aren’t sure what to do, turn your attention inward and listen to your intuition. Once you set the wheel of change into motion, your confidence will soar.

Aquarius FORWARD TO THE FUTURE! Try to get a balance between giving and receiving. If you do all the giving and never take, some people will take advantage of your kindness. Being of service to others gives you a sense of purpose but it’s a mistake not to give yourself credit for all you do. When it comes to making money, Jupiter will be prompting you to be sure you are paid what you are worth. But the future’s where it’s at. Now is the time to plot and plan your course into the unknown. Hold your nerve, if things don’t work out immediately it’s not meant to be – but you’ll never want for long.

Pisces DESTINY CALLS! The sooner you set new long-term aims, the quicker you will be able to take advantage your ruling planet Jupiter (you share him with Sagittarius) has to offer. Pouring more energy into your career will pay dividends in 2019. Set a lofty goal and consider ways to move towards it. Learning a language, training in new areas and skills and picking up a qualification or two will bode well and will empower you, personally and professionally. Remember: you are the architect of your own fate and it is time to take control and your destiny calls you.


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Ben Affleck completes rehab

Actor and director Ben Affleck posted a heartfelt Instagram message thanking his family as he completed an intensive 40 day rehabilitation for alcohol addiction. He confirmed they he is continuing to receive outpatient care and said battling his addiction is a “full-time commitment”. He added “The support I have received from my family, colleagues and fans means more to me than I can say. It's given me the strength and support to speak about my illness with others.” "Battling any addiction is a lifelong and difficult struggle. Because of that, one is never really in or out of treatment. It is a full-time commitment.” "I am fighting for myself and my family. So many people have reached out on social media and spoken about their own journeys with addiction.” "To those people, I want to say thank you. Your strength is inspiring and is supporting me in ways I didn't think was possible. It helps to know I am not alone." Ben previously wrote about receiving treatment for alcohol addiction last year on Facebook: "I want to live life to the fullest and be the best father I can be. I want my kids to know there is no shame in getting help when you need it, and to be a source of strength for anyone out there who needs help but is afraid to take the first step.” He concluded: "As I've had to remind myself, if you have a problem, getting help is a sign of courage, not weakness or failure.”

Amelia - Psychic Pin: 6501 Amelia is an inherited psychic, clairsentient and empath. She gives straight forward and in depth readings without imposing on your free will.

David - Tarot Cards Pin: 6788 David is a fantastic tarot reader and has been practising his art for many years. He’s a very popular reader and has a vast array of regular callers.

Frances - Medium Pin: 6892 Frances is a Gifted Medium who has had years of experience and I would say she knows her stuff well.

Maura - Psychic Clairvoyant Pin: 6506 Maura is a Clairvoyant Psychic with over 20 years experience. Maura aims to enhance and encourage your positive thinking to guide you on your path of life. Maura uses Tarot Cards, Crystal Balls linked to your voice vibrations. Maura specialises in relationship and domestic outlooks

Call for a 1-2-1 Phone reading now! Call 0207 111 6162 to pay by Credit/Debit Card

Primark new beauty range

Primark’s new 20-piece skincare range launched in collaboration with ex-Glamour beauty director Alex Steinherr. Steinherr has worked closely with Primark for years so knows the brand and the customer inside our. Instead of working on skin types the Alex Steinherr x Primark Collection targets skin concerns such as dehydration, tiredness, dullness, pore congestion and skin affected by urban life.

The collaboration debuts with five ranges - Sleep Spa, Pore Balance, Maximum Moisture, Plump & Glow and Pollution Solution – each featuring mix and match products for a completely customisable skincare regime. The range offers on trend product application options to deliver skin care at home or on the go – from Plump & Glow’s Facial in a Stick to the Pore Balance Blemish Rescue Treatment Stickers – offering skincare that is both easy to understand and to use. And the best part is that no single item costs more than £5!

s r a d n e l a C t n e v d Luxury A ESTEE LAUDER Festively presented in a shimmering ruby star, this Limited Edition advent calendar boasts 25 drawers filled with iconic products from some of the world’s leading beauty brands such as Estée Lauder, Clinique, Origins, MAC, Bobbi Brown, Aveda, Bumble and bumble, Darphin, Smashbox, GLAMGLOW and Michael Kors. £150

HOTEL CHOCOLATE A grander gift. Countdown with daily luxuries, from Salted Caramel Vodka to zesty clementine, fragrant Cinnamon Bun to award-winning Cocoa Gin. £68

HARRODS Harrods Beauty Advent Calendar is full of luxe miniatures. From timeless classics including Acqua di Parma fragrances and Clarins hand cream to contemporary cult brands such as Huda Beauty. £250

CHARBONNEL ET WALKER Open the doors to a magical array of decorated paper characters with our Ballerina, Nobleman and his steed!. Each day is filled with a decadent drawer that opens with a sumptuous chocolate or truffle surprise. £55

CLINIQUE Bursting with the brand’s signature skincare, fragrance and make-up must-haves, including the Smart Night™ Custom-Repair Moisturizer, Pep-Start™ Eye Cream and Clinique Pop™ Lip Colour + Primer, it’s guaranteed to get loyal fans of the label and novices alike in the festive spirit. £76

Morgan - Tarot Cards Pin: 6931 Morgan is an excellent Tarot Card Reader who picks up with the greatest amount of accuracy on your past and your present and future.

John - Tarot Cards Pin: 6921 John is a Tarot Card Reader and has been psychic since being 8 years old. His approach is to convey information in a calm and relaxing manner.

Sapphire - Healer Pin: 8942 Sapphire is an internationally renowned intuitive healer and teacher. Working with her guides as a clairaudient and clairsentient reader.

Maddy - Clairvoyant Pin: 8940 Maddy is a truly remarkable clairvoyant and spiritual healer who will get to the heart of your problem, ensuring you have all the instruments you need to solve it. She does not beat about the bush, to save time she will ask you what you wish to focus on, so she can present you with a quick and ‘fluff free’ answer.

Call for a 1-2-1 Phone reading now! Call 0207 111 6162 to pay by Credit/Debit Card

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Philip Garcia’s L



You've had your fair share Your plans are practical but of troubles and it will do you wish you could come you good to focus on the up with some imaginative more light-hearted side of ideas. Just ask and friends life. Just because a friend and loved ones will share is going through a hard some great suggestions time and they aren't in the with you. Sharing fun mood to socialise doesn't times with talented people mean you can't have some will inspire your creativity. fun. Why feel guilty Switch on your best social because you are enjoying manner if you're meeting yourself and they aren't? someone who could pull You will do your best to be strings to help you there when someone achieve a cherished goal. needs a shoulder to cry Take this opportunity to on but you can't be there expand your social circle. for them every minute of Who you know is just as every day. important as what you know.

Gemini A relationship has come to an end and you are ready now to admit this. It will be a relief to be honest with yourself and your partner. You both know it is pointless continuing in a union that isn't working. Be as gentle as possible as you explain your feelings as change won't be easy but out of this there will be new relationships and new beginnings. Some friends may be shocked when you break away from a secure arrangement but this is your decision, not theirs.

Love Horoscopes




Be choosy about the Just because you need a You don't need to ask what people you are mixing with. little peace and privacy other people think. You someone close thinks you can trust your own judge- Someone who is miserable are sulking. It might take a ment. Friends will give you will not be good company and you will feel emotionallot of effort to convince advice but this will only ly drained whenever you them that they haven't confuse you. A partner upset you. Discussions to may not share your views. are together. Most happiness will come through help them understand how Disagreements over activities shared with you feel will take a lot of money, family and even cheerful, like-minded time and this will prevent favourite pastimes are friends. Are you single? you from getting the quiet likely to get you down. Agree to go out with moments on your own you There's no need for anysomeone who has an were hoping for. In the one to get emotional as end, you might give in and you are all entitled to your infectious laugh. They will light up your life in a big agree to join your partner own opinions. If people way. Be ready to let down or best friend on a night won't join you in your your defences with a out on the town. plans, don't doubt your romantic partner and open ability to get by on your your heart to love. own steam.

Philip Garcia’s L




You might find yourself doubting your partner or best friend but be careful about revealing your feelings. Are you letting your imagination run away with you? If you see someone where they aren't supposed to be or with a person you didn't realise they knew, ask about it the next time you see each other. They may have a perfectly logical explanation for not having told you about this meeting. If you are diplomatic, you will succeed in rectifying a misunderstanding.

Whatever your plans, you are full of energy and enthusiasm. You will move mountains to achieve your romantic aims. Your intuition is strong and your sensitive approach to a delicate situation will impress someone who didn't realise you could be so perceptive. Mid month is a good time to open discussions if you are thinking about making some changes. You need to know your partner is behind you before you can make a decision.

A new partner is getting serious and this makes you nervous. You aren't ready yet to commit to anything of a long-term nature. You've always valued your independence but you would be willing to join forces with someone who feels like the right person for you. If doubts keep coming into your mind, you should take this as a sign that it is too soon to agree to anything of a binding nature.

Love Horoscopes

Capricorn There is not a lot stopping you from achieving a cherished aim. You will be both delighted and grateful for the way family and friends are putting themselves out to be helpful and supportive. Are you single? The chance of a new relationship will put you in a dreamy mood. Amorous thoughts and images will invade your mind. If you already have a partner, they will have some wonderful news to share when you are least expecting it.



You are imagining that a Old faces are popping up relationship is over from the past. Are you without giving it a fair single? Beware of getting chance. If you and a new involved with an old partpartner have only dated a ner again. This relationship broke up for a reason. few times, give yourselves a chance to get to know A close friend will remind each other. Friendships you of all you went chop and change. You through. Their words will might find yourself mixing make you think twice with some eccentric before resuming a relationpeople who both motivate ship with an ex-lover. If and infuriate you. Your you are in a relationship, social life is full of variety avoid sensitive topics. and you could be offered Rather than continuing an opportunity that will with an argument, paint a bring you tremendous smile on your face and emotional satisfaction. find something else to talk about.

More reasons to drink tea

I feel I have done the whole drinking tea & coffee thing the wrong way round. Until a month ago, I never really drank tea or coffee at all. I always thought hot drinks were kind of a waste of time and effort. My theory was if you're thirsty, having a drink of water was much better for you and there wasn't really any benefit to having anything else instead. However, after realising I actually like the taste of tea and coffee, I have at least one cup most days. Having said that, I don't do so well with high levels of caffeine so I only drink decaffeinated coffee and herbal tea as this seems seems to sit better with me & my sensitive stomach! Here’s a list of 10 reasons you should be drinking good quality tea as well... Blindness prevention As tea contains high levels of antioxidants, it's no surprise that by drinking tea can actually help to prevent the blindness caused by cataracts. Reduced cortisol levels Cortisol is the stress hormone that contributes to things such as belly fat and makes your skin age quicker. A recent study showed approximately four cups of tea per day may make your cortisol levels more even. Anti-inflammatory Active compounds found in tea can help to lower the levels of inflammation. Inflammation can be connected to almost every ailment, including arthritis, metabolic syndrome and depression. It can also cause you to retain excess water and look puffy, especially around the eyes. Increased memory and concentration Research has shown that the combination of the ingredients caffeine and LTheanine that are found in tea, can improve your reaction time and memory,

while also increasing your focus and concentration. Reduced risk of strokes According to studies, drinking at around three cups of tea per day can result in a 21% reduction in the risk of strokes. Reduced risk of dementia A recent study shows also that tea acts on brain theta waves that improve memory and can also increase your attention span. Brighter Smiles Japanese researchers have found that tea can decrease tooth loss as it changes the pH in your mouth and may be what prevents cavities. Immune Boosting Studies have shown that tea can re-invigorate immune cells so they reach their targets quicker. Soothes the digestive system Herbal teas, in particular can be good for people who suffer with issues such as irritable bowel syndrome due to it's soothing properties. Calorie free Apparently tea has absolutely no calories in it at all so it’s a great alternative to water if you feel in need of a beverage but want something a little more interesting than water (NOTE - it's only calorie free when you don't add anything to it like sugar/milk).

The Lifestyle Blogger UK


Dreaming about driving a vehicle relates to your path in life and also the journey you have made since birth. This type of dream is a very clear indicator of how you are navigating your way through life and is often linked to specific decisions or major changes in your life, such as a new relationship, new job or a house move! The key basis of a driving dream relates to your need to control your own destiny and life. This type of dream is also very apparent in terms of its meanings. If you see yourself driving at night or not sure where you are driving too, suggests that you are unsure of where you are heading in your life and what you want to achieve or do for the long term. If you are experiencing issues or obstacles in your day to day life, this could be reflected in a driving dream in which roads are blocked or signposts are missing. This also indicates that you may know the solution but you are afraid to take the first brave step. These dreams are often your subconscious trying to give you a “nudge” to step back, be honest with yourself and then agree a solution or action plan to meet your own goals or to better your lot in life. Just make sure that you have all the facts before you make any decisions as a “blocking” dream can also indicate that some information is being held back from you so you could make a decision based on incomplete information – so beware! See yourself in the driving seat and it’s a warning not to gamble for at least 2-3 weeks as you could lose everything. If someone else is driving, then you could be in for a small windfall. If you’re driving and put your foot down to accelerate signifies you will achieve your aims through your own efforts. If the accelerator is jammed or out of control beware of a bad habit as it could turn into a vice. The faster an engine is in your dreams the more trials and tribulations will come your way. But if the engine stops, success will be yours. A broken engine means delays thanks to someone else’s interference, but you will get there in the end. If the engine is overheating, you need to slow down in your life.

A car accident is a warning not to travel more than necessary for a while. But any kind of crash heralds a big achievement. The bigger the crash, the more you will achieve. To dream of a near miss represents your ambitions in life. You might have experienced a traumatic situation which has left you wounded and your ego and personality has been knocked. Put on the brakes in a car and you will get an offer that means more responsibility. Noisy or failed brakes mean you must think very carefully before accepting a new offer. There could well be a hidden snag. If you come to a crossroads it means exactly what you would imagine. You will soon have to make an important decision so listen to advice. If there is a fork in the road you will soon have to make a choice. If the road is straight then good progress is predicted. But bumpy, narrow or winding roads and you will have to overcome obstacles. Seeing road signs along the road means small changes are going to happen to you.

If you dream that you are in a parked car this suggests that you need to re-focus your energy on a new aspect of your life as your current situation will be a waste of time and energy. In addition, if you dream that you can’t find your parked car suggests you are lost in the world and you need to find a new role or direction in life. See yourself driving a car for the first time in a long time suggests you are now back in control of your own life. If you dream that your car is stolen this indicates that you feel as if your personality is being taken away from you. This could relate to a relationship, your work or perhaps a recent job loss.

To help remember your dreams, try keeping a dream diary. On waking, don’t get out of bed or even change position. Keep a note pad/pen at your bedside and record everything you can remember.

Sir David Attenborough brings you Dynasties Follow the true stories of five of the world's most celebrated, yet endangered animals; penguins, chimpanzees, lions, painted wolves and tigers. Each in a heroic struggle against rivals and against the forces of nature, these families fight for their own survival and for the future of their dynasties. Our planet is changing at an extraordinary rate and the habitats these animals live in are under increasing pressure, not least from the impact of humanity itself. Travel from the plains of Africa to the jungles of India, from the edge of the Sahara to the frozen wastes of Antarctica. Watch leaders battling rivals for their crown, feuds tearing families apart and parents risking their lives to protect offspring from the coldest and cruellest winter on earth. Five extraordinary animals in heroic battles against the odds, Dynasties, the most intimate and intense stories of their kind ever told. “After making Planet Earth II, it’s very exciting to now have the chance to show another, and I think even more intense and gripping, perspective on the lives of our planet’s most impressive yet vulnerable creatures,” said producer Mike Gunton of the series. The stunning-looking series has followed the families over a three-year period. “I am not going to go into detail but I can tell you there will be some fairly dark moments and we won’t tidy it up,” said Attenborough. Credit: BBC

A coat that grows with your baby bump

When you’re pregnant, buying a coat can be expensive and difficult and your clothes no longer fit as your baby bump grows, this clever coat could be for you as it actually grows as your grow. The parka styled coat is from Zip Us In and includes a removable and adjustable front panel that sits around your bump and expands as you progress through your pregnancy. The coat is available in sizes 8 to 16 and is fully lined and has lower zip pockets, a faux fur hood and three adjustable toggles. Zip Us In posted a comment on their Instagram

“Women in the UK spend on average £130 on maternity clothes!! for clothing that lasts just a few months. Huge waste of both cash and fabric! Let’s start by changing a little of that, a maternity coat is no longer necessary! Whether you add one of our panels to the jacket you already love or select our 3-in-1 jacket, the outerwear you chose in pregnancy should last far longer than just 9 months!!” After you’ve given birth, you can also have the top of the panel open and have it fastened around your baby in a carrier, wrap or sling. Credit: Zip Us In/Instagram

All-star presenter line-up announced for BBC Children in Need 2018

Stand-up comedian and presenter Rob Beckett is set to join Graham Norton, Tess Daly, Mel Giedroyc, Ade Adepitan, Rochelle and Marvin Humes in presenting BBC Children in Need’s 2018 Appeal show on BBC One. Broadcast live from the BBC’s Elstree studios on Friday 16 November, the night will feature an all-star line-up as they work together to help raise money for disadvantaged children and young people across the UK.

Long-term supporter and presenter of BBC Children in Need Graham Norton says: “I love presenting the live show of BBC Children in Need, and I look forward to a night full of celebrating some of most brave and inspirational children.” Hosting BBC Children in Need for the first time, Rob Beckett says: “I am so excited to be presenting BBC Children in Need this year. It’s a British institution and a wonderful charity, so to be asked to help out is a huge honour. Credit: BBC Children In Need

Paul O’Grady For The Love Of Dogs

Animal lover extraordinaire Paul O’Grady is back for a brand new eight-part series at Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, ready to meet a whole new round of canine faces. Series 7 of the BAFTA-nominated programme will be filled with laughter and tears in equal measure, as Paul is faced with more abandoned and stray dogs, meets a few canine heroes and falls in love with some precious puppies along the way.

some dogs to spread some cheer in a retirement home. Paul meets a badly injured Saluki who was found abandoned at the side of the road. Feeling sad at the sight of him, Paul says: “It’s rotten. There’s always so much I want to say when I see a dog in this condition, but I can’t on camera. But you know what I’m thinking at home. How can you let a dog get in this state? It’s not fair.”

Paul meets a dentally challenged Shih ‘For The Love of Dogs’ returns to ITV 8pm on Wednesday 7th November Tzu looking for a companion, a Yorkshire terrier riddled with fleas and he takes Credit: ITV

Leonie “I have been at my current job for nearly a year. There seems to be one or two who make my job hard. Will I stay there? Will these women ever be nice to me..?” Saturn in her chart shows she has learned how a good salary can be earned through discipline and hard work. Her confidence has grown as a result of her recent career experiences. As a Piscean, with Venus in Capricorn and Saturn in Virgo, Leonie is also extremely resourceful and able to draw on her skills and expertise to do a great job. She has colleagues who respect her and appreciate her friendship but Neptune reveals there are some who envy Leonie’s creativity and success. Leonie will always exercise compassion towards colleagues, even those who try to make life difficult for her. She is highly intuitive but she should be careful not to read too much into other people’s words or behaviour over the months ahead.

Johanna “Every time, the Moon goes through my birth sign Libra, my physical & mental energy is so depleted. Why is that?” Johanna is a Libran with the Moon in Pisces. This makes her very sensitive to the environment. Johanna is an empath and she soaks in the emotions and moods of others, often experiencing them as if they were her own. When she is surrounded by people, she can become overwhelmed with emotions as she becomes unconsciously affected by other people’s energies. When the Moon goes through Libra, she is even more likely to be aware these different energies and spending time on her own is one way to recuperate. If Johanna avoids people whose company seems to drain her most, and imagines placing a protective, clear bubble around her repelling all negative energy that comes into her aura, she might find it easier to cope with the different phases of the moon.


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Russell Grant magazine is published every month by Russell Grant Astrology Limited Russell Grant Astrology Limited PO Box 322 Altrincham Cheshire WA14 2WE Email: Managing Editor : Kelvin Jay For advertising enquiries please email

Photo Credits: BBC, Instagram, Netflix, Urban Outfitters, Primark, Estee Lauder, Hotel Chocolate, Harrods, Charbonnel Et Walker, Clinique, Mango, Top Shop, Very, Zip Us In, BBC Children In Need and ITV Contributors: Russell Grant, Philip Garcia, Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg and The Lifestyle Blogger UK The views within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Articles and advertisements are for information only and should not replace medical or professional guidance. For Entertainment only. Š RUSSELL GRANT ASTROLOGY LIMITED &

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