is a powerful skill; architecture allows one to make
ideas come alive. I have had a fascination with functional art
and design, light and space. The accelerating growth of
caused by profound changes in the world has truly influenced my work and the
work of architects that i have studied. This portfolio contains projects, sketches, art work and ideas that i have created through countless all-nighters and
Something that i have come to understand is that architects build not only comfortable and solid, but also environment- and human-friendly buildings that will make the future better for all, with that in mind i strive to steer my creativity towards a path.
Kevin Vazquez
Communicate aspects of
architecture that inspires one through a compostion of a found object, images, drawings, sketchs and text of Chicago to help understand where ideas come from Found Object -Rusted Metal -Marvel Tiles
-Unexpected -Complex Layers -Organizing Elements
-The way the city is seen as one walks through it
Model and render the
exterior and interior of an architects design by using 3ds MAX design and the buildings plan and section to accurately create a 3d model
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To create a space with a tranquil atmosphere by
diffusing light through skewed planes. the effect resembles that of natural light protruding the clouds, creating different tones accentuated by a pure white surface
To create a samll gathering space
within a courtyard. Then to draft a plan, section, and a hand-rendered drawing with shade and
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A place that has natural and city
views through the structure by using framed views to enhance the teaching of the
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Gallery, studio and residence in one struture to serve as a model for urban living in the 21st century, providing public spaces, private work studio spaces, and a living space for a visiting artist by the overlapping of different geometrical platforms to create a sense of floating architecture
Unify three
spaces that
introuduce the
surrunding nature into the
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Floor Plan
Kevin Kevin Vazquez Vazquez Education College Of DuPage Pre-Architecture Program, AAS Work Experience 2010-2011, Marketing Internship Company: AGILe Responsibilities: Photoshop Reviewer 2009-2011, Jeweler Company: Bermos Jewelry Responsibilities: Gold Tester Computer skills
Address: 4 Yorkshire Woods, Oak Brook, IL 60523 Phone: 630-401-7165 E-mail:
AutoCAD Revit Sketch Up Microsoft Office Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator 3ds Max Design Lightroom Bridge Honors Alpha Beta Gamma Honors Society