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September Horoscopes from Russell Grant

Full Moon on the 2nd


New Moon on the 17th


Your professional diligence results in a promotion or maybe even a new job offer as September gets up and running. A spiritual breakthrough will also occur around this time, courtesy of a revelatory Full Moon. Performing work that appeals to your conscience will become increasingly important. Don’t push a loved one into a decision on the 4 th ; it’s best to respect their feelings and boundaries. Relationship matters will improve on the 5 th , when it becomes easier to discuss your true feelings. Be ready to withdraw some angry remarks on the 9 th ; it’s time to appreciate how your words have contributed to a stressful situation. A stalled career opportunity will move forward on the 13 th , paving the way for a long-term contract on the 14 th . The New Moon on the 17 th prompts you to assume more responsibilities at work. Enjoy a romantic outing on the 29 th , even if it means cancelling an appointment. Put more emphasis on your personal happiness, rather than other less intimate areas of your life.


A new venture at the start of September will have a transforming effect on your outlook. Prepare to have some of your assumptions challenged. The Full Moon on the 2 nd brings exciting news about a group venture; you could be named the most valuable player. Flattery will get you nowhere on the 4 th ; it’s better to tell the truth, no matter how grim or daunting the prospect. Spending more time at with loved ones is advised starting on the 6 th ; this is a great time to rearrange furniture and redecorate. An educational endeavour on the 9 th could put you on the path to romance so be sure to join online study groups and share your thoughts and ideas with those who are learning with you. Resist the temptation to burst a relative’s bubble on the 15 th ; it’s better to let them learn from their own mistakes. On the 17 th , the New Moon marks a turn of events in your love life; you could be getting engaged or married. If you have a partner, enjoy a romantic rendezvous on the 29 th .


The first day of September is perfect for applying for a grant, loan or scholarship; you’ll receive money that relieves a great deal of pressure. The Full Moon on the 2 nd marks a wonderful career achievement; you may be able to work from home or land a position with a big pension. An older relative whom you respect will offer you some excellent advice on the 3 rd ; listen carefully and follow it. Your flirtatious personality will come out in full force starting on the 5 th . Be realistic about your professional ambitions on the 11 th ; it may be necessary to get more training before taking on a role with more responsibility. The New Moon presents an ideal opportunity to buy or sell a piece of property. This transaction will lead to long-term financial security. Don’t let a friend push you into a decision on the 24 th ; continue to explore your options. Embarking on a health regimen on the 27 th will have an excellent effect on your well-being.


A powerful alliance brings your creative work before the public at the outset of September; enjoy all the wonderful success that seems set to follow. On the 2 nd , the Full Moon could find you collecting a diploma, winning praise for your attitude to your job or returning to half-forgotten routines. The things you have learned will make you more optimistic, attracting golden opportunities at every turn. A business partnership on the 3 rd allows you to move in exalted circles. Don’t argue with an irritable official on the 4 th ; just nod and smile at their outrageous requests. You’ll probably get an apology from this hothead on the 9 th . Your love life will move into more adventurous territory on the 13 th ; and, amongst other things, you’ll embrace the upcoming changes. The New Moon on the 17 th brings wonderful news about a partnership; you could hear about an engagement or elopement. Go out and celebrate with friends. Don’t allow family members to comment on your personal life on the 21 st .


The Full Moon at the start of the month marks a passionate encounter that rekindles an almost forgotten amorous aspiration. People will ask what could possibly have happened to make you so joyful. Your charisma will become even more powerful starting on the 6 th , prompting you to attract would be wooers at every turn. If you’re single, you could meet someone special in an unusual, maybe even unexpected setting. If you have a partner, you should let your lover pamper and pet you. A plum position will be handed to you on the 9 th ; this role will greatly improve your financial picture. Don’t fall for a sob story on the 11 th ; it’s best to keep your money safely in the bank, where it belongs. A health regimen pays off on the 14 th , prompting you to buy fashionable new clothes. On the 17 th , the New Moon attracts a fresh moneymaking opportunity that greatly enhances your quality of life.


A powerful romantic attraction is worth pursuing as sensual September begins. If you’re single, you’ll fall head over heels in love with an accomplished person you will admire and respect. Are you in a relationship? Your amour will give you a memorable gift. The Full Moon on the 2 nd marks an exciting turning point in an intimate relationship; somebody close could be about to get engaged or married. Be ready to negotiate a pay rise and price reductions starting on the 5 th , when you’ll be looking for ways to increase your bottom line. Resist the urge to criticise a good friend or romantic partner on the 9 th ; give them unconditional love instead. Your powers of attraction will be irresistible on the 14 th ; use them to win someone’s heart. On the 17 th , the New Moon will prompt you to change and update your image. Your new look will make you a hot commodity where love and romance are concerned. The end of the month is ideal for launching a new project.


Positive changes in your home life will give you greater peace of mind on the 1 st while the Full Moon on the 2 nd , could mark a turning point with your health; at long last, you’ll feel healthier, happier and filled with a new vitality. Don’t listen to a resentful relative who underplays this breakthrough. Your best friend or romantic partner will expect you to drop everything for their benefit on the 4 th ; don’t fall victim to this guilt trip. Life will take on a more encouraging and hopeful prospect starting on the 6 th ; expect lots of unexpected opportunities to pour in. The terms of a close relationship will be renegotiated on the 9 th ; be assertive about your needs. An unexpected expense will put a dent in your bank balance on the 15 th . The New Moon on the 17 th invites you to rest, relax and reflect in a secluded setting. A relaxing break away from routines and responsibilities is strongly advised. A romantic encounter makes you feel like you’re walking on air as October draws near.


People are receptive to your ideas at the start of September making this a great time to present a bold proposal. On the 2 nd , the Full Moon helps you put the finishing touches on a beautiful crafted creative project. You will get lots of rave reviews for this work, causing a wealthy person to become your sponsor. Use any and every opportunity to attend public events starting on the 6 th ; you’ll turn heads wherever you go. You could be asked to take the helm of a group of friends or fellow workers on the 14 th ; people trust you to handle resources efficiently and effectively. Be willing to take time off work on the 15 th for the sake of your best friend or romantic partner. The New Moon on the 17 th helps you realise a cherished dream you’ve had since childhood. This achievement will be empowering. Don’t reveal secrets on the 21 st ; it’s critical to maintain the trust of those who matter most to you.


Use your powers of persuasion to apply for a pay rise on the 1 st . List all the reasons you are worth your weight in gold and you will get your just reward. The Full Moon on the 2 nd is perfect for finalising a property deal. If you are aiming to move to a new area, you should search for an idyllic place near the water. A business presentation will result in a lucrative contract on the 9 th ; people appreciate how you bolster your claims with reliable facts and figures. It may be necessary to cancel personal plans for the sake of career commitments on the 11 th ; try not to dwell on any disappointment this might bring. Money will begin to flow freely into your life during the middle of September; start making plans for what you will do with all this newfound wealth. On the 17 th , the New Moon marks an exciting career development; you could move to a new office or leave work for an early retirement.


A legal or official issue will be decided in your favour during the early days of September, allowing you to move forward with your own personal plans and professional projects. On the 2 nd , the Full Moon finds you returning to pre-set routines and responsibilities; you might even have missed them a little while you were away from them. If you already have a partner, you’ll notice that your bond has become stronger. The 3 rd is excellent for making career commitments and even more travel plans for times to come. A kind gesture on the 9 th will soon be rewarded; listen to your generous impulses. It will be easier to realise your dreams starting on the 13 th ; think big. You’ll do very well with an academic or publishing matter on the 14 th ; your work will earn fame and acclaim. On the 17 th , the New Moon invites you to expand your horizons. This will be an excellent time to broaden your knowledge base. Starting on the 29 th , you’ll be showing all concerned just how effective a leader you can be.


An inheritance, legal settlement or insurance pay-out looks likely to arrive greatly improving your financial situation at the start of the month. Use this money to gain a greater measure of privacy and independence. The Full Moon on the 2 nd brings the potential of a big paycheque or bonus, allowing you to make some long-awaited home improvements. If you’re thinking about moving, you’ll find an ideal situation in an offbeat neighbourhood. Your love life takes a turn for the better starting on the 6 th . If you’re single, you’ll meet someone special at a concert, movie or play. If you have a partner you should get into the habit of lavishing your lover with affection. Don’t let family interfere with your personal life on the 15 th ; protect your best friend or romantic partner from a meddling relative. On the 17 th , the New Moon finds you enjoying more private time with your favourite folk. Let down your defences with someone who has earned and deserves your trust.


A friend will invite you to join them in an unusual venture or activity that looks likely to bring you some of the success and happiness you feel you deserve at the start of the month. On the 2 nd , the Full Moon finds you taking the initiative and making more time for yourself, rather than waiting on others. This is also an opportune time to begin work on a project that you have been preparing for some time. Beware of trying to buy someone’s affection on the 4 th ; if someone truly loves you, they won’t need to be lured with expensive gifts. A childhood dream is within reach on the 9 th and taking a gamble will pay off handsomely. Be realistic about a relationship on the 11 th and resist the temptation to put a business or romantic partner on a pedestal. The New Moon on the 17 th could mark an engagement, marriage or professional alliance that will be a cause for celebration. Making money from your artistic ability is a definite possibility as October draws near, but there may be some strings or drawbacks involved.

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