UN OCKED Volume 1, Edition 3 Region 12 Division 9E Texas - Oklahoma District of Key Club International
Key Club Motto! “Caring, a way of life”
This issue features: Letter from your lieutenant governor! ……..……………………..…..1 Join the division 9E remind101 ………….……………………………2 Hurricane Harvey & what we can do to help Urgent: Update your Club Officer Contact Information!...................3 Upcoming & Reminders! ……………………..……………………. 4-6 Pangea Network & September 23rd...............................................9 Regional Training Conference: October 15th………………………10 Need money? Apply to the YOF……………………………………...11 Note to Presidents and Vice-presidents……………………………..12 Note to Secretaries and Editors………………………………………13 Note to Treasurers……………………………………………………...14 Pictures from Kiwanis Meeting July 20th …………………………...15 Download the Key Club App…………………………….………….16 DCON, DCON, DCON!....................................................................17 Featured Key Club of the Month: Oak Ridge High School………18 Feeding the Philippines by Klein Collins HS……………….…....19-20 Attention All Editors!........................................................................21 Key Club To Do List Before School Starts…………………………..22 Quick Recap…………………………………….……………………...23 Contact Information………………………..……………………...24-26 Key Club is affiliated with……………………………………….27 We are proudly representing………………………………………….28
Welcome to the 2017-2018 Newsletter, “Unlocked”, for the Division 9E Key Clubs! The purpose of “Unlocked” is to disseminate information, motivate your performance, promote unity within our division, and boost key club morale! I’ll make sure you are very informed of events in our division and all things key club!
Letter from your ltg., Krithi Pachipala Hey Division 9E Key Clubbers! My name is Krithi Pachipala and I am currently a senior at The Woodlands College Park High School! I am beyond excited to be serving as your 2017-2018 lieutenant governor, and I cannot wait to work with each of your key clubs. I hope you will find this newsletter very informative and fun! I will send out plenty of emails and consistently check up on your club activity! Remember, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. My email and number is listed at the bottom of the newsletter! Some of you all are already geared up for this next year and that makes me even more motivated to serve you all! Remember as officers, advisors, and members of Key Club you have taken on a duty to serve your home, school, and community to the best of your ability and for the betterment of society. I ask you to please take your duties seriously. I hope to see your club make it to the top clubs list at DCON and for the key clubs of division 9E to grow closer and become a tight knit family! Yours in service, Krithi Pachipala
Join the division 9E remind Text @keyclub9e to the number 81010 2
URGENT: Update your Club Officer Contact Information
Upcoming & Reminders! All secretaries and editors must be sending in their respective monthly reports and newsletters by 5th of each month. The reports need to be mailed to the district secretary, Shelby Morton, whose address is included at the end. The newsletters need to be emailed to the district editor (Stephanie Tran), me, our region 12 advisor (Judy Pomorski), our Kiwani advisor (John Haynes), and your school’s key club board and members. All contact information is posted at the bottom of the newsletter.
Upcoming & Reminders! All resources such as the Key Club brand guide, requirements, forms, and documents can be found at tokeyclub.com>Resources>*click on your position*. Remember, this is your duty as an officer! If you have any questions or need help with any of the newsletters, articles, reports, feel free to contact me at anytime! I am glad to help. I know this can be stressful and daunting, but trust me, I can help you get through this. Note: All events and information posted in this newsletter must be shared with your clubs somehow. Include the volunteer events in your slideshow presentations at your meetings. SEND IN PICTURES AND DETAILS OF EVENTS, MEETINGS, AND FUNDRAISERS YOUR CLUB IS UP TO. I want to know what progress your club is making :)
Upcoming & Reminders! ● September 2nd: Mandatory Kiwanis Fishing Tournament/DCM: CANCELLED DUE TO FLOODING ● September 23rd: Mandatory Meeting about Pangea Network at CPHS; 10 am - 12 pm at College Park HS ● Month of October: Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF; More info to come. This is an annual fundraiser to raise money to eliminate Neonatal Tetanus worldwide. Each club member will be given a box to hold change. When he/she goes trick or treating or out, they can collect change to put it. Turn in by December 31st. ● October 1st: Membership Update Center (MUC) Opens; Start entering in club member’s names and dues online. More info on page ● October 15th: Youth Opportunities Fund application due; More information on page ● October 15th: Regional Training Conference (RTC); All the clubs of region 12 will be meeting at Cypress Falls High School. The theme is superheroes and includes a scavenger hunt, a leadership speaker, and
and September 23rd Every year the lieutenant governor has to organize a project for the clubs in their division. My idea this year involves helping women and children in the developing world to become successful entrepreneurs through micro loans, or in better words, revolving funds. I have recently met with Mrs. Nicole Minor, the founder of the Pangea network. After discussion of my idea we agreed each of the 7 clubs in division 9E would have to raise $500 for a total of $3500. This initial $3500 will support a group of 25-35 of female entrepreneurs in Kenya get their business going. Each club in our division will be able to track the progress and success of these women. We will even get to do activities like write letters to these women/ We will discuss this further on September 23rd at College Park High School. More details to come then. This means each and every club will need a creative way of raising money. Follow this link for fundraising ideas from key club, and please be thinking about how you want to fundraise for this, this upcoming year! Feel free to ask me any questions you have! I am so pumped to be able to do this project. We plan on it being available to start in September. http://tokeyclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Fundraisin g-Ideas.pdf
Regional Training Conference: October 14th @ 8am - 3pm Theme: Willy Wonka
Cypress Falls High School (9811
Huffmeister Road, Houston, TX 77095)
Join the entire region 12 for a fun filled day with.
Note Note to to Secretaries Treasurers and Editors Secretaries: In addition to your reporting, try to complete and include the task of the month in your submission to the district secretary! This will give you more points and can help get your club to the top 25. The task can be found tokeyclub.com>resources>secretary resources>task of the month Editors: Your club can submit up to 10 articles every month in addition to your newsletter. Have other key clubbers write the articles with you and submit them all to the district editor. These are very short and simple assignments that can easily boost your club to the top 25! Go to tokeyclub.com>resources>editor resources> suggested articles prompts
Thanks for coming to the July 20th for breakfast with the Kiwanians!
Download the Key Club App! We welcome you to the Key Club App! The app was recently created as a unique space for members to track upcoming club meetings, service projects, and total service hours. Here are three things you should know about the app! 1. The app is primarily for students to track their service hours and record the service projects they completed. 2. Officers can share meetings and projects. Club officers (president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, editor, and class directors) may upload club meetings and service projects and members will receive notifications about these events. In order to have access to this feature, advisors need to make sure club officers’ information is current and correct in the Membership Update Center. Remind club officers to use the same email address when registering for the app that is listed in the Membership Update Center. 3. Advisors Can use the app. Advisors can download the app and set up a profile as a member of a club. Then, the advisor can receive notifications of meetings and events or track personal service hours. More information can be found at: http://www.keyclub.org/fad/AdvisorAdministrator Resources1/Using_the_Key_Club_App.aspx
DCON, DCON, DCON Every year the Texas-Oklahoma district of key club hosts a district convention in Dallas where key clubbers from the largest district in America gather to have an epic time! The event is usually in late April, so please reserve that space in your calendars! Hopefully, after meeting each other through various events this year we can make arrangements to travel together to the convention. The theme of the convention will be announced soon! Last year was the Harry Potter Theme called Wizarding World of Service. In order to host this convention our district relied on sponsorship from businesses. I have to collect $600 in ad sponsors. If you know of a business who would like to advertise at the convention or if you would like to donate money, please contact me! If you donate or refer a business, you and your club will be highlighted in the next newsletter. The money goes out to congratulate all the key clubbers for their hard work through the school year. Let’s make it a great one-donate now!
Featured Key Club of the Month
Oak Ridge High School!
Feeding the Philippines As mentioned in the previous newsletter, Eduardo and Teslyn, active board members of the Klein Collins Key Club, embarked on a service project. Eduardo says “This summer after our annual TO-DCON, Teslyn Deleon and myself; Eduardo Perez were so inspired after a weekend of service and camaraderie that we decided to found an International Major Emphasis Project with the sole purpose of helping citizens in need in the country of the Philippines with their Water Crisis. Every year, a very high percentage of people, roughly 8 million lack access to safe water sources and 27 million lack access to improved sanitation out of the country's population of 101 million. Within the first week of approval of our project, we secured 5 palettes of water cases through donations from organizations such as Target, Walmart, and local supermarkets. Currently we are in collaboration with fellow Key Club in the Philippines; Hiyas ung Polungia and The Houston Northwest Filipino American Association here at home. We now are at roughly 12 palettes of water and are still seeking for fellow Key Clubs to partner with for this amazing and historic project. To learn more facts and stories from the citizens that live in the Philippines, visit https://water.org/our-impact/philippines/.
Teslyn DeLeon and Eduardo Perez are the co-founders of the Feeding the Philippines Project
The official promotional image for the Klein Collins High School Key Club Service Project.
Attention All Editors All your hard work with the newsletter and articles is NOT a waste. Keep all of these newsletter and articles together in a binder and towards the end of the year, and have your president nominate you to run for one of these 2 awards at DCON!
Linda and Gary Hicks Outstanding Club Editor Award
Club Newsletter Award
Key Club To Do List before school starts! Make sure your COCI is updated! Have fliers to post around the school to attract new members! Try to make a website which includes events, pictures, your newsletters, everyone’s hours/points, and contact info for your board Plan to attend presentations to target new members! President: Have a slideshow outline ready for every meeting! This way you just edit the events and info, but keep the design the same. Include events from this newsletter on the slideshow.
Quick Recap! ● Update your club officer contact information (COCI) ASAP on the tokeyclub.com website ● Fundraise $500 to support women in Kenya by February 1st ● Come to the September 23rd meeting at College Park High School about the Pangea network and women in Kenya project ● Be sure your club attends the regional training conference October 14th ● Try to get in dues by November 1st ● Download the key club app and try to strongly implement it this upcoming school year ● Secretaries and editors must submit their work by the 5th of each month. Try to complete the task of the month and write articles if you can! ● Have a great month and smile! Enjoy your summer while it lasts:)
Contact Information
Website: tokeyclub.com T-O District Governor: Sabrina Palma Email: governor@tokeyclub.com T-O District Secretary: Shelby Morton Email: secretary@tokeyclub.com Address: 4104 San Angelo Amarillo, TX 79118 T-O District Treasurer: Foster Hillis Email: treasurer@tokeyclub.com
Contact Information
Regional Kiwanian: John Haynes Email: john@iastexas.com T-O District Editor: Stephanie Tran Email: editor@tokeyclub.com T-O District Convention Liaison: Dajah Brooks Email: cl@tokeyclub.com
Contact Information
Region 12 Advisor: Judy Pomorski Email: judypomorski@gmail.com Region 12 Assistant Advisor: Megan Iselin Email: region12assistant@tokeyclub.com Division 9E Lieutenant Governor: Krithi Pachipala Email: krithipachipala@gmail.com Cell number: (713) 876 9677
Key Club is proudly affiliated with...
We are pr udly representing... Huntsville Covenant Christian The Woodlands The Woodlands College Park Oak Ridge Wunsche Klein Collins