Rose 23

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Inviting Wisdom into our lives and churches Emmanuel Church W Athens, Georgia

Cover Index Issue, 2014/Issue 23

Glen Williams

The Rose at Emmanuel Retires

The Path Opens for The Rose in the World


A Word From Emmanuel

The Rose

After twelve years of support for The Rose, a new dream and a new adventure await

Inviting Wisdom into our lives and churches

Cover Index Issue 23, 2014

all those who have availed themselves to the wisdom contained in this publication. Many writers, many shared thoughts and lots of financial support have made this dream a reality. Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Athens has been proud to give birth to The Rose and today is proud to let it go. May the light of God's Holy Spirit guide all of your tomorrows!

Editor Peggy Thrasher Law Assistant Editor Sarah Norton Editor-In-Chief (Issues 2-15) Contributing Editor (Issues 1,16-23) Joyce Rockwood Hudson

The Rev. Robert Salamone


Founding Editor Wanda Krewer, 1951-2007 Assisting Proofreaders for this Issue Don Law, Suzanne Reamy, Heidi Simmonds Graphic Design Peggy Thrasher Law Logo Design Charles Hudson III

Subscribe to

The Rose In The World $15.00 minimum price for annual February issue. Mail form on page 31 with check, name and address to:

The Rose In The World PO BOX 144 Bishop, GA 30621

Donate to

The Rose In The World

The Rose is also supported by contributions beyond the subscription price. Make checks payable to: The Rose In The World Mail to: PO BOX 144 Bishop, GA 30621

Back Issues of The Rose View & print back issues at

Submissions Policy

Articles range from 100 to 3,000 words. Digital submission is preferred. Material should be appropriate to the mission of The Rose. All submissions should be sent no later than October 16, 2014 to:


To publish anything appearing in this issue, you must obtain permission from the author (or artist) by writing to The Rose. Reasonable copying of material for educational purposes is permitted. Cover Art

by Glen Williams

Back Art

by Adrienne Lynch Printed on recycled paper


Our life is an apprenticeship to the truth, that around every circle another can be drawn; that there is no end in nature, but every end is a beginning; that there is always another dawn risen on mid-noon, and under every deep a lower deep opens. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Circles.”

The Rose you hold in your hands is the last to be published under the auspices of the

Natural Spirituality program at Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Athens,GA. The Rose at Emmanuel is retiring. The path opens for The Rose in the World! This new independent journal will be available for purchase by subscription and will be published annually in February, a good time for seeds to turn in the ground! Issues will be expanded to 40 pages, a nice Biblical number, and will include The Haden Institute Summer Dream and Spirituality Conference keynote lectures as well as community-wide submissions. The Rose in the World will continue to connect dream groups all over the country and abroad, and will provide a forum for our faith communities engaged in constellating inner work in their daily walk with God. The bright Sarah Norton is joining as the Assistant Editor, and I will continue as the Editor-in-Chief. To subscribe for 2015, see details on page 31. It is a new day, and we are poised for a magnificent adventure. The mysterious figure on the cover of this issue is a provocative image for this transition we find ourselves in at The Rose. In solitude, the robed figure unswervingly heads into the unknown, numinous with possibility. As is always the way with The Rose, the choice of the cover image is bathed in synchronicity. I have had the artwork in my files for many years. It is by retired priest and professor, Glen Williams of Traverse City, MI. He created the drawing in response to his reading, Dark Wood toWhite Rose: Journey and Transformation in Dante’s Divine Comedy by esteemed Jungian teacher Helen Luke, with whom he met for counseling sessions for thirteen years. In Issue2 of The Rose, Glen tells the poignant story of his planting rose bushes given to him by Helen Luke toward the end of her life. The very first blossom was a beautiful white rose. When I sent the cover to Joyce to ponder, she had just received a message from her cousin in Traverse City, who recounted a meaningful meeting with Glen Williams in 2002 at Grace Episcopal Church. Her cousin had been enthralled by the story of Helen’s rose bushes just at the time Joyce was beginning a fledgling newsletter called The Rose. And so, in a marvelous and resplendent full circle synchronicity, the path opens in 2014 for a new season of The Rose. “Around every circle another can be drawn.” Thank you to Emmanuel Episcopal Church, to the rectors past and present who have offered a word and a blessing, Rev.Peter Courtney, Rev. Mandy Brady, and Rev. Robert Salamone; to Melissa Fulcher for administrative support and to Karen Holland for her eternal good cheer in handling the finances; to members of The Rose Board and leaders of the Natural Spirituality program, Agnes Parker and Heidi Simmonds; to every member of Emmanuel’s time-honored dream groups; to Janet Robertson for proclaiming that I could be an editor; to Lane Norton, Sted Mays, Martha DeBaugrine, Carol Downs, Robin Johnson, Laura Sampson, Allison Grant, Lisa Foreman, Sara Baker and Beth Zorbanos for unwavering encouragement; to Patti Frankel, Helen Brandenburg, Joyce Diltz, Suzanne Reamy, Cathy Zeph, Nikki Chenault, Rachelle Oppenhuizen, Heidi Darr-Hope, Jeremy Taylor, Cathy Smith Bowers and Chelsea Wakefield for kind words from afar; to the late Betty Sheerer and the Winterville dream group, Aline Robolin, Martha Jo Smith, Nancy Carter, Margaret Strahl, Virginia Carver, Jocelyn Deal, and the late Charlotte Reinke; to Bob Haden and the Haden Institute; to Susan Sims-Smith and Larry Maze at Seedwork; to Coleman Barks for the open-ended use of the beloved Rumi poetry; to all the poets, writers, and artists who have enriched The Rose; to the two troops of “monkeys” for financial undergirding; and to Don Law and my dear family. Lastly, we offer gratitude for Wanda Krewer’s initial inspiration, and to Joyce Rockwood Hudson, whose midwifery birthed The Rose. We are deeply beholden to Joyce for "inviting Wisdom into our lives and churches" with an ardor that has nurtured The Rose at Emmanuel for lo these many moons. In you, dear Joyce, Sophia is well pleased.

The Rose at Emmanuel Retires/Issue 23

Peggy Thrasher Law

Watkinsville, GA

A NOTE FROM Joyce Rockwood Hudson


The Rose In The World

The Rose is The Rose

There is nothing else on the planet like The Rose. There This is a very exciting time for The Rose and I am honored are plenty of Jungian societies and Jungian periodicals. There are even more churches, synagogues, and mosques putting out traditional religious periodicals. But there is not another periodical in the world that puts Jungian inner work together with traditional religion. The result is something more than either traditional religion or Jungian psychology. It is a new synergy, a new way of being religious, a new way of being Jungian. How to describe these new ways? The Rose reflects a new way of being religious in that Jungian inner work brings God’s revelation—God’s incarnation—into the present in a real way that produces an ongoing stream of epiphany and wonder. The Rose is aware of our scriptural heritage and often refers to it, but the focus of The Rose is not on the wonders of God’s revelation in the past but on the wonders of God’s revelation today. Dreamwork, synchronicity, and other aspects of a Jungianeducated dialogue with the unconscious make this possible. The Rose reflects a new way of being Jungian in that it is overtly religious.The Rose tells stories of God, not of psychology. It does use Jungian psychology—indeed, it embraces it—but it does not share the Jungian world’s claim to be beyond traditional religion, and thus beyond traditional religious language. The Rose is a remarkably intelligent religious publication, and yet it does not take so high an intellectual and scientific approach as a Jungian periodical does. It is not so dry as that. It has more soul, more heart. That The Rose has existed for thirteen years solely on contributions from its readers, and especially on fairly large contributions from a dedicated core of readers, is nothing short of amazing. This dedicated core—the Monkeys and Super Monkeys—who have steadfastly given their money to support The Rose, have done so because they recognize the value of the rich new land that The Rose is helping to bring into existence. They know this land to be nothing less than newly discovered territory in the Kingdom of God. They themselves have settled down to live in this new place, and they want to help others discover it, too. The Rose at Emmanuel has not run out of money. These Monkeys and Super Monkeys would keep on giving for as long as they were asked. But those of us who have been in charge of taking in their money have come to feel that this way of supporting The Rose has run its course. These 150 or so faithful donors should not forever be asked to fund The Rose for the more than 3,000 people who receive it. We think the readership are ready to carry their own load for The Rose. The Rose is unique because it reports on a unique new territory, a land of overtly religious people dedicated to the soul-enriching, life-enhancing fruits of Jungian inner work. For more than a decade The Rose has played a key role in creating community in this new land, and it will continue to do so for years to come.

Joyce Rockwood Hudson

Frankfort, KY

and blessed to be joining the line of courageous and brilliant editors of this publication. In many ways, this seems, to me, to hearken back to the days of the master and his apprentice; each of us comes forward into our own voice and space in this publication thanks to the guiding hand of those who came before us. In many ways, this is in keeping with another part of my life, the PhD student. This winter I embark on the journey of dissertation writing, taking my place in the line of scholarship of Depth Psychology following in the footsteps of James Hillman, Marion Woodman, Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung, and many others straight back to the alchemists and beyond. I am excited to embark on this journey with The Rose and my scholarly journey simultaneously and look forward to where each may take me. As the assistant editor to The Rose in the World, or as we will still affectionately call it, The Rose, I will be focused not only on assisting the editor with the publication itself but also in literally taking The Rose into the world more widely. I will be working on building a website for The Rose where we hope to have digital copies available and at some point a digital issue complete with color illustrations. For those of you who have known this publication from the beginning, my hope is to assist in the ongoing mission of inviting wisdom into every aspect of life. Sophia will continue to be our guide as we move forward. In that spirit, here is a quote about the divine feminine from Jung that has inspired me as I imagine where The Rose can take us:

As the matrix, the vessel, the earth, she can be interpreted allegorically as the rotundum, … as the globe with the four quarters,… as the “four-square” Heavenly City, or the ‘flower of the sea, in which Christ lies hidden’--in a word, as a mandala. This according to the Tantric idea of the lotus, is feminine…The lotus is the eternal birthplace of the gods. It corresponds to the Western rose in which the King of Glory sits, often supported by the four evangelists, who correspond to the four quarters. (C.G. Jung, 1938, Collected Works vol. 11, ¶ 123) In this spirit of wholeness, wisdom, and connection, The Rose in the World will be lovingly nurtured into its new

form over the following months. The familiar Rose we all know will continue to blossom and begin to root even more deeply into the widening lotus of the world it can become. I hope you will continue to accompany us on this journey.


Sarah Norton

Washington, DC

Cover Index Issue, 2014


Table of Contents A Look Back

Page 5—Natural Spirituality Programs Pages 6-27—Cover Index, Issues 1-22 of The Rose Page 28-29—"Monkeys We Have Known and Loved! " Page 30—Retreats and Conferences Page 31—Subscribe to The Rose In the World!

Listed here in alphabetical order is a roster of the authors, artists, and poets who have offered their fine and eloquent work to The Rose. After each name you will find the issue number or numbers in which work appears. It is an impressive list! Yehoshua’ Abelson(#4), Elizabeth Ansley Allan(#1,6), Robert Moore Allen(#10), Jennifer Andrus(#3,4), The Reverend Lauren Artress(#2,3), Janet Atkins(#16), Sara Baker(#16,21), The Reverend John Baldwin(#7), Sara Baldwin(#21), Beverly Bardsley(#5,18), Coleman Barks(#22), Coleman Barks’ translations of Rumi(#10,16,19-22), Robert Barton-Clegg(#3), Deborah Barwise(#2), The Reverend Brewster Beach(#4), Schalom Ben-Chorin(#4), Doug Bennett(#15), Thomas Berry(#19), Betty Beshoar(#19), Charles Bjorklund(#18,21), Tina Bodiak(#2,4,7), Wade Bond(#8), Becky Bonham(#12), Karen Bonner(#3), Julie Jones Boulée(#19), Robert Boury(#5,7), Cathy Smith Bowers(#7,13,15,22), The Very Reverend Mandy Brady(#5,8,9,10), Helen Brandenburg(#3,5,8), Judy Brown(#19), Mary Jo McGee Brown(#5), The Reverend Quincy Brown(#7,10), Martha Browning(#1,2), Bill Caddick(#20), Deborah Carter(#19), Nancy Carter(#1,19), Raymond Carver(#22), Virginia Carver(#2,3,5,6,7,17), Miriam Chaikin(#2,3,5,7,8,10,12,14), Nikki Chenault(#16), Darby Christopher(#12), Aleshka Szypulski Cleveland (#12), Angie Cooper(#2), Kevin LeTroy Copeland(#2,3,6,7,8,10,12), The Reverend William Countryman(#2), The Reverend Peter Courtney(#1-7), Ann J. Cowan(#12), Meinrad Craighead(#17), Sylvia Dains(#8), Heidi Darr-Hope(#17,18,20), Joan Davis(#2,4,5), Dale Davis(#12), The Reverend Canon Charles M. Davis, Sr.(#18), Carol Downs(#3,5), Jim Dyke(#2), Diane Ehlers(#8), Normandi Ellis(#22), Paula Engelhorn(#7,16), Mike Epps(#14), Sharole Ewing(#21), Frank Farrar(#1,3-6,8,10), The Reverend Sean Ferrell(#2), Susanne F. Fincher(#18), Judge Vic Fleming(#1,2,3,5,6,21), Lauren Flowers(#3), Doug Francis(#13,14), Patricia Frankel(#12,16,18,22), Marna Franson(#14), Claire Gaus(#12), Marty Gegner(#14), Tom Gibbs(#21), Andy Glogower(#21), Peg Gotthold(#10), Carrie Graves(#18,22), Ike Griffin(#4), The Reverend Barry Griffin(#1,6), The Reverend Bob Haden(#5-9,11,13,15,17), Mary Anne Haden(#19,20), Kimberly D. Hallum(#4), Trey Harden(#2), Neal Hellman(#8,16), Jeanie Henegar(#5), Laura Hileman(#2), Debbie Hooper(#14), Gerard Manley Hopkins(#22), Bob Hoss(#11,15,17,19), Mary How(#18), Charles Hudson  III(#16-23), Joyce Rockwood Hudson(#1-15,17,19,20,23), Matt Humphrey(#2), Ann King(#18), Jeff Kirby(#10), Sheri Kling(#16), The Reverend Jeff Kohn(#7), Wanda Krewer(#1,12), Elsie Kukkonen(#6), The Reverend Walter J. Kukkonen(#1,6), Rabbi Irwin Kula(#3), Angela Cheryl Kulynych(#1,3), Peggy Thrasher Law(#15-23), Jim Lever(#2), The Reverend Greg Little(#16), Linda Lowe(#6), Adrienne Lynch(#1-15,23), Jessie Lyons(#18), Talullah Lyons(#4,5,12,18), Jim Marcotte(#18), Dawna Markova(#16), Alison Buchanan-Junuy Maruwan(#16), Sted Mays(#18,22), The Rt. Reverend Larry Maze(#2,9,11,13,15,16,17, 19,20,21), Minta McDavid(#1),The Reverend Dr. J. Pittman McGehee(#22), Diana McKendree(#8,9,11,13,19,20), Nan C. Merrill(#7), The Reverend Thomas Morris(#3), Hadley Morris(#5,6), Karlene Mostek(#21), The Reverend N. Patrick Murray(#4,5,6,8), Beverly Musgrave(#22), Mark Nepo(#20), Sandie Nicholson(#3), Rachel Norment(#18), Lane Turner Norton(#20,21), Sarah Norton(#18,23), Barbara Odil(#18), Susan Olson(#1), Rachelle Oppenhuizen(#18), Pilar Pages(#21), Agnes Parker(#2-5,7,8,14,16), Sallie Parks(#7), Sarah Pattison(#21,22), Jan Peterson(#7,8), The Reverend Taylor Phillips(#2), Kyran Pittman(#3,4,10,12), Robert Pullen(#4,6,10,21), Dr. Jamie Rasche(#1-4,14,21), Jane Ray(#20), Suzanne Reamy(#1,4,16), Rachel Naomi Remen(#6), Ruth Reynolds(#5), Elizabeth RichardsonWhealy(#18), Lisa Rigge(#18), Janet Robertson(#5,15-18, 21), C. Anthony Robinson(#8), Dr. Rik Rouquie(#17), The Reverend Robert Salamone (#10-18,20,21,23), Dr. Paul Salstrom(#14), Olive Schreiner(#9), Daryl Sharp(#3,6), Heidi Simmonds(#10,16,21), Sherry Simon(#3,5,6), The Reverend Susan Sims-Smith(#1-6, 8-13,15,19,20), Sheree Sloop(#18), Martha Jo Fulmer Smith(#18), Robin Smith(#22), Alice Smith(#22), J. Gary Sparks(#14,17,19), The Reverend Francis Spataro(#14), Sally Wells Spencer(#3), Carey Stone(#1), Pierrette R. Stukes(#21), Connie Svob(#10), The Reverend Dr. Jeremy Taylor(#3,9,11,13,15,17,19, 20), Annette Thies(#6,12), Andrew Thompson(#19), Gail Tyson(#21), The Unconscious — Deborah Barwise, Fred Barwise, Dale Harrison, Sheri Kling, Robert Pullen and Bret Whissel—(#14), Bekki SizemoreWagner(#14), Chelsea Wakefield (#9,13,17,19,20), Derek Walcott(#20), The Reverend Don Wardlaw(#8), Mary N. Waters(#5), Bret Whissel(#4), Tina Whitfield(#16), The Reverend Glen Williams(#2,20,23), Marianne Williamson(#16,19), Rusty Wright(#17), The Reverend Jerry Wright(#8,10,15,16,19), Catherine Zeph(#5,12). Blake, Dante, Degas, Doré, Dürer, Eckhart, Hafiz, Hildegard, Hokusai, Hopkins, Hubble, Jesus, Johnson, Jung, Keating, Lao Tzu, Merton, Michelangelo, More, Newell, Oliver, Rilke, Rodin, Rembrandt, Rumi, Sassoferrato, Tillich,Van Gogh, Von Franz,Woodman and all the masters who have enlightened our journey.

Special Thanks for all the in kind gifts from the assisting editors and proofreaders over the years: America Abbot, Sara Baker, Jeanette Bowers, Kelly Caudle, Miriam Chaikin, Darcy Chicotel, Nash Cox, Jane Dail, Normandi Ellis, Ellen Garner, Nancy Greear, Mahalah Harrison, Laura Hileman, Charlie Hudson, Charles Hudson III, Joyce Rockwood Hudson, Roxanne Hurt, Don Law, Peggy Law, Louisa Mattozzi, Fonda McWilliams, Diane Miller, Elizabeth Morris, Lane Norton, Agnes Parker, Kyran Pittman, Suzanne Reamy, Jasmine Rizer, Shielia Rizer, Kaki Roberts, Janet Robertson, Janice Rusk, Paul Salstrom, Carol Shoemaker, Heidi Simmonds, and Janet Williamson.


The Rose at Emmanuel Retires/Issue 23

ALABAMA Auburn Unitarian-Universalist, Auburn Episcopal Church of the Nativity, Dothan St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Huntsville St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Troy ALASKA St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Anchorage ARIZONA Grace-St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Tucson

Listed Here For Networking Purposes

are the natural spirituality programs (dream groups based in churches) known to us. Each group is unique and organized in its own way. Groups that would like to be added to the list are invited to contact The Rose. If there is no group in your area, consider starting one. For resources see Programs marked with an asterisk (*) are new to the list since the last issue of The Rose.

ARKANSAS First United Methodist Church, Conway St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Conway St. James’ Episcopal Church, Eureka Springs St. Martin’s Univ. Ctr. (Episcopal), Fayetteville St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Fayetteville St. John’s Episcopal Church, Fort Smith St. John’s Episcopal Church, Harrison Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Hot Springs Village St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Jonesboro Christ Church (Episcopal), Little Rock Coffeehouse Grp. (nondenom.) (501)758-3823, Little Rock Pulaski Hgts. United Methodist Church, Little Rock St. James’ United Methodist Church, Little Rock St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church, Little Rock St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, Little Rock Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Little Rock All Saints' Episcopal Church, Russellville FLORIDA Trinity Episcopal Church, Apalachicola St. Peter the Fisherman Epis. Church, New Smyrna Cokesbury Methodist Church, Pensacola Water's Edge Group, Pensacola Faith Presbyterian Church, Tallahassee GEORGIA Epis. Church of St. John and St. Mark, Albany Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Athens St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church, Athens All Saints' Episcopal Church, Atlanta The Cathedral of St. Philip (Episcopal), Atlanta St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Atlanta First Presbyterian Church, Atlanta St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church, Atlanta St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, Calhoun Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, Covington St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church, Dahlonega St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church, Dunwoody St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Milledgeville St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, Morrow St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Rome St. Anne’s Episcopal Church, Tifton ILLINOIS Grace Episcopal Church, River Forest INDIANA Bethany Retreat House, East Chicago KANSAS Good Shepherd Catholic Church, Lenexa

KENTUCKY Frankfort Dream Group (interfaith) (502)227-2297, Frankfort Christ Church Cathedral (Episcopal), Lexington Photo by Peggy Thrasher Law: Sculpture by William J. Thompson N. A. 1950. On the grounds of Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Athens, GA.

LOUISIANA Northminster Church, Monroe St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, Mandeville St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, Bogalusa MARYLAND First Unitarian Church, Baltimore *St. Paul's United Methodist Church, Kensington MICHIGAN Siloam Spirituality Center at East Congregational Church, Grand Rapids Hope Reformed Church, Holland Grace Episcopal Church, Traverse City MINNESOTA St. Nicholas Episcopal Church, Richfield MISSISSIPPI St. Andrew’s Episcopal Cathedral, Jackson St. James' Episcopal Church, Jackson MISSOURI St. Cronan Catholic Church, St. Louis NEBRASKA Countryside Community Church (U.C.C.), Omaha NORTH CAROLINA St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Boone Unitarian Universalist of Transylvania Co., Brevard Davidson United Methodist Church, Davidson First Baptist Church, Elkin First United Methodist Church, Elkin St. James’ Episcopal Church, Hendersonville First Congregational Church, Hendersonville All Saints' Episcopal Church, Southern Shores St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Wilkesboro OHIO First Unitarian Universalist Church, Youngstown OREGON Congregational United Church of Christ, Medford SOUTH CAROLINA Liberty Hill Presbyterian, Camden Grace Episcopal Church, Charleston Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Columbia St. James’ Episcopal Church, Greenville Lutheran Church By The Lake(LCBTL), McCormick TENNESSEE St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Franklin Church of the Ascension (Epis.), Knoxville Church of the Good Shepherd (Epis.), Lookout Mtn Idlewild Presbyterian Church, Memphis St. John’s Episcopal Church, Memphis St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Murfreesboro Second Presbyterian Church, Nashville TEXAS Nondenom.[ph. 210/348-6226], San Antonio Christ Episcopal Church, Tyler Bay Harbour United Methodist Church, League City VIRGINIA Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Virginia Beach Calvary Episcopal Church, Front Royal FRANCE American Cathedral (Epis.), Paris

Cover Index Issue, 2014



The Rose at Emmanuel Retires/Issue 23

Cover Index Issue, 2014



The Rose at Emmanuel Retires/Issue 23

Cover Index Issue, 2014



The Rose at Emmanuel Retires/Issue 23

Cover Index Issue, 2014



The Rose at Emmanuel Retires/Issue 23

Cover Index Issue, 2014



The Rose at Emmanuel Retires/Issue 23

Cover Index Issue, 2014



The Rose at Emmanuel Retires/Issue 23

Cover Index Issue, 2014



The Rose at Emmanuel Retires/Issue 23

Cover Index Issue, 2014



The Rose at Emmanuel Retires/Issue 23

Table of Contents 4

The Rev. Jerry Wright

Natural Spirituality Basics

6 Blowing the Bugle of Consciousness


Suzanne Reamy 11 How To Jump Patti Frankel 12 The Edge of Things

Janet Atkins 13 John 6

Tina Whitfield 14 Swimming

Sara Baker 15 Gut Irish Heidi Simmonds 15 Thin Places, Ruins

Articles Paula Engelhorn 16

The Sun Wheel: A Path to the Light of Christ

Neal Hellman 20 Mezuzah Blues The Rev. Greg Little 22

All-Embracing Perfection

The Rt. Rev. Larry Maze 24 Reclaiming Our Inner Authority

Sheri Kling 25 Signs of New Life Peggy Thrasher Law 26 Editor’s Window

28 29

Summer Dream Conference More conferences & retreats

Agnes Parker 30 Barrel of Super Monkeys

ARTWORK Peggy Thrasher Law

Charles Hudson III, Janet Robertson, Paula Engelhorn, Alison Buchanan-Junuy Maruwan Photography Nikki Chenault, Paula Engelhorn, Neal Hellman, Peggy Thrasher Law

Cover Index Issue, 2014


Table of Contents Articles

The Rt. Rev. Larry Maze 6 Jung and the Inner Mystic Bob Hoss 10 Recognizing Archetypical Patterns &

the Inner Divine Message

Joyce Hudson 13 Dreamwork: A New Spiritual Discipline

for a New Time

Heidi Darr-Hope 16

Night Visions: The Dance of Transformation

The Rev. Bob Haden 19 Thomas Merton’s Dreams &

Individuation Process

The Rev. Dr. Jeremy Taylor 21

Dreams & the Evolution of Consciousness, Individual & Collective

Gary Sparks 24 Here We Stand at the Crossroads:

Wolfgang Pauli & Carl Jung

Chelsea Wakefield 27 Fairy Tales & the Unconscious Scripts

We Live By


retreats & CONFERENCES


Monkey Business


Virginia Carver 32 Walking the Kanuga Labyrinth

ARTWORK Charles Hudson III, Heidi Darr-Hope, Janet Robertson, Dr. Rik Rouquie

Peggy Thrasher Law



The Rose at Emmanuel Retires/Issue 23

NASA, Peggy Thrasher Law, Rusty Wright

Table of Contents

Articles Rachel Norment 6 Mandalas Susanne F. Fincher 10 Creating and Coloring Mandalas Sarah Norton 15 Wheel of Dreams Tallulah Lyons 16 Mandalas & the Journey Through Cancer, with Mandalas by Jessie Lyons Lisa Rigge 24 Mask, Half-legged Woman MORE Mandalas Janet Robertson Heidi Darr-Hope Ann King Martha Jo Fulmer Smith Carrie Graves Charles Bjorklund Mary How Sted Mays

18 In You I Am Well Pleased 19 Ancient Ways 20 Wheel of Life 20 Tree of Life 21 Barbara Brown Taylor & Starbucks 21 Bisou Mandala 22 My Little Circles 23 Geometric Yins and Yangs —Transition of my Father

Rachelle Oppenhuizen 25 (Cover) ' Til by Turning, Turning

We Come ' Round Right Sheree Sloop 25 (Back) Tranquil Dance 25 ELIZABETH Sheerer in memoriam

Poetry Jim Marcotte 26 My Daily Bread Elizabeth Richardson-Whealy 26 Peas Patti Frankel 27 On the Occasion of My 50th birthday Beverly Bardsley 27 Prayer for the New Year

Peggy Thrasher Law

Photography The Rev. Canon Charles M. Davis, Sr. (4), Peggy Thrasher Law (2, 3, 26, 27, 28) Peggy Thrasher Law

28 29 30 31

Editor's Window SUMMER DREAM CONFERENCE retreats & CONFERENCES Monkey Business

Cover Index Issue, 2014


Table of Contents Articles All articles are excerpted from talks given at the Haden Institute’s Summer Dream Conference, Kanuga Conference Center, June 2010.

The Rt. Rev. Larry Maze 6 Biblical Myth and the Development

of the Psyche

The Rev. Dr. Jeremy Taylor 10 Spiritual Maturity, Individuation,

and Bright Shadow

Diana McKendree 12 The Crossing Point The Rev. Jerry Wright

14 The Stranger Who Meets Us in Our Dreams

Chelsea Wakefield 17 The Luminous Woman Bob Hoss 18 Jung was Right—Recent Research Joyce Rockwood Hudson 21 Dreams and the Future of Christianity Gary Sparks 25 Transformation of the Holy: Antique Visions

for Modern Times

28 Listen & Download Selected Lecture Series

Susan Sims Smith 29

Journey to India


retreats & CONFERENCES


Monkey Business

ARTWORK & Photography

Peggy Thrasher Law

Nancy Carter (cover) , Charles Hudson III, Peggy Thrasher Law,


Betty Beshoar, Deborah Carter, Julie Jones Boulée, Mary Anne Haden (back)

The Rose at Emmanuel Retires/Issue 23

Table of Contents Articles *Articles are excerpted from talks given at the Haden Institute’s Summer Dream Conference, Kanuga Conference Center, June 2011

Chelsea Wakefield


*Walking the Moonlit Path

The Rt. Rev. Larry Maze 11 *Individuation and Continuing Incarnation Joyce Rockwood Hudson 15

10th Anniversary Issue of The Rose & the Salvation of the World!

1 8  John O'Dreams

19  *The Rising Tide Of The Dream Group Movement

Peggy Thrasher Law


The Rev. Susan Sims Smith 21 The Rev. Dr. Jeremy Taylor Heidi Darr-Hope Joyce Rockwood Hudson

Swimming with Jesus and the Whale *Dreams, Meditation, and a Journey to India

24   *Common Themes in Dreams 27 *Lions & Tigers & Bears, Oh My! 31   *What Is It about The Beatles?   35 retreats & CONFERENCES

ARTWORK & Photography Mary Anne Haden (cover), Charles Hudson III, Katsushika Hokusai,

Peggy Thrasher Law

Diana McKendree, Jane Ray, Sassoferrato, Glen Williams, Heidi Darr-Hope, and Peggy Thrasher Law (back)

Cover Index Issue, 2014


Table of Contents Articles & Poems Pierrette R. Stukes

6 Winter Trees

9 The Bear Lane Turner Norton 10 Scratch and Peck Robert Pullen

Jamie Rasche 11 At the Crossroads—Transformation

14 Night Visitors The Right Reverend Larry Maze 15 Epiphany: Symbol and Reality Gail Tyson

Pilar Pages

16 Love Incarnate

Karlene Mostek 18 The Birth of Jesus Christ Gerard Manley Hopkins 19


The Wreck of the Deutschland

Sara Baker 20 Wrestling with the Angel:

Writing Poetry, Doing Dream Work Tom Gibbs 23 The Water Gospel: A long Poem; A New Skin Vic Fleming Heidi Simmonds

24 A Role for Haiku in Dream Interpretation 27 On The Threshold of Conjunctio

Charles Bjorklund 28 Solemnity and Carnival Diptych Sara Baldwin 29

My White Dog Peace


retreats & CONFERENCES


Haden Institute Summer Dream & Spirituality CONFERENCE


Monkey Business

Peggy Thrasher Law

ARTWORK & Photography


Pilar Pages (cover), Charles Hudson III, Sarah Pattison, Pierrette Stukes, Janet Robertson, Sharole Ewing, M. Méheut, Karlene Mostek, Rodin, Brancusi, Charles Bjorklund, Peggy Thrasher Law, and Andy Glogower (back)

The Rose at Emmanuel Retires/Issue 23

Table of Contents Articles & Poems Carrie Graves

Normandi Ellis Beverly Musgrave

6 Dreams , God and Me: How My Life Has Changed Through Nine Years with the Summer Dream Conference 10 Darkness into Light: The Egyptian Book of the Dead 14 Illness as Liminal Experience

Sarah Pattison 16

Wildeye Studio Sted Mays 18 Individuation and Patience: A Note on The Cover Art

Alice Smith 19 Patricia Frankel

Dream Work

20 Make Mistakes

21 Hummingbird Sleep J. Pittman McGehee 22 Synchronicity Coleman Barks

24 Credo Cathy Smith Bowers

25 God's Grandeur: Through the Eyes of Gerard Manley Hopkins 28

retreats & CONFERENCES


Haden Institute Summer Dream & Spirituality CONFERENCE


Monkey Business

ARTWORK Peggy Thrasher Law

Sted Mays (cover), Charles Hudson III (page 5), Sarah Pattison

Photography Peggy Thrasher Law, Robin Smith (page 29)

Cover Index Issue, 2014


M O N K E y s W e H A v e known And loved!


n March of this year, I sat down at my desk to pen a thank you letter to the collective of devoted Rose supporters affectionately known to us as the Hundred Monkey Troop.You know the mostly true story of the hundredth monkey:

In the 1950s, scientists began provisioning monkeys on a Japanese island with sweet potatoes that they scattered out for them on the beach.The monkeys ate the sandy potatoes just as they found them, until one day a young monkey came up with an innovation: she took her sweet potato to some water and washed it. Some of the other monkeys saw her doing this and picked up the practice, too. Over the next few years, more and more monkeys began washing their sweet potatoes, until finally a critical mass was reached and a paradigm shift took place. Now monkeys everywhere were washing their potatoes.The tipping point in this development is symbolized by the 100th Monkey. Up through the first 99 monkeys, the popular story goes, washing sweet potatoes was a relatively isolated activity. With the 100th Monkey the critical mass was reached that set off the paradigm shift for the entire culture.


hat a fitting and delightful moniker it has been—the Hundred Monkey Troop—for a group of fearless souls willing to fund a seedling of a newsletter, pledging to donate up to $100 dollars per year to cover production costs for The Rose. The Hundred Monkeys' devotion to illuminating and to advocating for a new way of integrating inner work into every day Christian life has been critical. In gratitude, I share a part of the text of the letter written earlier this year, as change, amid the everlasting promise of spring was just making itself known:

At this writing, many of you intuitive monkeys may have already heard the winds of change blowing through the tree leaves of the jungle. The Rose at Emmanuel is retiring. You, beloved Hundred Monkeys, have been exceedingly generous with your support which has allowed The Rose to move gracefully and freely from reader to reader, from dream group to dream group. Many of you have been contributors from the beginning, answering Joyce Rockwood Hudson’s call twelve years ago for a troop to help fund the production costs of The Rose. Some of you have just joined. It is your commitment, all, that has kept The Rose blooming with its mission of inviting Wisdom into our lives and churches. I am reminded of the Asian langurs or leaf monkeys, a unique kind, living near people, and even entering temples and churches. These “temple monkeys” are regarded as sacred. The Hundred Monkey Troop has fulfilled a unique and sacred promise which has given The Rose the ability to move into temple and church and out in the world.


The Rose at Emmanuel Retires/Issue 23


ith change comes new opportunity, and what looks like an ending is really a beginning! For as The Rose under the auspices of the Natural Spirituality program at Emmanuel Church in Athens comes to a close, a new path opens for The Rose in the World as an independent publication by subscription. I will continue as the editor with the capable and artistic Sarah Norton as assistant editor. We are excited about the new horizons.


ear Reader, let it be known that as we move forward this editor looks back to say thank you in full measure and with great-hearted love to the Super Monkeys, that group of mightily generous individuals who together compensated the hours required to edit, proof, design and manage The Rose. Truly, my cup runneth over! Now, the members of the monkey troops can take their rest in a cool shade tree in the jungle.


nd so, we bid farewell to the Hundred Monkey Troop and the Super Monkeys. As we establish a new funding model, we hope to count you among the subscribers for The Rose in the World  in 2015. For now, with full hearts, we say Godspeed to a merry and devoted band of true and faithful supporters as The Rose at Emmanuel retires. We are everlastingly grateful. Peggy Thrasher Law

Watkinsville, GA

The image of the monkey has been light-heartedly and exuberantly embraced over the years! Enjoy this noisy collage of monkeys we have known and loved in Issues 1-22! Woot!

Cover Index Issue, 2014


Retreats & Conferences Natural Spirituality Regional Gathering Supporting Christian Dream Work

Mikell Conference Center,Toccoa, Georgia February 13-15, 2015 (or come for February14th only)


his two-tiered event—a one-day conference within a larger weekend conference—is aimed at natural spirituality veterans and inquirers alike. There will be lectures, workshops, small-group dream work, discussions of natural spirituality program issues, introductory sessions, opportunities for meditative movement, music, contemplative prayer, and worship—and time for relaxation and fellowship. NSRG is an interdenominational conference sponsored by dream groups in Province IV of the Episcopal Church.

Saturday-only fee: $40.00 (includes lunch) Weekend fees on campus:

$150–double room, $70.00 per person with $80.00 conference fee (no singles), $100–multi-bed dorm (Spartan but adequate, shared bath) A $50 reduction in dorm fee is available upon request to anyone who would not otherwise be able to attend the conference. Weekend fees off campus: $80–( fee covers conference and meals) Your own lodging in nearby motels.

~Seeking the Sacred Thread~ Celebrating the Heart of Life

November 6-9, 2014 with John Philip Newell and Barbara Brown Taylor Lutheridge Conference Center, Arden, NC 865.414.8509

The Luminous Woman Weekend March 20-22, 2015

For women who want to live by their inner light.

Come explore archetypes of the feminine and your

deep wisdom, beauty, sensuality, and power in a transformative weekend led by Jungian therapist, and Haden Institute teacher,

Conference registration deadline: January 16, 2015 For more information, call Heidi Simmonds 706-353-3422 or e-mail Lane Norton: For the latest updates and to download and print registration forms,visit our website at

Summer Dream & Spirituality Conference

God’s Forgotten Language May 24-29, 2015

A Haden Institute Program, Kanuga Conference Center, Hendersonville, NC


tradition was begun in the summer of 2003—a major conference for all who want to recover the Biblical tradition of listening for God’s word in our nightly dreams.The early church theologian Tertullian asked: Is it not known to all people that the dream is the most usual way of God’s revelation to humankind? Later generations came to discount dreams, at great loss to our collective soul. Now, however, we are seeing a resurgence of respect and honor for our dreams. Each summer has brought a larger crowd to the Summer Dream & Spirituality Conference, which has become, at present, the primary portal for Christian dreamwork in our day. Each conference is for clergy, counselors, therapists, lay dream group leaders, dream group members, and anyone who wants to integrate dreamwork into his or her life in a religious context. Register at contact the Haden Institute 828-693-9292 Listen to Lectures! Free Downloads!

from Kanuga Summer Dream and Spirituality Conferences (2003-2014). Go To: (click "Seedwork Audio"), iTunes (search"seedwork") or (search "seedwork"). CDs are also available for purchase through Lucky Dog Audio. Contact:


The Rose at Emmanuel Retires/Issue 23

, PhD or call 828-606-9469

Third Annual

Winter Solstice Mountain and Forest Meditation Retreat The work of winter is the work of Mary

Camp Mikell~Toccoa, Georgia with The Reverend Cynthia Hizer December 18-21, 2014


his weekend invites you to rest and re-imagine— the primary work of winter. Enjoy mountain ������������� hiking with the silence and interiority of winter, gentle yoga and solstice fire Saturday night. Join us for a (prior) third optional night on Thursday evening. Cost:Three nights (and all meals) Thurs night through Sun: $230/per person with shared room (cabin or retreat village), $300 for private room. Cost: Two nights (and all meals) Friday night through Sun: $160/per person with shared room (cabin or retreat village), $210 for private room. To Register e-mail For Information contact The Reverend Cynthia Hizer call 404-373-8338 (ext.16)

The Haden Institute Training Programs  Two-Year Dream Leader Training Three 4-day weekend intensives per year in residence at Kanuga Conference Center, Hendersonville, NC. The remainder is distance learning. New classes begin February and August of each year. Apply now to secure a space.

Yes, I would like my name to be on the new mailing list to receive, by paid subscription, the first annual issue of The Rose In The World!

2014-2015 Dream Leader Training Intensive Dates: Feb 27-Mar 03, 2014/ Aug 21-25, 2014/ Dec 04-08, 2014 Mar 05-09, 2015/ Aug 20-24, 2015/ Dec 03-07, 2015

Subscribe to

The Rose In The World Name_________________________________

 Two-Year Spiritual Direction Training


Three 4-day weekend intensives per year in residence at Kanuga Conference Center, Hendersonville, NC,or two 7-day intensives at Mt. Carmel Spiritual Centre in Niagara Falls, Ontario. The remainder is distance learning. Entry times are in February and August of each year. Apply now to secure a space.

_____________________________________ e-mail________________@_________________

2014-2015 Spiritual Direction Intensive Dates: Jan 09-13, 2014/ Mar 20-24, 2014/ Sept 11-15, 2014 Jan 08-12, 2015/Mar 19-23, 2015/ Sept 17-21, 2015

Address: The Haden Institute PO Box 1793 Flat Rock, NC 28731 Phone: 828-693-9292 Email:

Find Out More:

One Annual Issue, February 2015.

*If so moved, you may want to enclose a gift amount above the subscription price in support of The Rose.

Spiritual Direction Intensive Dates begin in Canada October 15, 2014: Oct 15-22, 2014 Apr 29-May 06, 2015 Sept 30-October 07, 2015 April 27-May 04 2016


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$25.00 $35.00

other $__

Clip or copy this form and mail with your check to:

The Rose In The World PO Box 144 Bishop,GA 30621

Cover Index Issue, 2014



Emmanuel Church 498 Prince Avenue Athens, GA 30601

Detail from sketch by Adrienne Lynch, Strasbourg Cathedral rose window.

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