College of Natural and Health Sciences School of Sport and Exercise Science Weight Training and Conditioning SES 200 – 004
CRN: 11258
Fall 2011
M/W 10:10 – 11:00
Instructor: Kevin Shephard, M.A. Location: Monday lecture at Butler Hancock 195 and Wednesday lab at Recreation Center Credit Hours: 1 credit Office: Gunter 1760 Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday 1:20 – 2:20 by appointment Email: (use this email for all communication) Personal Websites: & Textbooks: Required: Baechle, T. R &, Earle, R. W. (Eds.). (2008). Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning (3rd ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Recommended: Delavier, F. (2010). Strength Training Anatomy (3rd ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Additional reading assignments will be posted online. Course Description: Motor skill acquisition, advanced techniques, and knowledge appropriate for the successful participation and instruction in strength training activities and conditioning. Purpose/Rationale: Strength training provides the pre-service teacher/professional with opportunities to gain knowledge and skill in weight training and supports the concept of educating the whole individual in cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. The principles of weight training are based upon the scientific concepts from health and physical education. Training and implementation are predicated upon information derived from areas such as exercise physiology, kinesiology, biomechanics as well as a basic understanding of anatomy and physiology. Course Objectives: 1. Demonstrate knowledge of terminology related to strength training. 2. Demonstrate knowledge of various types of strength training programs. 3. Demonstrate proper lifting, performance, and spotting techniques for various strengthtraining exercises for specific circumstances. 4. Demonstrate proper technique of performing a variety of aerobic activities. 5. Apply sport specific and personalized strength training and aerobic programs. 6. Identify and assess strength training regimes.
Teaching Methods: The following may be used during the semester to provide variety in student learning: studentcentered discussion, lecture, movement sessions, video, and small group work. Course Requirements/Evaluation: Course requirements will be discussed the first day of class. Due dates for outside assignments will be designed so that students have ample time for completion. It is the student’s responsibility to check their email and blackboard for information concerning assignments and rubrics. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Daily Participation and Professionalism Q & A Sessions (Oral Quizzes) Fitness Testing and Goal Setting Research Presentation Task Sheets Training Program Fitness Lessons Midterm Final
20% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
Grading: Our school does not use +/- grading system; grading breakdown is as follows: • • • • •
90-100% = A 80-89% = B 70-79% = C 60-69% = D Below 60% = F
Professionalism: •
Participation: Students are expected to participate in all activities and be ready to learn each class (see rubric below). This also includes giving input and feedback during discussions and group activities as well as producing college level work.
Attendance: Contact the instructor via email prior to class if you won’t be able to make it to class (Do not call the SES office about absences). If communicated early enough, alternative assignments MAY be given. o Students can have 2 unexcused absences without losing points. Any more than 5 unexcused absences results in a failing grade. o Coming in late or leaving early will result in loss of points on the Ready Rubric. Anything over 10 minutes of missed class will result in an absence. Since this is an activity-based class, most in class work can’t be made up.
Dress Expectations: Come to class dressed ready to participate in physical activity. Clothing and shoes should be appropriate for a physical education setting and not distracting to other students. This includes offensive/inappropriate pictures or text, revealing clothing, and unclean clothing. Bring a towel to the Recreation Center.
Late Work: Students can turn in late work in my mailbox by 4pm (Gunter 2590). If you are involved in the UNC athletics or another UNC sponsored activity, it is your responsibility to communicate with the instructor regarding scheduling conflicts ahead of time. Deductions for late work are as follows: o Late same day: 10% deduction o Late next day: 20% deduction o Anything after the next day: 40% deduction o All assignments must be completed in order to pass the class. •
Behavior o Inappropriate language, comments, and/or behavior may be reported to the dean of students. Remember you are a future teacher and professional and should act accordingly.
Bear Mail and Blackboard: Check daily for announcements.
Academic Misconduct: UNC’s policies and recommendations for academic misconduct will be followed. Refer to your copy of Student Rights and Responsibilities for details. Any student engaging in cheating or falsifying information in any component of this course will earn zero in that component of the class.
Ready Rubric
R- Respect
E- Expectations
A- Acceptance
D- Diligence
Y- Yes!
5 points
You showed respect for the learning environment with all your actions (behavior, attitude, verbal language, body language), which of course includes being on time and staying the whole period. You came to class with expectations for LEARNING. You showed this by being prepared (homework completed), dressed for activity (appropriate and safe attire), and by paying attention, following directions, and asking questions for clarification when needed. You showed acceptance of your classmates by helping to create a safe environment for learning. Whenever a classmate struggled you were encouraging rather than critical, and gave helpful suggestions if applicable. You demonstrated diligence in learning the skills and concepts in class. You participated in all activities and discussion, worked hard throughout class and were motivated and focused on self-improvement. You did not need to be reminded to move or engage in any activity. You demonstrated a positive “YES” attitude toward the class and its content. There was no “I can’t” attitude, only “yes, I’m willing to try”.
Great Effort! 4 points You nailed the R, A and Y, but didn’t quite hit the mark on E and D without being reminded. You may also have earned an “Almost READY” because you were unable to participate in the planned learning activities because of illness or injury, but all other READY criteria were met. Not quite… 2-3 points You tried, but were not quite READY to learn today. You showed at least basic Respect for the learning environment, but you were lacking in two or more of the other categories (-EADY), or you were not able to take part in some of the planned activities because you forgot to dress for safe participation. Maybe next class? 0 points You were asked to leave the class activities because you did not show Respect for the learning environment, and your attitude/behavior was affecting the instructors and/or classmates in a negative way.
Honor Code: All members of the University of Northern Colorado community are entrusted with the responsibility to uphold and promote five fundamental values. Honesty, Trust, Respect, Fairness, and Responsibility. These core elements foster an atmosphere, inside and outside of the
classroom, which serves as a foundation and guides the UNC community’s academic, professional, and personal growth. Endorsement of these core elements by students, faculty, staff administration, and trustees strengthens the integrity and value of our academic climate. Disability Support Services: Any student requesting disability accommodation for this class must inform the instructor giving appropriate notice. Students are encouraged to contact Disability Support Services at (970) 351-2289 to certify documentation of disability and to ensure appropriate accommodations are implemented in a timely manner. UNC’s Policies: UNC’s policies and recommendations for academic misconduct will be followed. For additional information, please see Dean of Student’s website, Student Handbook link: Cell Phones: Please extend courtesy to your instructor and fellow students by silencing your cell phones. Although not an audio issue, text messaging and other cell phone activities are a distraction to other students and prevent you from full participation in class. All electronic devices should be kept in your backpacks and not on your physical person. Inform the instructor prior to class if you are expecting an emergency call or need to make a call during the class period. If a cell phone becomes a distraction, the student will be asked to leave. Laptops: Please extend courtesy to your instructor and fellow students by not bringing laptops/netbooks to class. Laptop use can be a distraction to other students and may also prevent you from full participation in class. PowerPoints of lectures will be posted either before class (usually a least a day prior) or immediately after. If a laptop/netbook becomes a distraction, the student will be asked to leave. Inclement Weather: Class will meet regardless of the weather unless instructed otherwise. Please do not call the SES offices to find out class information such as class cancellations. Should you have any questions please contact me via email. Safety: This is a physical education class in which students will be engaged in activity. The safety of the teaching and learning environment is a shared responsibility. The instructor has the authority to insist upon a student’s removal from the class environment if the safety rules are violated, putting that student or others at risk for injury. Injury incidents: Students are required to report any injury that occurs during class to the instructor before leaving class. An incident report will need to be completed and signed by the student immediately. The instructor reserves the right to make any changes to this syllabus with written notification. Recreation Center Rules
All members are required to present a valid U.N.C. ID or Recreation Center Membership Card to gain entry to the Rec Center.
Attire: Shirts (t-shirt or full tank top), athletic bottoms (without zippers or studs) and athletic shoes are required in first floor activity areas and the group fitness room. Athletic shoes must be non-marking and fully enclose the foot. For your safety, excessive clothing (hooded sweatshirts, gloves, vinyl clothing, multiple layers, etc.) is not permitted. Bring a towel to the Recreation Center.
Personal belongings should be locked in a locker for your protection and for the safety of others. If you choose not to use a locker, please store your items in one of the cubbies in the cardiovascular area or on the bleachers in the gyms. Please note: the Rec Center is not responsible for lost items.
Activity Area Rules: Please read and adhere to all posted rules and instructions in each activity area.
Personal music is not allowed during class.