Special Edition
im PULS Association Periodical Relevant News of the
Special Edition
August 2012
Structure and application of the new Rayonex analysis and harmonisation system in the area of veterinary medicine (RAH-Vet)
Masthead Publisher and Editor:
Hunold-Rump-Str. 13 D-57368 Lennestadt Telephone: 07 00 / 87 24 94 64 07 00 / TSCHWING Telefax: 07 00 / 37 24 94 64 07 00 / FSCHWING E-Mail: schwing.padberg@freenet.de www.vereinigung-schwingungsmedizin.de Bank account: Sparkasse A-L-K Routing Code: 462 516 30 Account No.: 30 000 194 Publication: 3 magazines per year Editorial: The Executive Council Acquirement: The active and passive members of the association will receive this periodical against payment of the membership fee. Concerning the beginning and the end of the membership it is referred to the Articles of Association in effect, which was sent to all members. Additional copies can be obtained from the office against payment of 7.- Euro plus postage.
Rights: Copyright by Vereinigung zur Fรถrderung der Schwingungsmedizin e.V. All rights reserved; reproductions in any form are not allowed without the prior permission by the publisher and with credits. As a matter of principle, the authors reproduce their own opinion independent of the editorial. Manuscripts offered must neither have been previously published nor be offered at another place at the same time; for manuscripts submitted without having been solicited, no liability is assumed (please include the postage for the return of the manuscript). All statements made (in particular on healings) are without obligation and liability. Jurisdiction: 57368 Lennestadt ISSN 1439-4332
Table of contents 1
Preface to the special edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
System programmes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8
Physiology horse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-12
Pathology horse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-17
Physiology dog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-21
Pathology dog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-26
Physiology cat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-30
Pathology cat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-35
Annex I: System programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-52
Annex II: Horse pathology programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53-74
Annex III: Dog pathology programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-97
Annex IV: Cat pathology programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98-121
Please note that the information in this brochure and the application of the described procedure does not replace consultation of a naturopathically oriented doctor or health practitioner. Furthermore, we would like to point out that the conventional medical approach has neither accepted nor acknowledged the effect of bio-energetic oscillation.
Preface to the special edition
Apart from application of bio-resonance according to
for RAH. The transfer values, taken from the Schumann
Paul Schmidt in human medicine, application in veteri-
frequency range, transport the frequency spectra in an
nary medicine has been successfully established over
alternating way to the organism every 30 seconds. The
the past few years. Successful treatment of animals has
change created this way has the effect of a continuously
always been fascinating: It clearly shows the effect of the
new attention signal on the animal’s organism; as a result
method – without any placebo effects.
treatment times are shorter.
Over all these years, successful treatment has been used
With the help of very successful veterinarians and animal
to improve and optimise the procedure continuously, so
health practitioners – we would like to mention in particu-
that bio-resonance according to Paul Schmidt in veteri-
lar practitioner Hussmann and Dr. med. vet. Wienhues – it
nary medicine can be applied as independently in as
was possible to develop a comprehensive RAH programme
human medicine.
structure for horses, dogs and cats, which represent the current RAH-Vet.
A clearly new aspect for treatment in veterinary medicine is offered by the new RAH-Vet that inherited the advan-
Of course this does not mean an animal therapist cannot
tages of the human RAH and was extended by the special
use it to treat cows, birds or turtles. However, since the
requirements of veterinary medicine.
three selected animal species constitute the most common patient groups, this was our emphasis.
RAH - the abbreviation stands for Rayonex Analysis and Harmonisation System - was developed on the basis of
The new RAH-Vet consists of organ physiology (frequency
bio-resonance according to Paul Schmidt and extended
spectrums of healthy organ structures) as well as patho-
by modern requirements to be an expert system.
logy (frequency spectrums of pathological organ structures). Example: A therapist receives a horse for testing
The most important extension compared to bio-resonance
which, as a clear symptom, has a cough. The therapist can
according to Paul Schmidt is the possibility to take an
then test the respiratory tract by means of the physiology
extensive frequency spectrum to the organism. The
programmes. He/she is also able to examine whether the
frequencies are no longer applied successively but as a
health problem in the area of the bronchia is a cough
whole, as a frequency spectrum.
caused by an allergy, a cough resulting from an infection or from a heart disorder. He/she can test for pathogens
While in the past each individual frequency, e.g. concer-
and compile an effective therapy programme.
ning the kidney, was tested for its function, RAH-Vet provides the possibility to use all frequencies concerning
To make the testing clearer to the owner of the patient, a
the kidney in a frequency pattern „general kidney”.
visualisation option will be available in the Rayocomp PS 1000 polar, which shows the tested area in the organism
To transmit the frequency spectrums very effectively onto the animal, a new way was selected in particular
of the animal (horse, dog, cat).
This way there will be a clear display of how and where
and the drinking water of animals is a very important
exactly the necessary frequency spectrums are used in the
component for successful therapy. If toxins are ingested
with contaminated feed and contaminated drinking water and not recognised the chance for successful therapy is
If a therapist has to act quickly (without testing), he/
very low. Therefore, RAH-Vet provides a testing of feed
she can use so-called system programmes developed by
and drinking water that is able to find contamination
practitioner Hussmann over many years.
caused by moulds, mycotoxins, bacteria, parasites and heavy metals easily and safely.
The system programmes contain frequency structures that include energising, organ function areas with disor-
We wish you success with the new RAH-Vet.
ders, pathogens and detoxication. Another testing option is analysis of feed and drinking
The editorial staff of the association for promotion of
water. As we discovered in the past, testing of the feed
oscillation medicine
System programmes PS 10 M11
87.01 System programme heart
87.02 System programme lungs
87.03 System programme breathing tract
87.04 System programme throat
87.05 System programme sinuses
87.06 System programme kidneys
87.07 System programme bladder
87.08 System programme liver
87.09 System programme gall bladder
87.10 System programme pancreas
87.11 System programme spleen
87.12 System programme stomach
87.13 System programme small intestine
87.14 System programme large intestine
87.15 System programme blood vessels, veins
87.16 System programme prostate
87.17 System programme testicles
87.18 System programme penis
87.19 System programme ovaries
87.20 System programme female breast
87.21 System programme female breast – inflammation
87.22 System programme eye
87.23 System programme ear
87.24 System programme skin
87.25 System programme hair
87.26 System programme teeth
87.27 System programme hypothalamus
87.28 System programme hormones
87.29 System programme blood circulation
87.30 System programme nerves
87.31 System programme back
87.32 System programme bones
87.33 System programme joints
87.34 System programme knee
PS 10 M11 87.35 System programme hip
87.36 System programme tendons, muscles, ligaments
87.37 System programme liver rheumatism
87.38 System programme pesticides
87.39 System programme E. substances
87.40 System programme radon, radioactivity
87.41 System programme E.waves/harp
87.42 System programme amalgam
87.43 System programme formaldehyde
87.44 System programme influenza
87.45 System programme rhinitis
87.46 System programme cough
87.47 System programme throat
87.48 System programme frontal sinus
87.49 System programme eyes
87.50 System programme skin
87.51 System programme ticks
87.52 System programme joint bacteria
87.53 System programme nerve-muscle bacteria
87.54 System programme trichomonads
87.55 System programme skin herpes
87.56 System programme bacteria of domestic animals
87.57 System programme avian flu
87.58 System programme intestinal bacteria
87.59 System programme liver viruses
87.60 System programme retro-viruses
87.61 System programme genital bacteria/viruses
87.62 System programme bladder bacteria
87.63 System programme adenoviruses
87.64 System programme warts
87.65 System programme toxoplasmosis
87.66 System programme liver fluke
87.67 System programme fatigue stress
87.68 System programme Leishmania
87.69 System programme inflammation of heart-lungs
87.70 System programme dog – cat worm
87.71 System programme animal worm
87.72 System programme hook worm
PS 10 M11 87.73 System programme tapeworm
87.74 System programme threadworm
87.75 System programme fish leech
87.76 System programme candida dermamycosis
87.77 System programme aspergillus dermamycosis
87.78 System programme yeast infection
87.79 System programme trichomycetes
87.80 System programme antibiotics
Physiology horse PS 10 M11
88.00 Cell and tissue, general physiology horse
88.01 Cell nucleus
88.02 Cell membrane
88.03 Cytoplasm
88.04 Organelles, general
• PS 10 M11
88.05 Blood, general physiology horse
88.06 Erythrocytes
88.07 Leukocytes
88.08 Thrombocytes
88.09 Blood coagulation factors
• PS 10 M11
88.10 Immune system, general physiology horse
• PS 10 M11
88.15 Lymphatic system, general physiology horse
88.16 Lymph vessels
88.17 Lymph nodes
88.18 Tonsils
88.19 Peyer plaques
• PS 10 M11
88.20 Circulatory system, general physiology horse
88.21 Arteries
88.22 Veins
• PS 10 M11
88.25 Heart, general physiology horse
88.26 Heart layers, general
88.27 Endocardial space, general
88.28 Cardiac valves, general
88.29 Tricuspid valve
PS 10 M11 88.30 Pulmonary valve
88.31 Mitral valve
88.32 Aortic valve
88.33 Cardiac conduction system, general
• PS 10 M11
88.35 Blood, general physiology horse
88.36 Paranasal sinus, general
88.37 Larynx, general
88.38 Bronchia, general
88.39 Lungs
• PS 10 M11
88.40 Kidney/urinary organs, general physiology horse
88.41 Kidney, general
88.42 Urinary organs, general
88.43 Urinary bladder
88.44 Sphincter
• PS 10 M11
88.45 Digestive system, general physiology horse
88.46 Stomach
88.47 Small intestine, general
88.48 Large intestine
88.49 Anus/anal gland
• PS 10 M11
88.50 Liver/gall bladder/pancreas, general physiology horse
88.51 Liver, general
88.52 Pancreas general
• PS 10 M11
88.55 Metabolism, general physiology horse
88.56 Protein metabolism
88.57 Carbohydrate metabolism
88.58 Fat metabolism
PS 10 M11 88.60 Locomotive system, general physiology horse
88.61 Skeleton, general
88.62 Musculature general
88.63 Spinal column general
88.64 Inter-vertebral discs, general
• PS 10 M11
88.65 Neural system, general physiology horse
88.66 Central neural system, general
88.67 Peripheral neural system, general
• PS 10 M11
88.70 Visual organ, general physiology horse
88.71 Lachrymal duct, lachrymal canal general
88.72 Tunicae, general
88.73 Lens, pupil, vitreous body general
88.74 Visual nerves, general
• PS 10 M11
88.75 Hearing organ/vestibular organ, general physiology horse
88.76 Exterior ear, general
88.77 Tympanum, general
88.78 Interior ear, general
• PS 10 M11
88.80 Skin/coat physiology, general physiology horse
88.81 Skin general
88.82 Skin glands, general
88.83 Coat
88.84 Hooves/claws
• PS 10 M11
88.85 Hormonal system, general physiology horse
88.86 Hypothalamus
88.87 Pituitary gland
88.88 Thyroid gland
88.89 Parathyroid
88.90 Thymus
PS 10 M11 88.91 Adrenal medulla
88.92 Adrenal cortex
88.93 Ovaries
88.94 Testicles
• PS 10 M11
88.95 Female genitals, general physiology horse
• PS 10 M11
88.96 Male genitals, general physiology horse
• PS 10 M11
88.97 Psyche, general physiology horse
• PS 10 M11
88.98 Stress, general physiology horse
• PS 10 M11
88.99 Teeth, general physiology horse
Pathology horse PS 10 M11
89.00 Preparations for analysis
• PS 10 M11
89.01 Pilot control horse
• PS 10 M11
Blood pathology horse 89.02 Haemorrhagic anaemia
89.03 Anaemia caused by troubled generation of erythrocytes
89.04 Renal anaemia
89.05 Degeneration bone marrow
• PS 10 M11
Immune system pathology horse 89.06 Allergy general
89.07 Allergy skin
89.08 Allergy straw
89.09 Allergy wood
89.10 Insect bite (Font size was 12)
89.11 Increase of defensive performance
• PS 10 M11
Lymphatic system pathology horse 89.12 Lymphangitis
89.13 Lymphadenitis - swelling
89.14.Lymphatic drainage disorder
89.15 Lymph oedema
• PS 10 M11
Circulatory system pathology horse 89.16 Arterial circulatory disorder
89.17 Venous circulatory disorder
89.18 Blood pressure regulation disorder
89.19 Renal hypertension
PS 10 M11 Heart pathology horse 89.20 Myocardial fibrosis
89.21 Left ventricular insufficiency
89.22 Right ventricular insufficiency
89.23 Cor pulmonale
• PS 10 M11
Breathing tract pathology horse 89.24 Acute cough
89.25 Bronchitis, COB
89.26 Asthma bronchiale, allergic
89.27 Mucous congestion
89.28 Pleuritis sicca / exsudatriva
89.29 Pneumonia, bacterial
89.30 Obstructive pulmonary disorder
89.31 Adenitis equorum (Font size was 12)
89.32 Roaring
• PS 10 M11
Kidney pathology horse 89.33 Kidney insufficiency
89.34 Cystitis
89.35 Diabetes insipidus renalis
89.36 Diabetes insipidus centralis
• PS 10 M11
Digestive tract pathology horse 89.37 Acute gastritis
89.38 Diarrhoea
89.39 Colic
89.40 Stool water
• PS 10 M11
Liver -pancreas pathology horse
89.41 Hepatitis
89.42 Liver degeneration
89.43 Pancreas, exocrine functional disorder
PS 10 M11 Metabolism pathology horse 89.44 Protein metabolism disorder
89.45 Carbohydrate metabolism disorder
89.46 Fat metabolism disorder
89.47 Equine metabolic syndrome
• PS 10 M11
Locomotive system pathology horse 89.48 Bone injury/- fracture
89.49 Ostitis
89.50 Distortion
89.51 Contusion / haematoma
89.52 Muscle tension
89.53 Muscle injury / torn muscle fibre
89.54 Myositis
89.55 Ligament injury
89.56 Sprained ligaments
89.57 Inflammation of the ligament / tendonitis
89.58 Spinal cord pain / tension
89.59 Laminitis
89.60 Wind puffs hocks
89.61 Ring bone
89.62 Lumbago
89.63 Podotrochlosis syndrome (Font size was 12)
89.64 Ganglion
89.65 Ossification
89.66 Kissing spine
89.67 Bone spavin
89.68 Thrush
89.69 Inflammation of the joints (arthritis)
89.70 Degeneration of the joints (osteoarthritis)
• PS 10 M11
Neural system pathology horse 89.71 Head shaker
89.72 Palsy, spastic
89.73 Palsy, limp
89.74 Epileptiform episodes
PS 10 M11 89.75 Ataxia/ motion coordination disorders
• PS 10 M11
Visual organ pathology horse 89.76 Conjunctivitis
89.77 Periodic inflammation of the eyes
• PS 10 M11
Hearing organ pathology horse 89.78 Inflammation of the partoid glands
89.79 Ear fistula
• PS 10 M11
Skin/coat pathology horse 89.80 Grapes
89.81 Change of coat disorders, hormonal
89.82 General hair loss / itching
89.83 Hair loss deficiency symptom
89.84 Equine sarcoid
• PS 10 M11
Hormonal system pathology horse 89.85 Cushing syndrome
• PS 10 M11
Female genitals pathology horse 89.86 Mastitis
89.87 Inflammation of the ovaries
89.88 Dourine
• PS 10 M11
Male genitals pathology horse
89.89 Maldescend of the testis
89.90 Orchitis
89.91 Hypersexuality
PS 10 M11 Psyche 89.92 Depressions
• PS 10 M11
Stress 89.93 Stress reduction
• PS 10 M11
89.94 Contamination of feed
• PS 10 M11
89.95 Contamination of drinking water
Physiology dog PS 10 M11
90.00 Cell and tissue, general physiology dog
90.01 Cell nucleus
90.02 Cell membrane
90.03 Cytoplasm
90.04 Organelles, general
• PS 10 M11
90.05 Blood, general physiology dog
90.06 Erythrocytes
90.07 Leukocytes
90.08 Thrombocytes
90.09 Blood coagulation factors
• PS 10 M11
90.10 Immune system, general physiology dog
• PS 10 M11
90.15 Lymphatic system, general physiology dog
90.16 Lymph vessels
90.17 Lymph nodes
90.18 Tonsils
90.19 Peyer plaques
• PS 10 M11
90.20 Circulatory system, general physiology dog
90.21 Arteries
90.22 Veins
• PS 10 M11
90.25 Heart, general physiology dog 90.26 Heart layers, general
90.27 Endocardial space, general
90.28 Cardiac valves, general
90.29 Tricuspid valve
90.30 Pulmonary valve
PS 10 M11
90.31 Mitral valve
90.32 Aortic valve
90.33 Cardiac conduction system, general
90.33 Reizleitungssystem, gesamt
• PS 10 M11
90.35 Breathing tract, general physiology dog
90.36 Paranasal sinus, general
90.37 Larynx, general
90.38 Bronchia, general
90.39 Lungs
• PS 10 M11
90.40 Kidney/urinary organs, general physiology dog
90.41 Kidney, general
90.42 Urinary organs, general
90.43 Urinary bladder
90.44 Sphincter
• PS 10 M11
90.45 Digestive system, general physiology dog
90.46 Stomach
90.47 Small intestine, general
90.48 Large intestine
90.49 Anus/ anal gland
• PS 10 M11
90.50 Liver/gall bladder/pancreas, general physiology dog
90.51 Liver, general
90.52 Liver general (not for horse)
90.53 Pancreas general
• PS 10 M11
90.55 Metabolism, general physiology dog
90.56 Protein metabolism
90.57 Carbohydrate metabolism
90.58 Fat metabolism
PS 10 M11 90.60 Locomotive system, general physiology dog
90.61 Skeleton, general
90.62 Musculature general
90.63 Spinal column general
90.64 Inter-vertebral discs, general
• PS 10 M11
90.65 Neural system, general physiology dog
90.66 Central neural system, general
90.67 Peripheral neural system, general
• PS 10 M11
90.70 Visual organ, general physiology dog
90.71 Lachrymal duct, lachrymal canal general
90.72 Tunicae, general
90.73 Lens, pupil, vitreous body general
90.74 Visual nerves, general
• PS 10 M11
90.75 Hearing organ/vestibular organ, general physiology dog
90.76 Exterior ear, general
90.77 Tympanum, general
90.78 Interior ear, general
• PS 10 M11
90.80 Skin/coat physiology, general physiology dog
90.81 Skin general
90.82 Skin glands, general
90.83 Coat
90.84 Hooves/claws
• PS 10 M11
90.85 Hormonal system, general physiology dog
90.86 Hypothalamus
90.87 Pituitary gland
90.88 Thyroid gland
90.89 Parathyroid
90.90 Thymus
PS 10 M11 90.91 Adrenal medulla
90.90 Adrenal cortex
90.93 Ovaries
90.94 Testicles
• PS 10 M11
90.95 Female genitals, general physiology dog
• PS 10 M11
90.96 Male genitals, general physiology dog
• PS 10 M11
90.97 Psyche, general physiology dog
• PS 10 M11
90.98 Stress, general physiology dog
• PS 10 M11
90.99 Teeth, general physiology dog
Pathology dog PS 10 M11
91.00 Preparations for analysis
• PS 10 M11
91.01 Pilot control
• PS 10 M11
Blood pathology dog 91.02 Haemmorhagic anaemia
91.03 Anaemia caused by troubled generation of erythrocytes
91.04 Renal anaemia
91.05 Degeneration bone marrow
• PS 10 M11
Immune system pathology dog 91.06 Allergy general
91.07 Flea saliva allergy
91.08 Insect bite
91.09 Increase of defensive performance
• PS 10 M11
Lymphatic system pathology dog 91.10 Lymphangitis
91.11 Lymphadenitis - swelling
91.12 Lymphatic drainage disorder
91.13 Lymph oedema
• PS 10 M11
Circulatory system pathology dog
91.14 Arterial circulatory disorder
91.15 Venous circulatory disorder
91.16 Blood pressure regulation disorder
91.17 Renal hypertension
PS 10 M11 Heart pathology dog 91.18 Myocard fibrosis
91.19 Left ventricular insufficiency
91.20 Right ventricular insufficiency
91.21 Disorder of the heart function / psychogenetic
• PS 10 M11
Breathing tract pathology dog 91.22 Acute cough
91.23 Allergic cough
91.24 Acute bronchitis
91.25 Asthma bronchiale, allergic
91.26 Mucous congestion
91.27 Pleuritis sicca / exsudatriva
91.28 Pneumonia, bacterial
• PS 10 M11
Kidney pathology dog 91.29 Kidney insufficiency
91.30 Nephrolithiasis (kidney stones)
91.31 Diabetes insipidus renalis
91.32 Diabetes insipidus centralis
91.33 Cystitis
91.34 Uroliths / gravel formation
91.35 Urinary retention
91.36 Incontinence due to hormonal imbalance
91.37 Urinary syndrome caused by paralysis of muscles and nerves
91.38 Urinary syndrome after traumatisation
91.39 Peeing out of protest
• PS 10 M11
Digestive system pathology dog 91.40 Stomatitis
91.41 Acute gastritis
91.42 Wind / flatulence
91.43 Vomiting and diarrhoea
91.44 Diarrhoea
91.45 Stool incontinence
PS 10 M11 91.46 Blockage or abscesses of anal glands
• PS 10 M11
Liver-gall bladder-pancreas pathology dog 91.47 Hepatitis
91.48 Liver degeneration
91.49 Pancreas, exocrine functional disorder
91.50 Pancreatitis
• PS 10 M11
Metabolism pathology dog 91.51 Protein metabolism disorder
91.52 Carbohydrate metabolism disorder
91.53 Fat metabolism disorder
91.54 Diabetes mellitus
• PS 10 M11
Locomotive system pathology dog 91.55 Bone injury/- fracture
91.56 Ostitis
91.57 Distortion
91.58 Contusion / haematoma
91.59 Muscle tension
91.60 Muscle injury / torn muscle fibre
91.61 Myositis
91.62 Ligament injury
91.63 Sprained ligaments
91.64 Inflammation of the ligament / tendonitis
91.65 Spinal cord pain / tension
91.66 Inflammation of the joints (arthritis)
91.67 Degeneration of the joints (osteoarthritis)
91.68 Spondylosis
• PS 10 M11
Neural system pathology dog
91.69 Ataxia / motion coordination disorders
91.70 Palsy, spastic
91.71 Palsy, limp
PS 10 M11 91.72 Epileptiform episodes
• PS 10 M11
Visual organ pathology dog 91.73 Conjunctivitis
91.74 Conjunctivitis follicularis
• PS 10 M11
Hearing organ pathology dog 91.75 Otitis media
91.76 Inflammation of the partoid glands
91.77 Othaematoma
• PS 10 M11
Skin/coat pathology dog 91.78 Mange
91.79 Hot spot
91.80 Change of coat disorders, general
• PS 10 M11
Hormonal system pathology dog 91.81 Thyroid hyperfunction
91.82 Thyroid hypofunction
91.83 Sexual cycle, regulation disorders
91.84 Pseudo cyesis
91.85 Cushing syndrome
• PS 10 M11
Female genitals pathology dog 91.86 Mastitis
91.87 Pyometra
• PS 10 M11
Male genitals pathology dog 91.88 Maldescend of the testis
91.89 Orchitis
91.90 Prostate, functional disorders
91.91 Prostatitis
PS 10 M11 91.92 Hypersexuality
91.93 Preputial inflammation
• PS 10 M11
Psyche 91.94 Depressions
• PS 10 M11
Stress 91.95 Stress reduction
• PS 10 M11
91.96 Contamination of feed
• PS 10 M11
91.97 Contamination of drinking water
Physiology cat PS 10 M11
92.00 Cell and tissue, general physiology cat
92.01 Cell nucleus
92.02 Cell membrane
92.03 Cytoplasm
92.04 Organelles, general
• PS 10 M11
92.05 Blood, general physiology cat
92.06 Erythrocytes
92.07 Leukocytes
92.08 Thrombocytes
92.09 Blood coagulation factors
• PS 10 M11
92.10 Immune system, general physiology cat
• PS 10 M11
92.15 Lymphatic system, general physiology cat
92.16 Lymph vessels
92.17 Lymph nodes
92.18 Tonsils
92.19 Peyer plaques
• PS 10 M11
92.20 Circulatory system, general physiology cat
92.21 Arteries
92.22 Veins
• PS 10 M11
92.25 Heart, general physiology cat
92.26 Heart layers, general
92.27 Endocardial space, general
92.28 Cardiac valves, general
92.29 Tricuspid valve
PS 10 M11 92.30 Pulmonary valve
92.31 Mitral valve
92.32 Aortic valve
92.33 Cardiac conduction system, general
• PS 10 M11
92.35 Breathing tract, general physiology cat
92.36 Paranasal sinus, general
92.37 Larynx, general
92.38 Bronchia, general
92.39 Lungs
• PS 10 M11
92.40 Kidney/urinary organs, general physiology cat
92.41 Kidney, general
92.42 Urinary organs, general
92.43 Urinary bladder
92.44 Sphincter
• PS 10 M11
92.45 Digestive tract, general physiology cat
92.46 Stomach
92.47 Small intestine, general
92.48 Large intestine
92.49 Anus/ anal gland
• PS 10 M11
92.50 Liver/gall bladder/pancreas, general physiology cat
92.51 Liver, general
92.52 Liver general (not for horse)
92.53 Pancreas general
• PS 10 M11
92.55 Metabolism, general physiology cat
92.56 Protein metabolism
92.57 Carbohydrate metabolism
92.58 Fat metabolism
PS 10 M11 92.60 Locomotive system, general physiology cat
92.61 Skeleton, general
92.62 Musculature general
92.63 Spinal column general
92.64 Inter-vertebral discs, general
• PS 10 M11
92.65 Neural system, general physiology cat
92.66 Central neural system, general
92.67 Peripheral neural system, general
• PS 10 M11
92.70 Visual organ, general physiology cat
92.71 Lachrymal duct, lachrymal canal general
92.72 Tunicae, general
92.73 Lens, pupil, vitreous body general
92.74 Visual nerves, general
• PS 10 M11
92.75 Hearing organ/vestibular organ, general physiology cat
92.76 Exterior ear, general
92.77 Tympanum, general
92.78 Interior ear, general
• PS 10 M11
92.80 Skin/coat physiology, general physiology cat
92.81 Skin general
92.82 Skin glands, general
92.83 Coat
92.84 Hooves/claws
• PS 10 M11
92.85 Hormonal system, general physiology cat
92.86 Hypothalamus
92.87 Pituitary gland
92.88 Thyroid gland
92.89 Parathyroid
PS 10 M11 92.90 Thymus
92.91 Adrenal medulla
92.92 Adrenal cortex
92.93 Ovaries
92.94 Testicles
• PS 10 M11
92.95 Female genitals, general physiology cat
• PS 10 M11
92.96 Male genitals, general physiology cat
• PS 10 M11
92.97 Psyche, general physiology cat
• PS 10 M11
92.98 Stress, general physiology cat
• PS 10 M11
92.99 Teeth, general physiology cat
Pathology cat PS 10 M11
93.00 Preparations for analysis
• PS 10 M11
93.01 Pilot control
• PS 10 M11
Blood pathology cat 93.02 Hemorrhagic anaemia
93.03 Anaemia caused by troubled generation of erythrocytes
93.04 FeLV
93.05 Renal anaemia
93.06 Degeneration bone marrow
• PS 10 M11
Immune system pathology cat 93.07 Allergy general
93.08 FiV
93.09 Flea saliva allergy
93.10 Insect bite
93.11 Increase of defensive performance
• PS 10 M11
Lymphatic system pathology cat 93.12 Lymphangitis
93.13 Lymphadenitis - swelling
93.14 Lymphatic drainage disorder
93.15 Lymph oedema
• PS 10 M11
Circulatory system pathology cat 93.16 Arterial circulatory disorder
93.17 Venous circulatory disorder
93.18 Blood pressure regulation disorder
93.19 Renal hypertension
PS 10 M11 Heart pathology cat 93.20 Myocard fibrosis
93.21 Left ventricular insufficiency
93.22 Right ventricular insufficiency
• PS 10 M11
Breathing tract pathology cat 93.23 Acute cough
93.24 Allergic cough
93.25 Acute bronchitis
93.26 Asthma bronchiale, allergic
93.27 Mucous congestion
93.28 Pleuritis sicca / exsudatriva
93.29 Pneumonia, bacterial
93.30 Cat flu
• PS 10 M11
Kidney pathology cat 93.31 Kidney insufficiency
93.32 Nephrolithiasis (kidney stones)
93.33 Diabetes insipidus renalis
93.34 Diabetes insipidus centralis
93.35 Cystitis
93.36 Uroliths / gravel formation
93.37 Urinary retention
93.38 Hormonal incontinence
93.39 Urinary syndromes caused by paralysis of muscles and nerves
93.40 Paralysis of the urinary sphincter
93.41 Urinary syndrome after traumatisation
93.42 Peeing out of protest
• PS 10 M11
Digestive tract pathology cat
93.43 Stomatitis
93.44 FiP
93.45 Acute gastritis
93.46 Wind / flatulence
93.47 Vomiting and diarrhoea
PS 10 M11 93.48 Diarrhoea
93.49 Stool incontinence
93.50 Blockage or abscesses of anal glands
• PS 10 M11
Liver-gall bladder-pancreas pathology cat 93.51 Hepatitis
93.52 Liver degeneration
93.53 Pancreas, exocrine functional disorder
93.54 Pancreatitis
• PS 10 M11
Metabolism pathology cat 93.55 Protein metabolism disorder
93.56 Carbohydrate metabolism disorder
93.57 Fat metabolism disorder
93.58 Diabetes mellitus
• PS 10 M11
Locomotive system pathology cat 93.59 Bone injury /- fracture
93.60 Ostitis
93.61 Distortion
93.62 Contusion / haematoma
93.63 Muscle tension
93.64 Muscle injury / torn muscle fibre
93.65 Myositis
93.66 Ligament injury
93.67 Sprained ligaments
93.68 Inflammation of the ligament / tendonitis
93.69 Spinal cord pain / tension
93.70 Inflammation of the joints (arthritis)
93.71 Degeneration of the joints (osteoarthritis)
93.72 Spondylosis
• PS 10 M11
Neural system pathology cat
PS 10 M11 93.73 Ataxia / motion coordination disorders
93.74 Palsy, spastic
93.75 Palsy, limp
93.76 Epileptiform episodes
• PS 10 M11
Visual organ pathology cat 93.77 Conjunctivitis
93.78 Conjunctivitis follicularis
• PS 10 M11
Hearing organ pathology cat 93.79 Otitis media
93.80 Inflammation of the partoid glands
93.81 Othaematoma
• PS 10 M11
Skin/coat pathology cat 93.82 Mange
93.83 Hot spot
93.84 Change of coat disorders, general
• PS 10 M11
Hormonal system pathology cat 93.85 Thyroid hyperfunction
93.86 Thyroid hypofunction
93.87 Sexual cycle, regulation disorders
93.88 Pseudo cyesis
93.89 Cushing syndrome
• PS 10 M11
Female genitals pathology cat 93.90 Mastitis
93.91 Pyometra
• PS 10 M11
Male genitals pathology cat 93.92 Maldescend of the testis
PS 10 M11 93.93 Orchitis
• PS 10 M11
Psyche 93.94 Depressions
• PS 10 M11
Stress 93.95 Stress reduction
• PS 10 M11
93.96 Contamination of feed
• PS 10 M11
93.97 Contamination of drinking water
Annex I: System programs
87.01 Heart system program Pre-control to the heart physiology Physiology of the heart Cardiac insufficiency Inflammations of the heart Valve distinctive features Conduction problems Cardiac rhythm problems Coronary heart diseases Tendency to myocardial infarction Heart diseases involving causal agents (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.02 Lung system program Pre-control to the lung physiology Physiology of the lung Pulmonary emphysema Pneumonia Pulmonary abscess Pulmonary fibrosis Pulmonary oedema Pulmonary embolism Pulmonary diseases involving causal agents (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.03 Respiratory tract system program Pre-control to the respiratory tract Physiology of the respiratory tract Nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lung, pleura Rhinitis (cold) Sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses) Pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx) Laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx) Acute / chronic bronchitis, Bronchial asthma Diseases of the respiratory tract involving causal agents (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.04 Neck system program Pre-control to pharynx, larynx, trachea Physiology of the pharynx, larynx, trachea
87.05 Sinuses system program Pre-control to the sinuses Frontal sinuses Maxillary sinuses Sphenoic sinuses Ethmoid cells Physiology of the region of sinuses 87.06 Renal system program Pre-control to the kidneys Physiology of the kidney Kidney stone formation Renal colic Renal activity / control Renal failure chronic, acute Diseases in the renal region, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.07 Bladder system program Pre-control to the bladder (urinary bladder) Physiology of the urinary bladder Disorders of bladder voiding Inflammation of the urinary bladder Cell degeneration of the urinary bladder Diseases in the region of the urinary bladder, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.08 Liver system program Pre-control to the liver Physiology of the liver Disorders of the liver function Liver damage due to alcohol / drugs Fatty degeneration of the liver Liver cell degeneration Hepatic cirrhosis Cell degeneration of the liver Diseases of the region of the liver, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.09 Gall system program Pre-control to the gall / gall bladder Physiology of the gall / gall bladder Inflammation of the gall bladder Biliary duct obstruction Biliary colic Bile juice / production control Bile stone formation Inflammation of the bile duct Cell degeneration of the gall bladder Diseases of the region of the gall / gall bladder, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites)
87.10 Pancreas system program Pre-control to the pancreas Physiology of the pancreas Endocrinal pancreatic disorders Cell degeneration of the pancreas Acute and chronic inflammation of the pancreas Diseases of the region of the pancreas, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.11 Spleen system program Pre-control to the spleen Physiology of the spleen Cell degeneration of the spleen Enlargement of the spleen Diseases of the region of the spleen, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.12 Stomach system program Pre-control to the stomach Physiology of the stomach Irritable stomach Acute and chronic gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa) Gastric ulcer Cell degeneration of the stomach Gas formation in the stomach Diseases of the region of the stomach, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.13 Small intestine system program Pre-control to the small intestine Physiology of the small intestine Disorders of the intestinal mucosa Resorption disorders in the small intestine Gas formation in the small intestine Cell degeneration of the small intestine Diseases of the region of the small intestine, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.14 Colon system program Pre-control to the colon Physiology of the colon Irritable colon Diarrhea Obstipation Colon diverticulitis (turning outward of parts of the intestinal wall) Hemorrhoidal growth Cell degeneration of the colon Diseases of the region of the colon, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites)
87.15 Vessel, vein system program Pre-control to the vessels (arteries) and veins Physiology of the arteries and veins Arteriosclerosis Venous thrombosis Degeneration of vessel walls Diseases of the region of arteries and veins, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.16 Prostate gland system program Pre-control to the prostate gland Physiology of the prostate gland Hyperplasia (proliferation of the number of benign cells of the prostate gland) Cell degeneration (malign) of the prostate gland Diseases of the region of prostate gland, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.17 Testes system program Pre-control to the testes Physiology of the testes Cell degeneration of the testes Diseases of the region of the testes, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.18 Penis system program Pre-control to the penis Physiology of the penis Diseases of the region of the penis, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.19 Ovaries system program Pre-control to the ovaries (female gonads) Physiology of the ovaries Ovarian cyst Inflammation of the ovaries Cell degeneration of the ovaries Diseases of the region of the ovaries, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.20 Female breast system program Pre-control to the female breast Physiology of the female breast Formation of a cyst Cell degeneration of the female breast
87.21 Female breast inflammation system program Pre-control to the female breast Physiology of the female breast Inflammation of the female breast Bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites which can cause inflammation in the region of the female breast 87.22 Eye system program Pre-control to the eye Physiology of the eye Lid margin inflammation Hordeolum Chalazion Watery eyes Increased intra-ocular pressure (glaucoma) Retinal detachment 87.23 Ear system program Pre-control to the ear Physiology of the ear Inflammation of the parotid gland Inflammation of the middle ear Diseases of the region of the ear, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.24 Skin system program Pre-control to the skin Physiology of the skin Psoriasis Neurodermitis Contact eczema Nettle hives (urticaria) Abscess Wound healing Fistula Cell degeneration of the skin 87.25 Hair/animal coat system program Pre-control to hairs/animal coat Physiology of the hairs / animal coat Psilosis (falling out of hair) Coat change Diseases of the region of the hair / the animal coat, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites)
87.26 Teeth system program Pre-control to the teeth Physiology of the teeth Abscesses Caries diseases Gingivitis Diseases of the region of the teeth, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.27 Hypothalamus system program Pre-control to the hypothalamus Physiology of the hypothalamus Malfunction of the hypothalamus Cell degeneration of the hypothalamus Diseases of the region of the hypothalamus, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.28 Hormone system program Pre-control to the anterior lope of the hypophysis Pre-control to the hypothalamus Pre-control to the cortex of the suprarenal gland Pre-control to the medulla of the adrenal gland Pre-control to the parathyroid gland Pre-control to the thyroid gland Pre-control to the testes Pre-control to the ovaries Pre-control to the pancreas Physiology of the anterior lope of the hypophysis (STH, TSH, ACTH, FSH, LH, prolactin) Physiology of the hypothalamus (ADH, oxytocin) Physiology of the cortex of the suprarenal gland (aldosterone, cortisone) Physiology of the medulla of the adrenal gland (adrenaline, noradrenaline) Physiology of the parathyroid gland (parathormone) Physiology of the thyroid gland (T3, T4) Physiology of the testes (testosterone) Physiology of the ovaries (estrogen, progesterone) Physiology of the pancreas (insulin) Frequency spectra of the psyche 87.29 Circulation system program Regulation disorders Low blood pressure (hypotension) Arterial high blood pressure (hypertension) Diseases of the region of the cardiovascular systems, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites)
87.30 Nervous system program Pre-control to the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system Physiology of the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system Nerve damage Paralysis Diseases of the region of the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous systems, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.31 Back system program Pre-control to the dorsal vertebra, back muscles and ligaments Physiology of the dorsal vertebrae, back muscles and ligaments Frequency spectra for pain reduction Diseases of the region of the back, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.32 Bone system program Pre-control to the bones Physiology of the bones Bone fractures Demineralization disorders of the bones Diseases of the region of the bones, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.33 Joint system program Pre-control to the joints Physiology of the Joints Cartilage defects Synovial deficiency Inflammation of a joint Arthrosis Arthritis Diseases of the region of the joints, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.34 Knee system program Pre-control to the knee Physiology of the knees Cartilage defects Synovial deficiency Inflammation of a joint Arthrosis Arthritis Bursitis (inflammation of a bursa) Diseases of the region of the knee, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites)
87.35 Hip system program Pre-control to the hip Physiology of the hip Cartilage defects Inflammation of the hip joint Arthrosis Arthritis Diseases of the region of the hip, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.36 Tendons, muscles, ligaments system program Pre-control to tendons, muscles, ligaments Physiology of tendons, muscles, ligaments Contusions Strains Sprains Ruptures of tendons, muscles, ligaments Stretching Injuries Blood effusions Tenseness Diseases in the region of tendons, muscles, ligaments, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.37 Rheumatism system program Pre-control to the locomotor system, tendons, muscles, ligaments and bones Physiology of the locomotor system, tendons, muscles, ligaments and bones Frequency spectra of the alleviation of pain Frequency spectra for the alleviation of inflammatory conditions Diseases in the region of the tendons, muscles and ligaments, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.38 Pesticides system program Frequency spectra of pesticides Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.39 E. substances system program Frequency spectra of food additives (E numbers) Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.40 Radon, radioactivity system program Radon / radioactivity frequency spectra Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra
87.41 Electrical waves / Haarp system program Electrical waves / Haarp frequency spectra Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.42 Amalgam system program Frequency spectra of amalgam Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.43 Formaldehyde system program Frequency spectra of formaldehyde Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.44 Influenza system program Frequency spectra of the most common causal agents of influenza disease (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.45 Cold system program Frequency spectra of the most common causal agents of cold disease (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.46 Cough system program Frequency spectra of the most common causal agents of cough disease (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.47 Neck system program Frequency spectra of the most common causal agents of throat disease (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra
87.48 Sinuses system program Frequency spectra of the most common causal agents of sinusoidal disease (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.49 Eyes system program Frequency spectra of the most common causal agents of eye diseases (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.50 Skin system program Frequency spectra of the most common causal agents of skin diseases (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) Elimination frequency spectra 87.51 Tick system program Frequency spectra the most common diseases after tick bites, lyme borreliosis, FSME, borreliae, toxins Central nervous system Joints Elimination frequency spectra 87.52 Joint bacteria system program Pre-control to the locomotor system, specifically to the joints, tendons, muscles, ligaments and bones Physiology of the locomotor system, of joints, tendons, muscles, ligaments and bones Frequency spectra of the alleviation of pain Frequency spectra of the alleviation of inflammatory conditions Diseases in the region of tendons, muscles and ligaments, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.53 Nerve-muscle bacteria system program Pre-control to the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system, to musculature Physiology of the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system, musculature Frequency spectra of the alleviation of pain Frequency spectra for the alleviation of inflammatory conditions Diseases in the region of the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system, musculature, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) 87.54 Trichomonad system program Frequency spectra of the trichomonads Elimination frequency spectra
87.55 Dermal herpes system program Frequency spectra of the dermal herpes causal agents, which can be found on the oral mucosa and at the nails / claws Frequency spectra of the alleviation of pain Frequency spectra for the alleviation of inflammatory conditions Elimination frequency spectra 87.56 Domestic animal bacteria system program Pre-control to the lung Pre-control to the nerves Pre-control to the intestine Physiology of the lung Physiology of the nerves Physiology of the intestine Diseases in the region of the lung, the nerves and the intestinal muscles, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.57 Avian influenza system program Frequency structures of the causal agents of the avian influenza and fowl pest Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.58 Intestinal bacteria system program Pre-control to the gastrointestinal system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the stomach Frequency spectra of the physiology of the intestine Diseases in the region of gastrointestinal tract, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.59 Liver viruses system program Pre-control to the liver Frequency spectra of the physiology of the liver Diseases in the region of the liver, causal agent specific (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra
87.60 Retroviruses system program Pre-control to the region of the upper respiratory tract Pre-control to the gastrointestinal region Pre-control to the central nervous system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the upper respiratory tract Frequency spectra of the physiology of the gastrointestinal region Frequency spectra of the physiology of the central nervous system Frequency spectra of the retroviruses Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.61 Genital bacteria/viruses system program Pre-control to the genital region (m/f) Frequency spectra of the physiology of the genital region Frequency spectra of the genital bacteria Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.62 Bladder bacteria system program Pre-control to the urinary tract / urinary bladder Physiology of the urinary tract / urinary bladder Frequency spectra of the most common bacteria, causing diseases in the urinary bladder Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.63 Adeno viruses system program Pre-control to the region of the upper respiratory tract Pre-control to the gastrointestinal region Pre-control to the central nervous system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the upper respiratory tract Frequency spectra of the physiology of the gastrointestinal region Frequency spectra of the physiology of the central nervous system Frequency spectra of the adenoviruses Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.64 Wart system program Pre-control to the skin Frequency spectra of the physiology of the skin Frequency spectra of the wart viruses Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra
87.65 Toxoplasmosis system program Pre-control to the lung Pre-control to the nerves Pre-control to the stomach / intestine Physiology of the lung Physiology of the nerves Physiology of the stomach / intestine Frequency spectra of the agents causing toxoplasmosis Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.66 Liver fluke system program Pre-control to the liver Pre-control to the lung Pre-control to the nerves Pre-control to the stomach / intestine Physiologyof the liver Physiology of the lung Physiology of the nerves Physiology of the stomach / intestine Frequency spectra of Faciola hepatica and its developmental stages Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.67 Fatigue stress system program Frequency spectra of the agents causing chronic stress without clear symptoms (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) Frequency spectra of energy frequencies Frequency spectra of electromagnetic smog Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.68 Leishmania system program Pre-control to the liver Pre-control to the lung Pre-control to the nerves Pre-control to the stomach / intestine Physiology of the liver Physiology of the lung Physiology of the nerves Physiology of the stomach / intestine Frequency spectra of Leishmania brasiliensis, donovani, mexicana, tropica. Frequency spectra of macrophages Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra
87.69 Cardiopulmonary inflammation system program Pre-control to the heart Pre-control to the lung Frequency spectra of the physiology of the heart Frequency spectra of the physiology of the lung Frequency spectra of the most common agents causing cardiopulmonary inflammation (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.70 Dog / cat worm system program Pre-control central nervous system Pre-control to the lung Pre-control to the liver Pre-control to the region of the stomach / intestine Frequency spectra of the physiology of the central nervous system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the lung Frequency spectra of the physiology of the liver Frequency spectra of the physiology of the stomach / intestine Frequency spectra of Hymenolepis nana, Rodentolepis nana and all developmental stages Frequency spectra of Moniezia expansa and all developmental stages Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.71 Animal worm system program Pre-control to the central nervous system Pre-control to the lung Pre-control to the liver Pre-control to the region of the stomach / intestine Frequency spectra of the physiology of the central nervous system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the lung Frequency spectra of the physiology of the liver Frequency spectra of the physiology of the stomach / intestine Frequency spectra Necator americanus and all developmental stages Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.72 Hookworm system program Pre-control to the central nervous system Pre-control to the lung Pre-control to the liver Pre-control to the region of the stomach / intestine Frequency spectra of the physiology of the central nervous system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the lung Frequency spectra of the physiology of the liver Frequency spectra of the physiology of the stomach / intestine Frequency spectra of hookworms, Ancylostomatidae and all developmental stages. Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra
87.73 Tapeworm system program Pre-control to the central nervous system Pre-control to the lung Pre-control to the bronchi Pre-control to the liver Pre-control to the region of the stomach / intestine Frequency spectra of the physiology of the central nervous system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the lung Frequency spectra of the physiology of the liver Frequency spectra of the physiology of the stomach / intestine Frequency spectra of the physiology of the lung Frequency spectra of the physiology of the bronchi Frequency spectra of Echinococcus multilocularis Frequency spectra of Echinococcus granulosus Frequency spectra of Taenia saginata Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.74 Threadworm system program Pre-control to the central nervous system Pre-control to the lung Pre-control to the bronchi Pre-control to the liver Pre-control to the region of the stomach / intestine Frequency spectra of the physiology of the central nervous system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the lung Frequency spectra of the physiology of the liver Frequency spectra of the physiology of the stomach / intestine Frequency spectra of the physiology of the lung Frequency spectra of the physiology of the bronchi Frequency spectra of nematodes (threadworm) Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.75 Fish fluke system program Pre-control to the central nervous system Pre-control to the lung Pre-control to the bronchi Pre-control to the liver Pre-control to the region of the stomach / intestine Frequency spectra of the physiology of the central nervous system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the lung Frequency spectra of the physiology of the liver Frequency spectra of the physiology of the stomach / intestine Frequency spectra of the physiology of the lung Frequency spectra of the physiology of the bronchi Frequency spectra of the Pisciola geometra (fish fluke) Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra
87.76 Candida fungal disease (candidosis) system program Pre-control to the mouth / pharynx Pre-control to the genital region m/f Pre-control to the stomach / intestine Physiology of the mouth / pharynx Physiology of the genital region m/f Physiology of the stomach / intestine Frequency spectra of Candida albicans Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.77 Aspergillus fungal disease system program Pre-control to the central nervous system Pre-control to the lung Pre-control to the bronchi Pre-control to the liver Pre-control to the region of the stomach / intestine Frequency spectra of the physiology of the central nervous system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the lung Frequency spectra of the physiology of the liver Frequency spectra of the physiology of the stomach / intestine Frequency spectra of the physiology of the lung Frequency spectra of the physiology of the bronchi Frequency spectra of aspergillus Frequency spectra of the endotoxins Frequency spectra of the exotoxins Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.78 Yeast fungal disease / Malassezia furfur system program Pre-control to the skin Frequency spectrum of the physiology of the skin Frequency spectra of the yeast fungus Malassezia furfur Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra
87.79 Trichosporon system program Pre-control to the nervous system Pre-control to the lung Pre-control to the bronchi Pre-control to the liver Pre-control to the region of the stomach / intestine Pre-control to the skin Frequency spectra of the physiology of the central nervous system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the lung Frequency spectra of the physiology of the liver Frequency spectra of the physiology of the stomach / intestine Frequency spectra of the physiology of the lung Frequency spectra of the physiology of the bronchi Frequency spectra of the skin Frequency spectra of the endotoxins Frequency spectra of the exotoxins Elimination frequency spectra Detoxification and regeneration frequency spectra 87.80 Antibiotics system program Frequency spectra of antibiotic preparations This program can be used as a complement with all infectious diseases involving bacteria.
Annex II: Horse pathology programs 10
89.00 Analytical preparation - horse The analytical preparation program contains the frequency spectra of transfer frequencies. In the bioresonance after Paul Schmidt, the RAH and the RAH Vet, these frequency spectra are used for transporting other frequency spectra from the device to the patient’s organism. They can also be used for testing incompatible food. To ensure optimal function of the system, the Analysis preparation should be checked before every test and harmonization. Please harmonize if a disorder is found. 89.01Pre-control to the horse The basis of the control of all organs and their functions is located in the head. Frequency spectra of the following organs are actuated: Epiphysis Limbic center Hypothalamus Basal nuclei Thalamus Hypophysis - anterior lobe Hypophysis - posterior lobe Thymus I Thymus II Frequency spectra of the individual feeds-forward of the horse were added. 89.02 Posthemorrhagic anemia Pre-control to the bone marrow Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with posthemorrhagic anemia Frequency spectra of the blood constituents Frequency spectra of the regeneration frequencies Frequency spectra of the blood clotting factors Frequency spectra of the improvement of oxygen supply 89.03 Anemia due to disordered erythrocytes Pre-control to the bone marrow Frequency spectra of the physiology of the bone marrow Frequency spectra of the blood constituents Frequency spectra of the improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra of the regeneration frequencies
89.04 Renal anemia Pre-control to the bone marrow Pre-control to the kidney, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the bone marrow Frequency spectra of the physiology of the kidney, horse Frequency spectra of the blood constituents Frequency spectra of the improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra of the regeneration frequencies 89.05 Degeneration of the bone marrow Pre-control to the bone marrow Frequency spectra of the physiology of the bone marrow Frequency spectra of the regeneration frequencies 89.06 Total allergy Pre-control to the immune system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the immune system, horse Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra of adrenaline Frequency spectra of the mucosa Frequency spectra of the skin Frequency spectra of the gastrointestinal tract Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra of adrenaline 89.07 Hay allergy Pre-control to the immune system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the immune system, horse Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra of adrenaline Frequency spectra of the mucosa Frequency spectra of the skin Frequency spectra of the gastrointestinal tract Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with allergy against hay 89.08 Straw allergy Pre-control to the immune system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the immune system, horse Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra of adrenaline Frequency spectra of the mucosa Frequency spectra of the skin Frequency spectra of the gastrointestinal tract Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with allergy against straw
89.10 Insect bite Pre-control to the immune system, horse Pre-control to the skin Frequency spectra of the physiology of the immune system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the skin Frequency spectra of the allergies of the hypersensitivity reaction type (type I) Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra of adrenaline Frequency spectra of the mucosa Frequency spectra of the skin Frequency spectra of the gastrointestinal tract Frequency spectra of oedema Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with strong reactions to insect bites 89.11 Defense improvement Pre-control to the immune system, horse Pre-control to the intestine Physiology of the immune system Physiology of the intestine Frequency spectra of the unspecific defense Frequency spectra of the specific defense 89.12 Lymphatic vessel inflammation Pre-control to the lymphatic system, horse Physiology of the lymphatic system, Physiology of the lymphatic vessel Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with inflammatory processes Frequency spectra of oedema 89.13 Lymph node inflammation / swelling Pre-control to the lymphatic system, horse Physiology of the lymphatic system, horse Physiology of the lymph node Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with inflammatory processes Frequency spectra of oedema 89.14 Disordered lymphatic drainage Pre-control to the lymphatic system, horse Physiology of the lymphatic system, horse Physiology of the lymph node Physiology of the lymphatic vessel Frequency spectra for the dehydration of the body Frequency spectra of scar tissue balancing Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with disordered lymphatic drainage
89.15 Lymphoedema Pre-control to the lymphatic system, horse Physiology of the lymphatic system, horse Physiology of the lymph node Physiology of the lymphatic vessel Frequency spectra of the dehydration of the body Frequency spectra of oedema Frequency spectra of scar tissue balancing 89.16 Disordered arterial circulation Pre-control to the heart, horse Pre-control to the circulation system, horse Pre-control to the arteries Physiology of the heart Physiology of the circulation Physiology of the arteries Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with disordered arterial circulation 89.17 Disordered venous circulation Pre-control to the heart, horse Pre-control to the circulation system, horse Pre-control to the veins Physiology of the heart Physiology of the circulation Physiology of the veins Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with disordered venous circulation 89.18 Disordered blood pressure regulation Pre-control to the heart, horse Pre-control to the kidney, horse Pre-control to the hypophysis, horse Pre-control to the thyroid gland, horse Pre-control to the circulation system, horse Physiology of the heart Physiology of the kidney Physiology of the hypophysis Physiology of the thyroid gland Physiology of the circulation system Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with disordered blood pressure regulation 89.19 Renal hypertension Pre-control to the heart, horse Pre-control to the kidney, horse Pre-control to the circulation system, horse Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with disordered renal hypertension
89.20 Myocardial fibrosis Pre-control to the heart, horse Physiology of the heart Physiology of the myocardium Physiology of the circulation system Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with disordered myocardial fibrosis 89.21 Left ventricular insufficiency Pre-control to the heart, horse Physiology of the heart Frequency spectra of the pulmonary circulation Frequency spectra of the bronchi Frequency spectra which improve the oxygen supply Frequency spectra of oedema Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with left ventricular insufficiency 89.22 Right ventricular insufficiency Pre-control to the heart, horse Physiology of the heart Frequency spectra of the venous circulation Frequency spectra of the liver Frequency spectra of the kidney Frequency spectra of the spleen Frequency spectra of the gastrointestinal region Frequency spectra of oedema Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with right ventricular insufficiency 89.23 Cor pulmonale Pre-control to the heart, horse Physiology of the heart Frequency spectra of the lung Frequency spectra of the bronchi Frequency spectra of the venous circulation Frequency spectra of the liver Frequency spectra of the kidney Frequency spectra of the spleen Frequency spectra of the gastrointestinal region Frequency spectra of oedema Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with COB Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with Cor pulmonale
89.24 Acute cough Pre-control to the bronchi, horse Frequency spectra of the bronchi Frequency spectra of the lung Frequency of cramps / spasms Frequency of hacking cough Frequency spectra in support of eliminating mucus Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with acute cough 89.25 Bronchitis, COB Pre-control to the bronchi, horse Frequency spectra of the bronchi Frequency spectra of the lung Frequency of cramps / spasms Frequency of hacking cough Frequency spectra in support of eliminating mucus Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra of fungi which can cause diseases in the region of the respiratory tract 89.26 Allergic bronchial asthma Pre-control to the bronchi, horse Frequency spectra of the bronchi Frequency spectra of the lung Frequency spectra of cramps / spasms Frequency of hacking cough Frequency spectra in support of eliminating mucus Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra relating to allergies Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra of adrenaline Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with bronchial asthma diseases 89.27 Mucous congestion Pre-control to the bronchi, horse Frequency spectra of the bronchi Frequency spectra of the lung Frequency spectra in support of eliminating mucus Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply
89.28 Pleuritis sicca / exsudativa Pre-control to the pleura, horse Frequency spectra of the pleura Frequency spectra of the lung Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with Pleuritis sicca disease 89.29 Bacterial pneumonia Pre-control to the lung, horse Frequency spectra of the lung Frequency spectra of the pleura Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply 89.30 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder Pre-control to the bronchi, horse Frequency spectra of the bronchi Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency of cramps / spasms Frequency of hacking cough Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder 89.31 Strangles Pre-control to the bronchi, horse Frequency spectra of the bronchi Frequency spectra of the lung Frequency spectra of the lymphatic system, horse Frequency of cramps / spasms Frequency of hacking cough Frequency spectra in support of eliminating mucus Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with strangles disease
89.32 Roaring Pre-control to the larynx, horse Physiology of the larynx, horse Frequency spectra of the Nervus laryngeus Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with roaring 89.33 Renal insufficiency Pre-control to the kidney, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the kidney Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with inflammatory processes Frequency spectra of oedema Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with renal insufficiency Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.34 Cystitis Pre-control to the urinary bladder, horse Frequency spectra of the urinary bladder Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with inflammatory processes Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.35 Diabetes insipidus renalis Pre-control to the kidney, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the kidney Frequency spectra of the renal tubuli Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body dehydration Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.36 Diabetes insipidus centralis Pre-control hypothalamus, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the hypothalamus Frequency spectra of the physiology of the kidney Frequency spectra of ADH (antidiuretic hormone) Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body dehydration Frequency spectra of detoxification
89.37 Acute gastritis Pre-control to the stomach, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the stomach, horse Frequency spectra of the gastric mucosa Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with inflammatory processes Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with acute gastritis Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.38 Diarrhea Pre-control to the intestine, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the intestine Frequency spectra of the liver Frequency spectra of the kidney Frequency spectra of the intestinal motor functions Frequency spectra sympathicus / vagus Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with intoxication symptoms Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with disordered resorption Frequency spectra for regulation of body dehydration Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.39 Colics Pre-control to the intestine, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the stomach Frequency spectra of the liver Frequency spectra of the physiology of the intestine Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra of allergy Frequency spectra of the psyche Frequency spectra of stress Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with intoxication Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with disordered resorption Frequency spectra of the intestinal motor functions Frequency spectra of the relaxation of musculature Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with colic 89.40 Fecal water Pre-control to the intestine, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the intestine Frequency of the metabolism (Carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra of the minerals Frequency spectra for regulation of body dehydration Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with fecal water
89.41 Inflammation of the liver Pre-control to the liver, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the liver Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with inflammatory processes Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with inflammation of the liver (hepatitis) Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.42 Degeneration of the liver Pre-control to the liver, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the liver Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra of the cell degeneration Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with degeneration of the liver 89.43 Pancreas, exocrinal functional disorder Pre-control to the pancreas, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the pancreas Frequency spectra of pancreatic digestion enzymes Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with diseases of the pancreas 89.44 Disordered protein metabolism Frequency spectra of the protein metabolism, horse Frequency spectra for regulation of body dehydration Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with disordered protein metabolism 89.45 Disordered carbohydrate metabolism Frequency spectra of the carbohydrate metabolism, horse Frequency spectra for regulation of body dehydration Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with disordered carbohydrate metabolism 89.46 Disordered lipid metabolism Frequency spectra of the lipid metabolism, horse Frequency spectra for regulation of body dehydration Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with disordered lipid metabolism 89.47 Equine metabolic syndrome Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with equine metabolic syndrome
89.48 Bone injury / fracture Pre-control to bones, horse Frequency spectra of bones, horse Frequency spectra in support of callus formation (bone tissue) Frequency spectra of regeneration Frequency spectra of the center of healing Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with bone injury / fracture 89.49 Bone inflammation Pre-control to bones, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the bones, horse Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with bone inflammation 89.50 Distortion Pre-control to the muscles, ligaments and tendons, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of muscles, ligaments and tendons, horse Frequency spectra of joints Frequency spectra of hematoma (blood effusion) Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with distortion 89.51 Tense muscles Pre-control to muscles, ligaments and tendons, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of muscles, ligaments and tendons, horse Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with tense muscles 89.53 Muscle injury / torn muscle fiber Pre-control to muscles, ligaments and tendons, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of muscles, ligaments and tendons, horse Frequency spectra of the new formation and regeneration of muscle cells Frequency spectra of hematoma (blood effusion) Frequency spectra of the center of healing Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with muscle injuries / torn muscle fibers
89.54 Inflammation of muscles Pre-control to muscles, ligaments and tendons, horse Frequency spectra of of the physiology of muscles, ligaments and tendons, horse Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with inflammation of muscles 89.55 Ligament injury Pre-control to muscles, ligaments and tendons, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of muscles, ligaments and tendons, horse Frequency spectra of the joints, horse Frequency spectra for the regeneration and new formation of connective tissue structures and collagens Frequency spectra of the center of healing Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with ligament injuries 89.56 Ligament distraction Pre-control to muscles, ligaments and tendons, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of muscles, ligaments and tendons, horse Frequency spectra of the joints, horse Frequency spectra of the hematoma (blood effusion) Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with ligament distraction 89.57 Inflammation of a ligament / tendovaginitis Pre-control to the ligaments and tendons, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of ligaments and tendons, horse Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with inflammation of a ligament 89.58 Vertebral column pain, tenseness Pre-control to the vertebral column, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the vertebral column, horse Frequency spectra of pain reduction Frequency spectra of muscle relaxation Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with problems or tenseness of the vertebral column
89.59 Laminitis Pre-control to the third phalanx, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the third phalanx, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the horse hoof (skeleton, cushion, skins) Frequency spectra of the blood circulation in tissue Frequency spectra of the lymph Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra of the intestine, horse Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with laminitis Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.60 Bog spavins Pre-control hock joint, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the hock joint Frequency spectra of the joint capsule Frequency spectra of the tendon sheaths Frequency spectra of the synovial bursa Frequency spectra of the blood circulation in tissue Frequency spectra of the lymph Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with capped hocks Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.61 Capped hock Pre-control to the tuber calcaneus, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the tuber calcaneus, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the hock joint Frequency spectra tendon sheaths Frequency spectra synovial bursa Frequency spectra of the blood circulation in tissue Frequency spectra of the lymph Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with capped hock Frequency spectra of detoxification
89.62 Equine paralytic myohemoglobinemia Pre-control to the longissimus muscle, horse Frequency spectrum of the physiology of the longissimus muscle, horse Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra der blood circulation in tissue Frequency spectra of the lymph Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra of the intestine Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with equine paralytic myohemoglobinemia Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.63 Navicular disease Pre-control to the distal navicular bone Frequency spectra of the physiology of the distal navicular bone Frequency spectra of the physiology of the third phalanx Frequency spectra of the physiology of the second phalanx Frequency spectra of the synovial bursa Frequency spectra of the flexor tendon Frequency spectra of the blood circulation in tissue Frequency spectra of the lymph Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra of the intestine Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with navicular disease Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.64 Chronic deforming arthritis of a limb joint Pre-control to the second phalanx, horse Pre-control to the third phalanx, horse Pre-control to the first phalanx, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the second phalanx Frequency spectra of the physiology of the third phalanx Frequency spectra of the physiology of the first phalanx Frequency spectra of the regulation of the formation of bone tissue Frequency spectra of joints Frequency spectra of the regeneration of cartilage substance Frequency spectra of arthrosis Frequency spectra der blood circulation in tissue Frequency spectra of the lymph Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra of the intestine Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with chronic deforming arthritis of a limb joint Frequency spectra of detoxification
89.65 Chronic ossifying periostitis of the first phalanx Pre-control to the first phalanx Frequency spectra of the physiology of the first phalanx Frequency spectra of the joints, ligaments Frequency spectra of the physiology of the sesamoid bone ligaments Frequency spectra of the physiology of the high ringbone ligament Frequency spectra of the regulation of the formation of bone tissue Frequency spectra of the regeneration of cartilage substance Frequency spectra of arthrosis Frequency spectra of the blood circulation in tissue Frequency spectra of the lymph Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra of the intestine Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with chronic ossifying periostitis of the first phalanx Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.66 Kissing spine Pre-control to the vertebral column, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the vertebral column, horse Frequency spectra of the spinous processes Frequency spectra of arthrosis Frequency spectra of the regulation of the formation of bone tissue Frequency spectra of the blood circulation in tissue Frequency spectra of the lymph Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra of the intestine Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with kissing spine Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.67 Bone spavin Pre-control to the hock joint, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the hock joint Frequency spectra of the regeneration of cartilage substance Frequency spectra of arthritis Frequency spectra der blood circulation in tissue Frequency spectra of the lymph Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra of the intestine Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with bone spavin Frequency spectra of detoxification
89.68 Thrush Pre-control to the hoof, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the hoof, horse Frequency spectra of the Fusobacterium necrophorum Frequency spectra of putrefactive bacteria Frequency spectra of the blood circulation in tissue Frequency spectra of the lymph Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra of the intestine Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with thrush Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.69 Inflammation of joints (arthritis) Pre-control to the joints, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the joints Frequency spectra of the regeneration of cartilage substance Frequency spectra of arthritis Frequency spectra of the blood circulation in tissue Frequency spectra of the lymph Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra of the intestine Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with arthritis Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.70 Degeneration of joints (arthrosis) Pre-control to the joints, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the Joints Frequency spectra of the regeneration of cartilage substance Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra der blood circulation in tissue Frequency spectra of the lymph Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra of the intestine Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with arthrosis Frequency spectra of detoxification
89.71 Head shaker Pre-control to the nervous system, horse Frequency spectra of the nervous system, horse Frequency spectra of the trigeminus (fifth cranial nerve) Frequency spectra of the motoric system Frequency spectra of intoxication Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra relating to behavioral disorder Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with head shaker Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.72 Spastic paralysis Pre-control to the central nervous system, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the nervous system, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the musculature Frequency spectra of the motoric system Frequency spectra of intoxication Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with spastic paralysis Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.73 Flaccid paralysis Pre-control central nervous system, horse Pre-control to the PNS, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the central nervous system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the PNS Frequency spectra of the regeneration of nerve cells Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with flaccid paralysis Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.74 Epileptiform seizures Pre-control to the central nervous system, horse Pre-control to the PNS, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the central nervous system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the PNS Frequency spectra of epileptiform seizures Frequency spectra of intoxication Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the liver Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with epileptiform seizures Frequency spectra of detoxification
89.75 Ataxia /incoordination Pre-control to the central nervous system, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the central nervous system Frequency spectra of the motoric system Frequency spectra of intoxication Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the borrelia toxins Frequency spectra of strongyles (worms) Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with ataxia Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.76 Inflammation of the conjunctiva / conjunctivitis Pre-control to the eye, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the eye, horse Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of itching Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra of watery eyes Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with conjunctivitis Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.77 Periodic eye inflammation Pre-control to the eye, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the eye, horse Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of itching Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra of watery eyes Frequency spectra of the leptospires Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.78 Inflammation of the parotid gland Pre-control to the parotid gland, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the parotid gland, horse Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra of the lymphatic systems Frequency spectra of the lymph node swelling Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with parotid gland inflammation Frequency spectra of detoxification
89.79 Fistula of the ear Pre-control to the ear, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the ear, horse Frequency spectra of the fistula of the ear Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with fistula of the ear Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.90 Eczema in the fetlock flexure Pre-control to the fetlock flexure, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the fetlock flexure, horse Frequency spectra immune system Frequency spectra of eczema Frequency spectrum of wound edge inflammation Frequency spectra of skin cell regeneration Frequency spectra of the lymphatic system Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with eczema in the fetlock flexure Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.81 Disordered moulting, hormonal Pre-control to the hormone system, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the hormone system, horse (hypothalamus, hypophysis, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, thymus, medulla of the adrenal gland, cortex of the suprarenal gland, ovaries, testis) Frequency spectra of the skin Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.82 Falling out of hair, general / itching Pre-control to the skin, horse Frequency spectra of the skin, horse Frequency spectra of allergy Frequency spectra of itching Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra of open wounds Frequency spectra of hair growth Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with falling out of hair Frequency spectra of detoxification
89.83 Falling out of hair, deficiency Pre-control to the liver, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the liver Frequency spectra of the physiology of the skin Frequency spectra of the intestine, horse Frequency spectra of the intestinal inflammation Frequency spectra of the vital substances Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with falling out of hair due to deficiencies Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.84 Equine sarcoid Pre-control to the skin, horse Frequency spectra of the skin, horse Frequency spectra of skin cell degeneration Frequency spectra of the papilloma viruses Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with equine sarcoid Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.85 Cushing Syndrome Pre-control to the hypothalamus, horse Pre-control to the hypophysis, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the hypothalamus, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the hypophysis, horse Frequency spectra of cell degeneration Frequency spectra of the cortex of the suprarenal gland Frequency spectra of dopamine Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with Cushing Syndrome Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.86 Mastitis Pre-control to the mammary gland, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the mammary gland, horse Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the lymphatic system Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with mastitis Frequency spectra of detoxification
89.87 Inflammation of ovaries Pre-control to ovaries, horse Frequency spectrum of the physiology of the ovaries, horse Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra the lymphatic system Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with inflammation of the ovaries Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.88 Dourine Pre-control to the genital mucosa, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the genital mucosa Frequency spectra of cell degeneration Frequency spectrum of edema Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of Trypanosoma equiperdum Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with dourine Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.89 Disordered descent of the testes Pre-control to the testis, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the testis, horse Frequency spectra of the basic hormonal regulation, horse Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with disordered descent of the testes Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.90 Orchitis Pre-control to the testis, horse Frequency spectra of the physiology of the testis, horse Frequency spectra of the prostate gland Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with orchitis Frequency spectra of detoxification 89.91 Hypersexuality Pre-control to the hormone system, horse (hypothalamus, hypophysis, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, thymus, medulla of the adrenal gland, cortex of the suprarenal gland, ovaries, testis) Physiology of the hormone system, horse Frequency spectra of basic hormonal regulation m/f Frequency spectra of the biological charge Frequency spectra of the sexual urge control Frequency spectra of the sexual center Frequency spectra of even nature Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with hypersexuality Frequency spectra of detoxification
89.92 Depression Pre-control to the limbic system Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with psychic dejection for different reasons 89.93 Stress reduction Pre-control to the limbic system Frequency spectra for relaxation of physical and mental stress Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with stress due to extraordinary stimuli. 89.94 Contaminated feed Frequency spectra relating to pathogenic yeasts, mold fungi, mycotoxins and clostridiae 89.95 Contaminated drinking water Frequency spectra relating to mold fungi, algae and clostridiae
Annex III: Dog pathology programs 11
91.00 Analytical preparation - dog The analytical preparation program contains the frequency spectra of transfer frequencies. In the bioresonance after Paul Schmidt, the RAH and the RAH Vet, these frequency spectra are used for transporting other frequency spectra from the device to the patient’s organism. They can also be used for testing incompatible food. To ensure optimal function of the system, the Analysis preparation should be checked before every test and harmonization. Please harmonize first if a disorder is found. 91.01 Pre-control to the dog The basis of the control of all organs and their functions is located in the head. Frequency spectra of the following organs are actuated: Epiphysis Limbic center Hypothalamus Basal nuclei Thalamus Hypophysis - anterior lobe Hypophysis - posterior lobe Thymus I Thymus II Frequency spectra of the individual Pre-control of the dog were added. 91.02 Posthemorrhagic anemia Pre-control to the bone marrow Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with posthemorrhagic anemia Frequency spectra of the blood constituents Frequency spectra of the regeneration frequencies Frequency spectra of the blood clotting factors Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply 91.03 Anemia due to disordered erythrocytes Pre-control to the bone marrow Frequency spectra of the physiology of the bone marrow Frequency spectra of the blood constituents Frequency spectra of the improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra of the regeneration frequencies
91.04 Renal anemia Pre-control to the bone marrow Pre-control to the kidney, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the bone marrow Frequency spectra of the physiology of the kidney, dog Frequency spectra of the blood constituents Frequency spectra of the improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra of the regeneration frequencies 91.05 Degeneration of bone marrow Pre-control to the bone marrow Frequency spectra of the physiology of the bone marrow Frequency spectra of the regeneration frequencies 91.06 Total allergy Pre-control to the immune system, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the immune system, dog Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra of adrenaline Frequency spectra of the mucosa Frequency spectra of the skin Frequency spectra of the gastrointestinal tract Frequency spectra relating to itching 91.07 Flea saliva allergy Pre-control to the immune system, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the immune system, dog Frequency spectra of allergy Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra of skin eruption Frequency spectra relating to itching Frequency spectra of the gastrointestinal tract Frequency spectra of oedema Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with flea saliva allergy
91.08 Insect bite Pre-control to the immune system, dog Pre-control to the skin Frequency spectra of the physiology of the immune system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the skin Frequency spectra of the allergies of hypersensitivity reaction type (type I) Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra of adrenaline Frequency spectra of the mucosa Frequency spectraof the gastrointestinal tract Frequency spectra of oedema Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with severe reactions to insect bites 91.09 Defense improvement Pre-control to the immune system, dog Pre-control to the intestine Physiology of the immune system Physiology of the intestine Frequency spectra of the unspecific defense Frequency spectra of the specific defense 91.10 Lymphatic vessel inflammation Pre-control to the lymphatic system, dog Physiology of the lymphatic system, dog Physiology of the lymphatic vessel Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with inflammatory processes Frequency spectra of oedema 91.11 Lymph node inflammation / swelling Pre-control to the lymphatic system, dog Physiology of the lymphatic system, dog Physiology of the lymph node Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with inflammatory processes Frequency spectra of oedema 91.12 Disordered lymphatic drainage Pre-control to the lymphatic system, dog Physiology of the lymphatic system, dog Physiology of the lymph node Physiology of the lymphatic vessel Frequency spectra of the dehydration of the body Frequency spectra of scar tissue balancing Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with disordered lymphatic drainage
91.13 Lymph oedema Pre-control to the lymphatic system, dog Physiology of the lymphatic system, dog Physiology of the lymph node Physiology of the lymphatic vessel Frequency spectra of the dehydration of the body Frequency spectra of oedema Frequency spectra of scar tissue balancing 91.14 Disordered arterial circulation Pre-control to the heart, dog Pre-control to the circulation system, dog Pre-control to the arteries Physiology of the heart Physiology of the circulation Physiology of the arteries Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with disordered arterial circulation 91.15 Disordered venous circulation Pre-control to the heart, dog Pre-control to the circulation system, dog Pre-control to the veins Physiology of the heart Physiology of the circulation Physiology of the veins Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with disordered venous circulation 91.16 Disordered blood pressure regulation Pre-control to the heart, dog Pre-control to the kidney, dog Pre-control to the hypophysis, dog Pre-control to the thyroid gland, dog Pre-control to the circulation system, dog Physiology of the heart Physiology of the kidney Physiology of the hypophysis Physiology of the thyroid gland Physiology of the circulation system Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with disordered blood pressure regulation 91.17 Renal hypertension Pre-control to the heart, dog Pre-control to the kidney, dog Pre-control to the circulation system, dog Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with renal hypertension
91.18 Myocardial fibrosis Pre-control to the heart, dog Physiology of the heart Physiology of the myocardium Physiology of the circulation system Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with myocardial fibrosis 91.19 Left ventricular insufficiency Pre-control to the heart, dog Physiology of the heart Frequency spectra des of the pulmonary circulation Frequency spectra of the bronchi Frequency spectra which improve the oxygen supply Frequency spectra of oedema Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with left ventricular insufficiency 91.20 Right ventricular insufficiency Pre-control to the heart, dog Physiology of the heart Frequency spectra of the venous circulation Frequency spectra of the liver Frequency spectra of the kidney Frequency spectra of the spleen Frequency spectra of the gastrointestinal region Frequency spectra of oedema Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with right ventricular insufficiency 91.21 Disordered heart functions / psychogenic Pre-control to the heart, dog Physiology of the heart Frequency spectra of the regulation of the cardiac rhythm Frequency spectra for for balancing psychic stress Frequency spectra of the limbic center Frequency spectra of the central nervous system Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with disordered psychogenic heart functions
91.22 Acute cough Pre-control to the bronchi, dog Frequency spectra of the bronchi Frequency spectra of the lung Frequency of cramps / spasms Frequency of hacking cough Frequency spectra in support of eliminating mucus Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with acute cough Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.23 Allergic cough Pre-control to the bronchi, dog Frequency spectra of the bronchi Frequency spectra of the lung Frequency of cramps / spasms Frequency of hacking cough Frequency spectra in support of eliminating mucus Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra of allergy Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with allergic cough Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.24 Acute bronchitis Pre-control to the bronchi, dog Frequency spectra of the bronchi Frequency spectra of the lung Frequency of cramps / spasms Frequency of hacking cough Frequency spectra in support of eliminating mucus Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with acute bronchitis Frequency spectra of detoxification
91.25 Allergic bronchial asthma Pre-control to the bronchi, dog Frequency spectra of the bronchi Frequency spectra of the lung Frequency of cramps / spasms Frequency of hacking cough Frequency spectra in support of eliminating mucus Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra relating to allergies Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra of adrenaline Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with bronchia asthma diseases Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.26 Mucous congestion Pre-control to the bronchi, dog Frequency spectra of the bronchi Frequency spectra of the lung Frequency spectra in support of eliminating mucus Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.27 Pleuritis sicca / exsudativa Pre-control to the pleura, dog Frequency spectra of the pleura Frequency spectra of the lung Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with pleuritis sicca disease Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.28 Bacterial pneumonia Pre-control to the lung, dog Frequency spectra of the lung Frequency spectra of the pleura Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra of detoxification
91.29 Renal insufficiency Pre-control to the kidney, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the kidney Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with inflamamatory processes Frequency spectra of oedema Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with renal insufficiency Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.30 Nephrolithiasis (kidney stones) Pre-control to the kidney, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the kidney Frequency spectra of the acute inflammation of the kidney Frequency spectra of the chronic inflammation of the kidney Frequency spectra of the kidney stones Frequency spectra of the pain reduction Frequency spectra of muscle relaxation Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with kidney stones Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.31 Diabetes insipidus renalis Pre-control to the kidney, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the kidney Frequency spectra of the kidney tubuli Frequency spectra for regulation of body dehydration Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.32 Diabetes insipidus centralis Pre-control to the hypothalamus, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the hypothalamus Frequency spectra of the physiology of the kidney Frequency spectra of ADH (antidiuretic hormone) Frequency spectra for regulation of body dehydration Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.33 Cystitis Pre-control to the urinary bladder, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the urinary bladder Frequency spectra of cystitis Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with inflammatory processes Frequency spectra of detoxification
91.34 Urinary calculi / urinary sand Pre-control to the urinary bladder, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the urinary bladder Frequency spectra of cystitis Frequency spectra of the kidney inflammation Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra of urinary calculi / urinary sand Frequency spectra for regulation of body dehydration Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.35 Retention of urine Pre-control to the urinary bladder, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the urinary bladder Frequency spectra of cystitis Frequency spectra of the kidney inflammation Frequency spectra of the retention of urine Frequency spectra for regulation of body dehydration Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.36 Incontinence due to hormonal imbalance Pre-control to the hormone system, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the hormone system, dog (hypothalamus, hypophysis, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, thymus, medulla of the adrenal gland, cortex of the suprarenal gland, ovaries, testes Frequency spectra of the physiology of the hormone system Frequency spectra of the basic regulation of hormones, m/f Frequency spectra of the prostate gland Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with hormonal incontinence Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.37 Urinary discharge due to problems with paralytic muscles and nerves Pre-control to the urinary bladder, dog Frequency spectra of the central nervous system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the urinary bladder Frequency spectra of the constrictor muscle of the urinary bladder Frequency spectra of the muscle layer of the urinary bladder Frequency spectrum of the internal intestinal plexus Frequency spectrum of the pelvic nerves Frequency spectra of the plexus at the urinary bladder Frequency spectra of the plexus at the pelvis Frequency spectra of the regeneration of nerves and muscles Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with problems of urinary discharge due to paralytic muscles and nerves Frequency spectra of detoxification
91.38 Disordered urinary discharge after traumatization Pre-control to the urinary bladder, dog Frequency spectra of the central nervous system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the urinary bladder Frequency spectra of the constrictor muscle of the urinary bladder Frequency spectra of the muscle layer of the urinary bladder Frequency spectrum of the internal intestinal plexus Frequency spectrum of the pelvic nerves Frequency spectra plexus at the urinary bladder Frequency spectra plexus at the pelvis Frequency spectra for regeneration of nerves and muscles Frequency spectra of crushing Frequency spectra of hematoma Frequency spectra of oedema Frequency spectra of the decongestion of tissue Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with problems of urinary discharge after traumatization Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.39 Peeing out of protest Pre-control to the limbic center Frequency spectra of psychic stress Frequency of the relaxation of physical and mental stress Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with stress due to extraordinary stimuli Frequency spectra of Bach flowers 91.40 Stomatitis Pre-control to oral mucosa Physiology of oral mucosa Frequency spectra of the gingiva Frequency spectra of the immune system Frequency spectra of the herpes viruses Frequency spectra of the calici viruses Frequency spectra of putrefactive bacteria Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with inflammatory processes Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with stomatitis Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.41Gastritis, acute Pre-control to the stomach, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the stomach, dog Frequency spectra of the gastric mucosa Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with inflammatory processes Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with acute gastritis Frequency spectra of detoxification
91.42 Gassing / bloating Pre-control to the intestine, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the stomach Frequency spectra of the liver Frequency spectra of the physiology of the intestine Frequency spectrum of the pancreas Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra of allergy Frequency spectra of the psyche Frequency spectra of stress Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with intoxication Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with disordered resorption Frequency spectra of the intestinal motor functions Frequency of the relaxation of musculature Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with gassing Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.43 Diarrhea with vomiting Pre-control to the Medula oblongata Physiology of the Medula oblongata Frequency spectra of the cerebral nerves (9 and 10) Frequency spectra of the nerves the respiratory tract Frequency spectra of the thoracic-abdominal musulature Frequency spectra of the diaphragm Frequency spectra of the pylorus Frequency spectra of the physiology of the intestine Frequency spectra of the liver Frequency spectra of the kidney Frequency spectra of the intestinal motor functions Frequency spectra of the sympathicus / vagus Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with intoxication symptoms Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with disordered resorption Frequency spectra for regulation of body dehydration Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.44 Diarrhea Pre-control to the intestine, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the intestine Frequency spectra of the liver Frequency spectra of the kidney Frequency spectra of the intestinal motor functions Frequency spectra of the sympathicus / vagus Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with intoxication symptoms Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with disordered resorption Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the regulation of body dehydration Frequency spectra of detoxification
91.45 Fecal incontinence Pre-control to the intestine, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the intestine Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectrum of inflammation of the intestine Frequency spectrum of intestinal cramps Frequency spectra of the intestinal motor functions Frequency spectra of the disturbance of the intestinal mucosa Frequency spectra of the disturbance of digestion Frequency spectrum of the sphincter muscle Frequency spectrum of straight bowel, straight bowel nerves Frequency spectrum of the sympathicus / vagus Frequency spectrum of hemorrhoids Frequency spectra of psychic stress Frequency of the relaxation of physical and mental stress Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with stress due to extraordinary stimuli Frequency spectra of the regulation of body dehydration Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with fecal incontinence Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.46 Constipation of the anal gland - abscesses Pre-control to the anal gland, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the anal gland, dog Frequency spectra of the inflammation of the intestine Frequency spectra of the straight bowel Frequency spectrum of extension of the straight bowel Frequency spectra of straight bowel nerves Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with inflammatory processes Frequency spectra of the abscess Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with anal gland problems Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.47 Inflammation of the liver Pre-control to the liver, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the liver Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with inflammatory processes Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with inflammation of the liver (hepatitis) Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.48 Liver degeneration Pre-control to the liver, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the liver Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra of the cell degeneration Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with liver degeneration
91.49 Pancreas, exocrinal functional disorder Pre-control to the pancreas, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the pancreas Frequency spectra of pancreatic digestion enzymes Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with diseases of the pancreas 91.50 Inflammation of the pancreas Pre-control to the pancreas, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the pancreas Frequency spectra of the physiology of the liver Frequency spectra of pancreatic digestion enzymes Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with inflammation of the pancreas 91.51 Disordered protein metabolism Frequency spectra of the protein metabolism, dog Frequency spectra of the liver Frequency spectra for regulation of body dehydration Frequency spectra of the acute kidney inflammation Frequency spectra of the chronic kidneyn inflammation Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with disordered protein metabolism 91.52 Disordered carbohydrate metabolism Frequency spectra of the carbohydrate metabolism, dog Frequency spectra of the liver Frequency spectra for regulation of body dehydration Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with disordered carbohydrate metabolism 91.53 Disordered lipid metabolism Frequency spectra of the lipid metabolism, dog Frequency spectra of the liver Frequency spectra for regulation of body dehydration Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with disordered lipid metabolism 91.54 Diabetes mellitus Pre-control to the pancreas, dog Physiology of the pancreas, dog Frequency spectra to the regulation of insulin production and release Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with diabetes mellitus
91.55 Bone injury / fracture Pre-control to the bones, dog Frequency spectra of the bones, dog Frequency spectra in support of callus formation (bone tissue) Frequency spectra of regeneration Frequency spectra the center of healing Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with bone injury/fracture 91.56 Bone inflammation Pre-control to the bones, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the bones, dog Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with bone inflammation 91.57 Distorsion Pre-control to the muscles, ligaments and tendons, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of muscles, ligaments and tendons, dog Frequency spectra of the joints Frequency spectra of hematoma (blood effusion) Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with distorsion 91.58 Contusion / blood effusion Pre-control to the muscles, ligaments and tendons, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of muscles, ligaments and tendons, dog Frequency spectra of the joints Frequency spectra of oedema Frequency spectra of the regeneration of capillaries Frequency spectra hematoma (blood effusion) Frequency spectrum of bruise Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with contusion / hematoma 91.59 Tense muscles Pre-control to the muscles, ligaments and tendons, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of muscles, ligaments and tendons, dog Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with tense muscles
91.60 Muscle injury / torn muscle fiber Pre-control to the muscles, ligaments and tendons, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of muscles, ligaments and tendons, dog Frequency spectra of the new formation and regeneration of muscle cells Frequency spectra of hematoma (blood effusion) Frequency spectra the center of healing Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with muscle injury / torn muscle fiber 91.61 Inflammation of muscles Pre-control to the muscles, ligaments and tendons, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of muscles, ligaments and tendons, dog Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with Inflammation of muscles 91.62 Ligament injury Pre-control to the muscles, ligaments and tendons, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of muscles, ligaments and tendons, dog Frequency spectra of joints, dog Frequency spectra of the regeneration and new formation of connecive tissue structures and collagens Frequency spectra of the center of healing Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with ligament injury 91.63 Ligament distraction Pre-control to the muscles, ligaments and tendons, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of muscles, ligaments and tendons, dog Frequency spectra of the joints, dog Frequency spectra of hematoma (blood effusion) Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with ligament distraction
91.64 Inflammation of a ligament / tendovaginitis Pre-control to the ligaments and tendons, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the ligaments and tendons, dog Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with Inflammation of a ligament 91.65 Vertebral column pain, tenseness Pre-control to the vertebral column, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the vertebral column, dog Frequency spectra of pain reduction Frequency spectra of muscle relaxation Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with problems of the vertebral columnn and tenseness 91.66 Inflammation of joints (arthritis) Pre-control to the joints, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the joints Frequency spectra of the regeneration of cartilage substance Frequency spectra of arthritis Frequency spectra of the blood circulation in tissue Frequency spectra of the lymph Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra of the intestine Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with arthritis Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.67 Joint degeneration (arthrosis) Pre-control to the joints, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the joints Frequency spectra of the regeneration of cartilage substance Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra of the blood circulation in tissue Frequency spectra of the lymph Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra of the intestine Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with arthrosis Frequency spectra of detoxification
91.68 Spondylosis Pre-control to the bones, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the bones, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the joints, dog Frequency spectra of the regeneration of the vertebral disks Frequency spectra of the regeneration of cartilage Frequency spectra of the regeneration of nerves Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra of disordered blood circulation Frequency spectra of the intestinal motor functions Frequency spectra of the liver Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with spondylosis Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.69 Ataxia /incoordination Pre-control to the central nervous system, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the central nervous system Frequency spectra of the motoric system Frequency spectra of intoxication Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the borrelia toxins Frequency spectra of strongyloides (worms) Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with ataxia Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.70 Spastic paralysis Pre-control to the central nervous system, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the nervous system, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the musculature Frequency spectra of the motoric system Frequency spectra of intoxication Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with spastic paralysis Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.71 Flaccid paralysis Pre-control central nervous system, dog Pre-control to the PNS, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the central nervous system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the PNS Frequency spectra of the regeneration of nerve cells Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with flaccid paralysis Frequency spectra of detoxification
91.72 Epileptiform seizures Pre-control to the central nervous system, dog Pre-control to the PNS, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the central nervous system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the PNS Frequency spectra of epileptiform seizures Frequency spectra of intoxication Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the liver Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with epileptiform seizures Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.73 Inflammation of the conjunctiva / conjunctivitis Pre-control to the eye, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the eye, dog Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of itching Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra of watery eyes Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with conjunctivitis Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.74 Conjunctivitis folicularis Pre-control to the eye, dog Frequency spectrum of the physiology of the eye, dog Frequency spectra of the immune system Frequency spectra of the conjunctivae Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with conjunctivitis folicularis Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.75 Otitis media / inflammation of the middle ear Pre-control to the dog, ear Frequency spectra of the physiology of the ear Frequency spectra of the inflammation of the middle ear Frequency spectra of ear mite infection Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with middle ear inflammation Frequency spectra of detoxification
91.76 Inflammation of the parotid gland Pre-control to the parotid gland, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the parotid gland, dog Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra of the lymphatic system Frequency spectra of the lymph node swelling Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with inflammation of the parotid gland Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.77 Othematoma Pre-control to the ear, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the ear, dog Frequency spectra of the left cartilage Frequency spectra of the right ear cartilage Frequency spectra of the hematoma Frequency spectra of disordered blood circulation Frequency spectra of the lymph, dog Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with othematoma Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.78 Mange Pre-control to the skin, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the skin, dog Frequency spectra of scaling Frequency spectra of itching Frequency spectra of the dry / fatty skin regulation Frequency spectra of the mites Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with mange Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.79 Hot spot Pre-control to the skin, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the skin, dog Frequency spectrum of itching Frequency spectra of skin-specific bacteria Frequency spectrum of the flea bite allergy Frequency spectrum of the allergy Frequency spectrum of histamine Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with hot spot Frequency spectra of detoxification
91.80 Falling out of hair, general / itching Pre-control of the skin, dog Frequency spectra of the skin, dog Frequency spectra of allergy Frequency spectra of itching Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra of open wounds Frequency spectra of hair growth Frequency spectra of metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra which were disturbed in horses with falling out of hair Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.81 Thyroid hyperfunction Pre-control to the thyroid gland, dog Frequency spectrum of the physiology of the thyroid gland, dog Frequency spectra of the anterior lope of the hypophysis Frequency spectra of the thyroid hyperfunction Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with thyroid hyperfunction 91.82 Thyroid hypofunction Pre-control to the thyroid gland, dog Frequency spectrum of the physiology of the thyroid gland, dog Frequency spectra of the anterior lope of the hypophysis Frequency spectra of the thyroid hypofunction Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with thyroid hypofunction 91. 83 Sexual cycle, disordered regulation Pre-control to the hypothalamus Frequency spectra of the physiology of the hypothalamus Frequency spectra of the basic regulation of female hormones Frequency spectra of estrogen Frequency spectra of progesteron Frequenzspekltren of FSH Frequency spectra of LH Frequency spectra of the physiology of the hormone system, dog (hypothalamus, hypophysis, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, thymus, medulla of the adrenal gland, cortex of the suprarenal gland, ovaries, testis) 91.84 Pseudopregnancy Pre-control to the hypothalamus Frequency spectra of the physiology of the hypothalamus Frequency spectra of the basic regulation of female hormones Frequency spectra of estrogen Frequency spectra of progesteron Frequency spectra of the ovaries Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with pseudopregnancy
91.85 Cushing Syndrome Pre-control to the hypothalamus, dog Pre-control to the hypophysis, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the hypothalamus, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the hypophysis, dog Frequency spectra of cell degeneration Frequency spectra of the cortex of the suprarenal gland Frequency spectra of dopamine Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with Cushing Syndrome Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.86 Mastitis Pre-control to the mammary gland, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the mammary gland, dog Frequency spectrum of the oedema Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the lymphatic system Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with mastitis Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.87 Pyometra Pre-control uterus, dog Frequency spectrum of the physiology of the uterus, dog Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the basic regulation of female hormones Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra of the lymphatic system Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with suppuration of the uterus Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.88 Disordered descent of the testes Pre-control to the testes, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the testes, dog Frequency spectra of the basic hormonal regulation, dog Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with disordered descent of the testes Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.89 Inflammation of the testes Pre-control to the testes, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the testes, dog Frequency spectra of the prostate gland Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with inflammation of the testes Frequency spectra of detoxification
91.90 Disordered function of the prostate gland Pre-control to the prostate gland, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the prostate gland, dog Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with disordered function of the prostate gland 91.91 Prostatitis Pre-control to the prostate gland, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the prostate gland, dog Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with prostatitis Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.92 Hypersexuality Pre-control to the hormone system, dog (hypothalamus, hypophysis, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, thymus, medulla of the adrenal gland, cortex of the suprarenal gland, ovaries, testes) Physiology of the hormone system, dog Frequency spectra of the basic hormonal regulation, m/f Frequency spectra of the biological charge Frequency spectra of the sexual urge control Frequency spectra of the sexual center Frequency spectra of even nature Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with hypersexuality Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.93 Inflammation of the prepuce Pre-control to the prepuce, dog Frequency spectra of the physiology of the prepuce, dog Frequency spectrum of the right mucous glands Frequency spectrum of the left mucous glands Frequency spectrum of the cavernous body Frequency spectrum of the glans Frequency spectra of the inflammation of the mucosa Frequency spectrum of the lymph, dog Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with inflammation of the prepuce Frequency spectra of detoxification 91.94 Depressions Pre-control to the limbic system Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with psychic dejection for different reasons
91.95 Stress reduction Pre-control to the limbic system Frequency of the relaxation of physical and mental stress Frequency spectra which were disturbed in dogs with stress due to extraordinary stimuli. 91.96 Contaminated feed Frequency spectra relating to pathogenic yeasts, mold fungi, mycotoxins and clostridiae 91.97 Contaminated drinking water Frequency spectra relating to mold fungi, algae and clostridiae
Annex IV: Cat pathology programs 12
93.00 Analytical preparation - cat The analytical preparation program contains the frequency spectra of transfer frequencies. In the bioresonance after Paul Schmidt, the RAH and the RAH Vet, these frequency spectra are used for transporting other frequency spectra from the device to the patient’s organism. They can also be used for testing incompatible food. To ensure optimal function of the system, the analytical preparation should be checked before every test and harmonization. Please harmonize if a disorder is found. 93.01 Pre-control to the cat The basis of the control of all organs and their functions is located in the head. Frequency spectra of the following organs are actuated: Epiphysis Limbic center Hypothalamus Basal nuclei Thalamus Hypophysis - anterior lobe Hypophysis - posterior lobe Thymus I Thymus II Frequency spectra of the individual feeds-forward of the cat were added. 93.02 Posthemorrhagic anemia Pre-control to the bone marrow Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with posthemorrhagic anemia Frequency spectra of the blood constituents Frequency spectra of the regeneration frequencies Frequency spectra of the blood clotting factors Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply 93.03 Anemia due to disordered erythrocytes Pre-control to the bone marrow Frequency spectra of the physiology of the bone marrow Frequency spectra of the blood constituents Frequency spectra of the improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra of regeneration frequencies
93.04 Feline leukemia virus Pre-control to the bone marrow, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the bone marrow, cat Frequency spectra of the lymph, cat Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the feline leukemia virus Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with feline leukemia virus 93.05 Renal anemia Pre-control to the bone marrow Pre-control to the kidney, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the bone marrow Frequency spectra of the physiology of the kidney, cat Frequency spectra of the blood constituents Frequency spectra of the improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra of regeneration frequencies 93.06 Bone marrow degeneration Pre-control to the bone marrow Frequency spectra of the physiology of the bone marrow Frequency spectra of regeneration frequencies 93.07 Total allergy Pre-control to the immune system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the immune system, cat Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra of adrenaline Frequency spectra of the mucosa Frequency spectra of the skin Frequency spectra des of the gastrointestinal tract Frequency spectra relating to itching 93.08 FiV Pre-control of the immune system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the immune system, cat Frequency spectra der defense power Frequency spectra FiV Viruses (cat aids) Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with FiV
93.09 Flea saliva allergy Pre-control to the immune system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the immune system, cat Frequency spectra of allergy Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra of skin eruption Frequency spectra relating to itching Frequency spectra of the gastrointestinal tract Frequency spectra of oedema Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with flea saliva allergy 93.10 Insect bite Pre-control to the immune system, cat Pre-control to the skin Frequency spectra of the physiology of the immune system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the skin Frequency spectra pf the allergy due to hypersensitivity reaction type (type I) Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra of adrenaline Frequency spectra of the mucosa Frequency spectra of the gastrointestinal tract Frequency spectra of oedema Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with severe reations to insect bites 93.11 Defense improvement Pre-control to the immune system, cat Pre-control to the intestine Physiology of the immune system Physiology of the intestine Frequency spectra of unspecific defense Frequency spectra of specific defense 93.12 Lymphatic vessel inflammation Pre-control to the lymphatic system, cat Physiology of the lymphatic system Physiology of the lymphatic vessel Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with inflammatory processes in cats Frequency spectra of oedema
93.13 Inflammation of lymph node / swelling Pre-control to the lymphatic system, cat Physiology of the lymphatic system, cat Physiology of the lymph node Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with inflammatory processes in cats Frequency spectra of oedema 93.14 Disordered lymphatic drainage Pre-control to the lymphatic system, cat Physiology of the lymphatic system, cat Physiology of the lymph node Physiology of the lymphatic vessel Frequency spectra of the dehydration of the body Frequency spectra of scar tissue balancing Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with disordered lymphatic drainage in cats 93.15 Lymph edema Pre-control to the lymphatic system, cat Physiology of the lymphatic system, cat Physiology of the lymph node Physiology of the lymphatic vessel Frequency spectra of the dehydration of the body Frequency spectra of oedema Frequency spectra of scar tissue balancing 93.16 Disordered arterial circulation Pre-control to the heart, cat Pre-control to the circulation system, cat Pre-control to the arteries Physiology of the heart Physiology of the circulation Physiology of the arteries Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats in fats with disordered arterial circulation 93.17 Disordered venous circulation Pre-control to the heart, cat Pre-control to the circulation system, cat Pre-control to the veins Physiology of the heart Physiology of the circulation Physiology of the veins Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats in fats with disordered venous circulation
93.18 Disordered blood pressure regulation Pre-control to the heart, cat Pre-control to the kidney, cat Pre-control to the hypophysis, cat Pre-control to the thyroid gland, cat Pre-control to the circulation system, cat Physiology of the heart Physiology of the - kidney Physiology of the hypophysis Physiology of the thyroid gland Physiology of the circulation system Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with disordered blood pressure regulation 93.19 Renal hypertension Pre-control to the heart, cat Pre-control to the kidney, cat Pre-control to the circulation system, cat Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with renal hypertension 93.20 Myocardial fibrosis Pre-control to the heart, cat Physiology of the heart Physiology of the myocardium Physiology of the circulation system Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with myocardial fibrosis 93.21 Left ventricular insufficiency Pre-control to the heart, cat Physiology of the heart Frequency spectra of the pulmonary circulation Frequency spectra of the bronchi Frequency spectra which improve the oxygen supply Frequency spectra of oedema Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with left ventricular insufficiency
93.22 Right ventricular insufficiency Pre-control to the heart, cat Physiology of the heart Frequency spectra of the venous circulation Frequency spectra of the liver Frequency spectra of the kidney Frequency spectra of the spleen Frequency spectra of the gastrointestinal region Frequency spectra of oedema Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with right ventricular insufficiency 93.23 Acute cough Pre-control to the bronchi, cat Frequency spectra of the bronchi Frequency spectra of the lung Frequency of cramps / spasms Frequency of hacking cough Frequency spectra in support of eliminating mucus Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with acute cough Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.24 Allergic cough Pre-control to the bronchi, cat Frequency spectra of the bronchi Frequency spectra of the lung Frequency of cramps / spasms Frequency of hacking cough Frequency spectra in support of eliminating mucus Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra of allergy Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with allergic cough Frequency spectra of detoxification
93.25 Acute bronchitis Pre-control to the bronchi, cat Frequency spectra of the bronchi Frequency spectra of the lung Frequency of cramps / spasms Frequency of hacking cough Frequency spectra in support of eliminating mucus Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with acute bronchitis Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.26 Allergic bronchial asthma Pre-control to the bronchi, cat Frequency spectra of the bronchi Frequency spectra of the lung Frequency of cramps / spasms Frequency of hacking cough Frequency spectra in support of eliminating mucus Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra relating to allergy Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra of adrenaline Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with bronchial asthma disease Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.27 Mucous congestion Pre-control to the bronchi, cat Frequency spectra of the bronchi Frequency spectra of the lung Frequency spectra in support of eliminating mucus Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.28 Pleuritis sicca / exsudativa Pre-control to the pleura, cat Frequency spectra of the pleura Frequency spectra of the lung Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra for improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with pleuritis sicca disease Frequency spectra of detoxification
93.29 Bacterial pneumonia Pre-control to the lung, cat Frequency spectra of the lung Frequency spectra of the pleura Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra of the improvement of oxygen supply Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.30 Coryza of cats Pre-control to the bronchi, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the bronchi Frequency spectra of the immune system Frequency spectra of the larynx Frequency spectra of the oral mucosa Frequency spectra of stomatitis Frequency spectra of sinusitis Frequency spectra of conjunctivitis Frequency spectra of ulcers Frequency spectra of calici viruses Frequency spectra of the feline herpes virus Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with coryza of cats Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.31 Renal insufficiency Pre-control to the kidney, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the kidney Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with inflammatory processes Frequency spectra of oedema Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with renal insufficiency Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.32 Nephrolithiasis (kidney stones) Pre-control to the kidney, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the kidney Frequency spectra of acute kidney inflammation Frequency spectra of chronic kidney inflammation Frequency spectra of the kidney stones Frequency spectra of pain reduction Frequency spectra of muscle relaxation Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with kidney stones Frequency spectra of detoxification
93.33 Diabetes insipidus renalis Pre-control to the kidney, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the kidney Frequency spectra of the kidney tubuli Frequency spectra for regulation of body dehydration Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.34 Diabetes insipidus centralis Pre-control to the hypothalamus, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the hypothalamus Frequency spectra of the physiology of the kidney Frequency spectra of ADH (antidiuretic hormone) Frequency spectra for the regulation of body dehydration Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.35 Cystitis Pre-control to the urinary bladder, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the urinary bladder, cat Frequency spectra of the cystitis Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with inflammatory processes Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.36 Urinary calculi / urinary sand Pre-control to the urinary bladder, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the urinary bladder Frequency spectra of cystitis Frequency spectra of the kidney inflammation Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra of urinary calculi / urinary sand Frequency spectra for regulation of body dehydration Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with urinary calculi Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.37 Retention of urine Pre-control to the urinary bladder, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the urinary bladder Frequency spectra of cystitis Frequency spectra of the kidney inflammation Frequency spectra of the retention of urine Frequency spectra of the regulation of body dehydration Frequency spectra which were frequently tested in cats with disordered retention of urine Frequency spectra of detoxification
93.38 Hormonal incontinence Pre-control to the hormone system, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the hormone system, cat (hypothalamus, hypophysis, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, thymus, medulla of the adrenal gland, cortex of the suprarenal gland, ovaries, testes) Frequency spectra of the physiology of the hormone system Frequency spectra basic regulation of hormones, m/f Frequency spectra of the prostate gland Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with hormonal incontinence Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.39 Urinary discharge due to problems with paralytic muscles and nerves Pre-control to the urinary bladder, cat Frequency spectra of the central nervous system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the urinary bladder Frequency spectra Constrictor muscle of the urinary bladder Frequency spectra muscle layer of the urinary bladder Frequency spectrum of the internal intestinal plexus Frequency spectrum of the pelvic nerves Frequency spectra plexus at the urinary bladder Frequency spectra plexus at the pelvis Frequency spectra of the regeneration of nerves and muscles Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with urinary discharge problems due to the paralysis of muscles and nerves Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.40 Paralysis of the constrictor muscle of the urinary bladder Pre-control to the urinary bladder, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the urinary bladder, cat Frequency spectra of the voluntary constrictor muscle Frequency spectra of the involuntary constrictor muscle Frequency spectra of the regeneration of muscle cells Frequency spectra of the regeneration of nerve cells Frequency spectra of bruising Frequency spectra of hematoma Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with paralysis of the constrictor muscle of the urinary bladder
93.41 Disordered urinary discharge after traumatization Pre-control to the urinary bladder, cat Frequency spectra of the central nervous system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the urinary bladder Frequency spectra of the constrictor muscle of the urinary bladder Frequency spectra of the muscle layer of the urinary bladder Frequency spectrum of the internal intestinal plexus Frequency spectrum of the pelvic nerves Frequency spectra plexus at the urinary bladder Frequency spectra plexus at the pelvis Frequency spectra of the regeneration of nerves and muscles Frequency spectra of crushing Frequency spectra of hematoma Frequency spectra of oedema Frequency spectra of the decongestion of tissue Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with disordered urinary discharge after traumatization Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.42 Protest urination Pre-control to the imbic center Frequency spectra of psychic stress Frequency of the relaxation of physical and mental stress Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with stress due to extraordinary stimuli. Frequency spectra of Bach flowers 93.43 Stomatitis Pre-control to the oral mucosa Physiology of the oral mucosa Frequency spectra of the gingiva Frequency spectra of the immune system Frequency spectra of the herpes viruses Frequency spectra of the calici viruses Frequency spectra of the putrefactive bacteria Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with inflammatory processes Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with stomatitis Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.44 FiP Pre-control to the pleura, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the pleura, cat Frequency spectra of the immune system Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of oedema Frequency spectra of the dehydration of the body Frequency spectra of pleuritis Frequency spectra of the feline corona virus Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with FiP
93.45 Acute gastritis Pre-control to the stomach, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the stomach, cat Frequency spectra of the gastric mucosa Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with inflammatory processes Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with acute gastritis Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.46 Gassing / bloating Pre-control to the intestine, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the stomach Frequency spectra of the liver Frequency spectra of the physiology of the intestine Frequency spectrum of pancreas Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra of allergy Frequency spectra of the psyche Frequency spectra of stress Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with intoxication Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with disordered resorption Frequency spectra of the intestinal motor functions Frequency of the relaxation of the musculature Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with gassing Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.47 Vomiting and diarrhea Pre-control to the medula oblongata Physiology of the medula oblongata Frequency spectra of the cerebral nerves (9 and 10) Frequency spectra of the nerves of the respiratory tract Frequency spectra of the thoracic-abdominal musulature Frequency spectra of the diaphragm Frequency spectra of the pylorus Frequency spectra of the physiology of the intestine Frequency spectra of the liver Frequency spectra of the kidney Frequency spectra of the intestinal motor functions Frequency spectra of the sympathicus / vagus Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with intoxication symptoms Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with disordered resorption Frequency spectra for regulation of body dehydration Frequency spectra of detoxification
93.48 Diarrhea Pre-control to the intestine, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the intestine Frequency spectra of the liver Frequency spectra of the kidney Frequency spectra of the intestinal motor functions Frequency spectra of the sympathicus / vagus Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with intoxication symptoms Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with disordered resorption Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra for regulation of body dehydration Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.49 Fecal incontinence Pre-control to the intestine, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the intestine Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectrum of the inflammation of the intestine Frequency spectrum of intestinal cramps Frequency spectra of the intestinal motor functions Frequency spectra of the disturbance of intestinal mucosa Frequency spectra of the disturbance of digestion Frequency spectrum of the sphincter muscle Frequency spectrum of the straight bowel, straight bowel nerves Frequency spectrum of the sympathicus / vagus Frequency spectrum of hemorrhoids Frequency spectra of psychic stress Frequency of the relaxation of physical and mental stress Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with stress due to extraordinary stimuli Frequency spectra of the regulation of body dehydration Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with disordered fecal incontinence Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.50 Constipation of the anal gland - abscesses Pre-control to the anal glands, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the anal gland, cat Frequency spectra of the inflammation of the intestine Frequency spectra of the straight bowel Frequency spectrum of the extension of the straight bowel Frequency spectra of the straight bowel nerves Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with inflammatory processes Frequency spectra of the abscess Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with anal gland problems Frequency spectra of detoxification
93.51 Inflammation of the liver Pre-control to the liver, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the liver Frequency spectra with which were disturbed in cats with inflammatory processes Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with inflammation of the liver (hepatitis) Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.52 Liver degeneration Pre-control to the liver, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the liver Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra of the cell degeneration Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with liver degeneration 93.53 Pancreas, exocrinal functional disorder Pre-control to the pancreas, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the pancreas Frequency spectra of pancreatic digestion enzymes Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with pancreas disease 93.54 Inflammation of the pancreas Pre-control to the pancreas, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the pancreas Frequency spectra of the physiology of the liver Frequency spectra of pancreatic digestion enzymes Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with inflammation of the pancreas 93.55 Disordered protein metabolism Frequency spectra of the protein metabolism, cat Frequency spectra of the liver Frequency spectra for regulation of body dehydration Frequency spectra of acute inflammation of the kidney Frequency spectra of chronioc inflammation of the kidney Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with disordered protein metabolism
93.56 Disordered carbohydrate metabolism Frequency spectra of carbohydrate metabolism, cat Frequency spectra of the liver Frequency spectra for regulation of body dehydration Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with disordered carbohydrate metabolism 93.57 Disordered lipid metabolism Frequency spectra of the lipid metabolism, cat Frequency spectra of the liver Frequency spectra for regulation of body dehydration Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with disordered lipid metabolism 93.58 Diabetes mellitus Pre-control to the pancreas, cat Physiology of the pancreas, cat Frequency spectra of the regulation of insulin production and release Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with diabetes mellitus 93.59 Bone injury/ fracture Pre-control to the bones, cat Frequency spectra of the bones, cat Frequency spectra in support of callus formation (bone tissue) Frequency spectra of regeneration Frequency spectra of the center of healing Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with bone injury/ fracture 93.60 Inflammation of bones Pre-control to the bones, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the bones, cat Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with inflammation of bones
93.61 Distorsion Pre-control to the muscles, ligaments and tendons, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of muscles, ligaments and tendons, cat Frequency spectra of the joints Frequency spectra of hematoma (blood effusion) Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with distorsion 93.62 Contusion / blood effusion Pre-control to the muscles, ligaments and tendons, cat Frequency spectra of the ohysiology of the muscles, ligaments and tendons, cat Frequency spectra of the joints Frequency spectra of oedema Frequency spectra of the regeneration of capillaries Frequency spectra of hematoma (blood effusion) Frequency spectrum of bruising Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with contusion / hematoma 93.63 Tense muscles Pre-control to the muscles, ligaments and tendons, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of muscles, ligaments and tendons, cat Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with tense muscles 93.64 Muscle injury / torn muscle fiber Pre-control to the muscles, ligaments and tendons, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of muscles, ligaments and tendons, cat Frequency spectra of the new formation and regeneration of muscle cells Frequency spectra of hematoma (blood effusion) Frequency spectra of the center of healing Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with muscle injury / torn muscle fiber 93.65 Inflammation of muscles Pre-control to the muscles, ligaments and tendons, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of muscles, ligaments and tendons, cat Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with inflammation of muscles
93.66 Ligament injury Pre-control to the muscles, ligaments and tendons, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of muscles, ligaments and tendons, cat Frequency spectra of the joints, cat Frequency spectra for the regeneration and new formation of connective tissue structures and collagens Frequency spectra of the center of healing Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with ligament injury 93.67 Ligament distraction Pre-control to the muscles, ligaments and tendons, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of muscles, ligaments and tendons, cat Frequency spectra of the joints, cat Frequency spectra of hematoma (blood effusion) Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with ligament distraction 93.68 Inflammation of a ligament / tendovaginitis Pre-control to the ligaments and tendons, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the ligaments and tendons, cat Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra of detoxification Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with inflammation of a ligament 93.69 Vertebral column pain, tenseness Pre-control to the vertebral column, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the vertebral column, cat Frequency spectra of pain reduction Frequency spectra of muscle relaxation Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with vertebral column problems and tenseness
93.70 Inflammation of joints (arthritis) Pre-control to the joints, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the joints Frequency spectra of the regeneration of cartilage substance Frequency spectra of arthritis Frequency spectra of the blood circulation in tissue Frequency spectra of the lymph Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra of the intestine Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra of the regulation of the body temperature Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with arthritis Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.71 Joint degeneration (arthrosis) Pre-control to the joints, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the joints Frequency spectra of the regeneration of cartilage substance Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra of the blood circulation in tissue Frequency spectra of the lymph Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra of the intestine Frequency spectra in support of body dehydration Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with arthrosis Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.72 Spondylosis Pre-control to the bones, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the bones, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the joints, cat Frequency spectra for the regeneration of the vertebral disks Frequency spectra for the regeneration of cartilage Frequency spectra for the regeneration of nerves Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra of disordered blood circulation Frequency spectra of the intestinal motor functions Frequency spectra of the liver Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with spondylosis Frequency spectra of detoxification
93.73 Ataxia /incoordination Pre-control to the central nervous system, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the central nervous system Frequency spectra of the motoric system Frequency spectra of intoxication Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra the of the borrelia toxins Frequency spectra of strongyloides (worms) Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with ataxia Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.74 Spastic paralysis Pre-control to the central nervous system, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the nervous system, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the musculature Frequency spectra of the motoric system Frequency spectra of intoxication Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with spastic paralysis Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.75 Flaccid paralysis Pre-control central nervous system, cat Pre-control to the PNS, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the central nervous system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the PNS Frequency spectra of the regeneration of nerve cells Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with flaccid paralysis Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.76 Epileptiform seizures Pre-control to the central nervous system, cat Pre-control to the PNS, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the central nervous system Frequency spectra of the physiology of the PNS Frequency spectra of the epileptiform seizures Frequency spectra of intoxication Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the liver Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with epileptiform seizures Frequency spectra of detoxification
93.77 Inflammation of the conjunctiva / conjunctivitis Pre-control to the eye, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the eye, cat Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of itching Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra of watery eyes Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with conjunctivitis Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.78 Conjunctivitis folicularis Pre-control to the eye, cat Frequency spectrum of the physiology of the eye, cat Frequency spectra of the immune system Frequency spectra of the conjunctivae Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with conjunctivitis folicularis Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.79 Otitis media / inflammation of the middle ear Pre-control to the ear, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the ear Frequency spectra of the inflammation of the middle ear Frequency spectra of the ear mite infection Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with inflammation of the middle ear Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.80 Inflammation of the parotid gland Pre-control to the parotid gland, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the parotid gland, cat Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra of the lymphatic system Frequency spectra of the swelling of lymph nodes Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with inflammation of the parotid gland Frequency spectra of detoxification
93.81 Othematoma Pre-control to the ear, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the ear, cat Frequency spectra of left ear cartilage Frequency spectra of right ear cartilage Frequency spectra of hematoma Frequency spectra of disordered blood circulation Frequency spectra of the lymph, cat Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with othematoma Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.82 Mange Pre-control to the skin, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the skin, cat Frequency spectra of scaling Frequency spectra of itching Frequency spectra of dry / fatty skin regulation Frequency spectra of mites Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with mange Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.83 Hot spot Pre-control to the skin, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the skin, cat Frequency spectrum of itching Frequency spectra of the skin-specific bacteria Frequency spectrum of the flea bite allergy Frequency spectrum of allergy Frequency spectrum of histamine Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with hot spot Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.84 Falling out of hair general / itching Pre-control to the skin, cat Frequency spectra of the skin, cat Frequency spectra of allergy Frequency spectra of itching Frequency spectra of histamine Frequency spectra of open wounds Frequency spectra of hair growth Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with falling out of hair Frequency spectra of detoxification
93.85 Thyroid hyperfunction Pre-control to the thyroid gland, cat Frequency spectrum of the physiology of the thyroid gland, cat Frequency spectra of the anterior lope of the hypophysis Frequency spectra of the thyroid hyperfunction Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with thyroid hyperfunction 93.86 Thyroid hypofunction Pre-control to the thyroid gland, cat Frequency spectrum of the physiology of the thyroid gland, cat Frequency spectra of the anterior lobe of the hypophysis Frequency spectra of the thyroid hypofunction Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with thyroid hypofunction 93. 87 Sexual cycle, disordered regulation Pre-control to the hypothalamus Frequency spectra of the physiology of the hypothalamus Frequency spectra of the basic regulation of female hormones Frequency spectra of estrogen Frequency spectra of progesteron Frequency spectra of FSH Frequency spectra of LH Frequency spectra of the physiology of the hormone system, cat (hypothalamus, hypophysis, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, thymus, medulla of the adrenal gland, cortex of the suprarenal gland, ovaries, testis) 93.88 Pseudopregnancy Pre-control to the hypothalamus Frequency spectra of the physiology of the hypothalamus Frequency spectra of the basic regulation of female hormones Frequency spectra of estrogen Frequency spectra pf progesteron Frequency spectra of the ovaries Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with pseudopregnancy 93.89 Cushing Syndrome Pre-control to the hypothalamus, cat Pre-control to the hypophysis, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the hypothalamus, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the hypophysis, cat Frequency spectra of cell degeneration Frequency spectra of the cortex of the suprarenal gland Frequency spectra of dopamine Frequency of the metabolism (carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolisms) Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with Cushing Syndrome Frequency spectra of detoxification
93.90 Mastitis Pre-control to the mammary gland, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the mammary gland, cat Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra the lymphatic system Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with mastitis Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.91 Pyometra Pre-control to the uterus, cat Frequency spectrum of the physiology of the uterus, cat Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra of the basic regulation of female hormones Frequency spectrum of the liver Frequency spectra the lymphatic system Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with suppuration of the uterus Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.92 Disordered descent of the testes Pre-control to the testes, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the testes, cat Frequency spectra of the basic hormonal regulation, cat Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with disordered descent of the testes Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.93 Inflammation of the testes Pre-control to the testes, cat Frequency spectra of the physiology of the testes, cat Frequency spectra of the prostate gland Frequency spectrum of oedema Frequency spectra of inflammation Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with inflammation of the testes Frequency spectra of detoxification 93.94 Depression Pre-control to the limbic system Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with psychic dejection for different reasons
93.95 Stress reduction Pre-control to the limbic system Frequency of the relaxation of physical and mental stress Frequency spectra which were disturbed in cats with stress due to extraordinary stimuli. 93.96 Contaminated feed Frequency spectra relating to pathogenic yeasts, mold fungi, mycotoxins and clostridiae 93.97 Contaminated drinking water Frequency spectra relating to mold fungi, algae and clostridiae
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