April 2021 – Balancing the Scales

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20 | BALANCING THE SCALES | April 14, 2021

With Love, Kentucky brings voices and art to the General Assembly By: Debra Graner Who ever imagined we’d be living in the time of COVID? Who would ever thought that important business and meaningful interactions would be relegated to cold, sterile, virtual meetings, technically challenging to even “techies? The pandemic has been difficult for all, but especially for us caring huggers, who appreciate being close physically and having public, face-to-face discussions seeking change for all the social ills that have been exacerbated by lockdowns, masks, and social distancing. The end of 2020 brought vaccines, and loosening of some restrictions, but KFTC’s passionate employees and volunteers wanted more. An inspired concept was incubated, and like a Spring miracle hatched into “With Love, Kentucky.” Undaunted by having to reschedule due to the Valentine’s ice and snowstorm, the event was born on the beautiful, Spring-like afternoon of March 16th. KFTC welcomed several legislators, socially active allies, local town folk – and committed friends from hours away – to safely express themselves, to give them a voice. Their artwork showed desires/demands on upcoming legislation, dislike of certain legislative policies, and support for Governor Beshear’s efforts to keep us safe during this trying time. Being environmentally conscious, the artwork was attached to repurposed political yard sign frames and removed at the end of the event. Enjoyed by all was wonderful music, poetry, a dramatic recitation, and snacks and beverages donated by local stores. All experienced a time of healing though expression and community. If you missed the event, find more joy and inspiration here: Watch KFTC Live: www.bit.ly/KFTCLive Listen to Our Words Will Be Louder: www.hudost.com Enjoy our Flickr photo album: www.bit.ly/WithLoveKY

How Can We Overcome

It’s Not Me, It’s You

By: Barbara J.M. Pollock

By Joe Gallenstein

How can we overcome while our democracy is perishing before our very eyes!

We’ve come to say You need to get out of the way With Love, Kentucky

How can we overcome when across this unUnited States there is fast tracking by any means necessary to suppress the right to vote!

You’re prioritizing corporate profits Over workers’ needs You’ve cut our relief

How can we overcome when Breonna’s Law HB 21, which was prefiled in August 2020, is merely in committee for discussion at the very end of the legislative session?

So, we’ve come to say… It’s not me, it’s you With Love, Kentucky

How can we overcome when our freedom of speech is being muffled if caught not speaking nicely? (SB 211)

We need unemployment Rent relief And housing protection

How can we overcome when we refuse HB232 to bring people back into the fold as full citizens in restoring their right to vote but instead further penalize them with denial?

Funding for schools And for pensions And a living wage

How can we overcome when the least of our brothers and sisters are being penalized in a pandemic and the period to follow of getting on their feet? (HB 272) How can we overcome when proposed medical practices will discriminate against patients? (SB 83) How Can We Overcome? How Shall We overcome? When Will We Overcome? We will! We must! …. Overcome Together !!! Resolution to these issues WILL be continued…..

So, we’ve come to say.. it’s not me, it’s you With Love, Kentucky Safe in our homes Means statewide renter protections And that no-knocks are gone Safe in our full-selves Natural hair and our authentic pronouns Learning our full history But because you won’t do that We’ve come to say We’re breaking up with you. We’ll say again It’s not me, it’s you With Love, Kentucky

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