Highway 358 CIC Ministry

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Highway 358 C.I.C & Pause Community Hub, England 123 Tarring Road, Worthing. BN11 4HE Company No 12713779

SIX AREAS OF GROWTH 1. BE REAL We are ordinary people serving an extraordinary God. None of us have it all together, and we need each other. So we talk straight, seek insight and encourage others. We share ideas, innovations, successes and failures with each other.

2. KNOW PEOPLE Our mission of making Disciples hinges on the strength and depth of relationships, both in our personal lives and those we lead. We build trust filled with relationships at every level that enables us to lead and to see transformed lives.

3. PUT POINT ON THE BOARD We achieve measurable accurate and quality results. Results measure a ministries impact, how people are actually engaging, and most importantly, to set the stage for God to do only what He can do.

4. CELEBRATE LIFE CHANGE Our mission is to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ, so we lead towards that mission, and we share stories as much as possible about how God is changing our lives.

5. STAY FOCUSED Keep it Simple. We are determined about what we believe and that every event we put on, is actually needed, and achieves it’s desired outcome, and has a strong and clear

benefit for all those taking part. That we are prepared to say NO if it’s not working.

6. LEVERAGE MOMENT We seize momentum every week and with every course or group we put on. We leverage the material we have to produce the best results. Plus we adapt quickly to achieve the best interests for the ministry and the individuals within it’s “Vision and Mission” statements. We are here to assist and help others to reach their ability to be who they are created to be, we cover it in four practical sections.

1. 2. 3. 4.


As we like to put it, we help others by being a “People that make a Difference” that is our vision statement. Our Mission statement is “To Encourage, Inspire and Equip Individuals to Lead Fulfilled Lives” This Booklet describes each of the sections in detail and also helps people to understand what to expect from the Ministry.

Section 1

LEADERS - DEVELOPMENT As a ministry, we are at our best when we are empowering leaders to carry out their unique God-given vision, so we identify and develop passionate and capable leaders including Lifegroup leaders, and Community Group Leaders and those leading our Interest Groups.

We hold strongly to four ideas that shape our approach to develop leaders;


Leaders Learn best when they are involved in the

role of being a leader. 2.

Leaders develop best when they own their own

development. 3.

Leadership Growth is born out of self-awareness.


Leaders Give Best with trusted mentoring and

coaching relationships.

We have a variety of courses, one on one coaching opportunities for people to spend time in developing life skills. Releasing the opportunities that are inside each leader as they lead others. 1.

Chazown - Discover God’s Dream For Your Life

Chazown is the Hebrew word for vision, and it's what God had in mind for you when you were created. Discovering your chazown starts with examining your core values, spiritual gifts, and past experiences. These three areas will help you identify common themes, bring clarity to your unique passions, and lead you to the purpose God has just for you. The best part is that you can start planning your next steps toward pursuing God's vision—His chazown—for your life today! (Proverbs 29:18) 2.

LifeQuest - The Bigger Story

Life-Quest explores the roots and fruits of our personal & cultural story, in order to live in a Bigger Story. We are all shaped by our daily living. Story and Identity are inseparable. You cannot know who you are outside of that. (4 week series) 3.

What are you Like? - Finding your identity

Discovering who you truly are and not what others and family say you are, brings about identity and purpose and renewed focus on the true you and the person that God is making you to be. (Day Course) 4.

Sailing Closer To The Wind - A prophetic look

A look at what it means to be in the right boat of life, understanding who you are in your walk of life. By using terms from the sailing community we see how we can walk with more purpose than ever before.


Walk The Tabernacle Walk - A Spiritual Walk

A spiritual walk through practical discoveries of our true identity in Christ. By going deeper into the heart of Kingdom living through the process of walking into the secret places of God by living in faith. (10 week Course) As a leader it is important to keep everything possible to encourage growth and that starts with us individually keeping a temperature check on our own development. SECTION 2

People Connect It’s impossible for a person to grow without trusted relationships, so we are creating awareness for people to engage in LifeGroups that connect together on a regular basis. They are the friends and family you grow, laugh and serve with. The direction for a lifeGroup is determined by the vision of the ministry. Then by applying it to the individuals we see a community of people working together for the best outcome. Each LifeGroup and community has the opportunity to reach people in every possible way.

1.Interest Groups - The Community at large By coming alongside people with hobbies and the creative things that they have a passion for, we have the opportunity to connect, to share life and to show the love of Christ to each other. .


Community Groups -

By being available to support people and groups that are struggling in their daily lives and need somewhere to find space and feel loved in a non judgemental way. To make available all the resources at the Hub to develop meaningful relationships. 3.

LifeGroups - Christian doing life together

To build community in the area of our Christian Faith. To encourage and promote the values of Christianity. To develop individuals and groups to grow closer together in such a way as to bring the love of Christ into our daily experiences.


RESOURCES AND GROWTH People grow best when they own their development, so we lead people to go through the Chazown Course and any other courses mentioned, where they can identify God’s vision for their life and discover next steps for their personal and spiritual growth. Also the variety of courses and group material we aim to bring a wholeness of resources for each individual.

Chazown LifeQuest. What Are Like? Walk The Tabernacle Walk Sailing Closer To The Wind


PEOPLE - MOBILISE God has called us to provide relief and restoration to our local communities. So we connect individuals, families and LifeGroups with each other and other groups. 1.

We Connect to other Organisations and Ministries to

provide a wide range of opportunity to enable and encourage growth. To Mobilise people to be able to use their gifting and skills is of upmost importance if we are going to be eective to see God moving in our families, communities and nations.

Highway 358 C.I.C England No. 12713779 123 Tarring Road, Worthing BN11 4HE

highway358CIC Ministry no.12713779 123 Tarring Road, Worthing. BN11 4HE

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