Niuvis is known as the “50/50 Queen” at all of our events and single handedly raised thousands of dollars for our Bell Haven Build. Always the first to step up when help is needed and the last to leave ensuring nothing is left undone, she radiates enthusiasm through her tremendous smile!!! Niuvis is an irreplaceable asset to Habitat Middle Keys and a pure pleasure to have as part of our family.

One Island Family
Unitarian Universalist
Dave is the long-serving Treasurer for One Island Family. In addition to beancounting duties, this year Dave oversaw complex construction projects on our building and handled many smaller concerns himself. Yes -- Dave climbed up and chased critters out of the attic! He spearheads congregational participation in roadside cleanups and keeps us informed and involved in wide-ranging social justice and environmental concerns.

Key West Mile Markers
Stephen has been a tireless volunteer for our Cycling Team and raised over $1.275 million for The SMART Ride since 2017. Stephen is affectionately
“Lower Keys Medical Center’s administration and board are honored to sponsor and participate in an event that has been recognizing our county’s Unsung Heroes for 25 years! Congratulations to the Community Foundation of the Florida Keys and all of the volunteers who give their time, talent and commitment to improve the lives of our families and neighbors in the Keys. Of all of the events that Lower Keys Medical Center supports throughout the year, Unsung Heroes has a special kind of energy. The volunteers who are highlighted help put food on tables, provide shelter for the vulnerable, support children and families, and enhance quality of life for all of us. Thank you for shining your light on our community.”
— Dr. Sal Perla, Interim CEO, Lower Keys Medical Center
Your smiling face could be on these pages next year. To learn about our local charities and find one or more that interest you, visit cffk.org/nonprofits
known as The Rainmaker by his Team for his ability to solicit prizes from local businesses for our various fundraising events. Stephen is a Team First individual who avoids recognition and deserves his moment in the Key West Sunshine.

LORI BAILEY Good Health Clinic
Lori is a dedicated, talented Board member and volunteer for Good Health Clinic. She shares her financial expertise, she is the cornerstone of our successful annual event, and she thoughtfully contributes to our governing board. The leadership and hard work she dedicates to this organization has made it possible to expand services and our vision.

Unity of the Keys Spiritual Center
Robin has always been a dedicated volunteer, willing and ready to help with whatever is needed. This past year she jumped in even further, completing weekly office & bookkeeping responsibilities when our Church Coordinator transitioned to working
remotely. Her gifts and talents go beyond all that she does for us, revealing the light and love that is truly Robin. She exemplifies what we hold as dear in Unity - seeing love in all.

Dawn has been our allaround event organizer, contact person, volunteer, Inventory manager, mangrove nursery worker, meeting leader, and mail clerk. She has taken on a huge load since some of our other volunteers have moved away from the Keys. She just jumped in and ran with the ball.

Florida Keys History and Discovery Center
Jeremy contributed to each program and event we have had at The Florida Keys History and Discovery Center this year. He handbuilt our Children’s Discovery Area sandbox which is used by patrons daily. Staff can always count on Jeremy to help put together the things needed for new exhibits and to help fix anything needed within the center. His volunteer work at The Discovery Center

has furthered our mission of youth program development and he always steps in whenever or wherever he is needed.

Frederick Douglass School Black Educators Memorial Project
Dr. Virginia Burgohy Irving is a co-founder of the Frederick Douglass School Black Educators Memorial Project and has served as a group facilitator and mentor for nearly 15 years. Dr. Irving has given selflessly to the Bahama Village community, playing a pivotal role in establishing the Bahama Village Sacred Circle of Elders program, the Rose Sands Lopez Compassionate Heart Award and the Venora Mingo Family Festival of Reading. Dr. Irving’s unwavering commitment and service to the Bahama Village community makes her our Unsung Hero.

Wayne is the CEO of the Marathon & Lower Keys Association of Realtors and has served on FIRM’s
Board of Directors since 2019. The work of FIRM’s all volunteer Board of Directors has resulted in over $900M savings in wind insurance premiums since 2006. Since 2014 Wayne and MLKAR have raised nearly $500K for FIRMKeys through fund drives and golf tournaments. Wayne’s energy is boundless, and his support of FIRM’s mission is unwavering.

Save our Pines
During his terms as Mayor for the City and the County, Craig continuously stood by our side when we reached out for governmental support. In 2015 he proclaimed Save Our Pines Day for observation. As a fellow citizen he understands the pine’s shade is irreplaceable. There is nothing comparable that creates the green space at water’s edge where people can go and relax peacefully away from the daily hustle and bustle of Key West. Thank you, Craig!

United Way of Collier and the Keys
For 8 years, Jeanette has been an Unsung Hero of United Way of Collier and the Keys’ Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. As the volunteer site lead, she manages operations in Marathon, provides essential Spanish translation services, and goes above and beyond to ensure success. With Jeanette’s help, the program has doubled the number of people receiving free tax assistance each year, setting them on a path to financial stability.

Community Foundation of the Florida Keys
Alex Counts is a remarkable hero for all Florida Keys nonprofits, having led the Leadership Success Academy as its distinguished headliner for five years, entirely voluntarily and covering his own travel costs. His commitment goes well beyond training, providing priceless guidance on board governance and fundraising throughout the year, strengthening the roots of our island community.

Florida Keys Healthy Start Coalition Geraldine has been an invaluable asset to the Coalition’s Families, Board and to the Keys community. She was instrumental in our Welcome Baby Bag program, providing essential translation services for Haitian Creole-speaking mothers and creating a video to educate new mothers about the resources available to them. Her contributions to our Fetal and Infant Mortality Review (FIMR) Community Action Group and our Board of Directors have offered unique insights and perspectives from the Creole community. Her volunteer work has undoubtedly improved the lives of countless moms and babies.

students. He supported, encouraged, and even cajoled each one towards high school graduation and college. This year, even when his newest mentee forgets a mentor session, shows up late, or is noncommunicative, Mike never gives up. His perseverance, positivity, and compassion exemplify the purpose and mission of Take Stock in Children.

Special Olympics Florida Monroe County Connor Dixon has been involved with Special Olympics Florida since 12, as a partner at Key Largo School. He was a founding member of that school’s Jr. Unified Soccer and Flag Football teams. When he transitioned to Coral Shores High School, he helped found that school’s Unified Program. After school reopened from COVID, Connor became a certified coach in Flag Football and Soccer. He has created awareness by involving the Unified Teams in holiday parades, fundraisers, and community events.

Forgotten Felines of the Florida Keys
Valerie handles all TNR’ing (trap, neuter, release) from Big Pine south to Key West! On top of TNR’ing she also personally feeds multiple colonies through the lower keys. She is a major asset to our nonprofit with her experience, dedication, and perseverance. She is always donating her time with fostering, buying cat food and assisting with vet bills. We are so grateful to have Valerie with us!

The Rotary Club of Sunset Key West Donnie works tirelessly, giving countless hours of time in various capacities such as organizing fundraisers, and volunteering for community events. As president of the club this year, his enthusiasm and leadership have led the way to bring in several new members and speakers from the community. His major efforts have directly resulted in the success of the Sunset Rotary’s Domino Tournament and Menendez Miler which raises money for senior scholarships.

Southernmost Hockey Club
Alicia has been volunteering with SMHC since 2017 in multiple capacities. She has helped as league secretary, treasurer and is currently vice president. Alicia can do it all: score keeping games. working the concession, helping to organize community skate nights, managing media posts, cleaning up the rink, and keeping track of administrative duties for our nonprofit status. She tirelessly manages our new player gear loan program which encourages kids to try out hockey and parents don’t have to worry about purchasing expensive gear.
ing tourists into visitors, and visitors into engaged community members. She not only volunteers her own time to ensure OIRF’s core mission of preserving our cultural and historical heritage, she recruits other visitors to Key West to contribute in a multitude of ways during their limited time here. Sally sets an example as an engaged community member who enables OIRF to preserve neighborhoods, to educate, and to do collaborative programming with other local non-profits.

Monroe Association for Remarcable Citizens
Dominick Fornaro always finds a way to get things done for us. When we needed a fork-lift, he got his brother to donate it. When it needed to be repaired, he found a way to get it fixed. When MARC House needs big-ticket items for the Plant Store or agency, he found donors. He is there for our Pumpkin Patch, Christmas Tree Sale, Decorated Tree Auction, Poinsettia delivery or any other project we come up with.


Mote Marine Laboratory
Bruce’s eagerness to learn and contribute in new ways is unparalleled. Whether branching out to assist different departments, offering thoughtful ideas to improve our program, or volunteering at community outreach events, Bruce embodies the true spirit of a volunteer. He’s been a passionate ambassador for Mote, engaging with the public at events like Reef Revival Fest, Ocean Fest, and the Sunset Pier concerts during Key West’s Fantasy Fest, sharing his experiences and encouraging others to care about coral reef conservation.

Coldwell Banker Schmitt
Charitable Foundation
2011. She joined the board as an associate board member in 2016 and was named Treasurer in 2017. For the past 7 years she has served as Treasurer, looking for ways to reduce our operating expenses, streamlining processes and advising the board on past events and decisions. All of this increases our ability to fund and provide volunteer services to local charities and non-profits.

Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF)
studio tours, sharing her knowledge and passion with guests while guiding them through the experience. Together, Mark and Joyce bring an unbeatable combination of dedication, enthusiasm, and flexibility, making a lasting impact on our events and community.

Anne McKee
Fund of the Florida Keys
Sally Fell epitomizes the
Kids Come First in the Florida Keys Tina is Kids Come First and Roxane’s Superhero, and unanimously voted our new 2024-25 board treasurer. Her happy to help attitude has provided confidence, self-esteem, smiles and love to many students at Christmas time and back to school in the Keys. In 2023-24 KCF served over 2,100 student wishes for Christmas and over 700 received new backpacks, supplies, clothing and shoes returning to school in August 2024. Tina’s hard work made this possible.
Halley Haack is always going out of her way to help people. She is the president of the Schmitt Charitable Foundation and started the Lunch Box project at Christmas time. She puts Christmas trees up at the CB Schmitt office and that brings in money that goes to the school. No matter what the problem is, Haley is there helping the people.

Southernmost Coconut Castaways
Jan Hall is a founding member of the Southernmost Coconut Castaways in
Fred is one of our most active participants in REEF’s Volunteer Fish Survey Project, an ocean citizen science program collecting and reporting information on marine fish populations here in the Keys and around the world. He was one of the first divers to test the innovative underwater camera and laser technology and continues to collect important information about fish length for fisheries stock assessments. His dedication, generosity, and passion for the ocean embody the spirit of REEF, and we are profoundly grateful for the many ways he supports our mission and inspires others to care for the marine environment.

The Studios of Key West
Mark and Joyce Heels are an incredible duo, always stepping up as dedicated ushers at our events with their warm, welcoming presence. In addition to their ushering duties, Joyce takes on several important roles that truly go above and beyond. She’s a docent for our artist
is an integral part of our Volunteer Runner team at the annual Fine Art Auction. Her super friendly demeanor and attention to detail helps make the Auction run smoothly. Haley’s hobby is restoring discarded wooden furniture. She’s a watercolor artist exhibiting in the Key West Art Center. A few years ago, one of the other artists ‘coerced’ her into being a runner for the Auction.

has dedicated the past five years to creating, building, and executing the first-ever non-pay-toplay sporting opportunity for youth in the Upper Keys. Her unwavering mission is to make sports accessible to every child, regardless of their circumstances, fostering an environment of inclusion, diversity, and opportunity. As the founder, president, accountant, coordinator, essentially, the backbone of the Upper Keys Youth Lacrosse program, Dominique has volunteered countless hours to ensure the success and growth of the initiative.

Keys AHEC Health Center
When it comes to Children’s Dentistry, Sandy Higgs is a beacon of passion and dedication, ensuring every child in need receives the care they deserve. Her unwavering support for the Keys AHEC Children’s Dental program has been nothing short of heroic. Thanks to her tireless advocacy, a vital partnership with the Key West Rotary Club was forged, providing essential resources to serve children throughout the county.

Monroe County
Dwight Hill, Class XXX alum, is an exemplary community leader who has significantly manifested his principle of “to those who much is given much is expected” as he is actively involved serving on the boards of the Children’s Shelter of Monroe County and The Studios of Key West. He is the Market President of First Horizon Bank for the Florida Keys and through the First Horizon Foundation he directs the bank’s charitable giving in the Keys.

Anchors Aweigh Club
Paul Housholder has been a dedicated volunteer at Anchors Aweigh for the past 10 years. He has served on the Intergroup Board for 8 years, overseeing the accurate production of pamphlets detailing the times and
locations of local AA meetings. Paul has been a member of the Anchors Aweigh Board of Directors for the last 3 years and, when the position became vacant, he stepped up and volunteered to become the Fundraising Chairperson, where he quickly organized and managed the largest fundraiser of the year.

Reef Renewal, USA
Tad has demonstrated outstanding engineering skills and an impeccable attention to detail in every project. Whether designing coral growing apparatus, troubleshooting challenges with the Reef Renewal vessels, or improving efficiency in our operations, he consistently applies a high level of precision and problem-solving ability to ensure success. His technical expertise, combined with a genuine commitment to making a positive impact on the community, has not only enhanced the effectiveness of our initiatives but has also inspired others to approach challenges with the same level of care and dedication.

Florida Keys Council of the Arts
Our honoree, Beth Kaminstein, is an arts advocate extraordinaire! She is a devoted Art in Public Places Committee Member for Monroe County and consistently brings her expertise and passion for the arts to meetings for the betterment of our island community. Beth believes with all her heart that Art builds Community, and we are humbled by her commitment to increasing the arts in Islamorada and all of the Florida Keys. Thank you, Beth, for your own artistry, your ongoing support, and your abundant hours devoted to the creative, cultural arts in the Keys.

Queer Keys
Marisa has been volunteering with Queer Keys since we hung our first youth program flyers around Key West in 2021. She is a consistent volunteer with our youth program, providing mentorship, support, and a listening ear to the young participants that attend our weekly get-together. As someone who grew up in Key West, she is uniquely able to connect to our youth program participants about the joys and difficulties of growing up in a small town in the middle of the ocean.

Zonta Club of Key West
Alison Kerr is a past president of the Zonta Club of Key West. She was voted Zontian of the Year for the 2023-2024 year due to her devotion to the club and her willingness to serve our community. In addition to being an effective leader, Alison has done a wonderful job of expanding Zonta’s exposure to the public on social media. She has been the club’s photographer, a valued and respected and it should be noted that she is just nice to know.

St Paul’s Episcopal Church
Mike is our IT guru at St Paul’s Episcopal Church. He runs the livestream of our 10 AM Sunday services every week and for other
special services and events as well. He is our parish photographer, too. His work on the livestream desk brings services to the homebound and the far away. His photographs have been integral to our success in obtaining restoration grants and in promoting St Paul’s as a place of beauty and a people with heart.

Critter Litter
Sugar volunteers at the facility every weekday during baby season. She syringe and bottle feeds the neonatal raccoons, tends to the needs of other native wildlife, and maintains a safe and clean nursey area. She soothes the scared and demonstrates compassion and love for all animals. She has helped raise 46 raccoons and opossums, one squirrel and one tiny bat. Without her support the organization would not be able to operate. She has helped our facility return healthy, happy wildlife back to their natural habitats.

Key West Impromptu Classical Concerts
Key West Impromptu Classical Concerts is pleased to name retiring Board member George Korn as our Unsung Hero for 2025. George has been a Board member for 15 years, many years as President. Impromptu’s visibility and outreach to the community have been elevated under George’s leadership. He significantly improved the long-term financial viability of the organization. In 2022 George led a fund-raising campaign for Impromptu’s 50th Anniversary, raising almost $100,000.

Tropic Cinema
They are the heartbeat of Tropic Cinema’s volunteer team, stepping up when no one else can. When floor managers are on vacation or unavailable, Roxanne willingly takes on entire shifts, managing everything from handling money and supervising volunteers to cleaning concession equipment. Brad, always ready to tackle facilities issues, ensures the Tropic stays in top shape. Beyond their regular contributions, Brad and Roxanne also organize field trips and outdoor screenings, bringing the magic of cinema to the community in new and engaging ways.

Running for Rhonda Charity
The mission of the charity is to bring people together in fellowship to celebrate the amazing life of Rhonda Flores, her dedication to education, and her enthusiasm for fitness. The charity hosted a Cinco de Mayo themed race to raise $25,000 for a local scholarship. Natasha, the Race Committee Chair, was instrumental in the success of the race, coordinating months in advance of the event and taking control on race day. Without her hard work and enthusiastic efforts, the charity could not have pulled off this extraordinary event.

the Co-President of our Keys to Be the Change Youth Leadership Program. She is an amazing volunteer who answers the call to help our community without questioning why! She is a leader who promotes positivity and perseverance. She has been instrumental in making sure our prevention efforts on campus are maximized. Susana is an amazing mentor to reluctant readers at Poinciana in our afterschool Literacy Program.

Marathon Wild Bird Center
Karen is an invaluable asset to the Marathon Wild Bird Center. Her dedication is unwavering, whether she’s responding to a bird rescue call or ensuring the center is well-stocked and organized. With a knack for finding injured birds, Karen has earned the title of “bird magnet.” Her flexibility and willingness to lend a hand make her an indispensable part of our team.

Key West Woman’s Club Sho has been the driving force behind one of our club’s most successful and impactful fundraising initiatives: The Key West Woman’s Club Restaurant Card and Theatre Tour Card. This initiative, which she masterminded in 2005, has consistently raised vital funds for local charities, with 100% of the proceeds directly benefiting local organizations in need. Sho’s Restaurant Card concept has brought together club members and local businesses to work hand-in-hand for the greater good, making the Key West Woman’s Club Restaurant Card campaign the foundation of the club’s mission of giving back to the community.

Literacy Volunteers
A.J. Luciano started helping at Literacy Volunteers of America (LVA) years ago when he installed a video surveillance system to make LVA safe. AJ is a long-term LVA supporter, never saying “no” to lending a helping hand. Whether working events or setting up LVA classrooms with sight and sound, taking care of LVA computer and electronic needs, to being “ZOOM meeting electronic genius”, AJ is always right there.

Boat Show
Dave has been involved in the Island Boat Show (IBS) for the past 8 years. Most recently he has stepped up into a leadership role, organizing the committees and officiating the many meetings that help make this a successful event. Funds raised from the event, has supported $50,000 in college scholarships annually to deserving local students, with the remaining funds supporting church ministries and missions such as the Thanksgiving Outreach, Operation Christmas Child and other community charitable causes.

Historic Key West Cemetery and as a researcher and organizer for the Cemetery Strolls. The donations she helps raise are used for education and restoration at the cemetery. She is a gifted presenter and her enthusiasm is contagious. Mary Ann also serves as a volunteer for our annual Historic Preservation Awards.

PAUL MENTA Reef Relief

eye for details have kept us on track with formalities. Martha runs reports so we can qualify for grants, keeps us aware of our various accounts and lets us know how successful our fundraising has been. What Martha Paez brings to the Friends of the Key Largo Library board in expertise, enthusiasm and generosity is greatly appreciated and worthy of praise and

Paul Menta is a pillar of the Key West community and a man that makes things happen. Paul has been an avid supporter of Reef Relief, building events to support our mission, whether they be virtual, in person volunteer opportunities, or large celebrations like the Mermaid Festival or Just A Few Friends. Paul is not only an incredible leader, but he is also a great advocate, sharing information about our marine environment and how to protect it far and wide.

Music With Heart
of SOS, generously giving her time multiple times each week to support our mission. Her hardworking nature and genuine passion have been instrumental in ensuring that we can provide nourishing meals to those who need them most, transforming simple acts of cooking into powerful moments of care and support.
Music With Heart, Inc. raises funds through professionally produced concerts and musical events to help people in need here in the Florida Keys. On concert day, Stephen Mizner is indispensable, taking responsibility for everything from the live video and after-party photography, to acting as liaison with the lighting and sound engineers. He handles the many details that help make Music With Heart concerts go off without a hitch. Music With Heart, founded by Kim Gordon, has donated approximately $1 million to local nonprofits, about half
as its primary purpose is to gather members socially for fundraising and party activities. The situation was exacerbated when the club president moved from the area and began steps to disband the club. Linda stepped into the role of acting president and treasurer. She held the club together and participated in a committee that rebuilt the club with all new leadership and many new members. She remains as club treasurer and the backbone of the club.

Florida Keys Children’s Shelter
Nicole Navarro, the President and Founder of Pawsitive Beginnings, has created an animal-assisted therapy program. Sharing stories of survival from the rescued fox’s perspective, helps those that may be struggling with trauma. Nicole has not only provided this unique therapy program to the Florida Keys Children’s Shelter (FKCS) free of charge, but she also regularly hosts events for our kiddos - like “Friendsgiving”, a special dinner with donated gifts and entertainment - that foster hope and positive emotional growth for the children of FKCS.


our Key West members are more excited and empowered to participate in sea turtle conservation than ever.

Marathon Garden Club
Janet was a garden club member for over 10 years and wore many hats during her time. She chaired our Holiday bazaar many times, was a vice-president, saw to the hospitality during our home tours and was always willing to help when needed with a sweet smile and gentle grace. She passed on almost two years ago and is greatly missed by the club.

Lower Keys Rotary Jason Pearson for years has been instrumental in putting up the Christmas lights through the Lower Florida Keys. Not only does he do this for us, he also decorates the giant tree on Sugarloaf Key in front of the Fire Station. Jason has also worked every year at our Fall Festival. He brings his Tractor and trailer and provides hayrides for all of the children and their families. Jason not only brings in great ideas he also does the work to make them a reality. He is civic minded and the epitome of a good neighbor and a perfect example of someone that you would want to represent your town.

Star of the Sea Foundation
Maureen stands as a beacon of compassion and dedication, embodying the true spirit of volunteerism. For over five years, she has been an indispensable part
Bahama Village Music Program
Yasmin has been a wonderful help to the program over the last several years. She regularly attends our various events and performances. She helps out graciously with a smile and showers the kids with love, praise, and encouragement. We are truly thankful to have a volunteer like her.

HELENA POIST Habitat for Humanity of Key West and Lower Florida Keys
Helena has been an invaluable member of the Habitat for Humanity development committee for several years. Her dedication and leadership have been crucial in helping us achieve our mission to provide affordable housing to families in need. Helena consistently brings innovative ideas and practical solutions to the table, especially when it comes to fundraising. She not only contributes during planning but also takes on a handson role before, during, and after every event.

Samuel’s House
Peter became intimately familiar with the mission of Samuel’s House shortly after his daughter joined as deputy director in March 2020, and played an integral role in the success of every fundraiser and project. His expertise in HVAC has been particularly impactful, as he has generously provided essential maintenance and repairs, ensuring our facilities remain safe and comfortable for the individuals and families we serve. Peter’s behind-the-scene efforts have not only saved the organization significant resources, but has also allowed us to focus more fully on providing housing and support to those in need.

Friends of the Key West Library
One of The Friends most popular community activities is their used book sales. Year round, Bethany volunteers weekly sorting the book donations that are fundamental to these sales. At each book sale, she leads the team setting up and taking down the tables of books in the library’s palm garden. Her positive energy motivates the whole team. Bethany has inspired others to volunteer with the Friends as well. She is loyal, dependable and dedicated. The Friends count on her to assist wherever needed.

been the driving force behind the construction of the school’s Christmas float each year. Mr. Pytlik selflessly organizes the entire effort, volunteering his time, expertise, and resources to ensure that this hallmark event, one that marks the joyous beginning of our holiday celebrations in Key West is a resounding success. The float brings immense joy to countless students who eagerly participate by riding or walking alongside it.

HENRY QUINTANA Rotary Club of Key Largo Sunset Henry is one of our most dedicated Rotarians of our club. He helps with our monthly service project at the Oasis nursing home. He works helping our other Upper Keys Rotary clubs with the Nautical Flea Market, the Key Largo Rotary with Take Stock tournament and all of our Projects we have with the Key Largo Sunset Rotary. If he can find a way to help support or get involved with something to make the community better, he is always the first on board and is the 1st to Volunteer! He has helped make this community better with everything he is involved in.

WALTER SCHURTENBERGER College of the Florida Keys
countless hours of time, energy, effort, and knowledge helping CFK, as they work together to foster the renewable energy industry and bring the vision of a cleaner, greener, and brighter future into reality for all, especially the Florida Keys.

Wesley House Family Services
Christopher Rounds has graciously hosted an elegant community Christmas Party/Toy Drive for many years that benefits Wesley House and other nonprofits in the community. Each year this event nets over 1000 toys in the span of a few hours! The toys bring many smiles to the children on Christmas Day and are a huge help to families who struggle to make ends meet. We are forever grateful to Christopher and his La Te Da Team!

Key West Botanical Garden Society
effort in providing parking safety and supervision for all Coffee Butler Amphitheater events. This covered the busiest months of the year and entailed finding and coordinating Navy League volunteers to help organize the parking lot for 6-8 hours for each Amphitheater event. Steve has also been a stalwart in participating in Navy League support for US Coast Guard Fast Response Cutter (FRC) handover ceremonies each and every quarter.

Presents in Paradise
Tammy took on the almost overwhelming task of translating, collating, uploading, and entering all of the nearly 800 children’s Christmas lists we received this year! This massive undertaking is crucial to fulfilling the needs and wishes of every child and family we serve. She took on the challenge with a smile and helped make sure every child in need was given the clothing, shoes, bedding, hygiene products, and school supplies they need to succeed in the coming year.

Mr. Walter Schurtenberger, a world-class naval architect, has applied his considerable hydrodynamic skills towards developing a better, more efficient, and environmentally friendly form of capturing energy from moving water. In 2015, he started volunteering at the College of the Florida Keys to develop a one-of-a-kind degree with a primary focus on hydrokinetic power. Mr. Schurtenberger has donated
For over a decade, Tracey has been known as our ‘Mulch Queen’ and one of the Garden Guardians hardest working volunteers. She is at the Garden several days a week with a smile on her face filling up her 2 wheelbarrow carts with and spreading mulch around the Garden’s trees and shrubs which help to protect the roots from heat and drought. In addition, she fixes things; all kinds of things, like light fixtures, handcart wheels, benches, and signs.

Since 2011, Dr. Saxe has conducted countless surgeries and exams on wild bird patients. She has pinned fractures in the wings and legs of hawks, surgically removed internal hooks from pelicans and cormorants, and tended to wounds on many different species. She has performed veterinary health checks and diagnostics on non-releasable birds to make sure they are living the highest quality of life, especially as they get older. She has always been around to answer questions and been readily available to bird center staff throughout the years. of the Middle Keys

of the Upper Keys
ALICIA SEVERINO Habitat for Humanity of the Upper Keys
Alicia Severino gives her time generously to Habitat for Humanity of the Upper Keys. After becoming a homeowner and completing her sweat equity, she continues to volunteer at the ReStore on her weekends as well as other Habitat events. She always has a warm, welcoming smile on her face, and we are so grateful for her!

Our team loves to tell stories about when we first met Dave. He was a diver who loved the Florida Keys and being in the ocean but never really considered how he could help. Once he started diving with I.CARE, he quickly became one of our most engaged participants and lovingly tells our team that we turned him into a tree hugging hippie! Rain or shine, calm or windy, Dave shows up to help our coral reefs!

USCGC Ingham Memorial Museum
We would like to nominate Gary & Mary Ellen for the contribution they have made to our ship. Gary & Mary Ellen have been able to complete several projects in different areas of the ship. They regularly take the initiative to help fellow volunteers when needed. They are a great asset to the museum ship.
The Rotary Club of Key West Michael, aside from exemplifying our club’s 4 Way Test and volunteering his time and services for almost any/all Rotary events -- recently, Michael learned of a highly decorated Navy Veteran who needed a kidney. Michael decided he would donate his kidney to someone he had previously not known. To date, Michael and the recipient are recovering well. When asked why he made this decision, he simply replied, “This man has sacrificed and served this country and this is the least I can do for him- and I hope if I’ve ever in a similar need, that someone would do the same for me.”

Upper Keys Humane Society
Shirley’s commitment, professionalism, and organizational prowess have been instrumental to the Upper Keys Humane Society’s achievements this past year. Her initiative in coordinating volunteers at our Cat Cafe and ensuring all adoptable animals receive online exposure has dramatically increased adoption rates. As the surgical director of the Upper Keys Humane Society, Shirley will spearhead our new affordable spay/neuter/ vaccine/microchip program starting in 2025, in addition to managing our existing feral cat sterilization efforts.

Cooking with Love at Metropolitan Community Church
Kevin is the most amazing volunteer, showing up at 7:00 am every Saturday to help prep and cook food for the meal. He then helps plate the 200+ meals to ready them for home delivery. Once that is done, he cleans the kitchen, social hall, then mops the floors, all with a sweet spirit about him!

Somerset Island Prep
For over a year, Owen has worked daily, pro bono, to help build a new school, dedicating his time and expertise to our vision. As the owner of a land use planning and development consulting firm, he brings fresh ideas and enthusiasm to the project, ensuring that young adults will have the best possible learning environment. His commitment to our school and community has been invaluable, and we are deeply grateful for his ongoing support.

Florida Keys SPCA
Janette is a caring person who normally volunteers her time working with our cats. Recently, we needed someone to fill in at the front desk. This is an important position as it is the public’s first impression of
the facility. Janette learned the different requirements of the position quickly and is extremely compassionate with all who enter our Shelter, no matter what the reason. She is always ready to come in when we need her, even at a moment’s notice.

Key West Orchid Society
Pan Van Soest has been an invaluable member of the Key West Orchid Society for many years. She brings an enormous amount of expertise to our meeting and our members. She is instrumental in producing and running our annual Orchid Festival every March, from planning to execution. She also is involved in our newest joint venture with the Key West Tropical and Botanical Gardens to conserve, preserve and protect our native Florida Key’s orchids.

Key West Garden Club
Christa Varacelli. As an integral part of the success with our Communication. Christa manages the Key West Garden Clubs website, Social Media, Membership rolls, and renewals. And when the IBots tried to invade our website multiple times she counter attacked and won. When it comes to fighting, Christa is better than Luke Skywalker with a light saber when they approach. In her spare minutes Christa also volunteers in our propagation area, creating beautiful plants for the many people who visit the garden to purchase them.

Key West Community Sailing Center
Since joining the Sailing Center back in 2018, Mike Vickery has been an invaluable volunteer, and has served on the board of directors as Dockmaster since 2022. Vickery is responsible for leading efforts and doing a significant portion of the work to build and maintain docks, sheds, and storage to help the Center more efficiently use available space. Vickery is also the mastermind behind all of the Center’s holiday floats and decorations over the last few years, including their most recent float in the Key West Holiday Parade. As an extremely talented engineer, he has been crucial in keeping the Center afloat for years - figuratively, and literally.”

Casey Vinall has been one of the driving forces behind Womankind’s annual Tats for Tatas fundraiser. Not only does Casey graciously host the event, but he also donates 100% of the bar’s proceeds during the fundraiser to support Womankind’s mission, raising twohundred thousand dollars
over the past three years to ensure critical healthcare access for women in our community. Casey’s dedication goes beyond financial contributions. He rallies his extensive network of friends and supporters, calling in countless favors to make the night an extraordinary success.
WALDON Boys & Girls Clubs of the Keys Area
Darryl Walden gives his time unselfishly to our organization. Anytime we need something tended to at the Club, Mr. Walden makes himself available to help. Whether it’s something we need to assemble or something that needs to be repaired - he tends to it. Even time spent interacting with our members is time well spent, as the kids enjoy his funny shenanigans. We are absolutely grateful for Mr. Walden’s generosity and kindness, as he always comes to the Club with a smile.

Key West Art Center
A talented watercolor and acrylic painter, Mally Weaver has been a member of the Key West Art Center since 2006. Mally always rises to the occa-
sion to assist the Art Center when needed by filling in at the gallery, training new employees, shipping art, changing lightbulbs and seeing to other building maintenance issues. Most recently, she is serving as the President of our Board of Directors. She has a strong passion for cultivating and supporting local artists throughout the Keys.

MICHELE WHITE Guidance/Care Center
Michele White joined GCC’s Community Action Council in 2024. She volunteers her time on our local board and is an advocate for behavioral health! This year she was she was instrumental in obtaining additional funding for GCC’s program, The Heron, an assisted living facility for those with mental illness. Michele introduced us to the Grants for Good Campaign through First Horizon Foundation. Then, we were honored to be a recipient of these funds for The Heron rebuild, keeping this specialized housing safe, secure and affordable.

Marathon Community Theatre and Cinema
Over the years, Karen has been an unwavering
cornerstone of our community theatre, contributing countless hours behind the scenes to ensure every production shines. From managing complex schedules to organizing props and costumes to managing and creating our archive, her meticulous attention to detail and resourceful problem-solving have been invaluable. She is a mentor to new volunteers, offering guidance and encouragement that fosters a sense of community and teamwork. It’s not just her work but also her attitude that sets Karen apart.

Marine Preservation Society of the Florida Keys
As a start-up, Ms. Zifferer managed our logo, our domain, and our identity. She designed our merchandise. As we matured, Jodi organized two educational events with Sanctuary Superintendent, Sarah Fangman for the Ocean Reef Community. She continued her march to support MPS by giving countless hours planning, organizing, and lifting the organization’s first-ever gala, the salty Soiree. She secured sponsors, she stuffed envelopes, she procured auction items, recruited smart and professional volunteers, and she donated her own assets for the good of the event.

Make a gift for tomorrow, unlock up to $10,000 for your favorite Keys nonprofit today!

Scan to go to the legacy challenge page directly
Elizabeth Brown
305.809.4995 / elizabeth@cffk.org
• Anchors Aweigh Club
• Domestic Abuse Shelter
• Florida Keys Council of the Arts
• Florida Keys History and Discovery Museum
• Florida Keys SPCA
• Friends of the Key Largo Library
• Key West Art & Historical Society
• Key West Botanical Garden Society
• Key West Garden Club
• Key West Literary Seminar
• Key West Wildlife Center
• Key West Woman’s Club
• Last Stand
• Literacy Volunteers of Monroe County
• MarrVelous Pet Rescues
• Monroe Association for ReMARCable Citizens
• Monroe County Educational Foundation
• Music With Heart
• Presents in Paradise
• St. Paul’s Episcopal
• Tennessee Williams Theatre
• The Studios of Key West
• Tropic Cinema
• Unity of the Keys Spiritual Center
• Upper Keys Business and Professional Women
• Upper Keys Humane Society
• Zonta Foundation of Key West